/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=2 sw=2 et tw=78: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "nsMenuPopupFrame.h" #include "nsGkAtoms.h" #include "nsIContent.h" #include "nsIAtom.h" #include "nsPresContext.h" #include "nsStyleContext.h" #include "nsCSSRendering.h" #include "nsNameSpaceManager.h" #include "nsViewManager.h" #include "nsWidgetsCID.h" #include "nsMenuFrame.h" #include "nsMenuBarFrame.h" #include "nsPopupSetFrame.h" #include "nsPIDOMWindow.h" #include "nsIDOMEvent.h" #include "nsIDOMKeyEvent.h" #include "nsIDOMScreen.h" #include "nsIPresShell.h" #include "nsFrameManager.h" #include "nsIDocument.h" #include "nsRect.h" #include "nsIComponentManager.h" #include "nsBoxLayoutState.h" #include "nsIScrollableFrame.h" #include "nsIRootBox.h" #include "nsIDocShell.h" #include "nsReadableUtils.h" #include "nsUnicharUtils.h" #include "nsLayoutUtils.h" #include "nsContentUtils.h" #include "nsCSSFrameConstructor.h" #include "nsPIWindowRoot.h" #include "nsIReflowCallback.h" #include "nsBindingManager.h" #include "nsIDocShellTreeOwner.h" #include "nsIBaseWindow.h" #include "nsISound.h" #include "nsIScreenManager.h" #include "nsIServiceManager.h" #include "nsThemeConstants.h" #include "nsTransitionManager.h" #include "nsDisplayList.h" #include "nsIDOMXULMenuListElement.h" #include "nsIDOMXULSelectCntrlItemEl.h" #include "mozilla/EventDispatcher.h" #include "mozilla/EventStateManager.h" #include "mozilla/EventStates.h" #include "mozilla/Preferences.h" #include "mozilla/LookAndFeel.h" #include "mozilla/MouseEvents.h" #include "mozilla/dom/Element.h" #include "mozilla/dom/Event.h" #include "mozilla/dom/PopupBoxObject.h" #include <algorithm> using namespace mozilla; using mozilla::dom::PopupBoxObject; int8_t nsMenuPopupFrame::sDefaultLevelIsTop = -1; DOMTimeStamp nsMenuPopupFrame::sLastKeyTime = 0; // XXX, kyle.yuan@sun.com, there are 4 definitions for the same purpose: // nsMenuPopupFrame.h, nsListControlFrame.cpp, listbox.xml, tree.xml // need to find a good place to put them together. // if someone changes one, please also change the other. uint32_t nsMenuPopupFrame::sTimeoutOfIncrementalSearch = 1000; const char* kPrefIncrementalSearchTimeout = "ui.menu.incremental_search.timeout"; // NS_NewMenuPopupFrame // // Wrapper for creating a new menu popup container // nsIFrame* NS_NewMenuPopupFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsStyleContext* aContext) { return new (aPresShell) nsMenuPopupFrame(aContext); } NS_IMPL_FRAMEARENA_HELPERS(nsMenuPopupFrame) NS_QUERYFRAME_HEAD(nsMenuPopupFrame) NS_QUERYFRAME_ENTRY(nsMenuPopupFrame) NS_QUERYFRAME_TAIL_INHERITING(nsBoxFrame) // // nsMenuPopupFrame ctor // nsMenuPopupFrame::nsMenuPopupFrame(nsStyleContext* aContext) :nsBoxFrame(aContext), mCurrentMenu(nullptr), mPrefSize(-1, -1), mLastClientOffset(0, 0), mPopupType(ePopupTypePanel), mPopupState(ePopupClosed), mPopupAlignment(POPUPALIGNMENT_NONE), mPopupAnchor(POPUPALIGNMENT_NONE), mPosition(POPUPPOSITION_UNKNOWN), mConsumeRollupEvent(PopupBoxObject::ROLLUP_DEFAULT), mFlip(FlipType_Default), mIsOpenChanged(false), mIsContextMenu(false), mAdjustOffsetForContextMenu(false), mGeneratedChildren(false), mMenuCanOverlapOSBar(false), mShouldAutoPosition(true), mInContentShell(true), mIsMenuLocked(false), mMouseTransparent(false), mHFlip(false), mVFlip(false), mAnchorType(MenuPopupAnchorType_Node) { // the preference name is backwards here. True means that the 'top' level is // the default, and false means that the 'parent' level is the default. if (sDefaultLevelIsTop >= 0) return; sDefaultLevelIsTop = Preferences::GetBool("ui.panel.default_level_parent", false); Preferences::AddUintVarCache(&sTimeoutOfIncrementalSearch, kPrefIncrementalSearchTimeout, 1000); } // ctor void nsMenuPopupFrame::Init(nsIContent* aContent, nsContainerFrame* aParent, nsIFrame* aPrevInFlow) { nsBoxFrame::Init(aContent, aParent, aPrevInFlow); // lookup if we're allowed to overlap the OS bar (menubar/taskbar) from the // look&feel object mMenuCanOverlapOSBar = LookAndFeel::GetInt(LookAndFeel::eIntID_MenusCanOverlapOSBar) != 0; CreatePopupView(); // XXX Hack. The popup's view should float above all other views, // so we use the nsView::SetFloating() to tell the view manager // about that constraint. nsView* ourView = GetView(); nsViewManager* viewManager = ourView->GetViewManager(); viewManager->SetViewFloating(ourView, true); mPopupType = ePopupTypePanel; nsIDocument* doc = aContent->OwnerDoc(); int32_t namespaceID; nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> tag = doc->BindingManager()->ResolveTag(aContent, &namespaceID); if (namespaceID == kNameSpaceID_XUL) { if (tag == nsGkAtoms::menupopup || tag == nsGkAtoms::popup) mPopupType = ePopupTypeMenu; else if (tag == nsGkAtoms::tooltip) mPopupType = ePopupTypeTooltip; } nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShellTreeItem> dsti = PresContext()->GetDocShell(); if (dsti && dsti->ItemType() == nsIDocShellTreeItem::typeChrome) { mInContentShell = false; } // To improve performance, create the widget for the popup only if it is not // a leaf. Leaf popups such as menus will create their widgets later when // the popup opens. if (!IsLeaf() && !ourView->HasWidget()) { CreateWidgetForView(ourView); } if (aContent->NodeInfo()->Equals(nsGkAtoms::tooltip, kNameSpaceID_XUL) && aContent->AttrValueIs(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::_default, nsGkAtoms::_true, eIgnoreCase)) { nsIRootBox* rootBox = nsIRootBox::GetRootBox(PresContext()->GetPresShell()); if (rootBox) { rootBox->SetDefaultTooltip(aContent); } } AddStateBits(NS_FRAME_IN_POPUP); } bool nsMenuPopupFrame::IsNoAutoHide() const { // Panels with noautohide="true" don't hide when the mouse is clicked // outside of them, or when another application is made active. Non-autohide // panels cannot be used in content windows. return (!mInContentShell && mPopupType == ePopupTypePanel && mContent->AttrValueIs(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::noautohide, nsGkAtoms::_true, eIgnoreCase)); } nsPopupLevel nsMenuPopupFrame::PopupLevel(bool aIsNoAutoHide) const { // The popup level is determined as follows, in this order: // 1. non-panels (menus and tooltips) are always topmost // 2. any specified level attribute // 3. if a titlebar attribute is set, use the 'floating' level // 4. if this is a noautohide panel, use the 'parent' level // 5. use the platform-specific default level // If this is not a panel, this is always a top-most popup. if (mPopupType != ePopupTypePanel) return ePopupLevelTop; // If the level attribute has been set, use that. static nsIContent::AttrValuesArray strings[] = {&nsGkAtoms::top, &nsGkAtoms::parent, &nsGkAtoms::floating, nullptr}; switch (mContent->FindAttrValueIn(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::level, strings, eCaseMatters)) { case 0: return ePopupLevelTop; case 1: return ePopupLevelParent; case 2: return ePopupLevelFloating; } // Panels with titlebars most likely want to be floating popups. if (mContent->HasAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::titlebar)) return ePopupLevelFloating; // If this panel is a noautohide panel, the default is the parent level. if (aIsNoAutoHide) return ePopupLevelParent; // Otherwise, the result depends on the platform. return sDefaultLevelIsTop ? ePopupLevelTop : ePopupLevelParent; } void nsMenuPopupFrame::EnsureWidget() { nsView* ourView = GetView(); if (!ourView->HasWidget()) { NS_ASSERTION(!mGeneratedChildren && !PrincipalChildList().FirstChild(), "Creating widget for MenuPopupFrame with children"); CreateWidgetForView(ourView); } } nsresult nsMenuPopupFrame::CreateWidgetForView(nsView* aView) { // Create a widget for ourselves. nsWidgetInitData widgetData; widgetData.mWindowType = eWindowType_popup; widgetData.mBorderStyle = eBorderStyle_default; widgetData.clipSiblings = true; widgetData.mPopupHint = mPopupType; widgetData.mNoAutoHide = IsNoAutoHide(); if (!mInContentShell) { // A drag popup may be used for non-static translucent drag feedback if (mPopupType == ePopupTypePanel && mContent->AttrValueIs(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::type, nsGkAtoms::drag, eIgnoreCase)) { widgetData.mIsDragPopup = true; } // If mousethrough="always" is set directly on the popup, then the widget // should ignore mouse events, passing them through to the content behind. mMouseTransparent = GetStateBits() & NS_FRAME_MOUSE_THROUGH_ALWAYS; widgetData.mMouseTransparent = mMouseTransparent; } nsAutoString title; if (mContent && widgetData.mNoAutoHide) { if (mContent->AttrValueIs(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::titlebar, nsGkAtoms::normal, eCaseMatters)) { widgetData.mBorderStyle = eBorderStyle_title; mContent->GetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::label, title); if (mContent->AttrValueIs(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::close, nsGkAtoms::_true, eCaseMatters)) { widgetData.mBorderStyle = static_cast<enum nsBorderStyle>(widgetData.mBorderStyle | eBorderStyle_close); } } } nsTransparencyMode mode = nsLayoutUtils::GetFrameTransparency(this, this); nsIContent* parentContent = GetContent()->GetParent(); nsIAtom *tag = nullptr; if (parentContent && parentContent->IsXULElement()) tag = parentContent->NodeInfo()->NameAtom(); widgetData.mSupportTranslucency = mode == eTransparencyTransparent; widgetData.mDropShadow = !(mode == eTransparencyTransparent || tag == nsGkAtoms::menulist); widgetData.mPopupLevel = PopupLevel(widgetData.mNoAutoHide); // panels which have a parent level need a parent widget. This allows them to // always appear in front of the parent window but behind other windows that // should be in front of it. nsCOMPtr<nsIWidget> parentWidget; if (widgetData.mPopupLevel != ePopupLevelTop) { nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShellTreeItem> dsti = PresContext()->GetDocShell(); if (!dsti) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShellTreeOwner> treeOwner; dsti->GetTreeOwner(getter_AddRefs(treeOwner)); if (!treeOwner) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; nsCOMPtr<nsIBaseWindow> baseWindow(do_QueryInterface(treeOwner)); if (baseWindow) baseWindow->GetMainWidget(getter_AddRefs(parentWidget)); } nsresult rv = aView->CreateWidgetForPopup(&widgetData, parentWidget, true, true); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } nsIWidget* widget = aView->GetWidget(); widget->SetTransparencyMode(mode); widget->SetWindowShadowStyle(GetShadowStyle()); // most popups don't have a title so avoid setting the title if there isn't one if (!title.IsEmpty()) { widget->SetTitle(title); } return NS_OK; } uint8_t nsMenuPopupFrame::GetShadowStyle() { uint8_t shadow = StyleUIReset()->mWindowShadow; if (shadow != NS_STYLE_WINDOW_SHADOW_DEFAULT) return shadow; switch (StyleDisplay()->mAppearance) { case NS_THEME_TOOLTIP: return NS_STYLE_WINDOW_SHADOW_TOOLTIP; case NS_THEME_MENUPOPUP: return NS_STYLE_WINDOW_SHADOW_MENU; } return NS_STYLE_WINDOW_SHADOW_DEFAULT; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsXULPopupShownEvent::Run() { nsMenuPopupFrame* popup = do_QueryFrame(mPopup->GetPrimaryFrame()); // Set the state to visible if the popup is still open. if (popup && popup->IsOpen()) { popup->SetPopupState(ePopupShown); } WidgetMouseEvent event(true, eXULPopupShown, nullptr, WidgetMouseEvent::eReal); return EventDispatcher::Dispatch(mPopup, mPresContext, &event); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsXULPopupShownEvent::HandleEvent(nsIDOMEvent* aEvent) { nsMenuPopupFrame* popup = do_QueryFrame(mPopup->GetPrimaryFrame()); nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMEventTarget> eventTarget; aEvent->GetTarget(getter_AddRefs(eventTarget)); // Ignore events not targeted at the popup itself (ie targeted at // descendants): if (!SameCOMIdentity(mPopup, eventTarget)) { return NS_OK; } if (popup) { // ResetPopupShownDispatcher will delete the reference to this, so keep // another one until Run is finished. RefPtr<nsXULPopupShownEvent> event = this; // Only call Run if it the dispatcher was assigned. This avoids calling the // Run method if the transitionend event fires multiple times. if (popup->ClearPopupShownDispatcher()) { return Run(); } } CancelListener(); return NS_OK; } void nsXULPopupShownEvent::CancelListener() { mPopup->RemoveSystemEventListener(NS_LITERAL_STRING("transitionend"), this, false); } NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS_INHERITED(nsXULPopupShownEvent, Runnable, nsIDOMEventListener); void nsMenuPopupFrame::SetInitialChildList(ChildListID aListID, nsFrameList& aChildList) { // unless the list is empty, indicate that children have been generated. if (aListID == kPrincipalList && aChildList.NotEmpty()) { mGeneratedChildren = true; } nsBoxFrame::SetInitialChildList(aListID, aChildList); } bool nsMenuPopupFrame::IsLeaf() const { if (mGeneratedChildren) return false; if (mPopupType != ePopupTypeMenu) { // any panel with a type attribute, such as the autocomplete popup, // is always generated right away. return !mContent->HasAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::type); } // menu popups generate their child frames lazily only when opened, so // behave like a leaf frame. However, generate child frames normally if // the parent menu has a sizetopopup attribute. In this case the size of // the parent menu is dependent on the size of the popup, so the frames // need to exist in order to calculate this size. nsIContent* parentContent = mContent->GetParent(); return (parentContent && !parentContent->HasAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::sizetopopup)); } void nsMenuPopupFrame::LayoutPopup(nsBoxLayoutState& aState, nsIFrame* aParentMenu, nsIFrame* aAnchor, bool aSizedToPopup) { if (!mGeneratedChildren) return; SchedulePaint(); bool shouldPosition = true; bool isOpen = IsOpen(); if (!isOpen) { // if the popup is not open, only do layout while showing or if the menu // is sized to the popup shouldPosition = (mPopupState == ePopupShowing || mPopupState == ePopupPositioning); if (!shouldPosition && !aSizedToPopup) { RemoveStateBits(NS_FRAME_FIRST_REFLOW); return; } } // if the popup has just been opened, make sure the scrolled window is at 0,0 // Don't scroll menulists as they will scroll to their selected item on their own. if (mIsOpenChanged && !IsMenuList()) { nsIScrollableFrame *scrollframe = do_QueryFrame(nsBox::GetChildXULBox(this)); if (scrollframe) { nsWeakFrame weakFrame(this); scrollframe->ScrollTo(nsPoint(0,0), nsIScrollableFrame::INSTANT); if (!weakFrame.IsAlive()) { return; } } } // get the preferred, minimum and maximum size. If the menu is sized to the // popup, then the popup's width is the menu's width. nsSize prefSize = GetXULPrefSize(aState); nsSize minSize = GetXULMinSize(aState); nsSize maxSize = GetXULMaxSize(aState); if (aSizedToPopup) { prefSize.width = aParentMenu->GetRect().width; } prefSize = BoundsCheck(minSize, prefSize, maxSize); // if the size changed then set the bounds to be the preferred size bool sizeChanged = (mPrefSize != prefSize); if (sizeChanged) { SetXULBounds(aState, nsRect(0, 0, prefSize.width, prefSize.height), false); mPrefSize = prefSize; } bool needCallback = false; if (shouldPosition) { SetPopupPosition(aAnchor, false, aSizedToPopup, mPopupState == ePopupPositioning); needCallback = true; } nsRect bounds(GetRect()); XULLayout(aState); // if the width or height changed, readjust the popup position. This is a // special case for tooltips where the preferred height doesn't include the // real height for its inline element, but does once it is laid out. // This is bug 228673 which doesn't have a simple fix. bool rePosition = shouldPosition && (mPosition == POPUPPOSITION_SELECTION); if (!aParentMenu) { nsSize newsize = GetSize(); if (newsize.width > bounds.width || newsize.height > bounds.height) { // the size after layout was larger than the preferred size, // so set the preferred size accordingly mPrefSize = newsize; if (isOpen) { rePosition = true; needCallback = true; } } } if (rePosition) { SetPopupPosition(aAnchor, false, aSizedToPopup, false); } nsPresContext* pc = PresContext(); nsView* view = GetView(); if (sizeChanged) { // If the size of the popup changed, apply any size constraints. nsIWidget* widget = view->GetWidget(); if (widget) { SetSizeConstraints(pc, widget, minSize, maxSize); } } if (isOpen) { nsViewManager* viewManager = view->GetViewManager(); nsRect rect = GetRect(); rect.x = rect.y = 0; viewManager->ResizeView(view, rect); if (mPopupState == ePopupOpening) { mPopupState = ePopupVisible; } viewManager->SetViewVisibility(view, nsViewVisibility_kShow); nsContainerFrame::SyncFrameViewProperties(pc, this, nullptr, view, 0); } // finally, if the popup just opened, send a popupshown event if (mIsOpenChanged) { mIsOpenChanged = false; // Make sure the current selection in a menulist is visible. if (IsMenuList() && mCurrentMenu) { EnsureMenuItemIsVisible(mCurrentMenu); } #ifndef MOZ_WIDGET_GTK // If the animate attribute is set to open, check for a transition and wait // for it to finish before firing the popupshown event. if (mContent->AttrValueIs(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::animate, nsGkAtoms::open, eCaseMatters) && nsLayoutUtils::HasCurrentTransitions(this)) { mPopupShownDispatcher = new nsXULPopupShownEvent(mContent, pc); mContent->AddSystemEventListener(NS_LITERAL_STRING("transitionend"), mPopupShownDispatcher, false, false); return; } #endif // If there are no transitions, fire the popupshown event right away. nsCOMPtr<nsIRunnable> event = new nsXULPopupShownEvent(GetContent(), pc); NS_DispatchToCurrentThread(event); } if (needCallback && !mReflowCallbackData.mPosted) { pc->PresShell()->PostReflowCallback(this); mReflowCallbackData.MarkPosted(aAnchor, aSizedToPopup); } } bool nsMenuPopupFrame::ReflowFinished() { SetPopupPosition(mReflowCallbackData.mAnchor, false, mReflowCallbackData.mSizedToPopup, false); mReflowCallbackData.Clear(); return false; } void nsMenuPopupFrame::ReflowCallbackCanceled() { mReflowCallbackData.Clear(); } bool nsMenuPopupFrame::IsMenuList() { nsIFrame* parentMenu = GetParent(); if (!parentMenu) { return false; } nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMXULMenuListElement> menulist = do_QueryInterface(parentMenu->GetContent()); return menulist != nullptr; } nsIContent* nsMenuPopupFrame::GetTriggerContent(nsMenuPopupFrame* aMenuPopupFrame) { while (aMenuPopupFrame) { if (aMenuPopupFrame->mTriggerContent) return aMenuPopupFrame->mTriggerContent; // check up the menu hierarchy until a popup with a trigger node is found nsMenuFrame* menuFrame = do_QueryFrame(aMenuPopupFrame->GetParent()); if (!menuFrame) break; nsMenuParent* parentPopup = menuFrame->GetMenuParent(); if (!parentPopup || !parentPopup->IsMenu()) break; aMenuPopupFrame = static_cast<nsMenuPopupFrame *>(parentPopup); } return nullptr; } void nsMenuPopupFrame::InitPositionFromAnchorAlign(const nsAString& aAnchor, const nsAString& aAlign) { mTriggerContent = nullptr; if (aAnchor.EqualsLiteral("topleft")) mPopupAnchor = POPUPALIGNMENT_TOPLEFT; else if (aAnchor.EqualsLiteral("topright")) mPopupAnchor = POPUPALIGNMENT_TOPRIGHT; else if (aAnchor.EqualsLiteral("bottomleft")) mPopupAnchor = POPUPALIGNMENT_BOTTOMLEFT; else if (aAnchor.EqualsLiteral("bottomright")) mPopupAnchor = POPUPALIGNMENT_BOTTOMRIGHT; else if (aAnchor.EqualsLiteral("leftcenter")) mPopupAnchor = POPUPALIGNMENT_LEFTCENTER; else if (aAnchor.EqualsLiteral("rightcenter")) mPopupAnchor = POPUPALIGNMENT_RIGHTCENTER; else if (aAnchor.EqualsLiteral("topcenter")) mPopupAnchor = POPUPALIGNMENT_TOPCENTER; else if (aAnchor.EqualsLiteral("bottomcenter")) mPopupAnchor = POPUPALIGNMENT_BOTTOMCENTER; else mPopupAnchor = POPUPALIGNMENT_NONE; if (aAlign.EqualsLiteral("topleft")) mPopupAlignment = POPUPALIGNMENT_TOPLEFT; else if (aAlign.EqualsLiteral("topright")) mPopupAlignment = POPUPALIGNMENT_TOPRIGHT; else if (aAlign.EqualsLiteral("bottomleft")) mPopupAlignment = POPUPALIGNMENT_BOTTOMLEFT; else if (aAlign.EqualsLiteral("bottomright")) mPopupAlignment = POPUPALIGNMENT_BOTTOMRIGHT; else mPopupAlignment = POPUPALIGNMENT_NONE; mPosition = POPUPPOSITION_UNKNOWN; } void nsMenuPopupFrame::InitializePopup(nsIContent* aAnchorContent, nsIContent* aTriggerContent, const nsAString& aPosition, int32_t aXPos, int32_t aYPos, MenuPopupAnchorType aAnchorType, bool aAttributesOverride) { EnsureWidget(); mPopupState = ePopupShowing; mAnchorContent = aAnchorContent; mTriggerContent = aTriggerContent; mXPos = aXPos; mYPos = aYPos; mAdjustOffsetForContextMenu = false; mVFlip = false; mHFlip = false; mAlignmentOffset = 0; mAnchorType = aAnchorType; // if aAttributesOverride is true, then the popupanchor, popupalign and // position attributes on the <popup> override those values passed in. // If false, those attributes are only used if the values passed in are empty if (aAnchorContent || aAnchorType == MenuPopupAnchorType_Rect) { nsAutoString anchor, align, position, flip; mContent->GetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::popupanchor, anchor); mContent->GetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::popupalign, align); mContent->GetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::position, position); mContent->GetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::flip, flip); if (aAttributesOverride) { // if the attributes are set, clear the offset position. Otherwise, // the offset is used to adjust the position from the anchor point if (anchor.IsEmpty() && align.IsEmpty() && position.IsEmpty()) position.Assign(aPosition); else mXPos = mYPos = 0; } else if (!aPosition.IsEmpty()) { position.Assign(aPosition); } if (flip.EqualsLiteral("none")) { mFlip = FlipType_None; } else if (flip.EqualsLiteral("both")) { mFlip = FlipType_Both; } else if (flip.EqualsLiteral("slide")) { mFlip = FlipType_Slide; } position.CompressWhitespace(); int32_t spaceIdx = position.FindChar(' '); // if there is a space in the position, assume it is the anchor and // alignment as two separate tokens. if (spaceIdx >= 0) { InitPositionFromAnchorAlign(Substring(position, 0, spaceIdx), Substring(position, spaceIdx + 1)); } else if (position.EqualsLiteral("before_start")) { mPopupAnchor = POPUPALIGNMENT_TOPLEFT; mPopupAlignment = POPUPALIGNMENT_BOTTOMLEFT; mPosition = POPUPPOSITION_BEFORESTART; } else if (position.EqualsLiteral("before_end")) { mPopupAnchor = POPUPALIGNMENT_TOPRIGHT; mPopupAlignment = POPUPALIGNMENT_BOTTOMRIGHT; mPosition = POPUPPOSITION_BEFOREEND; } else if (position.EqualsLiteral("after_start")) { mPopupAnchor = POPUPALIGNMENT_BOTTOMLEFT; mPopupAlignment = POPUPALIGNMENT_TOPLEFT; mPosition = POPUPPOSITION_AFTERSTART; } else if (position.EqualsLiteral("after_end")) { mPopupAnchor = POPUPALIGNMENT_BOTTOMRIGHT; mPopupAlignment = POPUPALIGNMENT_TOPRIGHT; mPosition = POPUPPOSITION_AFTEREND; } else if (position.EqualsLiteral("start_before")) { mPopupAnchor = POPUPALIGNMENT_TOPLEFT; mPopupAlignment = POPUPALIGNMENT_TOPRIGHT; mPosition = POPUPPOSITION_STARTBEFORE; } else if (position.EqualsLiteral("start_after")) { mPopupAnchor = POPUPALIGNMENT_BOTTOMLEFT; mPopupAlignment = POPUPALIGNMENT_BOTTOMRIGHT; mPosition = POPUPPOSITION_STARTAFTER; } else if (position.EqualsLiteral("end_before")) { mPopupAnchor = POPUPALIGNMENT_TOPRIGHT; mPopupAlignment = POPUPALIGNMENT_TOPLEFT; mPosition = POPUPPOSITION_ENDBEFORE; } else if (position.EqualsLiteral("end_after")) { mPopupAnchor = POPUPALIGNMENT_BOTTOMRIGHT; mPopupAlignment = POPUPALIGNMENT_BOTTOMLEFT; mPosition = POPUPPOSITION_ENDAFTER; } else if (position.EqualsLiteral("overlap")) { mPopupAnchor = POPUPALIGNMENT_TOPLEFT; mPopupAlignment = POPUPALIGNMENT_TOPLEFT; mPosition = POPUPPOSITION_OVERLAP; } else if (position.EqualsLiteral("after_pointer")) { mPopupAnchor = POPUPALIGNMENT_TOPLEFT; mPopupAlignment = POPUPALIGNMENT_TOPLEFT; mPosition = POPUPPOSITION_AFTERPOINTER; // XXXndeakin this is supposed to anchor vertically after, but with the // horizontal position as the mouse pointer. mYPos += 21; } else if (position.EqualsLiteral("selection")) { mPopupAnchor = POPUPALIGNMENT_BOTTOMLEFT; mPopupAlignment = POPUPALIGNMENT_TOPLEFT; mPosition = POPUPPOSITION_SELECTION; } else { InitPositionFromAnchorAlign(anchor, align); } } mScreenRect = nsIntRect(-1, -1, 0, 0); if (aAttributesOverride) { // Use |left| and |top| dimension attributes to position the popup if // present, as they may have been persisted. nsAutoString left, top; mContent->GetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::left, left); mContent->GetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::top, top); nsresult err; if (!left.IsEmpty()) { int32_t x = left.ToInteger(&err); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(err)) mScreenRect.x = x; } if (!top.IsEmpty()) { int32_t y = top.ToInteger(&err); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(err)) mScreenRect.y = y; } } } void nsMenuPopupFrame::InitializePopupAtScreen(nsIContent* aTriggerContent, int32_t aXPos, int32_t aYPos, bool aIsContextMenu) { EnsureWidget(); mPopupState = ePopupShowing; mAnchorContent = nullptr; mTriggerContent = aTriggerContent; mScreenRect = nsIntRect(aXPos, aYPos, 0, 0); mXPos = 0; mYPos = 0; mFlip = FlipType_Default; mPopupAnchor = POPUPALIGNMENT_NONE; mPopupAlignment = POPUPALIGNMENT_NONE; mPosition = POPUPPOSITION_UNKNOWN; mIsContextMenu = aIsContextMenu; mAdjustOffsetForContextMenu = aIsContextMenu; mAnchorType = MenuPopupAnchorType_Point; } void nsMenuPopupFrame::InitializePopupAtRect(nsIContent* aTriggerContent, const nsAString& aPosition, const nsIntRect& aRect, bool aAttributesOverride) { InitializePopup(nullptr, aTriggerContent, aPosition, 0, 0, MenuPopupAnchorType_Rect, aAttributesOverride); mScreenRect = aRect; } void nsMenuPopupFrame::InitializePopupWithAnchorAlign(nsIContent* aAnchorContent, nsAString& aAnchor, nsAString& aAlign, int32_t aXPos, int32_t aYPos) { EnsureWidget(); mPopupState = ePopupShowing; mAdjustOffsetForContextMenu = false; mFlip = FlipType_Default; // this popup opening function is provided for backwards compatibility // only. It accepts either coordinates or an anchor and alignment value // but doesn't use both together. if (aXPos == -1 && aYPos == -1) { mAnchorContent = aAnchorContent; mAnchorType = MenuPopupAnchorType_Node; mScreenRect = nsIntRect(-1, -1, 0, 0); mXPos = 0; mYPos = 0; InitPositionFromAnchorAlign(aAnchor, aAlign); } else { mAnchorContent = nullptr; mAnchorType = MenuPopupAnchorType_Point; mPopupAnchor = POPUPALIGNMENT_NONE; mPopupAlignment = POPUPALIGNMENT_NONE; mPosition = POPUPPOSITION_UNKNOWN; mScreenRect = nsIntRect(aXPos, aYPos, 0, 0); mXPos = aXPos; mYPos = aYPos; } } void nsMenuPopupFrame::ShowPopup(bool aIsContextMenu) { mIsContextMenu = aIsContextMenu; InvalidateFrameSubtree(); if (mPopupState == ePopupShowing || mPopupState == ePopupPositioning) { mPopupState = ePopupOpening; mIsOpenChanged = true; // Clear mouse capture when a popup is opened. if (mPopupType == ePopupTypeMenu) { EventStateManager* activeESM = static_cast<EventStateManager*>( EventStateManager::GetActiveEventStateManager()); if (activeESM) { EventStateManager::ClearGlobalActiveContent(activeESM); } nsIPresShell::SetCapturingContent(nullptr, 0); } nsMenuFrame* menuFrame = do_QueryFrame(GetParent()); if (menuFrame) { nsWeakFrame weakFrame(this); menuFrame->PopupOpened(); if (!weakFrame.IsAlive()) return; } // do we need an actual reflow here? // is SetPopupPosition all that is needed? PresContext()->PresShell()->FrameNeedsReflow(this, nsIPresShell::eTreeChange, NS_FRAME_HAS_DIRTY_CHILDREN); if (mPopupType == ePopupTypeMenu) { nsCOMPtr<nsISound> sound(do_CreateInstance("@mozilla.org/sound;1")); if (sound) sound->PlayEventSound(nsISound::EVENT_MENU_POPUP); } } mShouldAutoPosition = true; } void nsMenuPopupFrame::HidePopup(bool aDeselectMenu, nsPopupState aNewState) { NS_ASSERTION(aNewState == ePopupClosed || aNewState == ePopupInvisible, "popup being set to unexpected state"); ClearPopupShownDispatcher(); // don't hide the popup when it isn't open if (mPopupState == ePopupClosed || mPopupState == ePopupShowing || mPopupState == ePopupPositioning) return; // clear the trigger content if the popup is being closed. But don't clear // it if the popup is just being made invisible as a popuphiding or command // event may want to retrieve it. if (aNewState == ePopupClosed) { // if the popup had a trigger node set, clear the global window popup node // as well if (mTriggerContent) { nsIDocument* doc = mContent->GetUncomposedDoc(); if (doc) { if (nsPIDOMWindowOuter* win = doc->GetWindow()) { nsCOMPtr<nsPIWindowRoot> root = win->GetTopWindowRoot(); if (root) { root->SetPopupNode(nullptr); } } } } mTriggerContent = nullptr; mAnchorContent = nullptr; } // when invisible and about to be closed, HidePopup has already been called, // so just set the new state to closed and return if (mPopupState == ePopupInvisible) { if (aNewState == ePopupClosed) mPopupState = ePopupClosed; return; } mPopupState = aNewState; if (IsMenu()) SetCurrentMenuItem(nullptr); mIncrementalString.Truncate(); LockMenuUntilClosed(false); mIsOpenChanged = false; mCurrentMenu = nullptr; // make sure no current menu is set mHFlip = mVFlip = false; nsView* view = GetView(); nsViewManager* viewManager = view->GetViewManager(); viewManager->SetViewVisibility(view, nsViewVisibility_kHide); FireDOMEvent(NS_LITERAL_STRING("DOMMenuInactive"), mContent); // XXX, bug 137033, In Windows, if mouse is outside the window when the menupopup closes, no // mouse_enter/mouse_exit event will be fired to clear current hover state, we should clear it manually. // This code may not the best solution, but we can leave it here until we find the better approach. NS_ASSERTION(mContent->IsElement(), "How do we have a non-element?"); EventStates state = mContent->AsElement()->State(); if (state.HasState(NS_EVENT_STATE_HOVER)) { EventStateManager* esm = PresContext()->EventStateManager(); esm->SetContentState(nullptr, NS_EVENT_STATE_HOVER); } nsMenuFrame* menuFrame = do_QueryFrame(GetParent()); if (menuFrame) { menuFrame->PopupClosed(aDeselectMenu); } } uint32_t nsMenuPopupFrame::GetXULLayoutFlags() { return NS_FRAME_NO_SIZE_VIEW | NS_FRAME_NO_MOVE_VIEW | NS_FRAME_NO_VISIBILITY; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GetRootViewForPopup // Retrieves the view for the popup widget that contains the given frame. // If the given frame is not contained by a popup widget, return the // root view of the root viewmanager. nsView* nsMenuPopupFrame::GetRootViewForPopup(nsIFrame* aStartFrame) { nsView* view = aStartFrame->GetClosestView(); NS_ASSERTION(view, "frame must have a closest view!"); while (view) { // Walk up the view hierarchy looking for a view whose widget has a // window type of eWindowType_popup - in other words a popup window // widget. If we find one, this is the view we want. nsIWidget* widget = view->GetWidget(); if (widget && widget->WindowType() == eWindowType_popup) { return view; } nsView* temp = view->GetParent(); if (!temp) { // Otherwise, we've walked all the way up to the root view and not // found a view for a popup window widget. Just return the root view. return view; } view = temp; } return nullptr; } nsPoint nsMenuPopupFrame::AdjustPositionForAnchorAlign(nsRect& anchorRect, FlipStyle& aHFlip, FlipStyle& aVFlip) { // flip the anchor and alignment for right-to-left int8_t popupAnchor(mPopupAnchor); int8_t popupAlign(mPopupAlignment); if (IsDirectionRTL()) { // no need to flip the centered anchor types vertically if (popupAnchor <= POPUPALIGNMENT_LEFTCENTER) { popupAnchor = -popupAnchor; } popupAlign = -popupAlign; } nsRect originalAnchorRect(anchorRect); // first, determine at which corner of the anchor the popup should appear nsPoint pnt; switch (popupAnchor) { case POPUPALIGNMENT_LEFTCENTER: pnt = nsPoint(anchorRect.x, anchorRect.y + anchorRect.height / 2); anchorRect.y = pnt.y; anchorRect.height = 0; break; case POPUPALIGNMENT_RIGHTCENTER: pnt = nsPoint(anchorRect.XMost(), anchorRect.y + anchorRect.height / 2); anchorRect.y = pnt.y; anchorRect.height = 0; break; case POPUPALIGNMENT_TOPCENTER: pnt = nsPoint(anchorRect.x + anchorRect.width / 2, anchorRect.y); anchorRect.x = pnt.x; anchorRect.width = 0; break; case POPUPALIGNMENT_BOTTOMCENTER: pnt = nsPoint(anchorRect.x + anchorRect.width / 2, anchorRect.YMost()); anchorRect.x = pnt.x; anchorRect.width = 0; break; case POPUPALIGNMENT_TOPRIGHT: pnt = anchorRect.TopRight(); break; case POPUPALIGNMENT_BOTTOMLEFT: pnt = anchorRect.BottomLeft(); break; case POPUPALIGNMENT_BOTTOMRIGHT: pnt = anchorRect.BottomRight(); break; case POPUPALIGNMENT_TOPLEFT: default: pnt = anchorRect.TopLeft(); break; } // If the alignment is on the right edge of the popup, move the popup left // by the width. Similarly, if the alignment is on the bottom edge of the // popup, move the popup up by the height. In addition, account for the // margins of the popup on the edge on which it is aligned. nsMargin margin(0, 0, 0, 0); StyleMargin()->GetMargin(margin); switch (popupAlign) { case POPUPALIGNMENT_TOPRIGHT: pnt.MoveBy(-mRect.width - margin.right, margin.top); break; case POPUPALIGNMENT_BOTTOMLEFT: pnt.MoveBy(margin.left, -mRect.height - margin.bottom); break; case POPUPALIGNMENT_BOTTOMRIGHT: pnt.MoveBy(-mRect.width - margin.right, -mRect.height - margin.bottom); break; case POPUPALIGNMENT_TOPLEFT: default: pnt.MoveBy(margin.left, margin.top); break; } // If we aligning to the selected item in the popup, adjust the vertical // position by the height of the menulist label and the selected item's // position. if (mPosition == POPUPPOSITION_SELECTION) { MOZ_ASSERT(popupAnchor == POPUPALIGNMENT_BOTTOMLEFT || popupAnchor == POPUPALIGNMENT_BOTTOMRIGHT); MOZ_ASSERT(popupAlign == POPUPALIGNMENT_TOPLEFT || popupAlign == POPUPALIGNMENT_TOPRIGHT); nsIFrame* selectedItemFrame = GetSelectedItemForAlignment(); if (selectedItemFrame) { pnt.y -= originalAnchorRect.height + selectedItemFrame->GetRect().y; } } // Flipping horizontally is allowed as long as the popup is above or below // the anchor. This will happen if both the anchor and alignment are top or // both are bottom, but different values. Similarly, flipping vertically is // allowed if the popup is to the left or right of the anchor. In this case, // the values of the constants are such that both must be positive or both // must be negative. A special case, used for overlap, allows flipping // vertically as well. // If we are flipping in both directions, we want to set a flip style both // horizontally and vertically. However, we want to flip on the inside edge // of the anchor. Consider the example of a typical dropdown menu. // Vertically, we flip the popup on the outside edges of the anchor menu, // however horizontally, we want to to use the inside edges so the popup // still appears underneath the anchor menu instead of floating off the // side of the menu. switch (popupAnchor) { case POPUPALIGNMENT_LEFTCENTER: case POPUPALIGNMENT_RIGHTCENTER: aHFlip = FlipStyle_Outside; aVFlip = FlipStyle_Inside; break; case POPUPALIGNMENT_TOPCENTER: case POPUPALIGNMENT_BOTTOMCENTER: aHFlip = FlipStyle_Inside; aVFlip = FlipStyle_Outside; break; default: { FlipStyle anchorEdge = mFlip == FlipType_Both ? FlipStyle_Inside : FlipStyle_None; aHFlip = (popupAnchor == -popupAlign) ? FlipStyle_Outside : anchorEdge; if (((popupAnchor > 0) == (popupAlign > 0)) || (popupAnchor == POPUPALIGNMENT_TOPLEFT && popupAlign == POPUPALIGNMENT_TOPLEFT)) aVFlip = FlipStyle_Outside; else aVFlip = anchorEdge; break; } } return pnt; } nsIFrame* nsMenuPopupFrame::GetSelectedItemForAlignment() { // This method adjusts a menulist's popup such that the selected item is under the cursor, aligned // with the menulist label. nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement> select = do_QueryInterface(mAnchorContent); if (!select) { // If there isn't an anchor, then try just getting the parent of the popup. select = do_QueryInterface(mContent->GetParent()); if (!select) { return nullptr; } } nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMXULSelectControlItemElement> item; select->GetSelectedItem(getter_AddRefs(item)); nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> selectedElement = do_QueryInterface(item); return selectedElement ? selectedElement->GetPrimaryFrame() : nullptr; } nscoord nsMenuPopupFrame::SlideOrResize(nscoord& aScreenPoint, nscoord aSize, nscoord aScreenBegin, nscoord aScreenEnd, nscoord *aOffset) { // The popup may be positioned such that either the left/top or bottom/right // is outside the screen - but never both. nscoord newPos = std::max(aScreenBegin, std::min(aScreenEnd - aSize, aScreenPoint)); *aOffset = newPos - aScreenPoint; aScreenPoint = newPos; return std::min(aSize, aScreenEnd - aScreenPoint); } nscoord nsMenuPopupFrame::FlipOrResize(nscoord& aScreenPoint, nscoord aSize, nscoord aScreenBegin, nscoord aScreenEnd, nscoord aAnchorBegin, nscoord aAnchorEnd, nscoord aMarginBegin, nscoord aMarginEnd, nscoord aOffsetForContextMenu, FlipStyle aFlip, bool aEndAligned, bool* aFlipSide) { // The flip side argument will be set to true if there wasn't room and we // flipped to the opposite side. *aFlipSide = false; // all of the coordinates used here are in app units relative to the screen nscoord popupSize = aSize; if (aScreenPoint < aScreenBegin) { // at its current position, the popup would extend past the left or top // edge of the screen, so it will have to be moved or resized. if (aFlip) { // for inside flips, we flip on the opposite side of the anchor nscoord startpos = aFlip == FlipStyle_Outside ? aAnchorBegin : aAnchorEnd; nscoord endpos = aFlip == FlipStyle_Outside ? aAnchorEnd : aAnchorBegin; // check whether there is more room to the left and right (or top and // bottom) of the anchor and put the popup on the side with more room. if (startpos - aScreenBegin >= aScreenEnd - endpos) { aScreenPoint = aScreenBegin; popupSize = startpos - aScreenPoint - aMarginEnd; *aFlipSide = !aEndAligned; } else { // If the newly calculated position is different than the existing // position, flip such that the popup is to the right or bottom of the // anchor point instead . However, when flipping use the same margin // size. nscoord newScreenPoint = endpos + aMarginEnd; if (newScreenPoint != aScreenPoint) { *aFlipSide = aEndAligned; aScreenPoint = newScreenPoint; // check if the new position is still off the right or bottom edge of // the screen. If so, resize the popup. if (aScreenPoint + aSize > aScreenEnd) { popupSize = aScreenEnd - aScreenPoint; } } } } else { aScreenPoint = aScreenBegin; } } else if (aScreenPoint + aSize > aScreenEnd) { // at its current position, the popup would extend past the right or // bottom edge of the screen, so it will have to be moved or resized. if (aFlip) { // for inside flips, we flip on the opposite side of the anchor nscoord startpos = aFlip == FlipStyle_Outside ? aAnchorBegin : aAnchorEnd; nscoord endpos = aFlip == FlipStyle_Outside ? aAnchorEnd : aAnchorBegin; // check whether there is more room to the left and right (or top and // bottom) of the anchor and put the popup on the side with more room. if (aScreenEnd - endpos >= startpos - aScreenBegin) { *aFlipSide = aEndAligned; if (mIsContextMenu) { aScreenPoint = aScreenEnd - aSize; } else { aScreenPoint = endpos + aMarginBegin; popupSize = aScreenEnd - aScreenPoint; } } else { // if the newly calculated position is different than the existing // position, we flip such that the popup is to the left or top of the // anchor point instead. nscoord newScreenPoint = startpos - aSize - aMarginBegin - std::max(aOffsetForContextMenu, 0); if (newScreenPoint != aScreenPoint) { *aFlipSide = !aEndAligned; aScreenPoint = newScreenPoint; // check if the new position is still off the left or top edge of the // screen. If so, resize the popup. if (aScreenPoint < aScreenBegin) { aScreenPoint = aScreenBegin; if (!mIsContextMenu) { popupSize = startpos - aScreenPoint - aMarginBegin; } } } } } else { aScreenPoint = aScreenEnd - aSize; } } // Make sure that the point is within the screen boundaries and that the // size isn't off the edge of the screen. This can happen when a large // positive or negative margin is used. if (aScreenPoint < aScreenBegin) { aScreenPoint = aScreenBegin; } if (aScreenPoint > aScreenEnd) { aScreenPoint = aScreenEnd - aSize; } // If popupSize ended up being negative, or the original size was actually // smaller than the calculated popup size, just use the original size instead. if (popupSize <= 0 || aSize < popupSize) { popupSize = aSize; } return std::min(popupSize, aScreenEnd - aScreenPoint); } nsresult nsMenuPopupFrame::SetPopupPosition(nsIFrame* aAnchorFrame, bool aIsMove, bool aSizedToPopup, bool aNotify) { if (!mShouldAutoPosition) return NS_OK; // If this is due to a move, return early if the popup hasn't been laid out // yet. On Windows, this can happen when using a drag popup before it opens. if (aIsMove && (mPrefSize.width == -1 || mPrefSize.height == -1)) { return NS_OK; } nsPresContext* presContext = PresContext(); nsIFrame* rootFrame = presContext->PresShell()->FrameManager()->GetRootFrame(); NS_ASSERTION(rootFrame->GetView() && GetView() && rootFrame->GetView() == GetView()->GetParent(), "rootFrame's view is not our view's parent???"); // For anchored popups, the anchor rectangle. For non-anchored popups, the // size will be 0. nsRect anchorRect; // Width of the parent, used when aSizedToPopup is true. int32_t parentWidth = 0; bool anchored = IsAnchored(); if (anchored || aSizedToPopup) { // In order to deal with transforms, we need the root prescontext: nsPresContext* rootPresContext = presContext->GetRootPresContext(); // If we can't reach a root pres context, don't bother continuing: if (!rootPresContext) { return NS_OK; } // If anchored to a rectangle, use that rectangle. Otherwise, determine the // rectangle from the anchor. if (mAnchorType == MenuPopupAnchorType_Rect) { anchorRect = ToAppUnits(mScreenRect, presContext->AppUnitsPerCSSPixel()); } else { // if the frame is not specified, use the anchor node passed to OpenPopup. If // that wasn't specified either, use the root frame. Note that mAnchorContent // might be a different document so its presshell must be used. if (!aAnchorFrame) { if (mAnchorContent) { aAnchorFrame = mAnchorContent->GetPrimaryFrame(); } if (!aAnchorFrame) { aAnchorFrame = rootFrame; if (!aAnchorFrame) return NS_OK; } } // And then we need its root frame for a reference nsIFrame* referenceFrame = rootPresContext->FrameManager()->GetRootFrame(); // the dimensions of the anchor nsRect parentRect = aAnchorFrame->GetRectRelativeToSelf(); // Relative to the root anchorRect = nsLayoutUtils::TransformFrameRectToAncestor(aAnchorFrame, parentRect, referenceFrame); // Relative to the screen anchorRect.MoveBy(referenceFrame->GetScreenRectInAppUnits().TopLeft()); // In its own app units anchorRect = anchorRect.ScaleToOtherAppUnitsRoundOut(rootPresContext->AppUnitsPerDevPixel(), presContext->AppUnitsPerDevPixel()); } // The width is needed when aSizedToPopup is true parentWidth = anchorRect.width; } // Set the popup's size to the preferred size. Below, this size will be // adjusted to fit on the screen or within the content area. If the anchor // is sized to the popup, use the anchor's width instead of the preferred // width. The preferred size should already be set by the parent frame. NS_ASSERTION(mPrefSize.width >= 0 || mPrefSize.height >= 0, "preferred size of popup not set"); mRect.width = aSizedToPopup ? parentWidth : mPrefSize.width; mRect.height = mPrefSize.height; // If we're anchoring to a rect, and the rect is smaller than the preferred size // of the popup, change its width accordingly. if (mAnchorType == MenuPopupAnchorType_Rect && parentWidth < mPrefSize.width) { mRect.width = mPrefSize.width; } // the screen position in app units where the popup should appear nsPoint screenPoint; // indicators of whether the popup should be flipped or resized. FlipStyle hFlip = FlipStyle_None, vFlip = FlipStyle_None; nsMargin margin(0, 0, 0, 0); StyleMargin()->GetMargin(margin); // the screen rectangle of the root frame, in dev pixels. nsRect rootScreenRect = rootFrame->GetScreenRectInAppUnits(); nsDeviceContext* devContext = presContext->DeviceContext(); nsPoint offsetForContextMenu; bool isNoAutoHide = IsNoAutoHide(); nsPopupLevel popupLevel = PopupLevel(isNoAutoHide); if (anchored) { // if we are anchored, there are certain things we don't want to do when // repositioning the popup to fit on the screen, such as end up positioned // over the anchor, for instance a popup appearing over the menu label. // When doing this reposition, we want to move the popup to the side with // the most room. The combination of anchor and alignment dictate if we // readjust above/below or to the left/right. if (mAnchorContent || mAnchorType == MenuPopupAnchorType_Rect) { // move the popup according to the anchor and alignment. This will also // tell us which axis the popup is flush against in case we have to move // it around later. The AdjustPositionForAnchorAlign method accounts for // the popup's margin. screenPoint = AdjustPositionForAnchorAlign(anchorRect, hFlip, vFlip); } else { // with no anchor, the popup is positioned relative to the root frame anchorRect = rootScreenRect; screenPoint = anchorRect.TopLeft() + nsPoint(margin.left, margin.top); } // mXPos and mYPos specify an additonal offset passed to OpenPopup that // should be added to the position. We also add the offset to the anchor // pos so a later flip/resize takes the offset into account. nscoord anchorXOffset = presContext->CSSPixelsToAppUnits(mXPos); if (IsDirectionRTL()) { screenPoint.x -= anchorXOffset; anchorRect.x -= anchorXOffset; } else { screenPoint.x += anchorXOffset; anchorRect.x += anchorXOffset; } nscoord anchorYOffset = presContext->CSSPixelsToAppUnits(mYPos); screenPoint.y += anchorYOffset; anchorRect.y += anchorYOffset; // If this is a noautohide popup, set the screen coordinates of the popup. // This way, the popup stays at the location where it was opened even when // the window is moved. Popups at the parent level follow the parent // window as it is moved and remained anchored, so we want to maintain the // anchoring instead. if (isNoAutoHide && (popupLevel != ePopupLevelParent || mAnchorType == MenuPopupAnchorType_Rect)) { // Account for the margin that will end up being added to the screen coordinate // the next time SetPopupPosition is called. mAnchorType = MenuPopupAnchorType_Point; mScreenRect.x = presContext->AppUnitsToIntCSSPixels(screenPoint.x - margin.left); mScreenRect.y = presContext->AppUnitsToIntCSSPixels(screenPoint.y - margin.top); } } else { // The popup is positioned at a screen coordinate. // First convert the screen position in mScreenRect from CSS pixels into // device pixels, ignoring any zoom as mScreenRect holds unzoomed screen // coordinates. int32_t factor = devContext->AppUnitsPerDevPixelAtUnitFullZoom(); // Depending on the platform, context menus should be offset by varying amounts // to ensure that they don't appear directly where the cursor is. Otherwise, // it is too easy to have the context menu close up again. if (mAdjustOffsetForContextMenu) { nsPoint offsetForContextMenuDev; offsetForContextMenuDev.x = nsPresContext::CSSPixelsToAppUnits(LookAndFeel::GetInt( LookAndFeel::eIntID_ContextMenuOffsetHorizontal)) / factor; offsetForContextMenuDev.y = nsPresContext::CSSPixelsToAppUnits(LookAndFeel::GetInt( LookAndFeel::eIntID_ContextMenuOffsetVertical)) / factor; offsetForContextMenu.x = presContext->DevPixelsToAppUnits(offsetForContextMenuDev.x); offsetForContextMenu.y = presContext->DevPixelsToAppUnits(offsetForContextMenuDev.y); } // next, convert into app units accounting for the zoom screenPoint.x = presContext->DevPixelsToAppUnits( nsPresContext::CSSPixelsToAppUnits(mScreenRect.x) / factor); screenPoint.y = presContext->DevPixelsToAppUnits( nsPresContext::CSSPixelsToAppUnits(mScreenRect.y) / factor); anchorRect = nsRect(screenPoint, nsSize(0, 0)); // add the margins on the popup screenPoint.MoveBy(margin.left + offsetForContextMenu.x, margin.top + offsetForContextMenu.y); #ifdef XP_MACOSX // OSX tooltips follow standard flip rule but other popups flip horizontally not vertically if (mPopupType == ePopupTypeTooltip) { vFlip = FlipStyle_Outside; } else { hFlip = FlipStyle_Outside; } #else // Other OS screen positioned popups can be flipped vertically but never horizontally vFlip = FlipStyle_Outside; #endif // #ifdef XP_MACOSX } // If a panel is being moved or has flip="none", don't constrain or flip it. But always do this for // content shells, so that the popup doesn't extend outside the containing frame. if (mInContentShell || (mFlip != FlipType_None && (!aIsMove || mPopupType != ePopupTypePanel))) { int32_t appPerDev = presContext->AppUnitsPerDevPixel(); LayoutDeviceIntRect anchorRectDevPix = LayoutDeviceIntRect::FromAppUnitsToNearest(anchorRect, appPerDev); LayoutDeviceIntRect rootScreenRectDevPix = LayoutDeviceIntRect::FromAppUnitsToNearest(rootScreenRect, appPerDev); LayoutDeviceIntRect screenRectDevPix = GetConstraintRect(anchorRectDevPix, rootScreenRectDevPix, popupLevel); nsRect screenRect = LayoutDeviceIntRect::ToAppUnits(screenRectDevPix, appPerDev); // Ensure that anchorRect is on screen. anchorRect = anchorRect.Intersect(screenRect); // shrink the the popup down if it is larger than the screen size if (mRect.width > screenRect.width) mRect.width = screenRect.width; if (mRect.height > screenRect.height) mRect.height = screenRect.height; // at this point the anchor (anchorRect) is within the available screen // area (screenRect) and the popup is known to be no larger than the screen. // We might want to "slide" an arrow if the panel is of the correct type - // but we can only slide on one axis - the other axis must be "flipped or // resized" as normal. bool slideHorizontal = false, slideVertical = false; if (mFlip == FlipType_Slide) { int8_t position = GetAlignmentPosition(); slideHorizontal = position >= POPUPPOSITION_BEFORESTART && position <= POPUPPOSITION_AFTEREND; slideVertical = position >= POPUPPOSITION_STARTBEFORE && position <= POPUPPOSITION_ENDAFTER; } // Next, check if there is enough space to show the popup at full size when // positioned at screenPoint. If not, flip the popups to the opposite side // of their anchor point, or resize them as necessary. bool endAligned = IsDirectionRTL() ? mPopupAlignment == POPUPALIGNMENT_TOPLEFT || mPopupAlignment == POPUPALIGNMENT_BOTTOMLEFT : mPopupAlignment == POPUPALIGNMENT_TOPRIGHT || mPopupAlignment == POPUPALIGNMENT_BOTTOMRIGHT; if (slideHorizontal) { mRect.width = SlideOrResize(screenPoint.x, mRect.width, screenRect.x, screenRect.XMost(), &mAlignmentOffset); } else { mRect.width = FlipOrResize(screenPoint.x, mRect.width, screenRect.x, screenRect.XMost(), anchorRect.x, anchorRect.XMost(), margin.left, margin.right, offsetForContextMenu.x, hFlip, endAligned, &mHFlip); } endAligned = mPopupAlignment == POPUPALIGNMENT_BOTTOMLEFT || mPopupAlignment == POPUPALIGNMENT_BOTTOMRIGHT; if (slideVertical) { mRect.height = SlideOrResize(screenPoint.y, mRect.height, screenRect.y, screenRect.YMost(), &mAlignmentOffset); } else { mRect.height = FlipOrResize(screenPoint.y, mRect.height, screenRect.y, screenRect.YMost(), anchorRect.y, anchorRect.YMost(), margin.top, margin.bottom, offsetForContextMenu.y, vFlip, endAligned, &mVFlip); } NS_ASSERTION(screenPoint.x >= screenRect.x && screenPoint.y >= screenRect.y && screenPoint.x + mRect.width <= screenRect.XMost() && screenPoint.y + mRect.height <= screenRect.YMost(), "Popup is offscreen"); } // snap the popup's position in screen coordinates to device pixels, // see bug 622507, bug 961431 screenPoint.x = presContext->RoundAppUnitsToNearestDevPixels(screenPoint.x); screenPoint.y = presContext->RoundAppUnitsToNearestDevPixels(screenPoint.y); // determine the x and y position of the view by subtracting the desired // screen position from the screen position of the root frame. nsPoint viewPoint = screenPoint - rootScreenRect.TopLeft(); nsView* view = GetView(); NS_ASSERTION(view, "popup with no view"); // Offset the position by the width and height of the borders and titlebar. // Even though GetClientOffset should return (0, 0) when there is no // titlebar or borders, we skip these calculations anyway for non-panels // to save time since they will never have a titlebar. nsIWidget* widget = view->GetWidget(); if (mPopupType == ePopupTypePanel && widget) { mLastClientOffset = widget->GetClientOffset(); viewPoint.x += presContext->DevPixelsToAppUnits(mLastClientOffset.x); viewPoint.y += presContext->DevPixelsToAppUnits(mLastClientOffset.y); } presContext->GetPresShell()->GetViewManager()-> MoveViewTo(view, viewPoint.x, viewPoint.y); // Now that we've positioned the view, sync up the frame's origin. nsBoxFrame::SetPosition(viewPoint - GetParent()->GetOffsetTo(rootFrame)); if (aSizedToPopup) { nsBoxLayoutState state(PresContext()); // XXXndeakin can parentSize.width still extend outside? SetXULBounds(state, mRect); } // If the popup is in the positioned state or if it is shown and the position // or size changed, dispatch a popuppositioned event if the popup wants it. nsIntRect newRect(screenPoint.x, screenPoint.y, mRect.width, mRect.height); if (mPopupState == ePopupPositioning || (mPopupState == ePopupShown && !newRect.IsEqualEdges(mUsedScreenRect))) { mUsedScreenRect = newRect; if (aNotify) { nsXULPopupPositionedEvent::DispatchIfNeeded(mContent, false, false); } } return NS_OK; } /* virtual */ nsMenuFrame* nsMenuPopupFrame::GetCurrentMenuItem() { return mCurrentMenu; } LayoutDeviceIntRect nsMenuPopupFrame::GetConstraintRect(const LayoutDeviceIntRect& aAnchorRect, const LayoutDeviceIntRect& aRootScreenRect, nsPopupLevel aPopupLevel) { LayoutDeviceIntRect screenRectPixels; // determine the available screen space. It will be reduced by the OS chrome // such as menubars. It addition, for content shells, it will be the area of // the content rather than the screen. nsCOMPtr<nsIScreen> screen; nsCOMPtr<nsIScreenManager> sm(do_GetService("@mozilla.org/gfx/screenmanager;1")); if (sm) { // for content shells, get the screen where the root frame is located. // This is because we need to constrain the content to this content area, // so we should use the same screen. Otherwise, use the screen where the // anchor is located. DesktopToLayoutDeviceScale scale = PresContext()->DeviceContext()->GetDesktopToDeviceScale(); DesktopRect rect = (mInContentShell ? aRootScreenRect : aAnchorRect) / scale; int32_t width = std::max(1, NSToIntRound(rect.width)); int32_t height = std::max(1, NSToIntRound(rect.height)); sm->ScreenForRect(rect.x, rect.y, width, height, getter_AddRefs(screen)); if (screen) { // Non-top-level popups (which will always be panels) // should never overlap the OS bar: bool dontOverlapOSBar = aPopupLevel != ePopupLevelTop; // get the total screen area if the popup is allowed to overlap it. if (!dontOverlapOSBar && mMenuCanOverlapOSBar && !mInContentShell) screen->GetRect(&screenRectPixels.x, &screenRectPixels.y, &screenRectPixels.width, &screenRectPixels.height); else screen->GetAvailRect(&screenRectPixels.x, &screenRectPixels.y, &screenRectPixels.width, &screenRectPixels.height); } } if (mInContentShell) { // for content shells, clip to the client area rather than the screen area screenRectPixels.IntersectRect(screenRectPixels, aRootScreenRect); } else if (!mOverrideConstraintRect.IsEmpty()) { LayoutDeviceIntRect overrideConstrainRect = LayoutDeviceIntRect::FromAppUnitsToNearest(mOverrideConstraintRect, PresContext()->AppUnitsPerDevPixel()); // This is currently only used for <select> elements where we want to constrain // vertically to the screen but not horizontally, so do the intersection and then // reset the horizontal values. screenRectPixels.IntersectRect(screenRectPixels, overrideConstrainRect); screenRectPixels.x = overrideConstrainRect.x; screenRectPixels.width = overrideConstrainRect.width; } return screenRectPixels; } void nsMenuPopupFrame::CanAdjustEdges(int8_t aHorizontalSide, int8_t aVerticalSide, LayoutDeviceIntPoint& aChange) { int8_t popupAlign(mPopupAlignment); if (IsDirectionRTL()) { popupAlign = -popupAlign; } if (aHorizontalSide == (mHFlip ? NS_SIDE_RIGHT : NS_SIDE_LEFT)) { if (popupAlign == POPUPALIGNMENT_TOPLEFT || popupAlign == POPUPALIGNMENT_BOTTOMLEFT) { aChange.x = 0; } } else if (aHorizontalSide == (mHFlip ? NS_SIDE_LEFT : NS_SIDE_RIGHT)) { if (popupAlign == POPUPALIGNMENT_TOPRIGHT || popupAlign == POPUPALIGNMENT_BOTTOMRIGHT) { aChange.x = 0; } } if (aVerticalSide == (mVFlip ? NS_SIDE_BOTTOM : NS_SIDE_TOP)) { if (popupAlign == POPUPALIGNMENT_TOPLEFT || popupAlign == POPUPALIGNMENT_TOPRIGHT) { aChange.y = 0; } } else if (aVerticalSide == (mVFlip ? NS_SIDE_TOP : NS_SIDE_BOTTOM)) { if (popupAlign == POPUPALIGNMENT_BOTTOMLEFT || popupAlign == POPUPALIGNMENT_BOTTOMRIGHT) { aChange.y = 0; } } } ConsumeOutsideClicksResult nsMenuPopupFrame::ConsumeOutsideClicks() { // If the popup has explicitly set a consume mode, honor that. if (mConsumeRollupEvent != PopupBoxObject::ROLLUP_DEFAULT) { return (mConsumeRollupEvent == PopupBoxObject::ROLLUP_CONSUME) ? ConsumeOutsideClicks_True : ConsumeOutsideClicks_ParentOnly; } if (mContent->AttrValueIs(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::consumeoutsideclicks, nsGkAtoms::_true, eCaseMatters)) { return ConsumeOutsideClicks_True; } if (mContent->AttrValueIs(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::consumeoutsideclicks, nsGkAtoms::_false, eCaseMatters)) { return ConsumeOutsideClicks_ParentOnly; } if (mContent->AttrValueIs(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::consumeoutsideclicks, nsGkAtoms::never, eCaseMatters)) { return ConsumeOutsideClicks_Never; } nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> parentContent = mContent->GetParent(); if (parentContent) { dom::NodeInfo *ni = parentContent->NodeInfo(); if (ni->Equals(nsGkAtoms::menulist, kNameSpaceID_XUL)) { return ConsumeOutsideClicks_True; // Consume outside clicks for combo boxes on all platforms } #if defined(XP_WIN) // Don't consume outside clicks for menus in Windows if (ni->Equals(nsGkAtoms::menu, kNameSpaceID_XUL) || ni->Equals(nsGkAtoms::splitmenu, kNameSpaceID_XUL) || ni->Equals(nsGkAtoms::popupset, kNameSpaceID_XUL) || ((ni->Equals(nsGkAtoms::button, kNameSpaceID_XUL) || ni->Equals(nsGkAtoms::toolbarbutton, kNameSpaceID_XUL)) && (parentContent->AttrValueIs(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::type, nsGkAtoms::menu, eCaseMatters) || parentContent->AttrValueIs(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::type, nsGkAtoms::menuButton, eCaseMatters)))) { return ConsumeOutsideClicks_Never; } #endif if (ni->Equals(nsGkAtoms::textbox, kNameSpaceID_XUL)) { // Don't consume outside clicks for autocomplete widget if (parentContent->AttrValueIs(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::type, nsGkAtoms::autocomplete, eCaseMatters)) { return ConsumeOutsideClicks_Never; } } } return ConsumeOutsideClicks_True; } // XXXroc this is megalame. Fossicking around for a frame of the right // type is a recipe for disaster in the long term. nsIScrollableFrame* nsMenuPopupFrame::GetScrollFrame(nsIFrame* aStart) { if (!aStart) return nullptr; // try start frame and siblings nsIFrame* currFrame = aStart; do { nsIScrollableFrame* sf = do_QueryFrame(currFrame); if (sf) return sf; currFrame = currFrame->GetNextSibling(); } while (currFrame); // try children currFrame = aStart; do { nsIFrame* childFrame = currFrame->PrincipalChildList().FirstChild(); nsIScrollableFrame* sf = GetScrollFrame(childFrame); if (sf) return sf; currFrame = currFrame->GetNextSibling(); } while (currFrame); return nullptr; } void nsMenuPopupFrame::EnsureMenuItemIsVisible(nsMenuFrame* aMenuItem) { if (aMenuItem) { aMenuItem->PresContext()->PresShell()->ScrollFrameRectIntoView( aMenuItem, nsRect(nsPoint(0,0), aMenuItem->GetRect().Size()), nsIPresShell::ScrollAxis(), nsIPresShell::ScrollAxis(), nsIPresShell::SCROLL_OVERFLOW_HIDDEN | nsIPresShell::SCROLL_FIRST_ANCESTOR_ONLY); } } void nsMenuPopupFrame::ChangeByPage(bool aIsUp) { // Only scroll by page within menulists. if (!IsMenuList()) { return; } nsMenuFrame* newMenu = nullptr; nsIFrame* currentMenu = mCurrentMenu; if (!currentMenu) { // If there is no current menu item, get the first item. When moving up, // just use this as the newMenu and leave currentMenu null so that no // check for a later element is performed. When moving down, set currentMenu // so that we look for one page down from the first item. newMenu = nsXULPopupManager::GetNextMenuItem(this, nullptr, true); if (!aIsUp) { currentMenu = newMenu; } } if (currentMenu) { nscoord scrollHeight = mRect.height; nsIScrollableFrame *scrollframe = GetScrollFrame(this); if (scrollframe) { scrollHeight = scrollframe->GetScrollPortRect().height; } // Get the position of the current item and add or subtract one popup's // height to or from it. nscoord targetPosition = aIsUp ? currentMenu->GetRect().YMost() - scrollHeight : currentMenu->GetRect().y + scrollHeight; // Indicates that the last visible child was a valid menuitem. bool lastWasValid = false; // Look for the next child which is just past the target position. This child // will need to be selected. while (currentMenu) { // Only consider menu frames. nsMenuFrame* menuFrame = do_QueryFrame(currentMenu); if (menuFrame && nsXULPopupManager::IsValidMenuItem(menuFrame->GetContent(), true)) { // If the right position was found, break out. Otherwise, look for another item. if ((!aIsUp && currentMenu->GetRect().YMost() > targetPosition) || (aIsUp && currentMenu->GetRect().y < targetPosition)) { // If the last visible child was not a valid menuitem or was disabled, // use this as the menu to select, skipping over any non-valid items at // the edge of the page. if (!lastWasValid) { newMenu = menuFrame; } break; } // Assign this item to newMenu. This item will be selected in case we // don't find any more. lastWasValid = true; newMenu = menuFrame; } else { lastWasValid = false; } currentMenu = aIsUp ? currentMenu->GetPrevSibling() : currentMenu->GetNextSibling(); } } // Select the new menuitem. if (newMenu) { ChangeMenuItem(newMenu, false, true); } } NS_IMETHODIMP nsMenuPopupFrame::SetCurrentMenuItem(nsMenuFrame* aMenuItem) { if (mCurrentMenu == aMenuItem) return NS_OK; if (mCurrentMenu) { mCurrentMenu->SelectMenu(false); } if (aMenuItem) { EnsureMenuItemIsVisible(aMenuItem); aMenuItem->SelectMenu(true); } mCurrentMenu = aMenuItem; return NS_OK; } void nsMenuPopupFrame::CurrentMenuIsBeingDestroyed() { mCurrentMenu = nullptr; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsMenuPopupFrame::ChangeMenuItem(nsMenuFrame* aMenuItem, bool aSelectFirstItem, bool aFromKey) { if (mCurrentMenu == aMenuItem) return NS_OK; // When a context menu is open, the current menu is locked, and no change // to the menu is allowed. nsXULPopupManager* pm = nsXULPopupManager::GetInstance(); if (!mIsContextMenu && pm && pm->HasContextMenu(this)) return NS_OK; // Unset the current child. if (mCurrentMenu) { mCurrentMenu->SelectMenu(false); nsMenuPopupFrame* popup = mCurrentMenu->GetPopup(); if (popup) { if (mCurrentMenu->IsOpen()) { if (pm) pm->HidePopupAfterDelay(popup); } } } // Set the new child. if (aMenuItem) { EnsureMenuItemIsVisible(aMenuItem); aMenuItem->SelectMenu(true); // On Windows, a menulist should update its value whenever navigation was // done by the keyboard. #ifdef XP_WIN if (aFromKey && IsOpen() && IsMenuList()) { // Fire a command event as the new item, but we don't want to close // the menu, blink it, or update any other state of the menuitem. The // command event will cause the item to be selected. nsContentUtils::DispatchXULCommand(aMenuItem->GetContent(), /* aTrusted = */ true, nullptr, PresContext()->PresShell(), false, false, false, false); } #endif } mCurrentMenu = aMenuItem; return NS_OK; } nsMenuFrame* nsMenuPopupFrame::Enter(WidgetGUIEvent* aEvent) { mIncrementalString.Truncate(); // Give it to the child. if (mCurrentMenu) return mCurrentMenu->Enter(aEvent); return nullptr; } nsMenuFrame* nsMenuPopupFrame::FindMenuWithShortcut(nsIDOMKeyEvent* aKeyEvent, bool& doAction) { uint32_t charCode, keyCode; aKeyEvent->GetCharCode(&charCode); aKeyEvent->GetKeyCode(&keyCode); doAction = false; // Enumerate over our list of frames. auto insertion = PresContext()->PresShell()-> FrameConstructor()->GetInsertionPoint(GetContent(), nullptr); nsContainerFrame* immediateParent = insertion.mParentFrame; if (!immediateParent) immediateParent = this; uint32_t matchCount = 0, matchShortcutCount = 0; bool foundActive = false; bool isShortcut; nsMenuFrame* frameBefore = nullptr; nsMenuFrame* frameAfter = nullptr; nsMenuFrame* frameShortcut = nullptr; nsIContent* parentContent = mContent->GetParent(); bool isMenu = parentContent && !parentContent->NodeInfo()->Equals(nsGkAtoms::menulist, kNameSpaceID_XUL); DOMTimeStamp keyTime; aKeyEvent->AsEvent()->GetTimeStamp(&keyTime); if (charCode == 0) { if (keyCode == nsIDOMKeyEvent::DOM_VK_BACK_SPACE) { if (!isMenu && !mIncrementalString.IsEmpty()) { mIncrementalString.SetLength(mIncrementalString.Length() - 1); return nullptr; } else { #ifdef XP_WIN nsCOMPtr<nsISound> soundInterface = do_CreateInstance("@mozilla.org/sound;1"); if (soundInterface) soundInterface->Beep(); #endif // #ifdef XP_WIN } } return nullptr; } else { char16_t uniChar = ToLowerCase(static_cast<char16_t>(charCode)); if (isMenu) { // Menu supports only first-letter navigation mIncrementalString = uniChar; } else if (IsWithinIncrementalTime(keyTime)) { mIncrementalString.Append(uniChar); } else { // Interval too long, treat as new typing mIncrementalString = uniChar; } } // See bug 188199 & 192346, if all letters in incremental string are same, just try to match the first one nsAutoString incrementalString(mIncrementalString); uint32_t charIndex = 1, stringLength = incrementalString.Length(); while (charIndex < stringLength && incrementalString[charIndex] == incrementalString[charIndex - 1]) { charIndex++; } if (charIndex == stringLength) { incrementalString.Truncate(1); stringLength = 1; } sLastKeyTime = keyTime; // NOTE: If you crashed here due to a bogus |immediateParent| it is // possible that the menu whose shortcut is being looked up has // been destroyed already. One strategy would be to // setTimeout(<func>,0) as detailed in: // <http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=126675#c32> nsIFrame* firstMenuItem = nsXULPopupManager::GetNextMenuItem(immediateParent, nullptr, true); nsIFrame* currFrame = firstMenuItem; int32_t menuAccessKey = -1; nsMenuBarListener::GetMenuAccessKey(&menuAccessKey); // We start searching from first child. This process is divided into two parts // -- before current and after current -- by the current item while (currFrame) { nsIContent* current = currFrame->GetContent(); nsAutoString textKey; if (menuAccessKey >= 0) { // Get the shortcut attribute. current->GetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::accesskey, textKey); } if (textKey.IsEmpty()) { // No shortcut, try first letter isShortcut = false; current->GetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::label, textKey); if (textKey.IsEmpty()) // No label, try another attribute (value) current->GetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::value, textKey); } else isShortcut = true; if (StringBeginsWith(textKey, incrementalString, nsCaseInsensitiveStringComparator())) { // mIncrementalString is a prefix of textKey nsMenuFrame* menu = do_QueryFrame(currFrame); if (menu) { // There is one match matchCount++; if (isShortcut) { // There is one shortcut-key match matchShortcutCount++; // Record the matched item. If there is only one matched shortcut item, do it frameShortcut = menu; } if (!foundActive) { // It's a first candidate item located before/on the current item if (!frameBefore) frameBefore = menu; } else { // It's a first candidate item located after the current item if (!frameAfter) frameAfter = menu; } } else return nullptr; } // Get the active status if (current->AttrValueIs(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::menuactive, nsGkAtoms::_true, eCaseMatters)) { foundActive = true; if (stringLength > 1) { // If there is more than one char typed, the current item has highest priority, // otherwise the item next to current has highest priority if (currFrame == frameBefore) return frameBefore; } } nsMenuFrame* menu = do_QueryFrame(currFrame); currFrame = nsXULPopupManager::GetNextMenuItem(immediateParent, menu, true); if (currFrame == firstMenuItem) break; } doAction = (isMenu && (matchCount == 1 || matchShortcutCount == 1)); if (matchShortcutCount == 1) // We have one matched shortcut item return frameShortcut; if (frameAfter) // If we have matched item after the current, use it return frameAfter; else if (frameBefore) // If we haven't, use the item before the current return frameBefore; // If we don't match anything, rollback the last typing mIncrementalString.SetLength(mIncrementalString.Length() - 1); // didn't find a matching menu item #ifdef XP_WIN // behavior on Windows - this item is in a menu popup off of the // menu bar, so beep and do nothing else if (isMenu) { nsCOMPtr<nsISound> soundInterface = do_CreateInstance("@mozilla.org/sound;1"); if (soundInterface) soundInterface->Beep(); } #endif // #ifdef XP_WIN return nullptr; } void nsMenuPopupFrame::LockMenuUntilClosed(bool aLock) { mIsMenuLocked = aLock; // Lock / unlock the parent, too. nsMenuFrame* menu = do_QueryFrame(GetParent()); if (menu) { nsMenuParent* parentParent = menu->GetMenuParent(); if (parentParent) { parentParent->LockMenuUntilClosed(aLock); } } } nsIWidget* nsMenuPopupFrame::GetWidget() { nsView * view = GetRootViewForPopup(this); if (!view) return nullptr; return view->GetWidget(); } void nsMenuPopupFrame::AttachedDismissalListener() { mConsumeRollupEvent = PopupBoxObject::ROLLUP_DEFAULT; } // helpers ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// nsresult nsMenuPopupFrame::AttributeChanged(int32_t aNameSpaceID, nsIAtom* aAttribute, int32_t aModType) { nsresult rv = nsBoxFrame::AttributeChanged(aNameSpaceID, aAttribute, aModType); if (aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::left || aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::top) MoveToAttributePosition(); #ifndef MOZ_GTK2 if (aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::noautohide) { nsXULPopupManager* pm = nsXULPopupManager::GetInstance(); if (pm) pm->EnableRollup(mContent, !IsNoAutoHide()); } #endif if (aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::label) { // set the label for the titlebar nsView* view = GetView(); if (view) { nsIWidget* widget = view->GetWidget(); if (widget) { nsAutoString title; mContent->GetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::label, title); if (!title.IsEmpty()) { widget->SetTitle(title); } } } } return rv; } void nsMenuPopupFrame::MoveToAttributePosition() { // Move the widget around when the user sets the |left| and |top| attributes. // Note that this is not the best way to move the widget, as it results in lots // of FE notifications and is likely to be slow as molasses. Use |moveTo| on // PopupBoxObject if possible. nsAutoString left, top; mContent->GetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::left, left); mContent->GetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::top, top); nsresult err1, err2; mozilla::CSSIntPoint pos(left.ToInteger(&err1), top.ToInteger(&err2)); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(err1) && NS_SUCCEEDED(err2)) MoveTo(pos, false); } void nsMenuPopupFrame::DestroyFrom(nsIFrame* aDestructRoot) { if (mReflowCallbackData.mPosted) { PresContext()->PresShell()->CancelReflowCallback(this); mReflowCallbackData.Clear(); } nsMenuFrame* menu = do_QueryFrame(GetParent()); if (menu) { // clear the open attribute on the parent menu nsContentUtils::AddScriptRunner( new nsUnsetAttrRunnable(menu->GetContent(), nsGkAtoms::open)); } ClearPopupShownDispatcher(); nsXULPopupManager* pm = nsXULPopupManager::GetInstance(); if (pm) pm->PopupDestroyed(this); nsIRootBox* rootBox = nsIRootBox::GetRootBox(PresContext()->GetPresShell()); if (rootBox && rootBox->GetDefaultTooltip() == mContent) { rootBox->SetDefaultTooltip(nullptr); } nsBoxFrame::DestroyFrom(aDestructRoot); } void nsMenuPopupFrame::MoveTo(const CSSIntPoint& aPos, bool aUpdateAttrs) { nsIWidget* widget = GetWidget(); if ((mScreenRect.x == aPos.x && mScreenRect.y == aPos.y) && (!widget || widget->GetClientOffset() == mLastClientOffset)) { return; } // reposition the popup at the specified coordinates. Don't clear the anchor // and position, because the popup can be reset to its anchor position by // using (-1, -1) as coordinates. Subtract off the margin as it will be // added to the position when SetPopupPosition is called. nsMargin margin(0, 0, 0, 0); StyleMargin()->GetMargin(margin); // Workaround for bug 788189. See also bug 708278 comment #25 and following. if (mAdjustOffsetForContextMenu) { margin.left += nsPresContext::CSSPixelsToAppUnits(LookAndFeel::GetInt( LookAndFeel::eIntID_ContextMenuOffsetHorizontal)); margin.top += nsPresContext::CSSPixelsToAppUnits(LookAndFeel::GetInt( LookAndFeel::eIntID_ContextMenuOffsetVertical)); } nsPresContext* presContext = PresContext(); mAnchorType = MenuPopupAnchorType_Point; mScreenRect.x = aPos.x - presContext->AppUnitsToIntCSSPixels(margin.left); mScreenRect.y = aPos.y - presContext->AppUnitsToIntCSSPixels(margin.top); SetPopupPosition(nullptr, true, false, true); nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> popup = mContent; if (aUpdateAttrs && (popup->HasAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::left) || popup->HasAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::top))) { nsAutoString left, top; left.AppendInt(aPos.x); top.AppendInt(aPos.y); popup->SetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::left, left, false); popup->SetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::top, top, false); } } void nsMenuPopupFrame::MoveToAnchor(nsIContent* aAnchorContent, const nsAString& aPosition, int32_t aXPos, int32_t aYPos, bool aAttributesOverride) { NS_ASSERTION(IsVisible(), "popup must be visible to move it"); nsPopupState oldstate = mPopupState; InitializePopup(aAnchorContent, mTriggerContent, aPosition, aXPos, aYPos, MenuPopupAnchorType_Node, aAttributesOverride); // InitializePopup changed the state so reset it. mPopupState = oldstate; // Pass false here so that flipping and adjusting to fit on the screen happen. SetPopupPosition(nullptr, false, false, true); } bool nsMenuPopupFrame::GetAutoPosition() { return mShouldAutoPosition; } void nsMenuPopupFrame::SetAutoPosition(bool aShouldAutoPosition) { mShouldAutoPosition = aShouldAutoPosition; } void nsMenuPopupFrame::SetConsumeRollupEvent(uint32_t aConsumeMode) { mConsumeRollupEvent = aConsumeMode; } int8_t nsMenuPopupFrame::GetAlignmentPosition() const { // The code below handles most cases of alignment, anchor and position values. Those that are // not handled just return POPUPPOSITION_UNKNOWN. if (mPosition == POPUPPOSITION_OVERLAP || mPosition == POPUPPOSITION_AFTERPOINTER || mPosition == POPUPPOSITION_SELECTION) return mPosition; int8_t position = mPosition; if (position == POPUPPOSITION_UNKNOWN) { switch (mPopupAnchor) { case POPUPALIGNMENT_BOTTOMCENTER: position = mPopupAlignment == POPUPALIGNMENT_TOPRIGHT ? POPUPPOSITION_AFTEREND : POPUPPOSITION_AFTERSTART; break; case POPUPALIGNMENT_TOPCENTER: position = mPopupAlignment == POPUPALIGNMENT_BOTTOMRIGHT ? POPUPPOSITION_BEFOREEND : POPUPPOSITION_BEFORESTART; break; case POPUPALIGNMENT_LEFTCENTER: position = mPopupAlignment == POPUPALIGNMENT_BOTTOMRIGHT ? POPUPPOSITION_STARTAFTER : POPUPPOSITION_STARTBEFORE; break; case POPUPALIGNMENT_RIGHTCENTER: position = mPopupAlignment == POPUPALIGNMENT_BOTTOMLEFT ? POPUPPOSITION_ENDAFTER : POPUPPOSITION_ENDBEFORE; break; default: break; } } if (mHFlip) { position = POPUPPOSITION_HFLIP(position); } if (mVFlip) { position = POPUPPOSITION_VFLIP(position); } return position; } /** * KEEP THIS IN SYNC WITH nsContainerFrame::CreateViewForFrame * as much as possible. Until we get rid of views finally... */ void nsMenuPopupFrame::CreatePopupView() { if (HasView()) { return; } nsViewManager* viewManager = PresContext()->GetPresShell()->GetViewManager(); NS_ASSERTION(nullptr != viewManager, "null view manager"); // Create a view nsView* parentView = viewManager->GetRootView(); nsViewVisibility visibility = nsViewVisibility_kHide; int32_t zIndex = INT32_MAX; bool autoZIndex = false; NS_ASSERTION(parentView, "no parent view"); // Create a view nsView *view = viewManager->CreateView(GetRect(), parentView, visibility); viewManager->SetViewZIndex(view, autoZIndex, zIndex); // XXX put view last in document order until we can do better viewManager->InsertChild(parentView, view, nullptr, true); // Remember our view SetView(view); NS_FRAME_LOG(NS_FRAME_TRACE_CALLS, ("nsMenuPopupFrame::CreatePopupView: frame=%p view=%p", this, view)); }