/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef nsTableColGroupFrame_h__ #define nsTableColGroupFrame_h__ #include "mozilla/Attributes.h" #include "nscore.h" #include "nsContainerFrame.h" #include "nsTableFrame.h" #include "mozilla/WritingModes.h" class nsTableColFrame; /** * nsTableColGroupFrame * data structure to maintain information about a single table cell's frame * * @author sclark */ class nsTableColGroupFrame final : public nsContainerFrame { public: NS_DECL_FRAMEARENA_HELPERS // default constructor supplied by the compiler /** instantiate a new instance of nsTableRowFrame. * @param aPresShell the pres shell for this frame * * @return the frame that was created */ friend nsTableColGroupFrame* NS_NewTableColGroupFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsStyleContext* aContext); nsTableFrame* GetTableFrame() const { nsIFrame* parent = GetParent(); MOZ_ASSERT(parent && parent->GetType() == nsGkAtoms::tableFrame); MOZ_ASSERT(!parent->GetPrevInFlow(), "Col group should always be in a first-in-flow table frame"); return static_cast<nsTableFrame*>(parent); } virtual void BuildDisplayList(nsDisplayListBuilder* aBuilder, const nsDisplayListSet& aLists) override; /** A colgroup can be caused by three things: * 1) An element with table-column-group display * 2) An element with a table-column display without a * table-column-group parent * 3) Cells that are not in a column (and hence get an anonymous * column and colgroup). * @return colgroup type */ nsTableColGroupType GetColType() const; /** Set the colgroup type based on the creation cause * @param aType - the reason why this colgroup is needed */ void SetColType(nsTableColGroupType aType); /** Real in this context are colgroups that come from an element * with table-column-group display or wrap around columns that * come from an element with table-column display. Colgroups * that are the result of wrapping cells in an anonymous * column and colgroup are not considered real here. * @param aTableFrame - the table parent of the colgroups * @return the last real colgroup */ static nsTableColGroupFrame* GetLastRealColGroup(nsTableFrame* aTableFrame); /** @see nsIFrame::DidSetStyleContext */ virtual void DidSetStyleContext(nsStyleContext* aOldStyleContext) override; virtual void SetInitialChildList(ChildListID aListID, nsFrameList& aChildList) override; virtual void AppendFrames(ChildListID aListID, nsFrameList& aFrameList) override; virtual void InsertFrames(ChildListID aListID, nsIFrame* aPrevFrame, nsFrameList& aFrameList) override; virtual void RemoveFrame(ChildListID aListID, nsIFrame* aOldFrame) override; /** remove the column aChild from the column group, if requested renumber * the subsequent columns in this column group and all following column * groups. see also ResetColIndices for this * @param aChild - the column frame that needs to be removed * @param aResetSubsequentColIndices - if true the columns that follow * after aChild will be reenumerated */ void RemoveChild(nsTableColFrame& aChild, bool aResetSubsequentColIndices); /** reflow of a column group is a trivial matter of reflowing * the col group's children (columns), and setting this frame * to 0-size. Since tables are row-centric, column group frames * don't play directly in the rendering game. They do however * maintain important state that effects table and cell layout. */ virtual void Reflow(nsPresContext* aPresContext, ReflowOutput& aDesiredSize, const ReflowInput& aReflowInput, nsReflowStatus& aStatus) override; /** * Get the "type" of the frame * * @see nsGkAtoms::tableColGroupFrame */ virtual nsIAtom* GetType() const override; virtual mozilla::WritingMode GetWritingMode() const override { return GetTableFrame()->GetWritingMode(); } /** Add column frames to the table storages: colframe cache and cellmap * this doesn't change the mFrames of the colgroup frame. * @param aFirstColIndex - the index at which aFirstFrame should be inserted * into the colframe cache. * @param aResetSubsequentColIndices - the indices of the col frames * after the insertion might need * an update * @param aCols - an iterator that can be used to iterate over the col * frames to be added. Once this is done, the frames on the * sbling chain of its .get() at that point will still need * their col indices updated. * @result - if there is no table frame or the table frame is not * the first in flow it will return an error */ nsresult AddColsToTable(int32_t aFirstColIndex, bool aResetSubsequentColIndices, const nsFrameList::Slice& aCols); #ifdef DEBUG_FRAME_DUMP virtual nsresult GetFrameName(nsAString& aResult) const override; void Dump(int32_t aIndent); #endif /** returns the number of columns represented by this group. * if there are col children, count them (taking into account the span of each) * else, check my own span attribute. */ virtual int32_t GetColCount() const; /** first column on the child list */ nsTableColFrame * GetFirstColumn(); /** next sibling to aChildFrame that is a column frame, first column frame * in the column group if aChildFrame is null */ nsTableColFrame * GetNextColumn(nsIFrame *aChildFrame); /** @return - the position of the first column in this colgroup in the table * colframe cache. */ int32_t GetStartColumnIndex(); /** set the position of the first column in this colgroup in the table * colframe cache. */ void SetStartColumnIndex(int32_t aIndex); /** helper method to get the span attribute for this colgroup */ int32_t GetSpan(); /** provide access to the mFrames list */ nsFrameList& GetWritableChildList(); /** set the column index for all frames starting at aStartColFrame, it * will also reset the column indices in all subsequent colgroups * @param aFirstColGroup - start the reset operation inside this colgroup * @param aFirstColIndex - first column that is reset should get this index * @param aStartColFrame - if specified the reset starts with this column * inside the colgroup; if not specified, the reset * starts with the first column */ static void ResetColIndices(nsIFrame* aFirstColGroup, int32_t aFirstColIndex, nsIFrame* aStartColFrame = nullptr); /** * Gets inner border widths before collapsing with cell borders * Caller must get istart border from previous column * GetContinuousBCBorderWidth will not overwrite aBorder.IStart * see nsTablePainter about continuous borders */ void GetContinuousBCBorderWidth(mozilla::WritingMode aWM, mozilla::LogicalMargin& aBorder); /** * Set full border widths before collapsing with cell borders * @param aForSide - side to set; only accepts bstart and bend */ void SetContinuousBCBorderWidth(mozilla::LogicalSide aForSide, BCPixelSize aPixelValue); virtual bool IsFrameOfType(uint32_t aFlags) const override { return nsContainerFrame::IsFrameOfType(aFlags & ~(nsIFrame::eTablePart)); } virtual void InvalidateFrame(uint32_t aDisplayItemKey = 0) override; virtual void InvalidateFrameWithRect(const nsRect& aRect, uint32_t aDisplayItemKey = 0) override; virtual void InvalidateFrameForRemoval() override { InvalidateFrameSubtree(); } protected: explicit nsTableColGroupFrame(nsStyleContext* aContext); void InsertColsReflow(int32_t aColIndex, const nsFrameList::Slice& aCols); virtual LogicalSides GetLogicalSkipSides(const ReflowInput* aReflowInput = nullptr) const override; // data members int32_t mColCount; // the starting column index this col group represents. Must be >= 0. int32_t mStartColIndex; // border width in pixels BCPixelSize mBStartContBorderWidth; BCPixelSize mBEndContBorderWidth; }; inline nsTableColGroupFrame::nsTableColGroupFrame(nsStyleContext *aContext) : nsContainerFrame(aContext), mColCount(0), mStartColIndex(0) { SetColType(eColGroupContent); } inline int32_t nsTableColGroupFrame::GetStartColumnIndex() { return mStartColIndex; } inline void nsTableColGroupFrame::SetStartColumnIndex (int32_t aIndex) { mStartColIndex = aIndex; } inline int32_t nsTableColGroupFrame::GetColCount() const { return mColCount; } inline nsFrameList& nsTableColGroupFrame::GetWritableChildList() { return mFrames; } #endif