<!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Helper file for testing CSS Unprefixing Service</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="property_database.js"></script> <style type="text/css"> #wrapper { width: 500px; } </style> </head> <body> <div id="wrapper"> <div id="content"></div> </div> <script type="application/javascript;version=1.7"> "use strict"; /** Helper file for testing the CSS Unprefixing Service **/ /* Testcases for CSS Unprefixing service. * * Each testcase MUST have the following fields: * - decl: A CSS declaration with prefixed style, to be tested via elem.style. * - targetPropName: The name of the property whose value should be * affected by |decl|. * * And will have EITHER: * - isInvalid: If set to something truthy, this implies that |decl| is * invalid and should have no effect on |targetPropName|'s * computed or specified style. * * ...OR: * - expectedDOMStyleVal: The value that we expect to find in the specified * style -- in elem.style.[targetPropName]. * - expectedCompStyleVal: The value that we expect to find in the computed * style -- in getComputedStyle(...)[targetPropName] * If omitted, this is assumed to be the same as * expectedDOMStyleVal. (Usually they'll be the same.) */ const gTestcases = [ { decl: "-webkit-box-flex:5", targetPropName: "flex-grow", expectedDOMStyleVal: "5" }, /* If author happens to specify modern flexbox style after prefixed style, make sure the modern stuff is preserved. */ { decl: "-webkit-box-flex:4;flex-grow:6", targetPropName: "flex-grow", expectedDOMStyleVal: "6" }, /* Tests for handling !important: */ { decl: "-webkit-box-flex:3!important;", targetPropName: "flex-grow", expectedDOMStyleVal: "3" }, { decl: "-webkit-box-flex:2!important;flex-grow:1", targetPropName: "flex-grow", expectedDOMStyleVal: "2" }, { decl: "-webkit-box-flex:1!important bogusText;", targetPropName: "flex-grow", isInvalid: true }, // Make sure we handle weird capitalization in property & value, too: { decl: "-WEBKIT-BoX-aLign: baSELine", targetPropName: "align-items", expectedDOMStyleVal: "baseline" }, { decl: "display:-webkit-box", targetPropName: "display", expectedDOMStyleVal: "flex" }, { decl: "display:-webkit-box; display:-moz-box;", targetPropName: "display", expectedDOMStyleVal: "flex" }, { decl: "display:-webkit-foobar; display:-moz-box;", targetPropName: "display", expectedDOMStyleVal: "-moz-box" }, // -webkit-box-align: baseline | center | end | start | stretch // ...maps to: // align-items: baseline | center | flex-end | flex-start | stretch { decl: "-webkit-box-align: baseline", targetPropName: "align-items", expectedDOMStyleVal: "baseline" }, { decl: "-webkit-box-align: center", targetPropName: "align-items", expectedDOMStyleVal: "center" }, { decl: "-webkit-box-align: end", targetPropName: "align-items", expectedDOMStyleVal: "flex-end" }, { decl: "-webkit-box-align: start", targetPropName: "align-items", expectedDOMStyleVal: "flex-start" }, { decl: "-webkit-box-align: stretch", targetPropName: "align-items", expectedDOMStyleVal: "stretch" }, // -webkit-box-direction is not supported, because it's unused & would be // complicated to support. See note in CSSUnprefixingService.js for more. // -webkit-box-ordinal-group: <number> maps directly to "order". { decl: "-webkit-box-ordinal-group: 2", targetPropName: "order", expectedDOMStyleVal: "2" }, { decl: "-webkit-box-ordinal-group: 6000", targetPropName: "order", expectedDOMStyleVal: "6000" }, // -webkit-box-orient: horizontal | inline-axis | vertical | block-axis // ...maps to: // flex-direction: row | row | column | column { decl: "-webkit-box-orient: horizontal", targetPropName: "flex-direction", expectedDOMStyleVal: "row" }, { decl: "-webkit-box-orient: inline-axis", targetPropName: "flex-direction", expectedDOMStyleVal: "row" }, { decl: "-webkit-box-orient: vertical", targetPropName: "flex-direction", expectedDOMStyleVal: "column" }, { decl: "-webkit-box-orient: block-axis", targetPropName: "flex-direction", expectedDOMStyleVal: "column" }, // -webkit-box-pack: start | center | end | justify // ... maps to: // justify-content: flex-start | center | flex-end | space-between { decl: "-webkit-box-pack: start", targetPropName: "justify-content", expectedDOMStyleVal: "flex-start" }, { decl: "-webkit-box-pack: center", targetPropName: "justify-content", expectedDOMStyleVal: "center" }, { decl: "-webkit-box-pack: end", targetPropName: "justify-content", expectedDOMStyleVal: "flex-end" }, { decl: "-webkit-box-pack: justify", targetPropName: "justify-content", expectedDOMStyleVal: "space-between" }, // -webkit-transform: <transform> maps directly to "transform" { decl: "-webkit-transform: matrix(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)", targetPropName: "transform", expectedDOMStyleVal: "matrix(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)" }, // -webkit-transform-origin: <value> maps directly to "transform-origin" { decl: "-webkit-transform-origin: 0 0", targetPropName: "transform-origin", expectedDOMStyleVal: "0px 0px 0px", expectedCompStyleVal: "0px 0px" }, { decl: "-webkit-transform-origin: 100% 0", targetPropName: "transform-origin", expectedDOMStyleVal: "100% 0px 0px", expectedCompStyleVal: "500px 0px" }, // -webkit-transition: <property> maps directly to "transition" { decl: "-webkit-transition: width 1s linear 2s", targetPropName: "transition", expectedDOMStyleVal: "width 1s linear 2s" }, // -webkit-transition **with** -webkit-prefixed property in value. { decl: "-webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 1s linear 2s", targetPropName: "transition", expectedDOMStyleVal: "transform 1s linear 2s" }, // (Re-test to check that it sets the "transition-property" subproperty.) { decl: "-webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 1s linear 2s", targetPropName: "transition-property", expectedDOMStyleVal: "transform" }, // Same as previous test, except with "-webkit-transform" in the // middle of the value instead of at the beginning (still valid): { decl: "-webkit-transition: 1s -webkit-transform linear 2s", targetPropName: "transition", expectedDOMStyleVal: "transform 1s linear 2s" }, { decl: "-webkit-transition: 1s -webkit-transform linear 2s", targetPropName: "transition-property", expectedDOMStyleVal: "transform" }, // -webkit-gradient(linear, ...) expressions: { decl: "background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear,0 0,0 100%,from(rgb(1, 2, 3)),to(rgb(104, 105, 106)))", targetPropName: "background-image", expectedDOMStyleVal: "linear-gradient(180deg, rgb(1, 2, 3) 0%, rgb(104, 105, 106) 100%)"}, { decl: "background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right bottom, from(rgb(1, 2, 3)), to(rgb(201, 202, 203)))", targetPropName: "background-image", expectedDOMStyleVal: "linear-gradient(135deg, rgb(1, 2, 3) 0%, rgb(201, 202, 203) 100%)"}, { decl: "background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left center, right center, from(rgb(1, 2, 3)), to(rgb(201, 202, 203)))", targetPropName: "background-image", expectedDOMStyleVal: "linear-gradient(to right, rgb(1, 2, 3) 0%, rgb(201, 202, 203) 100%)"}, { decl: "background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left center, right center, from(rgb(0, 0, 0)), color-stop(30%, rgb(255, 0, 0)), color-stop(60%, rgb(0, 255, 0)), to(rgb(0, 0, 255)))", targetPropName: "background-image", expectedDOMStyleVal: "linear-gradient(to right, rgb(0, 0, 0) 0%, rgb(255, 0, 0) 30%, rgb(0, 255, 0) 60%, rgb(0, 0, 255) 100%)"}, // -webkit-gradient(radial, ...) expressions: { decl: "background-image: -webkit-gradient(radial, center center, 0, center center, 50, from(black), to(white)", targetPropName: "background-image", expectedDOMStyleVal: "radial-gradient(50px at center center , black 0%, white 100%)", // XXXdholbert Note: unnecessary space, see bug 1160063----^ expectedCompStyleVal: "radial-gradient(50px, rgb(0, 0, 0) 0%, rgb(255, 255, 255) 100%)", }, { decl: "background-image: -webkit-gradient(radial, left bottom, 0, center center, 50, from(yellow), color-stop(20%, orange), color-stop(40%, red), color-stop(60%, green), color-stop(80%, blue), to(purple))", targetPropName: "background-image", expectedDOMStyleVal: "radial-gradient(50px at left bottom , yellow 0%, orange 20%, red 40%, green 60%, blue 80%, purple 100%)", // XXXdholbert Note: unnecessary space, see bug 1160063--^ expectedCompStyleVal: "radial-gradient(50px at 0% 100%, rgb(255, 255, 0) 0%, rgb(255, 165, 0) 20%, rgb(255, 0, 0) 40%, rgb(0, 128, 0) 60%, rgb(0, 0, 255) 80%, rgb(128, 0, 128) 100%)" }, // -webkit-linear-gradient(...) expressions: { decl: "background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, blue, green)", targetPropName: "background-image", expectedDOMStyleVal: "linear-gradient(to bottom, blue, green)", expectedCompStyleVal: "linear-gradient(rgb(0, 0, 255), rgb(0, 128, 0))", }, { decl: "background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, blue, green)", targetPropName: "background-image", expectedDOMStyleVal: "linear-gradient(to right, blue, green)", expectedCompStyleVal: "linear-gradient(to right, rgb(0, 0, 255), rgb(0, 128, 0))", }, { decl: "background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(left bottom, blue, green)", targetPropName: "background-image", expectedDOMStyleVal: "linear-gradient(to right top, blue, green)", expectedCompStyleVal: "linear-gradient(to top right, rgb(0, 0, 255), rgb(0, 128, 0))", }, { decl: "background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(130deg, blue, green)", targetPropName: "background-image", expectedDOMStyleVal: "linear-gradient(320deg, blue, green)", expectedCompStyleVal: "linear-gradient(320deg, rgb(0, 0, 255), rgb(0, 128, 0))", }, // -webkit-radial-gradient(...) expressions: { decl: "background-image: -webkit-radial-gradient(#000, #fff)", targetPropName: "background-image", expectedDOMStyleVal: "radial-gradient(rgb(0, 0, 0), rgb(255, 255, 255))", }, { decl: "background-image: -webkit-radial-gradient(bottom right, white, black)", targetPropName: "background-image", expectedDOMStyleVal: "radial-gradient(at right bottom , white, black)", // XXXdholbert Note: unnecessary space---------------^ see bug 1160063 expectedCompStyleVal: "radial-gradient(at 100% 100%, rgb(255, 255, 255), rgb(0, 0, 0))", }, // Combination of unprefixed & prefixed gradient styles in a single 'background-image' expression { decl: "background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(black, white), radial-gradient(blue, purple), -webkit-gradient(linear,0 0,0 100%,from(red),to(orange))", targetPropName: "background-image", expectedDOMStyleVal: "linear-gradient(black, white), radial-gradient(blue, purple), linear-gradient(180deg, red 0%, orange 100%)", expectedCompStyleVal: "linear-gradient(rgb(0, 0, 0), rgb(255, 255, 255)), radial-gradient(rgb(0, 0, 255), rgb(128, 0, 128)), linear-gradient(180deg, rgb(255, 0, 0) 0%, rgb(255, 165, 0) 100%)", }, ]; function getComputedStyleWrapper(elem, prop) { return window.getComputedStyle(elem, null).getPropertyValue(prop); } // Shims for "is()" and "ok()", which defer to parent window using postMessage: function is(aActual, aExpected, aDesc) { // Add URL to description: aDesc += " (iframe url: '" + window.location + "')"; window.parent.postMessage({type: "is", actual: aActual, expected: aExpected, desc: aDesc}, "*"); } function ok(aCondition, aDesc) { // Add URL to description: aDesc += " (iframe url: '" + window.location + "')"; window.parent.postMessage({type: "ok", condition: aCondition, desc: aDesc}, "*"); } // Main test function to use, to test a given unprefixed CSS property. // The argument aTestcase should be an entry from gTestcases above. function runOneTest(aTestcase) { let elem = document.getElementById("content"); // (self-test/sanity-check:) if (!aTestcase.decl || !aTestcase.targetPropName) { ok(false, "Bug in test; missing 'decl' or 'targetPropName' field"); } // Populate testcase's implied fields: if (aTestcase.isInvalid) { // (self-test/sanity-check:) if (aTestcase.expectedDOMStyleVal || aTestcase.expectedCompStyleVal) { ok(false, "Bug in test; testcase w/ 'isInvalid' field also provided " + "an expected*Val field, but should not have"); } aTestcase.expectedDOMStyleVal = ''; aTestcase.expectedCompStyleVal = // initial computed style: getComputedStyleWrapper(elem, aTestcase.targetPropName); } else { // (self-test/sanity-check:) if (!aTestcase.expectedDOMStyleVal) { ok(false, "Bug in test; testcase must provide expectedDOMStyleVal " + "(or set isInvalid if it's testing an invalid decl)"); } // If expected computed style is unspecified, we assume it should match // expected DOM style: if (!aTestcase.expectedCompStyleVal) { aTestcase.expectedCompStyleVal = aTestcase.expectedDOMStyleVal; } } elem.setAttribute("style", aTestcase.decl); // Check that DOM elem.style has the expected value: is(elem.style[aTestcase.targetPropName], aTestcase.expectedDOMStyleVal, "Checking if CSS Unprefixing Service produced expected result " + "in elem.style['" + aTestcase.targetPropName + "'] " + "when given decl '" + aTestcase.decl + "'"); // Check that computed style has the expected value: // (only for longhand properties; shorthands aren't in computed style) if (gCSSProperties[aTestcase.targetPropName].type == CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND) { let computedValue = getComputedStyleWrapper(elem, aTestcase.targetPropName); is(computedValue, aTestcase.expectedCompStyleVal, "Checking if CSS Unprefixing Service produced expected result " + "in computed value of property '" + aTestcase.targetPropName + "' " + "when given decl '" + aTestcase.decl + "'"); } elem.removeAttribute("style"); } // Function used to quickly test that unprefixing is off: function testUnprefixingDisabled() { let elem = document.getElementById("content"); let initialFlexGrow = getComputedStyleWrapper(elem, "flex-grow"); elem.setAttribute("style", "-webkit-box-flex:5"); is(getComputedStyleWrapper(elem, "flex-grow"), initialFlexGrow, "'-webkit-box-flex' shouldn't affect computed 'flex-grow' " + "when CSS Unprefixing Service is inactive"); let initialDisplay = getComputedStyleWrapper(elem, "display"); elem.setAttribute("style", "display:-webkit-box"); is(getComputedStyleWrapper(elem, "display"), initialDisplay, "'display:-webkit-box' shouldn't affect computed 'display' " + "when CSS Unprefixing Service is inactive"); elem.style.display = "-webkit-box"; is(getComputedStyleWrapper(elem, "display"), initialDisplay, "Setting elem.style.display to '-webkit-box' shouldn't affect computed " + "'display' when CSS Unprefixing Service is inactive"); } // Focused test that CSS Unprefixing Service is functioning properly // on direct tweaks to elem.style.display: function testStyleDisplayDirectly() { let elem = document.getElementById("content"); elem.style.display = "-webkit-box"; is(elem.style.display, "flex", "Setting elem.style.display to '-webkit-box' should produce 'flex' " + "in elem.style.display, when CSS Unprefixing Service is active"); is(getComputedStyleWrapper(elem, "display"), "flex", "Setting elem.style.display to '-webkit-box' should produce 'flex' " + "in computed style, when CSS Unprefixing Service is active"); // clean up: elem.style.display = ""; } function startTest() { if (window.location.hash === "#expectEnabled") { testStyleDisplayDirectly(); gTestcases.forEach(runOneTest); } else if (window.location.hash === "#expectDisabled") { testUnprefixingDisabled(); } else { ok(false, "Need a recognized 'window.location.hash' to indicate expectation. " + "Got: '" + window.location.hash + "'"); } window.parent.postMessage({type: "testComplete"}, "*"); } startTest(); </script> </body> </html>