  <title>Test for Bug 435441</title>
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<a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=435441">Mozilla Bug 435441</a>
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/** Test for Bug 435441 **/

 * I want to test a reasonable number of combinations rather than all of
 * them, but I also want the test results to be reproducable.  So use a
 * simple random number generator with my own seed.  See
 * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_congruential_generator
 * (Using the numbers from Numerical Recipes.)
var rand_state = 1938266273; // a randomly (once) generated number in [0,2^32)
var all_integers = true;
function myrand()
  rand_state = ((rand_state * 1664525) + 1013904223) % 0x100000000;
  all_integers = all_integers &&
                 Math.ceil(rand_state) == Math.floor(rand_state);
  return rand_state / 0x100000000; // return value in [0,1)

// We want to test a bunch of values for each property.
// Each of these values will also have a "computed" property filled in
// below, so that we ensure it always computes to the same value.
var values = {
      { lone: true,  specified: "initial" },
      { lone: false, specified: "2s" },
      { lone: false, specified: "0s" },
      { lone: false, specified: "430ms" },
      { lone: false, specified: "1s" },
      { lone: true,  specified: "initial" },
      { lone: true,  specified: "none" },
      { lone: true,  specified: "all" },
      { lone: false, specified: "color" },
      { lone: false, specified: "border-spacing" },
      // Make sure to test the "unknown property" case.
      { lone: false, specified: "unsupported-property" },
      { lone: false, specified: "-other-unsupported-property" },
      { lone: true,  specified: "initial" },
      { lone: false, specified: "linear" },
      { lone: false, specified: "ease" },
      { lone: false, specified: "ease-in-out" },
      { lone: false, specified: "cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.63, 1.00)" },
      { lone: true,  specified: "initial" },
      { lone: false, specified: "2s" },
      { lone: false, specified: "0s" },
      { lone: false, specified: "430ms" },
      { lone: false, specified: "-1s" },

var elt = document.getElementById("content");
var cs = getComputedStyle(elt, "");

// Add the "computed" property to all of the above values.
for (var prop in values) {
  var valueset = values[prop];
  for (var index in valueset) {
    var item = valueset[index];
    elt.style.setProperty(prop, item.specified, "");
    item.computed = cs.getPropertyValue(prop);
    isnot(item.computed, "", "computed value must not be empty");
    if (index != 0) {
      isnot(item.computed, valueset[index-1].computed,
            "computed value must not be the same as the last one");

var child = document.createElement("div");
var child_cs = getComputedStyle(child, "");

// Now test a hundred random combinations of values on the parent and
// child.
for (var iteration = 0; iteration < 100; ++iteration) {
  // Figure out values on the parent.
  var parent_vals = {};
  for (var prop in values) {
    var valueset = values[prop];
    var list_length = Math.ceil(Math.pow(myrand(), 2) * 6);
      // 41% chance of length 1
    var specified = [];
    var computed = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
      var index;
      do {
        index = Math.floor(myrand() * valueset.length);
      } while (list_length != 1 && valueset[index].lone);
    parent_vals[prop] = { specified: specified.join(", "),
                          computed:  computed.join(", ") };
    elt.style.setProperty(prop, parent_vals[prop].specified, "");

  // Figure out values on the child.
  var child_vals = {};
  for (var prop in values) {
    var valueset = values[prop];
    // Use 0 as a magic value for "inherit".
    var list_length = Math.floor(Math.pow(myrand(), 1.5) * 7);
      // 27% chance of inherit
      // 16% chance of length 1
    if (list_length == 0) {
      child_vals[prop] = { specified: "inherit",
                           computed: parent_vals[prop].computed };
    } else {
      var specified = [];
      var computed = [];
      for (var i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
        var index;
        do {
          index = Math.floor(myrand() * valueset.length);
        } while (list_length != 1 && valueset[index].lone);
      child_vals[prop] = { specified: specified.join(", "),
                           computed:  computed.join(", ") };
    child.style.setProperty(prop, child_vals[prop].specified, "");

  // Test computed values
  for (var prop in values) {
    is(cs.getPropertyValue(prop), parent_vals[prop].computed,
       "computed value of " + prop + ": " + parent_vals[prop].specified +
       " on parent.");
    is(child_cs.getPropertyValue(prop), child_vals[prop].computed,
       "computed value of " + prop + ": " + child_vals[prop].specified +
       " on child.");

ok(all_integers, "pseudo-random number generator kept its numbers " +
                 "as integers throughout run");
