  <title>Test for Bug 577974</title>
  <script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/>
  <style id="style">

  @keyframes bounce {
    from {
      margin-left: 0

     * These rules should get dropped due to syntax errors.  The script
     * below tests that the 25% rule following them is at cssRules[1].
    from, { margin-left: 0 }
    from , { margin-left: 0 }
    , from { margin-left: 0 }
    ,from { margin-left: 0 }
    from from { margin-left: 0 }
    from, 1 { margin-left: 0 }
    1 { margin-left: 0 }
    1, from { margin-left: 0 }
    from, 1.0 { margin-left: 0 }
    1.0 { margin-left: 0 }
    1.0, from { margin-left: 0 }

    25% {
      margin-left: 25px;

    75%, 85% {
      margin-left: 90px;

    100% {
      margin-left: 100px;

<a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=577974">Mozilla Bug 577974</a>
<p id="display"></p>
<div id="content" style="display: none">
<pre id="test">
<script type="application/javascript">

/** Test for Bug 577974 **/

var sheet = document.getElementById("style").sheet;

var bounce = sheet.cssRules[0];
is(bounce.type, CSSRule.KEYFRAMES_RULE, "bounce.type");
is(bounce.type, 7, "bounce.type");
is(bounce.name, "bounce", "bounce.name");
bounce.name = "bouncier";
is(bounce.name, "bouncier", "setting bounce.name");

is(bounce.cssRules[0].type, CSSRule.KEYFRAME_RULE, "keyframe rule type");
is(bounce.cssRules[0].type, 8, "keyframe rule type");
is(bounce.cssRules[0].keyText, "0%", "keyframe rule keyText");
is(bounce.cssRules[1].keyText, "25%", "keyframe rule keyText");
is(bounce.cssRules[2].keyText, "75%, 85%", "keyframe rule keyText");
is(bounce.cssRules[3].keyText, "100%", "keyframe rule keyText");
is(bounce.cssRules[0].style.marginLeft, "0px", "keyframe rule style");
is(bounce.cssRules[1].style.marginLeft, "25px", "keyframe rule style");

is(bounce.cssRules[0].cssText, "0% { margin-left: 0px; }");
is(bounce.cssText, "@keyframes bouncier {\n" +
                   "0% { margin-left: 0px; }\n" +
                   "25% { margin-left: 25px; }\n" +
                   "75%, 85% { margin-left: 90px; }\n" +
                   "100% { margin-left: 100px; }\n" +

bounce.cssRules[1].keyText = "from, 1"; // syntax error
bounce.cssRules[1].keyText = "from, x"; // syntax error
bounce.cssRules[1].keyText = "from,"; // syntax error
bounce.cssRules[1].keyText = "from x"; // syntax error
bounce.cssRules[1].keyText = "x"; // syntax error
is(bounce.cssRules[1].keyText, "25%", "keyframe rule keyText parsing");
bounce.cssRules[1].keyText = "from, 10%";
is(bounce.cssRules[1].keyText, "0%, 10%", "keyframe rule keyText parsing");
bounce.cssRules[1].keyText = "from, 0%";
is(bounce.cssRules[1].keyText, "0%, 0%", "keyframe rule keyText parsing");
bounce.cssRules[1].keyText = "from, from, from";
is(bounce.cssRules[1].keyText, "0%, 0%, 0%", "keyframe rule keyText parsing");

is(bounce.findRule("75%"), null, "findRule should match all keys");
is(bounce.findRule("85%, 75%"), null,
   "findRule should match all keys in order");
is(bounce.findRule("75%,85%"), bounce.cssRules[2],
   "findRule should match all keys in order, parsed");
is(bounce.findRule("to"), bounce.cssRules[3],
   "findRule should match keys as parsed");
is(bounce.findRule("100%"), bounce.cssRules[3],
   "findRule should match keys as parsed");
is(bounce.findRule("100%, 100%"), null,
   "findRule should match key list");
is(bounce.findRule("100%,"), null,
   "findRule should fail when given bad selector");
is(bounce.findRule(",100%"), null,
   "findRule should fail when given bad selector");
is(bounce.cssRules.length, 4, "length of css rules");
is(bounce.cssRules.length, 4, "deleteRule should match all keys");
bounce.deleteRule("85%, 75%");
is(bounce.cssRules.length, 4, "deleteRule should match key list");
bounce.deleteRule("75%  ,85%");
is(bounce.cssRules.length, 3, "deleteRule should match keys in order, parsed");
is(bounce.cssRules.length, 2, "deleteRule should match keys in order, parsed");
bounce.appendRule("from { color: blue }");
is(bounce.cssRules.length, 3, "appendRule should append");
is(bounce.cssRules[2].keyText, "0%", "appendRule should append");
bounce.appendRule("from { color: blue }");
is(bounce.cssRules.length, 4, "appendRule should append");
is(bounce.cssRules[3].keyText, "0%", "appendRule should append");
bounce.appendRule("from { color: blue } to { color: green }");
is(bounce.cssRules.length, 4, "appendRule should ignore garbage at end");
