  <title>Test for parsing, storage, and serialization of CSS 'initial' on all properties and 'unset' on reset properties</title>
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/** Test for parsing, storage, and serialization of CSS 'initial' on all
    properties and 'unset' on reset properties **/

var gDeclaration = document.getElementById("testnode").style;

var gTestUnset = SpecialPowers.getBoolPref("layout.css.unset-value.enabled");

 * Checks that the passed-in property-value (returned by getPropertyValue) is
 * consistent with the DOM accessors that we know about for the given sproperty.
function check_consistency(sproperty, valFromGetPropertyValue, messagePrefix)
  var sinfo = gCSSProperties[sproperty];
  is(valFromGetPropertyValue, gDeclaration[sinfo.domProp],
     `(${messagePrefix}) consistency between ` +
     `decl.getPropertyValue(${sproperty}) and decl.${sinfo.domProp}`);

  if (sinfo.domProp.startsWith("webkit")) {
    // For webkit-prefixed DOM accessors, test with lowercase and uppercase
    // first letter.
    var uppercaseDomProp = "W" + sinfo.domProp.substring(1);
    is(valFromGetPropertyValue, gDeclaration[uppercaseDomProp],
       `(${messagePrefix}) consistency between ` +
       `decl.getPropertyValue(${sproperty}) and decl.${uppercaseDomProp}`);

function test_property(property)
  var info = gCSSProperties[property];

  var keywords = ["initial"];
  if (!info.inherited && gTestUnset)

  keywords.forEach(function(keyword) {
    function check_initial(sproperty) {
      var val = gDeclaration.getPropertyValue(sproperty);
      is(val, "", "value of '" + sproperty + "' before we do anything");
      check_consistency(sproperty, val, "initial");
    if ("subproperties" in info)
      for (var idx in info.subproperties)

    gDeclaration.setProperty(property, keyword, "");

    function check_set(sproperty) {
      val = gDeclaration.getPropertyValue(sproperty);
      is(val, keyword,
         keyword + " reported back for property '" + sproperty + "'");
      check_consistency(sproperty, val, "set");
    if ("subproperties" in info)
      for (var idx in info.subproperties)

    // We don't care particularly about the whitespace or the placement of
    // semicolons, but for simplicity we'll test the current behavior.
    if ("alias_for" in info) {
      is(gDeclaration.cssText, info.alias_for + ": " + keyword + ";",
        "declaration should serialize to exactly what went in (for " + keyword + ")");
    } else {
      is(gDeclaration.cssText, property + ": " + keyword + ";",
        "declaration should serialize to exactly what went in (for " + keyword + ")");


    function check_final(sproperty) {
      var val = gDeclaration.getPropertyValue(sproperty);
      is(val, "", "value of '" + sproperty + "' after removal of value");
      check_consistency(sproperty, val, "final");
    if ("subproperties" in info)
      for (var idx in info.subproperties)

    // can all properties be removed from the style?
    function test_remove_all_properties(property, value) {
      var i, p = [];
      for (i = 0; i < gDeclaration.length; i++) p.push(gDeclaration[i]);
      for (i = 0; i < p.length; i++) gDeclaration.removeProperty(p[i]);
      var errstr = "when setting property " + property + " to " + value;
      is(gDeclaration.length, 0, "unremovable properties " + errstr);
      is(gDeclaration.cssText, "", "non-empty serialization after removing all properties " + errstr);

    // sanity check shorthands to make sure disabled props aren't exposed
    if (info.type != CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND) {
      gDeclaration.setProperty(property, keyword, "");
      test_remove_all_properties(property, keyword);

for (var prop in gCSSProperties)
