  <title>Test handling of garbage at the end of CSS declarations</title>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="property_database.js"></script>
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" />
<p id="display"></p>
<div id="content" style="display: none">

<div id="testnode"></div>
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/** Test for correct ExpectEndProperty calls in CSS parser **/

 * Inspired by review comments on bug 378217.
 * The original idea was to test that ExpectEndProperty calls are made
 * in the correct places in the CSS parser so that we don't accept
 * garbage at the end of property values.
 * However, there's actually other code (in ParseDeclaration) that
 * ensures that we don't accept garbage.
 * Despite that, I'm checking it in anyway, since it caught an infinite
 * loop in the patch for bug 435441.

var gElement = document.getElementById("testnode");
var gDeclaration = gElement.style;
var gUnsetValueEnabled = SpecialPowers.getBoolPref("layout.css.unset-value.enabled");

 * This lists properties where garbage identifiers are allowed at the
 * end, with values in property_database.js that are exceptions that
 * should be tested anyway.  "inherit", "initial" and "unset" are always
 * tested.
var gAllowsExtra = {
  "counter-increment": { "none": true },
  "counter-reset": { "none": true },
  "font-family": {},
  "font": { "caption": true, "icon": true, "menu": true, "message-box": true,
            "small-caption": true, "status-bar": true },
  "voice-family": {},
  "list-style": {
    "inside none": true, "none inside": true, "none": true,
    "none outside": true, "outside none": true,
    'url("")': true,
    'url("") outside': true,
    'outside url("")': true

/* These are the reverse of the above list; they're the unusual values
   that do allow extra keywords afterwards */
var gAllowsExtraUnusual = {
  "transition": { "all": true, "0s": true, "0s 0s": true, "ease": true,
                  "1s 2s linear": true, "1s linear 2s": true,
                  "linear 1s 2s": true, "linear 1s": true,
                  "1s linear": true, "1s 2s": true, "2s 1s": true,
                  "linear": true, "1s": true, "2s": true,
                  "ease-in-out": true, "2s ease-in": true,
                  "ease-out 2s": true, "1s width, 2s": true },
  "animation": { "none": true, "0s": true, "ease": true,
                 "normal": true, "running": true, "1.0": true,
                 "1s 2s linear": true, "1s linear 2s": true,
                 "linear 1s 2s": true, "linear 1s": true,
                 "1s linear": true, "1s 2s": true, "2s 1s": true,
                 "linear": true, "1s": true, "2s": true,
                 "ease-in-out": true, "2s ease-in": true,
                 "ease-out 2s": true, "1s bounce, 2s": true,
                 "1s bounce, 2s none": true },
  "font-family": { "inherit": true, "initial": true, "unset": true }

gAllowsExtraUnusual["-moz-transition"] = gAllowsExtraUnusual["transition"];
gAllowsExtraUnusual["-moz-animation"] = gAllowsExtraUnusual["animation"];

function test_property(property)
  var info = gCSSProperties[property];

  function test_value(value) {
    if (property in gAllowsExtra &&
        value != "inherit" && value != "initial" && value != "unset" &&
        !(value in gAllowsExtra[property])) {
    if (property in gAllowsExtraUnusual &&
        value in gAllowsExtraUnusual[property]) {

    // Include non-identifier characters in the garbage
    // in case |value| would also be valid with a <custom-ident> added.
    gElement.setAttribute("style", property + ": " + value + " +blah/");
    if ("subproperties" in info) {
      for (idx in info.subproperties) {
        var subprop = info.subproperties[idx];
        is(gDeclaration.getPropertyValue(subprop), "",
           ["expected garbage ignored after '", property, ": ", value,
            "' when looking at subproperty '", subprop, "'"].join(""));
    } else {
      is(gDeclaration.getPropertyValue(property), "",
         ["expected garbage ignored after '", property, ": ", value,

  var idx;
  if (gUnsetValueEnabled)
  for (idx in info.initial_values)
  for (idx in info.other_values)

// To avoid triggering the slow script dialog, we have to test one
// property at a time.
var props = [];
for (var prop in gCSSProperties)
props = props.reverse();
function do_one() {
  if (props.length == 0) {
