  <title>Test for miscellaneous computed style issues</title>
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<a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=">Mozilla Bug </a>
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<div id="content" style="display: none">
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/** Test for miscellaneous computed style issues **/

var frame_container = document.getElementById("display");
var noframe_container = document.getElementById("content");

(function test_bug_595650() {
  // Test handling of horizontal and vertical percentages for border-radius
  // and -moz-outline-radius.
  var p = document.createElement("p");
  p.setAttribute("style", "width: 256px; height: 128px");
  p.style.borderTopLeftRadius = "1.5625%"; /* 1/64 == 4px 2px */
  p.style.borderTopRightRadius = "5px";
  p.style.borderBottomRightRadius = "5px 3px";
  p.style.borderBottomLeftRadius = "1.5625% 3.125%" /* 1/64 1/32 == 4px 4px */
  p.style.MozOutlineRadiusTopleft = "1.5625%"; /* 1/64 == 4px 2px */
  p.style.MozOutlineRadiusTopright = "5px";
  p.style.MozOutlineRadiusBottomright = "5px 3px";
  p.style.MozOutlineRadiusBottomleft = "1.5625% 3.125%" /* 1/64 1/32 == 4px 4px */
  var cs = getComputedStyle(p, "");

  is(cs.borderTopLeftRadius, "1.5625%",
     "computed value of % border-radius, with frame");
  is(cs.borderTopRightRadius, "5px",
     "computed value of px border-radius, with frame");
  is(cs.borderBottomRightRadius, "5px 3px",
     "computed value of px border-radius, with frame");
  is(cs.borderBottomLeftRadius, "1.5625% 3.125%",
     "computed value of % border-radius, with frame");
  is(cs.MozOutlineRadiusTopleft, "1.5625%",
     "computed value of % outline-radius, with frame");
  is(cs.MozOutlineRadiusTopright, "5px",
     "computed value of px outline-radius, with frame");
  is(cs.MozOutlineRadiusBottomright, "5px 3px",
     "computed value of px outline-radius, with frame");
  is(cs.MozOutlineRadiusBottomleft, "1.5625% 3.125%",
     "computed value of % outline-radius, with frame");

  is(cs.borderTopLeftRadius, "1.5625%",
     "computed value of % border-radius, without frame");
  is(cs.borderTopRightRadius, "5px",
     "computed value of px border-radius, without frame");
  is(cs.borderBottomRightRadius, "5px 3px",
     "computed value of px border-radius, without frame");
  is(cs.borderBottomLeftRadius, "1.5625% 3.125%",
     "computed value of % border-radius, without frame");
  is(cs.MozOutlineRadiusTopleft, "1.5625%",
     "computed value of % outline-radius, without frame");
  is(cs.MozOutlineRadiusTopright, "5px",
     "computed value of px outline-radius, without frame");
  is(cs.MozOutlineRadiusBottomright, "5px 3px",
     "computed value of px outline-radius, without frame");
  is(cs.MozOutlineRadiusBottomleft, "1.5625% 3.125%",
     "computed value of % outline-radius, without frame");


(function test_bug_1292447() {
  // Was for bug 595651 which tests that clamping of border-radius
  // is reflected in computed style.
  // For compatibility issue, resolved value is computed value now.
  var p = document.createElement("p");
  p.setAttribute("style", "width: 190px; height: 90px; border: 5px solid;");
  p.style.borderRadius = "1000px";
  var cs = getComputedStyle(p, "");

  is(cs.borderTopLeftRadius, "1000px",
     "computed value of clamped border radius (top left)");
  is(cs.borderTopRightRadius, "1000px",
     "computed value of clamped border radius (top right)");
  is(cs.borderBottomRightRadius, "1000px",
     "computed value of clamped border radius (bottom right)");
  is(cs.borderBottomLeftRadius, "1000px",
     "computed value of clamped border radius (bottom left)");

  p.style.overflowY = "scroll";
  is(cs.borderTopLeftRadius, "1000px",
     "computed value of clamped border radius (top left, overflow-y)");
  // Fennec doesn't have scrollbars for overflow:scroll content
  if (p.clientWidth == p.offsetWidth - 10) {
    is(cs.borderTopRightRadius, "1000px",
       "computed value of border radius (top right, overflow-y)");
    is(cs.borderBottomRightRadius, "1000px",
       "computed value of border radius (bottom right, overflow-y)");
  } else {
    is(cs.borderTopRightRadius, "1000px",
       "computed value of clamped border radius (top right, overflow-y)");
    is(cs.borderBottomRightRadius, "1000px",
       "computed value of clamped border radius (bottom right, overflow-y)");
  is(cs.borderBottomLeftRadius, "1000px",
     "computed value of clamped border radius (bottom left, overflow-y)");

  p.style.overflowY = "hidden";
  p.style.overflowX = "scroll";
  is(cs.borderTopLeftRadius, "1000px",
     "computed value of clamped border radius (top left, overflow-x)");
  is(cs.borderTopRightRadius, "1000px",
     "computed value of clamped border radius (top right, overflow-x)");
  // Fennec doesn't have scrollbars for overflow:scroll content
  if (p.clientHeight == p.offsetHeight - 10) {
    is(cs.borderBottomRightRadius, "1000px",
       "computed value of border radius (bottom right, overflow-x)");
    is(cs.borderBottomLeftRadius, "1000px",
       "computed value of  border radius (bottom left, overflow-x)");
  } else {
    is(cs.borderBottomRightRadius, "1000px",
       "computed value of clamped border radius (bottom right, overflow-x)");
    is(cs.borderBottomLeftRadius, "1000px",
       "computed value of clamped border radius (bottom left, overflow-x)");


(function test_bug_647885_1() {
  // Test that various background-position styles round-trip correctly
  var backgroundPositions = [
    [ "0 0", "0px 0px", "unitless 0" ],
    [ "0px 0px", "0px 0px", "0 with units" ],
    [ "0% 0%", "0% 0%", "0%" ],
    [ "calc(0px) 0", "0px 0px", "0 calc with units x" ],
    [ "0 calc(0px)", "0px 0px", "0 calc with units y" ],
    [ "calc(3px - 3px) 0", "0px 0px", "computed 0 calc with units x" ],
    [ "0 calc(3px - 3px)", "0px 0px", "computed 0 calc with units y" ],
    [ "calc(0%) 0", "0% 0px", "0% calc x"],
    [ "0 calc(0%)", "0px 0%", "0% calc y"],
    [ "calc(3px + 2% - 2%) 0", "calc(3px + 0%) 0px",
      "computed 0% calc x"],
    [ "0 calc(3px + 2% - 2%)", "0px calc(3px + 0%)",
      "computed 0% calc y"],
    [ "calc(3px - 5px) calc(6px - 7px)", "-2px -1px",
      "negative pixel width"],
    [ "", "0% 0%", "initial value" ],

  var p = document.createElement("p");
  var cs = getComputedStyle(p, "");

  for (var i = 0; i < backgroundPositions.length; ++i) {
    var test = backgroundPositions[i];
    p.style.backgroundPosition = test[0];
    is(cs.backgroundPosition, test[1], "computed value of " + test[2] + " background-position");


(function test_bug_647885_2() {
  // Test that various background-size styles round-trip correctly
  var backgroundSizes = [
    [ "0 0", "0px 0px", "unitless 0" ],
    [ "0px 0px", "0px 0px", "0 with units" ],
    [ "0% 0%", "0% 0%", "0%" ],
    [ "calc(0px) 0", "0px 0px", "0 calc with units horizontal" ],
    [ "0 calc(0px)", "0px 0px", "0 calc with units vertical" ],
    [ "calc(3px - 3px) 0", "0px 0px", "computed 0 calc with units horizontal" ],
    [ "0 calc(3px - 3px)", "0px 0px", "computed 0 calc with units vertical" ],
    [ "calc(0%) 0", "0% 0px", "0% calc horizontal"],
    [ "0 calc(0%)", "0px 0%", "0% calc vertical"],
    [ "calc(3px + 2% - 2%) 0", "calc(3px + 0%) 0px",
                      "computed 0% calc horizontal"],
    [ "0 calc(3px + 2% - 2%)", "0px calc(3px + 0%)",
                      "computed 0% calc vertical"],
    [ "calc(3px - 5px) calc(6px - 9px)",
      "calc(-2px) calc(-3px)", "negative pixel width" ],
    [ "", "auto auto", "initial value" ],

  var p = document.createElement("p");
  var cs = getComputedStyle(p, "");

  for (var i = 0; i < backgroundSizes.length; ++i) {
    var test = backgroundSizes[i];
    p.style.backgroundSize = test[0];
    is(cs.backgroundSize, test[1], "computed value of " + test[2] + " background-size");


(function test_bug_716628() {
  // Test that various gradient styles round-trip correctly
  var backgroundImages = [
    [ "-moz-radial-gradient(10% bottom, #ffffff, black)",
      "radial-gradient(at 10% 100%, rgb(255, 255, 255), rgb(0, 0, 0))",
      "radial gradient 1" ],
    [ "-moz-radial-gradient(#ffffff, black)",
      "radial-gradient(rgb(255, 255, 255), rgb(0, 0, 0))",
      "radial gradient 2" ],
    [ "-moz-radial-gradient(cover, #ffffff, black)",
      "radial-gradient(rgb(255, 255, 255), rgb(0, 0, 0))",
      "radial gradient 3" ],
    [ "-moz-radial-gradient(top left -45deg, #ffffff, black)",
      "-moz-radial-gradient(0% 0% -45deg, rgb(255, 255, 255), rgb(0, 0, 0))",
      "radial gradient with angle in degrees" ],
    [ "-moz-linear-gradient(red, blue)",
      "linear-gradient(rgb(255, 0, 0), rgb(0, 0, 255))",
      "linear gradient 1" ],
    [ "-moz-linear-gradient(to bottom, red, blue)",
      "linear-gradient(rgb(255, 0, 0), rgb(0, 0, 255))",
      "linear gradient 2" ],
    [ "-moz-linear-gradient(to right, red, blue)",
      "linear-gradient(to right, rgb(255, 0, 0), rgb(0, 0, 255))",
      "linear gradient 3" ],
    [ "-moz-linear-gradient(10px 10px -45deg, red, blue)",
      "-moz-linear-gradient(10px 10px -45deg, rgb(255, 0, 0), rgb(0, 0, 255))",
      "linear gradient with angle in degrees" ],
    [ "-moz-linear-gradient(10px 10px -0.125turn, red, blue)",
      "-moz-linear-gradient(10px 10px -0.125turn, rgb(255, 0, 0), rgb(0, 0, 255))",
      "linear gradient with angle in turns" ],

  var p = document.createElement("p");
  var cs = getComputedStyle(p, "");

  for (var i = 0; i < backgroundImages.length; ++i) {
    var test = backgroundImages[i];
    p.style.backgroundImage = test[0];
    is(cs.backgroundImage, test[1], "computed value of " + test[2] + " background-image");


(function test_bug_1235015() {
  if (!("maskImage" in document.documentElement.style)) {

  // "masks" object contains non-initial mask longhand values.
  var emptyMasks = {
    // More then one <mask-reference>, or any mask-image value other then
    // <mask-source>,
    "mask-image": [
      "url(#mask1), url(#mask2)",
      "linear-gradient(red, yellow)",
    // any mask-clip value other than "border-box".
    "mask-clip": [
      "content-box", "padding-box", "margin-box", "fill-box", "stroke-box",
      "view-box", "no-clip"
    // any mask-origin  value other than "border-box".
    "mask-origin": [
      "content-box", "padding-box", "margin-box", "fill-box", "stroke-box",
    // any mask-composite value other than "add".
    "mask-composite": [
      "subtract", "intersect", "exclude"
    // any mask-mode value other than "match-source".
    "mask-mode": [
      "alpha", "luminance"
    // any mask-position value other then "0%" "top" "left"
    // "center center".
    "mask-position": [
      "0%", "center", "right", "bottom", "50%", "100%"
    // any mask-repeat value other then "repeat" "repeat repeat".
    "mask-repeat": [
      "repeat-x", "repeat-y", "no-repeat", "space", "round"
    // any mask-size value other then "auto" "auto auto".
    "mask-size": [
      "10px", "100%", "cover", "contain", "auto 5px"

  // "masks" object contains initial mask longhand values.
  var nonEmptyMasks = {
    "mask-image": [
      "url(#mask1)", "none"
    "mask-clip": [
    "mask-origin": [
    "mask-composite": [
    "mask-mode": [
    "mask-position": [
      "0% 0%", "left top"
    "mask-repeat": [
      "repeat", "repeat repeat"
    "mask-size": [
      "auto", "auto auto"

  var p = document.createElement("p");
  var cs = getComputedStyle(p, "");

  for (var prop in emptyMasks) {
    var subProp = emptyMasks[prop];
    for (var i = 0; i < subProp.length; i++) {
      p.style.mask = subProp[i];
      is(cs.mask, "", "computed value of " + subProp[i] + " mask");

  for (var prop in nonEmptyMasks) {
    var subProp = nonEmptyMasks[prop];
    for (var i = 0; i < subProp.length; i++) {
      p.style.mask = subProp[i];
      isnot(cs.mask, "", "computed value of " + subProp[i] + " mask");

(function test_bug_1293164() {

  var p = document.createElement("p");
  var cs = getComputedStyle(p, "");

  var docPath = document.URL.substring(0, document.URL.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);

  var localURL = "url(\"#foo\")";
  var nonLocalURL = "url(\"foo.svg#foo\")";
  var resolvedNonLocalURL = "url(\"" + docPath + "foo.svg#foo\")";

  var testStyles = {
    "mask" : "",
    "markerStart" : "",
    "markerMid" : "",
    "markerEnd" : "",
    "clipPath" : "",
    "filter" : "",
    "fill" : " transparent",
    "stroke" : " transparent",

  for (var prop in testStyles) {
    p.style[prop] = localURL;
    is(cs[prop], localURL + testStyles[prop], "computed value of " + prop);
    p.style[prop] = nonLocalURL;
    is(cs[prop], resolvedNonLocalURL + testStyles[prop], "computed value of " + prop);


(function test_bug_1347164() {
  // Test that computed color values are serialized as "rgb()"
  // IFF they're fully-opaque (and otherwise as "rgba()").
  var color = [
    ["rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)", "rgb(0, 0, 0)"],
    ["rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)", "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)"],
    ["hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 1)", "rgb(0, 0, 0)"],
    ["hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 0.5)", "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)"],
    // css-color-4
    ["rgba(0 0 0 / 1)", "rgb(0, 0, 0)"],
    ["rgba(0 0 0 / 0.5)", "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)"],
    ["rgb(0 0 0 / 1)", "rgb(0, 0, 0)"],
    ["rgb(0 0 0 / 0.5)", "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)"],
    ["hsla(0 0% 0% / 1)", "rgb(0, 0, 0)"],
    ["hsla(0deg 0% 0% / 0.5)", "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)"],
    ["hsl(0 0% 0% / 1)", "rgb(0, 0, 0)"],
    ["hsl(0 0% 0% / 0.5)", "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)"],

  var p = document.createElement("p");
  var cs = getComputedStyle(p, "");

  for (var i = 0; i < color.length; ++i) {
    var test = color[i];
    p.style.color = test[0];
    is(cs.color, test[1], "computed value of " + test[0]);

