  <title>Test for Bug 652486 and Bug 1039488</title>
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<a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=652486">Mozilla Bug 652486</a>
<a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1039488">Mozilla Bug 1039488</a>

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<pre id="test">
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/** Test for Bug 652486 and Bug 1039488 **/

function c() {
  return document.defaultView.getComputedStyle($('t'), "").

var tests = [
  // When only text-decoration was specified, text-decoration should look like
  // a longhand property.
  { decoration: "none",
    line: null, color: null, style: null,
    expectedValue: "none", expectedCSSValue: "none" },
  { decoration: "underline",
    line: null, color: null, style: null,
    expectedValue: "underline", expectedCSSValue: "underline" },
  { decoration: "overline",
    line: null, color: null, style: null,
    expectedValue: "overline", expectedCSSValue: "overline" },
  { decoration: "line-through",
    line: null, color: null, style: null,
    expectedValue: "line-through", expectedCSSValue: "line-through" },
  { decoration: "blink",
    line: null, color: null, style: null,
    expectedValue: "blink", expectedCSSValue: "blink" },
  { decoration: "underline overline",
    line: null, color: null, style: null,
    expectedValue: "underline overline",
    expectedCSSValue: "underline overline" },
  { decoration: "underline line-through",
    line: null, color: null, style: null,
    expectedValue: "underline line-through",
    expectedCSSValue: "underline line-through" },
  { decoration: "blink underline",
    line: null, color: null, style: null,
    expectedValue: "underline blink",
    expectedCSSValue: "underline blink" },
  { decoration: "underline blink",
    line: null, color: null, style: null,
    expectedValue: "underline blink",
    expectedCSSValue: "underline blink" },

  // When only text-decoration-line or text-blink was specified,
  // text-decoration should look like a longhand property.
  { decoration: null,
    line: "blink", color: null, style: null,
    expectedValue: "blink", expectedCSSValue: "blink" },
  { decoration: null,
    line: "underline", color: null, style: null,
    expectedValue: "underline", expectedCSSValue: "underline" },
  { decoration: null,
    line: "overline", color: null, style: null,
    expectedValue: "overline", expectedCSSValue: "overline" },
  { decoration: null,
    line: "line-through", color: null, style: null,
    expectedValue: "line-through", expectedCSSValue: "line-through" },
  { decoration: null,
    line: "blink underline", color: null, style: null,
    expectedValue: "underline blink", expectedCSSValue: "underline blink" },

  // When text-decoration-color isn't its initial value,
  // text-decoration should be a shorthand property.
  { decoration: "blink",
    line: null, color: "rgb(0, 0, 0)", style: null,
    expectedValue: "blink rgb(0, 0, 0)", expectedCSSValue: [ "blink", [0, 0, 0] ] },
  { decoration: "underline",
    line: null, color: "black", style: null,
    expectedValue: "underline rgb(0, 0, 0)", expectedCSSValue: [ "underline", [0, 0, 0] ] },
  { decoration: "overline",
    line: null, color: "#ff0000", style: null,
    expectedValue: "overline rgb(255, 0, 0)", expectedCSSValue: [ "overline", [255, 0, 0] ] },
  { decoration: "line-through",
    line: null, color: "initial", style: null,
    expectedValue: "line-through", expectedCSSValue: "line-through" },
  { decoration: "blink underline",
    line: null, color: "currentColor", style: null,
    expectedValue: "underline blink", expectedCSSValue: "underline blink" },
  { decoration: "underline line-through",
    line: null, color: "currentcolor", style: null,
    expectedValue: "underline line-through",
    expectedCSSValue: "underline line-through" },

  // When text-decoration-style isn't its initial value,
  // text-decoration should be a shorthand property.
  { decoration: "blink",
    line: null, color: null, style: "-moz-none",
    expectedValue: "blink -moz-none", expectedCSSValue: [ "blink", "-moz-none" ] },
  { decoration: "underline",
    line: null, color: null, style: "dotted",
    expectedValue: "underline dotted", expectedCSSValue: [ "underline", "dotted" ] },
  { decoration: "overline",
    line: null, color: null, style: "dashed",
    expectedValue: "overline dashed", expectedCSSValue: [ "overline", "dashed" ] },
  { decoration: "line-through",
    line: null, color: null, style: "double",
    expectedValue: "line-through double", expectedCSSValue: [ "line-through", "double" ] },
  { decoration: "blink underline",
    line: null, color: null, style: "wavy",
    expectedValue: "underline blink wavy", expectedCSSValue: [ "underline blink", "wavy" ] },
  { decoration: "underline blink overline line-through",
    line: null, color: null, style: "solid",
    expectedValue: "underline overline line-through blink",
    expectedCSSValue: "underline overline line-through blink" },
  { decoration: "line-through overline underline",
    line: null, color: null, style: "initial",
    expectedValue: "underline overline line-through",
    expectedCSSValue: "underline overline line-through" }

function makeDeclaration(aTest)
  var str = "";
  if (aTest.decoration) {
    str += "text-decoration: " + aTest.decoration + "; ";
  if (aTest.color) {
    str += "text-decoration-color: " + aTest.color + "; ";
  if (aTest.line) {
    str += "text-decoration-line: " + aTest.line + "; ";
  if (aTest.style) {
    str += "text-decoration-style: " + aTest.style + "; ";
  return str;

function clearStyleObject()
  $('t').style.textDecoration = null;

function testCSSValue(testname, test, dec) {
  var val = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle($('t'), "").
  isnot(val, null, testname + " (CSS value): " + dec);

  if (typeof test.expectedCSSValue == "string") {
    is(val.getStringValue(), test.expectedCSSValue, testname + " (CSS value): " + dec);

  is(val.length, test.expectedCSSValue.length, testname + " (CSS value length): " + dec);
  for (var i = 0; i < val.length; i ++) {
    var actual = val[i];
    var expected = test.expectedCSSValue[i];
    if (typeof expected == "string") {
      is(actual.getStringValue(), expected, testname + " (CSS value [" + i + "] value): " + dec);
    } else if (typeof expected == "object") {
      var rgb = actual.getRGBColorValue();
      is(rgb.red.getFloatValue(CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_NUMBER), expected[0], testname + " (CSS value [" + i + "] red): " + dec);
      is(rgb.green.getFloatValue(CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_NUMBER), expected[1], testname + " (CSS value [" + i + "] green): " + dec);
      is(rgb.blue.getFloatValue(CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_NUMBER), expected[2], testname + " (CSS value [" + i + "] blue): " + dec);

for (var i = 0; i < tests.length; ++i) {
  var test = tests[i];
  if (test.decoration) {
    $('t').style.textDecoration = test.decoration;
  if (test.color) {
    $('t').style.textDecorationColor = test.color;
  if (test.line) {
    $('t').style.textDecorationLine = test.line;
  if (test.style) {
    $('t').style.textDecorationStyle = test.style;

  var dec = makeDeclaration(test);
  is(c(), test.expectedValue, "Test1 (computed value): " + dec);
  testCSSValue("Test1", test, dec);


  $('t').setAttribute("style", dec);

  is(c(), test.expectedValue, "Test2 (computed value): " + dec);
  testCSSValue("Test2", test, dec);

