  <title>Test for additional sheets</title>
  <script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/>
<body onload="run()">
<a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=737003">Mozilla Bug 737003</a>
<iframe id="iframe" src="additional_sheets_helper.html"></iframe>
<pre id="test">
<script type="application/javascript; version=1.8">

var gIOService = SpecialPowers.Cc["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"]

var gSSService = SpecialPowers.Cc["@mozilla.org/content/style-sheet-service;1"]

function getUri(style)
  return "data:text/css," + style;

function getStyle(color, swapped)
  return "body {color: " + color +  (swapped ? " !important" : "") +
    "; background-color: " + color + (swapped ? "" : " !important;") + ";}";

function loadUserSheet(win, style)
  loadSheet(win, style, "USER_SHEET");

function loadAgentSheet(win, style)
  loadSheet(win, style, "AGENT_SHEET");

function loadAuthorSheet(win, style)
  loadSheet(win, style, "AUTHOR_SHEET");

function removeUserSheet(win, style)
  removeSheet(win, style, "USER_SHEET");

function removeAgentSheet(win, style)
  removeSheet(win, style, "AGENT_SHEET");

function removeAuthorSheet(win, style)
  removeSheet(win, style, "AUTHOR_SHEET");

function loadSheet(win, style, type)
  var uri = gIOService.newURI(getUri(style), null, null);
  var windowUtils = SpecialPowers.wrap(win)
  windowUtils.loadSheet(uri, windowUtils[type]);

function removeSheet(win, style, type)
  var uri = gIOService.newURI(getUri(style), null, null);
  var windowUtils = SpecialPowers.wrap(win)
  windowUtils.removeSheet(uri, windowUtils[type]);

function loadAndRegisterUserSheet(win, style)
  loadAndRegisterSheet(win, style, "USER_SHEET");

function loadAndRegisterAgentSheet(win, style)
  loadAndRegisterSheet(win, style, "AGENT_SHEET");

function loadAndRegisterAuthorSheet(win, style)
  loadAndRegisterSheet(win, style, "AUTHOR_SHEET");

function unregisterUserSheet(win, style)
  unregisterSheet(win, style, "USER_SHEET");

function unregisterAgentSheet(win, style)
  unregisterSheet(win, style, "AGENT_SHEET");

function unregisterAuthorSheet(win, style)
  unregisterSheet(win, style, "AUTHOR_SHEET");

function loadAndRegisterSheet(win, style, type)
  uri = gIOService.newURI(getUri(style), null, null);
  gSSService.loadAndRegisterSheet(uri, gSSService[type]);
  is(gSSService.sheetRegistered(uri, gSSService[type]), true);

function unregisterSheet(win, style, type)
  var uri = gIOService.newURI(getUri(style), null, null);
  gSSService.unregisterSheet(uri, gSSService[type]);
  is(gSSService.sheetRegistered(uri, gSSService[type]), false);

function setDocSheet(win, style)
  var subdoc = win.document;
  var headID = subdoc.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
  var cssNode = subdoc.createElement('style');
  cssNode.type = 'text/css';
  cssNode.innerHTML = style;
  cssNode.id = 'docsheet';

function removeDocSheet(win)
  var subdoc = win.document;
  var node = subdoc.getElementById('docsheet');

var agent = {
  type: 'agent',
  color: 'rgb(255, 0, 0)',
  addRules: loadAndRegisterAgentSheet,
  removeRules: unregisterAgentSheet

var user = {
  type: 'user',
  color: 'rgb(0, 255, 0)',
  addRules: loadAndRegisterUserSheet,
  removeRules: unregisterUserSheet

var additionalAgent = {
  type: 'additionalAgent',
  color: 'rgb(0, 0, 255)',
  addRules: loadAgentSheet,
  removeRules: removeAgentSheet

var additionalUser = {
  type: 'additionalUser',
  color: 'rgb(255, 255, 0)',
  addRules: loadUserSheet,
  removeRules: removeUserSheet

var additionalAuthor = {
  type: 'additionalAuthor',
  color: 'rgb(255, 255, 0)',
  addRules: loadAuthorSheet,
  removeRules: removeAuthorSheet

var doc = {
  type: 'doc',
  color: 'rgb(0, 255, 255)',
  addRules: setDocSheet,
  removeRules: removeDocSheet

var author = {
  type: 'author',
  color: 'rgb(255, 0, 255)',
  addRules: loadAndRegisterAuthorSheet,
  removeRules: unregisterAuthorSheet

function loadAndCheck(win, firstType, secondType, swap, result1, result2)
  var firstStyle = getStyle(firstType.color, false);
  var secondStyle = getStyle(secondType.color, swap);

  firstType.addRules(win, firstStyle);
  secondType.addRules(win, secondStyle);

  var cs = win.getComputedStyle(win.document.body, null);
  is(cs.getPropertyValue('color'), result1,
    firstType.type + "(normal)" + " vs " + secondType.type + (swap ? "(important)" : "(normal)" ) + " 1");
  is(cs.getPropertyValue('background-color'), result2,
    firstType.type + "(important)" + " vs " + secondType.type + (swap ? "(normal)" : "(important)" ) + " 2");

  firstType.removeRules(win, firstStyle);
  secondType.removeRules(win, secondStyle);

  is(cs.getPropertyValue('color'), 'rgb(0, 0, 0)', firstType.type + " vs " + secondType.type + " 3");
  is(cs.getPropertyValue('background-color'), 'transparent', firstType.type + " vs " + secondType.type + " 4");

// There are 8 cases. Regular against regular, regular against important, important
// against regular, important against important. We can load style from typeA first
// then typeB or the other way around so that's 4*2=8 cases.

function testStyleVsStyle(win, typeA, typeB, results)
  function color(res)
    return res ? typeB.color : typeA.color;

  loadAndCheck(win, typeA, typeB, false, color(results.AB.rr), color(results.AB.ii));
  loadAndCheck(win, typeB, typeA, false, color(results.BA.rr), color(results.BA.ii));

  loadAndCheck(win, typeA, typeB, true, color(results.AB.ri), color(results.AB.ir));
  loadAndCheck(win, typeB, typeA, true, color(results.BA.ir), color(results.BA.ri));

// 5 user agent normal declarations
// 4 user normal declarations
// 3 author normal declarations
// 2 author important declarations
// 1 user important declarations
// 0 user agent important declarations

function run()
  var iframe = document.getElementById("iframe");
  var win = iframe.contentWindow;

// Some explanation how to interpret this result table...
// in case of loading the agent style first and the user style later (AB)
// if there is an important rule in both for let's say color (ii)
// the rule specified in the agent style will lead (AB.ii == 0)
// If both rules would be just regular rules the one specified in the user style
// would lead. (AB.rr == 1). If we would load/add the rules in reverse order that
// would not change that (BA.rr == 1)
  testStyleVsStyle(win, agent, user,
                   {AB:{rr:1, ii:0, ri:1, ir:0}, BA:{rr:1, ii:0, ri:1, ir:0}});

  testStyleVsStyle(win, agent, doc,
                   {AB:{rr:1, ii:0, ri:1, ir:0}, BA:{rr:1, ii:0, ri:1, ir:0}});

  testStyleVsStyle(win, additionalUser, agent,
                   {AB:{rr:0, ii:1, ri:1, ir:0}, BA:{rr:0, ii:1, ri:1, ir:0}});

  testStyleVsStyle(win, additionalUser, doc,
                   {AB:{rr:1, ii:0, ri:1, ir:0}, BA:{rr:1, ii:0, ri:1, ir:0}});

  testStyleVsStyle(win, additionalAgent, user,
                   {AB:{rr:1, ii:0, ri:1, ir:0}, BA:{rr:1, ii:0, ri:1, ir:0}});

  testStyleVsStyle(win, additionalAgent, doc,
                   {AB:{rr:1, ii:0, ri:1, ir:0}, BA:{rr:1, ii:0, ri:1, ir:0}});

  testStyleVsStyle(win, additionalAgent, additionalUser,
                   {AB:{rr:1, ii:0, ri:1, ir:0}, BA:{rr:1, ii:0, ri:1, ir:0}});

  testStyleVsStyle(win, author, doc,
                   {AB:{rr:0, ii:0, ri:1, ir:0}, BA:{rr:0, ii:0, ri:1, ir:0}});

  testStyleVsStyle(win, author, user,
                   {AB:{rr:0, ii:1, ri:1, ir:0}, BA:{rr:0, ii:1, ri:1, ir:0}});

  testStyleVsStyle(win, author, agent,
                   {AB:{rr:0, ii:1, ri:1, ir:0}, BA:{rr:0, ii:1, ri:1, ir:0}});

  testStyleVsStyle(win, author, additionalUser,
                   {AB:{rr:0, ii:1, ri:1, ir:0}, BA:{rr:0, ii:1, ri:1, ir:0}});

  testStyleVsStyle(win, additionalAuthor, doc,
                   {AB:{rr:0, ii:0, ri:1, ir:0}, BA:{rr:0, ii:0, ri:1, ir:0}});

  testStyleVsStyle(win, additionalAuthor, author,
                   {AB:{rr:0, ii:0, ri:1, ir:0}, BA:{rr:0, ii:0, ri:1, ir:0}});

  testStyleVsStyle(win, additionalAuthor, user,
                     {AB:{rr:0, ii:1, ri:1, ir:0}, BA:{rr:0, ii:1, ri:1, ir:0}});

  testStyleVsStyle(win, additionalAuthor, agent,
                     {AB:{rr:0, ii:1, ri:1, ir:0}, BA:{rr:0, ii:1, ri:1, ir:0}});

  testStyleVsStyle(win, additionalAuthor, additionalUser,
                   {AB:{rr:0, ii:1, ri:1, ir:0}, BA:{rr:0, ii:1, ri:1, ir:0}});

  // Bug 1228542
  var url = getStyle('rgb(255, 0, 0)');
  loadAndRegisterAuthorSheet(win, url);
  // Avoiding security exception...
  (new win.Function("document.open()"))();
  (new win.Function("document.close()"))();
  unregisterAuthorSheet(win, url);


