
This is test 46 from the Acid3 test, http://acid3.acidtests.org/
extracted from the test framework there and put into Mochitest.

(from irc.mozilla.org, developers)
[2008-05-14 18:07:38] <Hixie> dbaron: I hereby grant all files available from the server http://acid3.acidtests.org/ under the following license: (c) copyright 2008 Ian Hickson. These documents may be used under the terms of any of the following licenses: MPL. GPL. LGPL. BSD.

  <title>Test for Bug 156716</title>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
  <style type="text/css">
  iframe#selectors { width: 0; height: 0; }
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" />
<a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=156716">Mozilla Bug 156716</a>
<div id="content" style="display: none">
<pre id="test">
<script class="testbody" type="text/javascript">

/** Test for Bug 156716 **/
function runTest() {

  function getTestDocument() {
    var iframe = document.getElementById("selectors");
    var doc = iframe.contentDocument;
    for (var i = doc.documentElement.childNodes.length-1; i >= 0; i -= 1)
    return doc;

  // test 46: media queries
  var doc = getTestDocument();
  var style = doc.createElement('style');
  style.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');
  style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('@media all and (min-color: 0) { #a { text-transform: uppercase; } }'));                         // matches
  style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('@media not all and (min-color: 0) { #b { text-transform: uppercase; } }'));
  style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('@media only all and (min-color: 0) { #c { text-transform: uppercase; } }'));                    // matches
  style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('@media (bogus) { #d { text-transform: uppercase; } }'));
  style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('@media all and (bogus) { #e { text-transform: uppercase; } }'));
  style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('@media not all and (bogus) { #f { text-transform: uppercase; } }'));                            // matches
  style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('@media only all and (bogus) { #g { text-transform: uppercase; } }'));
  style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('@media (bogus), all { #h { text-transform: uppercase; } }'));                                   // matches
  style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('@media all and (bogus), all { #i { text-transform: uppercase; } }'));                           // matches
  style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('@media not all and (bogus), all { #j { text-transform: uppercase; } }'));                       // matches
  style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('@media only all and (bogus), all { #k { text-transform: uppercase; } }'));                      // matches
  style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('@media all, (bogus) { #l { text-transform: uppercase; } }'));                                   // matches
  style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('@media all, all and (bogus) { #m { text-transform: uppercase; } }'));                           // matches
  style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('@media all, not all and (bogus) { #n { text-transform: uppercase; } }'));                       // matches
  style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('@media all, only all and (bogus) { #o { text-transform: uppercase; } }'));                      // matches
  style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('@media all and color { #p { text-transform: uppercase; } }'));
  style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('@media all and min-color: 0 { #q { text-transform: uppercase; } }'));
  style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('@media all, all and color { #r { text-transform: uppercase; } }'));
  style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('@media all, all and min-color: 0 { #s { text-transform: uppercase; } }'));
  style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('@media all and min-color: 0, all { #t { text-transform: uppercase; } }'));
  style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('@media (max-color: 0) and (max-monochrome: 0) { #u { text-transform: uppercase; } }'));
  style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('@media (min-color: 1), (min-monochrome: 1) { #v { text-transform: uppercase; } }'));            // matches
  style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('@media all and (min-color: 0) and (min-monochrome: 0) { #w { text-transform: uppercase; } }')); // matches
  style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('@media not all and (min-color: 1), not all and (min-monochrome: 1) { #x { text-transform: uppercase; } }')); // matches
  style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('@media all and (min-height: 1em) and (min-width: 1em) { #y1 { text-transform: uppercase; } }'));
  style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('@media all and (max-height: 1em) and (min-width: 1em) { #y2 { text-transform: uppercase; } }'));
  style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('@media all and (min-height: 1em) and (max-width: 1em) { #y3 { text-transform: uppercase; } }'));
  style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('@media all and (max-height: 1em) and (max-width: 1em) { #y4 { text-transform: uppercase; } }')); // matches
  var names = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y1', 'y2', 'y3', 'y4'];
  for (var i in names) {
	var p = doc.createElement('p');
	p.id = names[i];
  var count = 0;
  var check = function (c, e) {
	count += 1;
	var p = doc.getElementById(c);
	is(doc.defaultView.getComputedStyle(p, '').textTransform, e ? 'uppercase' : 'none', "case " + c + " failed (index " + count + ")");
  check('a', true); // 1
  check('b', false);
  check('c', true);
  check('d', false);
  check('e', false);
  check('f', false); // true in old spec; commented out in real Acid3
  check('g', false);
  check('h', true);
  check('i', true);
  check('j', true); // 10
  check('k', true);
  check('l', true);
  check('m', true);
  check('n', true);
  check('o', true);
  check('p', false);
  check('q', false);
  check('r', true); // false in old spec
  check('s', true); // false in old spec
  check('t', true); // 20 - false in old spec
  check('u', false);
  check('v', true);
  check('w', true);
  check('x', true);
  // here the viewport is 0x0
  check('y1', false); // 25
  check('y2', false);
  check('y3', false);
  check('y4', true);
  document.getElementById("selectors").setAttribute("style", "height: 100px; width: 100px");
  // now the viewport is more than 1em by 1em
  check('y1', true); // 29
  check('y2', false);
  check('y3', false);
  check('y4', false);
  // here the viewport is 0x0 again
  check('y1', false); // 33
  check('y2', false);
  check('y3', false);
  check('y4', true);
<p id="display">
  <iframe src="empty.html" id="selectors" onload="runTest()"></iframe>