<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"
<html lang="en-US">
  <title>Bug 453896 Test middle frame</title>
  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
  <meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
  <script type="application/javascript; version=1.7">

function run(test_window)
  var subdoc = document.getElementById("subdoc").contentDocument;
  var subwin = document.getElementById("subdoc").contentWindow;
  var style = subdoc.getElementById("style");
  var iframe_style = document.getElementById("subdoc").style;
  var body_cs = subdoc.defaultView.getComputedStyle(subdoc.body, "");

  function query_applies(q) {
    style.setAttribute("media", q);
    return body_cs.getPropertyValue("text-decoration") == "underline";

  function should_apply(q) {
    test_window.ok(query_applies(q), q + " should apply");

  function should_not_apply(q) {
    test_window.ok(!query_applies(q), q + " should not apply");

  // in this test, assume the common underlying implementation is correct
  let width_val = 157; // pick two not-too-round numbers
  let height_val = 182;
  iframe_style.width = width_val + "px";
  iframe_style.height = height_val + "px";
  for (let [feature, value] of
         Object.entries({ "width": width_val, "height": height_val })) {
    should_apply("all and (" + feature + ": " + value + "px)");
    should_not_apply("all and (" + feature + ": " + (value + 1) + "px)");
    should_not_apply("all and (" + feature + ": " + (value - 1) + "px)");

  iframe_style.width = "0";
  should_apply("all and (height)");
  should_not_apply("all and (width)");
  iframe_style.height = "0";
  should_not_apply("all and (height)");
  should_not_apply("all and (width)");
  should_apply("all and (device-height)");
  should_apply("all and (device-width)");
  iframe_style.width = width_val + "px";
  should_not_apply("all and (height)");
  should_apply("all and (width)");
  iframe_style.height = height_val + "px";
  should_apply("all and (height)");
  should_apply("all and (width)");


<iframe id="subdoc" src="media_queries_iframe.html"></iframe>
