/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef mozilla_ServoBindingTypes_h #define mozilla_ServoBindingTypes_h #include "mozilla/RefPtr.h" #include "mozilla/UniquePtr.h" struct ServoComputedValues; struct RawServoStyleSheet; struct RawServoStyleSet; struct RawServoDeclarationBlock; namespace mozilla { namespace dom { class Element; class StyleChildrenIterator; } // namespace dom } // namespace mozilla class nsCSSValue; class nsIDocument; class nsINode; using mozilla::dom::StyleChildrenIterator; typedef nsINode RawGeckoNode; typedef mozilla::dom::Element RawGeckoElement; typedef nsIDocument RawGeckoDocument; // We have these helper types so that we can directly generate // things like &T or Borrowed<T> on the Rust side in the function, providing // additional safety benefits. // // FFI has a problem with templated types, so we just use raw pointers here. // // The "Borrowed" types generate &T or Borrowed<T> in the nullable case. // // The "Owned" types generate Owned<T> or OwnedOrNull<T>. Some of these // are Servo-managed and can be converted to Box<ServoType> on the // Servo side. // // The "Arc" types are Servo-managed Arc<ServoType>s, which are passed // over FFI as Strong<T> (which is nullable). // Note that T != ServoType, rather T is ArcInner<ServoType> #define DECL_BORROWED_REF_TYPE_FOR(type_) typedef type_ const* type_##Borrowed; #define DECL_NULLABLE_BORROWED_REF_TYPE_FOR(type_) typedef type_ const* type_##BorrowedOrNull; #define DECL_BORROWED_MUT_REF_TYPE_FOR(type_) typedef type_* type_##BorrowedMut; #define DECL_NULLABLE_BORROWED_MUT_REF_TYPE_FOR(type_) typedef type_* type_##BorrowedMutOrNull; #define DECL_ARC_REF_TYPE_FOR(type_) \ DECL_NULLABLE_BORROWED_REF_TYPE_FOR(type_) \ DECL_BORROWED_REF_TYPE_FOR(type_) \ struct MOZ_MUST_USE_TYPE type_##Strong \ { \ type_* mPtr; \ already_AddRefed<type_> Consume(); \ }; #define DECL_OWNED_REF_TYPE_FOR(type_) \ typedef type_* type_##Owned; \ DECL_BORROWED_REF_TYPE_FOR(type_) \ DECL_BORROWED_MUT_REF_TYPE_FOR(type_) #define DECL_NULLABLE_OWNED_REF_TYPE_FOR(type_) \ typedef type_* type_##OwnedOrNull; \ DECL_NULLABLE_BORROWED_REF_TYPE_FOR(type_) \ DECL_NULLABLE_BORROWED_MUT_REF_TYPE_FOR(type_) DECL_ARC_REF_TYPE_FOR(ServoComputedValues) DECL_ARC_REF_TYPE_FOR(RawServoStyleSheet) DECL_ARC_REF_TYPE_FOR(RawServoDeclarationBlock) // This is a reference to a reference of RawServoDeclarationBlock, which // corresponds to Option<&Arc<RawServoDeclarationBlock>> in Servo side. DECL_NULLABLE_BORROWED_REF_TYPE_FOR(RawServoDeclarationBlockStrong) DECL_OWNED_REF_TYPE_FOR(RawServoStyleSet) DECL_NULLABLE_OWNED_REF_TYPE_FOR(StyleChildrenIterator) DECL_OWNED_REF_TYPE_FOR(StyleChildrenIterator) // We don't use BorrowedMut because the nodes may alias // Servo itself doesn't directly read or mutate these; // it only asks Gecko to do so. In case we wish to in // the future, we should ensure that things being mutated // are protected from noalias violations by a cell type DECL_BORROWED_REF_TYPE_FOR(RawGeckoNode) DECL_NULLABLE_BORROWED_REF_TYPE_FOR(RawGeckoNode) DECL_BORROWED_REF_TYPE_FOR(RawGeckoElement) DECL_NULLABLE_BORROWED_REF_TYPE_FOR(RawGeckoElement) DECL_BORROWED_REF_TYPE_FOR(RawGeckoDocument) DECL_NULLABLE_BORROWED_REF_TYPE_FOR(RawGeckoDocument) DECL_BORROWED_MUT_REF_TYPE_FOR(StyleChildrenIterator) DECL_BORROWED_REF_TYPE_FOR(nsCSSValue) DECL_BORROWED_MUT_REF_TYPE_FOR(nsCSSValue) #undef DECL_ARC_REF_TYPE_FOR #undef DECL_OWNED_REF_TYPE_FOR #undef DECL_NULLABLE_OWNED_REF_TYPE_FOR #undef DECL_BORROWED_REF_TYPE_FOR #undef DECL_NULLABLE_BORROWED_REF_TYPE_FOR #undef DECL_BORROWED_MUT_REF_TYPE_FOR #undef DECL_NULLABLE_BORROWED_MUT_REF_TYPE_FOR #define DEFINE_REFPTR_TRAITS(name_, type_) \ extern "C" { \ void Servo_##name_##_AddRef(type_##Borrowed ptr); \ void Servo_##name_##_Release(type_##Borrowed ptr); \ } \ namespace mozilla { \ template<> struct RefPtrTraits<type_> { \ static void AddRef(type_* aPtr) { \ Servo_##name_##_AddRef(aPtr); \ } \ static void Release(type_* aPtr) { \ Servo_##name_##_Release(aPtr); \ } \ }; \ } DEFINE_REFPTR_TRAITS(StyleSheet, RawServoStyleSheet) DEFINE_REFPTR_TRAITS(ComputedValues, ServoComputedValues) DEFINE_REFPTR_TRAITS(DeclarationBlock, RawServoDeclarationBlock) #undef DEFINE_REFPTR_TRAITS extern "C" void Servo_StyleSet_Drop(RawServoStyleSetOwned ptr); namespace mozilla { template<> class DefaultDelete<RawServoStyleSet> { public: void operator()(RawServoStyleSet* aPtr) const { Servo_StyleSet_Drop(aPtr); } }; } #endif // mozilla_ServoBindingTypes_h