<!DOCTYPE html>
     Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
  <title>CSS Reference</title>
    div {
      border: 1px solid black;
      width:  50px;
      height: 40px;
      margin: 1px;
      float: left;
    br { clear: both; }
  <!-- Note: -webkit-gradient(radial, ...) expressions involve *two* circles,
       with the gradient progressing between their edges. But, the standard
       syntax (& hence our emulation) only supports *one* circle.

       So, in our reference renderings below, we ignore the smaller circle from
       the testcase's gradient expression, and we use a gradient that progresses
       from the outer circle's center to its edge.  (Conceptually, we collapse
       the smaller circle to a point at the center of the larger circle.) -->

  <!-- Inner circle has nonzero radius, in testcase:
       (We ignore it here.) -->
  <div style="background: radial-gradient(circle 40px at left top,
                                          blue, yellow)"></div>
  <div style="background: radial-gradient(circle 50px at center center,
                                          yellow, blue)"></div>

  <!-- Both circles have the same radius, in testcase:
       (We pretend the first one is 0-sized.) -->
  <div style="background: radial-gradient(circle 40px at center center,
                                          blue, yellow)"></div>
  <div style="background: radial-gradient(circle 10px at 10px 10px,
                                          blue, yellow)"></div>

  <!-- Inner circle has different center than outer circle, in testcase:
       (We collapse it to center of outer circle.) -->
  <div style="background: radial-gradient(circle 40px at left top,
                                          blue, yellow)"></div>
  <div style="background: radial-gradient(circle 40px at 10px 20px,
                                          yellow, blue)"></div>

  <!-- Inner circle and outer circle do not even intersect, in testcase:
       (We collapse smaller circle to center of larger circle.) -->
  <div style="background: radial-gradient(circle 10px at 30px 10px,
                                          blue, yellow)"></div>
  <div style="background: radial-gradient(circle 30px at 150px 10px,
                                          blue, yellow)"></div>
