<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>dir() selector reference</title>
    <link rel="author" title="Astley Chen" href="mailto:aschen@mozilla.com">
    <link rel="author" title="Mozilla" href="https://www.mozilla.org">
      div { text-align: left; }
      .ltr { direction: ltr; color: blue; }
      .rtl { direction: rtl; color: lime; }
    <div class="ltr">This element is ltr. <span>This span should
      inherit dir from the parent. <span>This span should inherit dir
      from the grandparent.</span></span>
    <div class="rtl">This element is rtl. <span>This span should
      inherit dir from the parent. <span>This span should inherit dir
      from the grandparent.</span></span>