<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
<!-- Testcase with flex items containing overlapping content, to test
     their paint-order. -->
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <title>CSS Test: Testing the paint-order of overlapping flex items, with varying tweaks on the container</title>
    <link rel="author" title="Daniel Holbert" href="mailto:dholbert@mozilla.com"/>
    <link rel="help" href="http://www.w3.org/TR/css-flexbox-1/#painting"/>
    <link rel="match" href="flexbox-paint-ordering-001-ref.xhtml"/>
      body {
        line-height: 0;
      .container {
        width: 40px;
        height: 14px;
        border: 2px solid green;
        margin-bottom: 2px;
      .a {
          width: 16px;
          height: 10px;
          background: blue;
          min-width: 0;
          border: 2px solid lightblue;
      .b {
          width: 16px;
          height: 10px;
          background: purple;
          min-width: 0;
          border: 2px solid slateblue;
      .aKid {
          margin-left: 10px;
          margin-top: 2px;
          width: 16px;
          height: 6px;
          background: yellow;
          border: 1px solid black;
    <!-- inline-level flex container -->
    <div class="container" style="display: inline-flex">
      <div class="a"><div class="aKid"/></div>
      <div class="b"></div>

    <!-- block-level flex container -->
    <div class="container" style="display: flex">
      <div class="a"><div class="aKid"/></div>
      <div class="b"></div>

    <!-- floated flex container -->
    <div class="container" style="display: flex; float: left">
      <div class="a"><div class="aKid"/></div>
      <div class="b"></div>
    <!-- Helper-div to clear floats: -->
    <div style="clear: both"/>

    <!-- relatively-positioned flex container -->
    <div class="container" style="display: flex; position: relative">
      <div class="a"><div class="aKid"/></div>
      <div class="b"></div>

    <!-- absolutely-positioned flex container -->
    <div class="container" style="display: flex; position: absolute">
      <div class="a"><div class="aKid"/></div>
      <div class="b"></div>
    <!--- Spacer div, since abspos div doesn't set aside space for itself -->
    <div style="height: 20px"/>

    <!-- fixed-position flex container -->
    <div class="container" style="display: flex; position: fixed">
      <div class="a"><div class="aKid"/></div>
      <div class="b"></div>
