<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
    Test SVG glyphs for text object pattern inheritance
    Covers glyph ID range 49 (N) to 52 (Q)
<!-- context-fill, no stroke -->
  <!-- N -->
  <rect x="100" y="-900" width="800" height="800" stroke-width="50"
    stroke="none" fill="context-fill" id="glyph49"/>

  <!-- O -->
  <rect x="50" y="-950" width="900" height="900" stroke-width="100"
    fill="context-fill" stroke="none" id="glyph50"/>

<!-- context-stroke -->
  <!-- P -->
  <rect x="100" y="-900" width="800" height="800" stroke-width="50"
    stroke="context-stroke" fill="burlywood" id="glyph51"/>

<!-- both context-stroke and context-fill (but note swapped usage!) -->
  <!-- Q -->
  <rect x="50" y="-950" width="900" height="900" stroke-width="100"
    fill="context-stroke" stroke="context-fill" id="glyph52"/>