<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Open Type MATH - stretchy operator</title>
    <meta charset="utf-8"/>
    <style type="text/css">
      @font-face {
        font-family: stretchy;
        src: url(../fonts/math/stretchy.otf);
      math {
        font-family: stretchy;
        font-size: 10px;

hstretchy = [
    0x219C, # leftwards wave arrow
    0x219D, # rightwards wave arrow
    0x219E, # leftwards two headed arrow
    0x21A0, # rightwards two headed arrow
    0x21A2  # leftwards arrow with tail
vstretchy = [
    0x219F, # upwards two headed arrow
    0x21A1, # downwards two headed arrow
    0x21A5, # upwards arrow from bar
    0x21A7, # downwards arrow from bar
    0x21A8  # up down arrow with base

hstretchy[0] and vstretchy[0] have all the variants and the components. The others only have one of them.

        <mstyle scriptsizemultiplier="1">
          <mover><mo stretchy="true">&#x219C;</mo><mspace width="1em" height="1px" mathbackground="red"/></mover>
          <mover><mo stretchy="true">&#x219C;</mo><mspace width="2em" height="1px" mathbackground="red"/></mover>
          <mover><mo stretchy="true">&#x219C;</mo><mspace width="3em" height="1px" mathbackground="red"/></mover>
          <mover><mo stretchy="true">&#x219C;</mo><mspace width="15em" height="1px" mathbackground="red"/></mover>

      <math><mrow><mo symmetric="false" stretchy="true" minsize="1em">&#x219F;</mo></mrow></math>
      <math><mrow><mo symmetric="false" stretchy="true" minsize="2em">&#x219F;</mo></mrow></math>
      <math><mrow><mo symmetric="false" stretchy="true" minsize="3em">&#x219F;</mo></mrow></math>
      <math><mrow><mo symmetric="false" stretchy="true" minsize="15em">&#x219F;</mo></mrow></math>

DisplayOperatorMinHeight = 8em
largeop = [0x2A1B, 0x2A1C] # integral with overbar/underbar
largeop[0] has variants of size 7, 8, 9em
largeop[1] has one variant of size 8em.
      <math displaystyle="true">
