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width="634" lsb="25"/> <mtx name="yacute" width="634" lsb="25"/> <mtx name="ydieresis" width="634" lsb="25"/> <mtx name="yen" width="720" lsb="25"/> <mtx name="z" width="532" lsb="12"/> <mtx name="zcaron" width="532" lsb="12"/> <mtx name="zero" width="724" lsb="68"/> </hmtx> <cmap> <tableVersion version="0"/> <cmap_format_4 platformID="0" platEncID="3" language="0"> <map code="0x20" name="space"/><!-- SPACE --> <map code="0x21" name="exclam"/><!-- EXCLAMATION MARK --> <map code="0x22" name="quotedbl"/><!-- QUOTATION MARK --> <map code="0x23" name="numbersign"/><!-- NUMBER SIGN --> <map code="0x24" name="dollar"/><!-- DOLLAR SIGN --> <map code="0x25" name="percent"/><!-- PERCENT SIGN --> <map code="0x26" name="ampersand"/><!-- AMPERSAND --> <map code="0x27" name="quotesingle"/><!-- APOSTROPHE --> <map code="0x28" name="parenleft"/><!-- LEFT PARENTHESIS --> <map code="0x29" name="parenright"/><!-- RIGHT PARENTHESIS --> <map code="0x2a" name="asterisk"/><!-- ASTERISK --> <map code="0x2b" name="plus"/><!-- PLUS SIGN --> <map code="0x2c" name="comma"/><!-- COMMA --> <map code="0x2d" name="hyphen"/><!-- HYPHEN-MINUS --> <map code="0x2e" name="period"/><!-- FULL STOP --> <map code="0x2f" name="slash"/><!-- SOLIDUS --> <map code="0x30" name="zero"/><!-- DIGIT ZERO --> <map code="0x31" name="one"/><!-- DIGIT ONE --> <map code="0x32" name="two"/><!-- DIGIT TWO --> <map code="0x33" name="three"/><!-- DIGIT THREE --> <map code="0x34" name="four"/><!-- DIGIT FOUR --> <map code="0x35" name="five"/><!-- DIGIT FIVE --> <map code="0x36" name="six"/><!-- DIGIT SIX --> <map code="0x37" name="seven"/><!-- DIGIT SEVEN --> <map code="0x38" name="eight"/><!-- DIGIT EIGHT --> <map code="0x39" name="nine"/><!-- DIGIT NINE --> <map code="0x3a" name="colon"/><!-- COLON --> <map code="0x3b" name="semicolon"/><!-- SEMICOLON --> <map code="0x3c" name="less"/><!-- LESS-THAN SIGN --> <map code="0x3d" name="equal"/><!-- EQUALS SIGN --> <map code="0x3e" name="greater"/><!-- GREATER-THAN SIGN --> <map code="0x3f" name="question"/><!-- QUESTION MARK --> <map code="0x40" name="at"/><!-- COMMERCIAL AT --> <map code="0x41" name="A"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A --> <map code="0x42" name="B"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER B --> <map code="0x43" name="C"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C --> <map code="0x44" name="D"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D --> <map code="0x45" name="E"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E --> <map code="0x46" name="F"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER F --> <map code="0x47" name="G"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G --> <map code="0x48" name="H"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H --> <map code="0x49" name="I"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I --> <map code="0x4a" name="J"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER J --> <map code="0x4b" name="K"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER K --> <map code="0x4c" name="L"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L --> <map code="0x4d" name="M"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER M --> <map code="0x4e" name="N"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N --> <map code="0x4f" name="O"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O --> <map code="0x50" name="P"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER P --> <map code="0x51" name="Q"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Q --> <map code="0x52" name="R"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R --> <map code="0x53" name="S"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S --> <map code="0x54" name="T"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T --> <map code="0x55" name="U"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U --> <map code="0x56" name="V"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER V --> <map code="0x57" name="W"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER W --> <map code="0x58" name="X"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER X --> <map code="0x59" name="Y"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y --> <map code="0x5a" name="Z"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z --> <map code="0x5b" name="bracketleft"/><!-- LEFT SQUARE BRACKET --> <map code="0x5c" name="backslash"/><!-- REVERSE SOLIDUS --> <map code="0x5d" name="bracketright"/><!-- RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET --> <map code="0x5e" name="asciicircum"/><!-- CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT --> <map code="0x5f" name="underscore"/><!-- LOW LINE --> <map code="0x60" name="grave"/><!-- GRAVE ACCENT --> <map code="0x61" name="a"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER A --> <map code="0x62" name="b"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER B --> <map code="0x63" name="c"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER C --> <map code="0x64" name="d"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER D --> <map code="0x65" name="e"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER E --> <map code="0x66" name="f"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER F --> <map code="0x67" name="g"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER G --> <map code="0x68" name="h"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER H --> <map code="0x69" name="i"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER I --> <map code="0x6a" name="j"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER J --> <map code="0x6b" name="k"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER K --> <map code="0x6c" name="l"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER L --> <map code="0x6d" name="m"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER M --> <map code="0x6e" name="n"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER N --> <map code="0x6f" name="o"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER O --> <map code="0x70" name="p"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER P --> <map code="0x71" name="q"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER Q --> <map code="0x72" name="r"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER R --> <map code="0x73" name="s"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER S --> <map code="0x74" name="t"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER T --> <map code="0x75" name="u"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER U --> <map code="0x76" name="v"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER V --> <map code="0x77" name="w"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER W --> <map code="0x78" name="x"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER X --> <map code="0x79" name="y"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER Y --> <map code="0x7a" name="z"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER Z --> <map code="0x7b" name="braceleft"/><!-- LEFT CURLY BRACKET --> <map code="0x7c" name="bar"/><!-- VERTICAL LINE --> <map code="0x7d" name="braceright"/><!-- RIGHT CURLY BRACKET --> <map code="0x7e" name="asciitilde"/><!-- TILDE --> <map code="0xa0" name="uni00A0"/><!-- NO-BREAK SPACE --> <map code="0xa1" name="exclamdown"/><!-- INVERTED EXCLAMATION MARK --> <map code="0xa2" name="cent"/><!-- CENT SIGN --> <map code="0xa3" name="sterling"/><!-- POUND SIGN --> <map code="0xa5" name="yen"/><!-- YEN SIGN --> <map code="0xa8" name="dieresis"/><!-- DIAERESIS --> <map code="0xa9" name="copyright"/><!-- COPYRIGHT SIGN --> <map code="0xad" name="uni00AD"/><!-- SOFT HYPHEN --> <map code="0xae" name="registered"/><!-- REGISTERED SIGN --> <map code="0xaf" name="macron"/><!-- MACRON --> <map code="0xb4" name="acute"/><!-- ACUTE ACCENT --> <map code="0xb7" name="periodcentered"/><!-- MIDDLE DOT --> <map code="0xb8" name="cedilla"/><!-- CEDILLA --> <map code="0xbf" name="questiondown"/><!-- INVERTED QUESTION MARK --> <map code="0xc0" name="Agrave"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH GRAVE --> <map code="0xc1" name="Aacute"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH ACUTE --> <map code="0xc2" name="Acircumflex"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX --> <map code="0xc3" name="Atilde"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH TILDE --> <map code="0xc4" name="Adieresis"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS --> <map code="0xc5" name="Aring"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE --> <map code="0xc6" name="AE"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER AE --> <map code="0xc7" name="Ccedilla"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA --> <map code="0xc8" name="Egrave"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH GRAVE --> <map code="0xc9" name="Eacute"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH ACUTE --> <map code="0xca" name="Ecircumflex"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX --> <map code="0xcb" name="Edieresis"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS --> <map code="0xcc" name="Igrave"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH GRAVE --> <map code="0xcd" name="Iacute"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH ACUTE --> <map code="0xce" name="Icircumflex"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX --> <map code="0xcf" name="Idieresis"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS --> <map code="0xd0" name="Eth"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER ETH --> <map code="0xd1" name="Ntilde"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH TILDE --> <map code="0xd2" name="Ograve"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH GRAVE --> <map code="0xd3" name="Oacute"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH ACUTE --> <map code="0xd4" name="Ocircumflex"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX --> <map code="0xd5" name="Otilde"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH TILDE --> <map code="0xd6" name="Odieresis"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS --> <map code="0xd8" name="Oslash"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH STROKE --> <map code="0xd9" name="Ugrave"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH GRAVE --> <map code="0xda" name="Uacute"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH ACUTE --> <map code="0xdb" name="Ucircumflex"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX --> <map code="0xdc" name="Udieresis"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS --> <map code="0xdd" name="Yacute"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE --> <map code="0xde" name="Thorn"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER THORN --> <map code="0xdf" name="germandbls"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S --> <map code="0xe0" name="agrave"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH GRAVE --> <map code="0xe1" name="aacute"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE --> <map code="0xe2" name="acircumflex"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX --> <map code="0xe3" name="atilde"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH TILDE --> <map code="0xe4" name="adieresis"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS --> <map code="0xe5" name="aring"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE --> <map code="0xe6" name="ae"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER AE --> <map code="0xe7" name="ccedilla"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA --> <map code="0xe8" name="egrave"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH GRAVE --> <map code="0xe9" name="eacute"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE --> <map code="0xea" name="ecircumflex"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX --> <map code="0xeb" name="edieresis"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS --> <map code="0xec" name="igrave"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH GRAVE --> <map code="0xed" name="iacute"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH ACUTE --> <map code="0xee" name="icircumflex"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX --> <map code="0xef" name="idieresis"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS --> <map code="0xf0" name="eth"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER ETH --> <map code="0xf1" name="ntilde"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH TILDE --> <map code="0xf2" name="ograve"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH GRAVE --> <map code="0xf3" name="oacute"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH ACUTE --> <map code="0xf4" name="ocircumflex"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX --> <map code="0xf5" name="otilde"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH TILDE --> <map code="0xf6" name="odieresis"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS --> <map code="0xf8" name="oslash"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH STROKE --> <map code="0xf9" name="ugrave"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH GRAVE --> <map code="0xfa" name="uacute"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH ACUTE --> <map code="0xfb" name="ucircumflex"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX --> <map code="0xfc" name="udieresis"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS --> <map code="0xfd" name="yacute"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE --> <map code="0xfe" name="thorn"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER THORN --> <map code="0xff" name="ydieresis"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS --> <map code="0x131" name="dotlessi"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER DOTLESS I --> <map code="0x141" name="Lslash"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH STROKE --> <map code="0x142" name="lslash"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH STROKE --> <map code="0x152" name="OE"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LIGATURE OE --> <map code="0x153" name="oe"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LIGATURE OE --> <map code="0x160" name="Scaron"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CARON --> <map code="0x161" name="scaron"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CARON --> <map code="0x178" name="Ydieresis"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS --> <map code="0x17d" name="Zcaron"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH CARON --> <map code="0x17e" name="zcaron"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH CARON --> <map code="0x2c6" name="circumflex"/><!-- MODIFIER LETTER CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT --> <map code="0x2c7" name="caron"/><!-- CARON --> <map code="0x2d8" name="breve"/><!-- BREVE --> <map code="0x2d9" name="dotaccent"/><!-- DOT ABOVE --> <map code="0x2da" name="ring"/><!-- RING ABOVE --> <map code="0x2db" name="ogonek"/><!-- OGONEK --> <map code="0x2dc" name="tilde"/><!-- SMALL TILDE --> <map code="0x2dd" name="hungarumlaut"/><!-- DOUBLE ACUTE ACCENT --> <map code="0x2000" name="uni2000"/><!-- EN QUAD --> <map code="0x2001" name="uni2001"/><!-- EM QUAD --> <map code="0x2002" name="uni2002"/><!-- EN SPACE --> <map code="0x2003" name="uni2003"/><!-- EM SPACE --> <map code="0x2004" name="uni2004"/><!-- THREE-PER-EM SPACE --> <map code="0x2005" name="uni2005"/><!-- FOUR-PER-EM SPACE --> <map code="0x2006" name="uni2006"/><!-- SIX-PER-EM SPACE --> <map code="0x2007" name="uni2007"/><!-- FIGURE SPACE --> <map code="0x2008" name="uni2008"/><!-- PUNCTUATION SPACE --> <map code="0x2009" name="uni2009"/><!-- THIN SPACE --> <map code="0x200a" name="uni200A"/><!-- HAIR SPACE --> <map code="0x2010" name="uni2010"/><!-- HYPHEN --> <map code="0x2011" name="uni2011"/><!-- NON-BREAKING HYPHEN --> <map code="0x2012" name="figuredash"/><!-- FIGURE DASH --> <map code="0x2013" name="endash"/><!-- EN DASH --> <map code="0x2014" name="emdash"/><!-- EM DASH --> <map code="0x2018" name="quoteleft"/><!-- LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK --> <map code="0x2019" name="quoteright"/><!-- RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK --> <map code="0x201a" name="quotesinglbase"/><!-- SINGLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK --> <map code="0x201c" name="quotedblleft"/><!-- LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK --> <map code="0x201d" name="quotedblright"/><!-- RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK --> <map code="0x201e" name="quotedblbase"/><!-- DOUBLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK --> <map code="0x2022" name="bullet"/><!-- BULLET --> <map code="0x2026" name="ellipsis"/><!-- HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS --> <map code="0x202f" name="uni202F"/><!-- NARROW NO-BREAK SPACE --> <map code="0x205f" name="uni205F"/><!-- MEDIUM MATHEMATICAL SPACE --> <map code="0x20ac" name="Euro"/><!-- EURO SIGN --> <map code="0x2122" name="trademark"/><!-- TRADE MARK SIGN --> <map code="0x2212" name="minus"/><!-- MINUS SIGN --> <map code="0xe000" name="uniE000"/><!-- Private Use --> <map code="0xfb01" name="uniFB01"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FI --> <map code="0xfb02" name="uniFB02"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FL --> </cmap_format_4> <cmap_format_0 platformID="1" platEncID="0" language="0"> <map code="0x0" name=".null"/> <map code="0x1" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0x2" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0x3" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0x4" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0x5" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0x6" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0x7" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0x8" name=".null"/> <map code="0x9" name="nonmarkingreturn"/> <map code="0xa" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0xb" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0xc" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0xd" name="nonmarkingreturn"/> <map code="0xe" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0xf" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0x10" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0x11" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0x12" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0x13" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0x14" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0x15" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0x16" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0x17" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0x18" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0x19" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0x1a" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0x1b" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0x1c" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0x1d" name=".null"/> <map code="0x1e" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0x1f" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0x20" name="space"/> <map code="0x21" name="exclam"/> <map code="0x22" name="quotedbl"/> <map code="0x23" name="numbersign"/> <map code="0x24" name="dollar"/> <map code="0x25" name="percent"/> <map code="0x26" name="ampersand"/> <map code="0x27" name="quotesingle"/> <map code="0x28" name="parenleft"/> <map code="0x29" name="parenright"/> <map code="0x2a" name="asterisk"/> <map code="0x2b" name="plus"/> <map code="0x2c" name="comma"/> <map code="0x2d" name="hyphen"/> <map code="0x2e" name="period"/> <map code="0x2f" name="slash"/> <map code="0x30" name="zero"/> <map code="0x31" name="one"/> <map code="0x32" name="two"/> <map code="0x33" name="three"/> <map code="0x34" name="four"/> <map code="0x35" name="five"/> <map code="0x36" name="six"/> <map code="0x37" name="seven"/> <map code="0x38" name="eight"/> <map code="0x39" name="nine"/> <map code="0x3a" name="colon"/> <map code="0x3b" name="semicolon"/> <map code="0x3c" name="less"/> <map code="0x3d" name="equal"/> <map code="0x3e" name="greater"/> <map code="0x3f" name="question"/> <map code="0x40" name="at"/> <map code="0x41" name="A"/> <map code="0x42" name="B"/> <map code="0x43" name="C"/> <map code="0x44" name="D"/> <map code="0x45" name="E"/> <map code="0x46" name="F"/> <map code="0x47" name="G"/> <map code="0x48" name="H"/> <map code="0x49" name="I"/> <map code="0x4a" name="J"/> <map code="0x4b" name="K"/> <map code="0x4c" name="L"/> <map code="0x4d" name="M"/> <map code="0x4e" name="N"/> <map code="0x4f" name="O"/> <map code="0x50" name="P"/> <map code="0x51" name="Q"/> <map code="0x52" name="R"/> <map code="0x53" name="S"/> <map code="0x54" name="T"/> <map code="0x55" name="U"/> <map code="0x56" name="V"/> <map code="0x57" name="W"/> <map code="0x58" name="X"/> <map code="0x59" name="Y"/> <map code="0x5a" name="Z"/> <map code="0x5b" name="bracketleft"/> <map code="0x5c" name="backslash"/> <map code="0x5d" name="bracketright"/> <map code="0x5e" name="asciicircum"/> <map code="0x5f" name="underscore"/> <map code="0x60" name="grave"/> <map code="0x61" name="a"/> <map code="0x62" name="b"/> <map code="0x63" name="c"/> <map code="0x64" name="d"/> <map code="0x65" name="e"/> <map code="0x66" name="f"/> <map code="0x67" name="g"/> <map code="0x68" name="h"/> <map code="0x69" name="i"/> <map code="0x6a" name="j"/> <map code="0x6b" name="k"/> <map code="0x6c" name="l"/> <map code="0x6d" name="m"/> <map code="0x6e" name="n"/> <map code="0x6f" name="o"/> <map code="0x70" name="p"/> <map code="0x71" name="q"/> <map code="0x72" name="r"/> <map code="0x73" name="s"/> <map code="0x74" name="t"/> <map code="0x75" name="u"/> <map code="0x76" name="v"/> <map code="0x77" name="w"/> <map code="0x78" name="x"/> <map code="0x79" name="y"/> <map code="0x7a" name="z"/> <map code="0x7b" name="braceleft"/> <map code="0x7c" name="bar"/> <map code="0x7d" name="braceright"/> <map code="0x7e" name="asciitilde"/> <map code="0x7f" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0x80" name="Adieresis"/> <map code="0x81" name="Aring"/> <map code="0x82" name="Ccedilla"/> <map code="0x83" name="Eacute"/> <map code="0x84" name="Ntilde"/> <map code="0x85" name="Odieresis"/> <map code="0x86" name="Udieresis"/> <map code="0x87" name="aacute"/> <map code="0x88" name="agrave"/> <map code="0x89" name="acircumflex"/> <map code="0x8a" name="adieresis"/> <map code="0x8b" name="atilde"/> <map code="0x8c" name="aring"/> <map code="0x8d" name="ccedilla"/> <map code="0x8e" name="eacute"/> <map code="0x8f" name="egrave"/> <map code="0x90" name="ecircumflex"/> <map code="0x91" name="edieresis"/> <map code="0x92" name="iacute"/> <map code="0x93" name="igrave"/> <map code="0x94" name="icircumflex"/> <map code="0x95" name="idieresis"/> <map code="0x96" name="ntilde"/> <map code="0x97" name="oacute"/> <map code="0x98" name="ograve"/> <map code="0x99" name="ocircumflex"/> <map code="0x9a" name="odieresis"/> <map code="0x9b" name="otilde"/> <map code="0x9c" name="uacute"/> <map code="0x9d" name="ugrave"/> <map code="0x9e" name="ucircumflex"/> <map code="0x9f" name="udieresis"/> <map code="0xa0" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0xa1" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0xa2" name="cent"/> <map code="0xa3" name="sterling"/> <map code="0xa4" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0xa5" name="bullet"/> <map code="0xa6" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0xa7" name="germandbls"/> <map code="0xa8" name="registered"/> <map code="0xa9" name="copyright"/> <map code="0xaa" name="trademark"/> <map code="0xab" name="acute"/> <map code="0xac" name="dieresis"/> <map code="0xad" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0xae" name="AE"/> <map code="0xaf" name="Oslash"/> <map code="0xb0" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0xb1" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0xb2" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0xb3" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0xb4" name="yen"/> <map code="0xb5" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0xb6" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0xb7" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0xb8" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0xb9" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0xba" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0xbb" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0xbc" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0xbd" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0xbe" name="ae"/> <map code="0xbf" name="oslash"/> <map code="0xc0" name="questiondown"/> <map code="0xc1" name="exclamdown"/> <map code="0xc2" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0xc3" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0xc4" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0xc5" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0xc6" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0xc7" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0xc8" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0xc9" name="ellipsis"/> <map code="0xca" name="uni00A0"/> <map code="0xcb" name="Agrave"/> <map code="0xcc" name="Atilde"/> <map code="0xcd" name="Otilde"/> <map code="0xce" name="OE"/> <map code="0xcf" name="oe"/> <map code="0xd0" name="endash"/> <map code="0xd1" name="emdash"/> <map code="0xd2" name="quotedblleft"/> <map code="0xd3" name="quotedblright"/> <map code="0xd4" name="quoteleft"/> <map code="0xd5" name="quoteright"/> <map code="0xd6" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0xd7" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0xd8" name="ydieresis"/> <map code="0xd9" name="Ydieresis"/> <map code="0xda" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0xdb" name="Euro"/> <map code="0xdc" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0xdd" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0xde" name="uniFB01"/> <map code="0xdf" name="uniFB02"/> <map code="0xe0" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0xe1" name="periodcentered"/> <map code="0xe2" name="quotesinglbase"/> <map code="0xe3" name="quotedblbase"/> <map code="0xe4" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0xe5" name="Acircumflex"/> <map code="0xe6" name="Ecircumflex"/> <map code="0xe7" name="Aacute"/> <map code="0xe8" name="Edieresis"/> <map code="0xe9" name="Egrave"/> <map code="0xea" name="Iacute"/> <map code="0xeb" name="Icircumflex"/> <map code="0xec" name="Idieresis"/> <map code="0xed" name="Igrave"/> <map code="0xee" name="Oacute"/> <map code="0xef" name="Ocircumflex"/> <map code="0xf0" name=".notdef"/> <map code="0xf1" name="Ograve"/> <map code="0xf2" name="Uacute"/> <map code="0xf3" name="Ucircumflex"/> <map code="0xf4" name="Ugrave"/> <map code="0xf5" name="dotlessi"/> <map code="0xf6" name="circumflex"/> <map code="0xf7" name="tilde"/> <map code="0xf8" name="macron"/> <map code="0xf9" name="breve"/> <map code="0xfa" name="dotaccent"/> <map code="0xfb" name="ring"/> <map code="0xfc" name="cedilla"/> <map code="0xfd" name="hungarumlaut"/> <map code="0xfe" name="ogonek"/> <map code="0xff" name="caron"/> </cmap_format_0> <cmap_format_4 platformID="3" platEncID="1" language="0"> <map code="0x20" name="space"/><!-- SPACE --> <map code="0x21" name="exclam"/><!-- EXCLAMATION MARK --> <map code="0x22" name="quotedbl"/><!-- QUOTATION MARK --> <map code="0x23" name="numbersign"/><!-- NUMBER SIGN --> <map code="0x24" name="dollar"/><!-- DOLLAR SIGN --> <map code="0x25" name="percent"/><!-- PERCENT SIGN --> <map code="0x26" name="ampersand"/><!-- AMPERSAND --> <map code="0x27" name="quotesingle"/><!-- APOSTROPHE --> <map code="0x28" name="parenleft"/><!-- LEFT PARENTHESIS --> <map code="0x29" name="parenright"/><!-- RIGHT PARENTHESIS --> <map code="0x2a" name="asterisk"/><!-- ASTERISK --> <map code="0x2b" name="plus"/><!-- PLUS SIGN --> <map code="0x2c" name="comma"/><!-- COMMA --> <map code="0x2d" name="hyphen"/><!-- HYPHEN-MINUS --> <map code="0x2e" name="period"/><!-- FULL STOP --> <map code="0x2f" name="slash"/><!-- SOLIDUS --> <map code="0x30" name="zero"/><!-- DIGIT ZERO --> <map code="0x31" name="one"/><!-- DIGIT ONE --> <map code="0x32" name="two"/><!-- DIGIT TWO --> <map code="0x33" name="three"/><!-- DIGIT THREE --> <map code="0x34" name="four"/><!-- DIGIT FOUR --> <map code="0x35" name="five"/><!-- DIGIT FIVE --> <map code="0x36" name="six"/><!-- DIGIT SIX --> <map code="0x37" name="seven"/><!-- DIGIT SEVEN --> <map code="0x38" name="eight"/><!-- DIGIT EIGHT --> <map code="0x39" name="nine"/><!-- DIGIT NINE --> <map code="0x3a" name="colon"/><!-- COLON --> <map code="0x3b" name="semicolon"/><!-- SEMICOLON --> <map code="0x3c" name="less"/><!-- LESS-THAN SIGN --> <map code="0x3d" name="equal"/><!-- EQUALS SIGN --> <map code="0x3e" name="greater"/><!-- GREATER-THAN SIGN --> <map code="0x3f" name="question"/><!-- QUESTION MARK --> <map code="0x40" name="at"/><!-- COMMERCIAL AT --> <map code="0x41" name="A"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A --> <map code="0x42" name="B"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER B --> <map code="0x43" name="C"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C --> <map code="0x44" name="D"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D --> <map code="0x45" name="E"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E --> <map code="0x46" name="F"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER F --> <map code="0x47" name="G"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G --> <map code="0x48" name="H"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H --> <map code="0x49" name="I"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I --> <map code="0x4a" name="J"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER J --> <map code="0x4b" name="K"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER K --> <map code="0x4c" name="L"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L --> <map code="0x4d" name="M"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER M --> <map code="0x4e" name="N"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N --> <map code="0x4f" name="O"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O --> <map code="0x50" name="P"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER P --> <map code="0x51" name="Q"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Q --> <map code="0x52" name="R"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R --> <map code="0x53" name="S"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S --> <map code="0x54" name="T"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T --> <map code="0x55" name="U"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U --> <map code="0x56" name="V"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER V --> <map code="0x57" name="W"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER W --> <map code="0x58" name="X"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER X --> <map code="0x59" name="Y"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y --> <map code="0x5a" name="Z"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z --> <map code="0x5b" name="bracketleft"/><!-- LEFT SQUARE BRACKET --> <map code="0x5c" name="backslash"/><!-- REVERSE SOLIDUS --> <map code="0x5d" name="bracketright"/><!-- RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET --> <map code="0x5e" name="asciicircum"/><!-- CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT --> <map code="0x5f" name="underscore"/><!-- LOW LINE --> <map code="0x60" name="grave"/><!-- GRAVE ACCENT --> <map code="0x61" name="a"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER A --> <map code="0x62" name="b"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER B --> <map code="0x63" name="c"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER C --> <map code="0x64" name="d"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER D --> <map code="0x65" name="e"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER E --> <map code="0x66" name="f"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER F --> <map code="0x67" name="g"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER G --> <map code="0x68" name="h"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER H --> <map code="0x69" name="i"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER I --> <map code="0x6a" name="j"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER J --> <map code="0x6b" name="k"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER K --> <map code="0x6c" name="l"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER L --> <map code="0x6d" name="m"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER M --> <map code="0x6e" name="n"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER N --> <map code="0x6f" name="o"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER O --> <map code="0x70" name="p"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER P --> <map code="0x71" name="q"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER Q --> <map code="0x72" name="r"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER R --> <map code="0x73" name="s"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER S --> <map code="0x74" name="t"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER T --> <map code="0x75" name="u"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER U --> <map code="0x76" name="v"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER V --> <map code="0x77" name="w"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER W --> <map code="0x78" name="x"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER X --> <map code="0x79" name="y"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER Y --> <map code="0x7a" name="z"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER Z --> <map code="0x7b" name="braceleft"/><!-- LEFT CURLY BRACKET --> <map code="0x7c" name="bar"/><!-- VERTICAL LINE --> <map code="0x7d" name="braceright"/><!-- RIGHT CURLY BRACKET --> <map code="0x7e" name="asciitilde"/><!-- TILDE --> <map code="0xa0" name="uni00A0"/><!-- NO-BREAK SPACE --> <map code="0xa1" name="exclamdown"/><!-- INVERTED EXCLAMATION MARK --> <map code="0xa2" name="cent"/><!-- CENT SIGN --> <map code="0xa3" name="sterling"/><!-- POUND SIGN --> <map code="0xa5" name="yen"/><!-- YEN SIGN --> <map code="0xa8" name="dieresis"/><!-- DIAERESIS --> <map code="0xa9" name="copyright"/><!-- COPYRIGHT SIGN --> <map code="0xad" name="uni00AD"/><!-- SOFT HYPHEN --> <map code="0xae" name="registered"/><!-- REGISTERED SIGN --> <map code="0xaf" name="macron"/><!-- MACRON --> <map code="0xb4" name="acute"/><!-- ACUTE ACCENT --> <map code="0xb7" name="periodcentered"/><!-- MIDDLE DOT --> <map code="0xb8" name="cedilla"/><!-- CEDILLA --> <map code="0xbf" name="questiondown"/><!-- INVERTED QUESTION MARK --> <map code="0xc0" name="Agrave"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH GRAVE --> <map code="0xc1" name="Aacute"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH ACUTE --> <map code="0xc2" name="Acircumflex"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX --> <map code="0xc3" name="Atilde"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH TILDE --> <map code="0xc4" name="Adieresis"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS --> <map code="0xc5" name="Aring"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE --> <map code="0xc6" name="AE"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER AE --> <map code="0xc7" name="Ccedilla"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA --> <map code="0xc8" name="Egrave"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH GRAVE --> <map code="0xc9" name="Eacute"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH ACUTE --> <map code="0xca" name="Ecircumflex"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX --> <map code="0xcb" name="Edieresis"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS --> <map code="0xcc" name="Igrave"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH GRAVE --> <map code="0xcd" name="Iacute"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH ACUTE --> <map code="0xce" name="Icircumflex"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX --> <map code="0xcf" name="Idieresis"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS --> <map code="0xd0" name="Eth"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER ETH --> <map code="0xd1" name="Ntilde"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH TILDE --> <map code="0xd2" name="Ograve"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH GRAVE --> <map code="0xd3" name="Oacute"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH ACUTE --> <map code="0xd4" name="Ocircumflex"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX --> <map code="0xd5" name="Otilde"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH TILDE --> <map code="0xd6" name="Odieresis"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS --> <map code="0xd8" name="Oslash"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH STROKE --> <map code="0xd9" name="Ugrave"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH GRAVE --> <map code="0xda" name="Uacute"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH ACUTE --> <map code="0xdb" name="Ucircumflex"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX --> <map code="0xdc" name="Udieresis"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS --> <map code="0xdd" name="Yacute"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE --> <map code="0xde" name="Thorn"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER THORN --> <map code="0xdf" name="germandbls"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S --> <map code="0xe0" name="agrave"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH GRAVE --> <map code="0xe1" name="aacute"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE --> <map code="0xe2" name="acircumflex"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX --> <map code="0xe3" name="atilde"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH TILDE --> <map code="0xe4" name="adieresis"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS --> <map code="0xe5" name="aring"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE --> <map code="0xe6" name="ae"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER AE --> <map code="0xe7" name="ccedilla"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA --> <map code="0xe8" name="egrave"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH GRAVE --> <map code="0xe9" name="eacute"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE --> <map code="0xea" name="ecircumflex"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX --> <map code="0xeb" name="edieresis"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS --> <map code="0xec" name="igrave"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH GRAVE --> <map code="0xed" name="iacute"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH ACUTE --> <map code="0xee" name="icircumflex"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX --> <map code="0xef" name="idieresis"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS --> <map code="0xf0" name="eth"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER ETH --> <map code="0xf1" name="ntilde"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH TILDE --> <map code="0xf2" name="ograve"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH GRAVE --> <map code="0xf3" name="oacute"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH ACUTE --> <map code="0xf4" name="ocircumflex"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX --> <map code="0xf5" name="otilde"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH TILDE --> <map code="0xf6" name="odieresis"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS --> <map code="0xf8" name="oslash"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH STROKE --> <map code="0xf9" name="ugrave"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH GRAVE --> <map code="0xfa" name="uacute"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH ACUTE --> <map code="0xfb" name="ucircumflex"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX --> <map code="0xfc" name="udieresis"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS --> <map code="0xfd" name="yacute"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE --> <map code="0xfe" name="thorn"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER THORN --> <map code="0xff" name="ydieresis"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS --> <map code="0x131" name="dotlessi"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER DOTLESS I --> <map code="0x141" name="Lslash"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH STROKE --> <map code="0x142" name="lslash"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH STROKE --> <map code="0x152" name="OE"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LIGATURE OE --> <map code="0x153" name="oe"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LIGATURE OE --> <map code="0x160" name="Scaron"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CARON --> <map code="0x161" name="scaron"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CARON --> <map code="0x178" name="Ydieresis"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS --> <map code="0x17d" name="Zcaron"/><!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH CARON --> <map code="0x17e" name="zcaron"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH CARON --> <map code="0x2c6" name="circumflex"/><!-- MODIFIER LETTER CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT --> <map code="0x2c7" name="caron"/><!-- CARON --> <map code="0x2d8" name="breve"/><!-- BREVE --> <map code="0x2d9" name="dotaccent"/><!-- DOT ABOVE --> <map code="0x2da" name="ring"/><!-- RING ABOVE --> <map code="0x2db" name="ogonek"/><!-- OGONEK --> <map code="0x2dc" name="tilde"/><!-- SMALL TILDE --> <map code="0x2dd" name="hungarumlaut"/><!-- DOUBLE ACUTE ACCENT --> <map code="0x2000" name="uni2000"/><!-- EN QUAD --> <map code="0x2001" name="uni2001"/><!-- EM QUAD --> <map code="0x2002" name="uni2002"/><!-- EN SPACE --> <map code="0x2003" name="uni2003"/><!-- EM SPACE --> <map code="0x2004" name="uni2004"/><!-- THREE-PER-EM SPACE --> <map code="0x2005" name="uni2005"/><!-- FOUR-PER-EM SPACE --> <map code="0x2006" name="uni2006"/><!-- SIX-PER-EM SPACE --> <map code="0x2007" name="uni2007"/><!-- FIGURE SPACE --> <map code="0x2008" name="uni2008"/><!-- PUNCTUATION SPACE --> <map code="0x2009" name="uni2009"/><!-- THIN SPACE --> <map code="0x200a" name="uni200A"/><!-- HAIR SPACE --> <map code="0x2010" name="uni2010"/><!-- HYPHEN --> <map code="0x2011" name="uni2011"/><!-- NON-BREAKING HYPHEN --> <map code="0x2012" name="figuredash"/><!-- FIGURE DASH --> <map code="0x2013" name="endash"/><!-- EN DASH --> <map code="0x2014" name="emdash"/><!-- EM DASH --> <map code="0x2018" name="quoteleft"/><!-- LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK --> <map code="0x2019" name="quoteright"/><!-- RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK --> <map code="0x201a" name="quotesinglbase"/><!-- SINGLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK --> <map code="0x201c" name="quotedblleft"/><!-- LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK --> <map code="0x201d" name="quotedblright"/><!-- RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK --> <map code="0x201e" name="quotedblbase"/><!-- DOUBLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK --> <map code="0x2022" name="bullet"/><!-- BULLET --> <map code="0x2026" name="ellipsis"/><!-- HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS --> <map code="0x202f" name="uni202F"/><!-- NARROW NO-BREAK SPACE --> <map code="0x205f" name="uni205F"/><!-- MEDIUM MATHEMATICAL SPACE --> <map code="0x20ac" name="Euro"/><!-- EURO SIGN --> <map code="0x2122" name="trademark"/><!-- TRADE MARK SIGN --> <map code="0x2212" name="minus"/><!-- MINUS SIGN --> <map code="0xe000" name="uniE000"/><!-- Private Use --> <map code="0xfb01" name="uniFB01"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FI --> <map code="0xfb02" name="uniFB02"/><!-- LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FL --> </cmap_format_4> </cmap> <fpgm> <assembly> PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 FDEF[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 SZP0[ ] MPPEM[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 42 LT[ ] IF[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 74 SROUND[ ] EIF[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 SWAP[ ] MIAP[1] RTG[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 6 CALL[ ] IF[ ] RTDG[ ] EIF[ ] MPPEM[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 42 LT[ ] IF[ ] RDTG[ ] EIF[ ] DUP[ ] MDRP[10100] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 1 SZP0[ ] MDAP[0] RTG[ ] ENDF[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 1 FDEF[ ] DUP[ ] MDRP[11010] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 CALL[ ] ENDF[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 2 FDEF[ ] MPPEM[ ] GT[ ] IF[ ] RCVT[ ] SWAP[ ] EIF[ ] POP[ ] ENDF[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 FDEF[ ] ROUND[01] RTG[ ] DUP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 64 LT[ ] IF[ ] POP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 64 EIF[ ] ENDF[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 FDEF[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 6 CALL[ ] IF[ ] POP[ ] SWAP[ ] POP[ ] ROFF[ ] IF[ ] MDRP[11101] ELSE[ ] MDRP[01101] EIF[ ] ELSE[ ] MPPEM[ ] GT[ ] IF[ ] IF[ ] MIRP[11101] ELSE[ ] MIRP[01101] EIF[ ] ELSE[ ] SWAP[ ] POP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 5 CALL[ ] IF[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 70 SROUND[ ] EIF[ ] IF[ ] MDRP[11101] ELSE[ ] MDRP[01101] EIF[ ] EIF[ ] EIF[ ] RTG[ ] ENDF[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 5 FDEF[ ] GFV[ ] NOT[ ] AND[ ] ENDF[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 6 FDEF[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 34 1 GETINFO[ ] LT[ ] IF[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 32 GETINFO[ ] NOT[ ] NOT[ ] ELSE[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 EIF[ ] ENDF[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 FDEF[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 36 1 GETINFO[ ] LT[ ] IF[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 64 GETINFO[ ] NOT[ ] NOT[ ] ELSE[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 EIF[ ] ENDF[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 8 FDEF[ ] SRP2[ ] SRP1[ ] DUP[ ] IP[ ] MDAP[1] ENDF[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 9 FDEF[ ] DUP[ ] RDTG[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 6 CALL[ ] IF[ ] MDRP[00100] ELSE[ ] MDRP[01101] EIF[ ] DUP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 CINDEX[ ] MD[0] SWAP[ ] DUP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 MINDEX[ ] MD[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 LT[ ] IF[ ] ROLL[ ] NEG[ ] ROLL[ ] SUB[ ] DUP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 LT[ ] IF[ ] SHPIX[ ] ELSE[ ] POP[ ] POP[ ] EIF[ ] ELSE[ ] ROLL[ ] ROLL[ ] SUB[ ] DUP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 GT[ ] IF[ ] SHPIX[ ] ELSE[ ] POP[ ] POP[ ] EIF[ ] EIF[ ] RTG[ ] ENDF[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 10 FDEF[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 6 CALL[ ] IF[ ] POP[ ] SRP0[ ] ELSE[ ] SRP0[ ] POP[ ] EIF[ ] ENDF[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 11 FDEF[ ] DUP[ ] MDRP[10010] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 CALL[ ] ENDF[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 FDEF[ ] DUP[ ] MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 CALL[ ] NOT[ ] IF[ ] DUP[ ] DUP[ ] GC[1] SWAP[ ] GC[0] SUB[ ] ROUND[10] DUP[ ] IF[ ] DUP[ ] ABS[ ] DIV[ ] SHPIX[ ] ELSE[ ] POP[ ] POP[ ] EIF[ ] ELSE[ ] POP[ ] EIF[ ] ENDF[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 13 FDEF[ ] SRP2[ ] SRP1[ ] DUP[ ] DUP[ ] IP[ ] MDAP[1] DUP[ ] ROLL[ ] DUP[ ] GC[1] ROLL[ ] GC[0] SUB[ ] SWAP[ ] ROLL[ ] DUP[ ] ROLL[ ] SWAP[ ] MD[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 LT[ ] IF[ ] SWAP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 GT[ ] IF[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 64 SHPIX[ ] ELSE[ ] POP[ ] EIF[ ] ELSE[ ] SWAP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 LT[ ] IF[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 64 NEG[ ] SHPIX[ ] ELSE[ ] POP[ ] EIF[ ] EIF[ ] ENDF[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 14 FDEF[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 6 CALL[ ] IF[ ] RTDG[ ] MDRP[10110] RTG[ ] POP[ ] POP[ ] ELSE[ ] DUP[ ] MDRP[10110] ROLL[ ] MPPEM[ ] GT[ ] IF[ ] DUP[ ] ROLL[ ] SWAP[ ] MD[0] DUP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 NEQ[ ] IF[ ] SHPIX[ ] ELSE[ ] POP[ ] POP[ ] EIF[ ] ELSE[ ] POP[ ] POP[ ] EIF[ ] EIF[ ] ENDF[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 15 FDEF[ ] SWAP[ ] DUP[ ] MDRP[10110] DUP[ ] MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 CALL[ ] NOT[ ] IF[ ] SWAP[ ] DUP[ ] IF[ ] MPPEM[ ] GTEQ[ ] ELSE[ ] POP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 1 EIF[ ] IF[ ] ROLL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 MINDEX[ ] MD[0] SWAP[ ] ROLL[ ] SWAP[ ] DUP[ ] ROLL[ ] MD[0] ROLL[ ] SWAP[ ] SUB[ ] SHPIX[ ] ELSE[ ] POP[ ] POP[ ] POP[ ] POP[ ] EIF[ ] ELSE[ ] POP[ ] POP[ ] POP[ ] POP[ ] POP[ ] EIF[ ] ENDF[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 16 FDEF[ ] DUP[ ] MDRP[11010] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 18 CALL[ ] ENDF[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 17 FDEF[ ] DUP[ ] MDRP[10010] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 18 CALL[ ] ENDF[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 18 FDEF[ ] DUP[ ] MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 CALL[ ] NOT[ ] IF[ ] DUP[ ] DUP[ ] GC[1] SWAP[ ] GC[0] SUB[ ] ROUND[10] ROLL[ ] DUP[ ] GC[1] SWAP[ ] GC[0] SWAP[ ] SUB[ ] ROUND[10] ADD[ ] DUP[ ] IF[ ] DUP[ ] ABS[ ] DIV[ ] SHPIX[ ] ELSE[ ] POP[ ] POP[ ] EIF[ ] ELSE[ ] POP[ ] POP[ ] EIF[ ] ENDF[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 19 FDEF[ ] DUP[ ] ROLL[ ] DUP[ ] ROLL[ ] SDPVTL[1] DUP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 CINDEX[ ] MD[1] ABS[ ] SWAP[ ] ROLL[ ] SPVTL[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 32 LT[ ] IF[ ] ALIGNRP[ ] ELSE[ ] MDRP[00000] EIF[ ] ENDF[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 20 FDEF[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 0 64 1 64 WS[ ] WS[ ] SVTCA[1] MPPEM[ ] PUSHW[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4096 MUL[ ] SVTCA[0] MPPEM[ ] PUSHW[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4096 MUL[ ] DUP[ ] ROLL[ ] DUP[ ] ROLL[ ] NEQ[ ] IF[ ] DUP[ ] ROLL[ ] DUP[ ] ROLL[ ] GT[ ] IF[ ] SWAP[ ] DIV[ ] DUP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 SWAP[ ] WS[ ] ELSE[ ] DIV[ ] DUP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 1 SWAP[ ] WS[ ] EIF[ ] DUP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 64 GT[ ] IF[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 32 0 RS[ ] MUL[ ] WS[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 32 1 RS[ ] MUL[ ] WS[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 32 MUL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 25 NEG[ ] JMPR[ ] POP[ ] EIF[ ] ELSE[ ] POP[ ] POP[ ] EIF[ ] ENDF[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 21 FDEF[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 1 RS[ ] MUL[ ] SWAP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 RS[ ] MUL[ ] SWAP[ ] ENDF[ ] </assembly> </fpgm> <prep> <assembly> PUSHW[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 511 SCANCTRL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 1 SCANTYPE[ ] SVTCA[0] MPPEM[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 8 LT[ ] IF[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 1 INSTCTRL[ ] EIF[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 70 6 CALL[ ] IF[ ] POP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 16 EIF[ ] MPPEM[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 20 GT[ ] IF[ ] POP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 128 EIF[ ] SCVTCI[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 6 CALL[ ] NOT[ ] IF[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 DUP[ ] RCVT[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 CALL[ ] WCVTP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 9 DUP[ ] RCVT[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 4 121 2 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 CALL[ ] WCVTP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 8 DUP[ ] RCVT[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 9 79 2 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 CALL[ ] WCVTP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 DUP[ ] RCVT[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 8 58 2 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 CALL[ ] WCVTP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 6 DUP[ ] RCVT[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 7 37 2 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 CALL[ ] WCVTP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 5 DUP[ ] RCVT[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 6 16 2 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 CALL[ ] WCVTP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 10 DUP[ ] RCVT[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 4 152 2 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 CALL[ ] WCVTP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 11 DUP[ ] RCVT[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 10 47 2 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 CALL[ ] WCVTP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 DUP[ ] RCVT[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 11 46 2 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 CALL[ ] WCVTP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 13 DUP[ ] RCVT[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 12 26 2 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 CALL[ ] WCVTP[ ] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 14 DUP[ ] RCVT[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 CALL[ ] WCVTP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 17 DUP[ ] RCVT[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 14 25 2 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 70 SROUND[ ] CALL[ ] WCVTP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 16 DUP[ ] RCVT[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 17 15 2 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 70 SROUND[ ] CALL[ ] WCVTP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 15 DUP[ ] RCVT[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 16 63 2 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 70 SROUND[ ] CALL[ ] WCVTP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 18 DUP[ ] RCVT[ ] PUSHW[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 14 32767 2 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 70 SROUND[ ] CALL[ ] WCVTP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 19 DUP[ ] RCVT[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 18 84 2 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 70 SROUND[ ] CALL[ ] WCVTP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 20 DUP[ ] RCVT[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 19 54 2 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 70 SROUND[ ] CALL[ ] WCVTP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 21 DUP[ ] RCVT[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 20 14 2 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 70 SROUND[ ] CALL[ ] WCVTP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 22 DUP[ ] RCVT[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 21 10 2 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 70 SROUND[ ] CALL[ ] WCVTP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 23 DUP[ ] RCVT[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 22 9 2 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 70 SROUND[ ] CALL[ ] WCVTP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 24 DUP[ ] RCVT[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 23 7 2 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 70 SROUND[ ] CALL[ ] WCVTP[ ] EIF[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 20 CALL[ ] </assembly> </prep> <cvt> <cv index="0" value="-385"/> <cv index="1" value="0"/> <cv index="2" value="1120"/> <cv index="3" value="1505"/> <cv index="4" value="195"/> <cv index="5" value="96"/> <cv index="6" value="162"/> <cv index="7" value="172"/> <cv index="8" value="180"/> <cv index="9" value="186"/> <cv index="10" value="203"/> <cv index="11" value="219"/> <cv index="12" value="227"/> <cv index="13" value="242"/> <cv index="14" value="207"/> <cv index="15" value="94"/> <cv index="16" value="123"/> <cv index="17" value="160"/> <cv index="18" value="207"/> <cv index="19" value="221"/> <cv index="20" value="229"/> <cv index="21" value="309"/> <cv index="22" value="426"/> <cv index="23" value="506"/> <cv index="24" value="586"/> <cv index="25" value="154"/> <cv index="26" value="210"/> <cv index="27" value="156"/> <cv index="28" value="158"/> <cv index="29" value="217"/> <cv index="30" value="165"/> <cv index="31" value="188"/> <cv index="32" value="144"/> <cv index="33" value="118"/> <cv index="34" value="74"/> </cvt> <loca> <!-- The 'loca' table will be calculated by the compiler --> </loca> <glyf> <!-- The xMin, yMin, xMax and yMax values will be recalculated by the compiler. --> <TTGlyph name=".notdef"/><!-- contains no outline data --> <TTGlyph name=".null"/><!-- contains no outline data --> <TTGlyph name="A" xMin="20" yMin="0" xMax="745" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="20" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="248" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="518" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="745" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="530" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="489" y="307" on="1"/> <pt x="276" y="307" on="1"/> <pt x="236" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="307" y="541" on="1"/> <pt x="459" y="541" on="1"/> <pt x="395" y="1016" on="1"/> <pt x="389" y="1055" on="1"/> <pt x="377" y="1055" on="1"/> <pt x="371" y="1016" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 6 8 0 1 13 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 6 12 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 14 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 4 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 15 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 4 7 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 2 1 8 9 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 8 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 11 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="AE" xMin="16" yMin="0" xMax="1059" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="16" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="436" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="1059" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="1059" y="1278" on="1"/> <pt x="774" y="1278" on="1"/> <pt x="774" y="883" on="1"/> <pt x="979" y="883" on="1"/> <pt x="979" y="641" on="1"/> <pt x="774" y="641" on="1"/> <pt x="774" y="227" on="1"/> <pt x="1059" y="227" on="1"/> <pt x="1059" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="553" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="553" y="307" on="1"/> <pt x="326" y="307" on="1"/> <pt x="236" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="393" y="541" on="1"/> <pt x="553" y="541" on="1"/> <pt x="553" y="1055" on="1"/> <pt x="543" y="1055" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 12 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 0 15 SHP[1] SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 12 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 2 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 1 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 4 12 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 14 16 12 2 13 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 14 12 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 5 8 12 2 13 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 13 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 20 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 15 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 15 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 13 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 17 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 9 13 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 9 2 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 10 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 13 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 22 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 21 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 54 SMD[ ] PUSHW[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 15722 -4609 21 CALL[ ] SPVFS[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 1 MDRP[00000] SFVTPV[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 15 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 19 MDRP[00000] SFVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 14 15 19 19 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 16 15 19 19 CALL[ ] SPVTCA[1] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 19 MDAP[0] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 1 14 16 19 MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 64 SMD[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 4 5 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 18 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="Aacute" xMin="20" yMin="0" xMax="745" yMax="1823"> <contour> <pt x="20" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="248" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="518" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="745" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="530" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="489" y="307" on="1"/> <pt x="276" y="307" on="1"/> <pt x="236" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="293" y="1638" on="1"/> <pt x="399" y="1823" on="1"/> <pt x="614" y="1823" on="1"/> <pt x="453" y="1638" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="307" y="541" on="1"/> <pt x="459" y="541" on="1"/> <pt x="395" y="1016" on="1"/> <pt x="389" y="1055" on="1"/> <pt x="377" y="1055" on="1"/> <pt x="371" y="1016" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 6 12 0 1 13 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 6 12 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 18 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 4 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 19 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 4 7 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 7 values pushed */ 2 1 8 9 11 12 13 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 10 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 12 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 15 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="Acircumflex" xMin="20" yMin="0" xMax="745" yMax="1823"> <contour> <pt x="20" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="248" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="518" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="745" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="530" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="489" y="307" on="1"/> <pt x="276" y="307" on="1"/> <pt x="236" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="133" y="1638" on="1"/> <pt x="274" y="1823" on="1"/> <pt x="494" y="1823" on="1"/> <pt x="635" y="1638" on="1"/> <pt x="446" y="1638" on="1"/> <pt x="383" y="1710" on="1"/> <pt x="322" y="1638" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="307" y="541" on="1"/> <pt x="459" y="541" on="1"/> <pt x="395" y="1016" on="1"/> <pt x="389" y="1055" on="1"/> <pt x="377" y="1055" on="1"/> <pt x="371" y="1016" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 6 15 0 1 13 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 6 12 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 14 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 11 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 9 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 21 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 4 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 22 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 8 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 8 values pushed */ 2 1 9 10 12 14 15 16 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 11 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 15 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 18 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 14 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 13 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="Adieresis" xMin="20" yMin="0" xMax="745" yMax="1839"> <contour> <pt x="20" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="248" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="518" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="745" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="530" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="489" y="307" on="1"/> <pt x="276" y="307" on="1"/> <pt x="236" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="143" y="1638" on="1"/> <pt x="143" y="1839" on="1"/> <pt x="334" y="1839" on="1"/> <pt x="334" y="1638" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="307" y="541" on="1"/> <pt x="459" y="541" on="1"/> <pt x="395" y="1016" on="1"/> <pt x="389" y="1055" on="1"/> <pt x="377" y="1055" on="1"/> <pt x="371" y="1016" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="432" y="1638" on="1"/> <pt x="432" y="1839" on="1"/> <pt x="623" y="1839" on="1"/> <pt x="623" y="1638" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 6 12 0 1 13 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 6 12 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 8 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 18 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 10 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 19 SHP[0] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 22 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 8 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 7 11 8 8 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 0 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 11 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 18 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 21 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 4 21 18 8 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 23 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 7 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 6 12 IP[ ] IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 18 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 15 16 IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 2 5 13 IP[ ] IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 12 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 15 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="Agrave" xMin="20" yMin="0" xMax="745" yMax="1823"> <contour> <pt x="20" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="248" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="518" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="745" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="530" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="489" y="307" on="1"/> <pt x="276" y="307" on="1"/> <pt x="236" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="141" y="1823" on="1"/> <pt x="356" y="1823" on="1"/> <pt x="463" y="1638" on="1"/> <pt x="303" y="1638" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="307" y="541" on="1"/> <pt x="459" y="541" on="1"/> <pt x="395" y="1016" on="1"/> <pt x="389" y="1055" on="1"/> <pt x="377" y="1055" on="1"/> <pt x="371" y="1016" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 6 12 0 1 13 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 6 12 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 18 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 4 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 19 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 8 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 7 values pushed */ 2 1 9 10 11 12 13 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 12 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 15 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="Aring" xMin="20" yMin="0" xMax="745" yMax="1905"> <contour> <pt x="20" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="248" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="518" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="745" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="530" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="489" y="307" on="1"/> <pt x="276" y="307" on="1"/> <pt x="236" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="231" y="1700" on="0"/> <pt x="231" y="1823" on="0"/> <pt x="322" y="1905" on="0"/> <pt x="449" y="1905" on="0"/> <pt x="537" y="1823" on="0"/> <pt x="537" y="1700" on="0"/> <pt x="449" y="1618" on="0"/> <pt x="322" y="1618" on="0"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="307" y="541" on="1"/> <pt x="459" y="541" on="1"/> <pt x="395" y="1016" on="1"/> <pt x="389" y="1055" on="1"/> <pt x="377" y="1055" on="1"/> <pt x="371" y="1016" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="309" y="1790" on="0"/> <pt x="309" y="1733" on="0"/> <pt x="356" y="1690" on="0"/> <pt x="414" y="1690" on="0"/> <pt x="461" y="1733" on="0"/> <pt x="461" y="1790" on="0"/> <pt x="414" y="1833" on="0"/> <pt x="356" y="1833" on="0"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 6 16 0 1 13 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 6 12 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 15 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 25 5 0 54 4 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 29 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 11 5 0 54 4 CALL[ ] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 30 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 9 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 23 15 0 46 4 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 16 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 7 23 9 8 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 0 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 23 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 27 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 17 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 13 15 0 46 4 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 4 13 27 8 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 31 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 23 7 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 6 IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 27 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 11 14 15 10 20 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 2 5 IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 16 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 19 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 29 25 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 9 12 13 8 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="Atilde" xMin="20" yMin="0" xMax="745" yMax="1823"> <contour> <pt x="20" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="248" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="518" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="745" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="530" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="489" y="307" on="1"/> <pt x="276" y="307" on="1"/> <pt x="236" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="184" y="1632" on="1"/> <pt x="184" y="1784" on="1"/> <pt x="233" y="1823" on="0"/> <pt x="293" y="1823" on="1"/> <pt x="326" y="1823" on="0"/> <pt x="442" y="1786" on="0"/> <pt x="473" y="1784" on="1"/> <pt x="498" y="1784" on="0"/> <pt x="553" y="1800" on="0"/> <pt x="567" y="1808" on="1"/> <pt x="582" y="1817" on="1"/> <pt x="582" y="1665" on="1"/> <pt x="531" y="1626" on="0"/> <pt x="473" y="1626" on="1"/> <pt x="442" y="1626" on="0"/> <pt x="326" y="1665" on="0"/> <pt x="293" y="1665" on="1"/> <pt x="268" y="1665" on="0"/> <pt x="213" y="1649" on="0"/> <pt x="199" y="1640" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="307" y="541" on="1"/> <pt x="459" y="541" on="1"/> <pt x="395" y="1016" on="1"/> <pt x="389" y="1055" on="1"/> <pt x="377" y="1055" on="1"/> <pt x="371" y="1016" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 6 28 0 1 13 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 6 12 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 24 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 6 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 18 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 21 DUP[ ] MDRP[10110] SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 8 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 14 6 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 34 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 4 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 35 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 8 9 IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 8 values pushed */ 2 1 11 13 21 24 28 29 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 18 19 IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 28 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 31 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 24 21 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 19 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 14 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 9 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="B" xMin="82" yMin="0" xMax="696" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="82" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="82" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="276" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="481" y="1505" on="0"/> <pt x="680" y="1323" on="0"/> <pt x="680" y="1106" on="1"/> <pt x="680" y="1000" on="0"/> <pt x="621" y="862" on="0"/> <pt x="543" y="795" on="1"/> <pt x="549" y="793" on="0"/> <pt x="569" y="778" on="0"/> <pt x="623" y="723" on="0"/> <pt x="664" y="647" on="0"/> <pt x="696" y="510" on="0"/> <pt x="696" y="426" on="1"/> <pt x="696" y="12" on="0"/> <pt x="354" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="303" y="219" on="1"/> <pt x="377" y="219" on="0"/> <pt x="412" y="250" on="1"/> <pt x="467" y="305" on="0"/> <pt x="467" y="451" on="1"/> <pt x="467" y="533" on="0"/> <pt x="434" y="637" on="0"/> <pt x="375" y="674" on="0"/> <pt x="338" y="682" on="0"/> <pt x="311" y="682" on="1"/> <pt x="303" y="682" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="303" y="885" on="1"/> <pt x="326" y="885" on="0"/> <pt x="348" y="887" on="0"/> <pt x="406" y="905" on="0"/> <pt x="438" y="944" on="0"/> <pt x="467" y="1026" on="0"/> <pt x="467" y="1145" on="0"/> <pt x="438" y="1227" on="0"/> <pt x="406" y="1266" on="0"/> <pt x="348" y="1284" on="0"/> <pt x="326" y="1286" on="0"/> <pt x="303" y="1286" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 16 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 17 11 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 2 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 39 11 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 28 27 16 2 13 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 28 10 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 40 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 17 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 28 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 17 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 21 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 33 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 14 20 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 41 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 21 17 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 16 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 5 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 8 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 27 17 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 14 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 28 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 8 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 39 SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 5 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="C" xMin="68" yMin="-16" xMax="657" yMax="1522"> <contour> <pt x="68" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="68" y="1196" on="1"/> <pt x="68" y="1208" on="0"/> <pt x="72" y="1253" on="0"/> <pt x="102" y="1366" on="0"/> <pt x="158" y="1452" on="0"/> <pt x="279" y="1522" on="0"/> <pt x="446" y="1522" on="0"/> <pt x="567" y="1454" on="0"/> <pt x="623" y="1360" on="0"/> <pt x="653" y="1264" on="0"/> <pt x="655" y="1229" on="1"/> <pt x="657" y="1196" on="1"/> <pt x="657" y="989" on="1"/> <pt x="451" y="989" on="1"/> <pt x="451" y="1196" on="1"/> <pt x="449" y="1196" on="0"/> <pt x="453" y="1219" on="0"/> <pt x="442" y="1251" on="0"/> <pt x="428" y="1284" on="0"/> <pt x="393" y="1307" on="0"/> <pt x="367" y="1307" on="1"/> <pt x="297" y="1297" on="0"/> <pt x="289" y="1196" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="297" on="0"/> <pt x="293" y="260" on="0"/> <pt x="332" y="199" on="0"/> <pt x="367" y="199" on="1"/> <pt x="408" y="199" on="0"/> <pt x="451" y="254" on="0"/> <pt x="451" y="283" on="1"/> <pt x="451" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="451" y="516" on="1"/> <pt x="657" y="516" on="1"/> <pt x="657" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="657" y="297" on="0"/> <pt x="653" y="252" on="0"/> <pt x="623" y="139" on="0"/> <pt x="567" y="53" on="0"/> <pt x="446" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="279" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="158" y="51" on="0"/> <pt x="102" y="147" on="0"/> <pt x="72" y="242" on="0"/> <pt x="70" y="274" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 41 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 28 11 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 28 41 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 28 33 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 7 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 21 11 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 21 7 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 21 13 9 CALL[ ] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 46 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 24 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 24 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 31 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 14 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 35 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 47 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 24 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 6 41 IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 31 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 7 21 40 IP[ ] IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 35 SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 10 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="Ccedilla" xMin="68" yMin="-385" xMax="657" yMax="1522"> <contour> <pt x="68" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="68" y="1196" on="1"/> <pt x="68" y="1208" on="0"/> <pt x="72" y="1253" on="0"/> <pt x="102" y="1366" on="0"/> <pt x="158" y="1452" on="0"/> <pt x="279" y="1522" on="0"/> <pt x="446" y="1522" on="0"/> <pt x="567" y="1454" on="0"/> <pt x="623" y="1360" on="0"/> <pt x="653" y="1264" on="0"/> <pt x="655" y="1229" on="1"/> <pt x="657" y="1196" on="1"/> <pt x="657" y="989" on="1"/> <pt x="451" y="989" on="1"/> <pt x="451" y="1196" on="1"/> <pt x="449" y="1196" on="0"/> <pt x="453" y="1219" on="0"/> <pt x="442" y="1251" on="0"/> <pt x="428" y="1284" on="0"/> <pt x="393" y="1307" on="0"/> <pt x="367" y="1307" on="1"/> <pt x="297" y="1297" on="0"/> <pt x="289" y="1196" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="297" on="0"/> <pt x="293" y="260" on="0"/> <pt x="332" y="199" on="0"/> <pt x="367" y="199" on="1"/> <pt x="408" y="199" on="0"/> <pt x="451" y="254" on="0"/> <pt x="451" y="283" on="1"/> <pt x="451" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="451" y="516" on="1"/> <pt x="657" y="516" on="1"/> <pt x="657" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="657" y="297" on="0"/> <pt x="653" y="252" on="0"/> <pt x="623" y="139" on="0"/> <pt x="567" y="53" on="0"/> <pt x="446" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="279" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="158" y="51" on="0"/> <pt x="102" y="147" on="0"/> <pt x="72" y="242" on="0"/> <pt x="70" y="274" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="268" y="-111" on="1"/> <pt x="268" y="-252" on="1"/> <pt x="332" y="-252" on="1"/> <pt x="291" y="-385" on="1"/> <pt x="395" y="-385" on="1"/> <pt x="440" y="-252" on="1"/> <pt x="440" y="-111" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 41 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 28 11 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 28 41 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 28 33 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 7 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 21 11 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 21 7 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 21 13 9 CALL[ ] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 53 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 24 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 49 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 24 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 31 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 14 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 35 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 54 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 24 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 6 41 46 47 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 31 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 6 values pushed */ 7 21 40 48 51 52 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 35 SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 10 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="D" xMin="82" yMin="0" xMax="696" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="82" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="82" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="256" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="346" y="1505" on="0"/> <pt x="473" y="1481" on="0"/> <pt x="571" y="1438" on="0"/> <pt x="633" y="1346" on="0"/> <pt x="672" y="1247" on="0"/> <pt x="690" y="1067" on="0"/> <pt x="696" y="893" on="0"/> <pt x="696" y="610" on="0"/> <pt x="690" y="436" on="0"/> <pt x="672" y="258" on="0"/> <pt x="633" y="160" on="0"/> <pt x="571" y="68" on="0"/> <pt x="473" y="25" on="0"/> <pt x="346" y="0" on="0"/> <pt x="256" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="303" y="221" on="1"/> <pt x="420" y="221" on="0"/> <pt x="444" y="302" on="1"/> <pt x="467" y="377" on="0"/> <pt x="467" y="698" on="1"/> <pt x="467" y="725" on="0"/> <pt x="467" y="782" on="0"/> <pt x="467" y="809" on="1"/> <pt x="467" y="1131" on="0"/> <pt x="444" y="1204" on="1"/> <pt x="419" y="1284" on="0"/> <pt x="303" y="1284" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 17 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 18 11 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 2 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 29 11 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 30 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 18 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 18 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 22 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 20 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 31 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 29 18 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 10 9 IP[ ] IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="E" xMin="82" yMin="0" xMax="588" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="82" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="82" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="588" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="588" y="1278" on="1"/> <pt x="303" y="1278" on="1"/> <pt x="303" y="883" on="1"/> <pt x="508" y="883" on="1"/> <pt x="508" y="641" on="1"/> <pt x="303" y="641" on="1"/> <pt x="303" y="227" on="1"/> <pt x="588" y="227" on="1"/> <pt x="588" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 12 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 4 12 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 5 8 0 1 13 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 13 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 23 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 2 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 22 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 23 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 13 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="Eacute" xMin="82" yMin="0" xMax="588" yMax="1823"> <contour> <pt x="82" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="82" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="588" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="588" y="1278" on="1"/> <pt x="303" y="1278" on="1"/> <pt x="303" y="883" on="1"/> <pt x="508" y="883" on="1"/> <pt x="508" y="641" on="1"/> <pt x="303" y="641" on="1"/> <pt x="303" y="227" on="1"/> <pt x="588" y="227" on="1"/> <pt x="588" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="236" y="1638" on="1"/> <pt x="342" y="1823" on="1"/> <pt x="557" y="1823" on="1"/> <pt x="395" y="1638" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 12 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 4 12 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 5 8 0 1 13 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 13 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 16 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 23 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 2 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 22 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 23 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 17 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 13 15 IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 11 SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 14 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="Ecircumflex" xMin="82" yMin="0" xMax="588" yMax="1823"> <contour> <pt x="82" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="82" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="588" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="588" y="1278" on="1"/> <pt x="303" y="1278" on="1"/> <pt x="303" y="883" on="1"/> <pt x="508" y="883" on="1"/> <pt x="508" y="641" on="1"/> <pt x="303" y="641" on="1"/> <pt x="303" y="227" on="1"/> <pt x="588" y="227" on="1"/> <pt x="588" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="84" y="1638" on="1"/> <pt x="225" y="1823" on="1"/> <pt x="444" y="1823" on="1"/> <pt x="586" y="1638" on="1"/> <pt x="397" y="1638" on="1"/> <pt x="334" y="1710" on="1"/> <pt x="272" y="1638" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 12 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 4 12 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 5 8 0 1 13 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 13 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 18 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 15 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 13 9 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 19 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 23 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 2 15 SHP[0] SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 22 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 23 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 20 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 13 18 IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 14 16 17 IP[ ] IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 13 18 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 17 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="Edieresis" xMin="82" yMin="0" xMax="588" yMax="1839"> <contour> <pt x="82" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="82" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="588" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="588" y="1278" on="1"/> <pt x="303" y="1278" on="1"/> <pt x="303" y="883" on="1"/> <pt x="508" y="883" on="1"/> <pt x="508" y="641" on="1"/> <pt x="303" y="641" on="1"/> <pt x="303" y="227" on="1"/> <pt x="588" y="227" on="1"/> <pt x="588" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="94" y="1638" on="1"/> <pt x="94" y="1839" on="1"/> <pt x="285" y="1839" on="1"/> <pt x="285" y="1638" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="383" y="1638" on="1"/> <pt x="383" y="1839" on="1"/> <pt x="573" y="1839" on="1"/> <pt x="573" y="1638" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 12 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 4 12 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 5 8 0 1 13 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 13 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 16 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 13 10 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 17 SHP[0] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 20 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 23 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 2 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 22 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 19 DUP[ ] MDRP[10110] SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 16 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 16 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 19 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 23 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 15 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 21 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="Egrave" xMin="82" yMin="0" xMax="588" yMax="1823"> <contour> <pt x="82" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="82" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="588" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="588" y="1278" on="1"/> <pt x="303" y="1278" on="1"/> <pt x="303" y="883" on="1"/> <pt x="508" y="883" on="1"/> <pt x="508" y="641" on="1"/> <pt x="303" y="641" on="1"/> <pt x="303" y="227" on="1"/> <pt x="588" y="227" on="1"/> <pt x="588" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="111" y="1823" on="1"/> <pt x="326" y="1823" on="1"/> <pt x="432" y="1638" on="1"/> <pt x="272" y="1638" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 12 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 4 12 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 5 8 0 1 13 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 13 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 16 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 23 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 2 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 22 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 23 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 17 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 12 15 IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 13 14 IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="Eth" xMin="20" yMin="0" xMax="696" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="20" y="655" on="1"/> <pt x="20" y="883" on="1"/> <pt x="82" y="883" on="1"/> <pt x="82" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="256" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="346" y="1505" on="0"/> <pt x="473" y="1481" on="0"/> <pt x="571" y="1438" on="0"/> <pt x="633" y="1346" on="0"/> <pt x="672" y="1247" on="0"/> <pt x="690" y="1067" on="0"/> <pt x="696" y="893" on="0"/> <pt x="696" y="610" on="0"/> <pt x="690" y="436" on="0"/> <pt x="672" y="258" on="0"/> <pt x="633" y="160" on="0"/> <pt x="571" y="68" on="0"/> <pt x="473" y="25" on="0"/> <pt x="346" y="0" on="0"/> <pt x="256" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="82" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="82" y="655" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="303" y="221" on="1"/> <pt x="420" y="221" on="0"/> <pt x="469" y="383" on="0"/> <pt x="467" y="754" on="1"/> <pt x="469" y="1125" on="0"/> <pt x="420" y="1284" on="0"/> <pt x="303" y="1284" on="1"/> <pt x="303" y="883" on="1"/> <pt x="387" y="883" on="1"/> <pt x="387" y="655" on="1"/> <pt x="303" y="655" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 19 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 22 11 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 4 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 28 11 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 1 0 19 4 13 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 31 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 12 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 29 SHP[0] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 33 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 20 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 2 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 22 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 28 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 12 20 0 14 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 31 21 0 12 4 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 22 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 25 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 13 20 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 34 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 0 22 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 28 1 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 11 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="Euro" xMin="53" yMin="-16" xMax="750" yMax="1522"> <contour> <pt x="53" y="547" on="1"/> <pt x="53" y="684" on="1"/> <pt x="160" y="684" on="1"/> <pt x="160" y="821" on="1"/> <pt x="53" y="821" on="1"/> <pt x="53" y="958" on="1"/> <pt x="160" y="958" on="1"/> <pt x="160" y="1196" on="1"/> <pt x="160" y="1208" on="0"/> <pt x="164" y="1253" on="0"/> <pt x="195" y="1366" on="0"/> <pt x="250" y="1452" on="0"/> <pt x="371" y="1522" on="0"/> <pt x="539" y="1522" on="0"/> <pt x="659" y="1454" on="0"/> <pt x="715" y="1360" on="0"/> <pt x="745" y="1264" on="0"/> <pt x="748" y="1229" on="1"/> <pt x="750" y="1196" on="1"/> <pt x="750" y="1112" on="1"/> <pt x="543" y="1112" on="1"/> <pt x="543" y="1196" on="1"/> <pt x="541" y="1196" on="0"/> <pt x="545" y="1219" on="0"/> <pt x="535" y="1251" on="0"/> <pt x="520" y="1284" on="0"/> <pt x="485" y="1307" on="0"/> <pt x="459" y="1307" on="1"/> <pt x="389" y="1297" on="0"/> <pt x="381" y="1196" on="1"/> <pt x="381" y="958" on="1"/> <pt x="614" y="958" on="1"/> <pt x="614" y="821" on="1"/> <pt x="381" y="821" on="1"/> <pt x="381" y="684" on="1"/> <pt x="614" y="684" on="1"/> <pt x="614" y="547" on="1"/> <pt x="381" y="547" on="1"/> <pt x="381" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="381" y="297" on="0"/> <pt x="385" y="260" on="0"/> <pt x="424" y="199" on="0"/> <pt x="459" y="199" on="1"/> <pt x="500" y="199" on="0"/> <pt x="541" y="254" on="0"/> <pt x="541" y="283" on="1"/> <pt x="543" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="543" y="393" on="1"/> <pt x="750" y="393" on="1"/> <pt x="750" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="750" y="297" on="0"/> <pt x="745" y="252" on="0"/> <pt x="715" y="139" on="0"/> <pt x="659" y="53" on="0"/> <pt x="539" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="371" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="250" y="51" on="0"/> <pt x="195" y="147" on="0"/> <pt x="164" y="242" on="0"/> <pt x="162" y="274" on="1"/> <pt x="160" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="160" y="547" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 55 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 42 11 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 42 55 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 42 47 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 13 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 27 11 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 27 13 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 27 19 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 0 1 55 13 13 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 34 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 0 6 0 27 4 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 36 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 5 4 55 13 13 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 32 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 5 6 0 27 4 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 30 SHP[0] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 62 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 60 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 2 6 SHP[0] SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 38 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 29 33 SHP[0] SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 38 60 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 38 36 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 31 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 60 38 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 60 0 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 38 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 46 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 20 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 49 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 18 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 63 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 38 60 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 12 55 IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 46 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 13 27 54 IP[ ] IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 49 SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 16 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="F" xMin="82" yMin="0" xMax="608" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="82" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="82" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="608" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="608" y="1278" on="1"/> <pt x="303" y="1278" on="1"/> <pt x="303" y="883" on="1"/> <pt x="508" y="883" on="1"/> <pt x="508" y="655" on="1"/> <pt x="303" y="655" on="1"/> <pt x="303" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 4 12 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 5 8 0 1 13 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 12 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 10 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 9 0 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 9 3 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 9 7 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="G" xMin="67" yMin="-16" xMax="657" yMax="1522"> <contour> <pt x="68" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="68" y="1196" on="1"/> <pt x="68" y="1208" on="0"/> <pt x="72" y="1253" on="0"/> <pt x="102" y="1366" on="0"/> <pt x="158" y="1452" on="0"/> <pt x="279" y="1522" on="0"/> <pt x="446" y="1522" on="0"/> <pt x="567" y="1454" on="0"/> <pt x="623" y="1360" on="0"/> <pt x="653" y="1264" on="0"/> <pt x="655" y="1229" on="1"/> <pt x="657" y="1196" on="1"/> <pt x="657" y="965" on="1"/> <pt x="436" y="965" on="1"/> <pt x="436" y="1196" on="1"/> <pt x="436" y="1208" on="0"/> <pt x="434" y="1245" on="0"/> <pt x="397" y="1307" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="1307" on="0"/> <pt x="291" y="1251" on="0"/> <pt x="291" y="1225" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="1196" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="291" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="279" on="0"/> <pt x="291" y="242" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="180" on="0"/> <pt x="397" y="180" on="0"/> <pt x="434" y="236" on="0"/> <pt x="434" y="262" on="1"/> <pt x="436" y="291" on="1"/> <pt x="436" y="563" on="1"/> <pt x="348" y="563" on="1"/> <pt x="348" y="750" on="1"/> <pt x="657" y="750" on="1"/> <pt x="657" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="526" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="500" y="72" on="1"/> <pt x="430" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="-16" on="1"/> <pt x="125" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="78" y="197" on="1"/> <pt x="67" y="245" on="0"/> <pt x="67" y="286" on="1"/> <pt x="67" y="298" on="0"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 36 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 39 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 27 4 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 7 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 19 11 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 19 7 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 19 14 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 32 33 39 7 13 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 32 9 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 45 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 23 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 23 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 30 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 14 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 35 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 35 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 32 21 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 32 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 46 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 23 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 6 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 32 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 19 26 39 IP[ ] IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 30 SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 18 27 IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 35 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 37 IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 27 36 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 37 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 32 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 43 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="H" xMin="82" yMin="0" xMax="696" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="82" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="82" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="303" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="303" y="883" on="1"/> <pt x="475" y="883" on="1"/> <pt x="475" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="696" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="696" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="475" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="475" y="655" on="1"/> <pt x="303" y="655" on="1"/> <pt x="303" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 5 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 3 10 0 1 13 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 12 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 2 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 11 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 8 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 13 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="I" xMin="82" yMin="0" xMax="303" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="82" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="82" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="303" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="303" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 3 0 CALL[ ] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="Iacute" xMin="82" yMin="0" xMax="408" yMax="1823"> <contour> <pt x="82" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="82" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="303" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="303" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="86" y="1638" on="1"/> <pt x="193" y="1823" on="1"/> <pt x="408" y="1823" on="1"/> <pt x="246" y="1638" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 3 0 CALL[ ] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 8 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 7 IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="Icircumflex" xMin="-66" yMin="0" xMax="436" yMax="1823"> <contour> <pt x="-66" y="1638" on="1"/> <pt x="76" y="1823" on="1"/> <pt x="295" y="1823" on="1"/> <pt x="436" y="1638" on="1"/> <pt x="248" y="1638" on="1"/> <pt x="184" y="1710" on="1"/> <pt x="123" y="1638" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="74" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="74" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="295" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="295" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 7 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 8 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 6 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 9 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 11 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 10 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 12 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 10 7 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 2 1 4 6 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 6 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 5 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="Idieresis" xMin="-53" yMin="0" xMax="426" yMax="1839"> <contour> <pt x="-53" y="1638" on="1"/> <pt x="-53" y="1839" on="1"/> <pt x="137" y="1839" on="1"/> <pt x="137" y="1638" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="76" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="76" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="297" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="297" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="236" y="1638" on="1"/> <pt x="236" y="1839" on="1"/> <pt x="426" y="1839" on="1"/> <pt x="426" y="1638" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 4 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 5 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 8 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 10 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 9 SHP[0] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 3 7 4 8 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 0 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 8 7 4 8 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 13 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="Igrave" xMin="-6" yMin="0" xMax="319" yMax="1823"> <contour> <pt x="-6" y="1823" on="1"/> <pt x="209" y="1823" on="1"/> <pt x="315" y="1638" on="1"/> <pt x="156" y="1638" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="98" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="98" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="319" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="319" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 4 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 5 3 0 CALL[ ] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 8 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 2 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 4 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 3 IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="J" xMin="12" yMin="-15" xMax="352" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="12" y="-14" on="1"/> <pt x="12" y="203" on="1"/> <pt x="16" y="203" on="0"/> <pt x="33" y="201" on="0"/> <pt x="74" y="207" on="0"/> <pt x="104" y="225" on="0"/> <pt x="131" y="276" on="0"/> <pt x="131" y="313" on="1"/> <pt x="131" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="352" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="352" y="279" on="1"/> <pt x="352" y="142" on="0"/> <pt x="273" y="58" on="1"/> <pt x="203" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="51" y="-15" on="1"/> <pt x="32" y="-15" on="0"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 11 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 8 3 0 CALL[ ] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 16 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 10 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 7 10 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 7 0 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 17 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="K" xMin="82" yMin="0" xMax="748" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="82" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="82" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="303" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="303" y="1004" on="1"/> <pt x="303" y="979" on="1"/> <pt x="311" y="979" on="1"/> <pt x="322" y="1004" on="1"/> <pt x="506" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="721" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="518" y="1010" on="1"/> <pt x="748" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="532" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="379" y="655" on="1"/> <pt x="373" y="686" on="1"/> <pt x="367" y="686" on="1"/> <pt x="354" y="655" on="1"/> <pt x="303" y="532" on="1"/> <pt x="303" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 10 11 SHP[1] SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 SHP[1] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 18 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 17 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 2 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 17 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 10 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 19 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 54 SMD[ ] PUSHW[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ -15975 -3638 21 CALL[ ] SPVFS[ ] SFVTPV[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 11 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 13 MDRP[00000] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 10 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 9 MDRP[00000] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 13 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 12 13 11 19 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 12 13 11 DUP[ ] ROLL[ ] DUP[ ] ROLL[ ] SWAP[ ] SPVTL[0] SFVTPV[ ] SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 9 12 13 MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 9 12 13 MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 64 SMD[ ] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 17 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 10 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 8 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="L" xMin="82" yMin="0" xMax="596" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="82" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="82" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="303" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="303" y="205" on="1"/> <pt x="596" y="205" on="1"/> <pt x="596" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 10 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 3 0 CALL[ ] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 6 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 3 0 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 3 5 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="Lslash" xMin="41" yMin="0" xMax="621" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="41" y="561" on="1"/> <pt x="41" y="782" on="1"/> <pt x="106" y="834" on="1"/> <pt x="106" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="328" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="328" y="1006" on="1"/> <pt x="449" y="1100" on="1"/> <pt x="449" y="879" on="1"/> <pt x="328" y="784" on="1"/> <pt x="328" y="205" on="1"/> <pt x="621" y="205" on="1"/> <pt x="621" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="106" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="106" y="612" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 12 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 10 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 3 3 0 CALL[ ] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 14 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 2 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 9 12 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 9 7 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 9 11 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 9 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 21 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 1 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 15 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 9 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 0 13 IP[ ] IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="M" xMin="82" yMin="0" xMax="909" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="82" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="82" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="352" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="483" y="817" on="1"/> <pt x="494" y="737" on="1"/> <pt x="498" y="737" on="1"/> <pt x="508" y="817" on="1"/> <pt x="639" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="909" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="909" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="705" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="705" y="946" on="1"/> <pt x="705" y="1010" on="1"/> <pt x="692" y="1010" on="1"/> <pt x="684" y="946" on="1"/> <pt x="543" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="449" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="307" y="946" on="1"/> <pt x="299" y="1010" on="1"/> <pt x="287" y="1010" on="1"/> <pt x="287" y="946" on="1"/> <pt x="287" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 15 SHP[1] SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 SHP[1] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 22 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 21 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 21 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 16 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 15 15 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 15 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 10 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 23 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 54 SMD[ ] PUSHW[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ -16231 -2232 21 CALL[ ] SPVFS[ ] SFVTPV[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 18 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 17 MDRP[00000] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 27 MIRP[11001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 MDRP[00000] PUSHW[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 16257 -2032 21 CALL[ ] SPVFS[ ] SFVTPV[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 5 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 6 MDRP[00000] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 14 28 MIRP[11001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 13 MDRP[00000] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 8 values pushed */ 3 4 5 6 13 14 17 18 MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 8 values pushed */ 3 4 5 6 13 14 17 18 MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 64 SMD[ ] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 16 21 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 2 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 10 15 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="N" xMin="82" yMin="0" xMax="727" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="82" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="82" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="279" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="494" y="721" on="1"/> <pt x="512" y="651" on="1"/> <pt x="524" y="651" on="1"/> <pt x="524" y="721" on="1"/> <pt x="524" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="727" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="727" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="530" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="315" y="784" on="1"/> <pt x="297" y="854" on="1"/> <pt x="285" y="854" on="1"/> <pt x="285" y="784" on="1"/> <pt x="285" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 9 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 SHP[1] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 16 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 15 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 2 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 15 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 10 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 17 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 54 SMD[ ] PUSHW[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ -15801 -4333 21 CALL[ ] SPVFS[ ] SFVTPV[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 11 MDRP[00000] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 25 MIRP[11001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 MDRP[00000] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 3 4 11 12 MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 3 4 11 12 MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 64 SMD[ ] SVTCA[1] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="Ntilde" xMin="82" yMin="0" xMax="727" yMax="1823"> <contour> <pt x="82" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="82" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="279" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="494" y="721" on="1"/> <pt x="512" y="651" on="1"/> <pt x="524" y="651" on="1"/> <pt x="524" y="721" on="1"/> <pt x="524" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="727" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="727" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="530" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="315" y="784" on="1"/> <pt x="297" y="854" on="1"/> <pt x="285" y="854" on="1"/> <pt x="285" y="784" on="1"/> <pt x="285" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="207" y="1632" on="1"/> <pt x="207" y="1784" on="1"/> <pt x="256" y="1823" on="0"/> <pt x="315" y="1823" on="1"/> <pt x="348" y="1823" on="0"/> <pt x="465" y="1786" on="0"/> <pt x="496" y="1784" on="1"/> <pt x="521" y="1784" on="0"/> <pt x="575" y="1800" on="0"/> <pt x="590" y="1808" on="1"/> <pt x="604" y="1817" on="1"/> <pt x="604" y="1665" on="1"/> <pt x="553" y="1626" on="0"/> <pt x="496" y="1626" on="1"/> <pt x="465" y="1626" on="0"/> <pt x="348" y="1665" on="0"/> <pt x="315" y="1665" on="1"/> <pt x="290" y="1665" on="0"/> <pt x="236" y="1649" on="0"/> <pt x="221" y="1640" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 9 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 32 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 19 6 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 26 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 29 DUP[ ] MDRP[10110] SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 16 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 22 6 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 36 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 15 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 2 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 15 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 10 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 37 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 54 SMD[ ] PUSHW[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ -15801 -4333 21 CALL[ ] SPVFS[ ] SFVTPV[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 11 MDRP[00000] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 25 MIRP[11001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 MDRP[00000] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 3 4 11 12 MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 3 4 11 12 MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 64 SMD[ ] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 15 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 16 17 IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 5 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 19 21 29 32 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 9 SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 26 27 IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 32 29 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 27 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 22 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 17 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="O" xMin="68" yMin="-16" xMax="657" yMax="1522"> <contour> <pt x="68" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="68" y="1196" on="1"/> <pt x="68" y="1208" on="0"/> <pt x="72" y="1253" on="0"/> <pt x="102" y="1366" on="0"/> <pt x="158" y="1452" on="0"/> <pt x="279" y="1522" on="0"/> <pt x="446" y="1522" on="0"/> <pt x="567" y="1454" on="0"/> <pt x="623" y="1360" on="0"/> <pt x="653" y="1264" on="0"/> <pt x="655" y="1229" on="1"/> <pt x="657" y="1196" on="1"/> <pt x="657" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="657" y="297" on="0"/> <pt x="653" y="252" on="0"/> <pt x="623" y="139" on="0"/> <pt x="567" y="53" on="0"/> <pt x="446" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="279" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="158" y="51" on="0"/> <pt x="102" y="147" on="0"/> <pt x="72" y="242" on="0"/> <pt x="70" y="274" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="289" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="297" on="0"/> <pt x="291" y="260" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="199" on="0"/> <pt x="397" y="199" on="0"/> <pt x="434" y="254" on="0"/> <pt x="434" y="283" on="1"/> <pt x="436" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="436" y="1196" on="1"/> <pt x="436" y="1208" on="0"/> <pt x="434" y="1245" on="0"/> <pt x="397" y="1307" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="1307" on="0"/> <pt x="291" y="1251" on="0"/> <pt x="291" y="1225" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="1196" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 19 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 28 11 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 7 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 36 11 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 40 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 24 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 24 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 31 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 13 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 41 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 24 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 6 19 IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 13 31 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 18 IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="OE" xMin="68" yMin="0" xMax="942" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="68" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="68" y="1196" on="1"/> <pt x="68" y="1208" on="0"/> <pt x="72" y="1251" on="0"/> <pt x="102" y="1358" on="0"/> <pt x="158" y="1438" on="0"/> <pt x="279" y="1505" on="0"/> <pt x="362" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="942" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="942" y="1278" on="1"/> <pt x="657" y="1278" on="1"/> <pt x="657" y="883" on="1"/> <pt x="862" y="883" on="1"/> <pt x="862" y="641" on="1"/> <pt x="657" y="641" on="1"/> <pt x="657" y="227" on="1"/> <pt x="942" y="227" on="1"/> <pt x="942" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="362" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="278" y="0" on="0"/> <pt x="158" y="63" on="0"/> <pt x="102" y="156" on="0"/> <pt x="72" y="246" on="0"/> <pt x="70" y="279" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="289" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="297" on="0"/> <pt x="291" y="260" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="199" on="0"/> <pt x="397" y="199" on="0"/> <pt x="434" y="254" on="0"/> <pt x="434" y="283" on="1"/> <pt x="436" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="436" y="1210" on="1"/> <pt x="430" y="1306" on="0"/> <pt x="362" y="1307" on="1"/> <pt x="327" y="1307" on="0"/> <pt x="291" y="1251" on="0"/> <pt x="291" y="1225" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="1196" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 17 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 15 12 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 17 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 28 4 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 8 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 10 12 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 8 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 34 4 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 11 14 17 8 13 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 13 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 39 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 24 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 24 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 31 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 15 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 10 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 13 22 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 40 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 24 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 22 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="Oacute" xMin="68" yMin="-16" xMax="657" yMax="1823"> <contour> <pt x="68" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="68" y="1196" on="1"/> <pt x="68" y="1208" on="0"/> <pt x="72" y="1253" on="0"/> <pt x="102" y="1366" on="0"/> <pt x="158" y="1452" on="0"/> <pt x="279" y="1522" on="0"/> <pt x="446" y="1522" on="0"/> <pt x="567" y="1454" on="0"/> <pt x="623" y="1360" on="0"/> <pt x="653" y="1264" on="0"/> <pt x="655" y="1229" on="1"/> <pt x="657" y="1196" on="1"/> <pt x="657" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="657" y="297" on="0"/> <pt x="653" y="252" on="0"/> <pt x="623" y="139" on="0"/> <pt x="567" y="53" on="0"/> <pt x="446" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="279" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="158" y="51" on="0"/> <pt x="102" y="147" on="0"/> <pt x="72" y="242" on="0"/> <pt x="70" y="274" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="285" y="1638" on="1"/> <pt x="391" y="1823" on="1"/> <pt x="606" y="1823" on="1"/> <pt x="444" y="1638" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="289" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="297" on="0"/> <pt x="291" y="260" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="199" on="0"/> <pt x="397" y="199" on="0"/> <pt x="434" y="254" on="0"/> <pt x="434" y="283" on="1"/> <pt x="436" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="436" y="1196" on="1"/> <pt x="436" y="1208" on="0"/> <pt x="434" y="1245" on="0"/> <pt x="397" y="1307" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="1307" on="0"/> <pt x="291" y="1251" on="0"/> <pt x="291" y="1225" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="1196" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 19 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 32 11 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 7 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 40 11 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 44 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 28 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 28 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 35 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 13 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 45 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 28 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 6 19 24 IP[ ] IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 35 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 25 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 13 SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 7 18 26 27 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="Ocircumflex" xMin="68" yMin="-16" xMax="657" yMax="1823"> <contour> <pt x="68" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="68" y="1196" on="1"/> <pt x="68" y="1208" on="0"/> <pt x="72" y="1253" on="0"/> <pt x="102" y="1366" on="0"/> <pt x="158" y="1452" on="0"/> <pt x="279" y="1522" on="0"/> <pt x="446" y="1522" on="0"/> <pt x="567" y="1454" on="0"/> <pt x="623" y="1360" on="0"/> <pt x="653" y="1264" on="0"/> <pt x="655" y="1229" on="1"/> <pt x="657" y="1196" on="1"/> <pt x="657" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="657" y="297" on="0"/> <pt x="653" y="252" on="0"/> <pt x="623" y="139" on="0"/> <pt x="567" y="53" on="0"/> <pt x="446" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="279" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="158" y="51" on="0"/> <pt x="102" y="147" on="0"/> <pt x="72" y="242" on="0"/> <pt x="70" y="274" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="113" y="1638" on="1"/> <pt x="254" y="1823" on="1"/> <pt x="473" y="1823" on="1"/> <pt x="614" y="1638" on="1"/> <pt x="426" y="1638" on="1"/> <pt x="362" y="1710" on="1"/> <pt x="301" y="1638" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="289" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="297" on="0"/> <pt x="291" y="260" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="199" on="0"/> <pt x="397" y="199" on="0"/> <pt x="434" y="254" on="0"/> <pt x="434" y="283" on="1"/> <pt x="436" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="436" y="1196" on="1"/> <pt x="436" y="1208" on="0"/> <pt x="434" y="1245" on="0"/> <pt x="397" y="1307" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="1307" on="0"/> <pt x="291" y="1251" on="0"/> <pt x="291" y="1225" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="1196" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 19 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 35 11 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 7 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 43 11 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 30 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 27 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 25 9 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 47 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 31 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 31 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 38 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 13 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 48 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 31 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 6 19 24 25 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 38 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 28 30 IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 13 SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 7 18 26 27 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 25 30 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 29 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="Odieresis" xMin="68" yMin="-16" xMax="657" yMax="1839"> <contour> <pt x="68" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="68" y="1196" on="1"/> <pt x="68" y="1208" on="0"/> <pt x="72" y="1253" on="0"/> <pt x="102" y="1366" on="0"/> <pt x="158" y="1452" on="0"/> <pt x="279" y="1522" on="0"/> <pt x="446" y="1522" on="0"/> <pt x="567" y="1454" on="0"/> <pt x="623" y="1360" on="0"/> <pt x="653" y="1264" on="0"/> <pt x="655" y="1229" on="1"/> <pt x="657" y="1196" on="1"/> <pt x="657" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="657" y="297" on="0"/> <pt x="653" y="252" on="0"/> <pt x="623" y="139" on="0"/> <pt x="567" y="53" on="0"/> <pt x="446" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="279" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="158" y="51" on="0"/> <pt x="102" y="147" on="0"/> <pt x="72" y="242" on="0"/> <pt x="70" y="274" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="123" y="1638" on="1"/> <pt x="123" y="1839" on="1"/> <pt x="313" y="1839" on="1"/> <pt x="313" y="1638" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="289" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="297" on="0"/> <pt x="291" y="260" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="199" on="0"/> <pt x="397" y="199" on="0"/> <pt x="434" y="254" on="0"/> <pt x="434" y="283" on="1"/> <pt x="436" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="436" y="1196" on="1"/> <pt x="436" y="1208" on="0"/> <pt x="434" y="1245" on="0"/> <pt x="397" y="1307" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="1307" on="0"/> <pt x="291" y="1251" on="0"/> <pt x="291" y="1225" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="1196" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="412" y="1638" on="1"/> <pt x="412" y="1839" on="1"/> <pt x="602" y="1839" on="1"/> <pt x="602" y="1638" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 19 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 32 11 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 7 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 40 11 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 24 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 44 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 25 10 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 45 SHP[0] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 48 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 28 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 28 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 27 DUP[ ] MDRP[10110] SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 24 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 24 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 27 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 28 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 35 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 13 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 44 DUP[ ] MDRP[10110] SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 47 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 49 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 24 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 22 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 28 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 19 6 IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 44 27 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 31 32 39 40 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 47 35 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 18 7 IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 13 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 10 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="Ograve" xMin="68" yMin="-16" xMax="657" yMax="1823"> <contour> <pt x="68" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="68" y="1196" on="1"/> <pt x="68" y="1208" on="0"/> <pt x="72" y="1253" on="0"/> <pt x="102" y="1366" on="0"/> <pt x="158" y="1452" on="0"/> <pt x="279" y="1522" on="0"/> <pt x="446" y="1522" on="0"/> <pt x="567" y="1454" on="0"/> <pt x="623" y="1360" on="0"/> <pt x="653" y="1264" on="0"/> <pt x="655" y="1229" on="1"/> <pt x="657" y="1196" on="1"/> <pt x="657" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="657" y="297" on="0"/> <pt x="653" y="252" on="0"/> <pt x="623" y="139" on="0"/> <pt x="567" y="53" on="0"/> <pt x="446" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="279" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="158" y="51" on="0"/> <pt x="102" y="147" on="0"/> <pt x="72" y="242" on="0"/> <pt x="70" y="274" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="121" y="1823" on="1"/> <pt x="336" y="1823" on="1"/> <pt x="442" y="1638" on="1"/> <pt x="283" y="1638" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="289" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="297" on="0"/> <pt x="291" y="260" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="199" on="0"/> <pt x="397" y="199" on="0"/> <pt x="434" y="254" on="0"/> <pt x="434" y="283" on="1"/> <pt x="436" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="436" y="1196" on="1"/> <pt x="436" y="1208" on="0"/> <pt x="434" y="1245" on="0"/> <pt x="397" y="1307" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="1307" on="0"/> <pt x="291" y="1251" on="0"/> <pt x="291" y="1225" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="1196" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 19 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 32 11 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 7 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 40 11 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 44 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 28 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 28 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 35 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 13 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 45 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 28 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 6 19 24 27 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 35 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 25 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 13 SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 7 18 26 IP[ ] IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="Oslash" xMin="59" yMin="-20" xMax="657" yMax="1526"> <contour> <pt x="59" y="-20" on="1"/> <pt x="106" y="137" on="1"/> <pt x="88" y="174" on="0"/> <pt x="70" y="260" on="0"/> <pt x="70" y="285" on="1"/> <pt x="68" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="68" y="1196" on="1"/> <pt x="68" y="1208" on="0"/> <pt x="72" y="1253" on="0"/> <pt x="102" y="1366" on="0"/> <pt x="158" y="1452" on="0"/> <pt x="279" y="1522" on="0"/> <pt x="362" y="1522" on="1"/> <pt x="454" y="1522" on="0"/> <pt x="520" y="1479" on="1"/> <pt x="535" y="1526" on="1"/> <pt x="657" y="1526" on="1"/> <pt x="612" y="1376" on="1"/> <pt x="632" y="1337" on="0"/> <pt x="655" y="1247" on="0"/> <pt x="655" y="1221" on="1"/> <pt x="657" y="1196" on="1"/> <pt x="657" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="657" y="297" on="0"/> <pt x="653" y="252" on="0"/> <pt x="623" y="139" on="0"/> <pt x="567" y="53" on="0"/> <pt x="446" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="362" y="-16" on="1"/> <pt x="266" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="203" y="27" on="1"/> <pt x="188" y="-20" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="289" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="297" on="0"/> <pt x="291" y="260" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="199" on="0"/> <pt x="397" y="199" on="0"/> <pt x="434" y="254" on="0"/> <pt x="434" y="283" on="1"/> <pt x="436" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="436" y="797" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="289" y="727" on="1"/> <pt x="436" y="1206" on="1"/> <pt x="428" y="1306" on="0"/> <pt x="362" y="1307" on="1"/> <pt x="327" y="1307" on="0"/> <pt x="291" y="1251" on="0"/> <pt x="291" y="1225" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="1196" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 28 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 0 31 SHP[1] SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 36 11 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 12 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 15 16 SHP[1] SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 44 11 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 49 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 5 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 32 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 41 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 32 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 39 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 40 42 SHP[0] SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 22 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 16 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 50 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 54 SMD[ ] PUSHW[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 15608 -4981 21 CALL[ ] SPVFS[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDAP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 16 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 15 33 MIRP[11001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 31 33 MIRP[11001] PUSHW[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 15659 -4821 21 CALL[ ] SFVFS[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 1 0 15 19 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 14 0 15 19 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 31 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 17 31 16 19 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 30 31 16 19 CALL[ ] SFVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 40 31 16 19 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 41 0 15 19 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 0 15 DUP[ ] ROLL[ ] DUP[ ] ROLL[ ] SWAP[ ] SPVTL[0] SFVTPV[ ] SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 14 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 30 31 16 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 17 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 6 values pushed */ 1 14 17 30 40 41 MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 7 values pushed */ 0 1 14 15 17 30 31 MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 64 SMD[ ] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 39 32 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 28 12 IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="Otilde" xMin="68" yMin="-16" xMax="657" yMax="1823"> <contour> <pt x="68" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="68" y="1196" on="1"/> <pt x="68" y="1208" on="0"/> <pt x="72" y="1253" on="0"/> <pt x="102" y="1366" on="0"/> <pt x="158" y="1452" on="0"/> <pt x="279" y="1522" on="0"/> <pt x="446" y="1522" on="0"/> <pt x="567" y="1454" on="0"/> <pt x="623" y="1360" on="0"/> <pt x="653" y="1264" on="0"/> <pt x="655" y="1229" on="1"/> <pt x="657" y="1196" on="1"/> <pt x="657" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="657" y="297" on="0"/> <pt x="653" y="252" on="0"/> <pt x="623" y="139" on="0"/> <pt x="567" y="53" on="0"/> <pt x="446" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="279" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="158" y="51" on="0"/> <pt x="102" y="147" on="0"/> <pt x="72" y="242" on="0"/> <pt x="70" y="274" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="164" y="1632" on="1"/> <pt x="164" y="1784" on="1"/> <pt x="213" y="1823" on="0"/> <pt x="272" y="1823" on="1"/> <pt x="305" y="1823" on="0"/> <pt x="422" y="1786" on="0"/> <pt x="453" y="1784" on="1"/> <pt x="478" y="1784" on="0"/> <pt x="532" y="1800" on="0"/> <pt x="547" y="1808" on="1"/> <pt x="561" y="1817" on="1"/> <pt x="561" y="1665" on="1"/> <pt x="510" y="1626" on="0"/> <pt x="453" y="1626" on="1"/> <pt x="422" y="1626" on="0"/> <pt x="305" y="1665" on="0"/> <pt x="272" y="1665" on="1"/> <pt x="247" y="1665" on="0"/> <pt x="193" y="1649" on="0"/> <pt x="178" y="1640" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="289" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="297" on="0"/> <pt x="291" y="260" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="199" on="0"/> <pt x="397" y="199" on="0"/> <pt x="434" y="254" on="0"/> <pt x="434" y="283" on="1"/> <pt x="436" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="436" y="1196" on="1"/> <pt x="436" y="1208" on="0"/> <pt x="434" y="1245" on="0"/> <pt x="397" y="1307" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="1307" on="0"/> <pt x="291" y="1251" on="0"/> <pt x="291" y="1225" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="1196" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 19 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 48 11 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 7 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 56 11 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 40 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 27 6 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 34 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 37 DUP[ ] MDRP[10110] SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 24 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 30 6 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 60 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 44 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 44 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 51 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 13 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 61 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 44 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 6 19 24 27 40 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 51 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 29 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 13 SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 7 18 34 37 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 40 37 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 35 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 30 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 25 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="P" xMin="82" yMin="0" xMax="692" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="82" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="82" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="303" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="469" y="1505" on="0"/> <pt x="692" y="1294" on="0"/> <pt x="692" y="815" on="0"/> <pt x="469" y="602" on="0"/> <pt x="303" y="602" on="1"/> <pt x="303" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="303" y="827" on="1"/> <pt x="405" y="827" on="0"/> <pt x="469" y="918" on="0"/> <pt x="469" y="1047" on="1"/> <pt x="469" y="1178" on="0"/> <pt x="403" y="1280" on="0"/> <pt x="303" y="1280" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 2 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 15 12 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 7 9 0 2 13 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 12 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 16 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 8 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 9 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 8 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 12 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 17 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 7 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 5 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 2 15 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="Q" xMin="68" yMin="-115" xMax="700" yMax="1522"> <contour> <pt x="68" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="68" y="1196" on="1"/> <pt x="68" y="1208" on="0"/> <pt x="72" y="1253" on="0"/> <pt x="102" y="1366" on="0"/> <pt x="158" y="1452" on="0"/> <pt x="279" y="1522" on="0"/> <pt x="446" y="1522" on="0"/> <pt x="567" y="1454" on="0"/> <pt x="623" y="1360" on="0"/> <pt x="653" y="1264" on="0"/> <pt x="655" y="1229" on="1"/> <pt x="657" y="1196" on="1"/> <pt x="657" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="657" y="215" on="0"/> <pt x="612" y="127" on="1"/> <pt x="645" y="84" on="0"/> <pt x="700" y="74" on="1"/> <pt x="700" y="-115" on="1"/> <pt x="540" y="-115" on="0"/> <pt x="473" y="2" on="1"/> <pt x="418" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="362" y="-16" on="1"/> <pt x="278" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="158" y="51" on="0"/> <pt x="102" y="147" on="0"/> <pt x="72" y="242" on="0"/> <pt x="70" y="274" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="289" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="297" on="0"/> <pt x="291" y="260" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="199" on="0"/> <pt x="397" y="199" on="0"/> <pt x="434" y="254" on="0"/> <pt x="434" y="283" on="1"/> <pt x="436" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="436" y="1196" on="1"/> <pt x="436" y="1208" on="0"/> <pt x="434" y="1245" on="0"/> <pt x="397" y="1307" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="1307" on="0"/> <pt x="291" y="1251" on="0"/> <pt x="291" y="1225" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="1196" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 22 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 32 11 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 17 32 22 8 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 18 9 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 7 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 40 11 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 44 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 28 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 28 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 35 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 13 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 45 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 28 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 6 26 IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 35 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 22 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 13 SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 7 15 20 IP[ ] IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 17 22 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 20 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 32 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 15 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="R" xMin="82" yMin="0" xMax="698" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="82" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="82" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="303" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="680" y="1505" on="0"/> <pt x="680" y="1071" on="1"/> <pt x="680" y="813" on="0"/> <pt x="557" y="729" on="1"/> <pt x="698" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="477" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="362" y="635" on="1"/> <pt x="303" y="635" on="1"/> <pt x="303" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="303" y="840" on="1"/> <pt x="334" y="840" on="0"/> <pt x="377" y="850" on="0"/> <pt x="436" y="889" on="0"/> <pt x="467" y="987" on="0"/> <pt x="467" y="1139" on="0"/> <pt x="436" y="1237" on="0"/> <pt x="377" y="1276" on="0"/> <pt x="334" y="1286" on="0"/> <pt x="303" y="1286" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 8 SHP[1] SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 2 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 21 11 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 22 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 11 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 17 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 8 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 4 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 23 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 54 SMD[ ] PUSHW[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ -16122 -2920 21 CALL[ ] SPVFS[ ] SFVTPV[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 8 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 9 MDRP[00000] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 6 MDRP[00000] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 6 9 MDAP[0] MDAP[0] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 6 9 MDAP[0] MDAP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 64 SMD[ ] SVTCA[1] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 21 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 4 12 IP[ ] IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="S" xMin="37" yMin="-16" xMax="666" yMax="1522"> <contour> <pt x="37" y="422" on="1"/> <pt x="254" y="442" on="1"/> <pt x="254" y="186" on="0"/> <pt x="358" y="186" on="1"/> <pt x="448" y="186" on="0"/> <pt x="449" y="352" on="1"/> <pt x="449" y="381" on="0"/> <pt x="432" y="442" on="0"/> <pt x="385" y="528" on="0"/> <pt x="358" y="569" on="0"/> <pt x="279" y="686" on="0"/> <pt x="270" y="700" on="1"/> <pt x="204" y="796" on="0"/> <pt x="131" y="920" on="0"/> <pt x="68" y="1094" on="0"/> <pt x="68" y="1169" on="1"/> <pt x="68" y="1308" on="0"/> <pt x="211" y="1520" on="0"/> <pt x="356" y="1522" on="1"/> <pt x="361" y="1522" on="0"/> <pt x="366" y="1522" on="1"/> <pt x="454" y="1522" on="0"/> <pt x="516" y="1487" on="1"/> <pt x="582" y="1450" on="0"/> <pt x="641" y="1321" on="0"/> <pt x="666" y="1196" on="0"/> <pt x="666" y="1122" on="1"/> <pt x="449" y="1102" on="1"/> <pt x="449" y="1319" on="0"/> <pt x="360" y="1319" on="1"/> <pt x="284" y="1317" on="0"/> <pt x="285" y="1169" on="1"/> <pt x="285" y="1151" on="0"/> <pt x="293" y="1108" on="0"/> <pt x="305" y="1073" on="0"/> <pt x="330" y="1022" on="0"/> <pt x="346" y="993" on="0"/> <pt x="385" y="934" on="0"/> <pt x="403" y="907" on="0"/> <pt x="451" y="840" on="0"/> <pt x="459" y="827" on="1"/> <pt x="533" y="716" on="0"/> <pt x="594" y="618" on="0"/> <pt x="666" y="438" on="0"/> <pt x="666" y="362" on="1"/> <pt x="666" y="-17" on="0"/> <pt x="358" y="-16" on="1"/> <pt x="276" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="156" y="35" on="0"/> <pt x="88" y="111" on="0"/> <pt x="49" y="233" on="0"/> <pt x="37" y="346" on="0"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 46 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 10 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 18 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 29 10 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 52 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 15 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 31 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 DUP[ ] MDRP[10110] SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 31 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 27 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 44 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 26 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 53 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 31 1 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 10 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 5 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 3 20 29 IP[ ] IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 44 SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 39 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 29 3 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 6 values pushed */ 0 1 15 26 27 44 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="Scaron" xMin="37" yMin="-16" xMax="666" yMax="1823"> <contour> <pt x="37" y="422" on="1"/> <pt x="254" y="442" on="1"/> <pt x="254" y="186" on="0"/> <pt x="358" y="186" on="1"/> <pt x="448" y="186" on="0"/> <pt x="449" y="352" on="1"/> <pt x="449" y="381" on="0"/> <pt x="432" y="442" on="0"/> <pt x="385" y="528" on="0"/> <pt x="358" y="569" on="0"/> <pt x="279" y="686" on="0"/> <pt x="270" y="700" on="1"/> <pt x="204" y="796" on="0"/> <pt x="131" y="920" on="0"/> <pt x="68" y="1094" on="0"/> <pt x="68" y="1169" on="1"/> <pt x="68" y="1308" on="0"/> <pt x="211" y="1520" on="0"/> <pt x="356" y="1522" on="1"/> <pt x="450" y="1524" on="0"/> <pt x="582" y="1450" on="0"/> <pt x="641" y="1321" on="0"/> <pt x="666" y="1196" on="0"/> <pt x="666" y="1122" on="1"/> <pt x="449" y="1102" on="1"/> <pt x="449" y="1319" on="0"/> <pt x="360" y="1319" on="1"/> <pt x="284" y="1317" on="0"/> <pt x="285" y="1169" on="1"/> <pt x="285" y="1151" on="0"/> <pt x="293" y="1108" on="0"/> <pt x="305" y="1073" on="0"/> <pt x="330" y="1022" on="0"/> <pt x="346" y="993" on="0"/> <pt x="385" y="934" on="0"/> <pt x="403" y="907" on="0"/> <pt x="451" y="840" on="0"/> <pt x="459" y="827" on="1"/> <pt x="533" y="716" on="0"/> <pt x="594" y="618" on="0"/> <pt x="666" y="438" on="0"/> <pt x="666" y="362" on="1"/> <pt x="666" y="-17" on="0"/> <pt x="358" y="-16" on="1"/> <pt x="276" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="156" y="35" on="0"/> <pt x="88" y="111" on="0"/> <pt x="49" y="233" on="0"/> <pt x="37" y="346" on="0"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="100" y="1823" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="1823" on="1"/> <pt x="350" y="1751" on="1"/> <pt x="414" y="1823" on="1"/> <pt x="602" y="1823" on="1"/> <pt x="461" y="1638" on="1"/> <pt x="242" y="1638" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 43 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 10 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 18 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 26 10 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 55 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 50 9 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 52 SHP[0] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 56 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 15 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 28 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 DUP[ ] MDRP[10110] SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 28 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 24 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 41 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 23 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 57 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 15 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 49 55 IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 28 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 10 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 5 SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 3 26 50 52 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 41 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 36 53 54 IP[ ] IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 26 3 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 6 values pushed */ 0 1 15 23 24 41 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 50 55 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 51 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="T" xMin="4" yMin="0" xMax="643" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="4" y="1278" on="1"/> <pt x="4" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="643" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="643" y="1278" on="1"/> <pt x="434" y="1278" on="1"/> <pt x="434" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="213" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="213" y="1278" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 6 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 0 12 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 SHP[0] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 8 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 6 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 5 6 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 5 3 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 6 5 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 6 0 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="Thorn" xMin="82" yMin="0" xMax="692" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="82" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="82" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="301" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="301" y="1264" on="1"/> <pt x="303" y="1264" on="1"/> <pt x="469" y="1264" on="0"/> <pt x="692" y="1053" on="0"/> <pt x="692" y="573" on="0"/> <pt x="469" y="360" on="0"/> <pt x="303" y="360" on="1"/> <pt x="303" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="303" y="586" on="1"/> <pt x="405" y="586" on="0"/> <pt x="469" y="676" on="0"/> <pt x="469" y="805" on="1"/> <pt x="469" y="936" on="0"/> <pt x="403" y="1038" on="0"/> <pt x="303" y="1038" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 9 11 0 1 13 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 12 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 4 17 0 1 13 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 4 12 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 18 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 10 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 2 11 SHP[0] SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 10 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 14 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 19 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 9 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 4 17 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 6 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="U" xMin="80" yMin="-16" xMax="670" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="80" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="80" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="301" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="301" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="301" y="297" on="0"/> <pt x="303" y="260" on="0"/> <pt x="340" y="199" on="0"/> <pt x="410" y="199" on="0"/> <pt x="446" y="254" on="0"/> <pt x="446" y="283" on="1"/> <pt x="449" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="449" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="670" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="670" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="670" y="297" on="0"/> <pt x="666" y="252" on="0"/> <pt x="635" y="139" on="0"/> <pt x="580" y="53" on="0"/> <pt x="459" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="291" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="170" y="51" on="0"/> <pt x="115" y="147" on="0"/> <pt x="84" y="242" on="0"/> <pt x="82" y="274" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 19 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 11 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 11 SHP[1] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 24 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 10 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 13 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 25 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 19 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 13 10 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 18 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="Uacute" xMin="80" yMin="-16" xMax="670" yMax="1823"> <contour> <pt x="80" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="80" y="297" on="0"/> <pt x="84" y="252" on="0"/> <pt x="115" y="139" on="0"/> <pt x="170" y="53" on="0"/> <pt x="291" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="459" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="580" y="51" on="0"/> <pt x="635" y="147" on="0"/> <pt x="666" y="242" on="0"/> <pt x="668" y="274" on="1"/> <pt x="670" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="670" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="449" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="449" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="449" y="297" on="0"/> <pt x="446" y="260" on="0"/> <pt x="410" y="199" on="0"/> <pt x="340" y="199" on="0"/> <pt x="303" y="254" on="0"/> <pt x="303" y="283" on="1"/> <pt x="301" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="301" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="80" y="1505" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="307" y="1638" on="1"/> <pt x="414" y="1823" on="1"/> <pt x="629" y="1823" on="1"/> <pt x="467" y="1638" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 6 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 18 11 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 28 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 21 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 29 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 21 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 5 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="Ucircumflex" xMin="80" yMin="-16" xMax="670" yMax="1823"> <contour> <pt x="80" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="80" y="297" on="0"/> <pt x="84" y="252" on="0"/> <pt x="115" y="139" on="0"/> <pt x="170" y="53" on="0"/> <pt x="291" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="459" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="580" y="51" on="0"/> <pt x="635" y="147" on="0"/> <pt x="666" y="242" on="0"/> <pt x="668" y="274" on="1"/> <pt x="670" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="670" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="449" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="449" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="449" y="297" on="0"/> <pt x="446" y="260" on="0"/> <pt x="410" y="199" on="0"/> <pt x="340" y="199" on="0"/> <pt x="303" y="254" on="0"/> <pt x="303" y="283" on="1"/> <pt x="301" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="301" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="80" y="1505" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="125" y="1638" on="1"/> <pt x="266" y="1823" on="1"/> <pt x="485" y="1823" on="1"/> <pt x="627" y="1638" on="1"/> <pt x="438" y="1638" on="1"/> <pt x="375" y="1710" on="1"/> <pt x="313" y="1638" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 6 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 18 11 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 30 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 27 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 25 9 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 31 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 21 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 32 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 21 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 5 24 25 IP[ ] IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 30 18 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 12 22 23 IP[ ] IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 25 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 29 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="Udieresis" xMin="80" yMin="-16" xMax="670" yMax="1839"> <contour> <pt x="80" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="80" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="301" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="301" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="301" y="297" on="0"/> <pt x="303" y="260" on="0"/> <pt x="340" y="199" on="0"/> <pt x="410" y="199" on="0"/> <pt x="446" y="254" on="0"/> <pt x="446" y="283" on="1"/> <pt x="449" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="449" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="670" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="670" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="670" y="297" on="0"/> <pt x="666" y="252" on="0"/> <pt x="635" y="139" on="0"/> <pt x="580" y="53" on="0"/> <pt x="459" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="291" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="170" y="51" on="0"/> <pt x="115" y="147" on="0"/> <pt x="84" y="242" on="0"/> <pt x="82" y="274" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="135" y="1638" on="1"/> <pt x="135" y="1839" on="1"/> <pt x="326" y="1839" on="1"/> <pt x="326" y="1638" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="424" y="1638" on="1"/> <pt x="424" y="1839" on="1"/> <pt x="614" y="1839" on="1"/> <pt x="614" y="1638" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 19 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 11 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 11 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 24 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 28 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 25 10 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 29 SHP[0] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 32 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 27 DUP[ ] MDRP[10110] SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 24 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 24 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 27 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 10 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 13 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 28 DUP[ ] MDRP[10110] SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 31 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 33 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 24 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 22 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 19 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 28 27 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 6 IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 31 10 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 18 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="Ugrave" xMin="80" yMin="-16" xMax="670" yMax="1823"> <contour> <pt x="80" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="80" y="297" on="0"/> <pt x="84" y="252" on="0"/> <pt x="115" y="139" on="0"/> <pt x="170" y="53" on="0"/> <pt x="291" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="459" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="580" y="51" on="0"/> <pt x="635" y="147" on="0"/> <pt x="666" y="242" on="0"/> <pt x="668" y="274" on="1"/> <pt x="670" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="670" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="449" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="449" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="449" y="297" on="0"/> <pt x="446" y="260" on="0"/> <pt x="410" y="199" on="0"/> <pt x="340" y="199" on="0"/> <pt x="303" y="254" on="0"/> <pt x="303" y="283" on="1"/> <pt x="301" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="301" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="80" y="1505" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="145" y="1823" on="1"/> <pt x="360" y="1823" on="1"/> <pt x="467" y="1638" on="1"/> <pt x="307" y="1638" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 6 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 18 11 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 28 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 21 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 29 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 21 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 24 IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="V" xMin="18" yMin="0" xMax="698" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="18" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="233" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="344" y="678" on="1"/> <pt x="352" y="614" on="1"/> <pt x="365" y="614" on="1"/> <pt x="373" y="678" on="1"/> <pt x="483" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="698" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="469" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="248" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 9 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 6 SHP[1] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 10 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 1 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 6 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 6 1 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 8 9 IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 0 9 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="W" xMin="25" yMin="0" xMax="1012" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="25" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="229" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="317" y="723" on="1"/> <pt x="322" y="674" on="1"/> <pt x="338" y="674" on="1"/> <pt x="344" y="723" on="1"/> <pt x="438" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="598" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="692" y="723" on="1"/> <pt x="698" y="674" on="1"/> <pt x="715" y="674" on="1"/> <pt x="719" y="723" on="1"/> <pt x="807" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="1012" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="809" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="637" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="535" y="713" on="1"/> <pt x="522" y="801" on="1"/> <pt x="514" y="801" on="1"/> <pt x="502" y="713" on="1"/> <pt x="399" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="227" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 21 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 14 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 6 12 SHP[1] SHP[1] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 22 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 1 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 6 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 17 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 12 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 13 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 23 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 21 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 6 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 20 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 17 18 IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 15 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 13 SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 14 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 0 21 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 3 9 17 IP[ ] IP[ ] IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="X" xMin="16" yMin="0" xMax="721" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="16" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="260" y="791" on="1"/> <pt x="20" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="238" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="358" y="1124" on="1"/> <pt x="365" y="1106" on="1"/> <pt x="373" y="1106" on="1"/> <pt x="379" y="1124" on="1"/> <pt x="500" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="717" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="477" y="791" on="1"/> <pt x="721" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="504" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="377" y="449" on="1"/> <pt x="373" y="467" on="1"/> <pt x="365" y="467" on="1"/> <pt x="360" y="449" on="1"/> <pt x="233" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 11 12 17 SHP[1] SHP[1] SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 2 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 3 8 9 SHP[1] SHP[1] SHP[1] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 18 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 2 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 17 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 17 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 12 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 8 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 9 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 19 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 54 SMD[ ] PUSHW[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 15615 -4959 21 CALL[ ] SPVFS[ ] PUSHW[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ -15627 -4922 21 CALL[ ] SPVFS[ ] PUSHW[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ -15597 -5016 21 CALL[ ] SFVFS[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 2 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 1 2 12 19 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 2 12 SFVTL[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 1 0 8 19 CALL[ ] PUSHW[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ -15600 -5007 21 CALL[ ] SFVFS[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 4 3 11 19 CALL[ ] PUSHW[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 15597 -5016 21 CALL[ ] SFVFS[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 7 0 8 19 CALL[ ] PUSHW[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ -15600 -5007 21 CALL[ ] SFVFS[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 10 3 11 19 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 11 SFVTL[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 17 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 10 17 9 19 CALL[ ] PUSHW[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ -15597 -5016 21 CALL[ ] SFVFS[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 2 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 13 2 12 19 CALL[ ] PUSHW[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 15597 -5016 21 CALL[ ] SFVFS[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 17 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 15 17 9 19 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 16 17 9 19 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 7 0 8 DUP[ ] ROLL[ ] DUP[ ] ROLL[ ] SWAP[ ] SPVTL[0] SFVTPV[ ] SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 16 17 9 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 15 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 4 3 11 DUP[ ] ROLL[ ] DUP[ ] ROLL[ ] SWAP[ ] SPVTL[0] SFVTPV[ ] SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 13 2 12 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 7 values pushed */ 1 4 7 10 13 15 16 MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 7 values pushed */ 1 4 7 10 13 15 16 MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 64 SMD[ ] SVTCA[1] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 2 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 14 IP[ ] IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="Y" xMin="14" yMin="0" xMax="686" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="14" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="231" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="342" y="1024" on="1"/> <pt x="348" y="1010" on="1"/> <pt x="352" y="1010" on="1"/> <pt x="358" y="1024" on="1"/> <pt x="469" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="686" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="461" y="641" on="1"/> <pt x="461" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="240" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="240" y="641" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 10 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 6 SHP[1] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 1 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 10 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 9 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 6 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 13 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 10 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 4 IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 0 10 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="Yacute" xMin="16" yMin="0" xMax="688" yMax="1823"> <contour> <pt x="16" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="242" y="641" on="1"/> <pt x="242" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="463" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="463" y="641" on="1"/> <pt x="688" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="471" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="360" y="1024" on="1"/> <pt x="354" y="1010" on="1"/> <pt x="350" y="1010" on="1"/> <pt x="344" y="1024" on="1"/> <pt x="233" y="1505" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="254" y="1638" on="1"/> <pt x="360" y="1823" on="1"/> <pt x="575" y="1823" on="1"/> <pt x="414" y="1638" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 16 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 11 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 6 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 17 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 6 11 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 6 values pushed */ 1 3 4 12 13 15 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 5 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 14 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="Ydieresis" xMin="16" yMin="0" xMax="688" yMax="1839"> <contour> <pt x="16" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="233" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="344" y="1024" on="1"/> <pt x="350" y="1010" on="1"/> <pt x="354" y="1010" on="1"/> <pt x="360" y="1024" on="1"/> <pt x="471" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="688" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="463" y="641" on="1"/> <pt x="463" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="242" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="242" y="641" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="113" y="1638" on="1"/> <pt x="113" y="1839" on="1"/> <pt x="303" y="1839" on="1"/> <pt x="303" y="1638" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="401" y="1638" on="1"/> <pt x="401" y="1839" on="1"/> <pt x="592" y="1839" on="1"/> <pt x="592" y="1638" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 10 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 6 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 16 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 13 10 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 17 SHP[0] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 20 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 1 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 10 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 15 9 10 8 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 12 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 15 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 9 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 6 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 16 DUP[ ] MDRP[10110] SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 19 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 21 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 16 15 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 4 3 IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 0 10 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="Z" xMin="20" yMin="0" xMax="606" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="20" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="20" y="238" on="1"/> <pt x="367" y="1286" on="1"/> <pt x="70" y="1286" on="1"/> <pt x="70" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="606" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="606" y="1286" on="1"/> <pt x="254" y="219" on="1"/> <pt x="606" y="219" on="1"/> <pt x="606" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 11 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 4 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 11 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 10 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 0 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 24 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 5 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 7 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 6 IP[ ] IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="Zcaron" xMin="20" yMin="0" xMax="606" yMax="1823"> <contour> <pt x="20" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="20" y="238" on="1"/> <pt x="367" y="1286" on="1"/> <pt x="70" y="1286" on="1"/> <pt x="70" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="606" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="606" y="1286" on="1"/> <pt x="254" y="219" on="1"/> <pt x="606" y="219" on="1"/> <pt x="606" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="88" y="1823" on="1"/> <pt x="276" y="1823" on="1"/> <pt x="338" y="1751" on="1"/> <pt x="401" y="1823" on="1"/> <pt x="590" y="1823" on="1"/> <pt x="449" y="1638" on="1"/> <pt x="229" y="1638" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 11 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 4 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 11 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 16 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 9 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 13 SHP[0] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 17 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 0 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 24 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 5 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 18 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 7 10 14 IP[ ] IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 7 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 6 IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 16 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="a" xMin="49" yMin="-16" xMax="616" yMax="1137"> <contour> <pt x="49" y="260" on="1"/> <pt x="49" y="366" on="0"/> <pt x="117" y="528" on="0"/> <pt x="215" y="614" on="0"/> <pt x="313" y="674" on="0"/> <pt x="391" y="715" on="0"/> <pt x="395" y="731" on="1"/> <pt x="395" y="768" on="1"/> <pt x="395" y="854" on="1"/> <pt x="395" y="956" on="0"/> <pt x="338" y="956" on="1"/> <pt x="318" y="956" on="0"/> <pt x="293" y="938" on="0"/> <pt x="283" y="891" on="0"/> <pt x="279" y="864" on="0"/> <pt x="279" y="830" on="1"/> <pt x="279" y="791" on="1"/> <pt x="72" y="791" on="1"/> <pt x="72" y="838" on="1"/> <pt x="72" y="961" on="0"/> <pt x="233" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="350" y="1137" on="1"/> <pt x="452" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="602" y="989" on="0"/> <pt x="602" y="883" on="1"/> <pt x="602" y="532" on="1"/> <pt x="602" y="195" on="1"/> <pt x="602" y="86" on="0"/> <pt x="616" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="414" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="396" y="20" on="0"/> <pt x="395" y="90" on="1"/> <pt x="381" y="90" on="1"/> <pt x="361" y="53" on="0"/> <pt x="270" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="215" y="-16" on="1"/> <pt x="156" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="49" y="104" on="0"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="252" y="291" on="1"/> <pt x="252" y="187" on="0"/> <pt x="309" y="186" on="1"/> <pt x="344" y="186" on="0"/> <pt x="395" y="225" on="0"/> <pt x="395" y="254" on="1"/> <pt x="395" y="541" on="1"/> <pt x="252" y="479" on="0"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 29 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 35 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 40 10 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 21 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 10 8 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 10 21 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 10 17 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 32 35 SRP0[ ] DUP[ ] MDRP[00000] MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 40 5 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 46 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 38 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 17 DUP[ ] MDRP[10110] SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 16 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 38 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 31 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 6 43 SHP[0] SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 26 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 47 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 38 17 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 35 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 31 16 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 5 21 32 IP[ ] IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 26 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 29 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 10 40 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 0 24 26 44 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="aacute" xMin="49" yMin="-16" xMax="616" yMax="1489"> <contour> <pt x="49" y="260" on="1"/> <pt x="49" y="366" on="0"/> <pt x="117" y="528" on="0"/> <pt x="215" y="614" on="0"/> <pt x="313" y="674" on="0"/> <pt x="391" y="715" on="0"/> <pt x="395" y="731" on="1"/> <pt x="395" y="768" on="1"/> <pt x="395" y="854" on="1"/> <pt x="395" y="956" on="0"/> <pt x="338" y="956" on="1"/> <pt x="318" y="956" on="0"/> <pt x="293" y="938" on="0"/> <pt x="283" y="891" on="0"/> <pt x="279" y="864" on="0"/> <pt x="279" y="830" on="1"/> <pt x="279" y="791" on="1"/> <pt x="72" y="791" on="1"/> <pt x="72" y="838" on="1"/> <pt x="72" y="961" on="0"/> <pt x="233" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="350" y="1137" on="1"/> <pt x="452" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="602" y="989" on="0"/> <pt x="602" y="883" on="1"/> <pt x="602" y="532" on="1"/> <pt x="602" y="195" on="1"/> <pt x="602" y="86" on="0"/> <pt x="616" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="414" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="396" y="20" on="0"/> <pt x="395" y="90" on="1"/> <pt x="381" y="90" on="1"/> <pt x="361" y="53" on="0"/> <pt x="270" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="215" y="-16" on="1"/> <pt x="156" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="49" y="104" on="0"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="252" y="291" on="1"/> <pt x="252" y="187" on="0"/> <pt x="309" y="186" on="1"/> <pt x="344" y="186" on="0"/> <pt x="395" y="225" on="0"/> <pt x="395" y="254" on="1"/> <pt x="395" y="541" on="1"/> <pt x="252" y="479" on="0"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="264" y="1305" on="1"/> <pt x="371" y="1489" on="1"/> <pt x="586" y="1489" on="1"/> <pt x="424" y="1305" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 29 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 35 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 40 10 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 21 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 10 8 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 10 21 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 10 17 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 32 35 SRP0[ ] DUP[ ] MDRP[00000] MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 40 5 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 50 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 38 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 17 DUP[ ] MDRP[10110] SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 16 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 38 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 31 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 6 43 SHP[0] SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 26 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 51 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 38 17 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 35 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 16 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 46 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 31 SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 5 21 32 47 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 26 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 29 48 49 IP[ ] IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 10 40 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 0 24 26 44 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="acircumflex" xMin="49" yMin="-16" xMax="616" yMax="1489"> <contour> <pt x="49" y="260" on="1"/> <pt x="49" y="366" on="0"/> <pt x="117" y="528" on="0"/> <pt x="215" y="614" on="0"/> <pt x="313" y="674" on="0"/> <pt x="391" y="715" on="0"/> <pt x="395" y="731" on="1"/> <pt x="395" y="768" on="1"/> <pt x="395" y="854" on="1"/> <pt x="395" y="956" on="0"/> <pt x="338" y="956" on="1"/> <pt x="318" y="956" on="0"/> <pt x="293" y="938" on="0"/> <pt x="283" y="891" on="0"/> <pt x="279" y="864" on="0"/> <pt x="279" y="830" on="1"/> <pt x="279" y="791" on="1"/> <pt x="72" y="791" on="1"/> <pt x="72" y="838" on="1"/> <pt x="72" y="961" on="0"/> <pt x="233" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="350" y="1137" on="1"/> <pt x="452" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="602" y="989" on="0"/> <pt x="602" y="883" on="1"/> <pt x="602" y="532" on="1"/> <pt x="602" y="195" on="1"/> <pt x="602" y="86" on="0"/> <pt x="616" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="414" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="396" y="20" on="0"/> <pt x="395" y="90" on="1"/> <pt x="381" y="90" on="1"/> <pt x="361" y="53" on="0"/> <pt x="270" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="215" y="-16" on="1"/> <pt x="156" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="49" y="104" on="0"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="90" y="1305" on="1"/> <pt x="231" y="1489" on="1"/> <pt x="451" y="1489" on="1"/> <pt x="592" y="1305" on="1"/> <pt x="403" y="1305" on="1"/> <pt x="340" y="1376" on="1"/> <pt x="279" y="1305" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="252" y="291" on="1"/> <pt x="252" y="187" on="0"/> <pt x="309" y="186" on="1"/> <pt x="344" y="186" on="0"/> <pt x="395" y="225" on="0"/> <pt x="395" y="254" on="1"/> <pt x="395" y="541" on="1"/> <pt x="252" y="479" on="0"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 29 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 35 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 47 10 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 21 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 10 8 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 10 21 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 10 17 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 32 35 SRP0[ ] DUP[ ] MDRP[00000] MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 47 5 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 44 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 41 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 39 9 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 53 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 45 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 17 DUP[ ] MDRP[10110] SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 16 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 45 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 31 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 6 50 SHP[0] SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 26 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 54 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 45 17 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 35 38 39 IP[ ] IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 16 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 44 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 31 SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 5 21 32 43 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 26 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 29 40 41 42 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 10 47 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 0 24 26 51 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 39 44 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 43 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="acute" xMin="410" yMin="1305" xMax="731" yMax="1489"> <contour> <pt x="410" y="1305" on="1"/> <pt x="516" y="1489" on="1"/> <pt x="731" y="1489" on="1"/> <pt x="569" y="1305" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 9 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 2 21 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="adieresis" xMin="49" yMin="-16" xMax="616" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="49" y="260" on="1"/> <pt x="49" y="366" on="0"/> <pt x="117" y="528" on="0"/> <pt x="215" y="614" on="0"/> <pt x="313" y="674" on="0"/> <pt x="391" y="715" on="0"/> <pt x="395" y="731" on="1"/> <pt x="395" y="768" on="1"/> <pt x="395" y="854" on="1"/> <pt x="395" y="956" on="0"/> <pt x="338" y="956" on="1"/> <pt x="318" y="956" on="0"/> <pt x="293" y="938" on="0"/> <pt x="283" y="891" on="0"/> <pt x="279" y="864" on="0"/> <pt x="279" y="830" on="1"/> <pt x="279" y="791" on="1"/> <pt x="72" y="791" on="1"/> <pt x="72" y="838" on="1"/> <pt x="72" y="961" on="0"/> <pt x="233" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="350" y="1137" on="1"/> <pt x="452" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="602" y="989" on="0"/> <pt x="602" y="883" on="1"/> <pt x="602" y="532" on="1"/> <pt x="602" y="195" on="1"/> <pt x="602" y="86" on="0"/> <pt x="616" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="414" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="396" y="20" on="0"/> <pt x="395" y="90" on="1"/> <pt x="381" y="90" on="1"/> <pt x="361" y="53" on="0"/> <pt x="270" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="215" y="-16" on="1"/> <pt x="156" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="49" y="104" on="0"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="102" y="1305" on="1"/> <pt x="102" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="293" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="293" y="1305" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="252" y="291" on="1"/> <pt x="252" y="187" on="0"/> <pt x="309" y="186" on="1"/> <pt x="344" y="186" on="0"/> <pt x="395" y="225" on="0"/> <pt x="395" y="254" on="1"/> <pt x="395" y="541" on="1"/> <pt x="252" y="479" on="0"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="391" y="1305" on="1"/> <pt x="391" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="582" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="582" y="1305" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 29 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 35 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 44 10 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 39 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 51 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 38 10 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 50 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 21 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 10 8 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 10 21 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 10 17 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 32 35 SRP0[ ] DUP[ ] MDRP[00000] MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 44 5 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 54 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 42 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 42 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 41 DUP[ ] MDRP[10110] SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 38 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 38 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 41 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 15 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 41 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 17 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 17 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 42 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 31 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 6 47 50 SHP[0] SHP[0] SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 26 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 53 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 55 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 42 38 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 35 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 31 41 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 5 10 21 32 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 53 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 29 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 10 44 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 0 24 26 48 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="ae" xMin="49" yMin="-16" xMax="930" yMax="1137"> <contour> <pt x="49" y="260" on="1"/> <pt x="49" y="366" on="0"/> <pt x="117" y="528" on="0"/> <pt x="215" y="614" on="0"/> <pt x="313" y="674" on="0"/> <pt x="391" y="715" on="0"/> <pt x="395" y="731" on="1"/> <pt x="395" y="854" on="1"/> <pt x="395" y="956" on="0"/> <pt x="338" y="956" on="1"/> <pt x="318" y="956" on="0"/> <pt x="293" y="938" on="0"/> <pt x="283" y="891" on="0"/> <pt x="279" y="864" on="0"/> <pt x="279" y="830" on="1"/> <pt x="279" y="791" on="1"/> <pt x="72" y="791" on="1"/> <pt x="72" y="838" on="1"/> <pt x="72" y="961" on="0"/> <pt x="233" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="350" y="1137" on="1"/> <pt x="434" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="502" y="1085" on="1"/> <pt x="568" y="1136" on="0"/> <pt x="664" y="1137" on="1"/> <pt x="863" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="915" y="940" on="1"/> <pt x="929" y="889" on="0"/> <pt x="930" y="848" on="1"/> <pt x="930" y="522" on="1"/> <pt x="588" y="522" on="1"/> <pt x="588" y="279" on="1"/> <pt x="588" y="266" on="1"/> <pt x="588" y="258" on="0"/> <pt x="596" y="219" on="0"/> <pt x="610" y="190" on="0"/> <pt x="643" y="166" on="0"/> <pt x="664" y="166" on="1"/> <pt x="734" y="176" on="0"/> <pt x="737" y="279" on="1"/> <pt x="737" y="401" on="1"/> <pt x="930" y="401" on="1"/> <pt x="930" y="272" on="1"/> <pt x="930" y="260" on="0"/> <pt x="926" y="221" on="0"/> <pt x="897" y="123" on="0"/> <pt x="848" y="45" on="0"/> <pt x="737" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="662" y="-16" on="1"/> <pt x="504" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="436" y="115" on="1"/> <pt x="334" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="215" y="-16" on="1"/> <pt x="156" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="49" y="104" on="0"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="252" y="291" on="1"/> <pt x="252" y="187" on="0"/> <pt x="309" y="186" on="1"/> <pt x="344" y="186" on="0"/> <pt x="395" y="225" on="0"/> <pt x="395" y="254" on="1"/> <pt x="395" y="541" on="1"/> <pt x="252" y="479" on="0"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="588" y="684" on="1"/> <pt x="737" y="684" on="1"/> <pt x="737" y="842" on="1"/> <pt x="737" y="854" on="0"/> <pt x="735" y="893" on="0"/> <pt x="698" y="956" on="0"/> <pt x="664" y="956" on="1"/> <pt x="631" y="956" on="0"/> <pt x="592" y="899" on="0"/> <pt x="590" y="870" on="1"/> <pt x="588" y="842" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 52 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 48 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 57 10 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 52 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 37 8 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 37 52 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 37 40 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 20 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 24 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 8 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 69 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 9 20 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 9 16 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 63 30 52 20 13 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 63 6 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 74 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 55 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 16 DUP[ ] MDRP[10110] SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 15 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 55 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 60 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 6 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 32 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 63 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 32 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 39 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 64 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 42 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 28 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 75 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 55 16 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 52 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 60 15 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 20 IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 32 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 22 50 IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 39 SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 48 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 37 52 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 50 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 30 57 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 0 55 IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 63 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 61 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 9 SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 5 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 20 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 22 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="agrave" xMin="49" yMin="-16" xMax="616" yMax="1489"> <contour> <pt x="49" y="260" on="1"/> <pt x="49" y="366" on="0"/> <pt x="117" y="528" on="0"/> <pt x="215" y="614" on="0"/> <pt x="313" y="674" on="0"/> <pt x="391" y="715" on="0"/> <pt x="395" y="731" on="1"/> <pt x="395" y="768" on="1"/> <pt x="395" y="854" on="1"/> <pt x="395" y="956" on="0"/> <pt x="338" y="956" on="1"/> <pt x="318" y="956" on="0"/> <pt x="293" y="938" on="0"/> <pt x="283" y="891" on="0"/> <pt x="279" y="864" on="0"/> <pt x="279" y="830" on="1"/> <pt x="279" y="791" on="1"/> <pt x="72" y="791" on="1"/> <pt x="72" y="838" on="1"/> <pt x="72" y="961" on="0"/> <pt x="233" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="350" y="1137" on="1"/> <pt x="452" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="602" y="989" on="0"/> <pt x="602" y="883" on="1"/> <pt x="602" y="532" on="1"/> <pt x="602" y="195" on="1"/> <pt x="602" y="86" on="0"/> <pt x="616" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="414" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="396" y="20" on="0"/> <pt x="395" y="90" on="1"/> <pt x="381" y="90" on="1"/> <pt x="361" y="53" on="0"/> <pt x="270" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="215" y="-16" on="1"/> <pt x="156" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="49" y="104" on="0"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="102" y="1489" on="1"/> <pt x="317" y="1489" on="1"/> <pt x="424" y="1305" on="1"/> <pt x="264" y="1305" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="252" y="291" on="1"/> <pt x="252" y="187" on="0"/> <pt x="309" y="186" on="1"/> <pt x="344" y="186" on="0"/> <pt x="395" y="225" on="0"/> <pt x="395" y="254" on="1"/> <pt x="395" y="541" on="1"/> <pt x="252" y="479" on="0"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 29 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 35 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 44 10 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 21 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 10 8 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 10 21 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 10 17 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 32 35 SRP0[ ] DUP[ ] MDRP[00000] MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 44 5 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 50 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 42 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 17 DUP[ ] MDRP[10110] SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 16 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 42 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 31 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 6 47 SHP[0] SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 26 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 51 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 42 17 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 35 38 IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 16 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 41 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 31 SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 5 21 32 39 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 26 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 29 40 IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 10 44 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 0 24 26 48 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="ampersand" xMin="49" yMin="-16" xMax="813" yMax="1522"> <contour> <pt x="49" y="315" on="1"/> <pt x="49" y="430" on="0"/> <pt x="137" y="629" on="0"/> <pt x="219" y="752" on="1"/> <pt x="113" y="977" on="0"/> <pt x="113" y="1194" on="1"/> <pt x="113" y="1212" on="1"/> <pt x="113" y="1224" on="0"/> <pt x="123" y="1292" on="0"/> <pt x="139" y="1354" on="0"/> <pt x="180" y="1430" on="0"/> <pt x="236" y="1485" on="0"/> <pt x="326" y="1522" on="0"/> <pt x="383" y="1522" on="1"/> <pt x="586" y="1522" on="0"/> <pt x="635" y="1307" on="1"/> <pt x="649" y="1246" on="0"/> <pt x="647" y="1194" on="1"/> <pt x="647" y="1032" on="0"/> <pt x="442" y="760" on="1"/> <pt x="518" y="586" on="0"/> <pt x="590" y="475" on="1"/> <pt x="623" y="571" on="0"/> <pt x="637" y="686" on="1"/> <pt x="813" y="653" on="1"/> <pt x="797" y="440" on="0"/> <pt x="721" y="295" on="1"/> <pt x="776" y="232" on="0"/> <pt x="813" y="219" on="1"/> <pt x="813" y="-16" on="1"/> <pt x="790" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="664" y="59" on="0"/> <pt x="604" y="123" on="1"/> <pt x="481" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="223" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="49" y="178" on="0"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="262" y="326" on="1"/> <pt x="264" y="260" on="0"/> <pt x="319" y="176" on="0"/> <pt x="362" y="176" on="1"/> <pt x="421" y="176" on="0"/> <pt x="487" y="262" on="1"/> <pt x="399" y="401" on="0"/> <pt x="313" y="557" on="1"/> <pt x="307" y="547" on="0"/> <pt x="291" y="510" on="0"/> <pt x="262" y="392" on="0"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="305" y="1194" on="1"/> <pt x="305" y="1083" on="0"/> <pt x="360" y="948" on="1"/> <pt x="460" y="1104" on="0"/> <pt x="461" y="1200" on="1"/> <pt x="459" y="1202" on="0"/> <pt x="463" y="1229" on="0"/> <pt x="455" y="1274" on="0"/> <pt x="440" y="1315" on="0"/> <pt x="408" y="1346" on="0"/> <pt x="383" y="1346" on="1"/> <pt x="344" y="1346" on="0"/> <pt x="305" y="1270" on="0"/> <pt x="305" y="1233" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 34 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 29 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 39 4 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 13 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 57 7 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 61 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 5 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 47 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 47 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 36 DUP[ ] MDRP[10110] SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 0 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 36 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 47 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 51 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 17 14 0 55 4 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 23 17 51 8 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 24 17 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 28 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 62 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 36 5 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 34 IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 51 47 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 13 39 43 19 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 23 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 21 32 33 41 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 24 17 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 26 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 39 34 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 32 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 57 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 6 values pushed */ 0 3 19 28 43 49 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="aring" xMin="49" yMin="-16" xMax="616" yMax="1565"> <contour> <pt x="49" y="260" on="1"/> <pt x="49" y="366" on="0"/> <pt x="117" y="528" on="0"/> <pt x="215" y="614" on="0"/> <pt x="313" y="674" on="0"/> <pt x="391" y="715" on="0"/> <pt x="395" y="731" on="1"/> <pt x="395" y="768" on="1"/> <pt x="395" y="854" on="1"/> <pt x="395" y="956" on="0"/> <pt x="338" y="956" on="1"/> <pt x="318" y="956" on="0"/> <pt x="293" y="938" on="0"/> <pt x="283" y="891" on="0"/> <pt x="279" y="864" on="0"/> <pt x="279" y="830" on="1"/> <pt x="279" y="791" on="1"/> <pt x="72" y="791" on="1"/> <pt x="72" y="838" on="1"/> <pt x="72" y="961" on="0"/> <pt x="233" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="350" y="1137" on="1"/> <pt x="452" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="602" y="989" on="0"/> <pt x="602" y="883" on="1"/> <pt x="602" y="532" on="1"/> <pt x="602" y="195" on="1"/> <pt x="602" y="86" on="0"/> <pt x="616" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="414" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="396" y="20" on="0"/> <pt x="395" y="90" on="1"/> <pt x="381" y="90" on="1"/> <pt x="361" y="53" on="0"/> <pt x="270" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="215" y="-16" on="1"/> <pt x="156" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="49" y="104" on="0"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="188" y="1360" on="0"/> <pt x="188" y="1483" on="0"/> <pt x="279" y="1565" on="0"/> <pt x="406" y="1565" on="0"/> <pt x="494" y="1483" on="0"/> <pt x="494" y="1360" on="0"/> <pt x="406" y="1278" on="0"/> <pt x="279" y="1278" on="0"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="252" y="291" on="1"/> <pt x="252" y="187" on="0"/> <pt x="309" y="186" on="1"/> <pt x="344" y="186" on="0"/> <pt x="395" y="225" on="0"/> <pt x="395" y="254" on="1"/> <pt x="395" y="541" on="1"/> <pt x="252" y="479" on="0"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="266" y="1450" on="0"/> <pt x="266" y="1393" on="0"/> <pt x="313" y="1350" on="0"/> <pt x="371" y="1350" on="0"/> <pt x="418" y="1393" on="0"/> <pt x="418" y="1450" on="0"/> <pt x="371" y="1493" on="0"/> <pt x="313" y="1493" on="0"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 29 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 35 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 48 10 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 21 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 10 8 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 10 21 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 10 17 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 32 35 SRP0[ ] DUP[ ] MDRP[00000] MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 48 5 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 45 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 57 5 0 54 4 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 61 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 41 5 0 54 4 CALL[ ] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 62 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 46 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 54 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 17 DUP[ ] MDRP[10110] SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 16 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 46 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 39 15 0 46 4 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 39 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 46 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 31 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 6 51 SHP[0] SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 26 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 59 26 31 8 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 43 15 0 46 4 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 63 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 46 39 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 35 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 16 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 40 45 IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 31 SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 7 values pushed */ 5 21 32 56 57 60 61 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 59 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 29 41 44 IP[ ] IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 10 48 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 0 24 26 52 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 61 57 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 39 42 43 38 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="asciicircum" xMin="53" yMin="809" xMax="1049" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="53" y="809" on="1"/> <pt x="434" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="668" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="1049" y="809" on="1"/> <pt x="850" y="809" on="1"/> <pt x="551" y="1352" on="1"/> <pt x="252" y="809" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 6 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 8 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="asciitilde" xMin="113" yMin="1294" xMax="1225" yMax="1667"> <contour> <pt x="113" y="1352" on="1"/> <pt x="117" y="1364" on="0"/> <pt x="133" y="1405" on="0"/> <pt x="193" y="1511" on="0"/> <pt x="262" y="1593" on="0"/> <pt x="383" y="1659" on="0"/> <pt x="449" y="1659" on="1"/> <pt x="504" y="1659" on="0"/> <pt x="616" y="1622" on="0"/> <pt x="668" y="1593" on="0"/> <pt x="725" y="1556" on="1"/> <pt x="831" y="1484" on="0"/> <pt x="899" y="1485" on="1"/> <pt x="1008" y="1485" on="0"/> <pt x="1077" y="1638" on="1"/> <pt x="1090" y="1667" on="1"/> <pt x="1225" y="1610" on="1"/> <pt x="1221" y="1598" on="0"/> <pt x="1204" y="1554" on="0"/> <pt x="1145" y="1448" on="0"/> <pt x="1075" y="1368" on="0"/> <pt x="963" y="1300" on="0"/> <pt x="899" y="1300" on="1"/> <pt x="778" y="1300" on="0"/> <pt x="627" y="1401" on="1"/> <pt x="512" y="1475" on="0"/> <pt x="385" y="1475" on="0"/> <pt x="285" y="1384" on="0"/> <pt x="266" y="1339" on="1"/> <pt x="248" y="1294" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 26 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 6 9 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 12 6 26 8 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 22 9 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 29 SHP[0] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 30 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 31 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 26 22 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 6 12 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 10 16 IP[ ] IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="asterisk" xMin="74" yMin="999" xMax="604" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="74" y="1251" on="1"/> <pt x="117" y="1399" on="1"/> <pt x="281" y="1329" on="1"/> <pt x="262" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="416" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="397" y="1329" on="1"/> <pt x="561" y="1399" on="1"/> <pt x="604" y="1251" on="1"/> <pt x="432" y="1217" on="1"/> <pt x="547" y="1079" on="1"/> <pt x="416" y="999" on="1"/> <pt x="338" y="1151" on="1"/> <pt x="262" y="999" on="1"/> <pt x="131" y="1079" on="1"/> <pt x="246" y="1217" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 3 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 12 13 0 9 4 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 10 SHP[0] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 15 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 23 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 16 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 12 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 11 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="at" xMin="66" yMin="-16" xMax="815" yMax="1522"> <contour> <pt x="66" y="303" on="1"/> <pt x="66" y="1192" on="1"/> <pt x="66" y="1235" on="0"/> <pt x="100" y="1337" on="0"/> <pt x="178" y="1448" on="0"/> <pt x="334" y="1522" on="0"/> <pt x="547" y="1522" on="0"/> <pt x="702" y="1448" on="0"/> <pt x="780" y="1337" on="0"/> <pt x="815" y="1235" on="0"/> <pt x="815" y="1192" on="1"/> <pt x="815" y="399" on="1"/> <pt x="651" y="399" on="1"/> <pt x="631" y="455" on="1"/> <pt x="627" y="447" on="0"/> <pt x="612" y="424" on="0"/> <pt x="553" y="387" on="0"/> <pt x="518" y="387" on="1"/> <pt x="373" y="387" on="0"/> <pt x="373" y="559" on="1"/> <pt x="373" y="1044" on="1"/> <pt x="373" y="1214" on="0"/> <pt x="518" y="1214" on="1"/> <pt x="553" y="1214" on="0"/> <pt x="610" y="1180" on="0"/> <pt x="621" y="1163" on="1"/> <pt x="631" y="1147" on="1"/> <pt x="631" y="1192" on="1"/> <pt x="631" y="1243" on="0"/> <pt x="541" y="1350" on="0"/> <pt x="340" y="1350" on="0"/> <pt x="250" y="1243" on="0"/> <pt x="250" y="1192" on="1"/> <pt x="250" y="303" on="1"/> <pt x="250" y="250" on="0"/> <pt x="338" y="150" on="0"/> <pt x="440" y="150" on="1"/> <pt x="557" y="150" on="0"/> <pt x="608" y="213" on="1"/> <pt x="760" y="127" on="1"/> <pt x="651" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="440" y="-16" on="1"/> <pt x="334" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="178" y="55" on="0"/> <pt x="100" y="164" on="0"/> <pt x="66" y="262" on="0"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="535" y="573" on="1"/> <pt x="535" y="520" on="0"/> <pt x="582" y="520" on="1"/> <pt x="631" y="520" on="0"/> <pt x="631" y="573" on="1"/> <pt x="631" y="1028" on="1"/> <pt x="631" y="1081" on="0"/> <pt x="582" y="1081" on="1"/> <pt x="535" y="1081" on="0"/> <pt x="535" y="1028" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 41 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 36 6 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 6 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 30 7 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 17 48 41 6 13 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 17 6 0 27 4 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 22 53 41 6 13 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 22 6 0 27 4 CALL[ ] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 56 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 33 14 0 55 4 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 33 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 19 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 46 17 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 46 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 50 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 26 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 11 14 0 55 4 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 57 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 19 33 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 30 IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 46 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 17 22 36 41 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 50 SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 6 13 29 38 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 11 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 39 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 36 41 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 39 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 17 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 38 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 48 SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 13 IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 22 53 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 26 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="atilde" xMin="49" yMin="-16" xMax="616" yMax="1495"> <contour> <pt x="49" y="260" on="1"/> <pt x="49" y="366" on="0"/> <pt x="117" y="528" on="0"/> <pt x="215" y="614" on="0"/> <pt x="313" y="674" on="0"/> <pt x="391" y="715" on="0"/> <pt x="395" y="731" on="1"/> <pt x="395" y="768" on="1"/> <pt x="395" y="854" on="1"/> <pt x="395" y="956" on="0"/> <pt x="338" y="956" on="1"/> <pt x="318" y="956" on="0"/> <pt x="293" y="938" on="0"/> <pt x="283" y="891" on="0"/> <pt x="279" y="864" on="0"/> <pt x="279" y="830" on="1"/> <pt x="279" y="791" on="1"/> <pt x="72" y="791" on="1"/> <pt x="72" y="838" on="1"/> <pt x="72" y="961" on="0"/> <pt x="233" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="350" y="1137" on="1"/> <pt x="452" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="602" y="989" on="0"/> <pt x="602" y="883" on="1"/> <pt x="602" y="532" on="1"/> <pt x="602" y="195" on="1"/> <pt x="602" y="86" on="0"/> <pt x="616" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="414" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="396" y="20" on="0"/> <pt x="395" y="90" on="1"/> <pt x="381" y="90" on="1"/> <pt x="361" y="53" on="0"/> <pt x="270" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="215" y="-16" on="1"/> <pt x="156" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="49" y="104" on="0"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="143" y="1305" on="1"/> <pt x="143" y="1456" on="1"/> <pt x="192" y="1495" on="0"/> <pt x="252" y="1495" on="1"/> <pt x="285" y="1495" on="0"/> <pt x="401" y="1458" on="0"/> <pt x="432" y="1456" on="1"/> <pt x="457" y="1456" on="0"/> <pt x="512" y="1473" on="0"/> <pt x="526" y="1481" on="1"/> <pt x="541" y="1489" on="1"/> <pt x="541" y="1337" on="1"/> <pt x="490" y="1298" on="0"/> <pt x="432" y="1298" on="1"/> <pt x="401" y="1298" on="0"/> <pt x="285" y="1337" on="0"/> <pt x="252" y="1337" on="1"/> <pt x="227" y="1337" on="0"/> <pt x="172" y="1321" on="0"/> <pt x="158" y="1313" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="252" y="291" on="1"/> <pt x="252" y="187" on="0"/> <pt x="309" y="186" on="1"/> <pt x="344" y="186" on="0"/> <pt x="395" y="225" on="0"/> <pt x="395" y="254" on="1"/> <pt x="395" y="541" on="1"/> <pt x="252" y="479" on="0"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 29 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 35 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 60 10 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 21 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 10 8 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 10 21 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 10 17 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 32 35 SRP0[ ] DUP[ ] MDRP[00000] MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 60 5 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 54 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 41 6 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 48 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 51 DUP[ ] MDRP[10110] SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 38 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 44 6 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 66 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 58 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 17 DUP[ ] MDRP[10110] SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 16 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 58 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 31 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 6 63 SHP[0] SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 26 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 67 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 58 17 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 35 38 41 54 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 31 16 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 5 21 32 IP[ ] IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 26 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 29 43 48 51 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 10 60 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 0 24 26 64 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 54 51 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 49 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 44 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 39 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="b" xMin="82" yMin="-16" xMax="612" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="82" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="82" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="1047" on="1"/> <pt x="377" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="453" y="1137" on="1"/> <pt x="531" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="612" y="999" on="0"/> <pt x="612" y="918" on="1"/> <pt x="612" y="203" on="1"/> <pt x="612" y="121" on="0"/> <pt x="530" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="453" y="-16" on="1"/> <pt x="420" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="338" y="29" on="0"/> <pt x="313" y="51" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="74" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="289" y="246" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="217" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="178" on="0"/> <pt x="373" y="178" on="0"/> <pt x="406" y="217" on="0"/> <pt x="406" y="246" on="1"/> <pt x="406" y="874" on="1"/> <pt x="406" y="903" on="0"/> <pt x="373" y="942" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="942" on="0"/> <pt x="289" y="899" on="0"/> <pt x="289" y="874" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 12 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 21 4 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 5 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 27 4 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 30 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 17 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 2 18 SHP[0] SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 17 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 23 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 31 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 23 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 12 IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 21 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 16 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 27 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="backslash" xMin="8" yMin="-180" xMax="784" yMax="1692"> <contour> <pt x="8" y="1692" on="1"/> <pt x="170" y="1692" on="1"/> <pt x="784" y="-180" on="1"/> <pt x="616" y="-180" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 17 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 1 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 2 17 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 54 SMD[ ] PUSHW[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ -15583 -5061 21 CALL[ ] SPVFS[ ] SFVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDAP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 2 MDAP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 25 MIRP[11001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 2 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 25 MIRP[11001] SPVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 0 1 2 3 MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 64 SMD[ ] SVTCA[1] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="bar" xMin="82" yMin="-512" xMax="274" yMax="1692"> <contour> <pt x="82" y="-512" on="1"/> <pt x="82" y="1692" on="1"/> <pt x="274" y="1692" on="1"/> <pt x="274" y="-512" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="braceleft" xMin="61" yMin="-453" xMax="631" yMax="1522"> <contour> <pt x="61" y="453" on="1"/> <pt x="61" y="616" on="1"/> <pt x="133" y="616" on="0"/> <pt x="193" y="715" on="0"/> <pt x="193" y="756" on="1"/> <pt x="193" y="1153" on="1"/> <pt x="193" y="1376" on="0"/> <pt x="385" y="1526" on="0"/> <pt x="631" y="1522" on="1"/> <pt x="631" y="1350" on="1"/> <pt x="496" y="1352" on="0"/> <pt x="389" y="1272" on="0"/> <pt x="389" y="1153" on="1"/> <pt x="389" y="756" on="1"/> <pt x="389" y="613" on="0"/> <pt x="262" y="535" on="1"/> <pt x="389" y="453" on="0"/> <pt x="389" y="313" on="1"/> <pt x="389" y="-84" on="1"/> <pt x="389" y="-203" on="0"/> <pt x="496" y="-283" on="0"/> <pt x="631" y="-281" on="1"/> <pt x="631" y="-453" on="1"/> <pt x="385" y="-457" on="0"/> <pt x="193" y="-307" on="0"/> <pt x="193" y="-84" on="1"/> <pt x="193" y="313" on="1"/> <pt x="193" y="333" on="0"/> <pt x="176" y="387" on="0"/> <pt x="110" y="451" on="0"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 8 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 7 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 22 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 21 7 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 6 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 30 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 25 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 18 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 18 25 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 18 22 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 8 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 31 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 18 25 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 15 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 0 21 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 17 18 25 IP[ ] IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 1 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 15 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 9 SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 5 12 13 IP[ ] IP[ ] IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="braceright" xMin="57" yMin="-453" xMax="627" yMax="1522"> <contour> <pt x="57" y="-281" on="1"/> <pt x="192" y="-283" on="0"/> <pt x="299" y="-203" on="0"/> <pt x="299" y="-84" on="1"/> <pt x="299" y="313" on="1"/> <pt x="299" y="452" on="0"/> <pt x="426" y="535" on="1"/> <pt x="299" y="613" on="0"/> <pt x="299" y="756" on="1"/> <pt x="299" y="1153" on="1"/> <pt x="299" y="1272" on="0"/> <pt x="193" y="1352" on="0"/> <pt x="57" y="1350" on="1"/> <pt x="57" y="1522" on="1"/> <pt x="303" y="1526" on="0"/> <pt x="496" y="1376" on="0"/> <pt x="496" y="1153" on="1"/> <pt x="496" y="756" on="1"/> <pt x="496" y="733" on="0"/> <pt x="512" y="678" on="0"/> <pt x="578" y="616" on="0"/> <pt x="627" y="616" on="1"/> <pt x="627" y="453" on="1"/> <pt x="555" y="449" on="0"/> <pt x="496" y="352" on="0"/> <pt x="496" y="313" on="1"/> <pt x="496" y="-84" on="1"/> <pt x="496" y="-307" on="0"/> <pt x="303" y="-457" on="0"/> <pt x="57" y="-453" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 13 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 12 7 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 29 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 0 7 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 22 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 21 6 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 30 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 8 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 26 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 16 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 3 26 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 3 29 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 31 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 26 3 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 6 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 22 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 3 4 26 IP[ ] IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 21 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 6 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 8 9 16 IP[ ] IP[ ] IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="bracketleft" xMin="82" yMin="-213" xMax="481" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="82" y="-16" on="1"/> <pt x="82" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="481" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="481" y="1309" on="1"/> <pt x="279" y="1309" on="1"/> <pt x="279" y="-16" on="1"/> <pt x="481" y="-16" on="1"/> <pt x="481" y="-213" on="1"/> <pt x="82" y="-213" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 5 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 8 4 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 4 4 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 9 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 8 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 22 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 2 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 6 22 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 10 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="bracketright" xMin="57" yMin="-213" xMax="457" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="57" y="-16" on="1"/> <pt x="260" y="-16" on="1"/> <pt x="260" y="1309" on="1"/> <pt x="57" y="1309" on="1"/> <pt x="57" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="457" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="457" y="-16" on="1"/> <pt x="457" y="-213" on="1"/> <pt x="57" y="-213" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 8 4 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 4 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 4 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 9 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 8 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 22 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 1 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 0 22 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 10 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="breve" xMin="287" yMin="1303" xMax="737" yMax="1493"> <contour> <pt x="287" y="1399" on="1"/> <pt x="397" y="1493" on="1"/> <pt x="438" y="1446" on="0"/> <pt x="512" y="1446" on="1"/> <pt x="547" y="1446" on="0"/> <pt x="606" y="1470" on="0"/> <pt x="618" y="1483" on="1"/> <pt x="631" y="1493" on="1"/> <pt x="737" y="1399" on="1"/> <pt x="727" y="1389" on="0"/> <pt x="692" y="1356" on="0"/> <pt x="573" y="1303" on="0"/> <pt x="512" y="1303" on="1"/> <pt x="449" y="1303" on="0"/> <pt x="336" y="1352" on="0"/> <pt x="311" y="1376" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 3 6 0 27 4 CALL[ ] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 16 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 8 22 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 17 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 12 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 0 8 IP[ ] IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="bullet" xMin="82" yMin="565" xMax="582" yMax="1065"> <contour> <pt x="82" y="817" on="1"/> <pt x="82" y="919" on="0"/> <pt x="227" y="1065" on="0"/> <pt x="334" y="1065" on="1"/> <pt x="436" y="1065" on="0"/> <pt x="582" y="920" on="0"/> <pt x="582" y="817" on="1"/> <pt x="582" y="711" on="0"/> <pt x="436" y="565" on="0"/> <pt x="334" y="565" on="1"/> <pt x="228" y="565" on="0"/> <pt x="82" y="711" on="0"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 9 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 3 13 0 9 4 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 3 13 0 9 4 CALL[ ] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 6 23 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 6 23 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 13 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="c" xMin="66" yMin="-16" xMax="596" yMax="1137"> <contour> <pt x="66" y="315" on="1"/> <pt x="66" y="805" on="1"/> <pt x="66" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="330" y="1137" on="1"/> <pt x="467" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="596" y="995" on="0"/> <pt x="596" y="815" on="1"/> <pt x="596" y="727" on="1"/> <pt x="389" y="727" on="1"/> <pt x="389" y="862" on="1"/> <pt x="389" y="913" on="0"/> <pt x="365" y="952" on="0"/> <pt x="330" y="952" on="1"/> <pt x="273" y="952" on="0"/> <pt x="272" y="862" on="1"/> <pt x="272" y="258" on="1"/> <pt x="272" y="168" on="0"/> <pt x="330" y="168" on="1"/> <pt x="365" y="168" on="0"/> <pt x="389" y="207" on="0"/> <pt x="389" y="258" on="1"/> <pt x="389" y="414" on="1"/> <pt x="596" y="414" on="1"/> <pt x="596" y="305" on="1"/> <pt x="596" y="125" on="0"/> <pt x="467" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="330" y="-16" on="1"/> <pt x="66" y="-17" on="0"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 26 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 17 9 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 17 26 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 17 21 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 3 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 12 9 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 12 3 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 12 8 9 CALL[ ] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 28 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 15 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 15 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 20 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 8 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 23 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 6 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 29 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 20 15 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="caron" xMin="260" yMin="1305" xMax="762" yMax="1489"> <contour> <pt x="260" y="1489" on="1"/> <pt x="449" y="1489" on="1"/> <pt x="510" y="1417" on="1"/> <pt x="573" y="1489" on="1"/> <pt x="762" y="1489" on="1"/> <pt x="621" y="1305" on="1"/> <pt x="401" y="1305" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 6 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 9 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 9 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 SHP[0] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 4 23 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 8 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 6 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 2 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="ccedilla" xMin="66" yMin="-385" xMax="596" yMax="1137"> <contour> <pt x="66" y="315" on="1"/> <pt x="66" y="805" on="1"/> <pt x="66" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="330" y="1137" on="1"/> <pt x="467" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="596" y="995" on="0"/> <pt x="596" y="815" on="1"/> <pt x="596" y="727" on="1"/> <pt x="389" y="727" on="1"/> <pt x="389" y="862" on="1"/> <pt x="389" y="913" on="0"/> <pt x="365" y="952" on="0"/> <pt x="330" y="952" on="1"/> <pt x="273" y="952" on="0"/> <pt x="272" y="862" on="1"/> <pt x="272" y="258" on="1"/> <pt x="272" y="168" on="0"/> <pt x="330" y="168" on="1"/> <pt x="365" y="168" on="0"/> <pt x="389" y="207" on="0"/> <pt x="389" y="258" on="1"/> <pt x="389" y="414" on="1"/> <pt x="596" y="414" on="1"/> <pt x="596" y="305" on="1"/> <pt x="596" y="125" on="0"/> <pt x="467" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="330" y="-16" on="1"/> <pt x="66" y="-17" on="0"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="238" y="-111" on="1"/> <pt x="238" y="-252" on="1"/> <pt x="301" y="-252" on="1"/> <pt x="260" y="-385" on="1"/> <pt x="365" y="-385" on="1"/> <pt x="410" y="-252" on="1"/> <pt x="410" y="-111" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 26 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 17 9 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 17 26 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 17 21 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 3 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 12 9 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 12 3 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 12 8 9 CALL[ ] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 35 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 15 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 15 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 20 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 8 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 23 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 6 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 36 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 15 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 28 29 31 IP[ ] IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 20 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 3 30 32 IP[ ] IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 23 SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 33 34 IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="cedilla" xMin="426" yMin="-385" xMax="598" yMax="-111"> <contour> <pt x="426" y="-111" on="1"/> <pt x="598" y="-111" on="1"/> <pt x="598" y="-252" on="1"/> <pt x="553" y="-385" on="1"/> <pt x="449" y="-385" on="1"/> <pt x="489" y="-252" on="1"/> <pt x="426" y="-252" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 6 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 0 6 0 27 4 CALL[ ] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 6 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 2 17 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 2 17 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 8 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 6 4 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 2 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="cent" xMin="66" yMin="-123" xMax="588" yMax="1567"> <contour> <pt x="66" y="508" on="1"/> <pt x="66" y="997" on="1"/> <pt x="66" y="1294" on="0"/> <pt x="274" y="1325" on="1"/> <pt x="274" y="1567" on="1"/> <pt x="397" y="1567" on="1"/> <pt x="397" y="1323" on="1"/> <pt x="495" y="1307" on="0"/> <pt x="588" y="1163" on="0"/> <pt x="588" y="1008" on="1"/> <pt x="588" y="920" on="1"/> <pt x="399" y="920" on="1"/> <pt x="399" y="1055" on="1"/> <pt x="399" y="1145" on="0"/> <pt x="326" y="1145" on="1"/> <pt x="254" y="1145" on="0"/> <pt x="254" y="1055" on="1"/> <pt x="254" y="451" on="1"/> <pt x="254" y="361" on="0"/> <pt x="326" y="360" on="1"/> <pt x="400" y="360" on="0"/> <pt x="399" y="451" on="1"/> <pt x="399" y="606" on="1"/> <pt x="588" y="606" on="1"/> <pt x="588" y="498" on="1"/> <pt x="588" y="342" on="0"/> <pt x="496" y="197" on="0"/> <pt x="397" y="180" on="1"/> <pt x="397" y="-123" on="1"/> <pt x="274" y="-123" on="1"/> <pt x="274" y="178" on="1"/> <pt x="66" y="209" on="0"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 32 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 17 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 17 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 29 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 28 16 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 5 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 28 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 21 11 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 11 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 24 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 9 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 33 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 28 29 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 14 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="circumflex" xMin="260" yMin="1305" xMax="762" yMax="1489"> <contour> <pt x="260" y="1305" on="1"/> <pt x="401" y="1489" on="1"/> <pt x="621" y="1489" on="1"/> <pt x="762" y="1305" on="1"/> <pt x="573" y="1305" on="1"/> <pt x="510" y="1376" on="1"/> <pt x="449" y="1305" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 9 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 9 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 23 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 8 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 5 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="colon" xMin="74" yMin="0" xMax="289" yMax="1120"> <contour> <pt x="74" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="74" y="227" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="227" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="74" y="893" on="1"/> <pt x="74" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="893" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 12 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 5 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 4 12 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 8 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 6 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="comma" xMin="45" yMin="-266" xMax="260" yMax="227"> <contour> <pt x="45" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="45" y="227" on="1"/> <pt x="260" y="227" on="1"/> <pt x="260" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="147" y="-266" on="1"/> <pt x="45" y="-266" on="1"/> <pt x="117" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 5 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 1 13 0 9 4 CALL[ ] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 5 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 8 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 5 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 6 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="copyright" xMin="53" yMin="-16" xMax="1591" yMax="1522"> <contour> <pt x="53" y="434" on="0"/> <pt x="53" y="1069" on="0"/> <pt x="504" y="1522" on="0"/> <pt x="1139" y="1522" on="0"/> <pt x="1591" y="1069" on="0"/> <pt x="1591" y="434" on="0"/> <pt x="1139" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="504" y="-16" on="0"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="172" y="1018" on="0"/> <pt x="172" y="485" on="0"/> <pt x="555" y="102" on="0"/> <pt x="1087" y="102" on="0"/> <pt x="1473" y="485" on="0"/> <pt x="1473" y="752" on="1"/> <pt x="1473" y="1020" on="0"/> <pt x="1090" y="1403" on="0"/> <pt x="821" y="1403" on="1"/> <pt x="555" y="1403" on="0"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="627" y="487" on="1"/> <pt x="627" y="1018" on="1"/> <pt x="627" y="1026" on="0"/> <pt x="629" y="1053" on="0"/> <pt x="649" y="1120" on="0"/> <pt x="684" y="1171" on="0"/> <pt x="764" y="1214" on="0"/> <pt x="819" y="1214" on="1"/> <pt x="966" y="1214" on="0"/> <pt x="1001" y="1067" on="1"/> <pt x="1008" y="1018" on="1"/> <pt x="1008" y="893" on="1"/> <pt x="870" y="893" on="1"/> <pt x="870" y="1018" on="1"/> <pt x="870" y="1035" on="1"/> <pt x="870" y="1046" on="0"/> <pt x="846" y="1081" on="0"/> <pt x="821" y="1081" on="1"/> <pt x="774" y="1079" on="0"/> <pt x="772" y="1018" on="1"/> <pt x="772" y="487" on="1"/> <pt x="772" y="424" on="0"/> <pt x="821" y="424" on="1"/> <pt x="874" y="426" on="0"/> <pt x="870" y="487" on="1"/> <pt x="870" y="612" on="1"/> <pt x="1008" y="612" on="1"/> <pt x="1008" y="487" on="1"/> <pt x="1008" y="479" on="0"/> <pt x="1006" y="453" on="0"/> <pt x="985" y="385" on="0"/> <pt x="950" y="334" on="0"/> <pt x="872" y="291" on="0"/> <pt x="819" y="291" on="1"/> <pt x="733" y="291" on="0"/> <pt x="637" y="389" on="0"/> <pt x="631" y="438" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 7 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 11 5 0 52 4 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 3 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 16 5 0 52 4 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 51 40 7 3 13 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 51 6 0 27 4 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 40 51 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 40 44 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 25 35 7 3 13 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 25 6 0 27 4 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 35 25 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 35 30 9 CALL[ ] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 55 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 1 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 16 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 9 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 18 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 38 17 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 38 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 42 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 30 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 45 16 0 45 4 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 28 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 45 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 13 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 16 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 56 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 18 9 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 7 2 10 IP[ ] IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 38 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 21 54 IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 42 SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 25 16 51 IP[ ] IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 45 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 47 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 13 SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 6 11 3 IP[ ] IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 35 40 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 7 values pushed */ 0 4 5 1 9 8 13 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="d" xMin="74" yMin="-16" xMax="604" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="74" y="203" on="1"/> <pt x="74" y="918" on="1"/> <pt x="74" y="1000" on="0"/> <pt x="156" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="233" y="1137" on="1"/> <pt x="266" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="348" y="1092" on="0"/> <pt x="373" y="1069" on="1"/> <pt x="397" y="1047" on="1"/> <pt x="397" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="604" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="604" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="397" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="397" y="74" on="1"/> <pt x="309" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="233" y="-16" on="1"/> <pt x="155" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="74" y="121" on="0"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="281" y="246" on="1"/> <pt x="281" y="217" on="0"/> <pt x="313" y="178" on="0"/> <pt x="358" y="178" on="0"/> <pt x="397" y="217" on="0"/> <pt x="397" y="246" on="1"/> <pt x="397" y="874" on="1"/> <pt x="397" y="899" on="0"/> <pt x="358" y="942" on="0"/> <pt x="313" y="942" on="0"/> <pt x="281" y="903" on="0"/> <pt x="281" y="874" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 12 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 15 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 21 4 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 9 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 4 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 27 4 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 30 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 18 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 18 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 12 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 8 23 SHP[0] SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 31 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 18 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 4 15 IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 21 12 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 13 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 4 27 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 8 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="dieresis" xMin="272" yMin="1305" xMax="752" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="272" y="1305" on="1"/> <pt x="272" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="463" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="463" y="1305" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="561" y="1305" on="1"/> <pt x="561" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="752" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="752" y="1305" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 5 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 0 10 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 0 10 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 8 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 4 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="dollar" xMin="37" yMin="-215" xMax="655" yMax="1628"> <contour> <pt x="37" y="358" on="1"/> <pt x="229" y="371" on="1"/> <pt x="241" y="185" on="0"/> <pt x="358" y="184" on="1"/> <pt x="446" y="184" on="0"/> <pt x="451" y="369" on="1"/> <pt x="451" y="398" on="0"/> <pt x="434" y="459" on="0"/> <pt x="412" y="508" on="0"/> <pt x="369" y="580" on="0"/> <pt x="344" y="614" on="0"/> <pt x="289" y="690" on="0"/> <pt x="281" y="702" on="1"/> <pt x="213" y="794" on="0"/> <pt x="147" y="893" on="0"/> <pt x="72" y="1077" on="0"/> <pt x="72" y="1155" on="1"/> <pt x="76" y="1448" on="0"/> <pt x="287" y="1497" on="1"/> <pt x="287" y="1628" on="1"/> <pt x="410" y="1628" on="1"/> <pt x="410" y="1503" on="1"/> <pt x="611" y="1480" on="0"/> <pt x="645" y="1221" on="1"/> <pt x="453" y="1196" on="1"/> <pt x="447" y="1253" on="0"/> <pt x="403" y="1323" on="0"/> <pt x="360" y="1321" on="1"/> <pt x="280" y="1319" on="0"/> <pt x="276" y="1159" on="1"/> <pt x="276" y="1130" on="0"/> <pt x="293" y="1067" on="0"/> <pt x="313" y="1022" on="0"/> <pt x="358" y="948" on="0"/> <pt x="381" y="915" on="0"/> <pt x="440" y="831" on="0"/> <pt x="449" y="821" on="1"/> <pt x="455" y="811" on="0"/> <pt x="508" y="735" on="0"/> <pt x="528" y="707" on="0"/> <pt x="575" y="633" on="0"/> <pt x="596" y="592" on="0"/> <pt x="629" y="522" on="0"/> <pt x="643" y="469" on="0"/> <pt x="655" y="401" on="0"/> <pt x="655" y="371" on="1"/> <pt x="651" y="33" on="0"/> <pt x="410" y="2" on="1"/> <pt x="410" y="-215" on="1"/> <pt x="287" y="-215" on="1"/> <pt x="287" y="6" on="1"/> <pt x="51" y="47" on="0"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 52 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 16 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 29 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 DUP[ ] MDRP[10110] SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 29 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 49 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 18 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 48 16 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 20 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 48 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 24 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 45 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 23 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 53 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 16 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 51 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 29 1 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 2 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 48 49 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 10 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 45 5 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 39 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="dotaccent" xMin="408" yMin="1298" xMax="614" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="408" y="1298" on="1"/> <pt x="408" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="614" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="614" y="1298" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 0 10 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 0 10 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="dotlessi" xMin="82" yMin="0" xMax="289" yMax="1120"> <contour> <pt x="82" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="82" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 2 0 CALL[ ] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="e" xMin="66" yMin="-16" xMax="600" yMax="1137"> <contour> <pt x="66" y="279" on="1"/> <pt x="66" y="842" on="1"/> <pt x="66" y="854" on="0"/> <pt x="70" y="893" on="0"/> <pt x="98" y="995" on="0"/> <pt x="150" y="1073" on="0"/> <pt x="260" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="334" y="1137" on="1"/> <pt x="533" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="586" y="940" on="1"/> <pt x="600" y="889" on="0"/> <pt x="600" y="848" on="1"/> <pt x="600" y="522" on="1"/> <pt x="258" y="522" on="1"/> <pt x="258" y="279" on="1"/> <pt x="258" y="266" on="1"/> <pt x="258" y="258" on="0"/> <pt x="266" y="219" on="0"/> <pt x="281" y="190" on="0"/> <pt x="313" y="166" on="0"/> <pt x="334" y="166" on="1"/> <pt x="404" y="176" on="0"/> <pt x="408" y="279" on="1"/> <pt x="408" y="401" on="1"/> <pt x="600" y="401" on="1"/> <pt x="600" y="272" on="1"/> <pt x="600" y="260" on="0"/> <pt x="596" y="221" on="0"/> <pt x="567" y="123" on="0"/> <pt x="518" y="45" on="0"/> <pt x="408" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="332" y="-16" on="1"/> <pt x="258" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="147" y="45" on="0"/> <pt x="98" y="131" on="0"/> <pt x="70" y="217" on="0"/> <pt x="68" y="248" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="258" y="684" on="1"/> <pt x="408" y="684" on="1"/> <pt x="408" y="842" on="1"/> <pt x="408" y="854" on="0"/> <pt x="406" y="893" on="0"/> <pt x="369" y="956" on="0"/> <pt x="334" y="956" on="1"/> <pt x="301" y="956" on="0"/> <pt x="262" y="899" on="0"/> <pt x="260" y="870" on="1"/> <pt x="258" y="842" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 31 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 20 8 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 20 31 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 20 23 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 7 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 43 8 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 37 13 31 7 13 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 37 6 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 48 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 14 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 37 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 14 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 22 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 38 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 25 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 11 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 49 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 22 14 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 31 IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="eacute" xMin="66" yMin="-16" xMax="600" yMax="1489"> <contour> <pt x="66" y="279" on="1"/> <pt x="66" y="842" on="1"/> <pt x="66" y="854" on="0"/> <pt x="70" y="893" on="0"/> <pt x="98" y="995" on="0"/> <pt x="150" y="1073" on="0"/> <pt x="260" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="334" y="1137" on="1"/> <pt x="533" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="586" y="940" on="1"/> <pt x="600" y="889" on="0"/> <pt x="600" y="848" on="1"/> <pt x="600" y="522" on="1"/> <pt x="258" y="522" on="1"/> <pt x="258" y="279" on="1"/> <pt x="258" y="266" on="1"/> <pt x="258" y="258" on="0"/> <pt x="266" y="219" on="0"/> <pt x="281" y="190" on="0"/> <pt x="313" y="166" on="0"/> <pt x="334" y="166" on="1"/> <pt x="404" y="176" on="0"/> <pt x="408" y="279" on="1"/> <pt x="408" y="401" on="1"/> <pt x="600" y="401" on="1"/> <pt x="600" y="272" on="1"/> <pt x="600" y="260" on="0"/> <pt x="596" y="221" on="0"/> <pt x="567" y="123" on="0"/> <pt x="518" y="45" on="0"/> <pt x="408" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="332" y="-16" on="1"/> <pt x="258" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="147" y="45" on="0"/> <pt x="98" y="131" on="0"/> <pt x="70" y="217" on="0"/> <pt x="68" y="248" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="258" y="684" on="1"/> <pt x="408" y="684" on="1"/> <pt x="408" y="842" on="1"/> <pt x="408" y="854" on="0"/> <pt x="406" y="893" on="0"/> <pt x="369" y="956" on="0"/> <pt x="334" y="956" on="1"/> <pt x="301" y="956" on="0"/> <pt x="262" y="899" on="0"/> <pt x="260" y="870" on="1"/> <pt x="258" y="842" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="264" y="1305" on="1"/> <pt x="371" y="1489" on="1"/> <pt x="586" y="1489" on="1"/> <pt x="424" y="1305" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 31 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 20 8 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 20 31 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 20 23 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 7 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 43 8 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 37 13 31 7 13 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 37 6 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 52 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 14 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 37 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 14 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 22 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 38 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 25 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 11 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 53 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 22 14 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 7 31 48 49 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 25 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 50 51 IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="ecircumflex" xMin="66" yMin="-16" xMax="600" yMax="1489"> <contour> <pt x="66" y="279" on="1"/> <pt x="66" y="842" on="1"/> <pt x="66" y="854" on="0"/> <pt x="70" y="893" on="0"/> <pt x="98" y="995" on="0"/> <pt x="150" y="1073" on="0"/> <pt x="260" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="334" y="1137" on="1"/> <pt x="533" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="586" y="940" on="1"/> <pt x="600" y="889" on="0"/> <pt x="600" y="848" on="1"/> <pt x="600" y="522" on="1"/> <pt x="258" y="522" on="1"/> <pt x="258" y="279" on="1"/> <pt x="258" y="266" on="1"/> <pt x="258" y="258" on="0"/> <pt x="266" y="219" on="0"/> <pt x="281" y="190" on="0"/> <pt x="313" y="166" on="0"/> <pt x="334" y="166" on="1"/> <pt x="404" y="176" on="0"/> <pt x="408" y="279" on="1"/> <pt x="408" y="401" on="1"/> <pt x="600" y="401" on="1"/> <pt x="600" y="272" on="1"/> <pt x="600" y="260" on="0"/> <pt x="596" y="221" on="0"/> <pt x="567" y="123" on="0"/> <pt x="518" y="45" on="0"/> <pt x="408" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="332" y="-16" on="1"/> <pt x="258" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="147" y="45" on="0"/> <pt x="98" y="131" on="0"/> <pt x="70" y="217" on="0"/> <pt x="68" y="248" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="80" y="1305" on="1"/> <pt x="221" y="1489" on="1"/> <pt x="440" y="1489" on="1"/> <pt x="582" y="1305" on="1"/> <pt x="393" y="1305" on="1"/> <pt x="330" y="1376" on="1"/> <pt x="268" y="1305" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="258" y="684" on="1"/> <pt x="408" y="684" on="1"/> <pt x="408" y="842" on="1"/> <pt x="408" y="854" on="0"/> <pt x="406" y="893" on="0"/> <pt x="369" y="956" on="0"/> <pt x="334" y="956" on="1"/> <pt x="301" y="956" on="0"/> <pt x="262" y="899" on="0"/> <pt x="260" y="870" on="1"/> <pt x="258" y="842" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 31 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 20 8 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 20 31 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 20 23 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 7 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 50 8 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 44 13 31 7 13 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 44 6 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 43 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 40 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 38 9 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 55 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 14 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 44 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 14 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 22 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 45 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 25 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 11 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 56 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 14 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 37 38 IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 22 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 7 31 41 43 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 25 SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 39 40 IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 38 43 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 42 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="edieresis" xMin="66" yMin="-16" xMax="600" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="66" y="279" on="1"/> <pt x="66" y="842" on="1"/> <pt x="66" y="854" on="0"/> <pt x="70" y="893" on="0"/> <pt x="98" y="995" on="0"/> <pt x="150" y="1073" on="0"/> <pt x="260" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="334" y="1137" on="1"/> <pt x="533" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="586" y="940" on="1"/> <pt x="600" y="889" on="0"/> <pt x="600" y="848" on="1"/> <pt x="600" y="522" on="1"/> <pt x="258" y="522" on="1"/> <pt x="258" y="279" on="1"/> <pt x="258" y="266" on="1"/> <pt x="258" y="258" on="0"/> <pt x="266" y="219" on="0"/> <pt x="281" y="190" on="0"/> <pt x="313" y="166" on="0"/> <pt x="334" y="166" on="1"/> <pt x="404" y="176" on="0"/> <pt x="408" y="279" on="1"/> <pt x="408" y="401" on="1"/> <pt x="600" y="401" on="1"/> <pt x="600" y="272" on="1"/> <pt x="600" y="260" on="0"/> <pt x="596" y="221" on="0"/> <pt x="567" y="123" on="0"/> <pt x="518" y="45" on="0"/> <pt x="408" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="332" y="-16" on="1"/> <pt x="258" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="147" y="45" on="0"/> <pt x="98" y="131" on="0"/> <pt x="70" y="217" on="0"/> <pt x="68" y="248" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="90" y="1305" on="1"/> <pt x="90" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="281" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="281" y="1305" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="258" y="684" on="1"/> <pt x="408" y="684" on="1"/> <pt x="408" y="842" on="1"/> <pt x="408" y="854" on="0"/> <pt x="406" y="893" on="0"/> <pt x="369" y="956" on="0"/> <pt x="334" y="956" on="1"/> <pt x="301" y="956" on="0"/> <pt x="262" y="899" on="0"/> <pt x="260" y="870" on="1"/> <pt x="258" y="842" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="379" y="1305" on="1"/> <pt x="379" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="569" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="569" y="1305" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 31 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 20 8 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 20 31 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 20 23 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 38 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 53 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 37 10 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 52 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 7 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 47 8 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 41 13 31 7 13 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 41 6 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 56 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 14 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 41 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 14 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 40 DUP[ ] MDRP[10110] SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 37 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 37 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 40 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 14 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 22 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 42 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 25 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 11 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 52 DUP[ ] MDRP[10110] SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 55 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 57 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 52 40 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 7 31 47 IP[ ] IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="egrave" xMin="66" yMin="-16" xMax="600" yMax="1489"> <contour> <pt x="66" y="279" on="1"/> <pt x="66" y="842" on="1"/> <pt x="66" y="854" on="0"/> <pt x="70" y="893" on="0"/> <pt x="98" y="995" on="0"/> <pt x="150" y="1073" on="0"/> <pt x="260" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="334" y="1137" on="1"/> <pt x="533" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="586" y="940" on="1"/> <pt x="600" y="889" on="0"/> <pt x="600" y="848" on="1"/> <pt x="600" y="522" on="1"/> <pt x="258" y="522" on="1"/> <pt x="258" y="279" on="1"/> <pt x="258" y="266" on="1"/> <pt x="258" y="258" on="0"/> <pt x="266" y="219" on="0"/> <pt x="281" y="190" on="0"/> <pt x="313" y="166" on="0"/> <pt x="334" y="166" on="1"/> <pt x="404" y="176" on="0"/> <pt x="408" y="279" on="1"/> <pt x="408" y="401" on="1"/> <pt x="600" y="401" on="1"/> <pt x="600" y="272" on="1"/> <pt x="600" y="260" on="0"/> <pt x="596" y="221" on="0"/> <pt x="567" y="123" on="0"/> <pt x="518" y="45" on="0"/> <pt x="408" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="332" y="-16" on="1"/> <pt x="258" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="147" y="45" on="0"/> <pt x="98" y="131" on="0"/> <pt x="70" y="217" on="0"/> <pt x="68" y="248" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="102" y="1489" on="1"/> <pt x="317" y="1489" on="1"/> <pt x="424" y="1305" on="1"/> <pt x="264" y="1305" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="258" y="684" on="1"/> <pt x="408" y="684" on="1"/> <pt x="408" y="842" on="1"/> <pt x="408" y="854" on="0"/> <pt x="406" y="893" on="0"/> <pt x="369" y="956" on="0"/> <pt x="334" y="956" on="1"/> <pt x="301" y="956" on="0"/> <pt x="262" y="899" on="0"/> <pt x="260" y="870" on="1"/> <pt x="258" y="842" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 31 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 20 8 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 20 31 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 20 23 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 7 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 47 8 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 41 13 31 7 13 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 41 6 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 52 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 14 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 41 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 14 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 22 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 42 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 25 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 11 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 53 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 14 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 37 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 22 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 7 31 38 40 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 25 SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 39 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="eight" xMin="53" yMin="-16" xMax="643" yMax="1522"> <contour> <pt x="53" y="322" on="1"/> <pt x="53" y="498" on="1"/> <pt x="53" y="686" on="0"/> <pt x="168" y="795" on="1"/> <pt x="66" y="897" on="0"/> <pt x="66" y="1071" on="1"/> <pt x="66" y="1198" on="1"/> <pt x="66" y="1221" on="0"/> <pt x="70" y="1274" on="0"/> <pt x="102" y="1380" on="0"/> <pt x="156" y="1460" on="0"/> <pt x="270" y="1522" on="0"/> <pt x="426" y="1522" on="0"/> <pt x="541" y="1460" on="0"/> <pt x="594" y="1380" on="0"/> <pt x="627" y="1274" on="0"/> <pt x="631" y="1221" on="0"/> <pt x="631" y="1198" on="1"/> <pt x="631" y="1071" on="1"/> <pt x="631" y="897" on="0"/> <pt x="528" y="795" on="1"/> <pt x="643" y="686" on="0"/> <pt x="643" y="498" on="1"/> <pt x="643" y="322" on="1"/> <pt x="643" y="297" on="0"/> <pt x="639" y="242" on="0"/> <pt x="606" y="131" on="0"/> <pt x="549" y="49" on="0"/> <pt x="430" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="266" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="147" y="49" on="0"/> <pt x="90" y="131" on="0"/> <pt x="57" y="242" on="0"/> <pt x="53" y="297" on="0"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="268" y="410" on="1"/> <pt x="270" y="283" on="0"/> <pt x="301" y="186" on="0"/> <pt x="348" y="186" on="1"/> <pt x="385" y="186" on="0"/> <pt x="420" y="246" on="0"/> <pt x="428" y="328" on="0"/> <pt x="428" y="410" on="1"/> <pt x="428" y="562" on="0"/> <pt x="401" y="676" on="0"/> <pt x="295" y="676" on="0"/> <pt x="268" y="562" on="0"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="283" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="283" y="993" on="0"/> <pt x="307" y="893" on="0"/> <pt x="389" y="893" on="0"/> <pt x="414" y="993" on="0"/> <pt x="414" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="414" y="1233" on="0"/> <pt x="389" y="1327" on="0"/> <pt x="348" y="1327" on="1"/> <pt x="311" y="1327" on="0"/> <pt x="285" y="1239" on="0"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 29 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 37 10 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 12 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 54 4 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 49 44 29 12 13 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 49 11 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 57 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 5 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 46 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 34 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 46 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 41 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 51 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 23 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 17 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 58 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 34 5 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 3 8 29 IP[ ] IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 46 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 11 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 41 SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 12 37 44 IP[ ] IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 23 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 15 20 28 IP[ ] IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 49 44 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 20 3 IP[ ] IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="ellipsis" xMin="53" yMin="0" xMax="911" yMax="227"> <contour> <pt x="53" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="53" y="227" on="1"/> <pt x="268" y="227" on="1"/> <pt x="268" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="375" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="375" y="227" on="1"/> <pt x="590" y="227" on="1"/> <pt x="590" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="696" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="696" y="227" on="1"/> <pt x="911" y="227" on="1"/> <pt x="911" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 4 8 SHP[1] SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 12 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 9 SHP[0] SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 12 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 4 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 8 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 13 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="emdash" xMin="74" yMin="649" xMax="899" yMax="844"> <contour> <pt x="74" y="649" on="1"/> <pt x="74" y="844" on="1"/> <pt x="899" y="844" on="1"/> <pt x="899" y="649" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 4 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 4 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="endash" xMin="74" yMin="649" xMax="733" yMax="844"> <contour> <pt x="74" y="649" on="1"/> <pt x="74" y="844" on="1"/> <pt x="733" y="844" on="1"/> <pt x="733" y="649" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 4 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 4 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 0 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 3 24 0 13 4 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="equal" xMin="74" yMin="477" xMax="985" yMax="1036"> <contour> <pt x="74" y="477" on="1"/> <pt x="74" y="649" on="1"/> <pt x="985" y="649" on="1"/> <pt x="985" y="477" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="74" y="864" on="1"/> <pt x="74" y="1036" on="1"/> <pt x="985" y="1036" on="1"/> <pt x="985" y="864" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 7 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 7 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 8 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="eth" xMin="76" yMin="-16" xMax="606" yMax="1528"> <contour> <pt x="76" y="279" on="1"/> <pt x="76" y="858" on="1"/> <pt x="76" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="248" y="1137" on="1"/> <pt x="311" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="403" y="1059" on="1"/> <pt x="391" y="1168" on="0"/> <pt x="352" y="1262" on="1"/> <pt x="270" y="1190" on="1"/> <pt x="215" y="1253" on="1"/> <pt x="315" y="1341" on="1"/> <pt x="270" y="1407" on="1"/> <pt x="379" y="1507" on="1"/> <pt x="404" y="1480" on="0"/> <pt x="432" y="1446" on="1"/> <pt x="526" y="1528" on="1"/> <pt x="582" y="1462" on="1"/> <pt x="481" y="1374" on="1"/> <pt x="606" y="1173" on="0"/> <pt x="606" y="928" on="1"/> <pt x="606" y="272" on="1"/> <pt x="606" y="260" on="0"/> <pt x="604" y="221" on="0"/> <pt x="575" y="123" on="0"/> <pt x="524" y="45" on="0"/> <pt x="416" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="340" y="-16" on="1"/> <pt x="266" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="156" y="45" on="0"/> <pt x="106" y="131" on="0"/> <pt x="78" y="217" on="0"/> <pt x="78" y="248" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="272" y="279" on="0"/> <pt x="268" y="256" on="0"/> <pt x="276" y="221" on="0"/> <pt x="289" y="188" on="0"/> <pt x="319" y="166" on="0"/> <pt x="340" y="166" on="1"/> <pt x="410" y="176" on="0"/> <pt x="412" y="279" on="1"/> <pt x="412" y="842" on="1"/> <pt x="410" y="842" on="0"/> <pt x="414" y="864" on="0"/> <pt x="406" y="899" on="0"/> <pt x="393" y="932" on="0"/> <pt x="362" y="956" on="0"/> <pt x="340" y="956" on="1"/> <pt x="272" y="946" on="0"/> <pt x="270" y="842" on="1"/> <pt x="270" y="279" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 26 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 37 8 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 12 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 3 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 46 8 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 50 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 49 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 49 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 39 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 20 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 51 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 49 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 3 8 9 11 33 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 39 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 7 values pushed */ 5 10 12 26 32 41 46 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 20 SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 14 42 IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 46 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 5 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 7 8 14 16 17 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="exclam" xMin="74" yMin="0" xMax="313" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="74" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="313" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="258" y="406" on="1"/> <pt x="129" y="406" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="86" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="86" y="227" on="1"/> <pt x="301" y="227" on="1"/> <pt x="301" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 4 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 12 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 3 0 CALL[ ] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 8 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 1 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 2 7 4 8 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 16 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 2 16 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 0 5 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 2 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="exclamdown" xMin="74" yMin="-385" xMax="313" yMax="1120"> <contour> <pt x="74" y="-385" on="1"/> <pt x="129" y="715" on="1"/> <pt x="258" y="715" on="1"/> <pt x="313" y="-385" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="86" y="893" on="1"/> <pt x="86" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="301" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="301" y="893" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 5 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 4 12 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDAP[1] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 8 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 2 7 4 8 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 16 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 1 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 2 16 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 4 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 1 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="f" xMin="20" yMin="0" xMax="459" yMax="1513"> <contour> <pt x="20" y="934" on="1"/> <pt x="20" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="125" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="125" y="1137" on="1"/> <pt x="125" y="1151" on="1"/> <pt x="125" y="1202" on="0"/> <pt x="129" y="1268" on="0"/> <pt x="154" y="1386" on="0"/> <pt x="199" y="1456" on="0"/> <pt x="295" y="1513" on="0"/> <pt x="362" y="1513" on="1"/> <pt x="459" y="1499" on="1"/> <pt x="459" y="1321" on="1"/> <pt x="432" y="1329" on="0"/> <pt x="397" y="1329" on="1"/> <pt x="331" y="1329" on="0"/> <pt x="332" y="1149" on="1"/> <pt x="332" y="1133" on="1"/> <pt x="332" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="436" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="436" y="934" on="1"/> <pt x="332" y="934" on="1"/> <pt x="332" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="125" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="125" y="934" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 23 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 10 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 14 9 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 18 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 0 9 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 20 SHP[0] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 25 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 23 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 2 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 22 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 16 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 22 23 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 22 20 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 23 22 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 23 0 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 26 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="figuredash" xMin="74" yMin="455" xMax="371" yMax="649"> <contour> <pt x="74" y="455" on="1"/> <pt x="74" y="649" on="1"/> <pt x="371" y="649" on="1"/> <pt x="371" y="455" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 4 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 4 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 21 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 21 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="five" xMin="74" yMin="-16" xMax="651" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="74" y="438" on="1"/> <pt x="295" y="438" on="1"/> <pt x="295" y="379" on="1"/> <pt x="295" y="264" on="0"/> <pt x="324" y="176" on="0"/> <pt x="362" y="176" on="1"/> <pt x="399" y="176" on="0"/> <pt x="430" y="266" on="0"/> <pt x="430" y="377" on="1"/> <pt x="430" y="713" on="1"/> <pt x="430" y="824" on="0"/> <pt x="360" y="823" on="1"/> <pt x="327" y="823" on="0"/> <pt x="274" y="743" on="0"/> <pt x="274" y="713" on="1"/> <pt x="88" y="713" on="1"/> <pt x="88" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="623" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="623" y="1286" on="1"/> <pt x="279" y="1286" on="1"/> <pt x="279" y="973" on="1"/> <pt x="287" y="979" on="0"/> <pt x="313" y="997" on="0"/> <pt x="381" y="1026" on="0"/> <pt x="406" y="1024" on="1"/> <pt x="484" y="1024" on="0"/> <pt x="594" y="944" on="0"/> <pt x="637" y="825" on="0"/> <pt x="651" y="743" on="0"/> <pt x="651" y="713" on="1"/> <pt x="651" y="377" on="1"/> <pt x="651" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="362" y="-16" on="1"/> <pt x="284" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="174" y="43" on="0"/> <pt x="115" y="127" on="0"/> <pt x="82" y="260" on="0"/> <pt x="74" y="364" on="0"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 32 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 4 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 5 32 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 5 0 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 16 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 19 11 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 24 11 32 16 13 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 24 10 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 11 24 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 11 15 9 CALL[ ] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 38 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 15 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 20 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 14 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 20 15 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 20 18 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 15 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 2 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 20 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 8 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 30 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 39 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 20 15 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 36 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 8 2 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 32 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 24 11 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 20 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="four" xMin="25" yMin="0" xMax="672" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="25" y="328" on="1"/> <pt x="25" y="522" on="1"/> <pt x="348" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="569" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="569" y="522" on="1"/> <pt x="672" y="522" on="1"/> <pt x="672" y="328" on="1"/> <pt x="569" y="328" on="1"/> <pt x="569" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="367" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="367" y="328" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="213" y="522" on="1"/> <pt x="367" y="522" on="1"/> <pt x="367" y="993" on="1"/> <pt x="367" y="1038" on="1"/> <pt x="354" y="1038" on="1"/> <pt x="342" y="993" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 9 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 2 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 10 11 9 2 13 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 10 4 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 6 SHP[0] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 17 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 9 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 8 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 8 9 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 8 6 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 9 8 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 9 0 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 18 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 10 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 1 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 2 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 14 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="g" xMin="12" yMin="-401" xMax="698" yMax="1137"> <contour> <pt x="12" y="-184" on="1"/> <pt x="12" y="-90" on="0"/> <pt x="174" y="-14" on="1"/> <pt x="49" y="21" on="0"/> <pt x="49" y="135" on="1"/> <pt x="49" y="180" on="0"/> <pt x="129" y="276" on="0"/> <pt x="178" y="303" on="1"/> <pt x="127" y="338" on="0"/> <pt x="68" y="459" on="0"/> <pt x="63" y="504" on="1"/> <pt x="59" y="547" on="1"/> <pt x="59" y="852" on="1"/> <pt x="59" y="864" on="0"/> <pt x="63" y="901" on="0"/> <pt x="92" y="999" on="0"/> <pt x="141" y="1075" on="0"/> <pt x="250" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="322" y="1137" on="1"/> <pt x="457" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="528" y="1034" on="1"/> <pt x="630" y="1136" on="0"/> <pt x="698" y="1137" on="1"/> <pt x="698" y="952" on="1"/> <pt x="626" y="952" on="0"/> <pt x="578" y="928" on="1"/> <pt x="588" y="858" on="1"/> <pt x="588" y="541" on="1"/> <pt x="588" y="531" on="0"/> <pt x="584" y="492" on="0"/> <pt x="553" y="397" on="0"/> <pt x="504" y="324" on="0"/> <pt x="395" y="264" on="0"/> <pt x="322" y="264" on="1"/> <pt x="295" y="264" on="0"/> <pt x="283" y="266" on="1"/> <pt x="254" y="241" on="0"/> <pt x="254" y="215" on="1"/> <pt x="254" y="199" on="0"/> <pt x="276" y="174" on="0"/> <pt x="338" y="158" on="0"/> <pt x="367" y="154" on="0"/> <pt x="412" y="145" on="1"/> <pt x="469" y="137" on="0"/> <pt x="557" y="111" on="0"/> <pt x="647" y="55" on="0"/> <pt x="698" y="-45" on="0"/> <pt x="698" y="-115" on="1"/> <pt x="698" y="-267" on="0"/> <pt x="492" y="-401" on="0"/> <pt x="344" y="-401" on="1"/> <pt x="180" y="-397" on="0"/> <pt x="12" y="-301" on="0"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="213" y="-150" on="1"/> <pt x="213" y="-228" on="0"/> <pt x="348" y="-227" on="1"/> <pt x="407" y="-227" on="0"/> <pt x="506" y="-188" on="0"/> <pt x="506" y="-152" on="1"/> <pt x="506" y="-119" on="0"/> <pt x="465" y="-84" on="0"/> <pt x="395" y="-72" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="-51" on="1"/> <pt x="213" y="-95" on="0"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="262" y="509" on="1"/> <pt x="262" y="492" on="0"/> <pt x="293" y="436" on="0"/> <pt x="322" y="436" on="1"/> <pt x="385" y="442" on="0"/> <pt x="385" y="537" on="1"/> <pt x="385" y="844" on="1"/> <pt x="384" y="845" on="0"/> <pt x="384" y="850" on="0"/> <pt x="386" y="860" on="0"/> <pt x="386" y="861" on="1"/> <pt x="386" y="869" on="0"/> <pt x="383" y="880" on="1"/> <pt x="379" y="895" on="0"/> <pt x="369" y="926" on="0"/> <pt x="342" y="946" on="0"/> <pt x="322" y="946" on="1"/> <pt x="293" y="946" on="0"/> <pt x="262" y="895" on="0"/> <pt x="262" y="868" on="1"/> <pt x="262" y="844" on="1"/> <pt x="262" y="537" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 18 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 22 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 80 4 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 23 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 50 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 55 7 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 33 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 67 7 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 86 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 11 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 85 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 37 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 DUP[ ] MDRP[10110] SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 53 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 85 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 69 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 27 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 58 27 69 8 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 47 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 22 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 87 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 53 11 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 2 IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 69 85 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 6 values pushed */ 33 35 41 62 18 80 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 27 58 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 20 25 IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 33 55 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 6 values pushed */ 0 4 37 47 53 62 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 67 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 80 SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 25 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 18 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 20 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="germandbls" xMin="66" yMin="0" xMax="680" yMax="1522"> <contour> <pt x="66" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="66" y="1235" on="1"/> <pt x="66" y="1358" on="0"/> <pt x="207" y="1522" on="0"/> <pt x="346" y="1522" on="1"/> <pt x="479" y="1522" on="0"/> <pt x="616" y="1360" on="0"/> <pt x="616" y="1237" on="1"/> <pt x="616" y="1128" on="0"/> <pt x="528" y="1063" on="1"/> <pt x="680" y="975" on="0"/> <pt x="680" y="575" on="1"/> <pt x="680" y="393" on="0"/> <pt x="639" y="160" on="0"/> <pt x="547" y="41" on="0"/> <pt x="434" y="0" on="0"/> <pt x="346" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="346" y="193" on="1"/> <pt x="391" y="193" on="0"/> <pt x="442" y="244" on="0"/> <pt x="473" y="416" on="0"/> <pt x="473" y="575" on="1"/> <pt x="473" y="745" on="0"/> <pt x="442" y="924" on="0"/> <pt x="391" y="979" on="0"/> <pt x="346" y="979" on="1"/> <pt x="346" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="381" y="1120" on="0"/> <pt x="432" y="1186" on="0"/> <pt x="432" y="1237" on="1"/> <pt x="432" y="1282" on="0"/> <pt x="389" y="1337" on="0"/> <pt x="346" y="1337" on="1"/> <pt x="272" y="1337" on="0"/> <pt x="272" y="1235" on="1"/> <pt x="272" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 16 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 4 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 32 9 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 26 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 25 6 0 27 4 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 8 2 0 CALL[ ] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 36 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 35 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 35 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 21 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 29 DUP[ ] MDRP[10110] SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 7 14 0 55 4 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 29 7 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 29 16 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 25 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 37 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 29 35 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 21 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 9 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 25 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 11 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 26 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 9 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 32 SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="grave" xMin="293" yMin="1305" xMax="614" yMax="1489"> <contour> <pt x="293" y="1489" on="1"/> <pt x="508" y="1489" on="1"/> <pt x="614" y="1305" on="1"/> <pt x="455" y="1305" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 9 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 2 21 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="greater" xMin="74" yMin="174" xMax="985" yMax="1284"> <contour> <pt x="74" y="174" on="1"/> <pt x="74" y="373" on="1"/> <pt x="772" y="729" on="1"/> <pt x="74" y="1085" on="1"/> <pt x="74" y="1284" on="1"/> <pt x="985" y="809" on="1"/> <pt x="985" y="649" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 2 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 6 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 8 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="h" xMin="82" yMin="0" xMax="612" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="82" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="82" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="1026" on="1"/> <pt x="321" y="1058" on="1"/> <pt x="351" y="1088" on="0"/> <pt x="424" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="457" y="1137" on="1"/> <pt x="533" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="612" y="999" on="0"/> <pt x="612" y="918" on="1"/> <pt x="612" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="406" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="406" y="887" on="1"/> <pt x="406" y="936" on="0"/> <pt x="356" y="936" on="1"/> <pt x="315" y="936" on="0"/> <pt x="289" y="883" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 11 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 7 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 15 10 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 19 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 18 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 2 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 18 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 12 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 20 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 12 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 15 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="hungarumlaut" xMin="215" yMin="1305" xMax="840" yMax="1489"> <contour> <pt x="215" y="1305" on="1"/> <pt x="322" y="1489" on="1"/> <pt x="537" y="1489" on="1"/> <pt x="375" y="1305" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="518" y="1305" on="1"/> <pt x="625" y="1489" on="1"/> <pt x="840" y="1489" on="1"/> <pt x="678" y="1305" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 9 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 5 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 9 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 6 SHP[0] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 8 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 6 24 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 6 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 2 4 IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="hyphen" xMin="74" yMin="455" xMax="371" yMax="649"> <contour> <pt x="74" y="455" on="1"/> <pt x="74" y="649" on="1"/> <pt x="371" y="649" on="1"/> <pt x="371" y="455" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 4 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 4 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 21 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 21 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="i" xMin="82" yMin="0" xMax="289" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="82" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="82" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="82" y="1298" on="1"/> <pt x="82" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="1298" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 5 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 4 10 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 2 0 CALL[ ] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 8 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 6 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="iacute" xMin="82" yMin="0" xMax="403" yMax="1489"> <contour> <pt x="82" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="82" y="1120" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="82" y="1305" on="1"/> <pt x="188" y="1489" on="1"/> <pt x="403" y="1489" on="1"/> <pt x="242" y="1305" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 8 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 6 21 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 6 4 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 0 1 IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="icircumflex" xMin="-66" yMin="0" xMax="436" yMax="1489"> <contour> <pt x="-66" y="1305" on="1"/> <pt x="76" y="1489" on="1"/> <pt x="295" y="1489" on="1"/> <pt x="436" y="1305" on="1"/> <pt x="248" y="1305" on="1"/> <pt x="184" y="1376" on="1"/> <pt x="123" y="1305" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="82" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="82" y="1120" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 6 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 9 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 11 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 23 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 12 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 8 IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 6 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 5 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="idieresis" xMin="-53" yMin="0" xMax="426" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="-53" y="1305" on="1"/> <pt x="-53" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="137" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="137" y="1305" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="82" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="82" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="236" y="1305" on="1"/> <pt x="236" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="426" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="426" y="1305" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 4 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 9 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 0 10 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 8 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 5 2 0 CALL[ ] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 3 7 4 8 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 0 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 8 7 4 8 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 13 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="igrave" xMin="-33" yMin="0" xMax="289" yMax="1489"> <contour> <pt x="-33" y="1489" on="1"/> <pt x="182" y="1489" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="1305" on="1"/> <pt x="129" y="1305" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="82" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="82" y="1120" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 8 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 2 21 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 2 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 4 5 IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="j" xMin="-45" yMin="-385" xMax="283" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="-45" y="-182" on="1"/> <pt x="-16" y="-190" on="0"/> <pt x="12" y="-190" on="1"/> <pt x="76" y="-190" on="0"/> <pt x="76" y="-48" on="1"/> <pt x="76" y="-45" on="0"/> <pt x="76" y="-30" on="0"/> <pt x="76" y="-27" on="1"/> <pt x="76" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="283" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="283" y="-29" on="1"/> <pt x="283" y="-80" on="0"/> <pt x="279" y="-145" on="0"/> <pt x="254" y="-260" on="0"/> <pt x="209" y="-330" on="0"/> <pt x="113" y="-385" on="0"/> <pt x="45" y="-385" on="1"/> <pt x="16" y="-385" on="0"/> <pt x="-29" y="-379" on="0"/> <pt x="-37" y="-377" on="1"/> <pt x="-45" y="-373" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="76" y="1298" on="1"/> <pt x="76" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="283" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="283" y="1298" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 16 0 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 2 4 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 22 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 21 10 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 8 2 0 CALL[ ] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 25 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 21 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 10 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 23 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 26 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 2 16 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 20 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="k" xMin="82" yMin="0" xMax="637" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="82" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="82" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="827" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="791" on="1"/> <pt x="299" y="791" on="1"/> <pt x="311" y="827" on="1"/> <pt x="412" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="598" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="449" y="756" on="1"/> <pt x="637" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="438" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="336" y="453" on="1"/> <pt x="332" y="469" on="1"/> <pt x="322" y="469" on="1"/> <pt x="315" y="453" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="387" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 10 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 7 2 0 CALL[ ] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 18 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 17 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 2 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 17 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 10 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 19 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 17 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 10 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 8 IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 4 13 IP[ ] IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="l" xMin="82" yMin="0" xMax="289" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="82" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="82" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 3 0 CALL[ ] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="less" xMin="74" yMin="174" xMax="985" yMax="1284"> <contour> <pt x="74" y="649" on="1"/> <pt x="74" y="809" on="1"/> <pt x="985" y="1284" on="1"/> <pt x="985" y="1085" on="1"/> <pt x="287" y="729" on="1"/> <pt x="985" y="373" on="1"/> <pt x="985" y="174" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 4 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 8 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="lslash" xMin="31" yMin="0" xMax="438" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="31" y="561" on="1"/> <pt x="31" y="782" on="1"/> <pt x="131" y="860" on="1"/> <pt x="131" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="338" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="338" y="1022" on="1"/> <pt x="438" y="1100" on="1"/> <pt x="438" y="879" on="1"/> <pt x="338" y="801" on="1"/> <pt x="338" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="131" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="131" y="639" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 10 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 3 3 0 CALL[ ] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 10 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 2 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 9 10 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 9 7 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 10 9 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 10 1 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 13 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="m" xMin="82" yMin="0" xMax="944" yMax="1137"> <contour> <pt x="82" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="82" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="1026" on="1"/> <pt x="291" y="1026" on="0"/> <pt x="352" y="1087" on="0"/> <pt x="428" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="461" y="1137" on="1"/> <pt x="561" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="600" y="1012" on="1"/> <pt x="604" y="1016" on="0"/> <pt x="682" y="1090" on="0"/> <pt x="756" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="788" y="1137" on="1"/> <pt x="864" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="944" y="999" on="0"/> <pt x="944" y="918" on="1"/> <pt x="944" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="750" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="750" y="887" on="1"/> <pt x="750" y="936" on="0"/> <pt x="694" y="936" on="1"/> <pt x="653" y="936" on="0"/> <pt x="616" y="883" on="1"/> <pt x="616" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="422" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="422" y="887" on="1"/> <pt x="422" y="936" on="0"/> <pt x="367" y="936" on="1"/> <pt x="326" y="936" on="0"/> <pt x="289" y="883" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 17 24 SHP[1] SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 7 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 13 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 28 10 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 21 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 7 SRP0[ ] DUP[ ] MDRP[00000] MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 28 5 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 32 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 31 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 2 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 31 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 25 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 24 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 24 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 18 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 17 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 33 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 25 31 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 5 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 24 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 7 IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 17 18 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 13 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 28 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 9 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 1 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 5 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="macron" xMin="313" yMin="1315" xMax="711" yMax="1477"> <contour> <pt x="313" y="1315" on="1"/> <pt x="313" y="1477" on="1"/> <pt x="711" y="1477" on="1"/> <pt x="711" y="1315" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 6 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 6 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 0 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 22 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="minus" xMin="74" yMin="649" xMax="702" yMax="821"> <contour> <pt x="74" y="649" on="1"/> <pt x="74" y="821" on="1"/> <pt x="702" y="821" on="1"/> <pt x="702" y="649" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 7 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 7 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 0 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 24 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="n" xMin="82" yMin="0" xMax="612" yMax="1137"> <contour> <pt x="82" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="82" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="1026" on="1"/> <pt x="321" y="1058" on="1"/> <pt x="351" y="1088" on="0"/> <pt x="424" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="457" y="1137" on="1"/> <pt x="533" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="612" y="999" on="0"/> <pt x="612" y="918" on="1"/> <pt x="612" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="406" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="406" y="887" on="1"/> <pt x="406" y="936" on="0"/> <pt x="356" y="936" on="1"/> <pt x="315" y="936" on="0"/> <pt x="289" y="883" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 11 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 7 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 15 10 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 19 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 18 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 2 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 18 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 12 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 20 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 12 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 15 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="nine" xMin="57" yMin="-16" xMax="635" yMax="1522"> <contour> <pt x="57" y="340" on="1"/> <pt x="57" y="434" on="1"/> <pt x="279" y="434" on="1"/> <pt x="279" y="272" on="0"/> <pt x="301" y="176" on="0"/> <pt x="346" y="176" on="1"/> <pt x="385" y="176" on="0"/> <pt x="414" y="250" on="0"/> <pt x="414" y="340" on="1"/> <pt x="414" y="623" on="1"/> <pt x="355" y="586" on="0"/> <pt x="303" y="586" on="1"/> <pt x="223" y="586" on="0"/> <pt x="117" y="657" on="0"/> <pt x="72" y="772" on="0"/> <pt x="57" y="860" on="0"/> <pt x="57" y="903" on="1"/> <pt x="57" y="1196" on="1"/> <pt x="57" y="1237" on="0"/> <pt x="74" y="1323" on="0"/> <pt x="125" y="1444" on="0"/> <pt x="252" y="1522" on="0"/> <pt x="440" y="1522" on="0"/> <pt x="567" y="1444" on="0"/> <pt x="618" y="1323" on="0"/> <pt x="635" y="1237" on="0"/> <pt x="635" y="1196" on="1"/> <pt x="635" y="340" on="1"/> <pt x="635" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="57" y="-16" on="0"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="279" y="825" on="1"/> <pt x="279" y="807" on="0"/> <pt x="315" y="758" on="0"/> <pt x="377" y="758" on="0"/> <pt x="412" y="799" on="0"/> <pt x="414" y="819" on="1"/> <pt x="414" y="1262" on="1"/> <pt x="414" y="1282" on="0"/> <pt x="379" y="1329" on="0"/> <pt x="346" y="1329" on="1"/> <pt x="315" y="1329" on="0"/> <pt x="279" y="1280" on="0"/> <pt x="279" y="1262" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 29 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 4 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 5 29 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 5 1 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 22 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 39 4 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 11 33 29 22 13 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 7 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 43 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 16 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 2 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 30 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 2 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 8 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 35 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 27 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 44 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 2 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 21 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 8 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 11 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 27 SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 22 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 33 11 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 9 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="nonmarkingreturn"/><!-- contains no outline data --> <TTGlyph name="ntilde" xMin="82" yMin="0" xMax="612" yMax="1495"> <contour> <pt x="82" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="82" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="1026" on="1"/> <pt x="321" y="1058" on="1"/> <pt x="351" y="1088" on="0"/> <pt x="424" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="457" y="1137" on="1"/> <pt x="533" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="612" y="999" on="0"/> <pt x="612" y="918" on="1"/> <pt x="612" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="406" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="406" y="887" on="1"/> <pt x="406" y="936" on="0"/> <pt x="356" y="936" on="1"/> <pt x="315" y="936" on="0"/> <pt x="289" y="883" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="147" y="1305" on="1"/> <pt x="147" y="1456" on="1"/> <pt x="196" y="1495" on="0"/> <pt x="256" y="1495" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="1495" on="0"/> <pt x="406" y="1458" on="0"/> <pt x="436" y="1456" on="1"/> <pt x="461" y="1456" on="0"/> <pt x="516" y="1473" on="0"/> <pt x="530" y="1481" on="1"/> <pt x="545" y="1489" on="1"/> <pt x="545" y="1337" on="1"/> <pt x="494" y="1298" on="0"/> <pt x="436" y="1298" on="1"/> <pt x="405" y="1298" on="0"/> <pt x="289" y="1337" on="0"/> <pt x="256" y="1337" on="1"/> <pt x="231" y="1337" on="0"/> <pt x="176" y="1321" on="0"/> <pt x="162" y="1313" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 11 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 7 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 15 10 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 35 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 22 6 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 29 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 32 DUP[ ] MDRP[10110] SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 19 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 25 6 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 39 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 18 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 2 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 18 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 12 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 40 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 18 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 19 22 35 IP[ ] IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 24 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 11 SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 7 29 32 IP[ ] IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 15 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 35 32 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 30 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 25 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 20 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="numbersign" xMin="49" yMin="0" xMax="1184" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="49" y="438" on="1"/> <pt x="76" y="633" on="1"/> <pt x="274" y="633" on="1"/> <pt x="311" y="891" on="1"/> <pt x="115" y="891" on="1"/> <pt x="141" y="1085" on="1"/> <pt x="338" y="1085" on="1"/> <pt x="395" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="592" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="535" y="1085" on="1"/> <pt x="795" y="1085" on="1"/> <pt x="852" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="1049" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="991" y="1085" on="1"/> <pt x="1184" y="1085" on="1"/> <pt x="1157" y="891" on="1"/> <pt x="965" y="891" on="1"/> <pt x="928" y="633" on="1"/> <pt x="1118" y="633" on="1"/> <pt x="1092" y="438" on="1"/> <pt x="901" y="438" on="1"/> <pt x="842" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="645" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="705" y="438" on="1"/> <pt x="444" y="438" on="1"/> <pt x="385" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="188" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="248" y="438" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="471" y="633" on="1"/> <pt x="731" y="633" on="1"/> <pt x="768" y="891" on="1"/> <pt x="508" y="891" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 26 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 21 22 25 SHP[1] SHP[1] SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 7 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 8 11 12 SHP[1] SHP[1] SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 0 1 26 7 13 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 2 17 28 29 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 0 4 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 20 23 24 27 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 5 4 26 7 13 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 3 16 30 31 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 4 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 6 9 10 13 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] SHP[0] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 32 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 26 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 25 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 25 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 8 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 8 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 22 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 21 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 21 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 12 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 33 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 54 SMD[ ] PUSHW[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 16218 -2326 21 CALL[ ] SPVFS[ ] PUSHW[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 16235 -2203 21 CALL[ ] SPVFS[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 26 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 2 26 7 19 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 3 26 7 19 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 6 26 7 19 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 25 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 9 25 8 19 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 22 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 10 22 11 19 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 21 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 13 21 12 19 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 16 21 12 19 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 17 21 12 19 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 20 21 12 19 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 22 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 23 22 11 19 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 25 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 24 25 8 19 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 26 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 27 26 7 19 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 25 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 28 25 8 19 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 22 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 29 22 11 19 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 30 22 11 19 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 25 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 31 25 8 19 CALL[ ] SPVTCA[1] NPUSHB[ ] /* 16 values pushed */ 2 3 6 9 10 13 16 17 20 23 24 27 28 29 30 31 MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 64 SMD[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="o" xMin="63" yMin="-16" xMax="594" yMax="1137"> <contour> <pt x="63" y="279" on="1"/> <pt x="63" y="842" on="1"/> <pt x="63" y="854" on="0"/> <pt x="66" y="893" on="0"/> <pt x="94" y="995" on="0"/> <pt x="143" y="1073" on="0"/> <pt x="254" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="1137" on="1"/> <pt x="527" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="580" y="940" on="1"/> <pt x="594" y="889" on="0"/> <pt x="594" y="848" on="1"/> <pt x="594" y="272" on="1"/> <pt x="594" y="260" on="0"/> <pt x="592" y="221" on="0"/> <pt x="563" y="123" on="0"/> <pt x="512" y="45" on="0"/> <pt x="403" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="-16" on="1"/> <pt x="254" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="143" y="45" on="0"/> <pt x="94" y="131" on="0"/> <pt x="66" y="217" on="0"/> <pt x="66" y="248" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="257" y="259" on="1"/> <pt x="257" y="250" on="0"/> <pt x="260" y="239" on="1"/> <pt x="264" y="222" on="0"/> <pt x="276" y="188" on="0"/> <pt x="307" y="166" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="166" on="1"/> <pt x="398" y="176" on="0"/> <pt x="399" y="279" on="1"/> <pt x="399" y="842" on="1"/> <pt x="397" y="842" on="0"/> <pt x="399" y="853" on="1"/> <pt x="400" y="857" on="0"/> <pt x="400" y="861" on="1"/> <pt x="400" y="870" on="0"/> <pt x="397" y="882" on="1"/> <pt x="393" y="899" on="0"/> <pt x="381" y="932" on="0"/> <pt x="350" y="956" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="956" on="1"/> <pt x="260" y="946" on="0"/> <pt x="258" y="842" on="1"/> <pt x="258" y="279" on="1"/> <pt x="259" y="278" on="0"/> <pt x="259" y="272" on="0"/> <pt x="257" y="260" on="0"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 18 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 30 8 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 7 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 43 8 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 50 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 46 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 46 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 32 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 37 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 12 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 51 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 46 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 32 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 18 7 34 35 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 14 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="oacute" xMin="63" yMin="-16" xMax="594" yMax="1489"> <contour> <pt x="63" y="279" on="1"/> <pt x="63" y="842" on="1"/> <pt x="63" y="854" on="0"/> <pt x="66" y="893" on="0"/> <pt x="94" y="995" on="0"/> <pt x="143" y="1073" on="0"/> <pt x="254" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="1137" on="1"/> <pt x="527" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="580" y="940" on="1"/> <pt x="594" y="889" on="0"/> <pt x="594" y="848" on="1"/> <pt x="594" y="272" on="1"/> <pt x="594" y="260" on="0"/> <pt x="592" y="221" on="0"/> <pt x="563" y="123" on="0"/> <pt x="512" y="45" on="0"/> <pt x="403" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="-16" on="1"/> <pt x="254" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="143" y="45" on="0"/> <pt x="94" y="131" on="0"/> <pt x="66" y="217" on="0"/> <pt x="66" y="248" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="260" y="279" on="0"/> <pt x="256" y="256" on="0"/> <pt x="264" y="221" on="0"/> <pt x="276" y="188" on="0"/> <pt x="307" y="166" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="166" on="1"/> <pt x="398" y="176" on="0"/> <pt x="399" y="279" on="1"/> <pt x="399" y="842" on="1"/> <pt x="397" y="842" on="0"/> <pt x="401" y="864" on="0"/> <pt x="393" y="899" on="0"/> <pt x="381" y="932" on="0"/> <pt x="350" y="956" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="956" on="1"/> <pt x="260" y="946" on="0"/> <pt x="258" y="842" on="1"/> <pt x="258" y="279" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="260" y="1305" on="1"/> <pt x="367" y="1489" on="1"/> <pt x="582" y="1489" on="1"/> <pt x="420" y="1305" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 18 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 29 8 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 7 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 38 8 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 46 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 41 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 41 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 31 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 34 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 12 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 47 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 31 41 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 18 7 33 42 43 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 14 44 45 IP[ ] IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="ocircumflex" xMin="63" yMin="-16" xMax="594" yMax="1489"> <contour> <pt x="63" y="279" on="1"/> <pt x="63" y="842" on="1"/> <pt x="63" y="854" on="0"/> <pt x="66" y="893" on="0"/> <pt x="94" y="995" on="0"/> <pt x="143" y="1073" on="0"/> <pt x="254" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="1137" on="1"/> <pt x="527" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="580" y="940" on="1"/> <pt x="594" y="889" on="0"/> <pt x="594" y="848" on="1"/> <pt x="594" y="272" on="1"/> <pt x="594" y="260" on="0"/> <pt x="592" y="221" on="0"/> <pt x="563" y="123" on="0"/> <pt x="512" y="45" on="0"/> <pt x="403" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="-16" on="1"/> <pt x="254" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="143" y="45" on="0"/> <pt x="94" y="131" on="0"/> <pt x="66" y="217" on="0"/> <pt x="66" y="248" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="78" y="1305" on="1"/> <pt x="219" y="1489" on="1"/> <pt x="438" y="1489" on="1"/> <pt x="580" y="1305" on="1"/> <pt x="391" y="1305" on="1"/> <pt x="328" y="1376" on="1"/> <pt x="266" y="1305" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="260" y="279" on="0"/> <pt x="256" y="256" on="0"/> <pt x="264" y="221" on="0"/> <pt x="276" y="188" on="0"/> <pt x="307" y="166" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="166" on="1"/> <pt x="398" y="176" on="0"/> <pt x="399" y="279" on="1"/> <pt x="399" y="842" on="1"/> <pt x="397" y="842" on="0"/> <pt x="401" y="864" on="0"/> <pt x="393" y="899" on="0"/> <pt x="381" y="932" on="0"/> <pt x="350" y="956" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="956" on="1"/> <pt x="260" y="946" on="0"/> <pt x="258" y="842" on="1"/> <pt x="258" y="279" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 18 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 36 8 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 7 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 45 8 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 30 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 27 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 25 9 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 49 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 48 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 48 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 38 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 41 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 12 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 50 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 48 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 24 25 IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 38 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 18 28 30 7 40 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 14 26 27 IP[ ] IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 25 30 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 29 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="odieresis" xMin="63" yMin="-16" xMax="594" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="63" y="279" on="1"/> <pt x="63" y="842" on="1"/> <pt x="63" y="854" on="0"/> <pt x="66" y="893" on="0"/> <pt x="94" y="995" on="0"/> <pt x="143" y="1073" on="0"/> <pt x="254" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="1137" on="1"/> <pt x="527" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="580" y="940" on="1"/> <pt x="594" y="889" on="0"/> <pt x="594" y="848" on="1"/> <pt x="594" y="272" on="1"/> <pt x="594" y="260" on="0"/> <pt x="592" y="221" on="0"/> <pt x="563" y="123" on="0"/> <pt x="512" y="45" on="0"/> <pt x="403" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="-16" on="1"/> <pt x="254" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="143" y="45" on="0"/> <pt x="94" y="131" on="0"/> <pt x="66" y="217" on="0"/> <pt x="66" y="248" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="90" y="1305" on="1"/> <pt x="90" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="281" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="281" y="1305" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="260" y="279" on="0"/> <pt x="256" y="256" on="0"/> <pt x="264" y="221" on="0"/> <pt x="276" y="188" on="0"/> <pt x="307" y="166" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="166" on="1"/> <pt x="398" y="176" on="0"/> <pt x="399" y="279" on="1"/> <pt x="399" y="842" on="1"/> <pt x="397" y="842" on="0"/> <pt x="401" y="864" on="0"/> <pt x="393" y="899" on="0"/> <pt x="381" y="932" on="0"/> <pt x="350" y="956" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="956" on="1"/> <pt x="260" y="946" on="0"/> <pt x="258" y="842" on="1"/> <pt x="258" y="279" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="379" y="1305" on="1"/> <pt x="379" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="569" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="569" y="1305" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 18 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 33 8 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 25 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 47 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 24 10 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 46 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 7 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 42 8 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 50 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 45 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 45 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 27 DUP[ ] MDRP[10110] SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 24 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 24 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 27 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 45 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 35 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 38 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 12 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 46 DUP[ ] MDRP[10110] SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 49 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 51 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 46 27 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 18 7 42 IP[ ] IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 35 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 37 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 12 49 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 14 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="oe" xMin="63" yMin="-16" xMax="936" yMax="1137"> <contour> <pt x="63" y="279" on="1"/> <pt x="63" y="842" on="1"/> <pt x="63" y="854" on="0"/> <pt x="66" y="893" on="0"/> <pt x="94" y="995" on="0"/> <pt x="143" y="1073" on="0"/> <pt x="254" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="1137" on="1"/> <pt x="434" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="500" y="1077" on="1"/> <pt x="566" y="1136" on="0"/> <pt x="670" y="1137" on="1"/> <pt x="869" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="922" y="940" on="1"/> <pt x="936" y="889" on="0"/> <pt x="936" y="848" on="1"/> <pt x="936" y="522" on="1"/> <pt x="594" y="522" on="1"/> <pt x="594" y="272" on="1"/> <pt x="594" y="256" on="0"/> <pt x="602" y="215" on="0"/> <pt x="639" y="166" on="0"/> <pt x="670" y="166" on="1"/> <pt x="740" y="176" on="0"/> <pt x="743" y="279" on="1"/> <pt x="743" y="401" on="1"/> <pt x="936" y="401" on="1"/> <pt x="936" y="272" on="1"/> <pt x="936" y="260" on="0"/> <pt x="932" y="221" on="0"/> <pt x="903" y="123" on="0"/> <pt x="854" y="45" on="0"/> <pt x="743" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="668" y="-16" on="1"/> <pt x="562" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="498" y="41" on="1"/> <pt x="430" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="-16" on="1"/> <pt x="254" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="143" y="45" on="0"/> <pt x="94" y="131" on="0"/> <pt x="66" y="217" on="0"/> <pt x="66" y="248" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="260" y="279" on="0"/> <pt x="256" y="256" on="0"/> <pt x="264" y="221" on="0"/> <pt x="276" y="188" on="0"/> <pt x="307" y="166" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="166" on="1"/> <pt x="398" y="176" on="0"/> <pt x="399" y="279" on="1"/> <pt x="399" y="842" on="1"/> <pt x="397" y="842" on="0"/> <pt x="401" y="864" on="0"/> <pt x="393" y="899" on="0"/> <pt x="381" y="932" on="0"/> <pt x="350" y="956" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="956" on="1"/> <pt x="260" y="946" on="0"/> <pt x="258" y="842" on="1"/> <pt x="258" y="279" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="594" y="684" on="1"/> <pt x="743" y="684" on="1"/> <pt x="743" y="842" on="1"/> <pt x="743" y="854" on="0"/> <pt x="741" y="893" on="0"/> <pt x="705" y="956" on="0"/> <pt x="670" y="956" on="1"/> <pt x="627" y="956" on="0"/> <pt x="594" y="881" on="0"/> <pt x="594" y="848" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 37 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 33 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 48 8 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 22 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 48 37 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 48 25 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 7 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 11 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 57 8 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 67 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 61 17 37 7 13 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 61 6 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 71 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 60 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 60 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 50 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 18 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 61 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 18 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 24 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 62 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 27 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 15 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 72 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 50 60 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 37 7 52 57 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 18 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 9 35 53 IP[ ] IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 24 SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 33 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 48 37 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 35 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 17 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 60 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 57 61 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 51 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 9 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="ogonek" xMin="348" yMin="-385" xMax="678" yMax="0"> <contour> <pt x="348" y="-211" on="1"/> <pt x="348" y="-107" on="0"/> <pt x="475" y="-6" on="1"/> <pt x="483" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="582" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="572" y="-8" on="0"/> <pt x="541" y="-37" on="0"/> <pt x="489" y="-127" on="0"/> <pt x="489" y="-170" on="1"/> <pt x="489" y="-211" on="0"/> <pt x="551" y="-248" on="0"/> <pt x="633" y="-248" on="0"/> <pt x="678" y="-229" on="1"/> <pt x="662" y="-367" on="1"/> <pt x="607" y="-385" on="0"/> <pt x="557" y="-385" on="1"/> <pt x="461" y="-385" on="0"/> <pt x="348" y="-283" on="0"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 3 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 15 0 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 11 6 0 27 4 CALL[ ] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 18 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 8 16 0 29 4 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 19 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 8 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 15 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 13 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 0 12 IP[ ] IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="ograve" xMin="63" yMin="-16" xMax="594" yMax="1489"> <contour> <pt x="63" y="279" on="1"/> <pt x="63" y="842" on="1"/> <pt x="63" y="854" on="0"/> <pt x="66" y="893" on="0"/> <pt x="94" y="995" on="0"/> <pt x="143" y="1073" on="0"/> <pt x="254" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="1137" on="1"/> <pt x="527" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="580" y="940" on="1"/> <pt x="594" y="889" on="0"/> <pt x="594" y="848" on="1"/> <pt x="594" y="272" on="1"/> <pt x="594" y="260" on="0"/> <pt x="592" y="221" on="0"/> <pt x="563" y="123" on="0"/> <pt x="512" y="45" on="0"/> <pt x="403" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="-16" on="1"/> <pt x="254" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="143" y="45" on="0"/> <pt x="94" y="131" on="0"/> <pt x="66" y="217" on="0"/> <pt x="66" y="248" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="98" y="1489" on="1"/> <pt x="313" y="1489" on="1"/> <pt x="420" y="1305" on="1"/> <pt x="260" y="1305" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="260" y="279" on="0"/> <pt x="256" y="256" on="0"/> <pt x="264" y="221" on="0"/> <pt x="276" y="188" on="0"/> <pt x="307" y="166" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="166" on="1"/> <pt x="398" y="176" on="0"/> <pt x="399" y="279" on="1"/> <pt x="399" y="842" on="1"/> <pt x="397" y="842" on="0"/> <pt x="401" y="864" on="0"/> <pt x="393" y="899" on="0"/> <pt x="381" y="932" on="0"/> <pt x="350" y="956" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="956" on="1"/> <pt x="260" y="946" on="0"/> <pt x="258" y="842" on="1"/> <pt x="258" y="279" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 18 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 33 8 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 7 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 42 8 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 46 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 45 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 45 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 35 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 38 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 12 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 47 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 45 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 24 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 35 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 18 25 27 7 37 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 14 26 IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="one" xMin="25" yMin="0" xMax="393" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="25" y="1180" on="1"/> <pt x="25" y="1321" on="1"/> <pt x="76" y="1331" on="0"/> <pt x="162" y="1376" on="0"/> <pt x="213" y="1427" on="0"/> <pt x="248" y="1475" on="0"/> <pt x="254" y="1491" on="1"/> <pt x="260" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="393" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="393" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="172" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="172" y="1180" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 10 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 7 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 1 0 10 7 13 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 1 6 0 27 4 CALL[ ] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 10 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 10 9 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 10 0 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 13 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 10 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="oslash" xMin="63" yMin="-78" xMax="594" yMax="1198"> <contour> <pt x="63" y="279" on="1"/> <pt x="63" y="842" on="1"/> <pt x="63" y="854" on="0"/> <pt x="66" y="893" on="0"/> <pt x="94" y="995" on="0"/> <pt x="143" y="1073" on="0"/> <pt x="254" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="1137" on="1"/> <pt x="379" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="434" y="1118" on="1"/> <pt x="455" y="1198" on="1"/> <pt x="530" y="1198" on="1"/> <pt x="500" y="1077" on="1"/> <pt x="588" y="993" on="0"/> <pt x="594" y="848" on="1"/> <pt x="594" y="272" on="1"/> <pt x="594" y="260" on="0"/> <pt x="592" y="221" on="0"/> <pt x="563" y="123" on="0"/> <pt x="512" y="45" on="0"/> <pt x="403" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="-16" on="1"/> <pt x="271" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="225" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="205" y="-78" on="1"/> <pt x="125" y="-78" on="1"/> <pt x="156" y="43" on="1"/> <pt x="115" y="82" on="0"/> <pt x="68" y="199" on="0"/> <pt x="66" y="238" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="258" y="436" on="1"/> <pt x="383" y="922" on="1"/> <pt x="365" y="957" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="956" on="1"/> <pt x="260" y="946" on="0"/> <pt x="258" y="842" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="274" y="197" on="1"/> <pt x="290" y="166" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="166" on="1"/> <pt x="398" y="176" on="0"/> <pt x="399" y="279" on="1"/> <pt x="399" y="682" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 21 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 38 8 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 23 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 7 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 33 8 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 42 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 30 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 24 30 0 8 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 25 15 0 46 4 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 25 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 24 15 0 46 4 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 30 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 40 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 41 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 15 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 10 15 40 8 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 11 15 0 46 4 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 43 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 54 SMD[ ] PUSHW[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 15847 -4160 21 CALL[ ] SPVFS[ ] SFVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 25 MDAP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 11 MDAP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 25 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 24 34 MIRP[11001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 11 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 10 34 MIRP[11001] PUSHW[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 15862 -4102 21 CALL[ ] SFVFS[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 25 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 9 25 10 19 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 24 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 12 24 11 19 CALL[ ] SFVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 23 24 11 19 CALL[ ] PUSHW[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 15862 -4102 21 CALL[ ] SFVFS[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 25 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 26 25 10 19 CALL[ ] SFVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 30 25 10 19 CALL[ ] PUSHW[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 15862 -4102 21 CALL[ ] SFVFS[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 31 25 10 19 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 24 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 36 24 11 19 CALL[ ] SFVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 41 24 11 19 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 26 25 10 DUP[ ] ROLL[ ] DUP[ ] ROLL[ ] SWAP[ ] SPVTL[0] SFVTPV[ ] SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 31 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 9 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 36 24 11 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] NPUSHB[ ] /* 11 values pushed */ 9 10 11 12 24 25 26 30 31 36 41 MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 6 values pushed */ 9 12 23 26 31 36 MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 64 SMD[ ] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 25 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 28 IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 40 30 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 21 7 IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="otilde" xMin="63" yMin="-16" xMax="594" yMax="1495"> <contour> <pt x="63" y="279" on="1"/> <pt x="63" y="842" on="1"/> <pt x="63" y="854" on="0"/> <pt x="66" y="893" on="0"/> <pt x="94" y="995" on="0"/> <pt x="143" y="1073" on="0"/> <pt x="254" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="1137" on="1"/> <pt x="527" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="580" y="940" on="1"/> <pt x="594" y="889" on="0"/> <pt x="594" y="848" on="1"/> <pt x="594" y="272" on="1"/> <pt x="594" y="260" on="0"/> <pt x="592" y="221" on="0"/> <pt x="563" y="123" on="0"/> <pt x="512" y="45" on="0"/> <pt x="403" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="-16" on="1"/> <pt x="254" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="143" y="45" on="0"/> <pt x="94" y="131" on="0"/> <pt x="66" y="217" on="0"/> <pt x="66" y="248" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="131" y="1305" on="1"/> <pt x="131" y="1456" on="1"/> <pt x="180" y="1495" on="0"/> <pt x="240" y="1495" on="1"/> <pt x="273" y="1495" on="0"/> <pt x="389" y="1458" on="0"/> <pt x="420" y="1456" on="1"/> <pt x="445" y="1456" on="0"/> <pt x="500" y="1473" on="0"/> <pt x="514" y="1481" on="1"/> <pt x="528" y="1489" on="1"/> <pt x="528" y="1337" on="1"/> <pt x="477" y="1298" on="0"/> <pt x="420" y="1298" on="1"/> <pt x="389" y="1298" on="0"/> <pt x="272" y="1337" on="0"/> <pt x="240" y="1337" on="1"/> <pt x="215" y="1337" on="0"/> <pt x="160" y="1321" on="0"/> <pt x="145" y="1313" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="260" y="279" on="0"/> <pt x="256" y="256" on="0"/> <pt x="264" y="221" on="0"/> <pt x="276" y="188" on="0"/> <pt x="307" y="166" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="166" on="1"/> <pt x="398" y="176" on="0"/> <pt x="399" y="279" on="1"/> <pt x="399" y="842" on="1"/> <pt x="397" y="842" on="0"/> <pt x="401" y="864" on="0"/> <pt x="393" y="899" on="0"/> <pt x="381" y="932" on="0"/> <pt x="350" y="956" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="956" on="1"/> <pt x="260" y="946" on="0"/> <pt x="258" y="842" on="1"/> <pt x="258" y="279" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 18 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 49 8 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 7 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 58 8 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 40 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 27 6 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 34 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 37 DUP[ ] MDRP[10110] SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 24 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 30 6 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 62 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 61 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 61 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 51 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 54 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 12 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 63 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 61 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 24 27 40 IP[ ] IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 51 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 18 29 7 53 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 14 34 37 IP[ ] IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 40 37 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 35 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 30 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 25 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="p" xMin="82" yMin="-385" xMax="612" yMax="1137"> <contour> <pt x="82" y="-385" on="1"/> <pt x="82" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="1047" on="1"/> <pt x="377" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="453" y="1137" on="1"/> <pt x="531" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="612" y="999" on="0"/> <pt x="612" y="918" on="1"/> <pt x="612" y="203" on="1"/> <pt x="612" y="121" on="0"/> <pt x="530" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="453" y="-16" on="1"/> <pt x="420" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="338" y="29" on="0"/> <pt x="313" y="51" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="74" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="-385" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="289" y="246" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="221" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="178" on="0"/> <pt x="373" y="178" on="0"/> <pt x="406" y="217" on="0"/> <pt x="406" y="246" on="1"/> <pt x="406" y="874" on="1"/> <pt x="406" y="903" on="0"/> <pt x="373" y="942" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="942" on="0"/> <pt x="289" y="903" on="0"/> <pt x="289" y="874" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 12 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 21 4 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 5 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 27 4 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDAP[1] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 30 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 17 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 2 18 SHP[0] SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 17 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 23 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 31 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 23 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 12 IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 21 12 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 16 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 27 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="parenleft" xMin="66" yMin="-297" xMax="520" yMax="1589"> <contour> <pt x="66" y="502" on="0"/> <pt x="66" y="788" on="0"/> <pt x="125" y="1087" on="0"/> <pt x="213" y="1311" on="0"/> <pt x="299" y="1495" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="1542" on="1"/> <pt x="358" y="1589" on="1"/> <pt x="520" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="510" y="1491" on="0"/> <pt x="475" y="1438" on="0"/> <pt x="385" y="1262" on="0"/> <pt x="317" y="1073" on="0"/> <pt x="262" y="786" on="0"/> <pt x="262" y="504" on="0"/> <pt x="315" y="221" on="0"/> <pt x="391" y="23" on="0"/> <pt x="467" y="-135" on="0"/> <pt x="494" y="-174" on="1"/> <pt x="520" y="-213" on="1"/> <pt x="358" y="-297" on="1"/> <pt x="346" y="-279" on="0"/> <pt x="307" y="-215" on="0"/> <pt x="207" y="-12" on="0"/> <pt x="129" y="199" on="0"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 24 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 1 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 13 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 25 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="parenright" xMin="41" yMin="-297" xMax="496" yMax="1589"> <contour> <pt x="41" y="-213" on="1"/> <pt x="51" y="-199" on="0"/> <pt x="86" y="-145" on="0"/> <pt x="176" y="31" on="0"/> <pt x="244" y="217" on="0"/> <pt x="299" y="504" on="0"/> <pt x="299" y="786" on="0"/> <pt x="246" y="1069" on="0"/> <pt x="170" y="1268" on="0"/> <pt x="94" y="1427" on="0"/> <pt x="68" y="1466" on="1"/> <pt x="41" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="203" y="1589" on="1"/> <pt x="215" y="1571" on="0"/> <pt x="254" y="1507" on="0"/> <pt x="354" y="1303" on="0"/> <pt x="432" y="1094" on="0"/> <pt x="496" y="788" on="0"/> <pt x="496" y="502" on="0"/> <pt x="436" y="203" on="0"/> <pt x="348" y="-20" on="0"/> <pt x="262" y="-203" on="0"/> <pt x="233" y="-250" on="1"/> <pt x="203" y="-297" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 24 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 6 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 18 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 25 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="percent" xMin="55" yMin="-16" xMax="948" yMax="1522"> <contour> <pt x="55" y="911" on="1"/> <pt x="55" y="1348" on="1"/> <pt x="55" y="1354" on="0"/> <pt x="57" y="1378" on="0"/> <pt x="74" y="1438" on="0"/> <pt x="104" y="1485" on="0"/> <pt x="170" y="1522" on="0"/> <pt x="215" y="1522" on="1"/> <pt x="285" y="1522" on="0"/> <pt x="365" y="1434" on="0"/> <pt x="369" y="1391" on="1"/> <pt x="373" y="1348" on="1"/> <pt x="373" y="911" on="1"/> <pt x="373" y="905" on="0"/> <pt x="371" y="881" on="0"/> <pt x="354" y="819" on="0"/> <pt x="324" y="774" on="0"/> <pt x="260" y="735" on="0"/> <pt x="215" y="735" on="1"/> <pt x="86" y="735" on="0"/> <pt x="59" y="870" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="158" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="711" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="842" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="295" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="178" y="911" on="1"/> <pt x="174" y="856" on="0"/> <pt x="215" y="856" on="1"/> <pt x="231" y="856" on="0"/> <pt x="250" y="885" on="0"/> <pt x="250" y="897" on="1"/> <pt x="250" y="911" on="1"/> <pt x="250" y="1348" on="1"/> <pt x="252" y="1403" on="0"/> <pt x="215" y="1403" on="1"/> <pt x="197" y="1403" on="0"/> <pt x="178" y="1376" on="0"/> <pt x="178" y="1362" on="1"/> <pt x="178" y="1348" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="631" y="158" on="1"/> <pt x="631" y="594" on="1"/> <pt x="631" y="600" on="0"/> <pt x="633" y="625" on="0"/> <pt x="649" y="686" on="0"/> <pt x="680" y="731" on="0"/> <pt x="745" y="770" on="0"/> <pt x="791" y="770" on="1"/> <pt x="916" y="770" on="0"/> <pt x="944" y="635" on="1"/> <pt x="948" y="594" on="1"/> <pt x="948" y="158" on="1"/> <pt x="948" y="152" on="0"/> <pt x="946" y="127" on="0"/> <pt x="930" y="68" on="0"/> <pt x="899" y="20" on="0"/> <pt x="836" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="791" y="-16" on="1"/> <pt x="719" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="639" y="70" on="0"/> <pt x="635" y="115" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="754" y="158" on="1"/> <pt x="750" y="101" on="0"/> <pt x="791" y="100" on="1"/> <pt x="828" y="100" on="0"/> <pt x="825" y="158" on="1"/> <pt x="825" y="594" on="1"/> <pt x="827" y="649" on="0"/> <pt x="791" y="649" on="1"/> <pt x="773" y="649" on="0"/> <pt x="754" y="623" on="0"/> <pt x="754" y="608" on="1"/> <pt x="754" y="594" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 21 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 56 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 62 5 0 53 4 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 22 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 7 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 34 5 0 52 4 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 67 46 56 7 13 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 67 5 0 51 4 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 27 18 56 7 13 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 27 5 0 51 4 CALL[ ] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 72 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 25 16 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 25 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 30 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 12 16 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 39 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 60 16 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 60 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 64 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 50 16 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 73 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 25 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 21 IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 30 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 18 7 27 34 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 14 24 IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 60 39 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 22 42 IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 64 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 56 46 67 IP[ ] IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 50 SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 23 52 IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="period" xMin="53" yMin="0" xMax="268" yMax="227"> <contour> <pt x="53" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="53" y="227" on="1"/> <pt x="268" y="227" on="1"/> <pt x="268" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 12 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 12 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="periodcentered" xMin="0" yMin="649" xMax="215" yMax="877"> <contour> <pt x="0" y="649" on="1"/> <pt x="0" y="877" on="1"/> <pt x="215" y="877" on="1"/> <pt x="215" y="649" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 12 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 12 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="plus" xMin="74" yMin="303" xMax="987" yMax="1167"> <contour> <pt x="74" y="649" on="1"/> <pt x="74" y="821" on="1"/> <pt x="444" y="821" on="1"/> <pt x="444" y="1167" on="1"/> <pt x="616" y="1167" on="1"/> <pt x="616" y="821" on="1"/> <pt x="987" y="821" on="1"/> <pt x="987" y="649" on="1"/> <pt x="616" y="649" on="1"/> <pt x="616" y="303" on="1"/> <pt x="444" y="303" on="1"/> <pt x="444" y="649" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 7 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 5 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 1 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 0 10 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 0 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 1 3 9 CALL[ ] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 10 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 2 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 17 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 9 10 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 9 7 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 10 9 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 10 0 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 13 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="q" xMin="74" yMin="-385" xMax="604" yMax="1137"> <contour> <pt x="74" y="203" on="1"/> <pt x="74" y="918" on="1"/> <pt x="74" y="1000" on="0"/> <pt x="156" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="233" y="1137" on="1"/> <pt x="266" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="348" y="1092" on="0"/> <pt x="373" y="1069" on="1"/> <pt x="397" y="1047" on="1"/> <pt x="397" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="604" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="604" y="-385" on="1"/> <pt x="397" y="-385" on="1"/> <pt x="397" y="74" on="1"/> <pt x="309" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="233" y="-16" on="1"/> <pt x="155" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="74" y="121" on="0"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="281" y="246" on="1"/> <pt x="281" y="217" on="0"/> <pt x="313" y="178" on="0"/> <pt x="358" y="178" on="0"/> <pt x="397" y="221" on="0"/> <pt x="397" y="246" on="1"/> <pt x="397" y="874" on="1"/> <pt x="397" y="903" on="0"/> <pt x="358" y="942" on="0"/> <pt x="313" y="942" on="0"/> <pt x="281" y="903" on="0"/> <pt x="281" y="874" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 15 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 21 4 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 9 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 4 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 27 4 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 MDAP[1] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 30 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 18 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 18 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 12 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 8 23 SHP[0] SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 31 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 18 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 4 15 IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 21 15 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 13 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 27 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 8 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="question" xMin="25" yMin="0" xMax="604" yMax="1513"> <contour> <pt x="25" y="1260" on="1"/> <pt x="37" y="1293" on="0"/> <pt x="80" y="1364" on="0"/> <pt x="156" y="1456" on="0"/> <pt x="272" y="1516" on="0"/> <pt x="338" y="1513" on="1"/> <pt x="420" y="1511" on="0"/> <pt x="532" y="1448" on="0"/> <pt x="584" y="1348" on="0"/> <pt x="604" y="1266" on="0"/> <pt x="604" y="1227" on="1"/> <pt x="604" y="1145" on="0"/> <pt x="524" y="1008" on="1"/> <pt x="485" y="945" on="0"/> <pt x="449" y="881" on="0"/> <pt x="401" y="731" on="0"/> <pt x="401" y="662" on="1"/> <pt x="401" y="406" on="1"/> <pt x="211" y="406" on="1"/> <pt x="211" y="662" on="1"/> <pt x="211" y="764" on="0"/> <pt x="260" y="950" on="0"/> <pt x="307" y="1044" on="0"/> <pt x="348" y="1114" on="1"/> <pt x="391" y="1186" on="0"/> <pt x="401" y="1227" on="1"/> <pt x="407" y="1254" on="0"/> <pt x="373" y="1321" on="0"/> <pt x="334" y="1321" on="1"/> <pt x="287" y="1323" on="0"/> <pt x="217" y="1225" on="0"/> <pt x="203" y="1176" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="199" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="414" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="414" y="227" on="1"/> <pt x="199" y="227" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 5 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 28 4 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 36 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 18 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 32 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 17 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 33 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 17 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 25 11 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 10 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 37 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="questiondown" xMin="41" yMin="-393" xMax="621" yMax="1120"> <contour> <pt x="41" y="-106" on="1"/> <pt x="41" y="-24" on="0"/> <pt x="121" y="113" on="1"/> <pt x="160" y="176" on="0"/> <pt x="197" y="240" on="0"/> <pt x="244" y="389" on="0"/> <pt x="244" y="459" on="1"/> <pt x="244" y="715" on="1"/> <pt x="434" y="715" on="1"/> <pt x="434" y="459" on="1"/> <pt x="434" y="357" on="0"/> <pt x="385" y="170" on="0"/> <pt x="338" y="76" on="0"/> <pt x="297" y="6" on="1"/> <pt x="254" y="-66" on="0"/> <pt x="244" y="-106" on="1"/> <pt x="238" y="-133" on="0"/> <pt x="272" y="-201" on="0"/> <pt x="311" y="-201" on="1"/> <pt x="358" y="-203" on="0"/> <pt x="428" y="-104" on="0"/> <pt x="442" y="-55" on="1"/> <pt x="621" y="-139" on="1"/> <pt x="609" y="-172" on="0"/> <pt x="565" y="-244" on="0"/> <pt x="489" y="-336" on="0"/> <pt x="373" y="-395" on="0"/> <pt x="307" y="-393" on="1"/> <pt x="225" y="-391" on="0"/> <pt x="113" y="-328" on="0"/> <pt x="61" y="-227" on="0"/> <pt x="41" y="-145" on="0"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="231" y="893" on="1"/> <pt x="231" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="446" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="446" y="893" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 33 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 32 12 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 27 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 18 4 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 36 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 15 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 15 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 6 11 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 32 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 34 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 37 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 32 18 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 0 7 21 22 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="quotedbl" xMin="57" yMin="954" xMax="272" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="57" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="272" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="242" y="954" on="1"/> <pt x="88" y="954" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 3 13 0 8 4 CALL[ ] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 2 17 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="quotedblbase" xMin="53" yMin="-266" xMax="571" yMax="227"> <contour> <pt x="53" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="53" y="227" on="1"/> <pt x="268" y="227" on="1"/> <pt x="268" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="156" y="-266" on="1"/> <pt x="53" y="-266" on="1"/> <pt x="125" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="356" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="356" y="227" on="1"/> <pt x="571" y="227" on="1"/> <pt x="571" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="459" y="-266" on="1"/> <pt x="356" y="-266" on="1"/> <pt x="428" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 12 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 8 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 1 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 0 4 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 11 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 3 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 10 1 0 CALL[ ] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 14 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 5 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 10 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 15 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 6 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 10 7 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 13 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="quotedblleft" xMin="53" yMin="1012" xMax="571" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="53" y="1012" on="1"/> <pt x="53" y="1239" on="1"/> <pt x="166" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="268" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="197" y="1239" on="1"/> <pt x="268" y="1239" on="1"/> <pt x="268" y="1012" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="356" y="1012" on="1"/> <pt x="356" y="1239" on="1"/> <pt x="469" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="571" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="500" y="1239" on="1"/> <pt x="571" y="1239" on="1"/> <pt x="571" y="1012" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 2 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 9 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 6 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 4 12 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 11 SHP[0] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 14 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 6 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 6 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 13 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 10 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 15 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 6 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 13 7 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 11 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 4 6 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 8 IP[ ] IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="quotedblright" xMin="53" yMin="1012" xMax="571" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="53" y="1012" on="1"/> <pt x="125" y="1278" on="1"/> <pt x="53" y="1278" on="1"/> <pt x="53" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="268" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="268" y="1278" on="1"/> <pt x="156" y="1012" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="356" y="1012" on="1"/> <pt x="428" y="1278" on="1"/> <pt x="356" y="1278" on="1"/> <pt x="356" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="571" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="571" y="1278" on="1"/> <pt x="459" y="1012" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 3 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 10 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 2 12 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 8 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 2 3 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 2 6 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 SHP[0] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 14 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 2 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 5 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 12 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 15 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 2 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 1 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 12 9 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 8 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 2 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 12 IP[ ] IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="quoteleft" xMin="49" yMin="1012" xMax="264" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="49" y="1012" on="1"/> <pt x="49" y="1239" on="1"/> <pt x="162" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="264" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="193" y="1239" on="1"/> <pt x="264" y="1239" on="1"/> <pt x="264" y="1012" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 2 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 0 13 0 9 4 CALL[ ] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 6 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 6 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 8 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 6 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 4 IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="quoteright" xMin="45" yMin="1012" xMax="260" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="45" y="1012" on="1"/> <pt x="117" y="1278" on="1"/> <pt x="45" y="1278" on="1"/> <pt x="45" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="260" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="260" y="1278" on="1"/> <pt x="147" y="1012" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 3 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 0 13 0 9 4 CALL[ ] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 2 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 8 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 1 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="quotesinglbase" xMin="45" yMin="-266" xMax="260" yMax="227"> <contour> <pt x="45" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="45" y="227" on="1"/> <pt x="260" y="227" on="1"/> <pt x="260" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="147" y="-266" on="1"/> <pt x="45" y="-266" on="1"/> <pt x="117" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 5 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 1 13 0 9 4 CALL[ ] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 5 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 8 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 5 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 6 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="quotesingle" xMin="45" yMin="1012" xMax="260" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="45" y="1012" on="1"/> <pt x="117" y="1278" on="1"/> <pt x="45" y="1278" on="1"/> <pt x="45" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="260" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="260" y="1278" on="1"/> <pt x="147" y="1012" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 3 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 0 13 0 9 4 CALL[ ] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 2 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 8 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 1 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="r" xMin="82" yMin="0" xMax="496" yMax="1137"> <contour> <pt x="82" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="82" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="995" on="1"/> <pt x="297" y="1036" on="0"/> <pt x="397" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="496" y="1137" on="1"/> <pt x="496" y="907" on="1"/> <pt x="462" y="918" on="0"/> <pt x="432" y="918" on="1"/> <pt x="376" y="918" on="0"/> <pt x="334" y="881" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="840" on="0"/> <pt x="289" y="778" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 6 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 11 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 15 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 14 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 2 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 16 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 9 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="registered" xMin="53" yMin="-16" xMax="1591" yMax="1522"> <contour> <pt x="53" y="434" on="0"/> <pt x="53" y="1069" on="0"/> <pt x="504" y="1522" on="0"/> <pt x="1139" y="1522" on="0"/> <pt x="1591" y="1069" on="0"/> <pt x="1591" y="434" on="0"/> <pt x="1139" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="504" y="-16" on="0"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="172" y="1018" on="0"/> <pt x="172" y="485" on="0"/> <pt x="555" y="102" on="0"/> <pt x="1087" y="102" on="0"/> <pt x="1473" y="485" on="0"/> <pt x="1473" y="752" on="1"/> <pt x="1473" y="1020" on="0"/> <pt x="1090" y="1403" on="0"/> <pt x="821" y="1403" on="1"/> <pt x="555" y="1403" on="0"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="625" y="313" on="1"/> <pt x="625" y="1192" on="1"/> <pt x="821" y="1192" on="1"/> <pt x="1052" y="1192" on="0"/> <pt x="1053" y="934" on="1"/> <pt x="1053" y="858" on="0"/> <pt x="1020" y="760" on="0"/> <pt x="965" y="713" on="1"/> <pt x="1071" y="313" on="1"/> <pt x="920" y="313" on="1"/> <pt x="825" y="678" on="1"/> <pt x="770" y="678" on="1"/> <pt x="770" y="313" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="770" y="805" on="1"/> <pt x="815" y="805" on="1"/> <pt x="858" y="805" on="0"/> <pt x="903" y="848" on="0"/> <pt x="913" y="895" on="0"/> <pt x="913" y="932" on="1"/> <pt x="913" y="971" on="0"/> <pt x="903" y="1020" on="0"/> <pt x="858" y="1063" on="0"/> <pt x="815" y="1063" on="1"/> <pt x="770" y="1063" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 7 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 11 5 0 52 4 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 3 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 16 5 0 52 4 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 29 31 7 3 13 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 29 5 0 49 4 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 28 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 29 31 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 29 27 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 18 26 SHP[0] SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 20 41 7 3 13 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 20 5 0 48 4 CALL[ ] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 42 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 1 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 16 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 9 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 18 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 30 17 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 31 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 30 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 36 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 27 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 22 16 0 44 4 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 26 17 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 22 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 13 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 16 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 43 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 54 SMD[ ] PUSHW[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ -15837 -4197 21 CALL[ ] SPVFS[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 27 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 28 MDRP[00000] SFVTPV[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 26 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 25 MDRP[00000] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 25 MDAP[0] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 25 28 MDAP[0] MDAP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 64 SMD[ ] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 18 9 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 7 2 10 IP[ ] IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 36 30 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 16 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 13 26 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 6 11 3 IP[ ] IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 29 11 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 5 9 0 IP[ ] IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 31 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 13 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 41 SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 8 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 20 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 4 1 IP[ ] IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="ring" xMin="358" yMin="1278" xMax="664" yMax="1565"> <contour> <pt x="358" y="1360" on="0"/> <pt x="358" y="1483" on="0"/> <pt x="449" y="1565" on="0"/> <pt x="575" y="1565" on="0"/> <pt x="664" y="1483" on="0"/> <pt x="664" y="1360" on="0"/> <pt x="575" y="1278" on="0"/> <pt x="449" y="1278" on="0"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="436" y="1450" on="0"/> <pt x="436" y="1393" on="0"/> <pt x="483" y="1350" on="0"/> <pt x="541" y="1350" on="0"/> <pt x="588" y="1393" on="0"/> <pt x="588" y="1450" on="0"/> <pt x="541" y="1493" on="0"/> <pt x="483" y="1493" on="0"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 11 5 0 54 4 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 15 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 3 5 0 54 4 CALL[ ] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 16 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 1 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 9 15 0 46 4 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 9 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 13 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 5 15 0 46 4 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 17 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 13 9 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 3 6 7 2 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 15 11 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 1 4 5 0 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="s" xMin="37" yMin="-16" xMax="590" yMax="1137"> <contour> <pt x="37" y="326" on="1"/> <pt x="229" y="326" on="1"/> <pt x="229" y="156" on="0"/> <pt x="326" y="156" on="1"/> <pt x="398" y="156" on="0"/> <pt x="397" y="291" on="1"/> <pt x="397" y="365" on="0"/> <pt x="268" y="489" on="1"/> <pt x="200" y="555" on="0"/> <pt x="139" y="621" on="0"/> <pt x="72" y="758" on="0"/> <pt x="72" y="834" on="1"/> <pt x="72" y="889" on="0"/> <pt x="96" y="987" on="0"/> <pt x="150" y="1079" on="0"/> <pt x="252" y="1135" on="0"/> <pt x="324" y="1137" on="1"/> <pt x="330" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="335" y="1137" on="1"/> <pt x="413" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="466" y="1111" on="1"/> <pt x="522" y="1083" on="0"/> <pt x="571" y="981" on="0"/> <pt x="588" y="893" on="0"/> <pt x="588" y="834" on="1"/> <pt x="395" y="834" on="1"/> <pt x="395" y="965" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="965" on="1"/> <pt x="265" y="963" on="0"/> <pt x="264" y="834" on="1"/> <pt x="264" y="801" on="0"/> <pt x="311" y="721" on="0"/> <pt x="354" y="676" on="0"/> <pt x="399" y="633" on="1"/> <pt x="589" y="451" on="0"/> <pt x="590" y="291" on="1"/> <pt x="590" y="168" on="0"/> <pt x="461" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="326" y="-16" on="1"/> <pt x="254" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="145" y="33" on="0"/> <pt x="84" y="104" on="0"/> <pt x="47" y="203" on="0"/> <pt x="37" y="283" on="0"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 38 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 7 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 3 38 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 3 0 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 16 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 27 7 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 27 16 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 27 25 9 CALL[ ] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 44 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 11 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 29 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 DUP[ ] MDRP[10110] SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 29 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 25 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 35 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 24 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 45 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 11 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 8 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 29 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 3 7 18 38 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 35 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 33 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 27 3 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 34 IP[ ] IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="scaron" xMin="37" yMin="-16" xMax="590" yMax="1489"> <contour> <pt x="37" y="326" on="1"/> <pt x="229" y="326" on="1"/> <pt x="229" y="156" on="0"/> <pt x="326" y="156" on="1"/> <pt x="398" y="156" on="0"/> <pt x="397" y="291" on="1"/> <pt x="397" y="365" on="0"/> <pt x="268" y="489" on="1"/> <pt x="200" y="555" on="0"/> <pt x="139" y="621" on="0"/> <pt x="72" y="758" on="0"/> <pt x="72" y="834" on="1"/> <pt x="72" y="889" on="0"/> <pt x="96" y="987" on="0"/> <pt x="150" y="1079" on="0"/> <pt x="252" y="1135" on="0"/> <pt x="324" y="1137" on="1"/> <pt x="410" y="1139" on="0"/> <pt x="522" y="1083" on="0"/> <pt x="571" y="981" on="0"/> <pt x="588" y="893" on="0"/> <pt x="588" y="834" on="1"/> <pt x="395" y="834" on="1"/> <pt x="395" y="965" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="965" on="1"/> <pt x="265" y="963" on="0"/> <pt x="264" y="834" on="1"/> <pt x="264" y="801" on="0"/> <pt x="311" y="721" on="0"/> <pt x="354" y="676" on="0"/> <pt x="399" y="633" on="1"/> <pt x="589" y="451" on="0"/> <pt x="590" y="291" on="1"/> <pt x="590" y="168" on="0"/> <pt x="461" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="326" y="-16" on="1"/> <pt x="254" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="145" y="33" on="0"/> <pt x="84" y="104" on="0"/> <pt x="47" y="203" on="0"/> <pt x="37" y="283" on="0"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="66" y="1489" on="1"/> <pt x="254" y="1489" on="1"/> <pt x="315" y="1417" on="1"/> <pt x="379" y="1489" on="1"/> <pt x="567" y="1489" on="1"/> <pt x="426" y="1305" on="1"/> <pt x="207" y="1305" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 35 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 7 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 3 35 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 3 0 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 16 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 24 7 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 24 16 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 24 22 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 47 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 42 9 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 44 SHP[0] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 48 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 11 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 41 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 26 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 DUP[ ] MDRP[10110] SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 26 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 22 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 32 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 21 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 49 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 11 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 8 47 IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 26 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 42 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 5 SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 3 7 35 43 44 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 32 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 30 45 46 IP[ ] IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 24 3 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 31 IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 42 47 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 43 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="semicolon" xMin="74" yMin="-266" xMax="289" yMax="1120"> <contour> <pt x="74" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="74" y="227" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="227" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="176" y="-266" on="1"/> <pt x="74" y="-266" on="1"/> <pt x="145" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="74" y="893" on="1"/> <pt x="74" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="893" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 8 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 12 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 11 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 5 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 0 7 SHP[0] SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 9 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 12 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 5 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 6 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="seven" xMin="8" yMin="0" xMax="565" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="8" y="1286" on="1"/> <pt x="8" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="565" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="565" y="1284" on="1"/> <pt x="344" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="115" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="340" y="1286" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 5 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 0 11 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 5 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 4 20 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 4 5 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 4 3 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 8 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 4 5 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 6 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="six" xMin="66" yMin="-16" xMax="643" yMax="1522"> <contour> <pt x="66" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="66" y="1165" on="1"/> <pt x="66" y="1521" on="0"/> <pt x="643" y="1522" on="0"/> <pt x="643" y="1165" on="1"/> <pt x="643" y="1071" on="1"/> <pt x="422" y="1071" on="1"/> <pt x="422" y="1233" on="0"/> <pt x="399" y="1329" on="0"/> <pt x="354" y="1329" on="1"/> <pt x="315" y="1329" on="0"/> <pt x="287" y="1255" on="0"/> <pt x="287" y="1165" on="1"/> <pt x="287" y="897" on="1"/> <pt x="346" y="934" on="0"/> <pt x="397" y="934" on="1"/> <pt x="477" y="934" on="0"/> <pt x="584" y="862" on="0"/> <pt x="629" y="748" on="0"/> <pt x="643" y="659" on="0"/> <pt x="643" y="616" on="1"/> <pt x="643" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="643" y="268" on="0"/> <pt x="627" y="182" on="0"/> <pt x="575" y="61" on="0"/> <pt x="449" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="260" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="133" y="61" on="0"/> <pt x="82" y="182" on="0"/> <pt x="66" y="268" on="0"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="287" y="244" on="1"/> <pt x="287" y="224" on="0"/> <pt x="322" y="176" on="0"/> <pt x="354" y="176" on="1"/> <pt x="385" y="176" on="0"/> <pt x="422" y="225" on="0"/> <pt x="422" y="244" on="1"/> <pt x="422" y="694" on="1"/> <pt x="422" y="712" on="0"/> <pt x="385" y="762" on="0"/> <pt x="324" y="762" on="0"/> <pt x="289" y="721" on="0"/> <pt x="287" y="700" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 26 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 33 4 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 3 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 4 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 9 3 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 9 6 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 15 40 26 3 13 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 15 7 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 43 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 30 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 30 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 36 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 6 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 21 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 44 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 30 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 26 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 36 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 15 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 21 SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 25 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 15 40 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 13 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="slash" xMin="8" yMin="-147" xMax="713" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="8" y="-147" on="1"/> <pt x="551" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="713" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="176" y="-147" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 2 SHP[1] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 17 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 2 17 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 54 SMD[ ] PUSHW[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 15581 -5065 21 CALL[ ] SPVFS[ ] SFVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 1 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[00000] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 2 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 MDRP[00000] SPVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 0 3 MDAP[0] MDAP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 64 SMD[ ] SVTCA[1] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="space"/><!-- contains no outline data --> <TTGlyph name="sterling" xMin="4" yMin="-16" xMax="788" yMax="1522"> <contour> <pt x="4" y="63" on="1"/> <pt x="12" y="83" on="0"/> <pt x="43" y="150" on="0"/> <pt x="152" y="266" on="0"/> <pt x="215" y="276" on="1"/> <pt x="252" y="387" on="0"/> <pt x="252" y="475" on="1"/> <pt x="252" y="543" on="0"/> <pt x="221" y="649" on="1"/> <pt x="33" y="649" on="1"/> <pt x="33" y="786" on="1"/> <pt x="180" y="786" on="1"/> <pt x="174" y="807" on="1"/> <pt x="96" y="1061" on="0"/> <pt x="96" y="1149" on="1"/> <pt x="96" y="1219" on="0"/> <pt x="127" y="1341" on="0"/> <pt x="193" y="1452" on="0"/> <pt x="311" y="1520" on="0"/> <pt x="391" y="1522" on="1"/> <pt x="487" y="1524" on="0"/> <pt x="623" y="1456" on="0"/> <pt x="694" y="1337" on="0"/> <pt x="723" y="1202" on="0"/> <pt x="723" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="510" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="510" y="1206" on="0"/> <pt x="459" y="1319" on="0"/> <pt x="395" y="1317" on="1"/> <pt x="348" y="1315" on="0"/> <pt x="305" y="1217" on="0"/> <pt x="305" y="1149" on="1"/> <pt x="305" y="1036" on="0"/> <pt x="375" y="811" on="1"/> <pt x="381" y="786" on="1"/> <pt x="592" y="786" on="1"/> <pt x="592" y="649" on="1"/> <pt x="418" y="649" on="1"/> <pt x="443" y="549" on="0"/> <pt x="442" y="475" on="1"/> <pt x="442" y="371" on="0"/> <pt x="385" y="256" on="1"/> <pt x="401" y="248" on="0"/> <pt x="457" y="215" on="0"/> <pt x="498" y="197" on="0"/> <pt x="518" y="197" on="1"/> <pt x="592" y="201" on="0"/> <pt x="600" y="387" on="1"/> <pt x="788" y="365" on="1"/> <pt x="776" y="183" on="0"/> <pt x="637" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="537" y="-16" on="1"/> <pt x="486" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="301" y="86" on="0"/> <pt x="264" y="86" on="1"/> <pt x="231" y="86" on="0"/> <pt x="174" y="35" on="0"/> <pt x="162" y="8" on="1"/> <pt x="150" y="-16" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 51 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 58 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 45 11 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 19 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 28 10 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 9 10 51 19 13 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 34 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 9 6 0 27 4 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 36 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 25 51 19 8 CALL[ ] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 59 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 14 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 31 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 14 31 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 14 9 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 6 31 14 8 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 39 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 39 6 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 39 36 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 31 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 25 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 24 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 60 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 6 14 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 4 8 11 58 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 31 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 54 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 39 SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 34 37 41 IP[ ] IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 25 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 43 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 24 SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 46 47 51 IP[ ] IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 45 51 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 0 54 IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 9 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 4 47 48 IP[ ] IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 28 25 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 14 31 IP[ ] IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="t" xMin="20" yMin="-16" xMax="473" yMax="1397"> <contour> <pt x="20" y="934" on="1"/> <pt x="20" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="125" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="125" y="1397" on="1"/> <pt x="332" y="1397" on="1"/> <pt x="332" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="473" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="473" y="934" on="1"/> <pt x="332" y="934" on="1"/> <pt x="332" y="377" on="1"/> <pt x="332" y="193" on="0"/> <pt x="397" y="193" on="1"/> <pt x="473" y="201" on="1"/> <pt x="473" y="-2" on="1"/> <pt x="428" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="362" y="-16" on="1"/> <pt x="294" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="199" y="41" on="0"/> <pt x="154" y="113" on="0"/> <pt x="129" y="233" on="0"/> <pt x="125" y="303" on="0"/> <pt x="125" y="360" on="1"/> <pt x="125" y="934" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 15 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 10 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 5 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 0 9 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 0 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 1 4 9 CALL[ ] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 23 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 21 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 2 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 9 21 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 9 7 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 21 9 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 21 0 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 24 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="thorn" xMin="82" yMin="-385" xMax="612" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="82" y="-385" on="1"/> <pt x="82" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="1047" on="1"/> <pt x="377" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="453" y="1137" on="1"/> <pt x="531" y="1137" on="0"/> <pt x="612" y="999" on="0"/> <pt x="612" y="918" on="1"/> <pt x="612" y="203" on="1"/> <pt x="612" y="121" on="0"/> <pt x="530" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="453" y="-16" on="1"/> <pt x="420" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="338" y="29" on="0"/> <pt x="313" y="51" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="74" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="-385" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="289" y="246" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="221" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="178" on="0"/> <pt x="373" y="178" on="0"/> <pt x="406" y="217" on="0"/> <pt x="406" y="246" on="1"/> <pt x="406" y="874" on="1"/> <pt x="406" y="903" on="0"/> <pt x="373" y="942" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="942" on="0"/> <pt x="289" y="903" on="0"/> <pt x="289" y="874" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 12 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 21 4 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 5 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 27 4 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDAP[1] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 30 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 17 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 2 18 SHP[0] SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 17 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 23 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 31 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 23 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 12 IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 21 12 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 16 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 27 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="three" xMin="45" yMin="-16" xMax="633" yMax="1522"> <contour> <pt x="45" y="1071" on="1"/> <pt x="45" y="1141" on="0"/> <pt x="49" y="1231" on="0"/> <pt x="80" y="1372" on="0"/> <pt x="137" y="1456" on="0"/> <pt x="248" y="1522" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="1522" on="1"/> <pt x="406" y="1522" on="0"/> <pt x="520" y="1460" on="0"/> <pt x="575" y="1380" on="0"/> <pt x="608" y="1276" on="0"/> <pt x="614" y="1221" on="0"/> <pt x="614" y="1198" on="1"/> <pt x="614" y="907" on="0"/> <pt x="508" y="801" on="1"/> <pt x="506" y="799" on="1"/> <pt x="633" y="699" on="0"/> <pt x="633" y="385" on="1"/> <pt x="633" y="360" on="0"/> <pt x="627" y="293" on="0"/> <pt x="594" y="162" on="0"/> <pt x="539" y="61" on="0"/> <pt x="424" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="346" y="-16" on="1"/> <pt x="266" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="154" y="47" on="0"/> <pt x="94" y="135" on="0"/> <pt x="59" y="272" on="0"/> <pt x="53" y="371" on="0"/> <pt x="53" y="434" on="1"/> <pt x="270" y="434" on="1"/> <pt x="272" y="284" on="0"/> <pt x="303" y="178" on="0"/> <pt x="346" y="178" on="1"/> <pt x="391" y="178" on="0"/> <pt x="416" y="279" on="0"/> <pt x="416" y="369" on="1"/> <pt x="416" y="387" on="0"/> <pt x="418" y="483" on="0"/> <pt x="416" y="512" on="0"/> <pt x="410" y="582" on="0"/> <pt x="397" y="604" on="0"/> <pt x="373" y="647" on="0"/> <pt x="338" y="662" on="0"/> <pt x="283" y="678" on="0"/> <pt x="248" y="680" on="1"/> <pt x="229" y="680" on="1"/> <pt x="229" y="864" on="1"/> <pt x="266" y="866" on="0"/> <pt x="317" y="877" on="0"/> <pt x="356" y="895" on="0"/> <pt x="379" y="920" on="0"/> <pt x="391" y="954" on="0"/> <pt x="397" y="999" on="0"/> <pt x="397" y="1028" on="1"/> <pt x="397" y="1090" on="1"/> <pt x="397" y="1133" on="1"/> <pt x="397" y="1178" on="0"/> <pt x="395" y="1225" on="0"/> <pt x="383" y="1294" on="0"/> <pt x="352" y="1327" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="1327" on="1"/> <pt x="287" y="1327" on="0"/> <pt x="264" y="1229" on="0"/> <pt x="262" y="1071" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 23 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 33 4 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 33 23 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 33 29 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 6 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 61 4 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 61 6 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 61 64 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 47 46 23 6 13 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 47 9 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 65 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 2 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 0 29 SHP[0] SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 64 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 30 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 64 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 35 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 17 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 17 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 DUP[ ] MDRP[10110] SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 54 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 54 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 12 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 66 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 64 2 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 27 46 47 IP[ ] IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 54 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 6 values pushed */ 23 6 33 41 42 61 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 35 SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 39 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 15 38 IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 46 33 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 17 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 47 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 15 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 61 SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="tilde" xMin="313" yMin="1298" xMax="711" yMax="1495"> <contour> <pt x="313" y="1305" on="1"/> <pt x="313" y="1456" on="1"/> <pt x="362" y="1495" on="0"/> <pt x="422" y="1495" on="1"/> <pt x="455" y="1495" on="0"/> <pt x="571" y="1458" on="0"/> <pt x="602" y="1456" on="1"/> <pt x="627" y="1456" on="0"/> <pt x="682" y="1473" on="0"/> <pt x="696" y="1481" on="1"/> <pt x="711" y="1489" on="1"/> <pt x="711" y="1337" on="1"/> <pt x="660" y="1298" on="0"/> <pt x="602" y="1298" on="1"/> <pt x="571" y="1298" on="0"/> <pt x="455" y="1337" on="0"/> <pt x="422" y="1337" on="1"/> <pt x="397" y="1337" on="0"/> <pt x="342" y="1321" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="1313" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 16 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 6 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 10 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 13 DUP[ ] MDRP[10110] SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 6 6 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 20 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 0 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 22 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 21 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 16 13 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 11 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 6 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 1 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="trademark" xMin="74" yMin="821" xMax="856" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="74" y="1401" on="1"/> <pt x="74" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="395" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="395" y="1401" on="1"/> <pt x="291" y="1401" on="1"/> <pt x="291" y="821" on="1"/> <pt x="178" y="821" on="1"/> <pt x="178" y="1401" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="440" y="821" on="1"/> <pt x="440" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="578" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="645" y="1186" on="1"/> <pt x="651" y="1186" on="1"/> <pt x="719" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="856" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="856" y="821" on="1"/> <pt x="752" y="821" on="1"/> <pt x="752" y="1270" on="1"/> <pt x="674" y="821" on="1"/> <pt x="623" y="821" on="1"/> <pt x="543" y="1270" on="1"/> <pt x="543" y="821" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 13 SHP[1] SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 0 5 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 1 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 0 6 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 8 15 18 SHP[0] SHP[0] SHP[0] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 22 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 6 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 16 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 5 6 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 5 3 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 6 5 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 6 0 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 5 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 8 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 21 15 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 10 16 0 45 4 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 21 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 19 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 18 15 0 30 4 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 18 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 16 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 15 15 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 15 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 13 16 0 45 4 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 13 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 23 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 18 19 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 12 IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="two" xMin="55" yMin="0" xMax="655" yMax="1522"> <contour> <pt x="55" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="55" y="219" on="1"/> <pt x="69" y="242" on="0"/> <pt x="119" y="319" on="0"/> <pt x="246" y="547" on="0"/> <pt x="344" y="760" on="0"/> <pt x="428" y="1030" on="0"/> <pt x="430" y="1133" on="1"/> <pt x="430" y="1317" on="0"/> <pt x="283" y="1317" on="0"/> <pt x="283" y="1133" on="1"/> <pt x="283" y="1028" on="1"/> <pt x="61" y="1028" on="1"/> <pt x="61" y="1133" on="1"/> <pt x="61" y="1522" on="0"/> <pt x="651" y="1522" on="0"/> <pt x="651" y="1147" on="1"/> <pt x="651" y="811" on="0"/> <pt x="305" y="219" on="1"/> <pt x="655" y="219" on="1"/> <pt x="655" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 18 11 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 15 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 10 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 9 15 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 9 12 9 CALL[ ] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 21 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 11 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 16 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 19 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 22 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 12 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 18 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 18 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 1 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 9 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 16 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="u" xMin="78" yMin="-16" xMax="608" yMax="1120"> <contour> <pt x="78" y="203" on="1"/> <pt x="78" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="285" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="285" y="233" on="1"/> <pt x="285" y="184" on="0"/> <pt x="334" y="184" on="1"/> <pt x="375" y="184" on="0"/> <pt x="401" y="238" on="1"/> <pt x="401" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="608" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="608" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="401" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="401" y="94" on="1"/> <pt x="370" y="62" on="1"/> <pt x="340" y="32" on="0"/> <pt x="266" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="233" y="-16" on="1"/> <pt x="157" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="78" y="121" on="0"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 11 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 16 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 10 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 8 SHP[1] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 19 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 10 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 20 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 16 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 11 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="uacute" xMin="78" yMin="-16" xMax="608" yMax="1489"> <contour> <pt x="78" y="203" on="1"/> <pt x="78" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="285" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="285" y="233" on="1"/> <pt x="285" y="184" on="0"/> <pt x="334" y="184" on="1"/> <pt x="375" y="184" on="0"/> <pt x="401" y="238" on="1"/> <pt x="401" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="608" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="608" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="401" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="401" y="94" on="1"/> <pt x="370" y="62" on="1"/> <pt x="340" y="32" on="0"/> <pt x="266" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="233" y="-16" on="1"/> <pt x="157" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="78" y="121" on="0"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="274" y="1305" on="1"/> <pt x="381" y="1489" on="1"/> <pt x="596" y="1489" on="1"/> <pt x="434" y="1305" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 11 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 16 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 10 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 8 SHP[1] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 23 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 10 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 24 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 16 19 IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 11 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 20 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 10 SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 21 22 IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 11 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="ucircumflex" xMin="78" yMin="-16" xMax="608" yMax="1489"> <contour> <pt x="78" y="203" on="1"/> <pt x="78" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="285" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="285" y="233" on="1"/> <pt x="285" y="184" on="0"/> <pt x="334" y="184" on="1"/> <pt x="375" y="184" on="0"/> <pt x="401" y="238" on="1"/> <pt x="401" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="608" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="608" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="401" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="401" y="94" on="1"/> <pt x="370" y="62" on="1"/> <pt x="340" y="32" on="0"/> <pt x="266" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="233" y="-16" on="1"/> <pt x="157" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="78" y="121" on="0"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="94" y="1305" on="1"/> <pt x="236" y="1489" on="1"/> <pt x="455" y="1489" on="1"/> <pt x="596" y="1305" on="1"/> <pt x="408" y="1305" on="1"/> <pt x="344" y="1376" on="1"/> <pt x="283" y="1305" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 11 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 16 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 10 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 8 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 25 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 22 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 20 9 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 26 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 10 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 27 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 16 19 20 25 DEPTH[ ] SLOOP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 11 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 24 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 10 SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 21 22 23 IP[ ] IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 11 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 20 25 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 24 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="udieresis" xMin="78" yMin="-16" xMax="608" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="78" y="203" on="1"/> <pt x="78" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="285" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="285" y="233" on="1"/> <pt x="285" y="184" on="0"/> <pt x="334" y="184" on="1"/> <pt x="375" y="184" on="0"/> <pt x="401" y="238" on="1"/> <pt x="401" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="608" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="608" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="401" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="401" y="94" on="1"/> <pt x="370" y="62" on="1"/> <pt x="340" y="32" on="0"/> <pt x="266" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="233" y="-16" on="1"/> <pt x="157" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="78" y="121" on="0"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="106" y="1305" on="1"/> <pt x="106" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="297" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="297" y="1305" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="395" y="1305" on="1"/> <pt x="395" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="586" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="586" y="1305" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 11 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 16 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 10 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 20 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 24 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 19 10 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 23 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 8 SHP[1] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 27 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 21 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 19 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 19 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 23 SHP[0] SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 10 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 26 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 28 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 19 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 16 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 11 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 5 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 11 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="ugrave" xMin="78" yMin="-16" xMax="608" yMax="1489"> <contour> <pt x="78" y="203" on="1"/> <pt x="78" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="285" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="285" y="233" on="1"/> <pt x="285" y="184" on="0"/> <pt x="334" y="184" on="1"/> <pt x="375" y="184" on="0"/> <pt x="401" y="238" on="1"/> <pt x="401" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="608" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="608" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="401" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="401" y="94" on="1"/> <pt x="370" y="62" on="1"/> <pt x="340" y="32" on="0"/> <pt x="266" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="233" y="-16" on="1"/> <pt x="157" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="78" y="121" on="0"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="113" y="1489" on="1"/> <pt x="328" y="1489" on="1"/> <pt x="434" y="1305" on="1"/> <pt x="274" y="1305" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 11 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 16 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 10 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 8 SHP[1] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 23 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 10 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 24 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 16 19 22 IP[ ] IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 11 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 20 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 10 SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 21 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 11 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="underscore" xMin="74" yMin="-326" xMax="1137" yMax="-154"> <contour> <pt x="74" y="-154" on="1"/> <pt x="1137" y="-154" on="1"/> <pt x="1137" y="-326" on="1"/> <pt x="74" y="-326" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 0 7 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 0 7 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="uni00A0"/><!-- contains no outline data --> <TTGlyph name="uni00AD" xMin="74" yMin="455" xMax="371" yMax="649"> <contour> <pt x="74" y="455" on="1"/> <pt x="74" y="649" on="1"/> <pt x="371" y="649" on="1"/> <pt x="371" y="455" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 4 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 4 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 21 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 21 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="uni2000"/><!-- contains no outline data --> <TTGlyph name="uni2001"/><!-- contains no outline data --> <TTGlyph name="uni2002"/><!-- contains no outline data --> <TTGlyph name="uni2003"/><!-- contains no outline data --> <TTGlyph name="uni2004"/><!-- contains no outline data --> <TTGlyph name="uni2005"/><!-- contains no outline data --> <TTGlyph name="uni2006"/><!-- contains no outline data --> <TTGlyph name="uni2007"/><!-- contains no outline data --> <TTGlyph name="uni2008"/><!-- contains no outline data --> <TTGlyph name="uni2009"/><!-- contains no outline data --> <TTGlyph name="uni200A"/><!-- contains no outline data --> <TTGlyph name="uni2010" xMin="74" yMin="455" xMax="371" yMax="649"> <contour> <pt x="74" y="455" on="1"/> <pt x="74" y="649" on="1"/> <pt x="371" y="649" on="1"/> <pt x="371" y="455" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 4 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 4 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 21 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 21 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="uni2011" xMin="74" yMin="455" xMax="371" yMax="649"> <contour> <pt x="74" y="455" on="1"/> <pt x="74" y="649" on="1"/> <pt x="371" y="649" on="1"/> <pt x="371" y="455" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 4 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 4 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 21 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 21 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="uni202F"/><!-- contains no outline data --> <TTGlyph name="uni205F"/><!-- contains no outline data --> <TTGlyph name="uniE000" xMin="0" yMin="0" xMax="1120" yMax="1120"> <contour> <pt x="0" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="1120" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="1120" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="0" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="uniFB01" xMin="20" yMin="0" xMax="690" yMax="1520"> <contour> <pt x="20" y="934" on="1"/> <pt x="20" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="125" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="125" y="1151" on="1"/> <pt x="125" y="1196" on="0"/> <pt x="127" y="1245" on="0"/> <pt x="139" y="1350" on="0"/> <pt x="172" y="1413" on="0"/> <pt x="225" y="1485" on="0"/> <pt x="317" y="1520" on="0"/> <pt x="379" y="1520" on="1"/> <pt x="412" y="1520" on="0"/> <pt x="485" y="1511" on="0"/> <pt x="506" y="1507" on="1"/> <pt x="526" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="526" y="1321" on="1"/> <pt x="485" y="1333" on="0"/> <pt x="416" y="1333" on="1"/> <pt x="385" y="1333" on="0"/> <pt x="346" y="1296" on="0"/> <pt x="334" y="1217" on="0"/> <pt x="332" y="1188" on="0"/> <pt x="332" y="1149" on="1"/> <pt x="332" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="690" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="690" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="483" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="483" y="934" on="1"/> <pt x="332" y="934" on="1"/> <pt x="332" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="125" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="125" y="934" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 30 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 25 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 10 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 13 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 17 9 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 23 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 0 9 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 27 SHP[0] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 32 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 30 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 2 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 29 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 22 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 30 29 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 30 0 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 29 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 26 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 25 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 33 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 26 29 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 10 17 IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 25 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 15 14 IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="uniFB02" xMin="20" yMin="0" xMax="690" yMax="1520"> <contour> <pt x="20" y="934" on="1"/> <pt x="20" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="125" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="125" y="1151" on="1"/> <pt x="125" y="1196" on="0"/> <pt x="127" y="1245" on="0"/> <pt x="139" y="1350" on="0"/> <pt x="172" y="1413" on="0"/> <pt x="225" y="1485" on="0"/> <pt x="317" y="1520" on="0"/> <pt x="379" y="1520" on="1"/> <pt x="412" y="1520" on="0"/> <pt x="485" y="1511" on="0"/> <pt x="506" y="1507" on="1"/> <pt x="526" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="690" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="690" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="483" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="483" y="1329" on="1"/> <pt x="446" y="1333" on="0"/> <pt x="385" y="1333" on="0"/> <pt x="346" y="1296" on="0"/> <pt x="334" y="1217" on="0"/> <pt x="332" y="1188" on="0"/> <pt x="332" y="1149" on="1"/> <pt x="332" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="436" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="436" y="934" on="1"/> <pt x="332" y="934" on="1"/> <pt x="332" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="125" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="125" y="934" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 30 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 16 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 10 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 20 9 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 25 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 0 9 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 27 SHP[0] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 32 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 30 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 2 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 29 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 24 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 29 30 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 29 27 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 30 29 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 30 0 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 29 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 17 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 16 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 33 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 17 29 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 10 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 20 1 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 18 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="v" xMin="16" yMin="0" xMax="586" yMax="1120"> <contour> <pt x="16" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="217" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="285" y="471" on="1"/> <pt x="293" y="399" on="1"/> <pt x="309" y="399" on="1"/> <pt x="317" y="471" on="1"/> <pt x="385" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="586" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="403" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="199" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 9 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 6 SHP[1] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 10 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 9 1 0 8 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 8 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 1 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 6 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 1 CALL[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 0 9 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="w" xMin="20" yMin="0" xMax="885" yMax="1120"> <contour> <pt x="20" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="209" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="274" y="535" on="1"/> <pt x="283" y="471" on="1"/> <pt x="295" y="471" on="1"/> <pt x="305" y="535" on="1"/> <pt x="391" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="514" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="600" y="535" on="1"/> <pt x="610" y="471" on="1"/> <pt x="623" y="471" on="1"/> <pt x="631" y="535" on="1"/> <pt x="696" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="885" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="719" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="547" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="467" y="535" on="1"/> <pt x="457" y="598" on="1"/> <pt x="449" y="598" on="1"/> <pt x="438" y="535" on="1"/> <pt x="358" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="186" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 21 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 14 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 6 12 13 SHP[1] SHP[1] SHP[1] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 22 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 1 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 6 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 16 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 12 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 13 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 23 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 54 SMD[ ] PUSHW[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 16257 -2032 21 CALL[ ] SPVFS[ ] SFVTPV[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 10 MDRP[00000] SFVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 13 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 14 MDRP[00000] PUSHW[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 16281 -1831 21 CALL[ ] SFVFS[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 10 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 11 10 12 19 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 11 10 12 DUP[ ] ROLL[ ] DUP[ ] ROLL[ ] SWAP[ ] SPVTL[0] SFVTPV[ ] SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 10 11 MDAP[0] MDAP[0] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 10 11 14 MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 64 SMD[ ] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 21 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 6 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 20 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 17 18 IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 15 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 0 21 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 3 9 17 IP[ ] IP[ ] IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="x" xMin="16" yMin="0" xMax="602" yMax="1120"> <contour> <pt x="16" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="209" y="578" on="1"/> <pt x="33" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="227" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="301" y="858" on="1"/> <pt x="307" y="827" on="1"/> <pt x="311" y="827" on="1"/> <pt x="317" y="858" on="1"/> <pt x="391" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="586" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="410" y="578" on="1"/> <pt x="602" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="401" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="317" y="283" on="1"/> <pt x="311" y="313" on="1"/> <pt x="307" y="313" on="1"/> <pt x="301" y="283" on="1"/> <pt x="217" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 17 SHP[1] SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 2 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 3 8 9 SHP[1] SHP[1] SHP[1] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 18 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 2 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 17 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 0 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 8 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 19 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 54 SMD[ ] PUSHW[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 15707 -4662 21 CALL[ ] SPVFS[ ] SFVTPV[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 1 MDRP[00000] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 17 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 16 MDRP[00000] PUSHW[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ -15767 -4453 21 CALL[ ] SPVFS[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 0 1 SFVTL[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 2 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 1 MDRP[00000] SFVTPV[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 4 MDRP[00000] PUSHW[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 15767 -4453 21 CALL[ ] SPVFS[ ] SFVTPV[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 8 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 MDRP[00000] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 9 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 10 MDRP[00000] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 1 4 7 10 16 MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 1 4 7 10 16 MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 64 SMD[ ] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 8 3 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 14 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 2 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 14 IP[ ] IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="y" xMin="25" yMin="-401" xMax="610" yMax="1120"> <contour> <pt x="25" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="227" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="309" y="432" on="1"/> <pt x="313" y="375" on="1"/> <pt x="322" y="375" on="1"/> <pt x="326" y="432" on="1"/> <pt x="408" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="610" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="412" y="-84" on="1"/> <pt x="396" y="-211" on="0"/> <pt x="240" y="-401" on="0"/> <pt x="125" y="-401" on="1"/> <pt x="33" y="-397" on="1"/> <pt x="33" y="-213" on="1"/> <pt x="49" y="-217" on="0"/> <pt x="82" y="-217" on="1"/> <pt x="143" y="-211" on="0"/> <pt x="215" y="-100" on="0"/> <pt x="215" y="-33" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 6 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 13 9 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 19 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 1 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 6 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 20 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 12 18 IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 0 13 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="yacute" xMin="25" yMin="-401" xMax="610" yMax="1489"> <contour> <pt x="25" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="215" y="-33" on="1"/> <pt x="215" y="-101" on="0"/> <pt x="143" y="-211" on="0"/> <pt x="82" y="-217" on="1"/> <pt x="33" y="-213" on="1"/> <pt x="33" y="-397" on="1"/> <pt x="103" y="-401" on="0"/> <pt x="125" y="-401" on="1"/> <pt x="240" y="-401" on="0"/> <pt x="395" y="-211" on="0"/> <pt x="412" y="-84" on="1"/> <pt x="610" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="408" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="326" y="432" on="1"/> <pt x="322" y="375" on="1"/> <pt x="313" y="375" on="1"/> <pt x="309" y="432" on="1"/> <pt x="227" y="1120" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="231" y="1305" on="1"/> <pt x="338" y="1489" on="1"/> <pt x="553" y="1489" on="1"/> <pt x="391" y="1305" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 6 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 9 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 23 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 18 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 18 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 13 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 12 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 24 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 18 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 5 8 IP[ ] IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 13 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 19 20 22 IP[ ] IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 21 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="ydieresis" xMin="25" yMin="-401" xMax="610" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="25" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="227" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="309" y="432" on="1"/> <pt x="313" y="375" on="1"/> <pt x="322" y="375" on="1"/> <pt x="326" y="432" on="1"/> <pt x="408" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="610" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="412" y="-84" on="1"/> <pt x="396" y="-211" on="0"/> <pt x="240" y="-401" on="0"/> <pt x="125" y="-401" on="1"/> <pt x="33" y="-397" on="1"/> <pt x="33" y="-213" on="1"/> <pt x="49" y="-217" on="0"/> <pt x="82" y="-217" on="1"/> <pt x="143" y="-211" on="0"/> <pt x="215" y="-100" on="0"/> <pt x="215" y="-33" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="78" y="1305" on="1"/> <pt x="78" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="268" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="268" y="1305" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="367" y="1305" on="1"/> <pt x="367" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="557" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="557" y="1305" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 20 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 24 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 19 10 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 23 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 6 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 13 9 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 27 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 19 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 22 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 22 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 1 DUP[ ] MDRP[10110] SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 0 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 22 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 6 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 23 DUP[ ] MDRP[10110] SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 26 14 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 28 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 19 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 12 13 IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 1 SRP1[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 18 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 23 22 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 2 5 IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 0 13 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="yen" xMin="25" yMin="0" xMax="696" yMax="1505"> <contour> <pt x="25" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="242" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="352" y="1024" on="1"/> <pt x="358" y="1010" on="1"/> <pt x="362" y="1010" on="1"/> <pt x="369" y="1024" on="1"/> <pt x="479" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="696" y="1505" on="1"/> <pt x="500" y="752" on="1"/> <pt x="647" y="752" on="1"/> <pt x="647" y="614" on="1"/> <pt x="471" y="614" on="1"/> <pt x="471" y="477" on="1"/> <pt x="647" y="477" on="1"/> <pt x="647" y="340" on="1"/> <pt x="471" y="340" on="1"/> <pt x="471" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="250" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="250" y="340" on="1"/> <pt x="74" y="340" on="1"/> <pt x="74" y="477" on="1"/> <pt x="250" y="477" on="1"/> <pt x="250" y="614" on="1"/> <pt x="74" y="614" on="1"/> <pt x="74" y="752" on="1"/> <pt x="221" y="752" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 17 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 1 6 7 SHP[1] SHP[1] SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 19 20 17 0 13 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 19 6 0 27 4 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 14 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 23 24 17 0 13 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 8 25 SHP[1] SHP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 5 values pushed */ 23 6 0 27 4 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 10 SHP[0] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 26 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 1 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 1 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 17 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 21 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 16 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 11 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 16 17 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 16 10 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 13 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 17 16 10 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 64 17 23 9 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 19 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 16 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 6 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 27 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 54 SMD[ ] PUSHW[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ -15972 -3653 21 CALL[ ] SPVFS[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 25 MDRP[00000] SFVTPV[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 1 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 2 MDRP[00000] PUSHW[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 15972 -3653 21 CALL[ ] SPVFS[ ] SFVTPV[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 6 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 5 MDRP[00000] SFVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 8 MDRP[00000] SPVTCA[1] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 2 5 MDAP[0] MDAP[0] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 4 values pushed */ 2 5 8 25 MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] MDAP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 64 SMD[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 0 24 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 3 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="z" xMin="12" yMin="0" xMax="516" yMax="1120"> <contour> <pt x="12" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="12" y="168" on="1"/> <pt x="297" y="932" on="1"/> <pt x="57" y="932" on="1"/> <pt x="57" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="516" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="516" y="952" on="1"/> <pt x="231" y="188" on="1"/> <pt x="516" y="188" on="1"/> <pt x="516" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 9 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 4 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 9 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 10 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 0 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 23 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 5 SHP[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 9 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 7 IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 1 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 4 3 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 6 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="zcaron" xMin="12" yMin="0" xMax="526" yMax="1489"> <contour> <pt x="12" y="0" on="1"/> <pt x="12" y="168" on="1"/> <pt x="297" y="932" on="1"/> <pt x="57" y="932" on="1"/> <pt x="57" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="516" y="1120" on="1"/> <pt x="516" y="952" on="1"/> <pt x="231" y="188" on="1"/> <pt x="516" y="188" on="1"/> <pt x="516" y="0" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="25" y="1489" on="1"/> <pt x="213" y="1489" on="1"/> <pt x="274" y="1417" on="1"/> <pt x="338" y="1489" on="1"/> <pt x="526" y="1489" on="1"/> <pt x="385" y="1305" on="1"/> <pt x="166" y="1305" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 0 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 9 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 4 2 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 3 9 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 16 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 9 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 13 SHP[0] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 17 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 14 23 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 18 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 14 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 5 10 IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 1 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 4 3 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 6 IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 11 16 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 12 IP[ ] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> <TTGlyph name="zero" xMin="68" yMin="-16" xMax="657" yMax="1522"> <contour> <pt x="68" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="68" y="1196" on="1"/> <pt x="68" y="1208" on="0"/> <pt x="72" y="1253" on="0"/> <pt x="102" y="1366" on="0"/> <pt x="158" y="1452" on="0"/> <pt x="279" y="1522" on="0"/> <pt x="446" y="1522" on="0"/> <pt x="567" y="1454" on="0"/> <pt x="623" y="1360" on="0"/> <pt x="653" y="1264" on="0"/> <pt x="655" y="1229" on="1"/> <pt x="657" y="1196" on="1"/> <pt x="657" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="657" y="297" on="0"/> <pt x="653" y="252" on="0"/> <pt x="623" y="139" on="0"/> <pt x="567" y="53" on="0"/> <pt x="446" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="279" y="-16" on="0"/> <pt x="158" y="51" on="0"/> <pt x="102" y="147" on="0"/> <pt x="72" y="242" on="0"/> <pt x="70" y="274" on="1"/> </contour> <contour> <pt x="289" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="297" on="0"/> <pt x="291" y="260" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="199" on="0"/> <pt x="397" y="199" on="0"/> <pt x="434" y="254" on="0"/> <pt x="434" y="283" on="1"/> <pt x="436" y="309" on="1"/> <pt x="436" y="1196" on="1"/> <pt x="436" y="1208" on="0"/> <pt x="434" y="1245" on="0"/> <pt x="397" y="1307" on="0"/> <pt x="328" y="1307" on="0"/> <pt x="291" y="1251" on="0"/> <pt x="291" y="1225" on="1"/> <pt x="289" y="1196" on="1"/> </contour> <instructions><assembly> SVTCA[0] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 19 1 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 28 11 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 3 values pushed */ 7 3 0 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 36 11 MIRP[01001] SVTCA[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 40 MDAP[1] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 0 MDRP[10110] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 24 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 1 value pushed */ 24 SRP0[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 31 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 13 19 MIRP[01001] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 41 1 CALL[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 24 0 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 6 19 IP[ ] IP[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 13 31 SRP1[ ] SRP2[ ] PUSHB[ ] /* 2 values pushed */ 7 18 IP[ ] IP[ ] SVTCA[0] IUP[0] IUP[1] </assembly></instructions> </TTGlyph> </glyf> <name> <namerecord nameID="0" platformID="3" platEncID="1" langID="0x409"> Generated in 2009 by FontLab Studio. Copyright info pending. </namerecord> <namerecord nameID="1" platformID="3" platEncID="1" langID="0x409"> grtest-ot-only </namerecord> <namerecord nameID="2" platformID="3" platEncID="1" langID="0x409"> Regular </namerecord> <namerecord nameID="3" platformID="3" platEncID="1" langID="0x409"> webfont </namerecord> <namerecord nameID="4" platformID="3" platEncID="1" langID="0x409"> grtest-ot-only Regular </namerecord> <namerecord nameID="5" platformID="3" platEncID="1" langID="0x409"> Version 001.001 </namerecord> <namerecord nameID="6" platformID="3" platEncID="1" langID="0x409"> grtest-ot-only </namerecord> <namerecord nameID="200" platformID="3" platEncID="1" langID="0x409"> This font was generated by the Font Squirrel Generator. </namerecord> </name> <post> <formatType value="2.0"/> <italicAngle value="0.0"/> <underlinePosition value="-153"/> <underlineThickness value="102"/> <isFixedPitch value="0"/> <minMemType42 value="0"/> <maxMemType42 value="0"/> <minMemType1 value="0"/> <maxMemType1 value="0"/> <psNames> <!-- This file uses unique glyph names based on the information found in the 'post' table. Since these names might not be unique, we have to invent artificial names in case of clashes. In order to be able to retain the original information, we need a name to ps name mapping for those cases where they differ. That's what you see below. --> </psNames> <extraNames> <!-- following are the name that are not taken from the standard Mac glyph order --> <psName name="uni00A0"/> <psName name="uni00AD"/> <psName name="uni2000"/> <psName name="uni2001"/> <psName name="uni2002"/> <psName name="uni2003"/> <psName name="uni2004"/> <psName name="uni2005"/> <psName name="uni2006"/> <psName name="uni2007"/> <psName name="uni2008"/> <psName name="uni2009"/> <psName name="uni200A"/> <psName name="uni2010"/> <psName name="uni2011"/> <psName name="figuredash"/> <psName name="uni202F"/> <psName name="uni205F"/> <psName name="Euro"/> <psName name="uniE000"/> <psName name="uniFB01"/> <psName name="uniFB02"/> </extraNames> </post> <gasp> <gaspRange rangeMaxPPEM="65535" rangeGaspBehavior="15"/> </gasp> <FFTM> <hexdata> 00000001 00000000 c9896f31 00000000 c6a779b7 00000000 cae12877 </hexdata> </FFTM> <GDEF> <Version value="1.0"/> <GlyphClassDef Format="2"> <ClassDef glyph=".null" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="A" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="AE" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="Aacute" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="Acircumflex" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="Adieresis" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="Agrave" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="Aring" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="Atilde" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="B" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="C" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="Ccedilla" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="D" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="E" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="Eacute" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="Ecircumflex" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="Edieresis" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="Egrave" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="Eth" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="Euro" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="F" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="G" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="H" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="I" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="Iacute" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="Icircumflex" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="Idieresis" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="Igrave" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="J" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="K" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="L" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="Lslash" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="M" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="N" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="Ntilde" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="O" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="OE" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="Oacute" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="Ocircumflex" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="Odieresis" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="Ograve" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="Oslash" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="Otilde" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="P" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="Q" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="R" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="S" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="Scaron" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="T" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="Thorn" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="U" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="Uacute" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="Ucircumflex" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="Udieresis" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="Ugrave" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="V" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="W" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="X" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="Y" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="Yacute" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="Ydieresis" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="Z" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="Zcaron" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="a" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="aacute" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="acircumflex" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="acute" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="adieresis" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="ae" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="agrave" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="ampersand" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="aring" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="asciicircum" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="asciitilde" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="asterisk" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="at" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="atilde" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="b" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="backslash" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="bar" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="braceleft" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="braceright" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="bracketleft" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="bracketright" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="breve" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="bullet" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="c" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="caron" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="ccedilla" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="cedilla" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="cent" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="circumflex" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="colon" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="comma" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="copyright" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="d" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="dieresis" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="dollar" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="dotaccent" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="dotlessi" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="e" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="eacute" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="ecircumflex" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="edieresis" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="egrave" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="eight" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="ellipsis" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="emdash" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="endash" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="equal" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="eth" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="exclam" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="exclamdown" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="f" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="figuredash" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="five" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="four" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="g" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="germandbls" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="grave" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="greater" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="h" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="hungarumlaut" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="hyphen" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="i" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="iacute" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="icircumflex" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="idieresis" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="igrave" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="j" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="k" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="l" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="less" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="lslash" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="m" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="macron" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="minus" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="n" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="nine" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="nonmarkingreturn" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="ntilde" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="numbersign" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="o" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="oacute" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="ocircumflex" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="odieresis" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="oe" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="ogonek" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="ograve" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="one" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="oslash" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="otilde" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="p" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="parenleft" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="parenright" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="percent" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="period" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="periodcentered" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="plus" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="q" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="question" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="questiondown" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="quotedbl" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="quotedblbase" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="quotedblleft" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="quotedblright" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="quoteleft" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="quoteright" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="quotesinglbase" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="quotesingle" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="r" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="registered" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="ring" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="s" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="scaron" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="semicolon" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="seven" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="six" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="slash" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="space" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="sterling" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="t" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="thorn" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="three" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="tilde" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="trademark" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="two" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="u" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="uacute" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="ucircumflex" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="udieresis" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="ugrave" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="underscore" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="uni00A0" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="uni00AD" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="uni2000" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="uni2001" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="uni2002" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="uni2003" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="uni2004" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="uni2005" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="uni2006" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="uni2007" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="uni2008" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="uni2009" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="uni200A" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="uni2010" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="uni2011" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="uni202F" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="uni205F" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="uniE000" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="uniFB01" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="uniFB02" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="v" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="w" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="x" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="y" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="yacute" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="ydieresis" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="yen" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="z" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="zcaron" class="1"/> <ClassDef glyph="zero" class="1"/> </GlyphClassDef> <LigCaretList> <Coverage Format="2"> </Coverage> <!-- LigGlyphCount=0 --> </LigCaretList> </GDEF> <GSUB> <Version value="1.0"/> <ScriptList> <!-- ScriptCount=2 --> <ScriptRecord index="0"> <ScriptTag value="DFLT"/> <Script> <DefaultLangSys> <ReqFeatureIndex value="65535"/> <!-- FeatureCount=0 --> </DefaultLangSys> <!-- LangSysCount=0 --> </Script> </ScriptRecord> <ScriptRecord index="1"> <ScriptTag value="latn"/> <Script> <DefaultLangSys> <ReqFeatureIndex value="65535"/> <!-- FeatureCount=1 --> <FeatureIndex index="0" value="0"/> </DefaultLangSys> <!-- LangSysCount=0 --> </Script> </ScriptRecord> </ScriptList> <FeatureList> <!-- FeatureCount=1 --> <FeatureRecord index="0"> <FeatureTag value="TST1"/> <Feature> <!-- LookupCount=1 --> <LookupListIndex index="0" value="0"/> </Feature> </FeatureRecord> 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