<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" class="reftest-wait"> <head> <style> /* test the situation where an nsStyleFont is cached in the rule tree but we have to blow it away because MathML is suddenly introduced */ .v { font: 48px "Verdana"; } </style> <script> function addMathML() { function createMathMLElement(tag) { return document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML", tag); } var body = document.getElementById("body"); body.offsetTop; // if we don't blow away the rule tree correctly, then we will cache an nsStyleFont with // a scriptsizemultiplier of 0.71 (the default) and use it to style mstyle2, so the // scriptlevel change will not scale the text by 0.5 var math = createMathMLElement("math"); var mstyle = createMathMLElement("mstyle"); mstyle.setAttribute("scriptsizemultiplier", "0.5"); var mstyle2 = createMathMLElement("mstyle"); mstyle2.setAttribute("class", "v"); var mstyle3 = createMathMLElement("mstyle"); mstyle3.setAttribute("scriptlevel", "+1"); var mi = createMathMLElement("mi"); mi.textContent = "Id"; mstyle3.appendChild(mi); mstyle2.appendChild(mstyle3); mstyle.appendChild(mstyle2); math.appendChild(mstyle); body.appendChild(math); document.documentElement.className = ''; } </script> </head> <body id="body" onload="addMathML()"> <p><span class="v">Hello</span></p> </body> </html>