/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* * rendering object for replaced elements that contain a document, such * as <frame>, <iframe>, and some <object>s */ #include "nsSubDocumentFrame.h" #include "gfxPrefs.h" #include "mozilla/layout/RenderFrameParent.h" #include "nsCOMPtr.h" #include "nsGenericHTMLElement.h" #include "nsGenericHTMLFrameElement.h" #include "nsAttrValueInlines.h" #include "nsIDocShell.h" #include "nsIContentViewer.h" #include "nsPresContext.h" #include "nsIPresShell.h" #include "nsIDocument.h" #include "nsView.h" #include "nsViewManager.h" #include "nsGkAtoms.h" #include "nsStyleConsts.h" #include "nsFrameSetFrame.h" #include "nsIDOMHTMLFrameElement.h" #include "nsIScrollable.h" #include "nsNameSpaceManager.h" #include "nsDisplayList.h" #include "nsIScrollableFrame.h" #include "nsIObjectLoadingContent.h" #include "nsLayoutUtils.h" #include "FrameLayerBuilder.h" #include "nsPluginFrame.h" #include "nsContentUtils.h" #include "nsIPermissionManager.h" #include "nsServiceManagerUtils.h" #include "nsIDOMMutationEvent.h" #include "mozilla/Preferences.h" using namespace mozilla; using mozilla::layout::RenderFrameParent; static bool sShowPreviousPage = true; static nsIDocument* GetDocumentFromView(nsView* aView) { NS_PRECONDITION(aView, ""); nsViewManager* vm = aView->GetViewManager(); nsIPresShell* ps = vm ? vm->GetPresShell() : nullptr; return ps ? ps->GetDocument() : nullptr; } nsSubDocumentFrame::nsSubDocumentFrame(nsStyleContext* aContext) : nsAtomicContainerFrame(aContext) , mIsInline(false) , mPostedReflowCallback(false) , mDidCreateDoc(false) , mCallingShow(false) { } #ifdef ACCESSIBILITY a11y::AccType nsSubDocumentFrame::AccessibleType() { return a11y::eOuterDocType; } #endif NS_QUERYFRAME_HEAD(nsSubDocumentFrame) NS_QUERYFRAME_ENTRY(nsSubDocumentFrame) NS_QUERYFRAME_TAIL_INHERITING(nsAtomicContainerFrame) class AsyncFrameInit : public Runnable { public: explicit AsyncFrameInit(nsIFrame* aFrame) : mFrame(aFrame) {} NS_IMETHOD Run() override { PROFILER_LABEL("mozilla", "AsyncFrameInit::Run", js::ProfileEntry::Category::OTHER); if (mFrame.IsAlive()) { static_cast<nsSubDocumentFrame*>(mFrame.GetFrame())->ShowViewer(); } return NS_OK; } private: nsWeakFrame mFrame; }; static void InsertViewsInReverseOrder(nsView* aSibling, nsView* aParent); static void EndSwapDocShellsForViews(nsView* aView); void nsSubDocumentFrame::Init(nsIContent* aContent, nsContainerFrame* aParent, nsIFrame* aPrevInFlow) { // determine if we are a <frame> or <iframe> nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMHTMLFrameElement> frameElem = do_QueryInterface(aContent); mIsInline = frameElem ? false : true; static bool addedShowPreviousPage = false; if (!addedShowPreviousPage) { Preferences::AddBoolVarCache(&sShowPreviousPage, "layout.show_previous_page", true); addedShowPreviousPage = true; } nsAtomicContainerFrame::Init(aContent, aParent, aPrevInFlow); // We are going to create an inner view. If we need a view for the // OuterFrame but we wait for the normal view creation path in // nsCSSFrameConstructor, then we will lose because the inner view's // parent will already have been set to some outer view (e.g., the // canvas) when it really needs to have this frame's view as its // parent. So, create this frame's view right away, whether we // really need it or not, and the inner view will get it as the // parent. if (!HasView()) { nsContainerFrame::CreateViewForFrame(this, true); } EnsureInnerView(); // Set the primary frame now so that nsDocumentViewer::FindContainerView // called from within EndSwapDocShellsForViews below can find it if needed. aContent->SetPrimaryFrame(this); // If we have a detached subdoc's root view on our frame loader, re-insert // it into the view tree. This happens when we've been reframed, and // ensures the presentation persists across reframes. If the frame element // has changed documents however, we blow away the presentation. RefPtr<nsFrameLoader> frameloader = FrameLoader(); if (frameloader) { nsCOMPtr<nsIDocument> oldContainerDoc; nsIFrame* detachedFrame = frameloader->GetDetachedSubdocFrame(getter_AddRefs(oldContainerDoc)); frameloader->SetDetachedSubdocFrame(nullptr, nullptr); MOZ_ASSERT(oldContainerDoc || !detachedFrame); if (oldContainerDoc) { nsView* detachedView = detachedFrame ? detachedFrame->GetView() : nullptr; if (detachedView && oldContainerDoc == aContent->OwnerDoc()) { // Restore stashed presentation. ::InsertViewsInReverseOrder(detachedView, mInnerView); ::EndSwapDocShellsForViews(mInnerView->GetFirstChild()); } else { // Presentation is for a different document, don't restore it. frameloader->Hide(); } } } nsContentUtils::AddScriptRunner(new AsyncFrameInit(this)); } void nsSubDocumentFrame::ShowViewer() { if (mCallingShow) { return; } if (!PresContext()->IsDynamic()) { // We let the printing code take care of loading the document; just // create the inner view for it to use. (void) EnsureInnerView(); } else { RefPtr<nsFrameLoader> frameloader = FrameLoader(); if (frameloader) { CSSIntSize margin = GetMarginAttributes(); nsWeakFrame weakThis(this); mCallingShow = true; const nsAttrValue* attrValue = GetContent()->AsElement()->GetParsedAttr(nsGkAtoms::scrolling); int32_t scrolling = nsGenericHTMLFrameElement::MapScrollingAttribute(attrValue); bool didCreateDoc = frameloader->Show(margin.width, margin.height, scrolling, scrolling, this); if (!weakThis.IsAlive()) { return; } mCallingShow = false; mDidCreateDoc = didCreateDoc; } } } nsIFrame* nsSubDocumentFrame::GetSubdocumentRootFrame() { if (!mInnerView) return nullptr; nsView* subdocView = mInnerView->GetFirstChild(); return subdocView ? subdocView->GetFrame() : nullptr; } nsIPresShell* nsSubDocumentFrame::GetSubdocumentPresShellForPainting(uint32_t aFlags) { if (!mInnerView) return nullptr; nsView* subdocView = mInnerView->GetFirstChild(); if (!subdocView) return nullptr; nsIPresShell* presShell = nullptr; nsIFrame* subdocRootFrame = subdocView->GetFrame(); if (subdocRootFrame) { presShell = subdocRootFrame->PresContext()->PresShell(); } // If painting is suppressed in the presshell, we try to look for a better // presshell to use. if (!presShell || (presShell->IsPaintingSuppressed() && !(aFlags & IGNORE_PAINT_SUPPRESSION))) { // During page transition mInnerView will sometimes have two children, the // first being the new page that may not have any frame, and the second // being the old page that will probably have a frame. nsView* nextView = subdocView->GetNextSibling(); nsIFrame* frame = nullptr; if (nextView) { frame = nextView->GetFrame(); } if (frame) { nsIPresShell* ps = frame->PresContext()->PresShell(); if (!presShell || (ps && !ps->IsPaintingSuppressed() && sShowPreviousPage)) { subdocView = nextView; subdocRootFrame = frame; presShell = ps; } } if (!presShell) { // If we don't have a frame we use this roundabout way to get the pres shell. if (!mFrameLoader) return nullptr; nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShell> docShell; mFrameLoader->GetDocShell(getter_AddRefs(docShell)); if (!docShell) return nullptr; presShell = docShell->GetPresShell(); } } return presShell; } ScreenIntSize nsSubDocumentFrame::GetSubdocumentSize() { if (GetStateBits() & NS_FRAME_FIRST_REFLOW) { RefPtr<nsFrameLoader> frameloader = FrameLoader(); if (frameloader) { nsCOMPtr<nsIDocument> oldContainerDoc; nsIFrame* detachedFrame = frameloader->GetDetachedSubdocFrame(getter_AddRefs(oldContainerDoc)); nsView* view = detachedFrame ? detachedFrame->GetView() : nullptr; if (view) { nsSize size = view->GetBounds().Size(); nsPresContext* presContext = detachedFrame->PresContext(); return ScreenIntSize(presContext->AppUnitsToDevPixels(size.width), presContext->AppUnitsToDevPixels(size.height)); } } // Pick some default size for now. Using 10x10 because that's what the // code used to do. return ScreenIntSize(10, 10); } else { nsSize docSizeAppUnits; nsPresContext* presContext = PresContext(); nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMHTMLFrameElement> frameElem = do_QueryInterface(GetContent()); if (frameElem) { docSizeAppUnits = GetSize(); } else { docSizeAppUnits = GetContentRect().Size(); } // Adjust subdocument size, according to 'object-fit' and the // subdocument's intrinsic size and ratio. nsIFrame* subDocRoot = ObtainIntrinsicSizeFrame(); if (subDocRoot) { nsRect destRect = nsLayoutUtils::ComputeObjectDestRect(nsRect(nsPoint(), docSizeAppUnits), subDocRoot->GetIntrinsicSize(), subDocRoot->GetIntrinsicRatio(), StylePosition()); docSizeAppUnits = destRect.Size(); } return ScreenIntSize(presContext->AppUnitsToDevPixels(docSizeAppUnits.width), presContext->AppUnitsToDevPixels(docSizeAppUnits.height)); } } static void WrapBackgroundColorInOwnLayer(nsDisplayListBuilder* aBuilder, nsIFrame* aFrame, nsDisplayList* aList) { nsDisplayList tempItems; nsDisplayItem* item; while ((item = aList->RemoveBottom()) != nullptr) { if (item->GetType() == nsDisplayItem::TYPE_BACKGROUND_COLOR) { nsDisplayList tmpList; tmpList.AppendToTop(item); item = new (aBuilder) nsDisplayOwnLayer(aBuilder, aFrame, &tmpList); } tempItems.AppendToTop(item); } aList->AppendToTop(&tempItems); } void nsSubDocumentFrame::BuildDisplayList(nsDisplayListBuilder* aBuilder, const nsDisplayListSet& aLists) { if (!IsVisibleForPainting(aBuilder)) return; nsFrameLoader* frameLoader = FrameLoader(); RenderFrameParent* rfp = nullptr; if (frameLoader) { rfp = frameLoader->GetCurrentRenderFrame(); } // If we are pointer-events:none then we don't need to HitTest background bool pointerEventsNone = StyleUserInterface()->mPointerEvents == NS_STYLE_POINTER_EVENTS_NONE; if (!aBuilder->IsForEventDelivery() || !pointerEventsNone) { nsDisplayListCollection decorations(aBuilder); DisplayBorderBackgroundOutline(aBuilder, decorations); if (rfp) { // Wrap background colors of <iframe>s with remote subdocuments in their // own layer so we generate a ColorLayer. This is helpful for optimizing // compositing; we can skip compositing the ColorLayer when the // remote content is opaque. WrapBackgroundColorInOwnLayer(aBuilder, this, decorations.BorderBackground()); } decorations.MoveTo(aLists); } if (aBuilder->IsForEventDelivery() && pointerEventsNone) { return; } // If we're passing pointer events to children then we have to descend into // subdocuments no matter what, to determine which parts are transparent for // hit-testing or event regions. bool needToDescend = aBuilder->GetDescendIntoSubdocuments(); if (!mInnerView || !needToDescend) { return; } if (rfp) { rfp->BuildDisplayList(aBuilder, this, aLists); return; } nsCOMPtr<nsIPresShell> presShell = GetSubdocumentPresShellForPainting( aBuilder->IsIgnoringPaintSuppression() ? IGNORE_PAINT_SUPPRESSION : 0); if (!presShell) { return; } nsIFrame* subdocRootFrame = presShell->GetRootFrame(); nsPresContext* presContext = presShell->GetPresContext(); int32_t parentAPD = PresContext()->AppUnitsPerDevPixel(); int32_t subdocAPD = presContext->AppUnitsPerDevPixel(); nsRect dirty; bool haveDisplayPort = false; bool ignoreViewportScrolling = false; nsIFrame* savedIgnoreScrollFrame = nullptr; if (subdocRootFrame) { // get the dirty rect relative to the root frame of the subdoc dirty = aBuilder->GetDirtyRect() + GetOffsetToCrossDoc(subdocRootFrame); // and convert into the appunits of the subdoc dirty = dirty.ScaleToOtherAppUnitsRoundOut(parentAPD, subdocAPD); if (nsIFrame* rootScrollFrame = presShell->GetRootScrollFrame()) { nsIScrollableFrame* rootScrollableFrame = presShell->GetRootScrollFrameAsScrollable(); MOZ_ASSERT(rootScrollableFrame); // Use a copy, so the rects don't get modified. nsRect copyOfDirty = dirty; haveDisplayPort = rootScrollableFrame->DecideScrollableLayer(aBuilder, ©OfDirty, /* aAllowCreateDisplayPort = */ true); if (!gfxPrefs::LayoutUseContainersForRootFrames()) { haveDisplayPort = false; } ignoreViewportScrolling = presShell->IgnoringViewportScrolling(); if (ignoreViewportScrolling) { savedIgnoreScrollFrame = aBuilder->GetIgnoreScrollFrame(); aBuilder->SetIgnoreScrollFrame(rootScrollFrame); } } aBuilder->EnterPresShell(subdocRootFrame, pointerEventsNone); } else { dirty = aBuilder->GetDirtyRect(); } DisplayListClipState::AutoSaveRestore clipState(aBuilder); if (ShouldClipSubdocument()) { clipState.ClipContainingBlockDescendantsToContentBox(aBuilder, this); } nsIScrollableFrame *sf = presShell->GetRootScrollFrameAsScrollable(); bool constructResolutionItem = subdocRootFrame && (presShell->GetResolution() != 1.0); bool constructZoomItem = subdocRootFrame && parentAPD != subdocAPD; bool needsOwnLayer = false; if (constructResolutionItem || constructZoomItem || haveDisplayPort || presContext->IsRootContentDocument() || (sf && sf->IsScrollingActive(aBuilder))) { needsOwnLayer = true; } if (!needsOwnLayer && aBuilder->IsBuildingLayerEventRegions() && nsLayoutUtils::HasDocumentLevelListenersForApzAwareEvents(presShell)) { needsOwnLayer = true; } nsDisplayList childItems; { DisplayListClipState::AutoSaveRestore nestedClipState(aBuilder); if (needsOwnLayer) { // Clear current clip. There's no point in propagating it down, since // the layer we will construct will be clipped by the current clip. // In fact for nsDisplayZoom propagating it down would be incorrect since // nsDisplayZoom changes the meaning of appunits. nestedClipState.EnterStackingContextContents(true); } // Invoke AutoBuildingDisplayList to ensure that the correct dirty rect // is used to compute the visible rect if AddCanvasBackgroundColorItem // creates a display item. nsIFrame* frame = subdocRootFrame ? subdocRootFrame : this; nsDisplayListBuilder::AutoBuildingDisplayList building(aBuilder, frame, dirty, true); if (subdocRootFrame) { nsIFrame* rootScrollFrame = presShell->GetRootScrollFrame(); nsDisplayListBuilder::AutoCurrentScrollParentIdSetter idSetter( aBuilder, ignoreViewportScrolling && rootScrollFrame && rootScrollFrame->GetContent() ? nsLayoutUtils::FindOrCreateIDFor(rootScrollFrame->GetContent()) : aBuilder->GetCurrentScrollParentId()); aBuilder->SetAncestorHasApzAwareEventHandler(false); subdocRootFrame-> BuildDisplayListForStackingContext(aBuilder, &childItems); } if (!aBuilder->IsForEventDelivery()) { // If we are going to use a displayzoom below then any items we put under // it need to have underlying frames from the subdocument. So we need to // calculate the bounds based on which frame will be the underlying frame // for the canvas background color item. nsRect bounds = GetContentRectRelativeToSelf() + aBuilder->ToReferenceFrame(this); if (subdocRootFrame) { bounds = bounds.ScaleToOtherAppUnitsRoundOut(parentAPD, subdocAPD); } // If we are in print preview/page layout we want to paint the grey // background behind the page, not the canvas color. The canvas color gets // painted on the page itself. if (nsLayoutUtils::NeedsPrintPreviewBackground(presContext)) { presShell->AddPrintPreviewBackgroundItem( *aBuilder, childItems, frame, bounds); } else { // Add the canvas background color to the bottom of the list. This // happens after we've built the list so that AddCanvasBackgroundColorItem // can monkey with the contents if necessary. uint32_t flags = nsIPresShell::FORCE_DRAW; presShell->AddCanvasBackgroundColorItem( *aBuilder, childItems, frame, bounds, NS_RGBA(0,0,0,0), flags); } } } if (subdocRootFrame) { aBuilder->LeavePresShell(subdocRootFrame, &childItems); if (ignoreViewportScrolling) { aBuilder->SetIgnoreScrollFrame(savedIgnoreScrollFrame); } } // Generate a resolution and/or zoom item if needed. If one or both of those is // created, we don't need to create a separate nsDisplaySubDocument. uint32_t flags = nsDisplayOwnLayer::GENERATE_SUBDOC_INVALIDATIONS; // If ignoreViewportScrolling is true then the top most layer we create here // is going to become the scrollable layer for the root scroll frame, so we // want to add nsDisplayOwnLayer::GENERATE_SCROLLABLE_LAYER to whatever layer // becomes the topmost. We do this below. if (constructZoomItem) { uint32_t zoomFlags = flags; if (ignoreViewportScrolling && !constructResolutionItem) { zoomFlags |= nsDisplayOwnLayer::GENERATE_SCROLLABLE_LAYER; } nsDisplayZoom* zoomItem = new (aBuilder) nsDisplayZoom(aBuilder, subdocRootFrame, &childItems, subdocAPD, parentAPD, zoomFlags); childItems.AppendToTop(zoomItem); needsOwnLayer = false; } // Wrap the zoom item in the resolution item if we have both because we want the // resolution scale applied on top of the app units per dev pixel conversion. if (ignoreViewportScrolling) { flags |= nsDisplayOwnLayer::GENERATE_SCROLLABLE_LAYER; } if (constructResolutionItem) { nsDisplayResolution* resolutionItem = new (aBuilder) nsDisplayResolution(aBuilder, subdocRootFrame, &childItems, flags); childItems.AppendToTop(resolutionItem); needsOwnLayer = false; } if (needsOwnLayer) { // We always want top level content documents to be in their own layer. nsDisplaySubDocument* layerItem = new (aBuilder) nsDisplaySubDocument( aBuilder, subdocRootFrame ? subdocRootFrame : this, &childItems, flags); childItems.AppendToTop(layerItem); } if (aBuilder->IsForFrameVisibility()) { // We don't add the childItems to the return list as we're dealing with them here. presShell->RebuildApproximateFrameVisibilityDisplayList(childItems); childItems.DeleteAll(); } else { aLists.Content()->AppendToTop(&childItems); } } nscoord nsSubDocumentFrame::GetIntrinsicISize() { if (!IsInline()) { return 0; // HTML <frame> has no useful intrinsic isize } if (mContent->IsXULElement()) { return 0; // XUL <iframe> and <browser> have no useful intrinsic isize } NS_ASSERTION(ObtainIntrinsicSizeFrame() == nullptr, "Intrinsic isize should come from the embedded document."); // We must be an HTML <iframe>. Default to size of 300px x 150px, for IE // compat (and per CSS2.1 draft). WritingMode wm = GetWritingMode(); return nsPresContext::CSSPixelsToAppUnits(wm.IsVertical() ? 150 : 300); } nscoord nsSubDocumentFrame::GetIntrinsicBSize() { // <frame> processing does not use this routine, only <iframe> NS_ASSERTION(IsInline(), "Shouldn't have been called"); if (mContent->IsXULElement()) { return 0; } NS_ASSERTION(ObtainIntrinsicSizeFrame() == nullptr, "Intrinsic bsize should come from the embedded document."); // Use size of 300px x 150px, for compatibility with IE, and per CSS2.1 draft. WritingMode wm = GetWritingMode(); return nsPresContext::CSSPixelsToAppUnits(wm.IsVertical() ? 300 : 150); } #ifdef DEBUG_FRAME_DUMP void nsSubDocumentFrame::List(FILE* out, const char* aPrefix, uint32_t aFlags) const { nsCString str; ListGeneric(str, aPrefix, aFlags); fprintf_stderr(out, "%s\n", str.get()); if (aFlags & TRAVERSE_SUBDOCUMENT_FRAMES) { nsSubDocumentFrame* f = const_cast<nsSubDocumentFrame*>(this); nsIFrame* subdocRootFrame = f->GetSubdocumentRootFrame(); if (subdocRootFrame) { nsCString pfx(aPrefix); pfx += " "; subdocRootFrame->List(out, pfx.get(), aFlags); } } } nsresult nsSubDocumentFrame::GetFrameName(nsAString& aResult) const { return MakeFrameName(NS_LITERAL_STRING("FrameOuter"), aResult); } #endif nsIAtom* nsSubDocumentFrame::GetType() const { return nsGkAtoms::subDocumentFrame; } /* virtual */ nscoord nsSubDocumentFrame::GetMinISize(nsRenderingContext *aRenderingContext) { nscoord result; DISPLAY_MIN_WIDTH(this, result); nsIFrame* subDocRoot = ObtainIntrinsicSizeFrame(); if (subDocRoot) { result = subDocRoot->GetMinISize(aRenderingContext); } else { result = GetIntrinsicISize(); } return result; } /* virtual */ nscoord nsSubDocumentFrame::GetPrefISize(nsRenderingContext *aRenderingContext) { nscoord result; DISPLAY_PREF_WIDTH(this, result); nsIFrame* subDocRoot = ObtainIntrinsicSizeFrame(); if (subDocRoot) { result = subDocRoot->GetPrefISize(aRenderingContext); } else { result = GetIntrinsicISize(); } return result; } /* virtual */ IntrinsicSize nsSubDocumentFrame::GetIntrinsicSize() { nsIFrame* subDocRoot = ObtainIntrinsicSizeFrame(); if (subDocRoot) { return subDocRoot->GetIntrinsicSize(); } return nsAtomicContainerFrame::GetIntrinsicSize(); } /* virtual */ AspectRatio nsSubDocumentFrame::GetIntrinsicRatio() { nsIFrame* subDocRoot = ObtainIntrinsicSizeFrame(); if (subDocRoot) { return subDocRoot->GetIntrinsicRatio(); } return nsAtomicContainerFrame::GetIntrinsicRatio(); } /* virtual */ LogicalSize nsSubDocumentFrame::ComputeAutoSize(nsRenderingContext* aRenderingContext, WritingMode aWM, const LogicalSize& aCBSize, nscoord aAvailableISize, const LogicalSize& aMargin, const LogicalSize& aBorder, const LogicalSize& aPadding, ComputeSizeFlags aFlags) { if (!IsInline()) { return nsFrame::ComputeAutoSize(aRenderingContext, aWM, aCBSize, aAvailableISize, aMargin, aBorder, aPadding, aFlags); } const WritingMode wm = GetWritingMode(); LogicalSize result(wm, GetIntrinsicISize(), GetIntrinsicBSize()); return result.ConvertTo(aWM, wm); } /* virtual */ LogicalSize nsSubDocumentFrame::ComputeSize(nsRenderingContext* aRenderingContext, WritingMode aWM, const LogicalSize& aCBSize, nscoord aAvailableISize, const LogicalSize& aMargin, const LogicalSize& aBorder, const LogicalSize& aPadding, ComputeSizeFlags aFlags) { nsIFrame* subDocRoot = ObtainIntrinsicSizeFrame(); if (subDocRoot) { return ComputeSizeWithIntrinsicDimensions(aRenderingContext, aWM, subDocRoot->GetIntrinsicSize(), subDocRoot->GetIntrinsicRatio(), aCBSize, aMargin, aBorder, aPadding, aFlags); } return nsAtomicContainerFrame::ComputeSize(aRenderingContext, aWM, aCBSize, aAvailableISize, aMargin, aBorder, aPadding, aFlags); } void nsSubDocumentFrame::Reflow(nsPresContext* aPresContext, ReflowOutput& aDesiredSize, const ReflowInput& aReflowInput, nsReflowStatus& aStatus) { MarkInReflow(); DO_GLOBAL_REFLOW_COUNT("nsSubDocumentFrame"); DISPLAY_REFLOW(aPresContext, this, aReflowInput, aDesiredSize, aStatus); NS_FRAME_TRACE(NS_FRAME_TRACE_CALLS, ("enter nsSubDocumentFrame::Reflow: maxSize=%d,%d", aReflowInput.AvailableWidth(), aReflowInput.AvailableHeight())); NS_ASSERTION(aReflowInput.ComputedWidth() != NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE, "Shouldn't have unconstrained stuff here " "thanks to the rules of reflow"); NS_ASSERTION(NS_INTRINSICSIZE != aReflowInput.ComputedHeight(), "Shouldn't have unconstrained stuff here " "thanks to ComputeAutoSize"); aStatus = NS_FRAME_COMPLETE; NS_ASSERTION(mContent->GetPrimaryFrame() == this, "Shouldn't happen"); // XUL <iframe> or <browser>, or HTML <iframe>, <object> or <embed> aDesiredSize.SetSize(aReflowInput.GetWritingMode(), aReflowInput.ComputedSizeWithBorderPadding()); // "offset" is the offset of our content area from our frame's // top-left corner. nsPoint offset = nsPoint(aReflowInput.ComputedPhysicalBorderPadding().left, aReflowInput.ComputedPhysicalBorderPadding().top); if (mInnerView) { const nsMargin& bp = aReflowInput.ComputedPhysicalBorderPadding(); nsSize innerSize(aDesiredSize.Width() - bp.LeftRight(), aDesiredSize.Height() - bp.TopBottom()); // Size & position the view according to 'object-fit' & 'object-position'. nsIFrame* subDocRoot = ObtainIntrinsicSizeFrame(); IntrinsicSize intrinsSize; AspectRatio intrinsRatio; if (subDocRoot) { intrinsSize = subDocRoot->GetIntrinsicSize(); intrinsRatio = subDocRoot->GetIntrinsicRatio(); } nsRect destRect = nsLayoutUtils::ComputeObjectDestRect(nsRect(offset, innerSize), intrinsSize, intrinsRatio, StylePosition()); nsViewManager* vm = mInnerView->GetViewManager(); vm->MoveViewTo(mInnerView, destRect.x, destRect.y); vm->ResizeView(mInnerView, nsRect(nsPoint(0, 0), destRect.Size()), true); } aDesiredSize.SetOverflowAreasToDesiredBounds(); if (!ShouldClipSubdocument()) { nsIFrame* subdocRootFrame = GetSubdocumentRootFrame(); if (subdocRootFrame) { aDesiredSize.mOverflowAreas.UnionWith(subdocRootFrame->GetOverflowAreas() + offset); } } FinishAndStoreOverflow(&aDesiredSize); if (!aPresContext->IsPaginated() && !mPostedReflowCallback) { PresContext()->PresShell()->PostReflowCallback(this); mPostedReflowCallback = true; } NS_FRAME_TRACE(NS_FRAME_TRACE_CALLS, ("exit nsSubDocumentFrame::Reflow: size=%d,%d status=%x", aDesiredSize.Width(), aDesiredSize.Height(), aStatus)); NS_FRAME_SET_TRUNCATION(aStatus, aReflowInput, aDesiredSize); } bool nsSubDocumentFrame::ReflowFinished() { if (mFrameLoader) { nsWeakFrame weakFrame(this); mFrameLoader->UpdatePositionAndSize(this); if (weakFrame.IsAlive()) { // Make sure that we can post a reflow callback in the future. mPostedReflowCallback = false; } } else { mPostedReflowCallback = false; } return false; } void nsSubDocumentFrame::ReflowCallbackCanceled() { mPostedReflowCallback = false; } nsresult nsSubDocumentFrame::AttributeChanged(int32_t aNameSpaceID, nsIAtom* aAttribute, int32_t aModType) { if (aNameSpaceID != kNameSpaceID_None) { return NS_OK; } // If the noResize attribute changes, dis/allow frame to be resized if (aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::noresize) { // Note that we're not doing content type checks, but that's ok -- if // they'd fail we will just end up with a null framesetFrame. if (mContent->GetParent()->IsHTMLElement(nsGkAtoms::frameset)) { nsIFrame* parentFrame = GetParent(); if (parentFrame) { // There is no interface for nsHTMLFramesetFrame so QI'ing to // concrete class, yay! nsHTMLFramesetFrame* framesetFrame = do_QueryFrame(parentFrame); if (framesetFrame) { framesetFrame->RecalculateBorderResize(); } } } } else if (aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::showresizer) { nsIFrame* rootFrame = GetSubdocumentRootFrame(); if (rootFrame) { rootFrame->PresContext()->PresShell()-> FrameNeedsReflow(rootFrame, nsIPresShell::eResize, NS_FRAME_IS_DIRTY); } } else if (aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::marginwidth || aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::marginheight) { // Retrieve the attributes CSSIntSize margins = GetMarginAttributes(); // Notify the frameloader RefPtr<nsFrameLoader> frameloader = FrameLoader(); if (frameloader) frameloader->MarginsChanged(margins.width, margins.height); } return NS_OK; } nsIFrame* NS_NewSubDocumentFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsStyleContext* aContext) { return new (aPresShell) nsSubDocumentFrame(aContext); } NS_IMPL_FRAMEARENA_HELPERS(nsSubDocumentFrame) class nsHideViewer : public Runnable { public: nsHideViewer(nsIContent* aFrameElement, nsFrameLoader* aFrameLoader, nsIPresShell* aPresShell, bool aHideViewerIfFrameless) : mFrameElement(aFrameElement), mFrameLoader(aFrameLoader), mPresShell(aPresShell), mHideViewerIfFrameless(aHideViewerIfFrameless) { NS_ASSERTION(mFrameElement, "Must have a frame element"); NS_ASSERTION(mFrameLoader, "Must have a frame loader"); NS_ASSERTION(mPresShell, "Must have a presshell"); } NS_IMETHOD Run() override { // Flush frames, to ensure any pending display:none changes are made. // Note it can be unsafe to flush if we've destroyed the presentation // for some other reason, like if we're shutting down. if (!mPresShell->IsDestroying()) { mPresShell->FlushPendingNotifications(Flush_Frames); } // Either the frame has been constructed by now, or it never will be, // either way we want to clear the stashed views. mFrameLoader->SetDetachedSubdocFrame(nullptr, nullptr); nsSubDocumentFrame* frame = do_QueryFrame(mFrameElement->GetPrimaryFrame()); if ((!frame && mHideViewerIfFrameless) || mPresShell->IsDestroying()) { // Either the frame element has no nsIFrame or the presshell is being // destroyed. Hide the nsFrameLoader, which destroys the presentation. mFrameLoader->Hide(); } return NS_OK; } private: nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> mFrameElement; RefPtr<nsFrameLoader> mFrameLoader; nsCOMPtr<nsIPresShell> mPresShell; bool mHideViewerIfFrameless; }; static nsView* BeginSwapDocShellsForViews(nsView* aSibling); void nsSubDocumentFrame::DestroyFrom(nsIFrame* aDestructRoot) { if (mPostedReflowCallback) { PresContext()->PresShell()->CancelReflowCallback(this); mPostedReflowCallback = false; } // Detach the subdocument's views and stash them in the frame loader. // We can then reattach them if we're being reframed (for example if // the frame has been made position:fixed). RefPtr<nsFrameLoader> frameloader = FrameLoader(); if (frameloader) { nsView* detachedViews = ::BeginSwapDocShellsForViews(mInnerView->GetFirstChild()); if (detachedViews && detachedViews->GetFrame()) { MOZ_ASSERT(mContent->OwnerDoc()); frameloader->SetDetachedSubdocFrame( detachedViews->GetFrame(), mContent->OwnerDoc()); // We call nsFrameLoader::HideViewer() in a script runner so that we can // safely determine whether the frame is being reframed or destroyed. nsContentUtils::AddScriptRunner( new nsHideViewer(mContent, frameloader, PresContext()->PresShell(), (mDidCreateDoc || mCallingShow))); } else { frameloader->SetDetachedSubdocFrame(nullptr, nullptr); if (mDidCreateDoc || mCallingShow) { frameloader->Hide(); } } } nsAtomicContainerFrame::DestroyFrom(aDestructRoot); } CSSIntSize nsSubDocumentFrame::GetMarginAttributes() { CSSIntSize result(-1, -1); nsGenericHTMLElement *content = nsGenericHTMLElement::FromContent(mContent); if (content) { const nsAttrValue* attr = content->GetParsedAttr(nsGkAtoms::marginwidth); if (attr && attr->Type() == nsAttrValue::eInteger) result.width = attr->GetIntegerValue(); attr = content->GetParsedAttr(nsGkAtoms::marginheight); if (attr && attr->Type() == nsAttrValue::eInteger) result.height = attr->GetIntegerValue(); } return result; } nsFrameLoader* nsSubDocumentFrame::FrameLoader() { nsIContent* content = GetContent(); if (!content) return nullptr; if (!mFrameLoader) { nsCOMPtr<nsIFrameLoaderOwner> loaderOwner = do_QueryInterface(content); if (loaderOwner) { mFrameLoader = loaderOwner->GetFrameLoader(); } } return mFrameLoader; } // XXX this should be called ObtainDocShell or something like that, // to indicate that it could have side effects nsresult nsSubDocumentFrame::GetDocShell(nsIDocShell **aDocShell) { *aDocShell = nullptr; NS_ENSURE_STATE(FrameLoader()); return mFrameLoader->GetDocShell(aDocShell); } static void DestroyDisplayItemDataForFrames(nsIFrame* aFrame) { FrameLayerBuilder::DestroyDisplayItemDataFor(aFrame); nsIFrame::ChildListIterator lists(aFrame); for (; !lists.IsDone(); lists.Next()) { nsFrameList::Enumerator childFrames(lists.CurrentList()); for (; !childFrames.AtEnd(); childFrames.Next()) { DestroyDisplayItemDataForFrames(childFrames.get()); } } } static bool BeginSwapDocShellsForDocument(nsIDocument* aDocument, void*) { NS_PRECONDITION(aDocument, ""); nsIPresShell* shell = aDocument->GetShell(); if (shell) { // Disable painting while the views are detached, see bug 946929. shell->SetNeverPainting(true); nsIFrame* rootFrame = shell->GetRootFrame(); if (rootFrame) { ::DestroyDisplayItemDataForFrames(rootFrame); } } aDocument->EnumerateActivityObservers( nsPluginFrame::BeginSwapDocShells, nullptr); aDocument->EnumerateSubDocuments(BeginSwapDocShellsForDocument, nullptr); return true; } static nsView* BeginSwapDocShellsForViews(nsView* aSibling) { // Collect the removed sibling views in reverse order in 'removedViews'. nsView* removedViews = nullptr; while (aSibling) { nsIDocument* doc = ::GetDocumentFromView(aSibling); if (doc) { ::BeginSwapDocShellsForDocument(doc, nullptr); } nsView* next = aSibling->GetNextSibling(); aSibling->GetViewManager()->RemoveChild(aSibling); aSibling->SetNextSibling(removedViews); removedViews = aSibling; aSibling = next; } return removedViews; } static void InsertViewsInReverseOrder(nsView* aSibling, nsView* aParent) { NS_PRECONDITION(aParent, ""); NS_PRECONDITION(!aParent->GetFirstChild(), "inserting into non-empty list"); nsViewManager* vm = aParent->GetViewManager(); while (aSibling) { nsView* next = aSibling->GetNextSibling(); aSibling->SetNextSibling(nullptr); // true means 'after' in document order which is 'before' in view order, // so this call prepends the child, thus reversing the siblings as we go. vm->InsertChild(aParent, aSibling, nullptr, true); aSibling = next; } } nsresult nsSubDocumentFrame::BeginSwapDocShells(nsIFrame* aOther) { if (!aOther || aOther->GetType() != nsGkAtoms::subDocumentFrame) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } nsSubDocumentFrame* other = static_cast<nsSubDocumentFrame*>(aOther); if (!mFrameLoader || !mDidCreateDoc || mCallingShow || !other->mFrameLoader || !other->mDidCreateDoc) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } if (mInnerView && other->mInnerView) { nsView* ourSubdocViews = mInnerView->GetFirstChild(); nsView* ourRemovedViews = ::BeginSwapDocShellsForViews(ourSubdocViews); nsView* otherSubdocViews = other->mInnerView->GetFirstChild(); nsView* otherRemovedViews = ::BeginSwapDocShellsForViews(otherSubdocViews); ::InsertViewsInReverseOrder(ourRemovedViews, other->mInnerView); ::InsertViewsInReverseOrder(otherRemovedViews, mInnerView); } mFrameLoader.swap(other->mFrameLoader); return NS_OK; } static bool EndSwapDocShellsForDocument(nsIDocument* aDocument, void*) { NS_PRECONDITION(aDocument, ""); // Our docshell and view trees have been updated for the new hierarchy. // Now also update all nsDeviceContext::mWidget to that of the // container view in the new hierarchy. nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShell> ds = aDocument->GetDocShell(); if (ds) { nsCOMPtr<nsIContentViewer> cv; ds->GetContentViewer(getter_AddRefs(cv)); while (cv) { RefPtr<nsPresContext> pc; cv->GetPresContext(getter_AddRefs(pc)); if (pc && pc->GetPresShell()) { pc->GetPresShell()->SetNeverPainting(ds->IsInvisible()); } nsDeviceContext* dc = pc ? pc->DeviceContext() : nullptr; if (dc) { nsView* v = cv->FindContainerView(); dc->Init(v ? v->GetNearestWidget(nullptr) : nullptr); } nsCOMPtr<nsIContentViewer> prev; cv->GetPreviousViewer(getter_AddRefs(prev)); cv = prev; } } aDocument->EnumerateActivityObservers( nsPluginFrame::EndSwapDocShells, nullptr); aDocument->EnumerateSubDocuments(EndSwapDocShellsForDocument, nullptr); return true; } static void EndSwapDocShellsForViews(nsView* aSibling) { for ( ; aSibling; aSibling = aSibling->GetNextSibling()) { nsIDocument* doc = ::GetDocumentFromView(aSibling); if (doc) { ::EndSwapDocShellsForDocument(doc, nullptr); } nsIFrame *frame = aSibling->GetFrame(); if (frame) { nsIFrame* parent = nsLayoutUtils::GetCrossDocParentFrame(frame); if (parent->HasAnyStateBits(NS_FRAME_IN_POPUP)) { nsIFrame::AddInPopupStateBitToDescendants(frame); } else { nsIFrame::RemoveInPopupStateBitFromDescendants(frame); } if (frame->HasInvalidFrameInSubtree()) { while (parent && !parent->HasAnyStateBits(NS_FRAME_DESCENDANT_NEEDS_PAINT | NS_FRAME_IS_NONDISPLAY)) { parent->AddStateBits(NS_FRAME_DESCENDANT_NEEDS_PAINT); parent = nsLayoutUtils::GetCrossDocParentFrame(parent); } } } } } void nsSubDocumentFrame::EndSwapDocShells(nsIFrame* aOther) { nsSubDocumentFrame* other = static_cast<nsSubDocumentFrame*>(aOther); nsWeakFrame weakThis(this); nsWeakFrame weakOther(aOther); if (mInnerView) { ::EndSwapDocShellsForViews(mInnerView->GetFirstChild()); } if (other->mInnerView) { ::EndSwapDocShellsForViews(other->mInnerView->GetFirstChild()); } // Now make sure we reflow both frames, in case their contents // determine their size. // And repaint them, for good measure, in case there's nothing // interesting that happens during reflow. if (weakThis.IsAlive()) { PresContext()->PresShell()-> FrameNeedsReflow(this, nsIPresShell::eTreeChange, NS_FRAME_IS_DIRTY); InvalidateFrameSubtree(); } if (weakOther.IsAlive()) { other->PresContext()->PresShell()-> FrameNeedsReflow(other, nsIPresShell::eTreeChange, NS_FRAME_IS_DIRTY); other->InvalidateFrameSubtree(); } } nsView* nsSubDocumentFrame::EnsureInnerView() { if (mInnerView) { return mInnerView; } // create, init, set the parent of the view nsView* outerView = GetView(); NS_ASSERTION(outerView, "Must have an outer view already"); nsRect viewBounds(0, 0, 0, 0); // size will be fixed during reflow nsViewManager* viewMan = outerView->GetViewManager(); nsView* innerView = viewMan->CreateView(viewBounds, outerView); if (!innerView) { NS_ERROR("Could not create inner view"); return nullptr; } mInnerView = innerView; viewMan->InsertChild(outerView, innerView, nullptr, true); return mInnerView; } nsIFrame* nsSubDocumentFrame::ObtainIntrinsicSizeFrame() { nsCOMPtr<nsIObjectLoadingContent> olc = do_QueryInterface(GetContent()); if (olc) { // We are an HTML <object>, <embed> or <applet> (a replaced element). // Try to get an nsIFrame for our sub-document's document element nsIFrame* subDocRoot = nullptr; nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShell> docShell; GetDocShell(getter_AddRefs(docShell)); if (docShell) { nsCOMPtr<nsIPresShell> presShell = docShell->GetPresShell(); if (presShell) { nsIScrollableFrame* scrollable = presShell->GetRootScrollFrameAsScrollable(); if (scrollable) { nsIFrame* scrolled = scrollable->GetScrolledFrame(); if (scrolled) { subDocRoot = scrolled->PrincipalChildList().FirstChild(); } } } } if (subDocRoot && subDocRoot->GetContent() && subDocRoot->GetContent()->NodeInfo()->Equals(nsGkAtoms::svg, kNameSpaceID_SVG)) { return subDocRoot; // SVG documents have an intrinsic size } } return nullptr; }