/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

/* state and methods used while laying out a single line of a block frame */

// This has to be defined before nsLineLayout.h is included, because
// nsLineLayout.h has a #include for plarena.h, which needs this defined:
#define PL_ARENA_CONST_ALIGN_MASK (sizeof(void*)-1)
#include "nsLineLayout.h"

#include "LayoutLogging.h"
#include "SVGTextFrame.h"
#include "nsBlockFrame.h"
#include "nsFontMetrics.h"
#include "nsStyleConsts.h"
#include "nsContainerFrame.h"
#include "nsFloatManager.h"
#include "nsStyleContext.h"
#include "nsPresContext.h"
#include "nsGkAtoms.h"
#include "nsIContent.h"
#include "nsLayoutUtils.h"
#include "nsTextFrame.h"
#include "nsStyleStructInlines.h"
#include "nsBidiPresUtils.h"
#include "nsRubyFrame.h"
#include "nsRubyTextFrame.h"
#include "RubyUtils.h"
#include <algorithm>

#ifdef DEBUG
#undef  NOISY_TRIM

using namespace mozilla;


#define FIX_BUG_50257

nsLineLayout::nsLineLayout(nsPresContext* aPresContext,
                           nsFloatManager* aFloatManager,
                           const ReflowInput* aOuterReflowInput,
                           const nsLineList::iterator* aLine,
                           nsLineLayout* aBaseLineLayout)
  : mPresContext(aPresContext),
    mBlockRI(nullptr),/* XXX temporary */
  MOZ_ASSERT(aOuterReflowInput, "aOuterReflowInput must not be null");
  NS_ASSERTION(aFloatManager || aOuterReflowInput->mFrame->GetType() ==
               "float manager should be present");
  MOZ_ASSERT((!!mBaseLineLayout) ==
             (aOuterReflowInput->mFrame->GetType() ==
             "Only ruby text container frames have "
             "a different base line layout");

  // Stash away some style data that we need
  nsBlockFrame* blockFrame = do_QueryFrame(aOuterReflowInput->mFrame);
  if (blockFrame)
    mStyleText = blockFrame->StyleTextForLineLayout();
    mStyleText = aOuterReflowInput->mFrame->StyleText();

  mLineNumber = 0;
  mTotalPlacedFrames = 0;
  mBStartEdge = 0;
  mTrimmableISize = 0;

  mInflationMinFontSize =

  // Instead of always pre-initializing the free-lists for frames and
  // spans, we do it on demand so that situations that only use a few
  // frames and spans won't waste a lot of time in unneeded
  // initialization.
  PL_INIT_ARENA_POOL(&mArena, "nsLineLayout", 1024);
  mFrameFreeList = nullptr;
  mSpanFreeList = nullptr;

  mCurrentSpan = mRootSpan = nullptr;
  mSpanDepth = 0;

  if (aLine) {
    mGotLineBox = true;
    mLineBox = *aLine;


  NS_ASSERTION(nullptr == mRootSpan, "bad line-layout user");


// Find out if the frame has a non-null prev-in-flow, i.e., whether it
// is a continuation.
inline bool
HasPrevInFlow(nsIFrame *aFrame)
  nsIFrame *prevInFlow = aFrame->GetPrevInFlow();
  return prevInFlow != nullptr;

nsLineLayout::BeginLineReflow(nscoord aICoord, nscoord aBCoord,
                              nscoord aISize, nscoord aBSize,
                              bool aImpactedByFloats,
                              bool aIsTopOfPage,
                              WritingMode aWritingMode,
                              const nsSize& aContainerSize)
  NS_ASSERTION(nullptr == mRootSpan, "bad linelayout user");
                       "have unconstrained width; this should only result from "
                       "very large sizes, not attempts at intrinsic width "
#ifdef DEBUG
      !LineContainerFrame()->GetParent()->IsCrazySizeAssertSuppressed()) {
    nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, mBlockReflowInput->mFrame);
    printf(": Init: bad caller: width WAS %d(0x%x)\n",
           aISize, aISize);
      !LineContainerFrame()->GetParent()->IsCrazySizeAssertSuppressed()) {
    nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, mBlockReflowInput->mFrame);
    printf(": Init: bad caller: height WAS %d(0x%x)\n",
           aBSize, aBSize);
  nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, mBlockReflowInput->mFrame);
  printf(": BeginLineReflow: %d,%d,%d,%d impacted=%s %s\n",
         aICoord, aBCoord, aISize, aBSize,
         aIsTopOfPage ? "top-of-page" : "");
#ifdef DEBUG
  mSpansAllocated = mSpansFreed = mFramesAllocated = mFramesFreed = 0;

  mFirstLetterStyleOK = false;
  mIsTopOfPage = aIsTopOfPage;
  mImpactedByFloats = aImpactedByFloats;
  mTotalPlacedFrames = 0;
  if (!mBaseLineLayout) {
    mLineIsEmpty = true;
    mLineAtStart = true;
  } else {
    mLineIsEmpty = false;
    mLineAtStart = false;
  mLineEndsInBR = false;
  mSpanDepth = 0;
  mMaxStartBoxBSize = mMaxEndBoxBSize = 0;

  if (mGotLineBox) {

  PerSpanData* psd = NewPerSpanData();
  mCurrentSpan = mRootSpan = psd;
  psd->mReflowInput = mBlockReflowInput;
  psd->mIStart = aICoord;
  psd->mICoord = aICoord;
  psd->mIEnd = aICoord + aISize;
  mContainerSize = aContainerSize;

  mBStartEdge = aBCoord;

  psd->mNoWrap = !mStyleText->WhiteSpaceCanWrapStyle() || mSuppressLineWrap;
  psd->mWritingMode = aWritingMode;

  // If this is the first line of a block then see if the text-indent
  // property amounts to anything.

  if (0 == mLineNumber && !HasPrevInFlow(mBlockReflowInput->mFrame)) {
    const nsStyleCoord &textIndent = mStyleText->mTextIndent;
    nscoord pctBasis = 0;
    if (textIndent.HasPercent()) {
      pctBasis =
    nscoord indent = nsRuleNode::ComputeCoordPercentCalc(textIndent, pctBasis);

    mTextIndent = indent;

    psd->mICoord += indent;

  PerFrameData* pfd = NewPerFrameData(mBlockReflowInput->mFrame);
  pfd->mAscent = 0;
  pfd->mSpan = psd;
  psd->mFrame = pfd;
  nsIFrame* frame = mBlockReflowInput->mFrame;
  if (frame->GetType() == nsGkAtoms::rubyTextContainerFrame) {
    // Ruby text container won't be reflowed via ReflowFrame, hence the
    // relative positioning information should be recorded here.
    MOZ_ASSERT(mBaseLineLayout != this);
    pfd->mRelativePos =
    if (pfd->mRelativePos) {
        mBlockReflowInput->GetWritingMode() == pfd->mWritingMode,
        "mBlockReflowInput->frame == frame, "
        "hence they should have identical writing mode");
      pfd->mOffsets = mBlockReflowInput->ComputedLogicalOffsets();

  nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, mBlockReflowInput->mFrame);
  printf(": EndLineReflow: width=%d\n", mRootSpan->mICoord - mRootSpan->mIStart);

  NS_ASSERTION(!mBaseLineLayout ||
               (!mSpansAllocated && !mSpansFreed && !mSpanFreeList &&
                !mFramesAllocated && !mFramesFreed && !mFrameFreeList),
               "Allocated frames or spans on non-base line layout?");

  mCurrentSpan = mRootSpan = nullptr;

  NS_ASSERTION(mSpansAllocated == mSpansFreed, "leak");
  NS_ASSERTION(mFramesAllocated == mFramesFreed, "leak");

#if 0
  static int32_t maxSpansAllocated = NS_LINELAYOUT_NUM_SPANS;
  static int32_t maxFramesAllocated = NS_LINELAYOUT_NUM_FRAMES;
  if (mSpansAllocated > maxSpansAllocated) {
    printf("XXX: saw a line with %d spans\n", mSpansAllocated);
    maxSpansAllocated = mSpansAllocated;
  if (mFramesAllocated > maxFramesAllocated) {
    printf("XXX: saw a line with %d frames\n", mFramesAllocated);
    maxFramesAllocated = mFramesAllocated;

// XXX swtich to a single mAvailLineWidth that we adjust as each frame
// on the line is placed. Each span can still have a per-span mICoord that
// tracks where a child frame is going in its span; they don't need a
// per-span mIStart?

nsLineLayout::UpdateBand(WritingMode aWM,
                         const LogicalRect& aNewAvailSpace,
                         nsIFrame* aFloatFrame)
  WritingMode lineWM = mRootSpan->mWritingMode;
  // need to convert to our writing mode, because we might have a different
  // mode from the caller due to dir: auto
  LogicalRect availSpace = aNewAvailSpace.ConvertTo(lineWM, aWM,
  printf("nsLL::UpdateBand %d, %d, %d, %d, (converted to %d, %d, %d, %d); frame=%p\n  will set mImpacted to true\n",
         aNewAvailSpace.IStart(aWM), aNewAvailSpace.BStart(aWM),
         aNewAvailSpace.ISize(aWM), aNewAvailSpace.BSize(aWM),
         availSpace.IStart(lineWM), availSpace.BStart(lineWM),
         availSpace.ISize(lineWM), availSpace.BSize(lineWM),
#ifdef DEBUG
  if ((availSpace.ISize(lineWM) != NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE) &&
      CRAZY_SIZE(availSpace.ISize(lineWM)) &&
      !LineContainerFrame()->GetParent()->IsCrazySizeAssertSuppressed()) {
    nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, mBlockReflowInput->mFrame);
    printf(": UpdateBand: bad caller: ISize WAS %d(0x%x)\n",
           availSpace.ISize(lineWM), availSpace.ISize(lineWM));
  if ((availSpace.BSize(lineWM) != NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE) &&
      CRAZY_SIZE(availSpace.BSize(lineWM)) &&
      !LineContainerFrame()->GetParent()->IsCrazySizeAssertSuppressed()) {
    nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, mBlockReflowInput->mFrame);
    printf(": UpdateBand: bad caller: BSize WAS %d(0x%x)\n",
           availSpace.BSize(lineWM), availSpace.BSize(lineWM));

  // Compute the difference between last times width and the new width
    mRootSpan->mIEnd != NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE &&
    availSpace.ISize(lineWM) != NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE,
    "have unconstrained inline size; this should only result from very large "
    "sizes, not attempts at intrinsic width calculation");
  // The root span's mIStart moves to aICoord
  nscoord deltaICoord = availSpace.IStart(lineWM) - mRootSpan->mIStart;
  // The inline size of all spans changes by this much (the root span's
  // mIEnd moves to aICoord + aISize, its new inline size is aISize)
  nscoord deltaISize = availSpace.ISize(lineWM) -
                       (mRootSpan->mIEnd - mRootSpan->mIStart);
  nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, mBlockReflowInput->mFrame);
  printf(": UpdateBand: %d,%d,%d,%d deltaISize=%d deltaICoord=%d\n",
         availSpace.IStart(lineWM), availSpace.BStart(lineWM),
         availSpace.ISize(lineWM), availSpace.BSize(lineWM),
         deltaISize, deltaICoord);

  // Update the root span position
  mRootSpan->mIStart += deltaICoord;
  mRootSpan->mIEnd += deltaICoord;
  mRootSpan->mICoord += deltaICoord;

  // Now update the right edges of the open spans to account for any
  // change in available space width
  for (PerSpanData* psd = mCurrentSpan; psd; psd = psd->mParent) {
    psd->mIEnd += deltaISize;
    psd->mContainsFloat = true;
    printf("  span %p: oldIEnd=%d newIEnd=%d\n",
           psd, psd->mIEnd - deltaISize, psd->mIEnd);
  NS_ASSERTION(mRootSpan->mContainsFloat &&
               mRootSpan->mIStart == availSpace.IStart(lineWM) &&
               mRootSpan->mIEnd == availSpace.IEnd(lineWM),
               "root span was updated incorrectly?");

  // Update frame bounds
  // Note: Only adjust the outermost frames (the ones that are direct
  // children of the block), not the ones in the child spans. The reason
  // is simple: the frames in the spans have coordinates local to their
  // parent therefore they are moved when their parent span is moved.
  if (deltaICoord != 0) {
    for (PerFrameData* pfd = mRootSpan->mFirstFrame; pfd; pfd = pfd->mNext) {
      pfd->mBounds.IStart(lineWM) += deltaICoord;

  mBStartEdge = availSpace.BStart(lineWM);
  mImpactedByFloats = true;

  mLastFloatWasLetterFrame = nsGkAtoms::letterFrame == aFloatFrame->GetType();

  nsLineLayout* outerLineLayout = GetOutermostLineLayout();
  PerSpanData* psd = outerLineLayout->mSpanFreeList;
  if (!psd) {
    void *mem;
    size_t sz = sizeof(PerSpanData);
    PL_ARENA_ALLOCATE(mem, &outerLineLayout->mArena, sz);
    if (!mem) {
    psd = reinterpret_cast<PerSpanData*>(mem);
  else {
    outerLineLayout->mSpanFreeList = psd->mNextFreeSpan;
  psd->mParent = nullptr;
  psd->mFrame = nullptr;
  psd->mFirstFrame = nullptr;
  psd->mLastFrame = nullptr;
  psd->mContainsFloat = false;
  psd->mHasNonemptyContent = false;

#ifdef DEBUG
  return psd;

nsLineLayout::BeginSpan(nsIFrame* aFrame,
                        const ReflowInput* aSpanReflowInput,
                        nscoord aIStart, nscoord aIEnd,
                        nscoord* aBaseline)
               "should no longer be using unconstrained sizes");
  nsFrame::IndentBy(stdout, mSpanDepth+1);
  nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, aFrame);
  printf(": BeginSpan leftEdge=%d rightEdge=%d\n", aIStart, aIEnd);

  PerSpanData* psd = NewPerSpanData();
  // Link up span frame's pfd to point to its child span data
  PerFrameData* pfd = mCurrentSpan->mLastFrame;
  NS_ASSERTION(pfd->mFrame == aFrame, "huh?");
  pfd->mSpan = psd;

  // Init new span
  psd->mFrame = pfd;
  psd->mParent = mCurrentSpan;
  psd->mReflowInput = aSpanReflowInput;
  psd->mIStart = aIStart;
  psd->mICoord = aIStart;
  psd->mIEnd = aIEnd;
  psd->mBaseline = aBaseline;

  nsIFrame* frame = aSpanReflowInput->mFrame;
  psd->mNoWrap = !frame->StyleText()->WhiteSpaceCanWrap(frame) ||
                 mSuppressLineWrap ||
  psd->mWritingMode = aSpanReflowInput->GetWritingMode();

  // Switch to new span
  mCurrentSpan = psd;

nsLineLayout::EndSpan(nsIFrame* aFrame)
  NS_ASSERTION(mSpanDepth > 0, "end-span without begin-span");
  nsFrame::IndentBy(stdout, mSpanDepth);
  nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, aFrame);
  printf(": EndSpan width=%d\n", mCurrentSpan->mICoord - mCurrentSpan->mIStart);
  PerSpanData* psd = mCurrentSpan;
  nscoord iSizeResult = psd->mLastFrame ? (psd->mICoord - psd->mIStart) : 0;

  mCurrentSpan->mReflowInput = nullptr;  // no longer valid so null it out!
  mCurrentSpan = mCurrentSpan->mParent;
  return iSizeResult;

nsLineLayout::AttachFrameToBaseLineLayout(PerFrameData* aFrame)
                  "This method must not be called in a base line layout.");

  PerFrameData* baseFrame = mBaseLineLayout->LastFrame();
  MOZ_ASSERT(aFrame && baseFrame);
             "The frame must not have been linked with the base");
#ifdef DEBUG
  nsIAtom* baseType = baseFrame->mFrame->GetType();
  nsIAtom* annotationType = aFrame->mFrame->GetType();
  MOZ_ASSERT((baseType == nsGkAtoms::rubyBaseContainerFrame &&
              annotationType == nsGkAtoms::rubyTextContainerFrame) ||
             (baseType == nsGkAtoms::rubyBaseFrame &&
              annotationType == nsGkAtoms::rubyTextFrame));

  aFrame->mNextAnnotation = baseFrame->mNextAnnotation;
  baseFrame->mNextAnnotation = aFrame;
  aFrame->mIsLinkedToBase = true;

nsLineLayout::GetCurrentSpanCount() const
  NS_ASSERTION(mCurrentSpan == mRootSpan, "bad linelayout user");
  int32_t count = 0;
  PerFrameData* pfd = mRootSpan->mFirstFrame;
  while (nullptr != pfd) {
    pfd = pfd->mNext;
  return count;

nsLineLayout::SplitLineTo(int32_t aNewCount)
  NS_ASSERTION(mCurrentSpan == mRootSpan, "bad linelayout user");

  printf("SplitLineTo %d (current count=%d); before:\n", aNewCount,
  DumpPerSpanData(mRootSpan, 1);
  PerSpanData* psd = mRootSpan;
  PerFrameData* pfd = psd->mFirstFrame;
  while (nullptr != pfd) {
    if (--aNewCount == 0) {
      // Truncate list at pfd (we keep pfd, but anything following is freed)
      PerFrameData* next = pfd->mNext;
      pfd->mNext = nullptr;
      psd->mLastFrame = pfd;

      // Now unlink all of the frames following pfd
    pfd = pfd->mNext;
  printf("SplitLineTo %d (current count=%d); after:\n", aNewCount,
  DumpPerSpanData(mRootSpan, 1);

nsLineLayout::PushFrame(nsIFrame* aFrame)
  PerSpanData* psd = mCurrentSpan;
  NS_ASSERTION(psd->mLastFrame->mFrame == aFrame, "pushing non-last frame");

  nsFrame::IndentBy(stdout, mSpanDepth);
  printf("PushFrame %p, before:\n", psd);
  DumpPerSpanData(psd, 1);

  // Take the last frame off of the span's frame list
  PerFrameData* pfd = psd->mLastFrame;
  if (pfd == psd->mFirstFrame) {
    // We are pushing away the only frame...empty the list
    psd->mFirstFrame = nullptr;
    psd->mLastFrame = nullptr;
  else {
    PerFrameData* prevFrame = pfd->mPrev;
    prevFrame->mNext = nullptr;
    psd->mLastFrame = prevFrame;

  // Now unlink the frame
  nsFrame::IndentBy(stdout, mSpanDepth);
  printf("PushFrame: %p after:\n", psd);
  DumpPerSpanData(psd, 1);

nsLineLayout::UnlinkFrame(PerFrameData* pfd)
  while (nullptr != pfd) {
    PerFrameData* next = pfd->mNext;
    if (pfd->mIsLinkedToBase) {
      // This frame is linked to a ruby base, and should not be freed
      // now. Just unlink it from the span. It will be freed when its
      // base frame gets unlinked.
      pfd->mNext = pfd->mPrev = nullptr;
      pfd = next;

    // It is a ruby base frame. If there are any annotations
    // linked to this frame, free them first.
    PerFrameData* annotationPFD = pfd->mNextAnnotation;
    while (annotationPFD) {
      PerFrameData* nextAnnotation = annotationPFD->mNextAnnotation;
      MOZ_ASSERT(annotationPFD->mNext == nullptr &&
                 annotationPFD->mPrev == nullptr,
                 "PFD in annotations should have been unlinked.");
      annotationPFD = nextAnnotation;

    pfd = next;

nsLineLayout::FreeFrame(PerFrameData* pfd)
  if (nullptr != pfd->mSpan) {
  nsLineLayout* outerLineLayout = GetOutermostLineLayout();
  pfd->mNext = outerLineLayout->mFrameFreeList;
  outerLineLayout->mFrameFreeList = pfd;
#ifdef DEBUG

nsLineLayout::FreeSpan(PerSpanData* psd)
  // Unlink its frames

  nsLineLayout* outerLineLayout = GetOutermostLineLayout();
  // Now put the span on the free list since it's free too
  psd->mNextFreeSpan = outerLineLayout->mSpanFreeList;
  outerLineLayout->mSpanFreeList = psd;
#ifdef DEBUG

  PerSpanData* psd = mCurrentSpan;
  PerFrameData* pfd = psd->mFirstFrame;
  while (nullptr != pfd) {
    if (0 != pfd->mBounds.BSize(psd->mWritingMode)) {
      return false;
    pfd = pfd->mNext;
  return true;

nsLineLayout::NewPerFrameData(nsIFrame* aFrame)
  nsLineLayout* outerLineLayout = GetOutermostLineLayout();
  PerFrameData* pfd = outerLineLayout->mFrameFreeList;
  if (!pfd) {
    void *mem;
    size_t sz = sizeof(PerFrameData);
    PL_ARENA_ALLOCATE(mem, &outerLineLayout->mArena, sz);
    if (!mem) {
    pfd = reinterpret_cast<PerFrameData*>(mem);
  else {
    outerLineLayout->mFrameFreeList = pfd->mNext;
  pfd->mSpan = nullptr;
  pfd->mNext = nullptr;
  pfd->mPrev = nullptr;
  pfd->mNextAnnotation = nullptr;
  pfd->mFrame = aFrame;

  // all flags default to false
  pfd->mRelativePos = false;
  pfd->mIsTextFrame = false;
  pfd->mIsNonEmptyTextFrame = false;
  pfd->mIsNonWhitespaceTextFrame = false;
  pfd->mIsLetterFrame = false;
  pfd->mRecomputeOverflow = false;
  pfd->mIsBullet = false;
  pfd->mSkipWhenTrimmingWhitespace = false;
  pfd->mIsEmpty = false;
  pfd->mIsLinkedToBase = false;

  pfd->mWritingMode = aFrame->GetWritingMode();
  WritingMode lineWM = mRootSpan->mWritingMode;
  pfd->mBounds = LogicalRect(lineWM);
  pfd->mMargin = LogicalMargin(lineWM);
  pfd->mBorderPadding = LogicalMargin(lineWM);
  pfd->mOffsets = LogicalMargin(pfd->mWritingMode);

  pfd->mJustificationInfo = JustificationInfo();
  pfd->mJustificationAssignment = JustificationAssignment();

#ifdef DEBUG
  pfd->mBlockDirAlign = 0xFF;
  return pfd;

nsLineLayout::LineIsBreakable() const
  // XXX mTotalPlacedFrames should go away and we should just use
  // mLineIsEmpty here instead
  if ((0 != mTotalPlacedFrames) || mImpactedByFloats) {
    return true;
  return false;

// Checks all four sides for percentage units.  This means it should
// only be used for things (margin, padding) where percentages on top
// and bottom depend on the *width* just like percentages on left and
// right.
static bool
HasPercentageUnitSide(const nsStyleSides& aSides)
  NS_FOR_CSS_SIDES(side) {
    if (aSides.Get(side).HasPercent())
      return true;
  return false;

static bool
IsPercentageAware(const nsIFrame* aFrame)
  NS_ASSERTION(aFrame, "null frame is not allowed");

  nsIAtom *fType = aFrame->GetType();
  if (fType == nsGkAtoms::textFrame) {
    // None of these things can ever be true for text frames.
    return false;

  // Some of these things don't apply to non-replaced inline frames
  // (that is, fType == nsGkAtoms::inlineFrame), but we won't bother making
  // things unnecessarily complicated, since they'll probably be set
  // quite rarely.

  const nsStyleMargin* margin = aFrame->StyleMargin();
  if (HasPercentageUnitSide(margin->mMargin)) {
    return true;

  const nsStylePadding* padding = aFrame->StylePadding();
  if (HasPercentageUnitSide(padding->mPadding)) {
    return true;

  // Note that borders can't be aware of percentages

  const nsStylePosition* pos = aFrame->StylePosition();

  if ((pos->WidthDependsOnContainer() &&
       pos->mWidth.GetUnit() != eStyleUnit_Auto) ||
      pos->MaxWidthDependsOnContainer() ||
      pos->MinWidthDependsOnContainer() ||
      pos->OffsetHasPercent(NS_SIDE_RIGHT) ||
      pos->OffsetHasPercent(NS_SIDE_LEFT)) {
    return true;

  if (eStyleUnit_Auto == pos->mWidth.GetUnit()) {
    // We need to check for frames that shrink-wrap when they're auto
    // width.
    const nsStyleDisplay* disp = aFrame->StyleDisplay();
    if (disp->mDisplay == StyleDisplay::InlineBlock ||
        disp->mDisplay == StyleDisplay::InlineTable ||
        fType == nsGkAtoms::HTMLButtonControlFrame ||
        fType == nsGkAtoms::gfxButtonControlFrame ||
        fType == nsGkAtoms::fieldSetFrame ||
        fType == nsGkAtoms::comboboxDisplayFrame) {
      return true;

    // Per CSS 2.1, section 10.3.2:
    //   If 'height' and 'width' both have computed values of 'auto' and
    //   the element has an intrinsic ratio but no intrinsic height or
    //   width and the containing block's width does not itself depend
    //   on the replaced element's width, then the used value of 'width'
    //   is calculated from the constraint equation used for
    //   block-level, non-replaced elements in normal flow. 
    nsIFrame *f = const_cast<nsIFrame*>(aFrame);
    if (f->GetIntrinsicRatio() &&
        // Some percents are treated like 'auto', so check != coord
        pos->mHeight.GetUnit() != eStyleUnit_Coord) {
      const IntrinsicSize &intrinsicSize = f->GetIntrinsicSize();
      if (intrinsicSize.width.GetUnit() == eStyleUnit_None &&
          intrinsicSize.height.GetUnit() == eStyleUnit_None) {
        return true;

  return false;

nsLineLayout::ReflowFrame(nsIFrame* aFrame,
                          nsReflowStatus& aReflowStatus,
                          ReflowOutput* aMetrics,
                          bool& aPushedFrame)
  // Initialize OUT parameter
  aPushedFrame = false;

  PerFrameData* pfd = NewPerFrameData(aFrame);
  PerSpanData* psd = mCurrentSpan;

  nsFrame::IndentBy(stdout, mSpanDepth);
  printf("%p: Begin ReflowFrame pfd=%p ", psd, pfd);
  nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, aFrame);

  if (mCurrentSpan == mRootSpan) {
  } else {
#ifdef DEBUG
    bool hasLineOffset;
    pfd->mFrame->GetProperty(nsIFrame::LineBaselineOffset(), &hasLineOffset);
    NS_ASSERTION(!hasLineOffset, "LineBaselineOffset was set but was not expected");

  mJustificationInfo = JustificationInfo();

  // Stash copies of some of the computed state away for later
  // (block-direction alignment, for example)
  WritingMode frameWM = pfd->mWritingMode;
  WritingMode lineWM = mRootSpan->mWritingMode;

  // NOTE: While the inline direction coordinate remains relative to the
  // parent span, the block direction coordinate is fixed at the top
  // edge for the line. During VerticalAlignFrames we will repair this
  // so that the block direction coordinate is properly set and relative
  // to the appropriate span.
  pfd->mBounds.IStart(lineWM) = psd->mICoord;
  pfd->mBounds.BStart(lineWM) = mBStartEdge;

  // We want to guarantee that we always make progress when
  // formatting. Therefore, if the object being placed on the line is
  // too big for the line, but it is the only thing on the line and is not
  // impacted by a float, then we go ahead and place it anyway. (If the line
  // is impacted by one or more floats, then it is safe to break because
  // we can move the line down below float(s).)
  // Capture this state *before* we reflow the frame in case it clears
  // the state out. We need to know how to treat the current frame
  // when breaking.
  bool notSafeToBreak = LineIsEmpty() && !mImpactedByFloats;

  // Figure out whether we're talking about a textframe here
  nsIAtom* frameType = aFrame->GetType();
  bool isText = frameType == nsGkAtoms::textFrame;
  // Inline-ish and text-ish things don't compute their width;
  // everything else does.  We need to give them an available width that
  // reflects the space left on the line.
                      "have unconstrained width; this should only result from "
                      "very large sizes, not attempts at intrinsic width "
  nscoord availableSpaceOnLine = psd->mIEnd - psd->mICoord;

  // Setup reflow state for reflowing the frame
  Maybe<ReflowInput> reflowInputHolder;
  if (!isText) {
    // Compute the available size for the frame. This available width
    // includes room for the side margins.
    // For now, set the available block-size to unconstrained always.
    LogicalSize availSize = mBlockReflowInput->ComputedSize(frameWM);
    availSize.BSize(frameWM) = NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE;
    reflowInputHolder.emplace(mPresContext, *psd->mReflowInput,
                              aFrame, availSize);
    ReflowInput& reflowInput = *reflowInputHolder;
    reflowInput.mLineLayout = this;
    reflowInput.mFlags.mIsTopOfPage = mIsTopOfPage;
    if (reflowInput.ComputedISize() == NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE) {
      reflowInput.AvailableISize() = availableSpaceOnLine;
    WritingMode stateWM = reflowInput.GetWritingMode();
    pfd->mMargin =
      reflowInput.ComputedLogicalMargin().ConvertTo(lineWM, stateWM);
    pfd->mBorderPadding =
      reflowInput.ComputedLogicalBorderPadding().ConvertTo(lineWM, stateWM);
    pfd->mRelativePos =
    if (pfd->mRelativePos) {
      pfd->mOffsets =
        reflowInput.ComputedLogicalOffsets().ConvertTo(frameWM, stateWM);

    // Calculate whether the the frame should have a start margin and
    // subtract the margin from the available width if necessary.
    // The margin will be applied to the starting inline coordinates of
    // the frame in CanPlaceFrame() after reflowing the frame.
    AllowForStartMargin(pfd, reflowInput);
  // if isText(), no need to propagate NS_FRAME_IS_DIRTY from the parent,
  // because reflow doesn't look at the dirty bits on the frame being reflowed.

  // See if this frame depends on the width of its containing block.  If
  // so, disable resize reflow optimizations for the line.  (Note that,
  // to be conservative, we do this if we *try* to fit a frame on a
  // line, even if we don't succeed.)  (Note also that we can only make
  // this IsPercentageAware check *after* we've constructed our
  // ReflowInput, because that construction may be what forces aFrame
  // to lazily initialize its (possibly-percent-valued) intrinsic size.)
  if (mGotLineBox && IsPercentageAware(aFrame)) {

  // Note that we don't bother positioning the frame yet, because we're probably
  // going to end up moving it when we do the block-direction alignment.

  // Adjust spacemanager coordinate system for the frame.
  ReflowOutput reflowOutput(lineWM);
#ifdef DEBUG
  reflowOutput.ISize(lineWM) = nscoord(0xdeadbeef);
  reflowOutput.BSize(lineWM) = nscoord(0xdeadbeef);
  nscoord tI = pfd->mBounds.LineLeft(lineWM, ContainerSize());
  nscoord tB = pfd->mBounds.BStart(lineWM);
  mFloatManager->Translate(tI, tB);

  int32_t savedOptionalBreakOffset;
  gfxBreakPriority savedOptionalBreakPriority;
  nsIFrame* savedOptionalBreakFrame =

  if (!isText) {
    aFrame->Reflow(mPresContext, reflowOutput, *reflowInputHolder, aReflowStatus);
  } else {
      ReflowText(*this, availableSpaceOnLine,
                 reflowOutput, aReflowStatus);

  pfd->mJustificationInfo = mJustificationInfo;
  mJustificationInfo = JustificationInfo();

  // See if the frame is a placeholderFrame and if it is process
  // the float. At the same time, check if the frame has any non-collapsed-away
  // content.
  bool placedFloat = false;
  bool isEmpty;
  if (!frameType) {
    isEmpty = pfd->mFrame->IsEmpty();
  } else {
    if (nsGkAtoms::placeholderFrame == frameType) {
      isEmpty = true;
      pfd->mSkipWhenTrimmingWhitespace = true;
      nsIFrame* outOfFlowFrame = nsLayoutUtils::GetFloatFromPlaceholder(aFrame);
      if (outOfFlowFrame) {
        // Add mTrimmableISize to the available width since if the line ends
        // here, the width of the inline content will be reduced by
        // mTrimmableISize.
        nscoord availableISize = psd->mIEnd - (psd->mICoord - mTrimmableISize);
        if (psd->mNoWrap) {
          // If we place floats after inline content where there's
          // no break opportunity, we don't know how much additional
          // width is required for the non-breaking content after the float,
          // so we can't know whether the float plus that content will fit
          // on the line. So for now, don't place floats after inline
          // content where there's no break opportunity. This is incorrect
          // but hopefully rare. Fixing it will require significant
          // restructuring of line layout.
          // We might as well allow zero-width floats to be placed, though.
          availableISize = 0;
        placedFloat = GetOutermostLineLayout()->
          AddFloat(outOfFlowFrame, availableISize);
        NS_ASSERTION(!(outOfFlowFrame->GetType() == nsGkAtoms::letterFrame &&
                    "FirstLetterStyle set on line with floating first letter");
    else if (isText) {
      // Note non-empty text-frames for inline frame compatibility hackery
      pfd->mIsTextFrame = true;
      nsTextFrame* textFrame = static_cast<nsTextFrame*>(pfd->mFrame);
      isEmpty = !textFrame->HasNoncollapsedCharacters();
      if (!isEmpty) {
        pfd->mIsNonEmptyTextFrame = true;
        nsIContent* content = textFrame->GetContent();

        const nsTextFragment* frag = content->GetText();
        if (frag) {
          pfd->mIsNonWhitespaceTextFrame = !content->TextIsOnlyWhitespace();
    else if (nsGkAtoms::brFrame == frameType) {
      pfd->mSkipWhenTrimmingWhitespace = true;
      isEmpty = false;
    } else {
      if (nsGkAtoms::letterFrame==frameType) {
        pfd->mIsLetterFrame = true;
      if (pfd->mSpan) {
        isEmpty = !pfd->mSpan->mHasNonemptyContent && pfd->mFrame->IsSelfEmpty();
      } else {
        isEmpty = pfd->mFrame->IsEmpty();
  pfd->mIsEmpty = isEmpty;

  mFloatManager->Translate(-tI, -tB);

  NS_ASSERTION(reflowOutput.ISize(lineWM) >= 0, "bad inline size");
  NS_ASSERTION(reflowOutput.BSize(lineWM) >= 0,"bad block size");
  if (reflowOutput.ISize(lineWM) < 0) {
    reflowOutput.ISize(lineWM) = 0;
  if (reflowOutput.BSize(lineWM) < 0) {
    reflowOutput.BSize(lineWM) = 0;

#ifdef DEBUG
  // Note: break-before means ignore the reflow metrics since the
  // frame will be reflowed another time.
  if (!NS_INLINE_IS_BREAK_BEFORE(aReflowStatus)) {
    if ((CRAZY_SIZE(reflowOutput.ISize(lineWM)) ||
         CRAZY_SIZE(reflowOutput.BSize(lineWM))) &&
        !LineContainerFrame()->GetParent()->IsCrazySizeAssertSuppressed()) {
      printf("nsLineLayout: ");
      nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, aFrame);
      printf(" metrics=%d,%d!\n", reflowOutput.Width(), reflowOutput.Height());
    if ((reflowOutput.Width() == nscoord(0xdeadbeef)) ||
        (reflowOutput.Height() == nscoord(0xdeadbeef))) {
      printf("nsLineLayout: ");
      nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, aFrame);
      printf(" didn't set w/h %d,%d!\n", reflowOutput.Width(), reflowOutput.Height());

  // Unlike with non-inline reflow, the overflow area here does *not*
  // include the accumulation of the frame's bounds and its inline
  // descendants' bounds. Nor does it include the outline area; it's
  // just the union of the bounds of any absolute children. That is
  // added in later by nsLineLayout::ReflowInlineFrames.
  pfd->mOverflowAreas = reflowOutput.mOverflowAreas;

  pfd->mBounds.ISize(lineWM) = reflowOutput.ISize(lineWM);
  pfd->mBounds.BSize(lineWM) = reflowOutput.BSize(lineWM);

  // Size the frame, but |RelativePositionFrames| will size the view.
  aFrame->SetRect(lineWM, pfd->mBounds, ContainerSizeForSpan(psd));

  // Tell the frame that we're done reflowing it
                    isText ? nullptr : reflowInputHolder.ptr(),

  if (aMetrics) {
    *aMetrics = reflowOutput;

  if (!NS_INLINE_IS_BREAK_BEFORE(aReflowStatus)) {
    // If frame is complete and has a next-in-flow, we need to delete
    // them now. Do not do this when a break-before is signaled because
    // the frame is going to get reflowed again (and may end up wanting
    // a next-in-flow where it ends up).
    if (NS_FRAME_IS_COMPLETE(aReflowStatus)) {
      nsIFrame* kidNextInFlow = aFrame->GetNextInFlow();
      if (nullptr != kidNextInFlow) {
        // Remove all of the childs next-in-flows. Make sure that we ask
        // the right parent to do the removal (it's possible that the
        // parent is not this because we are executing pullup code)
          DeleteNextInFlowChild(kidNextInFlow, true);

    // Check whether this frame breaks up text runs. All frames break up text
    // runs (hence return false here) except for text frames and inline containers.
    bool continuingTextRun = aFrame->CanContinueTextRun();
    // Clear any residual mTrimmableISize if this isn't a text frame
    if (!continuingTextRun && !pfd->mSkipWhenTrimmingWhitespace) {
      mTrimmableISize = 0;

    // See if we can place the frame. If we can't fit it, then we
    // return now.
    bool optionalBreakAfterFits;
    NS_ASSERTION(isText ||
                 "How'd we get a floated inline frame? "
                 "The frame ctor should've dealt with this.");
    if (CanPlaceFrame(pfd, notSafeToBreak, continuingTextRun,
                      savedOptionalBreakFrame != nullptr, reflowOutput,
                      aReflowStatus, &optionalBreakAfterFits)) {
      if (!isEmpty) {
        psd->mHasNonemptyContent = true;
        mLineIsEmpty = false;
        if (!pfd->mSpan) {
          // nonempty leaf content has been placed
          mLineAtStart = false;
        if (nsGkAtoms::rubyFrame == frameType) {
          mHasRuby = true;

      // Place the frame, updating aBounds with the final size and
      // location.  Then apply the bottom+right margins (as
      // appropriate) to the frame.
      PlaceFrame(pfd, reflowOutput);
      PerSpanData* span = pfd->mSpan;
      if (span) {
        // The frame we just finished reflowing is an inline
        // container.  It needs its child frames aligned in the block direction,
        // so do most of it now.
      if (!continuingTextRun) {
        if (!psd->mNoWrap && (!LineIsEmpty() || placedFloat)) {
          // record soft break opportunity after this content that can't be
          // part of a text run. This is not a text frame so we know
          // that offset INT32_MAX means "after the content".
          if (NotifyOptionalBreakPosition(aFrame, INT32_MAX,
                                          gfxBreakPriority::eNormalBreak)) {
            // If this returns true then we are being told to actually break here.
            aReflowStatus = NS_INLINE_LINE_BREAK_AFTER(aReflowStatus);
    else {
      aPushedFrame = true;
      // Undo any saved break positions that the frame might have told us about,
      // since we didn't end up placing it
  else {
    aPushedFrame = true;
  nsFrame::IndentBy(stdout, mSpanDepth);
  printf("End ReflowFrame ");
  nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, aFrame);
  printf(" status=%x\n", aReflowStatus);

nsLineLayout::AllowForStartMargin(PerFrameData* pfd,
                                  ReflowInput& aReflowInput)
               "How'd we get a floated inline frame? "
               "The frame ctor should've dealt with this.");

  WritingMode lineWM = mRootSpan->mWritingMode;

  // Only apply start-margin on the first-in flow for inline frames,
  // and make sure to not apply it to any inline other than the first
  // in an ib split.  Note that the ib sibling (block-in-inline
  // sibling) annotations only live on the first continuation, but we
  // don't want to apply the start margin for later continuations
  // anyway.  For box-decoration-break:clone we apply the start-margin
  // on all continuations.
  if ((pfd->mFrame->GetPrevContinuation() ||
       pfd->mFrame->FrameIsNonFirstInIBSplit()) &&
      aReflowInput.mStyleBorder->mBoxDecorationBreak ==
        StyleBoxDecorationBreak::Slice) {
    // Zero this out so that when we compute the max-element-width of
    // the frame we will properly avoid adding in the starting margin.
    pfd->mMargin.IStart(lineWM) = 0;
  } else if (NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE == aReflowInput.ComputedISize()) {
      NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE != aReflowInput.AvailableISize(),
      "have unconstrained inline-size; this should only result from very "
      "large sizes, not attempts at intrinsic inline-size calculation");
    // For inline-ish and text-ish things (which don't compute widths
    // in the reflow state), adjust available inline-size to account
    // for the start margin. The end margin will be accounted for when
    // we finish flowing the frame.
    WritingMode wm = aReflowInput.GetWritingMode();
    aReflowInput.AvailableISize() -=
        pfd->mMargin.ConvertTo(wm, lineWM).IStart(wm);

  PerSpanData* psd;
  nscoord x = 0;
  for (psd = mCurrentSpan; psd; psd = psd->mParent) {
    x += psd->mICoord;
  return x;

 * This method syncs bounds of ruby annotations and ruby annotation
 * containers from their rect. It is necessary because:
 * Containers are not part of the line in their levels, which means
 * their bounds are not set properly before.
 * Ruby annotations' position may have been changed when reflowing
 * their containers.
nsLineLayout::SyncAnnotationBounds(PerFrameData* aRubyFrame)
  MOZ_ASSERT(aRubyFrame->mFrame->GetType() == nsGkAtoms::rubyFrame);

  PerSpanData* span = aRubyFrame->mSpan;
  WritingMode lineWM = mRootSpan->mWritingMode;
  for (PerFrameData* pfd = span->mFirstFrame; pfd; pfd = pfd->mNext) {
    for (PerFrameData* rtc = pfd->mNextAnnotation;
         rtc; rtc = rtc->mNextAnnotation) {
      // When the annotation container is reflowed, the width of the
      // ruby container is unknown so we use a dummy container size;
      // in the case of RTL block direction, the final position will be
      // fixed up later.
      const nsSize dummyContainerSize;
      LogicalRect rtcBounds(lineWM, rtc->mFrame->GetRect(),
      rtc->mBounds = rtcBounds;
      nsSize rtcSize = rtcBounds.Size(lineWM).GetPhysicalSize(lineWM);
      for (PerFrameData* rt = rtc->mSpan->mFirstFrame; rt; rt = rt->mNext) {
        LogicalRect rtBounds = rt->mFrame->GetLogicalRect(lineWM, rtcSize);
        MOZ_ASSERT(rt->mBounds.Size(lineWM) == rtBounds.Size(lineWM),
                   "Size of the annotation should not have been changed");
        rt->mBounds.SetOrigin(lineWM, rtBounds.Origin(lineWM));

 * See if the frame can be placed now that we know it's desired size.
 * We can always place the frame if the line is empty. Note that we
 * know that the reflow-status is not a break-before because if it was
 * ReflowFrame above would have returned false, preventing this method
 * from being called. The logic in this method assumes that.
 * Note that there is no check against the Y coordinate because we
 * assume that the caller will take care of that.
nsLineLayout::CanPlaceFrame(PerFrameData* pfd,
                            bool aNotSafeToBreak,
                            bool aFrameCanContinueTextRun,
                            bool aCanRollBackBeforeFrame,
                            ReflowOutput& aMetrics,
                            nsReflowStatus& aStatus,
                            bool* aOptionalBreakAfterFits)
  NS_PRECONDITION(pfd && pfd->mFrame, "bad args, null pointers for frame data");

  *aOptionalBreakAfterFits = true;

  WritingMode lineWM = mRootSpan->mWritingMode;
   * We want to only apply the end margin if we're the last continuation and
   * either not in an {ib} split or the last inline in it.  In all other
   * cases we want to zero it out.  That means zeroing it out if any of these
   * conditions hold:
   * 1) The frame is not complete (in this case it will get a next-in-flow)
   * 2) The frame is complete but has a non-fluid continuation on its
   *    continuation chain.  Note that if it has a fluid continuation, that
   *    continuation will get destroyed later, so we don't want to drop the
   *    end-margin in that case.
   * 3) The frame is in an {ib} split and is not the last part.
   * However, none of that applies if this is a letter frame (XXXbz why?)
   * For box-decoration-break:clone we apply the end margin on all
   * continuations (that are not letter frames).
  if ((NS_FRAME_IS_NOT_COMPLETE(aStatus) ||
       pfd->mFrame->LastInFlow()->GetNextContinuation() ||
       pfd->mFrame->FrameIsNonLastInIBSplit()) &&
      !pfd->mIsLetterFrame &&
      pfd->mFrame->StyleBorder()->mBoxDecorationBreak ==
        StyleBoxDecorationBreak::Slice) {
    pfd->mMargin.IEnd(lineWM) = 0;

  // Apply the start margin to the frame bounds.
  nscoord startMargin = pfd->mMargin.IStart(lineWM);
  nscoord endMargin = pfd->mMargin.IEnd(lineWM);

  pfd->mBounds.IStart(lineWM) += startMargin;

  PerSpanData* psd = mCurrentSpan;
  if (psd->mNoWrap) {
    // When wrapping is off, everything fits.
    return true;

  if (nullptr != psd->mFrame) {
    nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, psd->mFrame->mFrame);
  printf(": aNotSafeToBreak=%s frame=", aNotSafeToBreak ? "true" : "false");
  nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, pfd->mFrame);
  printf(" frameWidth=%d, margins=%d,%d\n",
         pfd->mBounds.IEnd(lineWM) + endMargin - psd->mICoord,
         startMargin, endMargin);

  // Set outside to true if the result of the reflow leads to the
  // frame sticking outside of our available area.
  bool outside = pfd->mBounds.IEnd(lineWM) - mTrimmableISize + endMargin >
  if (!outside) {
    // If it fits, it fits
    printf("   ==> inside\n");
    return true;
  *aOptionalBreakAfterFits = false;

  // When it doesn't fit, check for a few special conditions where we
  // allow it to fit anyway.
  if (0 == startMargin + pfd->mBounds.ISize(lineWM) + endMargin) {
    // Empty frames always fit right where they are
    printf("   ==> empty frame fits\n");
    return true;

#ifdef FIX_BUG_50257
  // another special case:  always place a BR
  if (nsGkAtoms::brFrame == pfd->mFrame->GetType()) {
    printf("   ==> BR frame fits\n");
    return true;

  if (aNotSafeToBreak) {
    // There are no frames on the line that take up width and the line is
    // not impacted by floats, so we must allow the current frame to be
    // placed on the line
    printf("   ==> not-safe and not-impacted fits: ");
    while (nullptr != psd) {
      printf("<psd=%p x=%d left=%d> ", psd, psd->mICoord, psd->mIStart);
      psd = psd->mParent;
    return true;
  // Special check for span frames
  if (pfd->mSpan && pfd->mSpan->mContainsFloat) {
    // If the span either directly or indirectly contains a float then
    // it fits. Why? It's kind of complicated, but here goes:
    // 1. CanPlaceFrame is used for all frame placements on a line,
    // and in a span. This includes recursively placement of frames
    // inside of spans, and the span itself. Because the logic always
    // checks for room before proceeding (the code above here), the
    // only things on a line will be those things that "fit".
    // 2. Before a float is placed on a line, the line has to be empty
    // (otherwise it's a "below current line" float and will be placed
    // after the line).
    // Therefore, if the span directly or indirectly has a float
    // then it means that at the time of the placement of the float
    // the line was empty. Because of #1, only the frames that fit can
    // be added after that point, therefore we can assume that the
    // current span being placed has fit.
    // So how do we get here and have a span that should already fit
    // and yet doesn't: Simple: span's that have the no-wrap attribute
    // set on them and contain a float and are placed where they
    // don't naturally fit.
    return true;

  if (aFrameCanContinueTextRun) {
    // Let it fit, but we reserve the right to roll back.
    // Note that we usually won't get here because a text frame will break
    // itself to avoid exceeding the available width.
    // We'll only get here for text frames that couldn't break early enough.
    printf("   ==> placing overflowing textrun, requesting backup\n");

    // We will want to try backup.
    mNeedBackup = true;
    return true;

  printf("   ==> didn't fit\n");
  return false;

 * Place the frame. Update running counters.
nsLineLayout::PlaceFrame(PerFrameData* pfd, ReflowOutput& aMetrics)
  WritingMode lineWM = mRootSpan->mWritingMode;

  // If the frame's block direction does not match the line's, we can't use
  // its ascent; instead, treat it as a block with baseline at the block-end
  // edge (or block-begin in the case of an "inverted" line).
  if (pfd->mWritingMode.GetBlockDir() != lineWM.GetBlockDir()) {
    pfd->mAscent = lineWM.IsLineInverted() ? 0 : aMetrics.BSize(lineWM);
  } else {
    if (aMetrics.BlockStartAscent() == ReflowOutput::ASK_FOR_BASELINE) {
      pfd->mAscent = pfd->mFrame->GetLogicalBaseline(lineWM);
    } else {
      pfd->mAscent = aMetrics.BlockStartAscent();

  // Advance to next inline coordinate
  mCurrentSpan->mICoord = pfd->mBounds.IEnd(lineWM) +

  // Count the number of non-placeholder frames on the line...
  if (pfd->mFrame->GetType() == nsGkAtoms::placeholderFrame) {
    NS_ASSERTION(pfd->mBounds.ISize(lineWM) == 0 &&
                 pfd->mBounds.BSize(lineWM) == 0,
                 "placeholders should have 0 width/height (checking "
                 "placeholders were never counted by the old code in "
                 "this function)");
  } else {

nsLineLayout::AddBulletFrame(nsIFrame* aFrame,
                             const ReflowOutput& aMetrics)
  NS_ASSERTION(mCurrentSpan == mRootSpan, "bad linelayout user");
  NS_ASSERTION(mGotLineBox, "must have line box");

  nsIFrame *blockFrame = mBlockReflowInput->mFrame;
               "must be for block");
  if (!static_cast<nsBlockFrame*>(blockFrame)->BulletIsEmpty()) {
    mHasBullet = true;

  WritingMode lineWM = mRootSpan->mWritingMode;
  PerFrameData* pfd = NewPerFrameData(aFrame);
  pfd->mIsBullet = true;
  if (aMetrics.BlockStartAscent() == ReflowOutput::ASK_FOR_BASELINE) {
    pfd->mAscent = aFrame->GetLogicalBaseline(lineWM);
  } else {
    pfd->mAscent = aMetrics.BlockStartAscent();

  // Note: block-coord value will be updated during block-direction alignment
  pfd->mBounds = LogicalRect(lineWM, aFrame->GetRect(), ContainerSize());
  pfd->mOverflowAreas = aMetrics.mOverflowAreas;

#ifdef DEBUG
nsLineLayout::DumpPerSpanData(PerSpanData* psd, int32_t aIndent)
  nsFrame::IndentBy(stdout, aIndent);
  printf("%p: left=%d x=%d right=%d\n", static_cast<void*>(psd),
         psd->mIStart, psd->mICoord, psd->mIEnd);
  PerFrameData* pfd = psd->mFirstFrame;
  while (nullptr != pfd) {
    nsFrame::IndentBy(stdout, aIndent+1);
    nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, pfd->mFrame);
    nsRect rect = pfd->mBounds.GetPhysicalRect(psd->mWritingMode,
    printf(" %d,%d,%d,%d\n", rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);
    if (pfd->mSpan) {
      DumpPerSpanData(pfd->mSpan, aIndent + 1);
    pfd = pfd->mNext;

#define VALIGN_OTHER  0
#define VALIGN_TOP    1

  // Partially place the children of the block frame. The baseline for
  // this operation is set to zero so that the y coordinates for all
  // of the placed children will be relative to there.
  PerSpanData* psd = mRootSpan;

  // *** Note that comments here still use the anachronistic term
  // "line-height" when we really mean "size of the line in the block
  // direction", "vertical-align" when we really mean "alignment in
  // the block direction", and "top" and "bottom" when we really mean
  // "block start" and "block end". This is partly for brevity and
  // partly to retain the association with the CSS line-height and
  // vertical-align properties.
  // Compute the line-height. The line-height will be the larger of:
  // [1] maxBCoord - minBCoord (the distance between the first child's
  // block-start edge and the last child's block-end edge)
  // [2] the maximum logical box block size (since not every frame may have
  // participated in #1; for example: "top" and "botttom" aligned frames)
  // [3] the minimum line height ("line-height" property set on the
  // block frame)
  nscoord lineBSize = psd->mMaxBCoord - psd->mMinBCoord;

  // Now that the line-height is computed, we need to know where the
  // baseline is in the line. Position baseline so that mMinBCoord is just
  // inside the start of the line box.
  nscoord baselineBCoord;
  if (psd->mMinBCoord < 0) {
    baselineBCoord = mBStartEdge - psd->mMinBCoord;
  else {
    baselineBCoord = mBStartEdge;

  // It's also possible that the line block-size isn't tall enough because
  // of "top" and "bottom" aligned elements that were not accounted for in
  // min/max BCoord.
  // The CSS2 spec doesn't really say what happens when to the
  // baseline in this situations. What we do is if the largest start
  // aligned box block size is greater than the line block-size then we leave
  // the baseline alone. If the largest end aligned box is greater
  // than the line block-size then we slide the baseline forward by the extra
  // amount.
  // Navigator 4 gives precedence to the first top/bottom aligned
  // object.  We just let block end aligned objects win.
  if (lineBSize < mMaxEndBoxBSize) {
    // When the line is shorter than the maximum block start aligned box
    nscoord extra = mMaxEndBoxBSize - lineBSize;
    baselineBCoord += extra;
    lineBSize = mMaxEndBoxBSize;
  if (lineBSize < mMaxStartBoxBSize) {
    lineBSize = mMaxStartBoxBSize;
  printf("  [line]==> lineBSize=%d baselineBCoord=%d\n", lineBSize, baselineBCoord);

  // Now position all of the frames in the root span. We will also
  // recurse over the child spans and place any frames we find with
  // vertical-align: top or bottom.
  // XXX PERFORMANCE: set a bit per-span to avoid the extra work
  // (propagate it upward too)
  WritingMode lineWM = psd->mWritingMode;
  for (PerFrameData* pfd = psd->mFirstFrame; pfd; pfd = pfd->mNext) {
    if (pfd->mBlockDirAlign == VALIGN_OTHER) {
      pfd->mBounds.BStart(lineWM) += baselineBCoord;
      pfd->mFrame->SetRect(lineWM, pfd->mBounds, ContainerSize());
  PlaceTopBottomFrames(psd, -mBStartEdge, lineBSize);

  mFinalLineBSize = lineBSize;
  if (mGotLineBox) {
    // Fill in returned line-box and max-element-width data
                        psd->mIStart, mBStartEdge,
                        psd->mICoord - psd->mIStart, lineBSize,

    mLineBox->SetLogicalAscent(baselineBCoord - mBStartEdge);
      "  [line]==> bounds{x,y,w,h}={%d,%d,%d,%d} lh=%d a=%d\n",
      mLineBox->GetBounds().IStart(lineWM), mLineBox->GetBounds().BStart(lineWM),
      mLineBox->GetBounds().ISize(lineWM), mLineBox->GetBounds().BSize(lineWM),
      mFinalLineBSize, mLineBox->GetLogicalAscent());

// Place frames with CSS property vertical-align: top or bottom.
nsLineLayout::PlaceTopBottomFrames(PerSpanData* psd,
                                   nscoord aDistanceFromStart,
                                   nscoord aLineBSize)
  for (PerFrameData* pfd = psd->mFirstFrame; pfd; pfd = pfd->mNext) {
    PerSpanData* span = pfd->mSpan;
#ifdef DEBUG
    NS_ASSERTION(0xFF != pfd->mBlockDirAlign, "umr");
    WritingMode lineWM = mRootSpan->mWritingMode;
    nsSize containerSize = ContainerSizeForSpan(psd);
    switch (pfd->mBlockDirAlign) {
      case VALIGN_TOP:
        if (span) {
          pfd->mBounds.BStart(lineWM) = -aDistanceFromStart - span->mMinBCoord;
        else {
          pfd->mBounds.BStart(lineWM) =
            -aDistanceFromStart + pfd->mMargin.BStart(lineWM);
        pfd->mFrame->SetRect(lineWM, pfd->mBounds, containerSize);
        printf("    ");
        nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, pfd->mFrame);
        printf(": y=%d dTop=%d [bp.top=%d topLeading=%d]\n",
               pfd->mBounds.BStart(lineWM), aDistanceFromStart,
               span ? pfd->mBorderPadding.BStart(lineWM) : 0,
               span ? span->mBStartLeading : 0);
      case VALIGN_BOTTOM:
        if (span) {
          // Compute bottom leading
          pfd->mBounds.BStart(lineWM) =
            -aDistanceFromStart + aLineBSize - span->mMaxBCoord;
        else {
          pfd->mBounds.BStart(lineWM) = -aDistanceFromStart + aLineBSize -
            pfd->mMargin.BEnd(lineWM) - pfd->mBounds.BSize(lineWM);
        pfd->mFrame->SetRect(lineWM, pfd->mBounds, containerSize);
        printf("    ");
        nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, pfd->mFrame);
        printf(": y=%d\n", pfd->mBounds.BStart(lineWM));
    if (span) {
      nscoord fromStart = aDistanceFromStart + pfd->mBounds.BStart(lineWM);
      PlaceTopBottomFrames(span, fromStart, aLineBSize);

static nscoord
GetBSizeOfEmphasisMarks(nsIFrame* aSpanFrame, float aInflation)
  RefPtr<nsFontMetrics> fm = nsLayoutUtils::
    GetFontMetricsOfEmphasisMarks(aSpanFrame->StyleContext(), aInflation);
  return fm->MaxHeight();

nsLineLayout::AdjustLeadings(nsIFrame* spanFrame, PerSpanData* psd,
                             const nsStyleText* aStyleText, float aInflation,
                             bool* aZeroEffectiveSpanBox)
  MOZ_ASSERT(spanFrame == psd->mFrame->mFrame);
  nscoord requiredStartLeading = 0;
  nscoord requiredEndLeading = 0;
  if (spanFrame->GetType() == nsGkAtoms::rubyFrame) {
    // We may need to extend leadings here for ruby annotations as
    // required by section Line Spacing in the CSS Ruby spec.
    // See http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-ruby/#line-height
    auto rubyFrame = static_cast<nsRubyFrame*>(spanFrame);
    RubyBlockLeadings leadings = rubyFrame->GetBlockLeadings();
    requiredStartLeading += leadings.mStart;
    requiredEndLeading += leadings.mEnd;
  if (aStyleText->HasTextEmphasis()) {
    nscoord bsize = GetBSizeOfEmphasisMarks(spanFrame, aInflation);
    LogicalSide side = aStyleText->TextEmphasisSide(mRootSpan->mWritingMode);
    if (side == eLogicalSideBStart) {
      requiredStartLeading += bsize;
    } else {
      MOZ_ASSERT(side == eLogicalSideBEnd,
                 "emphasis marks must be in block axis");
      requiredEndLeading += bsize;

  nscoord requiredLeading = requiredStartLeading + requiredEndLeading;
  // If we do not require any additional leadings, don't touch anything
  // here even if it is greater than the original leading, because the
  // latter could be negative.
  if (requiredLeading != 0) {
    nscoord leading = psd->mBStartLeading + psd->mBEndLeading;
    nscoord deltaLeading = requiredLeading - leading;
    if (deltaLeading > 0) {
      // If the total leading is not wide enough for ruby annotations
      // and/or emphasis marks, extend the side which is not enough. If
      // both sides are not wide enough, replace the leadings with the
      // requested values.
      if (requiredStartLeading < psd->mBStartLeading) {
        psd->mBEndLeading += deltaLeading;
      } else if (requiredEndLeading < psd->mBEndLeading) {
        psd->mBStartLeading += deltaLeading;
      } else {
        psd->mBStartLeading = requiredStartLeading;
        psd->mBEndLeading = requiredEndLeading;
      psd->mLogicalBSize += deltaLeading;
      // We have adjusted the leadings, it is no longer a zero
      // effective span box.
      *aZeroEffectiveSpanBox = false;

static float
GetInflationForBlockDirAlignment(nsIFrame* aFrame,
                                 nscoord aInflationMinFontSize)
  if (aFrame->IsSVGText()) {
    const nsIFrame* container =
      nsLayoutUtils::GetClosestFrameOfType(aFrame, nsGkAtoms::svgTextFrame);
    NS_ASSERTION(container, "expected to find an ancestor SVGTextFrame");
      static_cast<const SVGTextFrame*>(container)->GetFontSizeScaleFactor();
  return nsLayoutUtils::FontSizeInflationInner(aFrame, aInflationMinFontSize);


// Place frames in the block direction within a given span (CSS property
// vertical-align) Note: this doesn't place frames with vertical-align:
// top or bottom as those have to wait until the entire line box block
// size is known. This is called after the span frame has finished being
// reflowed so that we know its block size.
nsLineLayout::VerticalAlignFrames(PerSpanData* psd)
  // Get parent frame info
  PerFrameData* spanFramePFD = psd->mFrame;
  nsIFrame* spanFrame = spanFramePFD->mFrame;

  // Get the parent frame's font for all of the frames in this span
  float inflation =
    GetInflationForBlockDirAlignment(spanFrame, mInflationMinFontSize);
  RefPtr<nsFontMetrics> fm =
    nsLayoutUtils::GetFontMetricsForFrame(spanFrame, inflation);

  bool preMode = mStyleText->WhiteSpaceIsSignificant();

  // See if the span is an empty continuation. It's an empty continuation iff:
  // - it has a prev-in-flow
  // - it has no next in flow
  // - it's zero sized
  WritingMode lineWM = mRootSpan->mWritingMode;
  bool emptyContinuation = psd != mRootSpan &&
    spanFrame->GetPrevInFlow() && !spanFrame->GetNextInFlow() &&

  printf("[%sSpan]", (psd == mRootSpan)?"Root":"");
  nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, spanFrame);
  printf(": preMode=%s strictMode=%s w/h=%d,%d emptyContinuation=%s",
         preMode ? "yes" : "no",
         mPresContext->CompatibilityMode() != eCompatibility_NavQuirks ? "yes" : "no",
         emptyContinuation ? "yes" : "no");
  if (psd != mRootSpan) {
    printf(" bp=%d,%d,%d,%d margin=%d,%d,%d,%d",

  // Compute the span's zeroEffectiveSpanBox flag. What we are trying
  // to determine is how we should treat the span: should it act
  // "normally" according to css2 or should it effectively
  // "disappear".
  // In general, if the document being processed is in full standards
  // mode then it should act normally (with one exception). The
  // exception case is when a span is continued and yet the span is
  // empty (e.g. compressed whitespace). For this kind of span we treat
  // it as if it were not there so that it doesn't impact the
  // line block-size.
  // In almost standards mode or quirks mode, we should sometimes make
  // it disappear. The cases that matter are those where the span
  // contains no real text elements that would provide an ascent and
  // descent and height. However, if css style elements have been
  // applied to the span (border/padding/margin) so that it's clear the
  // document author is intending css2 behavior then we act as if strict
  // mode is set.
  // This code works correctly for preMode, because a blank line
  // in PRE mode is encoded as a text node with a LF in it, since
  // text nodes with only whitespace are considered in preMode.
  // Much of this logic is shared with the various implementations of
  // nsIFrame::IsEmpty since they need to duplicate the way it makes
  // some lines empty.  However, nsIFrame::IsEmpty can't be reused here
  // since this code sets zeroEffectiveSpanBox even when there are
  // non-empty children.
  bool zeroEffectiveSpanBox = false;
  // XXXldb If we really have empty continuations, then all these other
  // checks don't make sense for them.
  // XXXldb This should probably just use nsIFrame::IsSelfEmpty, assuming that
  // it agrees with this code.  (If it doesn't agree, it probably should.)
  if ((emptyContinuation ||
       mPresContext->CompatibilityMode() != eCompatibility_FullStandards) &&
      ((psd == mRootSpan) ||
       (spanFramePFD->mBorderPadding.IsAllZero() &&
        spanFramePFD->mMargin.IsAllZero()))) {
    // This code handles an issue with compatibility with non-css
    // conformant browsers. In particular, there are some cases
    // where the font-size and line-height for a span must be
    // ignored and instead the span must *act* as if it were zero
    // sized. In general, if the span contains any non-compressed
    // text then we don't use this logic.
    // However, this is not propagated outwards, since (in compatibility
    // mode) we don't want big line heights for things like
    // <p><font size="-1">Text</font></p>

    // We shouldn't include any whitespace that collapses, unless we're
    // preformatted (in which case it shouldn't, but the width=0 test is
    // perhaps incorrect).  This includes whitespace at the beginning of
    // a line and whitespace preceded (?) by other whitespace.
    // See bug 134580 and bug 155333.
    zeroEffectiveSpanBox = true;
    for (PerFrameData* pfd = psd->mFirstFrame; pfd; pfd = pfd->mNext) {
      if (pfd->mIsTextFrame &&
          (pfd->mIsNonWhitespaceTextFrame || preMode ||
           pfd->mBounds.ISize(mRootSpan->mWritingMode) != 0)) {
        zeroEffectiveSpanBox = false;

  // Setup baselineBCoord, minBCoord, and maxBCoord
  nscoord baselineBCoord, minBCoord, maxBCoord;
  if (psd == mRootSpan) {
    // Use a zero baselineBCoord since we don't yet know where the baseline
    // will be (until we know how tall the line is; then we will
    // know). In addition, use extreme values for the minBCoord and maxBCoord
    // values so that only the child frames will impact their values
    // (since these are children of the block, there is no span box to
    // provide initial values).
    baselineBCoord = 0;
    nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, spanFrame);
    printf(": pass1 valign frames: topEdge=%d minLineBSize=%d zeroEffectiveSpanBox=%s\n",
           mBStartEdge, mMinLineBSize,
           zeroEffectiveSpanBox ? "yes" : "no");
  else {
    // Compute the logical block size for this span. The logical block size
    // is based on the "line-height" value, not the font-size. Also
    // compute the top leading.
    float inflation =
      GetInflationForBlockDirAlignment(spanFrame, mInflationMinFontSize);
    nscoord logicalBSize = ReflowInput::
      CalcLineHeight(spanFrame->GetContent(), spanFrame->StyleContext(),
    nscoord contentBSize = spanFramePFD->mBounds.BSize(lineWM) -

    // Special-case for a ::first-letter frame, set the line height to
    // the frame block size if the user has left line-height == normal
    const nsStyleText* styleText = spanFrame->StyleText();
    if (spanFramePFD->mIsLetterFrame &&
        !spanFrame->GetPrevInFlow() &&
        styleText->mLineHeight.GetUnit() == eStyleUnit_Normal) {
      logicalBSize = spanFramePFD->mBounds.BSize(lineWM);

    nscoord leading = logicalBSize - contentBSize;
    psd->mBStartLeading = leading / 2;
    psd->mBEndLeading = leading - psd->mBStartLeading;
    psd->mLogicalBSize = logicalBSize;
    AdjustLeadings(spanFrame, psd, styleText, inflation,

    if (zeroEffectiveSpanBox) {
      // When the span-box is to be ignored, zero out the initial
      // values so that the span doesn't impact the final line
      // height. The contents of the span can impact the final line
      // height.

      // Note that things are readjusted for this span after its children
      // are reflowed
    else {

      // The initial values for the min and max block coord values are in the
      // span's coordinate space, and cover the logical block size of the span.
      // If there are child frames in this span that stick out of this area
      // then the minBCoord and maxBCoord are updated by the amount of logical
      // blockSize that is outside this range.
      minBCoord = spanFramePFD->mBorderPadding.BStart(lineWM) -
      maxBCoord = minBCoord + psd->mLogicalBSize;

    // This is the distance from the top edge of the parents visual
    // box to the baseline. The span already computed this for us,
    // so just use it.
    *psd->mBaseline = baselineBCoord = spanFramePFD->mAscent;

    printf("[%sSpan]", (psd == mRootSpan)?"Root":"");
    nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, spanFrame);
    printf(": baseLine=%d logicalBSize=%d topLeading=%d h=%d bp=%d,%d zeroEffectiveSpanBox=%s\n",
           baselineBCoord, psd->mLogicalBSize, psd->mBStartLeading,
           zeroEffectiveSpanBox ? "yes" : "no");

  nscoord maxStartBoxBSize = 0;
  nscoord maxEndBoxBSize = 0;
  PerFrameData* pfd = psd->mFirstFrame;
  while (nullptr != pfd) {
    nsIFrame* frame = pfd->mFrame;

    // sanity check (see bug 105168, non-reproducible crashes from null frame)
    NS_ASSERTION(frame, "null frame in PerFrameData - something is very very bad");
    if (!frame) {

    // Compute the logical block size of the frame
    nscoord logicalBSize;
    PerSpanData* frameSpan = pfd->mSpan;
    if (frameSpan) {
      // For span frames the logical-block-size and start-leading were
      // pre-computed when the span was reflowed.
      logicalBSize = frameSpan->mLogicalBSize;
    else {
      // For other elements the logical block size is the same as the
      // frame's block size plus its margins.
      logicalBSize = pfd->mBounds.BSize(lineWM) +
      if (logicalBSize < 0 &&
          mPresContext->CompatibilityMode() == eCompatibility_NavQuirks) {
        pfd->mAscent -= logicalBSize;
        logicalBSize = 0;

    // Get vertical-align property ("vertical-align" is the CSS name for
    // block-direction align)
    const nsStyleCoord& verticalAlign = frame->StyleDisplay()->mVerticalAlign;
    uint8_t verticalAlignEnum = frame->VerticalAlignEnum();
    printf("  [frame]");
    nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, frame);
    printf(": verticalAlignUnit=%d (enum == %d",
           ((eStyleUnit_Enumerated == verticalAlign.GetUnit())
            ? verticalAlign.GetIntValue()
            : -1));
    if (verticalAlignEnum != nsIFrame::eInvalidVerticalAlign) {
      printf(", after SVG dominant-baseline conversion == %d",

    if (verticalAlignEnum != nsIFrame::eInvalidVerticalAlign) {
      if (lineWM.IsVertical()) {
        if (verticalAlignEnum == NS_STYLE_VERTICAL_ALIGN_MIDDLE) {
          // For vertical writing mode where the dominant baseline is centered
          // (i.e. text-orientation is not sideways-*), we remap 'middle' to
          // 'middle-with-baseline' so that images align sensibly with the
          // center-baseline-aligned text.
          if (!lineWM.IsSideways()) {
        } else if (lineWM.IsLineInverted()) {
          // Swap the meanings of top and bottom when line is inverted
          // relative to block direction.
          switch (verticalAlignEnum) {
              verticalAlignEnum = NS_STYLE_VERTICAL_ALIGN_BOTTOM;
              verticalAlignEnum = NS_STYLE_VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP;
              verticalAlignEnum = NS_STYLE_VERTICAL_ALIGN_TEXT_BOTTOM;
              verticalAlignEnum = NS_STYLE_VERTICAL_ALIGN_TEXT_TOP;

      // baseline coord that may be adjusted for script offset
      nscoord revisedBaselineBCoord = baselineBCoord;

      // For superscript and subscript, raise or lower the baseline of the box
      // to the proper offset of the parent's box, then proceed as for BASELINE
      if (verticalAlignEnum == NS_STYLE_VERTICAL_ALIGN_SUB ||
          verticalAlignEnum == NS_STYLE_VERTICAL_ALIGN_SUPER) {
        revisedBaselineBCoord += lineWM.FlowRelativeToLineRelativeFactor() *
          (verticalAlignEnum == NS_STYLE_VERTICAL_ALIGN_SUB
            ? fm->SubscriptOffset() : -fm->SuperscriptOffset());
        verticalAlignEnum = NS_STYLE_VERTICAL_ALIGN_BASELINE;

      switch (verticalAlignEnum) {
          if (lineWM.IsVertical() && !lineWM.IsSideways()) {
            if (frameSpan) {
              pfd->mBounds.BStart(lineWM) = revisedBaselineBCoord -
            } else {
              pfd->mBounds.BStart(lineWM) = revisedBaselineBCoord -
                                            logicalBSize/2 +
          } else {
            pfd->mBounds.BStart(lineWM) = revisedBaselineBCoord - pfd->mAscent;
          pfd->mBlockDirAlign = VALIGN_OTHER;

          pfd->mBlockDirAlign = VALIGN_TOP;
          nscoord subtreeBSize = logicalBSize;
          if (frameSpan) {
            subtreeBSize = frameSpan->mMaxBCoord - frameSpan->mMinBCoord;
            NS_ASSERTION(subtreeBSize >= logicalBSize,
                         "unexpected subtree block size");
          if (subtreeBSize > maxStartBoxBSize) {
            maxStartBoxBSize = subtreeBSize;

          pfd->mBlockDirAlign = VALIGN_BOTTOM;
          nscoord subtreeBSize = logicalBSize;
          if (frameSpan) {
            subtreeBSize = frameSpan->mMaxBCoord - frameSpan->mMinBCoord;
            NS_ASSERTION(subtreeBSize >= logicalBSize,
                         "unexpected subtree block size");
          if (subtreeBSize > maxEndBoxBSize) {
            maxEndBoxBSize = subtreeBSize;

          // Align the midpoint of the frame with 1/2 the parents
          // x-height above the baseline.
          nscoord parentXHeight =
            lineWM.FlowRelativeToLineRelativeFactor() * fm->XHeight();
          if (frameSpan) {
            pfd->mBounds.BStart(lineWM) = baselineBCoord -
              (parentXHeight + pfd->mBounds.BSize(lineWM))/2;
          else {
            pfd->mBounds.BStart(lineWM) = baselineBCoord -
              (parentXHeight + logicalBSize)/2 +
          pfd->mBlockDirAlign = VALIGN_OTHER;

          // The top of the logical box is aligned with the top of
          // the parent element's text.
          // XXX For vertical text we will need a new API to get the logical
          //     max-ascent here
          nscoord parentAscent =
            lineWM.IsLineInverted() ? fm->MaxDescent() : fm->MaxAscent();
          if (frameSpan) {
            pfd->mBounds.BStart(lineWM) = baselineBCoord - parentAscent -
              pfd->mBorderPadding.BStart(lineWM) + frameSpan->mBStartLeading;
          else {
            pfd->mBounds.BStart(lineWM) = baselineBCoord - parentAscent +
          pfd->mBlockDirAlign = VALIGN_OTHER;

          // The bottom of the logical box is aligned with the
          // bottom of the parent elements text.
          nscoord parentDescent =
            lineWM.IsLineInverted() ? fm->MaxAscent() : fm->MaxDescent();
          if (frameSpan) {
            pfd->mBounds.BStart(lineWM) = baselineBCoord + parentDescent -
                                          pfd->mBounds.BSize(lineWM) +
                                          pfd->mBorderPadding.BEnd(lineWM) -
          else {
            pfd->mBounds.BStart(lineWM) = baselineBCoord + parentDescent -
                                          pfd->mBounds.BSize(lineWM) -
          pfd->mBlockDirAlign = VALIGN_OTHER;

          // Align the midpoint of the frame with the baseline of the parent.
          if (frameSpan) {
            pfd->mBounds.BStart(lineWM) = baselineBCoord -
          else {
            pfd->mBounds.BStart(lineWM) = baselineBCoord - logicalBSize/2 +
          pfd->mBlockDirAlign = VALIGN_OTHER;
    } else {
      // We have either a coord, a percent, or a calc().
      nscoord pctBasis = 0;
      if (verticalAlign.HasPercent()) {
        // Percentages are like lengths, except treated as a percentage
        // of the elements line block size value.
        float inflation =
          GetInflationForBlockDirAlignment(frame, mInflationMinFontSize);
        pctBasis = ReflowInput::CalcLineHeight(frame->GetContent(),
          frame->StyleContext(), mBlockReflowInput->ComputedBSize(),
      nscoord offset =
        nsRuleNode::ComputeCoordPercentCalc(verticalAlign, pctBasis);
      // According to the CSS2 spec (10.8.1), a positive value
      // "raises" the box by the given distance while a negative value
      // "lowers" the box by the given distance (with zero being the
      // baseline). Since Y coordinates increase towards the bottom of
      // the screen we reverse the sign, unless the line orientation is
      // inverted relative to block direction.
      nscoord revisedBaselineBCoord = baselineBCoord - offset *
      if (lineWM.IsVertical() && !lineWM.IsSideways()) {
        // If we're using a dominant center baseline, we align with the center
        // of the frame being placed (bug 1133945).
        pfd->mBounds.BStart(lineWM) =
          revisedBaselineBCoord - pfd->mBounds.BSize(lineWM)/2;
      } else {
        pfd->mBounds.BStart(lineWM) = revisedBaselineBCoord - pfd->mAscent;
      pfd->mBlockDirAlign = VALIGN_OTHER;

    // Update minBCoord/maxBCoord for frames that we just placed. Do not factor
    // text into the equation.
    if (pfd->mBlockDirAlign == VALIGN_OTHER) {
      // Text frames do not contribute to the min/max Y values for the
      // line (instead their parent frame's font-size contributes).
      // XXXrbs -- relax this restriction because it causes text frames
      //           to jam together when 'font-size-adjust' is enabled
      //           and layout is using dynamic font heights (bug 20394)
      //        -- Note #1: With this code enabled and with the fact that we are not
      //           using Em[Ascent|Descent] as nsDimensions for text metrics in
      //           GFX mean that the discussion in bug 13072 cannot hold.
      //        -- Note #2: We still don't want empty-text frames to interfere.
      //           For example in quirks mode, avoiding empty text frames prevents
      //           "tall" lines around elements like <hr> since the rules of <hr>
      //           in quirks.css have pseudo text contents with LF in them.
#if 0
      if (!pfd->mIsTextFrame) {
      // Only consider non empty text frames when line-height=normal
      bool canUpdate = !pfd->mIsTextFrame;
      if (!canUpdate && pfd->mIsNonWhitespaceTextFrame) {
        canUpdate =
          frame->StyleText()->mLineHeight.GetUnit() == eStyleUnit_Normal;
      if (canUpdate) {
        nscoord blockStart, blockEnd;
        if (frameSpan) {
          // For spans that were are now placing, use their position
          // plus their already computed min-Y and max-Y values for
          // computing blockStart and blockEnd.
          blockStart = pfd->mBounds.BStart(lineWM) + frameSpan->mMinBCoord;
          blockEnd = pfd->mBounds.BStart(lineWM) + frameSpan->mMaxBCoord;
        else {
          blockStart = pfd->mBounds.BStart(lineWM) -
          blockEnd = blockStart + logicalBSize;
        if (!preMode &&
            mPresContext->CompatibilityMode() != eCompatibility_FullStandards &&
            !logicalBSize) {
          // Check if it's a BR frame that is not alone on its line (it
          // is given a block size of zero to indicate this), and if so reset
          // blockStart and blockEnd so that BR frames don't influence the line.
          if (nsGkAtoms::brFrame == frame->GetType()) {
            blockStart = BLOCKDIR_ALIGN_FRAMES_NO_MINIMUM;
        if (blockStart < minBCoord) minBCoord = blockStart;
        if (blockEnd > maxBCoord) maxBCoord = blockEnd;
        printf("     [frame]raw: a=%d h=%d bp=%d,%d logical: h=%d leading=%d y=%d minBCoord=%d maxBCoord=%d\n",
               pfd->mAscent, pfd->mBounds.BSize(lineWM),
               frameSpan ? frameSpan->mBStartLeading : 0,
               pfd->mBounds.BStart(lineWM), minBCoord, maxBCoord);
      if (psd != mRootSpan) {
        frame->SetRect(lineWM, pfd->mBounds, ContainerSizeForSpan(psd));
    pfd = pfd->mNext;

  // Factor in the minimum line block-size when handling the root-span for
  // the block.
  if (psd == mRootSpan) {
    // We should factor in the block element's minimum line-height (as
    // defined in section 10.8.1 of the css2 spec) assuming that
    // zeroEffectiveSpanBox is not set on the root span.  This only happens
    // in some cases in quirks mode:
    //  (1) if the root span contains non-whitespace text directly (this
    //      is handled by zeroEffectiveSpanBox
    //  (2) if this line has a bullet
    //  (3) if this is the last line of an LI, DT, or DD element
    //      (The last line before a block also counts, but not before a
    //      BR) (NN4/IE5 quirk)

    // (1) and (2) above
    bool applyMinLH = !zeroEffectiveSpanBox || mHasBullet;
    bool isLastLine = !mGotLineBox ||
      (!mLineBox->IsLineWrapped() && !mLineEndsInBR);
    if (!applyMinLH && isLastLine) {
      nsIContent* blockContent = mRootSpan->mFrame->mFrame->GetContent();
      if (blockContent) {
        // (3) above, if the last line of LI, DT, or DD
        if (blockContent->IsAnyOfHTMLElements(nsGkAtoms::li,
                                              nsGkAtoms::dd)) {
          applyMinLH = true;
    if (applyMinLH) {
      if (psd->mHasNonemptyContent || preMode || mHasBullet) {
        printf("  [span]==> adjusting min/maxBCoord: currentValues: %d,%d", minBCoord, maxBCoord);
        nscoord minimumLineBSize = mMinLineBSize;
        nscoord blockStart =
          -nsLayoutUtils::GetCenteredFontBaseline(fm, minimumLineBSize,
        nscoord blockEnd = blockStart + minimumLineBSize;

        if (mStyleText->HasTextEmphasis()) {
          nscoord fontMaxHeight = fm->MaxHeight();
          nscoord emphasisHeight =
            GetBSizeOfEmphasisMarks(spanFrame, inflation);
          nscoord delta = fontMaxHeight + emphasisHeight - minimumLineBSize;
          if (delta > 0) {
            if (minimumLineBSize < fontMaxHeight) {
              // If the leadings are negative, fill them first.
              nscoord ascent = fm->MaxAscent();
              nscoord descent = fm->MaxDescent();
              if (lineWM.IsLineInverted()) {
                Swap(ascent, descent);
              blockStart = -ascent;
              blockEnd = descent;
              delta = emphasisHeight;
            LogicalSide side = mStyleText->TextEmphasisSide(lineWM);
            if (side == eLogicalSideBStart) {
              blockStart -= delta;
            } else {
              blockEnd += delta;

        if (blockStart < minBCoord) minBCoord = blockStart;
        if (blockEnd > maxBCoord) maxBCoord = blockEnd;

        printf(" new values: %d,%d\n", minBCoord, maxBCoord);
        printf("            Used mMinLineBSize: %d, blockStart: %d, blockEnd: %d\n", mMinLineBSize, blockStart, blockEnd);
      else {
        // XXX issues:
        // [1] BR's on empty lines stop working
        // [2] May not honor css2's notion of handling empty elements
        // [3] blank lines in a pre-section ("\n") (handled with preMode)

        // XXX Are there other problems with this?
        printf("  [span]==> zapping min/maxBCoord: currentValues: %d,%d newValues: 0,0\n",
               minBCoord, maxBCoord);
        minBCoord = maxBCoord = 0;

    minBCoord = maxBCoord = baselineBCoord;

  if (psd != mRootSpan && zeroEffectiveSpanBox) {
    printf("   [span]adjusting for zeroEffectiveSpanBox\n");
    printf("     Original: minBCoord=%d, maxBCoord=%d, bSize=%d, ascent=%d, logicalBSize=%d, topLeading=%d, bottomLeading=%d\n",
           minBCoord, maxBCoord, spanFramePFD->mBounds.BSize(lineWM),
           psd->mLogicalBSize, psd->mBStartLeading, psd->mBEndLeading);
    nscoord goodMinBCoord =
      spanFramePFD->mBorderPadding.BStart(lineWM) - psd->mBStartLeading;
    nscoord goodMaxBCoord = goodMinBCoord + psd->mLogicalBSize;

    // For cases like the one in bug 714519 (text-decoration placement
    // or making nsLineLayout::IsZeroBSize() handle
    // vertical-align:top/bottom on a descendant of the line that's not
    // a child of it), we want to treat elements that are
    // vertical-align: top or bottom somewhat like children for the
    // purposes of this quirk.  To some extent, this is guessing, since
    // they might end up being aligned anywhere.  However, we'll guess
    // that they'll be placed aligned with the top or bottom of this
    // frame (as though this frame is the only thing in the line).
    // (Guessing isn't crazy, since all we're doing is reducing the
    // scope of a quirk and making the behavior more standards-like.)
    if (maxStartBoxBSize > maxBCoord - minBCoord) {
      // Distribute maxStartBoxBSize to ascent (baselineBCoord - minBCoord), and
      // then to descent (maxBCoord - baselineBCoord) by adjusting minBCoord or
      // maxBCoord, but not to exceed goodMinBCoord and goodMaxBCoord.
      nscoord distribute = maxStartBoxBSize - (maxBCoord - minBCoord);
      nscoord ascentSpace = std::max(minBCoord - goodMinBCoord, 0);
      if (distribute > ascentSpace) {
        distribute -= ascentSpace;
        minBCoord -= ascentSpace;
        nscoord descentSpace = std::max(goodMaxBCoord - maxBCoord, 0);
        if (distribute > descentSpace) {
          maxBCoord += descentSpace;
        } else {
          maxBCoord += distribute;
      } else {
        minBCoord -= distribute;
    if (maxEndBoxBSize > maxBCoord - minBCoord) {
      // Likewise, but preferring descent to ascent.
      nscoord distribute = maxEndBoxBSize - (maxBCoord - minBCoord);
      nscoord descentSpace = std::max(goodMaxBCoord - maxBCoord, 0);
      if (distribute > descentSpace) {
        distribute -= descentSpace;
        maxBCoord += descentSpace;
        nscoord ascentSpace = std::max(minBCoord - goodMinBCoord, 0);
        if (distribute > ascentSpace) {
          minBCoord -= ascentSpace;
        } else {
          minBCoord -= distribute;
      } else {
        maxBCoord += distribute;

    if (minBCoord > goodMinBCoord) {
      nscoord adjust = minBCoord - goodMinBCoord; // positive

      // shrink the logical extents
      psd->mLogicalBSize -= adjust;
      psd->mBStartLeading -= adjust;
    if (maxBCoord < goodMaxBCoord) {
      nscoord adjust = goodMaxBCoord - maxBCoord;
      psd->mLogicalBSize -= adjust;
      psd->mBEndLeading -= adjust;
    if (minBCoord > 0) {

      // shrink the content by moving its block start down.  This is tricky,
      // since the block start is the 0 for many coordinates, so what we do is
      // move everything else up.
      spanFramePFD->mAscent -= minBCoord; // move the baseline up
      spanFramePFD->mBounds.BSize(lineWM) -= minBCoord; // move the block end up
      psd->mBStartLeading += minBCoord;
      *psd->mBaseline -= minBCoord;

      pfd = psd->mFirstFrame;
      while (nullptr != pfd) {
        pfd->mBounds.BStart(lineWM) -= minBCoord; // move all the children
                                                  // back up
        pfd->mFrame->SetRect(lineWM, pfd->mBounds, ContainerSizeForSpan(psd));
        pfd = pfd->mNext;
      maxBCoord -= minBCoord; // since minBCoord is in the frame's own
                              // coordinate system
      minBCoord = 0;
    if (maxBCoord < spanFramePFD->mBounds.BSize(lineWM)) {
      nscoord adjust = spanFramePFD->mBounds.BSize(lineWM) - maxBCoord;
      spanFramePFD->mBounds.BSize(lineWM) -= adjust; // move the bottom up
      psd->mBEndLeading += adjust;
    printf("     New: minBCoord=%d, maxBCoord=%d, bSize=%d, ascent=%d, logicalBSize=%d, topLeading=%d, bottomLeading=%d\n",
           minBCoord, maxBCoord, spanFramePFD->mBounds.BSize(lineWM),
           psd->mLogicalBSize, psd->mBStartLeading, psd->mBEndLeading);

  psd->mMinBCoord = minBCoord;
  psd->mMaxBCoord = maxBCoord;
  printf("  [span]==> minBCoord=%d maxBCoord=%d delta=%d maxStartBoxBSize=%d maxEndBoxBSize=%d\n",
         minBCoord, maxBCoord, maxBCoord - minBCoord, maxStartBoxBSize, maxEndBoxBSize);
  if (maxStartBoxBSize > mMaxStartBoxBSize) {
    mMaxStartBoxBSize = maxStartBoxBSize;
  if (maxEndBoxBSize > mMaxEndBoxBSize) {
    mMaxEndBoxBSize = maxEndBoxBSize;

static void SlideSpanFrameRect(nsIFrame* aFrame, nscoord aDeltaWidth)
  // This should not use nsIFrame::MovePositionBy because it happens
  // prior to relative positioning.  In particular, because
  // nsBlockFrame::PlaceLine calls aLineLayout.TrimTrailingWhiteSpace()
  // prior to calling aLineLayout.RelativePositionFrames().
  nsPoint p = aFrame->GetPosition();
  p.x -= aDeltaWidth;

nsLineLayout::TrimTrailingWhiteSpaceIn(PerSpanData* psd,
                                       nscoord* aDeltaISize)
  PerFrameData* pfd = psd->mFirstFrame;
  if (!pfd) {
    *aDeltaISize = 0;
    return false;
  pfd = pfd->Last();
  while (nullptr != pfd) {
    nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, psd->mFrame->mFrame);
    printf(": attempting trim of ");
    nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, pfd->mFrame);
    PerSpanData* childSpan = pfd->mSpan;
    WritingMode lineWM = mRootSpan->mWritingMode;
    if (childSpan) {
      // Maybe the child span has the trailing white-space in it?
      if (TrimTrailingWhiteSpaceIn(childSpan, aDeltaISize)) {
        nscoord deltaISize = *aDeltaISize;
        if (deltaISize) {
          // Adjust the child spans frame size
          pfd->mBounds.ISize(lineWM) -= deltaISize;
          if (psd != mRootSpan) {
            // When the child span is not a direct child of the block
            // we need to update the child spans frame rectangle
            // because it most likely will not be done again. Spans
            // that are direct children of the block will be updated
            // later, however, because the VerticalAlignFrames method
            // will be run after this method.
            nsSize containerSize = ContainerSizeForSpan(childSpan);
            nsIFrame* f = pfd->mFrame;
            LogicalRect r(lineWM, f->GetRect(), containerSize);
            r.ISize(lineWM) -= deltaISize;
            f->SetRect(lineWM, r, containerSize);

          // Adjust the inline end edge of the span that contains the child span
          psd->mICoord -= deltaISize;

          // Slide any frames that follow the child span over by the
          // correct amount. The only thing that can follow the child
          // span is empty stuff, so we are just making things
          // sensible (keeping the combined area honest).
          while (pfd->mNext) {
            pfd = pfd->mNext;
            pfd->mBounds.IStart(lineWM) -= deltaISize;
            if (psd != mRootSpan) {
              // When the child span is not a direct child of the block
              // we need to update the child span's frame rectangle
              // because it most likely will not be done again. Spans
              // that are direct children of the block will be updated
              // later, however, because the VerticalAlignFrames method
              // will be run after this method.
              SlideSpanFrameRect(pfd->mFrame, deltaISize);
        return true;
    else if (!pfd->mIsTextFrame && !pfd->mSkipWhenTrimmingWhitespace) {
      // If we hit a frame on the end that's not text and not a placeholder,
      // then there is no trailing whitespace to trim. Stop the search.
      *aDeltaISize = 0;
      return true;
    else if (pfd->mIsTextFrame) {
      // Call TrimTrailingWhiteSpace even on empty textframes because they
      // might have a soft hyphen which should now appear, changing the frame's
      // width
      nsTextFrame::TrimOutput trimOutput = static_cast<nsTextFrame*>(pfd->mFrame)->
      nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, psd->mFrame->mFrame);
      printf(": trim of ");
      nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, pfd->mFrame);
      printf(" returned %d\n", trimOutput.mDeltaWidth);

      if (trimOutput.mChanged) {
        pfd->mRecomputeOverflow = true;

      // Delta width not being zero means that
      // there is trimmed space in the frame.
      if (trimOutput.mDeltaWidth) {
        pfd->mBounds.ISize(lineWM) -= trimOutput.mDeltaWidth;

        // If any trailing space is trimmed, the justification opportunity
        // generated by the space should be removed as well.

        // See if the text frame has already been placed in its parent
        if (psd != mRootSpan) {
          // The frame was already placed during psd's
          // reflow. Update the frames rectangle now.
          pfd->mFrame->SetRect(lineWM, pfd->mBounds,

        // Adjust containing span's right edge
        psd->mICoord -= trimOutput.mDeltaWidth;

        // Slide any frames that follow the text frame over by the
        // right amount. The only thing that can follow the text
        // frame is empty stuff, so we are just making things
        // sensible (keeping the combined area honest).
        while (pfd->mNext) {
          pfd = pfd->mNext;
          pfd->mBounds.IStart(lineWM) -= trimOutput.mDeltaWidth;
          if (psd != mRootSpan) {
            // When the child span is not a direct child of the block
            // we need to update the child spans frame rectangle
            // because it most likely will not be done again. Spans
            // that are direct children of the block will be updated
            // later, however, because the VerticalAlignFrames method
            // will be run after this method.
            SlideSpanFrameRect(pfd->mFrame, trimOutput.mDeltaWidth);

      if (pfd->mIsNonEmptyTextFrame || trimOutput.mChanged) {
        // Pass up to caller so they can shrink their span
        *aDeltaISize = trimOutput.mDeltaWidth;
        return true;
    pfd = pfd->mPrev;

  *aDeltaISize = 0;
  return false;

  PerSpanData* psd = mRootSpan;
  nscoord deltaISize;
  TrimTrailingWhiteSpaceIn(psd, &deltaISize);
  return 0 != deltaISize;

nsLineLayout::PerFrameData::ParticipatesInJustification() const
  if (mIsBullet || mIsEmpty || mSkipWhenTrimmingWhitespace) {
    // Skip bullets, empty frames, and placeholders
    return false;
  if (mIsTextFrame && !mIsNonWhitespaceTextFrame &&
      static_cast<nsTextFrame*>(mFrame)->IsAtEndOfLine()) {
    // Skip trimmed whitespaces
    return false;
  return true;

struct nsLineLayout::JustificationComputationState
  PerFrameData* mFirstParticipant;
  PerFrameData* mLastParticipant;
  // When we are going across a boundary of ruby base, i.e. entering
  // one, leaving one, or both, the following fields will be set to
  // the corresponding ruby base frame for handling ruby-align.
  PerFrameData* mLastExitedRubyBase;
  PerFrameData* mLastEnteredRubyBase;

    : mFirstParticipant(nullptr)
    , mLastParticipant(nullptr)
    , mLastExitedRubyBase(nullptr)
    , mLastEnteredRubyBase(nullptr) { }

static bool
IsRubyAlignSpaceAround(nsIFrame* aRubyBase)
  return aRubyBase->StyleText()->mRubyAlign == NS_STYLE_RUBY_ALIGN_SPACE_AROUND;

 * Assign justification gaps for justification
 * opportunities across two frames.
/* static */ int
  PerFrameData* aFrame, JustificationComputationState& aState)
  PerFrameData* prev = aState.mLastParticipant;

  auto& assign = aFrame->mJustificationAssignment;
  auto& prevAssign = prev->mJustificationAssignment;

  if (aState.mLastExitedRubyBase || aState.mLastEnteredRubyBase) {
    PerFrameData* exitedRubyBase = aState.mLastExitedRubyBase;
    if (!exitedRubyBase || IsRubyAlignSpaceAround(exitedRubyBase->mFrame)) {
      prevAssign.mGapsAtEnd = 1;
    } else {
      exitedRubyBase->mJustificationAssignment.mGapsAtEnd = 1;

    PerFrameData* enteredRubyBase = aState.mLastEnteredRubyBase;
    if (!enteredRubyBase || IsRubyAlignSpaceAround(enteredRubyBase->mFrame)) {
      assign.mGapsAtStart = 1;
    } else {
      enteredRubyBase->mJustificationAssignment.mGapsAtStart = 1;

    // We are no longer going across a ruby base boundary.
    aState.mLastExitedRubyBase = nullptr;
    aState.mLastEnteredRubyBase = nullptr;
    return 1;

  const auto& info = aFrame->mJustificationInfo;
  const auto& prevInfo = prev->mJustificationInfo;
  if (!info.mIsStartJustifiable && !prevInfo.mIsEndJustifiable) {
    return 0;

  if (!info.mIsStartJustifiable) {
    prevAssign.mGapsAtEnd = 2;
    assign.mGapsAtStart = 0;
  } else if (!prevInfo.mIsEndJustifiable) {
    prevAssign.mGapsAtEnd = 0;
    assign.mGapsAtStart = 2;
  } else {
    prevAssign.mGapsAtEnd = 1;
    assign.mGapsAtStart = 1;
  return 1;

 * Compute the justification info of the given span, and store the
 * number of inner opportunities into the frame's justification info.
 * It returns the number of non-inner opportunities it detects.
nsLineLayout::ComputeFrameJustification(PerSpanData* aPSD,
                                        JustificationComputationState& aState)
  NS_ASSERTION(aPSD, "null arg");
  NS_ASSERTION(!aState.mLastParticipant || !aState.mLastParticipant->mSpan,
               "Last participant shall always be a leaf frame");
  bool firstChild = true;
  int32_t& innerOpportunities =
  MOZ_ASSERT(innerOpportunities == 0,
             "Justification info should not have been set yet.");
  int32_t outerOpportunities = 0;

  for (PerFrameData* pfd = aPSD->mFirstFrame; pfd; pfd = pfd->mNext) {
    if (!pfd->ParticipatesInJustification()) {

    bool isRubyBase = pfd->mFrame->GetType() == nsGkAtoms::rubyBaseFrame;
    PerFrameData* outerRubyBase = aState.mLastEnteredRubyBase;
    if (isRubyBase) {
      aState.mLastEnteredRubyBase = pfd;

    int extraOpportunities = 0;
    if (pfd->mSpan) {
      PerSpanData* span = pfd->mSpan;
      extraOpportunities = ComputeFrameJustification(span, aState);
      innerOpportunities += pfd->mJustificationInfo.mInnerOpportunities;
    } else {
      if (pfd->mIsTextFrame) {
        innerOpportunities += pfd->mJustificationInfo.mInnerOpportunities;

      if (!aState.mLastParticipant) {
        aState.mFirstParticipant = pfd;
        // It is not an empty ruby base, but we are not assigning gaps
        // to the content for now. Clear the last entered ruby base so
        // that we can correctly set the last exited ruby base.
        aState.mLastEnteredRubyBase = nullptr;
      } else {
        extraOpportunities = AssignInterframeJustificationGaps(pfd, aState);

      aState.mLastParticipant = pfd;

    if (isRubyBase) {
      if (aState.mLastEnteredRubyBase == pfd) {
        // There is no justification participant inside this ruby base.
        // Ignore this ruby base completely and restore the outer ruby
        // base here.
        aState.mLastEnteredRubyBase = outerRubyBase;
      } else {
        aState.mLastExitedRubyBase = pfd;

    if (firstChild) {
      outerOpportunities = extraOpportunities;
      firstChild = false;
    } else {
      innerOpportunities += extraOpportunities;

  return outerOpportunities;

nsLineLayout::AdvanceAnnotationInlineBounds(PerFrameData* aPFD,
                                            const nsSize& aContainerSize,
                                            nscoord aDeltaICoord,
                                            nscoord aDeltaISize)
  nsIFrame* frame = aPFD->mFrame;
  nsIAtom* frameType = frame->GetType();
  MOZ_ASSERT(frameType == nsGkAtoms::rubyTextFrame ||
             frameType == nsGkAtoms::rubyTextContainerFrame);
  MOZ_ASSERT(aPFD->mSpan, "rt and rtc should have span.");

  PerSpanData* psd = aPFD->mSpan;
  WritingMode lineWM = mRootSpan->mWritingMode;
  aPFD->mBounds.IStart(lineWM) += aDeltaICoord;

  // Check whether this expansion should be counted into the reserved
  // isize or not. When it is a ruby text container, and it has some
  // children linked to the base, it must not have reserved isize,
  // or its children won't align with their bases.  Otherwise, this
  // expansion should be reserved.  There are two cases a ruby text
  // container does not have children linked to the base:
  // 1. it is a container for span; 2. its children are collapsed.
  // See bug 1055674 for the second case.
  if (frameType == nsGkAtoms::rubyTextFrame ||
      // This ruby text container is a span.
      (psd->mFirstFrame == psd->mLastFrame && psd->mFirstFrame &&
       !psd->mFirstFrame->mIsLinkedToBase)) {
    // For ruby text frames, only increase frames
    // which are not auto-hidden.
    if (frameType != nsGkAtoms::rubyTextFrame ||
        !static_cast<nsRubyTextFrame*>(frame)->IsAutoHidden()) {
      nscoord reservedISize = RubyUtils::GetReservedISize(frame);
      RubyUtils::SetReservedISize(frame, reservedISize + aDeltaISize);
  } else {
    // It is a normal ruby text container. Its children will expand
    // themselves properly. We only need to expand its own size here.
    aPFD->mBounds.ISize(lineWM) += aDeltaISize;
  aPFD->mFrame->SetRect(lineWM, aPFD->mBounds, aContainerSize);

 * This function applies the changes of icoord and isize caused by
 * justification to annotations of the given frame.
nsLineLayout::ApplyLineJustificationToAnnotations(PerFrameData* aPFD,
                                                  nscoord aDeltaICoord,
                                                  nscoord aDeltaISize)
  PerFrameData* pfd = aPFD->mNextAnnotation;
  while (pfd) {
    nsSize containerSize = pfd->mFrame->GetParent()->GetSize();
    AdvanceAnnotationInlineBounds(pfd, containerSize,
                                  aDeltaICoord, aDeltaISize);

    // There are two cases where an annotation frame has siblings which
    // do not attached to a ruby base-level frame:
    // 1. there's an intra-annotation whitespace which has no intra-base
    //    white-space to pair with;
    // 2. there are not enough ruby bases to be paired with annotations.
    // In these cases, their size should not be affected, but we still
    // need to move them so that they won't overlap other frames.
    PerFrameData* sibling = pfd->mNext;
    while (sibling && !sibling->mIsLinkedToBase) {
      AdvanceAnnotationInlineBounds(sibling, containerSize,
                                    aDeltaICoord + aDeltaISize, 0);
      sibling = sibling->mNext;

    pfd = pfd->mNextAnnotation;

nsLineLayout::ApplyFrameJustification(PerSpanData* aPSD,
                                      JustificationApplicationState& aState)
  NS_ASSERTION(aPSD, "null arg");

  nscoord deltaICoord = 0;
  for (PerFrameData* pfd = aPSD->mFirstFrame; pfd != nullptr; pfd = pfd->mNext) {
    // Don't reposition bullets (and other frames that occur out of X-order?)
    if (!pfd->mIsBullet) {
      nscoord dw = 0;
      WritingMode lineWM = mRootSpan->mWritingMode;
      const auto& assign = pfd->mJustificationAssignment;
      bool isInlineText = pfd->mIsTextFrame &&

      if (isInlineText) {
        if (aState.IsJustifiable()) {
          // Set corresponding justification gaps here, so that the
          // text frame knows how it should add gaps at its sides.
          const auto& info = pfd->mJustificationInfo;
          auto textFrame = static_cast<nsTextFrame*>(pfd->mFrame);
          dw = aState.Consume(JustificationUtils::CountGaps(info, assign));

        if (dw) {
          pfd->mRecomputeOverflow = true;
      else {
        if (nullptr != pfd->mSpan) {
          dw = ApplyFrameJustification(pfd->mSpan, aState);

      pfd->mBounds.ISize(lineWM) += dw;
      nscoord gapsAtEnd = 0;
      if (!isInlineText && assign.TotalGaps()) {
        // It is possible that we assign gaps to non-text frame or an
        // orthogonal text frame. Apply the gaps as margin for them.
        deltaICoord += aState.Consume(assign.mGapsAtStart);
        gapsAtEnd = aState.Consume(assign.mGapsAtEnd);
        dw += gapsAtEnd;
      pfd->mBounds.IStart(lineWM) += deltaICoord;

      // The gaps added to the end of the frame should also be
      // excluded from the isize added to the annotation.
      ApplyLineJustificationToAnnotations(pfd, deltaICoord, dw - gapsAtEnd);
      deltaICoord += dw;
      pfd->mFrame->SetRect(lineWM, pfd->mBounds, ContainerSizeForSpan(aPSD));
  return deltaICoord;

static nsIFrame*
FindNearestRubyBaseAncestor(nsIFrame* aFrame)
  while (aFrame && aFrame->GetType() != nsGkAtoms::rubyBaseFrame) {
    aFrame = aFrame->GetParent();
  // XXX It is possible that no ruby base ancestor is found because of
  // some edge cases like form control or canvas inside ruby text.
  // See bug 1138092 comment 4.
  NS_WARNING_ASSERTION(aFrame, "no ruby base ancestor?");
  return aFrame;

 * This method expands the given frame by the given reserved isize.
nsLineLayout::ExpandRubyBox(PerFrameData* aFrame, nscoord aReservedISize,
                            const nsSize& aContainerSize)
  WritingMode lineWM = mRootSpan->mWritingMode;
  auto rubyAlign = aFrame->mFrame->StyleText()->mRubyAlign;
  switch (rubyAlign) {
      // do nothing for start
      int32_t opportunities = aFrame->mJustificationInfo.mInnerOpportunities;
      int32_t gaps = opportunities * 2;
      if (rubyAlign == NS_STYLE_RUBY_ALIGN_SPACE_AROUND) {
        // Each expandable ruby box with ruby-align space-around has a
        // gap at each of its sides. For rb/rbc, see comment in
        // AssignInterframeJustificationGaps; for rt/rtc, see comment
        // in ExpandRubyBoxWithAnnotations.
        gaps += 2;
      if (gaps > 0) {
        JustificationApplicationState state(gaps, aReservedISize);
        ApplyFrameJustification(aFrame->mSpan, state);
      // If there are no justification opportunities for space-between,
      // fall-through to center per spec.
      // Indent all children by half of the reserved inline size.
      for (PerFrameData* child = aFrame->mSpan->mFirstFrame;
           child; child = child->mNext) {
        child->mBounds.IStart(lineWM) += aReservedISize / 2;
        child->mFrame->SetRect(lineWM, child->mBounds, aContainerSize);
      MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Unknown ruby-align value");

  aFrame->mBounds.ISize(lineWM) += aReservedISize;
  aFrame->mFrame->SetRect(lineWM, aFrame->mBounds, aContainerSize);

 * This method expands the given frame by the reserved inline size.
 * It also expands its annotations if they are expandable and have
 * reserved isize larger than zero.
nsLineLayout::ExpandRubyBoxWithAnnotations(PerFrameData* aFrame,
                                           const nsSize& aContainerSize)
  nscoord reservedISize = RubyUtils::GetReservedISize(aFrame->mFrame);
  if (reservedISize) {
    ExpandRubyBox(aFrame, reservedISize, aContainerSize);

  WritingMode lineWM = mRootSpan->mWritingMode;
  bool isLevelContainer =
    aFrame->mFrame->GetType() == nsGkAtoms::rubyBaseContainerFrame;
  for (PerFrameData* annotation = aFrame->mNextAnnotation;
       annotation; annotation = annotation->mNextAnnotation) {
    if (isLevelContainer) {
      nsIFrame* rtcFrame = annotation->mFrame;
      MOZ_ASSERT(rtcFrame->GetType() == nsGkAtoms::rubyTextContainerFrame);
      // It is necessary to set the rect again because the container
      // width was unknown, and zero was used instead when we reflow
      // them. The corresponding base containers were repositioned in
      // VerticalAlignFrames and PlaceTopBottomFrames.
        rtcFrame->GetLogicalSize(lineWM) == annotation->mBounds.Size(lineWM));
      rtcFrame->SetPosition(lineWM, annotation->mBounds.Origin(lineWM),

    nscoord reservedISize = RubyUtils::GetReservedISize(annotation->mFrame);
    if (!reservedISize) {

    JustificationComputationState computeState;
    ComputeFrameJustification(annotation->mSpan, computeState);
    if (!computeState.mFirstParticipant) {
    if (IsRubyAlignSpaceAround(annotation->mFrame)) {
      // Add one gap at each side of this annotation.
      computeState.mFirstParticipant->mJustificationAssignment.mGapsAtStart = 1;
      computeState.mLastParticipant->mJustificationAssignment.mGapsAtEnd = 1;
    nsIFrame* parentFrame = annotation->mFrame->GetParent();
    nsSize containerSize = parentFrame->GetSize();
    MOZ_ASSERT(containerSize == aContainerSize ||
               parentFrame->GetType() == nsGkAtoms::rubyTextContainerFrame,
               "Container width should only be different when the current "
               "annotation is a ruby text frame, whose parent is not same "
               "as its base frame.");
    ExpandRubyBox(annotation, reservedISize, containerSize);

 * This method looks for all expandable ruby box in the given span, and
 * calls ExpandRubyBox to expand them in depth-first preorder.
nsLineLayout::ExpandInlineRubyBoxes(PerSpanData* aSpan)
  nsSize containerSize = ContainerSizeForSpan(aSpan);
  for (PerFrameData* pfd = aSpan->mFirstFrame; pfd; pfd = pfd->mNext) {
    if (RubyUtils::IsExpandableRubyBox(pfd->mFrame)) {
      ExpandRubyBoxWithAnnotations(pfd, containerSize);
    if (pfd->mSpan) {

// Align inline frames within the line according to the CSS text-align
// property.
nsLineLayout::TextAlignLine(nsLineBox* aLine,
                            bool aIsLastLine)
   * NOTE: aIsLastLine ain't necessarily so: it is correctly set by caller
   * only in cases where the last line needs special handling.
  PerSpanData* psd = mRootSpan;
  WritingMode lineWM = psd->mWritingMode;
                       "have unconstrained width; this should only result from "
                       "very large sizes, not attempts at intrinsic width "
  nscoord availISize = psd->mIEnd - psd->mIStart;
  nscoord remainingISize = availISize - aLine->ISize();
  nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, mBlockReflowInput->mFrame);
  printf(": availISize=%d lineBounds.IStart=%d lineISize=%d delta=%d\n",
         availISize, aLine->IStart(), aLine->ISize(), remainingISize);

  // 'text-align-last: auto' is equivalent to the value of the 'text-align'
  // property except when 'text-align' is set to 'justify', in which case it
  // is 'justify' when 'text-justify' is 'distribute' and 'start' otherwise.
  // XXX: the code below will have to change when we implement text-justify
  nscoord dx = 0;
  uint8_t textAlign = mStyleText->mTextAlign;
  bool textAlignTrue = mStyleText->mTextAlignTrue;
  if (aIsLastLine) {
    textAlignTrue = mStyleText->mTextAlignLastTrue;
    if (mStyleText->mTextAlignLast == NS_STYLE_TEXT_ALIGN_AUTO) {
      if (textAlign == NS_STYLE_TEXT_ALIGN_JUSTIFY) {
        textAlign = NS_STYLE_TEXT_ALIGN_START;
    } else {
      textAlign = mStyleText->mTextAlignLast;

  bool isSVG = mBlockReflowInput->mFrame->IsSVGText();
  bool doTextAlign = remainingISize > 0 || textAlignTrue;

  int32_t additionalGaps = 0;
  if (!isSVG && (mHasRuby || (doTextAlign &&
                              textAlign == NS_STYLE_TEXT_ALIGN_JUSTIFY))) {
    JustificationComputationState computeState;
    ComputeFrameJustification(psd, computeState);
    if (mHasRuby && computeState.mFirstParticipant) {
      PerFrameData* firstFrame = computeState.mFirstParticipant;
      if (firstFrame->mFrame->StyleContext()->ShouldSuppressLineBreak()) {
        nsIFrame* rubyBase = FindNearestRubyBaseAncestor(firstFrame->mFrame);
        if (rubyBase && IsRubyAlignSpaceAround(rubyBase)) {
          firstFrame->mJustificationAssignment.mGapsAtStart = 1;
      PerFrameData* lastFrame = computeState.mLastParticipant;
      if (lastFrame->mFrame->StyleContext()->ShouldSuppressLineBreak()) {
        nsIFrame* rubyBase = FindNearestRubyBaseAncestor(lastFrame->mFrame);
        if (rubyBase && IsRubyAlignSpaceAround(rubyBase)) {
          lastFrame->mJustificationAssignment.mGapsAtEnd = 1;

  if (!isSVG && doTextAlign) {
    switch (textAlign) {
        int32_t opportunities =
        if (opportunities > 0) {
          int32_t gaps = opportunities * 2 + additionalGaps;
          JustificationApplicationState applyState(gaps, remainingISize);

          // Apply the justification, and make sure to update our linebox
          // width to account for it.
          aLine->ExpandBy(ApplyFrameJustification(psd, applyState),

          MOZ_ASSERT(applyState.mGaps.mHandled == applyState.mGaps.mCount,
                     "Unprocessed justification gaps");
          MOZ_ASSERT(applyState.mWidth.mConsumed == applyState.mWidth.mAvailable,
                     "Unprocessed justification width");
        // Fall through to the default case if we could not justify to fill
        // the space.

        // default alignment is to start edge so do nothing

        if (!lineWM.IsBidiLTR()) {
          dx = remainingISize;

        if (lineWM.IsBidiLTR()) {
          dx = remainingISize;

        dx = remainingISize;

        dx = remainingISize / 2;

  if (mHasRuby) {

  if (mPresContext->BidiEnabled() &&
      (!mPresContext->IsVisualMode() || !lineWM.IsBidiLTR())) {
                                   lineWM, mContainerSize,
                                   psd->mIStart + mTextIndent + dx);
    if (dx) {
      aLine->IndentBy(dx, ContainerSize());
  } else if (dx) {
    for (PerFrameData* pfd = psd->mFirstFrame; pfd; pfd = pfd->mNext) {
      pfd->mBounds.IStart(lineWM) += dx;
      pfd->mFrame->SetRect(lineWM, pfd->mBounds, ContainerSizeForSpan(psd));
    aLine->IndentBy(dx, ContainerSize());

// This method applies any relative positioning to the given frame.
nsLineLayout::ApplyRelativePositioning(PerFrameData* aPFD)
  if (!aPFD->mRelativePos) {

  nsIFrame* frame = aPFD->mFrame;
  WritingMode frameWM = aPFD->mWritingMode;
  LogicalPoint origin = frame->GetLogicalPosition(ContainerSize());
  // right and bottom are handled by
  // ReflowInput::ComputeRelativeOffsets
  ReflowInput::ApplyRelativePositioning(frame, frameWM,
                                              aPFD->mOffsets, &origin,
  frame->SetPosition(frameWM, origin, ContainerSize());

// This method do relative positioning for ruby annotations.
nsLineLayout::RelativePositionAnnotations(PerSpanData* aRubyPSD,
                                          nsOverflowAreas& aOverflowAreas)
  MOZ_ASSERT(aRubyPSD->mFrame->mFrame->GetType() == nsGkAtoms::rubyFrame);
  for (PerFrameData* pfd = aRubyPSD->mFirstFrame; pfd; pfd = pfd->mNext) {
    MOZ_ASSERT(pfd->mFrame->GetType() == nsGkAtoms::rubyBaseContainerFrame);
    for (PerFrameData* rtc = pfd->mNextAnnotation;
         rtc; rtc = rtc->mNextAnnotation) {
      nsIFrame* rtcFrame = rtc->mFrame;
      MOZ_ASSERT(rtcFrame->GetType() == nsGkAtoms::rubyTextContainerFrame);
      nsOverflowAreas rtcOverflowAreas;
      RelativePositionFrames(rtc->mSpan, rtcOverflowAreas);
      aOverflowAreas.UnionWith(rtcOverflowAreas + rtcFrame->GetPosition());

nsLineLayout::RelativePositionFrames(PerSpanData* psd, nsOverflowAreas& aOverflowAreas)
  nsOverflowAreas overflowAreas;
  WritingMode wm = psd->mWritingMode;
  if (psd != mRootSpan) {
    // The span's overflow areas come in three parts:
    // -- this frame's width and height
    // -- pfd->mOverflowAreas, which is the area of a bullet or the union
    // of a relatively positioned frame's absolute children
    // -- the bounds of all inline descendants
    // The former two parts are computed right here, we gather the descendants
    // below.
    // At this point psd->mFrame->mBounds might be out of date since
    // bidi reordering can move and resize the frames. So use the frame's
    // rect instead of mBounds.
    nsRect adjustedBounds(nsPoint(0, 0), psd->mFrame->mFrame->GetSize());

      psd->mFrame->mOverflowAreas.ScrollableOverflow(), adjustedBounds);
      psd->mFrame->mOverflowAreas.VisualOverflow(), adjustedBounds);
  else {
    LogicalRect rect(wm, psd->mIStart, mBStartEdge,
                     psd->mICoord - psd->mIStart, mFinalLineBSize);
    // The minimum combined area for the frames that are direct
    // children of the block starts at the upper left corner of the
    // line and is sized to match the size of the line's bounding box
    // (the same size as the values returned from VerticalAlignFrames)
    overflowAreas.VisualOverflow() = rect.GetPhysicalRect(wm, ContainerSize());
    overflowAreas.ScrollableOverflow() = overflowAreas.VisualOverflow();

  for (PerFrameData* pfd = psd->mFirstFrame; pfd; pfd = pfd->mNext) {
    nsIFrame* frame = pfd->mFrame;

    // Adjust the origin of the frame

    // We must position the view correctly before positioning its
    // descendants so that widgets are positioned properly (since only
    // some views have widgets).
    if (frame->HasView())
      nsContainerFrame::SyncFrameViewAfterReflow(mPresContext, frame,
        frame->GetView(), pfd->mOverflowAreas.VisualOverflow(),

    // Note: the combined area of a child is in its coordinate
    // system. We adjust the childs combined area into our coordinate
    // system before computing the aggregated value by adding in
    // <b>x</b> and <b>y</b> which were computed above.
    nsOverflowAreas r;
    if (pfd->mSpan) {
      // Compute a new combined area for the child span before
      // aggregating it into our combined area.
      RelativePositionFrames(pfd->mSpan, r);
    } else {
      r = pfd->mOverflowAreas;
      if (pfd->mIsTextFrame) {
        // We need to recompute overflow areas in four cases:
        // (1) When PFD_RECOMPUTEOVERFLOW is set due to trimming
        // (2) When there are text decorations, since we can't recompute the
        //     overflow area until Reflow and VerticalAlignLine have finished
        // (3) When there are text emphasis marks, since the marks may be
        //     put further away if the text is inside ruby.
        // (4) When there are text strokes
        if (pfd->mRecomputeOverflow ||
            frame->StyleContext()->HasTextDecorationLines() ||
            frame->StyleText()->HasTextEmphasis() ||
            frame->StyleText()->HasWebkitTextStroke()) {
          nsTextFrame* f = static_cast<nsTextFrame*>(frame);
          r = f->RecomputeOverflow(mBlockReflowInput->mFrame);
        frame->FinishAndStoreOverflow(r, frame->GetSize());

      // If we have something that's not an inline but with a complex frame
      // hierarchy inside that contains views, they need to be
      // positioned.
      // All descendant views must be repositioned even if this frame
      // does have a view in case this frame's view does not have a
      // widget and some of the descendant views do have widgets --
      // otherwise the widgets won't be repositioned.

    // Do this here (rather than along with setting the overflow rect
    // below) so we get leaf frames as well.  No need to worry
    // about the root span, since it doesn't have a frame.
    if (frame->HasView())
      nsContainerFrame::SyncFrameViewAfterReflow(mPresContext, frame,

    overflowAreas.UnionWith(r + frame->GetPosition());

  // Also compute relative position in the annotations.
  if (psd->mFrame->mFrame->GetType() == nsGkAtoms::rubyFrame) {
    RelativePositionAnnotations(psd, overflowAreas);

  // If we just computed a spans combined area, we need to update its
  // overflow rect...
  if (psd != mRootSpan) {
    PerFrameData* spanPFD = psd->mFrame;
    nsIFrame* frame = spanPFD->mFrame;
    frame->FinishAndStoreOverflow(overflowAreas, frame->GetSize());
  aOverflowAreas = overflowAreas;