/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

/* rendering object for CSS display:inline objects */

#include "nsInlineFrame.h"
#include "nsLineLayout.h"
#include "nsBlockFrame.h"
#include "nsPlaceholderFrame.h"
#include "nsGkAtoms.h"
#include "nsStyleContext.h"
#include "nsPresContext.h"
#include "nsRenderingContext.h"
#include "nsCSSAnonBoxes.h"
#include "mozilla/RestyleManagerHandle.h"
#include "mozilla/RestyleManagerHandleInlines.h"
#include "nsDisplayList.h"
#include "mozilla/Likely.h"
#include "SVGTextFrame.h"
#include "mozilla/StyleSetHandle.h"
#include "mozilla/StyleSetHandleInlines.h"

#ifdef DEBUG

using namespace mozilla;
using namespace mozilla::layout;


// Basic nsInlineFrame methods

NS_NewInlineFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsStyleContext* aContext)
  return new (aPresShell) nsInlineFrame(aContext);



nsInlineFrame::GetFrameName(nsAString& aResult) const
  return MakeFrameName(NS_LITERAL_STRING("Inline"), aResult);

nsInlineFrame::GetType() const
  return nsGkAtoms::inlineFrame;

nsInlineFrame::InvalidateFrame(uint32_t aDisplayItemKey)
  if (IsSVGText()) {
    nsIFrame* svgTextFrame =

nsInlineFrame::InvalidateFrameWithRect(const nsRect& aRect, uint32_t aDisplayItemKey)
  if (IsSVGText()) {
    nsIFrame* svgTextFrame =
  nsContainerFrame::InvalidateFrameWithRect(aRect, aDisplayItemKey);

static inline bool
IsMarginZero(const nsStyleCoord &aCoord)
  return aCoord.GetUnit() == eStyleUnit_Auto ||

/* virtual */ bool
#if 0
  // I used to think inline frames worked this way, but it seems they
  // don't.  At least not in our codebase.
  if (GetPresContext()->CompatibilityMode() == eCompatibility_FullStandards) {
    return false;
  const nsStyleMargin* margin = StyleMargin();
  const nsStyleBorder* border = StyleBorder();
  const nsStylePadding* padding = StylePadding();
  // Block-start and -end ignored, since they shouldn't affect things, but this
  // doesn't really match with nsLineLayout.cpp's setting of
  // ZeroEffectiveSpanBox, anymore, so what should this really be?
  WritingMode wm = GetWritingMode();
  bool haveStart, haveEnd;
  // Initially set up haveStart and haveEnd in terms of visual (LTR/TTB)
  // coordinates; we'll exchange them later if bidi-RTL is in effect to
  // get logical start and end flags.
  if (wm.IsVertical()) {
    haveStart =
      border->GetComputedBorderWidth(NS_SIDE_TOP) != 0 ||
      !nsLayoutUtils::IsPaddingZero(padding->mPadding.GetTop()) ||
    haveEnd =
      border->GetComputedBorderWidth(NS_SIDE_BOTTOM) != 0 ||
      !nsLayoutUtils::IsPaddingZero(padding->mPadding.GetBottom()) ||
  } else {
    haveStart =
      border->GetComputedBorderWidth(NS_SIDE_LEFT) != 0 ||
      !nsLayoutUtils::IsPaddingZero(padding->mPadding.GetLeft()) ||
    haveEnd =
      border->GetComputedBorderWidth(NS_SIDE_RIGHT) != 0 ||
      !nsLayoutUtils::IsPaddingZero(padding->mPadding.GetRight()) ||
  if (haveStart || haveEnd) {
    // We skip this block and return false for box-decoration-break:clone since
    // in that case all the continuations will have the border/padding/margin.
    if ((GetStateBits() & NS_FRAME_PART_OF_IBSPLIT) &&
        StyleBorder()->mBoxDecorationBreak == StyleBoxDecorationBreak::Slice) {
      // When direction=rtl, we need to consider logical rather than visual
      // start and end, so swap the flags.
      if (!wm.IsBidiLTR()) {
        Swap(haveStart, haveEnd);
      // For ib-split frames, ignore things we know we'll skip in GetSkipSides.
      // XXXbz should we be doing this for non-ib-split frames too, in a more
      // general way?

      // Get the first continuation eagerly, as a performance optimization, to
      // avoid having to get it twice..
      nsIFrame* firstCont = FirstContinuation();
        (!haveStart || firstCont->FrameIsNonFirstInIBSplit()) &&
        (!haveEnd || firstCont->FrameIsNonLastInIBSplit());
    return false;
  return true;

  if (!IsSelfEmpty()) {
    return false;

  for (nsIFrame* kid : mFrames) {
    if (!kid->IsEmpty())
      return false;

  return true;

nsInlineFrame::PeekOffsetCharacter(bool aForward, int32_t* aOffset,
                                   bool aRespectClusters)
  // Override the implementation in nsFrame, to skip empty inline frames
  NS_ASSERTION (aOffset && *aOffset <= 1, "aOffset out of range");
  int32_t startOffset = *aOffset;
  if (startOffset < 0)
    startOffset = 1;
  if (aForward == (startOffset == 0)) {
    // We're before the frame and moving forward, or after it and moving backwards:
    // skip to the other side, but keep going.
    *aOffset = 1 - startOffset;
  return CONTINUE;

nsInlineFrame::DestroyFrom(nsIFrame* aDestructRoot)
  nsFrameList* overflowFrames = GetOverflowFrames();
  if (overflowFrames) {
    // Fixup the parent pointers for any child frames on the OverflowList.
    // nsIFrame::DestroyFrom depends on that to find the sticky scroll
    // container (an ancestor).

nsInlineFrame::StealFrame(nsIFrame* aChild)
  if (MaybeStealOverflowContainerFrame(aChild)) {
    return NS_OK;

  nsInlineFrame* parent = this;
  bool removed = false;
  do {
    removed = parent->mFrames.StartRemoveFrame(aChild);
    if (removed) {

    // We didn't find the child in our principal child list.
    // Maybe it's on the overflow list?
    nsFrameList* frameList = parent->GetOverflowFrames();
    if (frameList) {
      removed = frameList->ContinueRemoveFrame(aChild);
      if (frameList->IsEmpty()) {
      if (removed) {

    // Due to our "lazy reparenting" optimization 'aChild' might not actually
    // be on any of our child lists, but instead in one of our next-in-flows.
    parent = static_cast<nsInlineFrame*>(parent->GetNextInFlow());
  } while (parent);

  MOZ_ASSERT(removed, "nsInlineFrame::StealFrame: can't find aChild");
  return removed ? NS_OK : NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED;

nsInlineFrame::BuildDisplayList(nsDisplayListBuilder*   aBuilder,
                                const nsDisplayListSet& aLists)
  BuildDisplayListForInline(aBuilder, aLists);

  // The sole purpose of this is to trigger display of the selection
  // window for Named Anchors, which don't have any children and
  // normally don't have any size, but in Editor we use CSS to display
  // an image to represent this "hidden" element.
  if (!mFrames.FirstChild()) {
    DisplaySelectionOverlay(aBuilder, aLists.Content());

// Reflow methods

/* virtual */ void
nsInlineFrame::AddInlineMinISize(nsRenderingContext *aRenderingContext,
                                 nsIFrame::InlineMinISizeData *aData)
  DoInlineIntrinsicISize(aRenderingContext, aData, nsLayoutUtils::MIN_ISIZE);

/* virtual */ void
nsInlineFrame::AddInlinePrefISize(nsRenderingContext *aRenderingContext,
                                  nsIFrame::InlinePrefISizeData *aData)
  DoInlineIntrinsicISize(aRenderingContext, aData, nsLayoutUtils::PREF_ISIZE);

/* virtual */
nsInlineFrame::ComputeSize(nsRenderingContext *aRenderingContext,
                           WritingMode aWM,
                           const LogicalSize& aCBSize,
                           nscoord aAvailableISize,
                           const LogicalSize& aMargin,
                           const LogicalSize& aBorder,
                           const LogicalSize& aPadding,
                           ComputeSizeFlags aFlags)
  // Inlines and text don't compute size before reflow.

nsInlineFrame::ComputeTightBounds(DrawTarget* aDrawTarget) const
  // be conservative
  if (StyleContext()->HasTextDecorationLines()) {
    return GetVisualOverflowRect();
  return ComputeSimpleTightBounds(aDrawTarget);

nsInlineFrame::ReparentFloatsForInlineChild(nsIFrame* aOurLineContainer,
                                            nsIFrame* aFrame,
                                            bool aReparentSiblings)
  // XXXbz this would be better if it took a nsFrameList or a frame
  // list slice....
  NS_ASSERTION(aOurLineContainer->GetNextContinuation() ||
               "Don't call this when we have no continuation, it's a waste");
  if (!aFrame) {
    NS_ASSERTION(aReparentSiblings, "Why did we get called?");

  nsBlockFrame* frameBlock = nsLayoutUtils::GetFloatContainingBlock(aFrame);
  if (!frameBlock || frameBlock == aOurLineContainer) {

  nsBlockFrame* ourBlock = nsLayoutUtils::GetAsBlock(aOurLineContainer);
  NS_ASSERTION(ourBlock, "Not a block, but broke vertically?");

  while (true) {
    ourBlock->ReparentFloats(aFrame, frameBlock, false);

    if (!aReparentSiblings)
    nsIFrame* next = aFrame->GetNextSibling();
    if (!next)
    if (next->GetParent() == aFrame->GetParent()) {
      aFrame = next;
    // This is paranoid and will hardly ever get hit ... but we can't actually
    // trust that the frames in the sibling chain all have the same parent,
    // because lazy reparenting may be going on. If we find a different
    // parent we need to redo our analysis.
    ReparentFloatsForInlineChild(aOurLineContainer, next, aReparentSiblings);

static void
ReparentChildListStyle(nsPresContext* aPresContext,
                       const nsFrameList::Slice& aFrames,
                       nsIFrame* aParentFrame)
  RestyleManagerHandle restyleManager = aPresContext->RestyleManager();

  for (nsFrameList::Enumerator e(aFrames); !e.AtEnd(); e.Next()) {
    NS_ASSERTION(e.get()->GetParent() == aParentFrame, "Bogus parentage");

nsInlineFrame::Reflow(nsPresContext*          aPresContext,
                      ReflowOutput&     aMetrics,
                      const ReflowInput& aReflowInput,
                      nsReflowStatus&          aStatus)
  DISPLAY_REFLOW(aPresContext, this, aReflowInput, aMetrics, aStatus);
  if (nullptr == aReflowInput.mLineLayout) {
    NS_ERROR("must have non-null aReflowInput.mLineLayout");
  if (IsFrameTreeTooDeep(aReflowInput, aMetrics, aStatus)) {

  bool    lazilySetParentPointer = false;

   // Check for an overflow list with our prev-in-flow
  nsInlineFrame* prevInFlow = (nsInlineFrame*)GetPrevInFlow();
  if (prevInFlow) {
    AutoFrameListPtr prevOverflowFrames(aPresContext,
    if (prevOverflowFrames) {
      // When pushing and pulling frames we need to check for whether any
      // views need to be reparented.
      nsContainerFrame::ReparentFrameViewList(*prevOverflowFrames, prevInFlow,

      // Check if we should do the lazilySetParentPointer optimization.
      // Only do it in simple cases where we're being reflowed for the
      // first time, nothing (e.g. bidi resolution) has already given
      // us children, and there's no next-in-flow, so all our frames
      // will be taken from prevOverflowFrames.
      if ((GetStateBits() & NS_FRAME_FIRST_REFLOW) && mFrames.IsEmpty() &&
          !GetNextInFlow()) {
        // If our child list is empty, just put the new frames into it.
        // Note that we don't set the parent pointer for the new frames. Instead wait
        // to do this until we actually reflow the frame. If the overflow list contains
        // thousands of frames this is a big performance issue (see bug #5588)
        lazilySetParentPointer = true;
      } else {
        // Insert the new frames at the beginning of the child list
        // and set their parent pointer
        const nsFrameList::Slice& newFrames =
          mFrames.InsertFrames(this, nullptr, *prevOverflowFrames);
        // If our prev in flow was under the first continuation of a first-line
        // frame then we need to reparent the style contexts to remove the
        // the special first-line styling. In the lazilySetParentPointer case
        // we reparent the style contexts when we set their parents in
        // nsInlineFrame::ReflowFrames and nsInlineFrame::ReflowInlineFrame.
        if (aReflowInput.mLineLayout->GetInFirstLine()) {
          ReparentChildListStyle(aPresContext, newFrames, this);

  // It's also possible that we have an overflow list for ourselves
#ifdef DEBUG
  if (GetStateBits() & NS_FRAME_FIRST_REFLOW) {
    // If it's our initial reflow, then we should not have an overflow list.
    // However, add an assertion in case we get reflowed more than once with
    // the initial reflow reason
    nsFrameList* overflowFrames = GetOverflowFrames();
    NS_ASSERTION(!overflowFrames || overflowFrames->IsEmpty(),
                 "overflow list is not empty for initial reflow");
  if (!(GetStateBits() & NS_FRAME_FIRST_REFLOW)) {
    DrainFlags flags =
      lazilySetParentPointer ? eDontReparentFrames : DrainFlags(0);
    if (aReflowInput.mLineLayout->GetInFirstLine()) {
      flags = DrainFlags(flags | eInFirstLine);

  // Set our own reflow state (additional state above and beyond aReflowInput)
  InlineReflowInput irs;
  irs.mPrevFrame = nullptr;
  irs.mLineContainer = aReflowInput.mLineLayout->LineContainerFrame();
  irs.mLineLayout = aReflowInput.mLineLayout;
  irs.mNextInFlow = (nsInlineFrame*) GetNextInFlow();
  irs.mSetParentPointer = lazilySetParentPointer;

  if (mFrames.IsEmpty()) {
    // Try to pull over one frame before starting so that we know
    // whether we have an anonymous block or not.
    bool complete;
    (void) PullOneFrame(aPresContext, irs, &complete);

  ReflowFrames(aPresContext, aReflowInput, irs, aMetrics, aStatus);

  ReflowAbsoluteFrames(aPresContext, aMetrics, aReflowInput, aStatus);

  // Note: the line layout code will properly compute our
  // overflow-rect state for us.

  NS_FRAME_SET_TRUNCATION(aStatus, aReflowInput, aMetrics);

nsInlineFrame::AttributeChanged(int32_t aNameSpaceID,
                                nsIAtom* aAttribute,
                                int32_t aModType)
  nsresult rv =
    nsContainerFrame::AttributeChanged(aNameSpaceID, aAttribute, aModType);

  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
    return rv;

  if (IsSVGText()) {
    SVGTextFrame* f = static_cast<SVGTextFrame*>(
      nsLayoutUtils::GetClosestFrameOfType(this, nsGkAtoms::svgTextFrame));
                                         aNameSpaceID, aAttribute);

  return NS_OK;

nsInlineFrame::DrainSelfOverflowListInternal(DrainFlags aFlags)
  AutoFrameListPtr overflowFrames(PresContext(), StealOverflowFrames());
  if (overflowFrames) {
    // The frames on our own overflowlist may have been pushed by a
    // previous lazilySetParentPointer Reflow so we need to ensure the
    // correct parent pointer.  This is sometimes skipped by Reflow.
    if (!(aFlags & eDontReparentFrames)) {
      nsIFrame* firstChild = overflowFrames->FirstChild();
      const bool doReparentSC = (aFlags & eInFirstLine);
      RestyleManagerHandle restyleManager = PresContext()->RestyleManager();
      for (nsIFrame* f = firstChild; f; f = f->GetNextSibling()) {
        if (doReparentSC) {
    bool result = !overflowFrames->IsEmpty();
    mFrames.AppendFrames(nullptr, *overflowFrames);
    return result;
  return false;

/* virtual */ bool
  nsIFrame* lineContainer = nsLayoutUtils::FindNearestBlockAncestor(this);
  // Add the eInFirstLine flag if we have a ::first-line ancestor frame.
  // No need to look further than the nearest line container though.
  DrainFlags flags = DrainFlags(0);
  for (nsIFrame* p = GetParent(); p != lineContainer; p = p->GetParent()) {
    if (p->GetType() == nsGkAtoms::lineFrame) {
      flags = DrainFlags(flags | eInFirstLine);
  return DrainSelfOverflowListInternal(flags);

/* virtual */ bool
nsInlineFrame::CanContinueTextRun() const
  // We can continue a text run through an inline frame
  return true;

/* virtual */ void
  nsInlineFrame* prevInFlow = static_cast<nsInlineFrame*>(GetPrevInFlow());
  if (prevInFlow) {
    nsPresContext* presContext = PresContext();
    AutoFrameListPtr prevOverflowFrames(presContext,
    if (prevOverflowFrames) {
      // Assume that our prev-in-flow has the same line container that we do.
      nsContainerFrame::ReparentFrameViewList(*prevOverflowFrames, prevInFlow,
      mFrames.InsertFrames(this, nullptr, *prevOverflowFrames);

nsInlineFrame::ReflowFrames(nsPresContext* aPresContext,
                            const ReflowInput& aReflowInput,
                            InlineReflowInput& irs,
                            ReflowOutput& aMetrics,
                            nsReflowStatus& aStatus)

  nsLineLayout* lineLayout = aReflowInput.mLineLayout;
  bool inFirstLine = aReflowInput.mLineLayout->GetInFirstLine();
  RestyleManagerHandle restyleManager = aPresContext->RestyleManager();
  WritingMode frameWM = aReflowInput.GetWritingMode();
  WritingMode lineWM = aReflowInput.mLineLayout->mRootSpan->mWritingMode;
  LogicalMargin framePadding = aReflowInput.ComputedLogicalBorderPadding();
  nscoord startEdge = 0;
  const bool boxDecorationBreakClone =
    MOZ_UNLIKELY(StyleBorder()->mBoxDecorationBreak ==
  // Don't offset by our start borderpadding if we have a prev continuation or
  // if we're in a part of an {ib} split other than the first one. For
  // box-decoration-break:clone we always offset our start since all
  // continuations have border/padding.
  if ((!GetPrevContinuation() && !FrameIsNonFirstInIBSplit()) ||
      boxDecorationBreakClone) {
    startEdge = framePadding.IStart(frameWM);
  nscoord availableISize = aReflowInput.AvailableISize();
               "should no longer use available widths");
  // Subtract off inline axis border+padding from availableISize
  availableISize -= startEdge;
  availableISize -= framePadding.IEnd(frameWM);
  lineLayout->BeginSpan(this, &aReflowInput, startEdge,
                        startEdge + availableISize, &mBaseline);

  // First reflow our principal children.
  nsIFrame* frame = mFrames.FirstChild();
  bool done = false;
  while (frame) {
    // Check if we should lazily set the child frame's parent pointer.
    if (irs.mSetParentPointer) {
      nsIFrame* child = frame;
      do {
        if (inFirstLine) {
        // We also need to do the same for |frame|'s next-in-flows that are in
        // the sibling list. Otherwise, if we reflow |frame| and it's complete
        // we'll crash when trying to delete its next-in-flow.
        // This scenario doesn't happen often, but it can happen.
        nsIFrame* nextSibling = child->GetNextSibling();
        child = child->GetNextInFlow();
        if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(child)) {
          while (child != nextSibling && nextSibling) {
            nextSibling = nextSibling->GetNextSibling();
          if (!nextSibling) {
            child = nullptr;
        MOZ_ASSERT(!child || mFrames.ContainsFrame(child));
      } while (child);

      // Fix the parent pointer for ::first-letter child frame next-in-flows,
      // so nsFirstLetterFrame::Reflow can destroy them safely (bug 401042).
      nsIFrame* realFrame = nsPlaceholderFrame::GetRealFrameFor(frame);
      if (realFrame->GetType() == nsGkAtoms::letterFrame) {
        nsIFrame* child = realFrame->PrincipalChildList().FirstChild();
        if (child) {
          NS_ASSERTION(child->GetType() == nsGkAtoms::textFrame,
                       "unexpected frame type");
          nsIFrame* nextInFlow = child->GetNextInFlow();
          for ( ; nextInFlow; nextInFlow = nextInFlow->GetNextInFlow()) {
            NS_ASSERTION(nextInFlow->GetType() == nsGkAtoms::textFrame,
                         "unexpected frame type");
            if (mFrames.ContainsFrame(nextInFlow)) {
              if (inFirstLine) {
            else {
#ifdef DEBUG              
              // Once we find a next-in-flow that isn't ours none of the
              // remaining next-in-flows should be either.
              for ( ; nextInFlow; nextInFlow = nextInFlow->GetNextInFlow()) {
                             "unexpected letter frame flow");
    MOZ_ASSERT(frame->GetParent() == this);

    if (!done) {
      bool reflowingFirstLetter = lineLayout->GetFirstLetterStyleOK();
      ReflowInlineFrame(aPresContext, aReflowInput, irs, frame, aStatus);
      done = NS_INLINE_IS_BREAK(aStatus) || 
             (!reflowingFirstLetter && NS_FRAME_IS_NOT_COMPLETE(aStatus));
      if (done) {
        if (!irs.mSetParentPointer) {
        // Keep reparenting the remaining siblings, but don't reflow them.
        nsFrameList* pushedFrames = GetOverflowFrames();
        if (pushedFrames && pushedFrames->FirstChild() == frame) {
          // Don't bother if |frame| was pushed to our overflow list.
      } else {
        irs.mPrevFrame = frame;
    frame = frame->GetNextSibling();

  // Attempt to pull frames from our next-in-flow until we can't
  if (!done && GetNextInFlow()) {
    while (true) {
      bool reflowingFirstLetter = lineLayout->GetFirstLetterStyleOK();
      bool isComplete;
      if (!frame) { // Could be non-null if we pulled a first-letter frame and
                    // it created a continuation, since we don't push those.
        frame = PullOneFrame(aPresContext, irs, &isComplete);
      printf("%p pulled up %p\n", this, frame);
      if (nullptr == frame) {
        if (!isComplete) {
          aStatus = NS_FRAME_NOT_COMPLETE;
      ReflowInlineFrame(aPresContext, aReflowInput, irs, frame, aStatus);
      if (NS_INLINE_IS_BREAK(aStatus) || 
          (!reflowingFirstLetter && NS_FRAME_IS_NOT_COMPLETE(aStatus))) {
      irs.mPrevFrame = frame;
      frame = frame->GetNextSibling();

  NS_ASSERTION(!NS_FRAME_IS_COMPLETE(aStatus) || !GetOverflowFrames(),
               "We can't be complete AND have overflow frames!");

  // If after reflowing our children they take up no area then make
  // sure that we don't either.
  // Note: CSS demands that empty inline elements still affect the
  // line-height calculations. However, continuations of an inline
  // that are empty we force to empty so that things like collapsed
  // whitespace in an inline element don't affect the line-height.
  aMetrics.ISize(lineWM) = lineLayout->EndSpan(this);

  // Compute final width.

  // XXX Note that that the padding start and end are in the frame's
  //     writing mode, but the metrics' inline-size is in the line's
  //     writing mode. This makes sense if the line and frame are both
  //     vertical or both horizontal, but what should happen with
  //     orthogonal inlines?

  // Make sure to not include our start border and padding if we have a prev
  // continuation or if we're in a part of an {ib} split other than the first
  // one.  For box-decoration-break:clone we always include our start border
  // and padding since all continuations have them.
  if ((!GetPrevContinuation() && !FrameIsNonFirstInIBSplit()) ||
      boxDecorationBreakClone) {
    aMetrics.ISize(lineWM) += framePadding.IStart(frameWM);

   * We want to only apply the end border and padding if we're the last
   * continuation and either not in an {ib} split or the last part of it.  To
   * be the last continuation we have to be complete (so that we won't get a
   * next-in-flow) and have no non-fluid continuations on our continuation
   * chain.  For box-decoration-break:clone we always apply the end border and
   * padding since all continuations have them.
  if ((NS_FRAME_IS_COMPLETE(aStatus) &&
       !LastInFlow()->GetNextContinuation() &&
       !FrameIsNonLastInIBSplit()) ||
      boxDecorationBreakClone) {
    aMetrics.ISize(lineWM) += framePadding.IEnd(frameWM);

  nsLayoutUtils::SetBSizeFromFontMetrics(this, aMetrics,
                                         framePadding, lineWM, frameWM);

  // For now our overflow area is zero. The real value will be
  // computed in |nsLineLayout::RelativePositionFrames|.

  printf(": metrics=%d,%d ascent=%d\n",
         aMetrics.Width(), aMetrics.Height(), aMetrics.TopAscent());

nsInlineFrame::ReflowInlineFrame(nsPresContext* aPresContext,
                                 const ReflowInput& aReflowInput,
                                 InlineReflowInput& irs,
                                 nsIFrame* aFrame,
                                 nsReflowStatus& aStatus)
  nsLineLayout* lineLayout = aReflowInput.mLineLayout;
  bool reflowingFirstLetter = lineLayout->GetFirstLetterStyleOK();
  bool pushedFrame;
  lineLayout->ReflowFrame(aFrame, aStatus, nullptr, pushedFrame);
    if (aFrame != mFrames.FirstChild()) {
      // Change break-before status into break-after since we have
      // already placed at least one child frame. This preserves the
      // break-type so that it can be propagated upward.
      aStatus = NS_FRAME_NOT_COMPLETE |
        (aStatus & NS_INLINE_BREAK_TYPE_MASK);
      PushFrames(aPresContext, aFrame, irs.mPrevFrame, irs);
    else {
      // Preserve reflow status when breaking-before our first child
      // and propagate it upward without modification.

  // Create a next-in-flow if needed.

  if (NS_INLINE_IS_BREAK_AFTER(aStatus)) {
    nsIFrame* nextFrame = aFrame->GetNextSibling();
    if (nextFrame) {
      PushFrames(aPresContext, nextFrame, aFrame, irs);
    else {
      // We must return an incomplete status if there are more child
      // frames remaining in a next-in-flow that follows this frame.
      nsInlineFrame* nextInFlow = static_cast<nsInlineFrame*>(GetNextInFlow());
      while (nextInFlow) {
        if (nextInFlow->mFrames.NotEmpty()) {
        nextInFlow = static_cast<nsInlineFrame*>(nextInFlow->GetNextInFlow());

  if (!NS_FRAME_IS_FULLY_COMPLETE(aStatus) && !reflowingFirstLetter) {
    nsIFrame* nextFrame = aFrame->GetNextSibling();
    if (nextFrame) {
      PushFrames(aPresContext, nextFrame, aFrame, irs);

nsInlineFrame::PullOneFrame(nsPresContext* aPresContext,
                            InlineReflowInput& irs,
                            bool* aIsComplete)
  bool isComplete = true;

  nsIFrame* frame = nullptr;
  nsInlineFrame* nextInFlow = irs.mNextInFlow;
  while (nextInFlow) {
    frame = nextInFlow->mFrames.FirstChild();
    if (!frame) {
      // The nextInFlow's principal list has no frames, try its overflow list.
      nsFrameList* overflowFrames = nextInFlow->GetOverflowFrames();
      if (overflowFrames) {
        frame = overflowFrames->RemoveFirstChild();
        if (overflowFrames->IsEmpty()) {
          // We're stealing the only frame - delete the overflow list.
        } else {
          // We leave the remaining frames on the overflow list (rather than
          // putting them on nextInFlow's principal list) so we don't have to
          // set up the parent for them.
        // ReparentFloatsForInlineChild needs it to be on a child list -
        // we remove it again below.

    if (frame) {
      // If our block has no next continuation, then any floats belonging to
      // the pulled frame must belong to our block already. This check ensures
      // we do no extra work in the common non-vertical-breaking case.
      if (irs.mLineContainer && irs.mLineContainer->GetNextContinuation()) {
        // The blockChildren.ContainsFrame check performed by
        // ReparentFloatsForInlineChild will be fast because frame's ancestor
        // will be the first child of its containing block.
        ReparentFloatsForInlineChild(irs.mLineContainer, frame, false);
      // nsFirstLineFrame::PullOneFrame calls ReparentStyleContext.

      mFrames.InsertFrame(this, irs.mPrevFrame, frame);
      isComplete = false;
      if (irs.mLineLayout) {
      nsContainerFrame::ReparentFrameView(frame, nextInFlow, this);
    nextInFlow = static_cast<nsInlineFrame*>(nextInFlow->GetNextInFlow());
    irs.mNextInFlow = nextInFlow;

  *aIsComplete = isComplete;
  return frame;

nsInlineFrame::PushFrames(nsPresContext* aPresContext,
                          nsIFrame* aFromChild,
                          nsIFrame* aPrevSibling,
                          InlineReflowInput& aState)
  NS_PRECONDITION(aFromChild, "null pointer");
  NS_PRECONDITION(aPrevSibling, "pushing first child");
  NS_PRECONDITION(aPrevSibling->GetNextSibling() == aFromChild, "bad prev sibling");

  printf("%p pushing aFromChild %p, disconnecting from prev sib %p\n", 
         this, aFromChild, aPrevSibling);

  // Add the frames to our overflow list (let our next in flow drain
  // our overflow list when it is ready)
  if (aState.mLineLayout) {


nsInlineFrame::GetLogicalSkipSides(const ReflowInput* aReflowInput) const
  if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(StyleBorder()->mBoxDecorationBreak ==
                     StyleBoxDecorationBreak::Clone)) {
    return LogicalSides();

  LogicalSides skip;
  if (!IsFirst()) {
    nsInlineFrame* prev = (nsInlineFrame*) GetPrevContinuation();
        (prev && (prev->mRect.height || prev->mRect.width))) {
      // Prev continuation is not empty therefore we don't render our start
      // border edge.
      skip |= eLogicalSideBitsIStart;
    else {
      // If the prev continuation is empty, then go ahead and let our start
      // edge border render.
  if (!IsLast()) {
    nsInlineFrame* next = (nsInlineFrame*) GetNextContinuation();
        (next && (next->mRect.height || next->mRect.width))) {
      // Next continuation is not empty therefore we don't render our end
      // border edge.
      skip |= eLogicalSideBitsIEnd;
    else {
      // If the next continuation is empty, then go ahead and let our end
      // edge border render.

  if (GetStateBits() & NS_FRAME_PART_OF_IBSPLIT) {
    // All but the last part of an {ib} split should skip the "end" side (as
    // determined by this frame's direction) and all but the first part of such
    // a split should skip the "start" side.  But figuring out which part of
    // the split we are involves getting our first continuation, which might be
    // expensive.  So don't bother if we already have the relevant bits set.
    if (skip != LogicalSides(eLogicalSideBitsIBoth)) {
      // We're missing one of the skip bits, so check whether we need to set it.
      // Only get the first continuation once, as an optimization.
      nsIFrame* firstContinuation = FirstContinuation();
      if (firstContinuation->FrameIsNonLastInIBSplit()) {
        skip |= eLogicalSideBitsIEnd;
      if (firstContinuation->FrameIsNonFirstInIBSplit()) {
        skip |= eLogicalSideBitsIStart;

  return skip;

nsInlineFrame::GetLogicalBaseline(mozilla::WritingMode aWritingMode) const
  return mBaseline;

  // Broken image accessibles are created here, because layout
  // replaces the image or image control frame with an inline frame
  if (mContent->IsHTMLElement(nsGkAtoms::input))  // Broken <input type=image ... />
    return a11y::eHTMLButtonType;
  if (mContent->IsHTMLElement(nsGkAtoms::img))  // Create accessible for broken <img>
    return a11y::eHyperTextType;

  return a11y::eNoType;


// nsLineFrame implementation

NS_NewFirstLineFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsStyleContext* aContext)
  return new (aPresShell) nsFirstLineFrame(aContext);


nsFirstLineFrame::Init(nsIContent*       aContent,
                       nsContainerFrame* aParent,
                       nsIFrame*         aPrevInFlow)
  nsInlineFrame::Init(aContent, aParent, aPrevInFlow);
  if (!aPrevInFlow) {
    MOZ_ASSERT(StyleContext()->GetPseudo() == nsCSSPseudoElements::firstLine);

  // This frame is a continuation - fixup the style context if aPrevInFlow
  // is the first-in-flow (the only one with a ::first-line pseudo).
  if (aPrevInFlow->StyleContext()->GetPseudo() == nsCSSPseudoElements::firstLine) {
    MOZ_ASSERT(FirstInFlow() == aPrevInFlow);
    // Create a new style context that is a child of the parent
    // style context thus removing the ::first-line style. This way
    // we behave as if an anonymous (unstyled) span was the child
    // of the parent frame.
    nsStyleContext* parentContext = aParent->StyleContext();
    RefPtr<nsStyleContext> newSC = PresContext()->StyleSet()->
      ResolveAnonymousBoxStyle(nsCSSAnonBoxes::mozLineFrame, parentContext);
  } else {
    MOZ_ASSERT(FirstInFlow() != aPrevInFlow);
    MOZ_ASSERT(aPrevInFlow->StyleContext()->GetPseudo() ==

nsFirstLineFrame::GetFrameName(nsAString& aResult) const
  return MakeFrameName(NS_LITERAL_STRING("Line"), aResult);

nsFirstLineFrame::GetType() const
  return nsGkAtoms::lineFrame;

nsFirstLineFrame::PullOneFrame(nsPresContext* aPresContext, InlineReflowInput& irs,
                               bool* aIsComplete)
  nsIFrame* frame = nsInlineFrame::PullOneFrame(aPresContext, irs, aIsComplete);
  if (frame && !GetPrevInFlow()) {
    // We are a first-line frame. Fixup the child frames
    // style-context that we just pulled.
    NS_ASSERTION(frame->GetParent() == this, "Incorrect parent?");
  return frame;

nsFirstLineFrame::Reflow(nsPresContext* aPresContext,
                         ReflowOutput& aMetrics,
                         const ReflowInput& aReflowInput,
                         nsReflowStatus& aStatus)
  if (nullptr == aReflowInput.mLineLayout) {
    return;  // XXX does this happen? why?

  // Check for an overflow list with our prev-in-flow
  nsFirstLineFrame* prevInFlow = (nsFirstLineFrame*)GetPrevInFlow();
  if (prevInFlow) {
    AutoFrameListPtr prevOverflowFrames(aPresContext,
    if (prevOverflowFrames) {
      // Reparent the new frames and their style contexts.
      const nsFrameList::Slice& newFrames =
        mFrames.InsertFrames(this, nullptr, *prevOverflowFrames);
      ReparentChildListStyle(aPresContext, newFrames, this);

  // It's also possible that we have an overflow list for ourselves.

  // Set our own reflow state (additional state above and beyond
  // aReflowInput)
  InlineReflowInput irs;
  irs.mPrevFrame = nullptr;
  irs.mLineContainer = aReflowInput.mLineLayout->LineContainerFrame();
  irs.mLineLayout = aReflowInput.mLineLayout;
  irs.mNextInFlow = (nsInlineFrame*) GetNextInFlow();

  bool wasEmpty = mFrames.IsEmpty();
  if (wasEmpty) {
    // Try to pull over one frame before starting so that we know
    // whether we have an anonymous block or not.
    bool complete;
    PullOneFrame(aPresContext, irs, &complete);

  if (nullptr == GetPrevInFlow()) {
    // XXX This is pretty sick, but what we do here is to pull-up, in
    // advance, all of the next-in-flows children. We re-resolve their
    // style while we are at at it so that when we reflow they have
    // the right style.
    // All of this is so that text-runs reflow properly.
    irs.mPrevFrame = mFrames.LastChild();
    for (;;) {
      bool complete;
      nsIFrame* frame = PullOneFrame(aPresContext, irs, &complete);
      if (!frame) {
      irs.mPrevFrame = frame;
    irs.mPrevFrame = nullptr;

               "Nested first-line frames? BOGUS");
  ReflowFrames(aPresContext, aReflowInput, irs, aMetrics, aStatus);

  ReflowAbsoluteFrames(aPresContext, aMetrics, aReflowInput, aStatus);

  // Note: the line layout code will properly compute our overflow state for us

/* virtual */ void
  nsFirstLineFrame* prevInFlow = static_cast<nsFirstLineFrame*>(GetPrevInFlow());
  if (prevInFlow) {
    nsPresContext* presContext = PresContext();
    AutoFrameListPtr prevOverflowFrames(presContext,
    if (prevOverflowFrames) {
      // Assume that our prev-in-flow has the same line container that we do.
      const nsFrameList::Slice& newFrames =
        mFrames.InsertFrames(this, nullptr, *prevOverflowFrames);
      ReparentChildListStyle(presContext, newFrames, this);

/* virtual */ bool
  AutoFrameListPtr overflowFrames(PresContext(), StealOverflowFrames());
  if (overflowFrames) {
    bool result = !overflowFrames->IsEmpty();
    const nsFrameList::Slice& newFrames =
      mFrames.AppendFrames(nullptr, *overflowFrames);
    ReparentChildListStyle(PresContext(), newFrames, this);
    return result;
  return false;