/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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 * interface for rendering objects whose state is saved in
 * session-history (back-forward navigation)

#ifndef _nsIStatefulFrame_h
#define _nsIStatefulFrame_h

#include "nsContentUtils.h"
#include "nsQueryFrame.h"

class nsPresState;

class nsIStatefulFrame

  // Save the state for this frame.  If this method succeeds, the caller is
  // responsible for deleting the resulting state when done with it.
  NS_IMETHOD SaveState(nsPresState** aState) = 0;

  // Restore the state for this frame from aState
  NS_IMETHOD RestoreState(nsPresState* aState) = 0;

  // Generate a key for this stateful frame
  NS_IMETHOD GenerateStateKey(nsIContent* aContent,
                              nsIDocument* aDocument,
                              nsACString& aKey)
    return nsContentUtils::GenerateStateKey(aContent, aDocument, aKey);

#endif /* _nsIStatefulFrame_h */