  <title>Test for scroll snapping</title>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js"></script>
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" />

<p id="display"></p>
<div id="sc" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; overflow: scroll; width:250px; height: 250px;">
  <div id="sd" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; width: 1250px; height: 1250px;"></div>

<pre id="test">
<script class="testbody" type="text/javascript">

var runtime = SpecialPowers.Cc["@mozilla.org/xre/app-info;1"]
var isMac = navigator.platform.indexOf("Mac") != -1;
var isGtk = runtime.widgetToolkit.indexOf("gtk") != -1;
var isWin = navigator.platform.indexOf("Win") != -1;
var isSN = /mac os x 10\.6/.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase());

// Half of the scrollbar control width, in CSS pixels
var scrollbarOffset = isWin ? 8 : 5;

// OSX 10.6 scroll bar thumbs are off-center due to the bundling of buttons on one end
// of the scroll bar frame.
var scrollbarCenter = isSN ? 100 : 125;

var testCases = [
    "description"   : "Drag scrollbar left, expect scroll snapping.",
    "snapCoord"     : "500px 500px",
    "startScroll"   : { "x" : 500, "y" : 500 },
    "endScroll"     : { "x" : 500, "y" : 500 },
    "mousePosition" : { "x" : scrollbarCenter, "y" : 250 - scrollbarOffset },
    "mouseOffset"   : { "x" : -10, "y" : 0 },
    "duration"      : "0",
    "runMac"        : true,
    "runGtk"        : true,
    "runWin"        : true
    "description"   : "Drag scrollbar right, expect scroll snapping.",
    "snapCoord"     : "500px 500px",
    "startScroll"   : { "x" : 500, "y" : 500 },
    "endScroll"     : { "x" : 500, "y" : 500 },
    "mousePosition" : { "x" : scrollbarCenter, "y" : 250 - scrollbarOffset },
    "mouseOffset"   : { "x" : 10, "y" : 0 },
    "duration"      : "0",
    "runMac"        : true,
    "runGtk"        : true,
    "runWin"        : true
    "description"   : "Drag scrollbar up, expect scroll snapping.",
    "snapCoord"     : "500px 500px",
    "startScroll"   : { "x" : 500, "y" : 500 },
    "endScroll"     : { "x" : 500, "y" : 500 },
    "mousePosition" : { "x" : 250 - scrollbarOffset, "y" :  scrollbarCenter },
    "mouseOffset"   : { "x" : 0, "y" : -10 },
    "duration"      : "0",
    "runMac"        : true,
    "runGtk"        : true,
    "runWin"        : true
    "description"   : "Drag scrollbar down, expect scroll snapping.",
    "snapCoord"     : "500px 500px",
    "startScroll"   : { "x" : 500, "y" : 500 },
    "endScroll"     : { "x" : 500, "y" : 500 },
    "mousePosition" : { "x" : 250 - scrollbarOffset, "y" :  scrollbarCenter },
    "mouseOffset"   : { "x" : 0, "y" : 10 },
    "duration"      : "0",
    "runMac"        : true,
    "runGtk"        : true,
    "runWin"        : true
    "description"   : "Page scrollbar left, expect scroll snapping.",
    "snapCoord"     : "500px 500px, 1000px 500px",
    "startScroll"   : { "x" : 1000, "y" : 500 },
    "endScroll"     : { "x" : 500, "y" : 500 },
    "mousePosition" : { "x" : 50, "y" : 250 - scrollbarOffset },
    "mouseOffset"   : { "x" : 0, "y" : 0 },
    "duration"      : "0",
    "runMac"        : true,
    "runGtk"        : true,
    "runWin"        : true
    "description"   : "Page scrollbar right, expect scroll snapping.",
    "snapCoord"     : "500px 500px, 0px 500px",
    "startScroll"   : { "x" : 0, "y" : 500 },
    "endScroll"     : { "x" : 500, "y" : 500 },
    "mousePosition" : { "x" : 200, "y" : 250 - scrollbarOffset },
    "mouseOffset"   : { "x" : 0, "y" : 0 },
    "duration"      : "0",
    "runMac"        : true,
    "runGtk"        : true,
    "runWin"        : true
    "description"   : "Page scrollbar up, expect scroll snapping.",
    "snapCoord"     : "500px 500px, 500px 1000px",
    "startScroll"   : { "x" : 500, "y" : 1000 },
    "endScroll"     : { "x" : 500, "y" : 500 },
    "mousePosition" : { "x" : 250 - scrollbarOffset, "y" : 50 },
    "mouseOffset"   : { "x" : 0, "y" : 0 },
    "duration"      : "0",
    "runMac"        : true,
    "runGtk"        : true,
    "runWin"        : true
    "description"   : "Page scrollbar down, expect scroll snapping.",
    "snapCoord"     : "500px 500px, 500px 0px",
    "startScroll"   : { "x" : 500, "y" : 0 },
    "endScroll"     : { "x" : 500, "y" : 500 },
    "mousePosition" : { "x" : 250 - scrollbarOffset, "y" : 200 },
    "mouseOffset"   : { "x" : 0, "y" : 0 },
    "duration"      : "0",
    "runMac"        : true,
    "runGtk"        : true,
    "runWin"        : true
    "description"   : "Click scrollbar left button, expect scroll snapping.",
    "snapCoord"     : "50px 500px, 250px 500px, 500px 500px, 750px 500px, 950px 500px",
    "startScroll"   : { "x" : 500, "y" : 500 },
    "endScroll"     : { "x" : 250, "y" : 500 },
    "mousePosition" : { "x" : scrollbarOffset, "y" : 250 - scrollbarOffset },
    "mouseOffset"   : { "x" : 0, "y" : 0 },
    "duration"      : "0",
    "runMac"        : false, // OSX does not have have line-scroll buttons
    "runGtk"        : false, // Some GTK themes may not have scroll buttons
    "runWin"        : true
    "description"   : "Hold scrollbar left button until repeating, expect scroll snapping.",
    "snapCoord"     : "50px 500px, 500px 500px, 950px 500px",
    "startScroll"   : { "x" : 500, "y" : 500 },
    "endScroll"     : { "x" : 50, "y" : 500 },
    "mousePosition" : { "x" : scrollbarOffset, "y" : 250 - scrollbarOffset },
    "mouseOffset"   : { "x" : 0, "y" : 0 },
    "duration"      : "500",
    "runMac"        : false, // OSX does not have have line-scroll buttons
    "runGtk"        : false, // Some GTK themes may not have scroll buttons
    "runWin"        : true
    "description"   : "Click scrollbar right button, expect scroll snapping.",
    "snapCoord"     : "50px 500px, 250px 500px, 500px 500px, 750px 500px, 950px 500px",
    "startScroll"   : { "x" : 500, "y" : 500 },
    "endScroll"     : { "x" : 750, "y" : 500 },
    "mousePosition" : { "x" : 250 - scrollbarOffset * 3, "y" : 250 - scrollbarOffset },
    "mouseOffset"   : { "x" : 0, "y" : 0 },
    "duration"      : "0",
    "runMac"        : false, // OSX does not have have line-scroll buttons
    "runGtk"        : false, // Some GTK themes may not have scroll buttons
    "runWin"        : true
    "description"   : "Hold scrollbar right button until repeating, expect scroll snapping.",
    "snapCoord"     : "50px 500px, 500px 500px, 950px 500px",
    "startScroll"   : { "x" : 500, "y" : 500 },
    "endScroll"     : { "x" : 950, "y" : 500 },
    "mousePosition" : { "x" : 250 - scrollbarOffset * 3, "y" : 250 - scrollbarOffset },
    "mouseOffset"   : { "x" : 0, "y" : 0 },
    "duration"      : "500",
    "runMac"        : false, // OSX does not have have line-scroll buttons
    "runGtk"        : false, // Some GTK themes may not have scroll buttons
    "runWin"        : true
    "description"   : "Click scrollbar up button, expect scroll snapping.",
    "snapCoord"     : "500px 50px, 500px 250px, 500px 500px, 500px 750px, 500px 950px",
    "startScroll"   : { "x" : 500, "y" : 500 },
    "endScroll"     : { "x" : 500, "y" : 250 },
    "mousePosition" : { "x" : 250 - scrollbarOffset, "y" : scrollbarOffset },
    "mouseOffset"   : { "x" : 0, "y" : 0 },
    "duration"      : "0",
    "runMac"        : false, // OSX does not have have line-scroll buttons
    "runGtk"        : false, // Some GTK themes may not have scroll buttons
    "runWin"        : true
    "description"   : "Hold scrollbar up button until repeating, expect scroll snapping.",
    "snapCoord"     : "500px 50px, 500px 500px, 500px 950px",
    "startScroll"   : { "x" : 500, "y" : 500 },
    "endScroll"     : { "x" : 500, "y" : 50 },
    "mousePosition" : { "x" : 250 - scrollbarOffset, "y" : scrollbarOffset },
    "mouseOffset"   : { "x" : 0, "y" : 0 },
    "duration"      : "500",
    "runMac"        : false, // OSX does not have have line-scroll buttons
    "runGtk"        : false, // Some GTK themes may not have scroll buttons
    "runWin"        : true
    "description"   : "Click scrollbar down button, expect scroll snapping.",
    "snapCoord"     : "500px 50px, 500px 250px, 500px 500px, 500px 750px, 500px 950px",
    "startScroll"   : { "x" : 500, "y" : 500 },
    "endScroll"     : { "x" : 500, "y" : 750 },
    "mousePosition" : { "x" : 250 - scrollbarOffset, "y" : 250 - scrollbarOffset * 3},
    "mouseOffset"   : { "x" : 0, "y" : 0 },
    "duration"      : "0",
    "runMac"        : false, // OSX does not have have line-scroll buttons
    "runGtk"        : false, // Some GTK themes may not have scroll buttons
    "runWin"        : true
    "description"   : "Hold scrollbar down button until repeating, expect scroll snapping.",
    "snapCoord"     : "500px 50px, 500px 500px, 500px 950px",
    "startScroll"   : { "x" : 500, "y" : 500 },
    "endScroll"     : { "x" : 500, "y" : 950 },
    "mousePosition" : { "x" : 250 - scrollbarOffset, "y" : 250 - scrollbarOffset * 3},
    "mouseOffset"   : { "x" : 0, "y" : 0 },
    "duration"      : "500",
    "runMac"        : false, // OSX does not have have line-scroll buttons
    "runGtk"        : false, // Some GTK themes may not have scroll buttons
    "runWin"        : true


var step = 0;
var sc; // Scroll Container
var sd; // Scrolled Div

var lastScrollTop;
var lastScrollLeft;
var stopFrameCount;
var winUtils = SpecialPowers.DOMWindowUtils;

function doTest() {
  var testCase = testCases[step];

  stopFrameCount = 0;
  lastScrollTop = sc.scrollTop;
  lastScrollLeft = sc.scrollLeft;

  sc.scrollTo(testCase.startScroll.x, testCase.startScroll.y);
  sc.style.scrollSnapType = "mandatory";
  sd.style.scrollSnapCoordinate = testCase.snapCoord;

                  { type: "mousedown" });

                  testCase.mousePosition.x + testCase.mouseOffset.x,
                  testCase.mousePosition.y + testCase.mouseOffset.y,
                  { type: "mousemove" });

  stopFrameCount = 0;

function waitForScrollStart() {
  // Wait for up to 30 frames for scrolling to start
  var testCase = testCases[step];
  if (testCase.startScroll.y != sc.scrollTop
      || testCase.startScroll.x != sc.scrollLeft
      || ++stopFrameCount < 30) {
  } else {

function doMouseUp() {
  var testCase = testCases[step];
  isnot("(" + sc.scrollLeft + "," + sc.scrollTop + ")",
        "(" + testCase.startScroll.x +"," + testCase.startScroll.y + ")",
        "Step " + step + ": Synthesized mouse events move scroll position. ("
          + testCase.description + ")");

  window.setTimeout(function() {
                    testCase.mousePosition.x + testCase.mouseOffset.x,
                    testCase.mousePosition.y + testCase.mouseOffset.y,
                    { type: "mouseup" });

    stopFrameCount = 0;
  }, testCase.duration);

function waitForScrollStop() {
  if (stopFrameCount > 30) {
    // We have the same position for 30 consecutive frames -- we are stopped
  } else {
    // Still moving
    if (lastScrollTop == sc.scrollTop && lastScrollLeft == sc.scrollLeft) {
    } else {
      stopFrameCount = 0;
      lastScrollTop = sc.scrollTop;
      lastScrollLeft = sc.scrollLeft;

function verifyTest() {
  // Test ended, check if scroll position matches expected position
  var testCase = testCases[step];
  is("(" + sc.scrollLeft + "," + sc.scrollTop + ")",
     "(" + testCase.endScroll.x +"," + testCase.endScroll.y + ")",
      "Step " + step + ": " + testCase.description);

  // Find next test to run
  while (true) {
    if (++step == testCases.length) {
    } else {
      testCase = testCases[step];
      if ((testCase.runGtk && isGtk)
          || (testCase.runMac && isMac)
          || (testCase.runWin && isWin)) {

SimpleTest.requestFlakyTimeout("Delays added to allow synthesized mouse " +
                               "events to trigger scrollbar repeating scrolls.");
addLoadEvent(function() {
  sc = document.getElementById("sc");
  sd = document.getElementById("sd");
    "set": [["layout.css.scroll-snap.enabled", true],
            ["layout.css.scroll-snap.proximity-threshold", 100]]},
