  <title>Test for Bug 558663</title>
<p><a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=558663">Mozilla Bug 558663</a></p>

 <!-- 20x20 of red -->
<iframe id="iframe" src="data:text/html,<img id='image' border='0' src='%2BYKJA76jmUc2jmkc1U0EzACKcASfOgGoMAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC'>"></iframe>

<pre id="test">
<script type="application/javascript">

/** Test for Bug 558663 **/
var ok = parent.ok;
var SimpleTest = parent.SimpleTest;
var compareSnapshots = parent.compareSnapshots;
var snapshotWindow = parent.snapshotWindow;
var synthesizeMouse = parent.synthesizeMouse;

window.addEventListener("load", runTest, false);

function checkSnapshots(s1, s2, shouldBeEqual, testName) {
  var res = compareSnapshots(s1, s2, shouldBeEqual);
  if (res[0]) {
    ok(true, testName + " snapshots compare correctly");
  } else {
    ok(false, testName + " snapshots compare incorrectly. snapshot 1: " +
              res[1] + " snapshot 2: " + res[2]); 

function runTest() {
  document.getElementById("iframe").contentWindow.document.designMode = "on";

  // The editor requires the event loop to spin after you turn on design mode
  // before it takes effect.
  setTimeout(continueTest, 100);

function continueTest() {
  var win = document.getElementById("iframe").contentWindow;
  var doc = win.document;
  var image = doc.getElementById("image");

  // We want to test that clicking on the image and then clicking on one of the
  // draggers doesn't make the draggers disappear.

  // clean snapshot
  var before = snapshotWindow(win);

  // click to get the draggers
  synthesizeMouse(image, 1, 1, {type: "mousedown"}, win);
  synthesizeMouse(image, 1, 1, {type: "mouseup"}, win);

  // mouse over a dragger will change its color, so move the mouse away
  synthesizeMouse(doc.documentElement, 50, 50, {type: "mousemove"}, win);

  // snapshot with hopefully draggers
  var middle = snapshotWindow(win);

  // clicking on the top left dragger shouldn't change anything
  synthesizeMouse(image, 1, 1, {type: "mousedown"}, win);
  synthesizeMouse(image, 1, 1, {type: "mouseup"}, win);

  // mouse over a dragger will change its color, so move the mouse away
  synthesizeMouse(doc.documentElement, 50, 50, {type: "mousemove"}, win);

  // snapshot with hopefully draggers again
  var middle2 = snapshotWindow(win);

  // click outside the image (but inside the document) to unselect it
  synthesizeMouse(doc.documentElement, 50, 50, {type: "mousedown"}, win);
  synthesizeMouse(doc.documentElement, 50, 50, {type: "mouseup"}, win);

  // and then click outside the document so we don't draw a caret
  synthesizeMouse(document.documentElement, 1, 1, {type: "mousedown"}, window);
  synthesizeMouse(document.documentElement, 1, 1, {type: "mouseup"}, window);

  // hopefully clean snapshot
  var end = snapshotWindow(win);

  // before == end && middle == middle2 && before/end != middle/middle2
  checkSnapshots(before, end, true, "before and after should be the same")
  checkSnapshots(middle, middle2, true, "middle two should be the same");
  checkSnapshots(before, middle, false, "before and middle should not be the same");
  checkSnapshots(before, middle2, false, "before and middle2 should not be the same");
  checkSnapshots(middle, end, false, "middle and end should not be the same");
  checkSnapshots(middle2, end, false, "middle2 and end should not be the same");

