var cu = Components.utils; cu.import("resource://testing-common/httpd.js"); var httpserver = new HttpServer(); var httpserver2 = new HttpServer(); var httpserver3 = new HttpServer(); var testpath = "/simple"; var redirectpath = "/redirect"; var negativetestpath = "/negative"; var httpbody = "<?xml version='1.0' ?><root>0123456789</root>"; var sb = cu.Sandbox(["", "http://localhost:4444/redirect", "http://localhost:4444/simple", "http://localhost:4446/redirect"], { wantGlobalProperties: ["XMLHttpRequest"] }); function createXHR(loc, async) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "http://localhost:" + loc, async); return xhr; } function checkResults(xhr) { if (xhr.readyState != 4) return false; do_check_eq(xhr.status, 200); do_check_eq(xhr.responseText, httpbody); var root_node = xhr.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('root').item(0); do_check_eq(, "0123456789"); return true; } var httpServersClosed = 0; function finishIfDone() { if (++httpServersClosed == 3) do_test_finished(); } function run_test() { do_test_pending(); httpserver.registerPathHandler(testpath, serverHandler); httpserver.registerPathHandler(redirectpath, redirectHandler1); httpserver.start(4444); httpserver2.registerPathHandler(negativetestpath, serverHandler); httpserver2.start(4445); httpserver3.registerPathHandler(redirectpath, redirectHandler2); httpserver3.start(4446); // Test sync XHR sending cu.evalInSandbox('var createXHR = ' + createXHR.toString(), sb); var res = cu.evalInSandbox('var sync = createXHR("4444/simple"); sync.send(null); sync', sb); do_check_true(checkResults(res)); var principal = res.responseXML.nodePrincipal; do_check_true(principal.isCodebasePrincipal); var requestURL = "http://localhost:4444/simple"; do_check_eq(principal.URI.spec, requestURL); // negative test sync XHR sending (to ensure that the xhr do not have chrome caps, see bug 779821) try { cu.evalInSandbox('var createXHR = ' + createXHR.toString(), sb); var res = cu.evalInSandbox('var sync = createXHR("4445/negative"); sync.send(null); sync', sb); do_check_false(true, "XHR created from sandbox should not have chrome caps"); } catch (e) { do_check_true(true); } // Test redirect handling. // This request bounces to server 2 and then back to server 1. Neither of // these servers support CORS, but if the expanded principal is used as the // triggering principal, this should work. cu.evalInSandbox('var createXHR = ' + createXHR.toString(), sb); var res = cu.evalInSandbox('var sync = createXHR("4444/redirect"); sync.send(null); sync', sb); do_check_true(checkResults(res)); var principal = res.responseXML.nodePrincipal; do_check_true(principal.isCodebasePrincipal); var requestURL = "http://localhost:4444/simple"; do_check_eq(principal.URI.spec, requestURL); httpserver2.stop(finishIfDone); httpserver3.stop(finishIfDone); // Test async XHR sending sb.finish = function(){ httpserver.stop(finishIfDone); } // We want to execute checkResults from the scope of the sandbox as well to // make sure that there are no permission errors related to nsEP. For that // we need to clone the function into the sandbox and make a few things // available for it. cu.evalInSandbox('var checkResults = ' + checkResults.toSource(), sb); sb.do_check_eq = do_check_eq; sb.httpbody = httpbody; function changeListener(event) { if (checkResults(async)) finish(); } var async = cu.evalInSandbox('var async = createXHR("4444/simple", true);' + 'async.addEventListener("readystatechange", ' + changeListener.toString() + ', false);' + 'async', sb); async.send(null); } function serverHandler(request, response) { response.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml", false); response.bodyOutputStream.write(httpbody, httpbody.length); } function redirectHandler1(request, response) { response.setStatusLine(request.httpVersion, 302, "Found"); response.setHeader("Location", "http://localhost:4446/redirect", false); } function redirectHandler2(request, response) { response.setStatusLine(request.httpVersion, 302, "Found"); response.setHeader("Location", "http://localhost:4444/simple", false); }