  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <title>Test for Bug 916945</title>
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  /** Test for Bug 916945 **/

  var gLoadCount = 0;
  function loaded() {
    if (++gLoadCount == 2)
  function go() {
    // Both same-origin and cross-origin names should be visible if they're set
    // on the iframe element.
    ok('winA' in window, "same-origin named access works");
    ok(winA instanceof Window, "same-origin named access works");
    ok('winB' in window, "cross-origin named access works when iframe name matches");
    // XXXbholley - flip me when Window moves to new bindings.
    todo_is(winB instanceof Window, "cross-origin named access works when iframe name matches");

    // Setting the 'name' attribute should propagate to the docshell.
    var ifrB = document.getElementById('ifrB');
    ifrB.setAttribute('name', 'foo');
    is(SpecialPowers.wrap(ifrB).contentWindow.name, 'foo', 'attribute sets propagate to the docshell');
    ok('foo' in window, "names are dynamic if updated via setAttribute");
    // XXXbholley - flip me when Window moves to new bindings.
    todo('foo' instanceof Window, "names are dynamic if updated via setAttribute");

    // Setting window.name on the subframe should not propagate to the attribute.
    SpecialPowers.wrap(ifrB).contentWindow.name = 'bar';
    is(ifrB.getAttribute('name'), 'foo', 'docshell updates dont propagate to the attribute');

    // When the frame element attribute and docshell name don't match, nothing is returned.
    ok(!('foo' in window), "frame element name not resolved if it doesn't match the docshell");
    ok(!('bar' in window), "docshell name not resolved if it doesn't match the frame element");


<a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=916945">Mozilla Bug 916945</a>
<p id="display"></p>
<div id="content" style="display: none">

<iframe id="ifrA" name="winA" onload="loaded();" src="file_empty.html"></iframe>
<iframe id="ifrB" name="winB" onload="loaded();" src="http://example.org/tests/js/xpconnect/tests/mochitest/file_empty.html"></iframe>
<pre id="test">