  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <title>Test for Bug 802557</title>
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  /** Test for Bug 802557 **/

  function checkThrows(fun, desc) {
    try {
      ok(false, "Didn't throw when " + desc);
    } catch(e) {
      ok(true, "Threw when " + desc + " " + e);
      ok(/denied|insecure/.exec(e), "Should be security exception");

  var loadCount = 0;
  function go() {
    window.ifr = document.getElementById('ifr');
    window.iWin = ifr.contentWindow;

    if (loadCount == 1) {
      gLoc = iWin.location;
      // Note that accessors pulled off Xrays are currently bound. This is bug 658909.
      // [getter, description, locationObj, bound]
      gGetters = [[ location.toString, 'toString from LW' ],
                  [ gLoc.toString, 'toString from XLW' ],
                  [ Object.__lookupGetter__.call(location, 'href'), 'href getter from LW' ],
                  [ Object.__lookupGetter__.call(gLoc, 'href'), 'href getter from XLW' ],
                  [ Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(location, 'href').get, 'href getter from location' ],
                  [ Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(gLoc, 'href').get, 'href getter from iWin.location' ],
                  [ function() { return this + ''; }, 'implicit conversion via [[DefaultValue]]', /* doMessageCheck = */ true ]];
      gGetters.forEach(function(item) {
        try {
          is(item[0].call(location), location.toString(), 'Same-origin LW: ' + item[1]);
          is(item[0].call(gLoc), gLoc.toString(), 'Same-origin XLW: ' + item[1]);
        } catch (e) {
          ok(false, "Threw while applying " + item[1] + " to same-origin location object: " + e);
      ifr.src = "http://example.org/tests/js/xpconnect/tests/mochitest/file_empty.html";
    else if (loadCount == 2) {
      gGetters.forEach(function(item) {
        checkThrows(function() { item[0].call(gLoc); },
                    'call()ing ' + item[1] + ' after navigation cross-origin');
      ifr.src = 'http://mochi.test:8888/tests/js/xpconnect/tests/mochitest/file_bug802557.html';
    else if (loadCount == 3) {
      gTestFunctions = ifr.contentWindow.getAllTests();
      var win = ifr.contentWindow;
      for (fun in gTestFunctions)
         is(gTestFunctions[fun](), win.location.toString(), "allowed via " + fun);
      win.location = 'http://example.org/tests/js/xpconnect/tests/mochitest/file_bug802557.html';
    else if (loadCount == 4) {
      for (fun in gTestFunctions) {
        var f = gTestFunctions[fun];
        checkThrows(f, "calling " + fun);

      // Verify that URL.prototype.toString can't be applied to Location
      var threw = false;
      try {
      } catch (e) {
        threw = true;
         "Should not be able to use URL.prototype.toString on a Location instance");
      // Verify that URL.prototype.href getter can't be applied to Location
      threw = false;
      var reachedTest = false;
      try {
        var get = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(URL.prototype, "href").get;
        is(typeof(get), "function", "Should have an href getter on URL.prototype");
        var reachedTest = true;
      } catch (e) {
        threw = true;
         "Should not be able to find URL.prototype.href getter");
         "Should not be able to use URL.prototype.href getter on a Location instance");

<a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=802557">Mozilla Bug 802557</a>
<p id="display"></p>
<div id="content" style="display: none">
<iframe id="ifr" onload="go();" src="file_empty.html"></iframe>
<pre id="test">