<?xml version="1.0"?> <?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="chrome://global/skin"?> <?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"?> <!-- https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=937317 --> <window title="Mozilla Bug 937317" xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"> <script type="application/javascript" src="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"/> <!-- test results are displayed in the html:body --> <body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <a href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=937317" target="_blank">Mozilla Bug 937317</a> </body> <!-- test code goes here --> <iframe src="data:text/html,"></iframe> <script type="application/javascript"> <![CDATA[ /** Test for the script settings stack. **/ SimpleTest.waitForExplicitFinish(); addLoadEvent(function() { const Cu = Components.utils; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Promise.jsm"); iwin = window[0]; // Smoketest. is(Cu.getIncumbentGlobal(), window, "smoketest"); // Calling a cross-compartment non-scripted function changes the // compartment, but not the incumbent script settings object. var sb = new Cu.Sandbox(window, { wantComponents: true }); is(sb.Components.utils.getIncumbentGlobal(), window, "cross-compartment sb non-scripted"); is(iwin.Components.utils.getIncumbentGlobal(), window, "cross-compartment win non-scripted"); // If we call a scripted function in the other compartment, that becomes // the incumbent script. function gib() { return Components.utils.getIncumbentGlobal(); }; Cu.evalInSandbox(gib.toSource(), sb); iwin.eval(gib.toSource()); is(sb.gib(), sb, "cross-compartment sb scripted"); is(iwin.gib(), iwin, "cross-compartment win scripted"); // Eval-ing top-level script in another component makes that compartment the // incumbent script. is(Cu.evalInSandbox('Components.utils.getIncumbentGlobal()', sb), sb, 'eval sb'); is(iwin.eval('Components.utils.getIncumbentGlobal()'), iwin, 'eval iwin'); // Make sure that the callback mechanism works. function makeCallback(expectedGlobal, deferred, kind) { function cb(incumbentGlobal) { is(incumbentGlobal, expectedGlobal, "Callback got the right incumbent global: " + kind); if (deferred) deferred.resolve(); } info("Generated callback: " + kind); return cb; } var bound = Cu.getIncumbentGlobal.bind(Cu, makeCallback(window, undefined, "simple bound")); is(bound(), window, "Bound method returns the right global"); // Callbacks grab the incumbent script at the time of invocation. // // Note - We avoid calling the initial defer |d| so that it's not in-scope for everything below. let initialDefer = Promise.defer(); setTimeout(Cu.getIncumbentGlobal.bind(Cu, makeCallback(window, initialDefer, "same-global setTimeout")), 0); initialDefer.promise.then(function() { // Try cross-global setTimeout where |window| is the incumbent script when the callback is created. let d = Promise.defer(); iwin.setTimeout(Cu.getIncumbentGlobal.bind(Cu, makeCallback(window, d, "cross-global setTimeout by |window|")), 0); return d.promise; }).then(function() { // Try cross-global setTimeout where |iwin| is the incumbent script when the callback is created. let d = Promise.defer(); iwin.wrappedJSObject.timeoutFun = Cu.getIncumbentGlobal.bind(Cu, makeCallback(iwin, d, "cross-global setTimeout by |iwin|")); iwin.eval('setTimeout(timeoutFun, 0);'); return d.promise; }).then(function() { // The incumbent script override doesn't take effect if the callback is scripted. let d = Promise.defer(); iwin.wrappedJSObject.timeoutFun2 = Cu.getIncumbentGlobal.bind(Cu, makeCallback(iwin, d, "cross-global setTimeout of scripted function")); iwin.eval('var timeoutFun2Wrapper = function() { timeoutFun2(); }'); setTimeout(iwin.wrappedJSObject.timeoutFun2Wrapper, 0); return d.promise; }).then(function() { // Try event listeners. let d = Promise.defer(); let body = iwin.document.body; body.addEventListener('click', Cu.getIncumbentGlobal.bind(Cu, makeCallback(window, d, "cross-global event listener"))); body.dispatchEvent(new iwin.MouseEvent('click')); return d.promise; }).then(function() { // Try an event handler set by |iwin|. let d = Promise.defer(); let body = iwin.document.body; iwin.wrappedJSObject.handler = Cu.getIncumbentGlobal.bind(Cu, makeCallback(iwin, d, "cross-global event handler")); iwin.eval('document.body.onmousemove = handler'); body.dispatchEvent(new iwin.MouseEvent('mousemove')); return d.promise; }).then(function() { // Try an event handler compiled by a content attribute. let d = Promise.defer(); let body = iwin.document.body; iwin.wrappedJSObject.innerHandler = Cu.getIncumbentGlobal.bind(Cu, makeCallback(iwin, d, "cross-global compiled event handler")); iwin.eval("document.body.setAttribute('onmouseout', 'innerHandler()')"); body.dispatchEvent(new iwin.MouseEvent('mouseout')); return d.promise; }).then(function() { SimpleTest.finish(); }); }); ]]> </script> </window>