<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="chrome://global/skin"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"?>
<window title="Mozilla Bug 732665"
  <script type="application/javascript" src="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"/>

  <!-- test results are displayed in the html:body -->
  <body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
  <a href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=732665"
     target="_blank">Mozilla Bug 732665</a>

  <!-- test code goes here -->
  <script type="application/javascript">

  // Important! If this test starts failing after a tricky platform-y change,
  // the stack quota numbers in XPCJSContext probably need twiddling. We want
  // to maintain the invariants in this test (at least to some approximation)
  // for security reasons.

  // Executes f() d steps from the probed native stack limit, and returns
  // the number of steps to the recursion limit from the caller.
  function nearNativeStackLimit(d, f) {
    f = f || function() {};
    function inner() {
      try {
        with ({}) { // keep things predictable -- stay in the interpreter
          var stepsFromLimit = eval("inner()"); // Use eval to force a number of native stackframes to be created.
        if (stepsFromLimit == d) {
          try { f(); } catch(e) { ok(false, 'nearNativeStackLimit callback threw: ' + e); }
        return stepsFromLimit + 1;
      } catch(e) {
      // It would be nice to check here that the exception is actually an
      // over-recursion here. But doing so would require toString()ing the
      // exception, which we may not have the stack space to do.
        return 0;
    return inner();

  const Cu = Components.utils;
  var contentSb = new Cu.Sandbox('http://www.example.com');
  var chromeSb = new Cu.Sandbox(window);
  chromeSb.ok = contentSb.ok = ok;
  Cu.evalInSandbox(nearNativeStackLimit.toSource(), chromeSb);
  Cu.evalInSandbox(nearNativeStackLimit.toSource(), contentSb);
  var chromeLimit = Cu.evalInSandbox("nearNativeStackLimit(0);", chromeSb);
  var contentLimit = Cu.evalInSandbox("nearNativeStackLimit(0)", contentSb);
  ok(chromeLimit >= contentLimit + 10,
     "Chrome should be able to have at least 10 heavy frames more stack than content: " + chromeLimit + ", " + contentLimit);

  // Exhaust the stack space in content, and then make sure we can still get 10
  // heavy frames in chrome.
  // Note that sometimes, if we pass |0| to nearNativeStackLimit, we can end up
  // so close to the border in content that we can't even get ourselves together
  // enough to make the cross-compartment call. So rather than exhausting the
  // stack entirely and then checking for 10 chrome frames, we leave ourselves
  // one frame's worth, and check for 11.
  // If this assertion fails, the current work-around so far is to measure
  // again the worst frame size, by using the JS Shell to run
  // test_bug732665_meta.js . This script will output numbers to update
  // XPCJSContext.cpp comment, as well as the kTrustedScriptBuffer constant.
  contentSb.nnslChrome = chromeSb.nearNativeStackLimit;
  var nestedLimit = Cu.evalInSandbox("nearNativeStackLimit(1, function() { nestedLimit = nnslChrome(0);}); nestedLimit;", contentSb);
  ok(nestedLimit >= 11, "Chrome should be invokable from content script with an exhausted stack: " + nestedLimit);
