/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- * vim: set ts=8 sts=4 et sw=4 tw=99: * * Copyright 2016 Mozilla Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "wasm/WasmTable.h" #include "mozilla/CheckedInt.h" #include "jscntxt.h" #include "wasm/WasmInstance.h" #include "wasm/WasmJS.h" using namespace js; using namespace js::wasm; using mozilla::CheckedInt; Table::Table(JSContext* cx, const TableDesc& desc, HandleWasmTableObject maybeObject, UniqueByteArray array) : maybeObject_(maybeObject), observers_(cx->zone(), InstanceSet()), array_(Move(array)), kind_(desc.kind), length_(desc.limits.initial), maximum_(desc.limits.maximum), external_(desc.external) {} /* static */ SharedTable Table::create(JSContext* cx, const TableDesc& desc, HandleWasmTableObject maybeObject) { // The raw element type of a Table depends on whether it is external: an // external table can contain functions from multiple instances and thus // must store an additional instance pointer in each element. UniqueByteArray array; if (desc.external) array.reset((uint8_t*)cx->pod_calloc<ExternalTableElem>(desc.limits.initial)); else array.reset((uint8_t*)cx->pod_calloc<void*>(desc.limits.initial)); if (!array) return nullptr; return SharedTable(cx->new_<Table>(cx, desc, maybeObject, Move(array))); } void Table::tracePrivate(JSTracer* trc) { // If this table has a WasmTableObject, then this method is only called by // WasmTableObject's trace hook so maybeObject_ must already be marked. // TraceEdge is called so that the pointer can be updated during a moving // GC. TraceWeakEdge may sound better, but it is less efficient given that // we know object_ is already marked. if (maybeObject_) { MOZ_ASSERT(!gc::IsAboutToBeFinalized(&maybeObject_)); TraceEdge(trc, &maybeObject_, "wasm table object"); } if (external_) { ExternalTableElem* array = externalArray(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length_; i++) { if (array[i].tls) array[i].tls->instance->trace(trc); else MOZ_ASSERT(!array[i].code); } } } void Table::trace(JSTracer* trc) { // The trace hook of WasmTableObject will call Table::tracePrivate at // which point we can mark the rest of the children. If there is no // WasmTableObject, call Table::tracePrivate directly. Redirecting through // the WasmTableObject avoids marking the entire Table on each incoming // edge (once per dependent Instance). if (maybeObject_) TraceEdge(trc, &maybeObject_, "wasm table object"); else tracePrivate(trc); } void** Table::internalArray() const { MOZ_ASSERT(!external_); return (void**)array_.get(); } ExternalTableElem* Table::externalArray() const { MOZ_ASSERT(external_); return (ExternalTableElem*)array_.get(); } void Table::set(uint32_t index, void* code, Instance& instance) { if (external_) { ExternalTableElem& elem = externalArray()[index]; if (elem.tls) JSObject::writeBarrierPre(elem.tls->instance->objectUnbarriered()); elem.code = code; elem.tls = &instance.tlsData(); MOZ_ASSERT(elem.tls->instance->objectUnbarriered()->isTenured(), "no writeBarrierPost"); } else { internalArray()[index] = code; } } void Table::setNull(uint32_t index) { // Only external tables can set elements to null after initialization. ExternalTableElem& elem = externalArray()[index]; if (elem.tls) JSObject::writeBarrierPre(elem.tls->instance->objectUnbarriered()); elem.code = nullptr; elem.tls = nullptr; } uint32_t Table::grow(uint32_t delta, JSContext* cx) { // This isn't just an optimization: movingGrowable() assumes that // onMovingGrowTable does not fire when length == maximum. if (!delta) return length_; uint32_t oldLength = length_; CheckedInt<uint32_t> newLength = oldLength; newLength += delta; if (!newLength.isValid()) return -1; if (maximum_ && newLength.value() > maximum_.value()) return -1; MOZ_ASSERT(movingGrowable()); JSRuntime* rt = cx; // Use JSRuntime's MallocProvider to avoid throwing. // Note that realloc does not release array_'s pointee (which is returned by // externalArray()) on failure which is exactly what we need here. ExternalTableElem* newArray = rt->pod_realloc(externalArray(), length_, newLength.value()); if (!newArray) return -1; Unused << array_.release(); array_.reset((uint8_t*)newArray); // Realloc does not zero the delta for us. PodZero(newArray + length_, delta); length_ = newLength.value(); if (observers_.initialized()) { for (InstanceSet::Range r = observers_.all(); !r.empty(); r.popFront()) r.front()->instance().onMovingGrowTable(); } return oldLength; } bool Table::movingGrowable() const { return !maximum_ || length_ < maximum_.value(); } bool Table::addMovingGrowObserver(JSContext* cx, WasmInstanceObject* instance) { MOZ_ASSERT(movingGrowable()); if (!observers_.initialized() && !observers_.init()) { ReportOutOfMemory(cx); return false; } if (!observers_.putNew(instance)) { ReportOutOfMemory(cx); return false; } return true; } size_t Table::sizeOfExcludingThis(MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf) const { return mallocSizeOf(array_.get()); }