/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
 * vim: set ts=8 sts=4 et sw=4 tw=99:
 * Copyright 2014 Mozilla Foundation
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#ifndef wasm_frame_iterator_h
#define wasm_frame_iterator_h

#include "js/ProfilingFrameIterator.h"

class JSAtom;

namespace js {

class WasmActivation;
namespace jit { class MacroAssembler; }

namespace wasm {

class CallSite;
class Code;
class CodeRange;
class SigIdDesc;
struct CallThunk;
struct FuncOffsets;
struct ProfilingOffsets;
struct TrapOffset;

// Iterates over the frames of a single WasmActivation, called synchronously
// from C++ in the thread of the asm.js.
// The one exception is that this iterator may be called from the interrupt
// callback which may be called asynchronously from asm.js code; in this case,
// the backtrace may not be correct. That being said, we try our best printing
// an informative message to the user and at least the name of the innermost
// function stack frame.
class FrameIterator
    const WasmActivation* activation_;
    const Code* code_;
    const CallSite* callsite_;
    const CodeRange* codeRange_;
    uint8_t* fp_;
    uint8_t* pc_;
    bool missingFrameMessage_;

    void settle();

    explicit FrameIterator();
    explicit FrameIterator(const WasmActivation& activation);
    void operator++();
    bool done() const;
    const char* filename() const;
    const char16_t* displayURL() const;
    bool mutedErrors() const;
    JSAtom* functionDisplayAtom() const;
    unsigned lineOrBytecode() const;
    inline void* fp() const { return fp_; }
    inline uint8_t* pc() const { return pc_; }

// An ExitReason describes the possible reasons for leaving compiled wasm code
// or the state of not having left compiled wasm code (ExitReason::None).
enum class ExitReason : uint32_t
    None,          // default state, the pc is in wasm code
    ImportJit,     // fast-path call directly into JIT code
    ImportInterp,  // slow-path call into C++ Invoke()
    Native,        // call to native C++ code (e.g., Math.sin, ToInt32(), interrupt)
    Trap           // call to trap handler for the trap in WasmActivation::trap

// Iterates over the frames of a single WasmActivation, given an
// asynchrously-interrupted thread's state. If the activation's
// module is not in profiling mode, the activation is skipped.
class ProfilingFrameIterator
    const WasmActivation* activation_;
    const Code* code_;
    const CodeRange* codeRange_;
    uint8_t* callerFP_;
    void* callerPC_;
    void* stackAddress_;
    ExitReason exitReason_;

    void initFromFP();

    explicit ProfilingFrameIterator(const WasmActivation& activation);
    ProfilingFrameIterator(const WasmActivation& activation,
                           const JS::ProfilingFrameIterator::RegisterState& state);
    void operator++();
    bool done() const { return !codeRange_; }

    void* stackAddress() const { MOZ_ASSERT(!done()); return stackAddress_; }
    const char* label() const;

// Prologue/epilogue code generation

GenerateExitPrologue(jit::MacroAssembler& masm, unsigned framePushed, ExitReason reason,
                     ProfilingOffsets* offsets);
GenerateExitEpilogue(jit::MacroAssembler& masm, unsigned framePushed, ExitReason reason,
                     ProfilingOffsets* offsets);
GenerateFunctionPrologue(jit::MacroAssembler& masm, unsigned framePushed, const SigIdDesc& sigId,
                         FuncOffsets* offsets);
GenerateFunctionEpilogue(jit::MacroAssembler& masm, unsigned framePushed, FuncOffsets* offsets);

// Runtime patching to enable/disable profiling

ToggleProfiling(const Code& code, const CallSite& callSite, bool enabled);

ToggleProfiling(const Code& code, const CallThunk& callThunk, bool enabled);

ToggleProfiling(const Code& code, const CodeRange& codeRange, bool enabled);

} // namespace wasm
} // namespace js

#endif // wasm_frame_iterator_h