/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* Inline members for javascript type inference. */ #ifndef vm_TypeInference_inl_h #define vm_TypeInference_inl_h #include "vm/TypeInference.h" #include "mozilla/BinarySearch.h" #include "mozilla/Casting.h" #include "mozilla/PodOperations.h" #include "builtin/SymbolObject.h" #include "jit/BaselineJIT.h" #include "vm/ArrayObject.h" #include "vm/BooleanObject.h" #include "vm/NumberObject.h" #include "vm/SharedArrayObject.h" #include "vm/StringObject.h" #include "vm/TypedArrayObject.h" #include "vm/UnboxedObject.h" #include "jscntxtinlines.h" #include "vm/ObjectGroup-inl.h" namespace js { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CompilerOutput & RecompileInfo ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// inline jit::IonScript* CompilerOutput::ion() const { // Note: If type constraints are generated before compilation has finished // (i.e. after IonBuilder but before CodeGenerator::link) then a valid // CompilerOutput may not yet have an associated IonScript. MOZ_ASSERT(isValid()); jit::IonScript* ion = script()->maybeIonScript(); MOZ_ASSERT(ion != ION_COMPILING_SCRIPT); return ion; } inline CompilerOutput* RecompileInfo::compilerOutput(TypeZone& types) const { if (generation != types.generation) { if (!types.sweepCompilerOutputs || outputIndex >= types.sweepCompilerOutputs->length()) return nullptr; CompilerOutput* output = &(*types.sweepCompilerOutputs)[outputIndex]; if (!output->isValid()) return nullptr; output = &(*types.compilerOutputs)[output->sweepIndex()]; return output->isValid() ? output : nullptr; } if (!types.compilerOutputs || outputIndex >= types.compilerOutputs->length()) return nullptr; CompilerOutput* output = &(*types.compilerOutputs)[outputIndex]; return output->isValid() ? output : nullptr; } inline CompilerOutput* RecompileInfo::compilerOutput(JSContext* cx) const { return compilerOutput(cx->zone()->types); } inline bool RecompileInfo::shouldSweep(TypeZone& types) { CompilerOutput* output = compilerOutput(types); if (!output || !output->isValid()) return true; // If this info is for a compilation that occurred after sweeping started, // the index is already correct. MOZ_ASSERT_IF(generation == types.generation, outputIndex == output - types.compilerOutputs->begin()); // Update this info for the output's index in the zone's compiler outputs. outputIndex = output - types.compilerOutputs->begin(); generation = types.generation; return false; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Types ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* static */ inline TypeSet::ObjectKey* TypeSet::ObjectKey::get(JSObject* obj) { MOZ_ASSERT(obj); if (obj->isSingleton()) return (ObjectKey*) (uintptr_t(obj) | 1); return (ObjectKey*) obj->group(); } /* static */ inline TypeSet::ObjectKey* TypeSet::ObjectKey::get(ObjectGroup* group) { MOZ_ASSERT(group); if (group->singleton()) return (ObjectKey*) (uintptr_t(group->singleton()) | 1); return (ObjectKey*) group; } inline ObjectGroup* TypeSet::ObjectKey::groupNoBarrier() { MOZ_ASSERT(isGroup()); return (ObjectGroup*) this; } inline JSObject* TypeSet::ObjectKey::singletonNoBarrier() { MOZ_ASSERT(isSingleton()); return (JSObject*) (uintptr_t(this) & ~1); } inline ObjectGroup* TypeSet::ObjectKey::group() { ObjectGroup* res = groupNoBarrier(); ObjectGroup::readBarrier(res); return res; } inline JSObject* TypeSet::ObjectKey::singleton() { JSObject* res = singletonNoBarrier(); JSObject::readBarrier(res); return res; } inline JSCompartment* TypeSet::ObjectKey::maybeCompartment() { if (isSingleton()) return singleton()->compartment(); return group()->compartment(); } /* static */ inline TypeSet::Type TypeSet::ObjectType(JSObject* obj) { if (obj->isSingleton()) return Type(uintptr_t(obj) | 1); return Type(uintptr_t(obj->group())); } /* static */ inline TypeSet::Type TypeSet::ObjectType(ObjectGroup* group) { if (group->singleton()) return Type(uintptr_t(group->singleton()) | 1); return Type(uintptr_t(group)); } /* static */ inline TypeSet::Type TypeSet::ObjectType(ObjectKey* obj) { return Type(uintptr_t(obj)); } inline TypeSet::Type TypeSet::GetValueType(const Value& val) { if (val.isDouble()) return TypeSet::DoubleType(); if (val.isObject()) return TypeSet::ObjectType(&val.toObject()); return TypeSet::PrimitiveType(val.extractNonDoubleType()); } inline bool TypeSet::IsUntrackedValue(const Value& val) { return val.isMagic() && (val.whyMagic() == JS_OPTIMIZED_OUT || val.whyMagic() == JS_UNINITIALIZED_LEXICAL); } inline TypeSet::Type TypeSet::GetMaybeUntrackedValueType(const Value& val) { return IsUntrackedValue(val) ? UnknownType() : GetValueType(val); } inline TypeFlags PrimitiveTypeFlag(JSValueType type) { switch (type) { case JSVAL_TYPE_UNDEFINED: return TYPE_FLAG_UNDEFINED; case JSVAL_TYPE_NULL: return TYPE_FLAG_NULL; case JSVAL_TYPE_BOOLEAN: return TYPE_FLAG_BOOLEAN; case JSVAL_TYPE_INT32: return TYPE_FLAG_INT32; case JSVAL_TYPE_DOUBLE: return TYPE_FLAG_DOUBLE; case JSVAL_TYPE_STRING: return TYPE_FLAG_STRING; case JSVAL_TYPE_SYMBOL: return TYPE_FLAG_SYMBOL; case JSVAL_TYPE_MAGIC: return TYPE_FLAG_LAZYARGS; default: MOZ_CRASH("Bad JSValueType"); } } inline JSValueType TypeFlagPrimitive(TypeFlags flags) { switch (flags) { case TYPE_FLAG_UNDEFINED: return JSVAL_TYPE_UNDEFINED; case TYPE_FLAG_NULL: return JSVAL_TYPE_NULL; case TYPE_FLAG_BOOLEAN: return JSVAL_TYPE_BOOLEAN; case TYPE_FLAG_INT32: return JSVAL_TYPE_INT32; case TYPE_FLAG_DOUBLE: return JSVAL_TYPE_DOUBLE; case TYPE_FLAG_STRING: return JSVAL_TYPE_STRING; case TYPE_FLAG_SYMBOL: return JSVAL_TYPE_SYMBOL; case TYPE_FLAG_LAZYARGS: return JSVAL_TYPE_MAGIC; default: MOZ_CRASH("Bad TypeFlags"); } } /* * Get the canonical representation of an id to use when doing inference. This * maintains the constraint that if two different jsids map to the same property * in JS (e.g. 3 and "3"), they have the same type representation. */ inline jsid IdToTypeId(jsid id) { MOZ_ASSERT(!JSID_IS_EMPTY(id)); // All properties which can be stored in an object's dense elements must // map to the aggregate property for index types. return JSID_IS_INT(id) ? JSID_VOID : id; } const char * TypeIdStringImpl(jsid id); /* Convert an id for printing during debug. */ static inline const char* TypeIdString(jsid id) { #ifdef DEBUG return TypeIdStringImpl(id); #else return "(missing)"; #endif } /* * Structure for type inference entry point functions. All functions which can * change type information must use this, and functions which depend on * intermediate types (i.e. JITs) can use this to ensure that intermediate * information is not collected and does not change. * * Ensures that GC cannot occur. Does additional sanity checking that inference * is not reentrant and that recompilations occur properly. */ struct AutoEnterAnalysis { // For use when initializing an UnboxedLayout. The UniquePtr's destructor // must run when GC is not suppressed. UniquePtr unboxedLayoutToCleanUp; // Prevent GC activity in the middle of analysis. gc::AutoSuppressGC suppressGC; // Allow clearing inference info on OOM during incremental sweeping. AutoClearTypeInferenceStateOnOOM oom; // Pending recompilations to perform before execution of JIT code can resume. RecompileInfoVector pendingRecompiles; // Prevent us from calling the objectMetadataCallback. js::AutoSuppressAllocationMetadataBuilder suppressMetadata; FreeOp* freeOp; Zone* zone; explicit AutoEnterAnalysis(ExclusiveContext* cx) : suppressGC(cx), oom(cx->zone()), suppressMetadata(cx) { init(cx->defaultFreeOp(), cx->zone()); } AutoEnterAnalysis(FreeOp* fop, Zone* zone) : suppressGC(zone->runtimeFromMainThread()->contextFromMainThread()), oom(zone), suppressMetadata(zone) { init(fop, zone); } ~AutoEnterAnalysis() { if (this != zone->types.activeAnalysis) return; zone->types.activeAnalysis = nullptr; if (!pendingRecompiles.empty()) zone->types.processPendingRecompiles(freeOp, pendingRecompiles); } private: void init(FreeOp* fop, Zone* zone) { this->freeOp = fop; this->zone = zone; if (!zone->types.activeAnalysis) zone->types.activeAnalysis = this; } }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Interface functions ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void MarkIteratorUnknownSlow(JSContext* cx); void TypeMonitorCallSlow(JSContext* cx, JSObject* callee, const CallArgs& args, bool constructing); /* * Monitor a javascript call, either on entry to the interpreter or made * from within the interpreter. */ inline void TypeMonitorCall(JSContext* cx, const js::CallArgs& args, bool constructing) { if (args.callee().is()) { JSFunction* fun = &args.callee().as(); if (fun->isInterpreted() && fun->nonLazyScript()->types()) TypeMonitorCallSlow(cx, &args.callee(), args, constructing); } } inline bool TrackPropertyTypes(ExclusiveContext* cx, JSObject* obj, jsid id) { if (obj->hasLazyGroup() || obj->group()->unknownProperties()) return false; if (obj->isSingleton() && !obj->group()->maybeGetProperty(id)) return false; return true; } void EnsureTrackPropertyTypes(JSContext* cx, JSObject* obj, jsid id); inline bool CanHaveEmptyPropertyTypesForOwnProperty(JSObject* obj) { // Per the comment on TypeSet::propertySet, property type sets for global // objects may be empty for 'own' properties if the global property still // has its initial undefined value. return obj->is(); } inline bool PropertyHasBeenMarkedNonConstant(JSObject* obj, jsid id) { // Non-constant properties are only relevant for singleton objects. if (!obj->isSingleton()) return true; // EnsureTrackPropertyTypes must have been called on this object. if (obj->group()->unknownProperties()) return true; HeapTypeSet* types = obj->group()->maybeGetProperty(IdToTypeId(id)); return types->nonConstantProperty(); } inline bool HasTypePropertyId(JSObject* obj, jsid id, TypeSet::Type type) { if (obj->hasLazyGroup()) return true; if (obj->group()->unknownProperties()) return true; if (HeapTypeSet* types = obj->group()->maybeGetProperty(IdToTypeId(id))) return types->hasType(type); return false; } inline bool HasTypePropertyId(JSObject* obj, jsid id, const Value& value) { return HasTypePropertyId(obj, id, TypeSet::GetValueType(value)); } void AddTypePropertyId(ExclusiveContext* cx, ObjectGroup* group, JSObject* obj, jsid id, TypeSet::Type type); void AddTypePropertyId(ExclusiveContext* cx, ObjectGroup* group, JSObject* obj, jsid id, const Value& value); /* Add a possible type for a property of obj. */ inline void AddTypePropertyId(ExclusiveContext* cx, JSObject* obj, jsid id, TypeSet::Type type) { id = IdToTypeId(id); if (TrackPropertyTypes(cx, obj, id)) AddTypePropertyId(cx, obj->group(), obj, id, type); } inline void AddTypePropertyId(ExclusiveContext* cx, JSObject* obj, jsid id, const Value& value) { id = IdToTypeId(id); if (TrackPropertyTypes(cx, obj, id)) AddTypePropertyId(cx, obj->group(), obj, id, value); } inline void MarkObjectGroupFlags(ExclusiveContext* cx, JSObject* obj, ObjectGroupFlags flags) { if (!obj->hasLazyGroup() && !obj->group()->hasAllFlags(flags)) obj->group()->setFlags(cx, flags); } inline void MarkObjectGroupUnknownProperties(ExclusiveContext* cx, ObjectGroup* obj) { if (!obj->unknownProperties()) obj->markUnknown(cx); } inline void MarkTypePropertyNonData(ExclusiveContext* cx, JSObject* obj, jsid id) { id = IdToTypeId(id); if (TrackPropertyTypes(cx, obj, id)) obj->group()->markPropertyNonData(cx, obj, id); } inline void MarkTypePropertyNonWritable(ExclusiveContext* cx, JSObject* obj, jsid id) { id = IdToTypeId(id); if (TrackPropertyTypes(cx, obj, id)) obj->group()->markPropertyNonWritable(cx, obj, id); } /* Mark a state change on a particular object. */ inline void MarkObjectStateChange(ExclusiveContext* cx, JSObject* obj) { if (!obj->hasLazyGroup() && !obj->group()->unknownProperties()) obj->group()->markStateChange(cx); } /* Interface helpers for JSScript*. */ extern void TypeMonitorResult(JSContext* cx, JSScript* script, jsbytecode* pc, TypeSet::Type type); extern void TypeMonitorResult(JSContext* cx, JSScript* script, jsbytecode* pc, const Value& rval); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Script interface functions ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* static */ inline unsigned TypeScript::NumTypeSets(JSScript* script) { size_t num = script->nTypeSets() + 1 /* this */; if (JSFunction* fun = script->functionNonDelazifying()) num += fun->nargs(); return num; } /* static */ inline StackTypeSet* TypeScript::ThisTypes(JSScript* script) { TypeScript* types = script->types(); return types ? types->typeArray() + script->nTypeSets() : nullptr; } /* * Note: for non-escaping arguments, argTypes reflect only the initial type of * the variable (e.g. passed values for argTypes, or undefined for localTypes) * and not types from subsequent assignments. */ /* static */ inline StackTypeSet* TypeScript::ArgTypes(JSScript* script, unsigned i) { MOZ_ASSERT(i < script->functionNonDelazifying()->nargs()); TypeScript* types = script->types(); return types ? types->typeArray() + script->nTypeSets() + 1 + i : nullptr; } template /* static */ inline TYPESET* TypeScript::BytecodeTypes(JSScript* script, jsbytecode* pc, uint32_t* bytecodeMap, uint32_t* hint, TYPESET* typeArray) { MOZ_ASSERT(CodeSpec[*pc].format & JOF_TYPESET); uint32_t offset = script->pcToOffset(pc); // See if this pc is the next typeset opcode after the last one looked up. if ((*hint + 1) < script->nTypeSets() && bytecodeMap[*hint + 1] == offset) { (*hint)++; return typeArray + *hint; } // See if this pc is the same as the last one looked up. if (bytecodeMap[*hint] == offset) return typeArray + *hint; // Fall back to a binary search. We'll either find the exact offset, or // there are more JOF_TYPESET opcodes than nTypeSets in the script (as can // happen if the script is very long) and we'll use the last location. size_t loc; #ifdef DEBUG bool found = #endif mozilla::BinarySearch(bytecodeMap, 0, script->nTypeSets() - 1, offset, &loc); MOZ_ASSERT_IF(found, bytecodeMap[loc] == offset); *hint = mozilla::AssertedCast(loc); return typeArray + *hint; } /* static */ inline StackTypeSet* TypeScript::BytecodeTypes(JSScript* script, jsbytecode* pc) { MOZ_ASSERT(CurrentThreadCanAccessRuntime(script->runtimeFromMainThread())); TypeScript* types = script->types(); if (!types) return nullptr; uint32_t* hint = script->baselineScript()->bytecodeTypeMap() + script->nTypeSets(); return BytecodeTypes(script, pc, script->baselineScript()->bytecodeTypeMap(), hint, types->typeArray()); } /* static */ inline void TypeScript::Monitor(JSContext* cx, JSScript* script, jsbytecode* pc, const js::Value& rval) { TypeMonitorResult(cx, script, pc, rval); } /* static */ inline void TypeScript::Monitor(JSContext* cx, JSScript* script, jsbytecode* pc, TypeSet::Type type) { TypeMonitorResult(cx, script, pc, type); } /* static */ inline void TypeScript::Monitor(JSContext* cx, const js::Value& rval) { jsbytecode* pc; RootedScript script(cx, cx->currentScript(&pc)); Monitor(cx, script, pc, rval); } /* static */ inline void TypeScript::MonitorAssign(JSContext* cx, HandleObject obj, jsid id) { if (!obj->isSingleton()) { /* * Mark as unknown any object which has had dynamic assignments to * non-integer properties at SETELEM opcodes. This avoids making large * numbers of type properties for hashmap-style objects. We don't need * to do this for objects with singleton type, because type properties * are only constructed for them when analyzed scripts depend on those * specific properties. */ uint32_t i; if (IdIsIndex(id, &i)) return; // But if we don't have too many properties yet, don't do anything. The // idea here is that normal object initialization should not trigger // deoptimization in most cases, while actual usage as a hashmap should. ObjectGroup* group = obj->group(); if (group->basePropertyCount() < 128) return; MarkObjectGroupUnknownProperties(cx, group); } } /* static */ inline void TypeScript::SetThis(JSContext* cx, JSScript* script, TypeSet::Type type) { assertSameCompartment(cx, script, type); StackTypeSet* types = ThisTypes(script); if (!types) return; if (!types->hasType(type)) { AutoEnterAnalysis enter(cx); InferSpew(ISpewOps, "externalType: setThis %p: %s", script, TypeSet::TypeString(type)); types->addType(cx, type); } } /* static */ inline void TypeScript::SetThis(JSContext* cx, JSScript* script, const js::Value& value) { SetThis(cx, script, TypeSet::GetValueType(value)); } /* static */ inline void TypeScript::SetArgument(JSContext* cx, JSScript* script, unsigned arg, TypeSet::Type type) { assertSameCompartment(cx, script, type); StackTypeSet* types = ArgTypes(script, arg); if (!types) return; if (!types->hasType(type)) { AutoEnterAnalysis enter(cx); InferSpew(ISpewOps, "externalType: setArg %p %u: %s", script, arg, TypeSet::TypeString(type)); types->addType(cx, type); } } /* static */ inline void TypeScript::SetArgument(JSContext* cx, JSScript* script, unsigned arg, const js::Value& value) { SetArgument(cx, script, arg, TypeSet::GetValueType(value)); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TypeHashSet ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Hashing code shared by objects in TypeSets and properties in ObjectGroups. struct TypeHashSet { // The sets of objects in a type set grow monotonically, are usually empty, // almost always small, and sometimes big. For empty or singleton sets, the // the pointer refers directly to the value. For sets fitting into // SET_ARRAY_SIZE, an array of this length is used to store the elements. // For larger sets, a hash table filled to 25%-50% of capacity is used, // with collisions resolved by linear probing. static const unsigned SET_ARRAY_SIZE = 8; static const unsigned SET_CAPACITY_OVERFLOW = 1u << 30; // Get the capacity of a set with the given element count. static inline unsigned Capacity(unsigned count) { MOZ_ASSERT(count >= 2); MOZ_ASSERT(count < SET_CAPACITY_OVERFLOW); if (count <= SET_ARRAY_SIZE) return SET_ARRAY_SIZE; return 1u << (mozilla::FloorLog2(count) + 2); } // Compute the FNV hash for the low 32 bits of v. template static inline uint32_t HashKey(T v) { uint32_t nv = KEY::keyBits(v); uint32_t hash = 84696351 ^ (nv & 0xff); hash = (hash * 16777619) ^ ((nv >> 8) & 0xff); hash = (hash * 16777619) ^ ((nv >> 16) & 0xff); return (hash * 16777619) ^ ((nv >> 24) & 0xff); } // Insert space for an element into the specified set and grow its capacity // if needed. returned value is an existing or new entry (nullptr if new). template static U** InsertTry(LifoAlloc& alloc, U**& values, unsigned& count, T key) { unsigned capacity = Capacity(count); unsigned insertpos = HashKey(key) & (capacity - 1); // Whether we are converting from a fixed array to hashtable. bool converting = (count == SET_ARRAY_SIZE); if (!converting) { while (values[insertpos] != nullptr) { if (KEY::getKey(values[insertpos]) == key) return &values[insertpos]; insertpos = (insertpos + 1) & (capacity - 1); } } if (count >= SET_CAPACITY_OVERFLOW) return nullptr; count++; unsigned newCapacity = Capacity(count); if (newCapacity == capacity) { MOZ_ASSERT(!converting); return &values[insertpos]; } U** newValues = alloc.newArray(newCapacity); if (!newValues) return nullptr; mozilla::PodZero(newValues, newCapacity); for (unsigned i = 0; i < capacity; i++) { if (values[i]) { unsigned pos = HashKey(KEY::getKey(values[i])) & (newCapacity - 1); while (newValues[pos] != nullptr) pos = (pos + 1) & (newCapacity - 1); newValues[pos] = values[i]; } } values = newValues; insertpos = HashKey(key) & (newCapacity - 1); while (values[insertpos] != nullptr) insertpos = (insertpos + 1) & (newCapacity - 1); return &values[insertpos]; } // Insert an element into the specified set if it is not already there, // returning an entry which is nullptr if the element was not there. template static inline U** Insert(LifoAlloc& alloc, U**& values, unsigned& count, T key) { if (count == 0) { MOZ_ASSERT(values == nullptr); count++; return (U**) &values; } if (count == 1) { U* oldData = (U*) values; if (KEY::getKey(oldData) == key) return (U**) &values; values = alloc.newArray(SET_ARRAY_SIZE); if (!values) { values = (U**) oldData; return nullptr; } mozilla::PodZero(values, SET_ARRAY_SIZE); count++; values[0] = oldData; return &values[1]; } if (count <= SET_ARRAY_SIZE) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (KEY::getKey(values[i]) == key) return &values[i]; } if (count < SET_ARRAY_SIZE) { count++; return &values[count - 1]; } } return InsertTry(alloc, values, count, key); } // Lookup an entry in a hash set, return nullptr if it does not exist. template static inline U* Lookup(U** values, unsigned count, T key) { if (count == 0) return nullptr; if (count == 1) return (KEY::getKey((U*) values) == key) ? (U*) values : nullptr; if (count <= SET_ARRAY_SIZE) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (KEY::getKey(values[i]) == key) return values[i]; } return nullptr; } unsigned capacity = Capacity(count); unsigned pos = HashKey(key) & (capacity - 1); while (values[pos] != nullptr) { if (KEY::getKey(values[pos]) == key) return values[pos]; pos = (pos + 1) & (capacity - 1); } return nullptr; } }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TypeSet ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// inline TypeSet::ObjectKey* TypeSet::Type::objectKey() const { MOZ_ASSERT(isObject()); return (ObjectKey*) data; } inline JSObject* TypeSet::Type::singleton() const { return objectKey()->singleton(); } inline ObjectGroup* TypeSet::Type::group() const { return objectKey()->group(); } inline JSObject* TypeSet::Type::singletonNoBarrier() const { return objectKey()->singletonNoBarrier(); } inline ObjectGroup* TypeSet::Type::groupNoBarrier() const { return objectKey()->groupNoBarrier(); } inline void TypeSet::Type::trace(JSTracer* trc) { if (isSingletonUnchecked()) { JSObject* obj = singletonNoBarrier(); TraceManuallyBarrieredEdge(trc, &obj, "TypeSet::Object"); *this = TypeSet::ObjectType(obj); } else if (isGroupUnchecked()) { ObjectGroup* group = groupNoBarrier(); TraceManuallyBarrieredEdge(trc, &group, "TypeSet::Group"); *this = TypeSet::ObjectType(group); } } inline JSCompartment* TypeSet::Type::maybeCompartment() { if (isSingletonUnchecked()) return singletonNoBarrier()->compartment(); if (isGroupUnchecked()) return groupNoBarrier()->compartment(); return nullptr; } inline bool TypeSet::hasType(Type type) const { if (unknown()) return true; if (type.isUnknown()) { return false; } else if (type.isPrimitive()) { return !!(flags & PrimitiveTypeFlag(type.primitive())); } else if (type.isAnyObject()) { return !!(flags & TYPE_FLAG_ANYOBJECT); } else { return !!(flags & TYPE_FLAG_ANYOBJECT) || TypeHashSet::Lookup (objectSet, baseObjectCount(), type.objectKey()) != nullptr; } } inline void TypeSet::setBaseObjectCount(uint32_t count) { MOZ_ASSERT(count <= TYPE_FLAG_DOMOBJECT_COUNT_LIMIT); flags = (flags & ~TYPE_FLAG_OBJECT_COUNT_MASK) | (count << TYPE_FLAG_OBJECT_COUNT_SHIFT); } inline void HeapTypeSet::newPropertyState(ExclusiveContext* cxArg) { /* Propagate the change to all constraints. */ if (JSContext* cx = cxArg->maybeJSContext()) { TypeConstraint* constraint = constraintList; while (constraint) { constraint->newPropertyState(cx, this); constraint = constraint->next; } } else { MOZ_ASSERT(!constraintList); } } inline void HeapTypeSet::setNonDataProperty(ExclusiveContext* cx) { if (flags & TYPE_FLAG_NON_DATA_PROPERTY) return; flags |= TYPE_FLAG_NON_DATA_PROPERTY; newPropertyState(cx); } inline void HeapTypeSet::setNonWritableProperty(ExclusiveContext* cx) { if (flags & TYPE_FLAG_NON_WRITABLE_PROPERTY) return; flags |= TYPE_FLAG_NON_WRITABLE_PROPERTY; newPropertyState(cx); } inline void HeapTypeSet::setNonConstantProperty(ExclusiveContext* cx) { if (flags & TYPE_FLAG_NON_CONSTANT_PROPERTY) return; flags |= TYPE_FLAG_NON_CONSTANT_PROPERTY; newPropertyState(cx); } inline unsigned TypeSet::getObjectCount() const { MOZ_ASSERT(!unknownObject()); uint32_t count = baseObjectCount(); if (count > TypeHashSet::SET_ARRAY_SIZE) return TypeHashSet::Capacity(count); return count; } inline TypeSet::ObjectKey* TypeSet::getObject(unsigned i) const { MOZ_ASSERT(i < getObjectCount()); if (baseObjectCount() == 1) { MOZ_ASSERT(i == 0); return (ObjectKey*) objectSet; } return objectSet[i]; } inline JSObject* TypeSet::getSingleton(unsigned i) const { ObjectKey* key = getObject(i); return (key && key->isSingleton()) ? key->singleton() : nullptr; } inline ObjectGroup* TypeSet::getGroup(unsigned i) const { ObjectKey* key = getObject(i); return (key && key->isGroup()) ? key->group() : nullptr; } inline JSObject* TypeSet::getSingletonNoBarrier(unsigned i) const { ObjectKey* key = getObject(i); return (key && key->isSingleton()) ? key->singletonNoBarrier() : nullptr; } inline ObjectGroup* TypeSet::getGroupNoBarrier(unsigned i) const { ObjectKey* key = getObject(i); return (key && key->isGroup()) ? key->groupNoBarrier() : nullptr; } inline const Class* TypeSet::getObjectClass(unsigned i) const { if (JSObject* object = getSingleton(i)) return object->getClass(); if (ObjectGroup* group = getGroup(i)) return group->clasp(); return nullptr; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ObjectGroup ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// inline uint32_t ObjectGroup::basePropertyCount() { return (flags() & OBJECT_FLAG_PROPERTY_COUNT_MASK) >> OBJECT_FLAG_PROPERTY_COUNT_SHIFT; } inline void ObjectGroup::setBasePropertyCount(uint32_t count) { // Note: Callers must ensure they are performing threadsafe operations. MOZ_ASSERT(count <= OBJECT_FLAG_PROPERTY_COUNT_LIMIT); flags_ = (flags() & ~OBJECT_FLAG_PROPERTY_COUNT_MASK) | (count << OBJECT_FLAG_PROPERTY_COUNT_SHIFT); } inline HeapTypeSet* ObjectGroup::getProperty(ExclusiveContext* cx, JSObject* obj, jsid id) { MOZ_ASSERT(JSID_IS_VOID(id) || JSID_IS_EMPTY(id) || JSID_IS_STRING(id) || JSID_IS_SYMBOL(id)); MOZ_ASSERT_IF(!JSID_IS_EMPTY(id), id == IdToTypeId(id)); MOZ_ASSERT(!unknownProperties()); MOZ_ASSERT_IF(obj, obj->group() == this); MOZ_ASSERT_IF(singleton(), obj); if (HeapTypeSet* types = maybeGetProperty(id)) return types; Property* base = cx->typeLifoAlloc().new_(id); if (!base) { markUnknown(cx); return nullptr; } uint32_t propertyCount = basePropertyCount(); Property** pprop = TypeHashSet::Insert (cx->typeLifoAlloc(), propertySet, propertyCount, id); if (!pprop) { markUnknown(cx); return nullptr; } MOZ_ASSERT(!*pprop); setBasePropertyCount(propertyCount); *pprop = base; updateNewPropertyTypes(cx, obj, id, &base->types); if (propertyCount == OBJECT_FLAG_PROPERTY_COUNT_LIMIT) { // We hit the maximum number of properties the object can have, mark // the object unknown so that new properties will not be added in the // future. markUnknown(cx); } return &base->types; } inline HeapTypeSet* ObjectGroup::maybeGetProperty(jsid id) { MOZ_ASSERT(JSID_IS_VOID(id) || JSID_IS_EMPTY(id) || JSID_IS_STRING(id) || JSID_IS_SYMBOL(id)); MOZ_ASSERT_IF(!JSID_IS_EMPTY(id), id == IdToTypeId(id)); MOZ_ASSERT(!unknownProperties()); Property* prop = TypeHashSet::Lookup (propertySet, basePropertyCount(), id); return prop ? &prop->types : nullptr; } inline unsigned ObjectGroup::getPropertyCount() { uint32_t count = basePropertyCount(); if (count > TypeHashSet::SET_ARRAY_SIZE) return TypeHashSet::Capacity(count); return count; } inline ObjectGroup::Property* ObjectGroup::getProperty(unsigned i) { MOZ_ASSERT(i < getPropertyCount()); if (basePropertyCount() == 1) { MOZ_ASSERT(i == 0); return (Property*) propertySet; } return propertySet[i]; } } // namespace js inline js::TypeScript* JSScript::types() { maybeSweepTypes(nullptr); return types_; } inline bool JSScript::ensureHasTypes(JSContext* cx) { return types() || makeTypes(cx); } #endif /* vm_TypeInference_inl_h */