/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
 * vim: set ts=8 sts=4 et sw=4 tw=99:
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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#ifndef vm_ReceiverGuard_h
#define vm_ReceiverGuard_h

#include "vm/Shape.h"

namespace js {

// A ReceiverGuard encapsulates the information about an object that needs to
// be tested to determine if it has the same 'structure' as another object.
// The guard includes the shape and/or group of the object, and which of these
// is tested, as well as the meaning here of 'structure', depends on the kind
// of object being tested:
// NativeObject: The structure of a native object is determined by its shape.
//   Two objects with the same shape have the same class, prototype, flags,
//   and all properties except those stored in dense elements.
// ProxyObject: The structure of a proxy object is determined by its shape.
//   Proxies with the same shape have the same class and prototype, but no
//   other commonality is guaranteed.
// TypedObject: The structure of a typed object is determined by its group.
//   All typed objects with the same group have the same class, prototype, and
//   own properties.

class HeapReceiverGuard;
class RootedReceiverGuard;

class ReceiverGuard
    ObjectGroup* group;
    Shape* shape;

      : group(nullptr), shape(nullptr)

    inline MOZ_IMPLICIT ReceiverGuard(const HeapReceiverGuard& guard);
    inline MOZ_IMPLICIT ReceiverGuard(const RootedReceiverGuard& guard);

    explicit ReceiverGuard(JSObject* obj);
    ReceiverGuard(ObjectGroup* group, Shape* shape);

    bool operator ==(const ReceiverGuard& other) const {
        return group == other.group && shape == other.shape;

    bool operator !=(const ReceiverGuard& other) const {
        return !(*this == other);

    uintptr_t hash() const {
        return (uintptr_t(group) >> 3) ^ (uintptr_t(shape) >> 3);

class HeapReceiverGuard
    GCPtrObjectGroup group_;
    GCPtrShape shape_;

    explicit HeapReceiverGuard(const ReceiverGuard& guard)
      : group_(guard.group), shape_(guard.shape)

    bool matches(const ReceiverGuard& guard) {
        return group_ == guard.group && shape_ == guard.shape;

    void update(const ReceiverGuard& other) {
        group_ = other.group;
        shape_ = other.shape;

    void init(const ReceiverGuard& other) {

    void trace(JSTracer* trc);

    Shape* shape() const {
        return shape_;
    ObjectGroup* group() const {
        return group_;

    static size_t offsetOfShape() {
        return offsetof(HeapReceiverGuard, shape_);
    static size_t offsetOfGroup() {
        return offsetof(HeapReceiverGuard, group_);

    // Bits to munge into Baseline IC compiler keys when that IC has a
    // HeapReceiverGuard. This uses at most two bits for data.
    static int32_t keyBits(JSObject* obj);

class RootedReceiverGuard
    RootedObjectGroup group;
    RootedShape shape;

    RootedReceiverGuard(JSContext* cx, const ReceiverGuard& guard)
      : group(cx, guard.group), shape(cx, guard.shape)

ReceiverGuard::ReceiverGuard(const HeapReceiverGuard& guard)
  : group(guard.group()), shape(guard.shape())

ReceiverGuard::ReceiverGuard(const RootedReceiverGuard& guard)
  : group(guard.group), shape(guard.shape)

} // namespace js

#endif /* vm_ReceiverGuard_h */