/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- * vim: set ts=8 sts=4 et sw=4 tw=99: * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef vm_NativeObject_inl_h #define vm_NativeObject_inl_h #include "vm/NativeObject.h" #include "jscntxt.h" #include "builtin/TypedObject.h" #include "proxy/Proxy.h" #include "vm/ProxyObject.h" #include "vm/TypedArrayObject.h" #include "jsobjinlines.h" namespace js { inline uint8_t* NativeObject::fixedData(size_t nslots) const { MOZ_ASSERT(ClassCanHaveFixedData(getClass())); MOZ_ASSERT(nslots == numFixedSlots() + (hasPrivate() ? 1 : 0)); return reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&fixedSlots()[nslots]); } inline void NativeObject::removeLastProperty(ExclusiveContext* cx) { MOZ_ASSERT(canRemoveLastProperty()); JS_ALWAYS_TRUE(setLastProperty(cx, lastProperty()->previous())); } inline bool NativeObject::canRemoveLastProperty() { /* * Check that the information about the object stored in the last * property's base shape is consistent with that stored in the previous * shape. If not consistent, then the last property cannot be removed as it * will induce a change in the object itself, and the object must be * converted to dictionary mode instead. See BaseShape comment in jsscope.h */ MOZ_ASSERT(!inDictionaryMode()); Shape* previous = lastProperty()->previous().get(); return previous->getObjectFlags() == lastProperty()->getObjectFlags(); } inline void NativeObject::setShouldConvertDoubleElements() { MOZ_ASSERT(is<ArrayObject>() && !hasEmptyElements()); getElementsHeader()->setShouldConvertDoubleElements(); } inline void NativeObject::clearShouldConvertDoubleElements() { MOZ_ASSERT(is<ArrayObject>() && !hasEmptyElements()); getElementsHeader()->clearShouldConvertDoubleElements(); } inline void NativeObject::setDenseElementWithType(ExclusiveContext* cx, uint32_t index, const Value& val) { // Avoid a slow AddTypePropertyId call if the type is the same as the type // of the previous element. TypeSet::Type thisType = TypeSet::GetValueType(val); if (index == 0 || TypeSet::GetValueType(elements_[index - 1]) != thisType) AddTypePropertyId(cx, this, JSID_VOID, thisType); setDenseElementMaybeConvertDouble(index, val); } inline void NativeObject::initDenseElementWithType(ExclusiveContext* cx, uint32_t index, const Value& val) { MOZ_ASSERT(!shouldConvertDoubleElements()); if (val.isMagic(JS_ELEMENTS_HOLE)) markDenseElementsNotPacked(cx); else AddTypePropertyId(cx, this, JSID_VOID, val); initDenseElement(index, val); } inline void NativeObject::setDenseElementHole(ExclusiveContext* cx, uint32_t index) { MarkObjectGroupFlags(cx, this, OBJECT_FLAG_NON_PACKED); setDenseElement(index, MagicValue(JS_ELEMENTS_HOLE)); } /* static */ inline void NativeObject::removeDenseElementForSparseIndex(ExclusiveContext* cx, HandleNativeObject obj, uint32_t index) { MarkObjectGroupFlags(cx, obj, OBJECT_FLAG_NON_PACKED | OBJECT_FLAG_SPARSE_INDEXES); if (obj->containsDenseElement(index)) obj->setDenseElementUnchecked(index, MagicValue(JS_ELEMENTS_HOLE)); } inline bool NativeObject::writeToIndexWouldMarkNotPacked(uint32_t index) { return getElementsHeader()->initializedLength < index; } inline void NativeObject::markDenseElementsNotPacked(ExclusiveContext* cx) { MOZ_ASSERT(isNative()); MarkObjectGroupFlags(cx, this, OBJECT_FLAG_NON_PACKED); } inline void NativeObject::ensureDenseInitializedLengthNoPackedCheck(ExclusiveContext* cx, uint32_t index, uint32_t extra) { MOZ_ASSERT(!denseElementsAreCopyOnWrite()); MOZ_ASSERT(!denseElementsAreFrozen()); /* * Ensure that the array's contents have been initialized up to index, and * mark the elements through 'index + extra' as initialized in preparation * for a write. */ MOZ_ASSERT(index + extra <= getDenseCapacity()); uint32_t& initlen = getElementsHeader()->initializedLength; if (initlen < index + extra) { size_t offset = initlen; for (HeapSlot* sp = elements_ + initlen; sp != elements_ + (index + extra); sp++, offset++) { sp->init(this, HeapSlot::Element, offset, MagicValue(JS_ELEMENTS_HOLE)); } initlen = index + extra; } } inline void NativeObject::ensureDenseInitializedLength(ExclusiveContext* cx, uint32_t index, uint32_t extra) { if (writeToIndexWouldMarkNotPacked(index)) markDenseElementsNotPacked(cx); ensureDenseInitializedLengthNoPackedCheck(cx, index, extra); } DenseElementResult NativeObject::extendDenseElements(ExclusiveContext* cx, uint32_t requiredCapacity, uint32_t extra) { MOZ_ASSERT(!denseElementsAreCopyOnWrite()); MOZ_ASSERT(!denseElementsAreFrozen()); /* * Don't grow elements for non-extensible objects. Dense elements can be * added/written with no extensible checks as long as there is capacity * for them. */ if (!nonProxyIsExtensible()) { MOZ_ASSERT(getDenseCapacity() == 0); return DenseElementResult::Incomplete; } /* * Don't grow elements for objects which already have sparse indexes. * This avoids needing to count non-hole elements in willBeSparseElements * every time a new index is added. */ if (isIndexed()) return DenseElementResult::Incomplete; /* * We use the extra argument also as a hint about number of non-hole * elements to be inserted. */ if (requiredCapacity > MIN_SPARSE_INDEX && willBeSparseElements(requiredCapacity, extra)) { return DenseElementResult::Incomplete; } if (!growElements(cx, requiredCapacity)) return DenseElementResult::Failure; return DenseElementResult::Success; } inline DenseElementResult NativeObject::ensureDenseElements(ExclusiveContext* cx, uint32_t index, uint32_t extra) { MOZ_ASSERT(isNative()); if (writeToIndexWouldMarkNotPacked(index)) markDenseElementsNotPacked(cx); if (!maybeCopyElementsForWrite(cx)) return DenseElementResult::Failure; uint32_t currentCapacity = getDenseCapacity(); uint32_t requiredCapacity; if (extra == 1) { /* Optimize for the common case. */ if (index < currentCapacity) { ensureDenseInitializedLengthNoPackedCheck(cx, index, 1); return DenseElementResult::Success; } requiredCapacity = index + 1; if (requiredCapacity == 0) { /* Overflow. */ return DenseElementResult::Incomplete; } } else { requiredCapacity = index + extra; if (requiredCapacity < index) { /* Overflow. */ return DenseElementResult::Incomplete; } if (requiredCapacity <= currentCapacity) { ensureDenseInitializedLengthNoPackedCheck(cx, index, extra); return DenseElementResult::Success; } } DenseElementResult result = extendDenseElements(cx, requiredCapacity, extra); if (result != DenseElementResult::Success) return result; ensureDenseInitializedLengthNoPackedCheck(cx, index, extra); return DenseElementResult::Success; } inline Value NativeObject::getDenseOrTypedArrayElement(uint32_t idx) { if (is<TypedArrayObject>()) return as<TypedArrayObject>().getElement(idx); return getDenseElement(idx); } /* static */ inline NativeObject* NativeObject::copy(ExclusiveContext* cx, gc::AllocKind kind, gc::InitialHeap heap, HandleNativeObject templateObject) { RootedShape shape(cx, templateObject->lastProperty()); RootedObjectGroup group(cx, templateObject->group()); MOZ_ASSERT(!templateObject->denseElementsAreCopyOnWrite()); JSObject* baseObj = create(cx, kind, heap, shape, group); if (!baseObj) return nullptr; NativeObject* obj = &baseObj->as<NativeObject>(); size_t span = shape->slotSpan(); if (span) { uint32_t numFixed = templateObject->numFixedSlots(); const Value* fixed = &templateObject->getSlot(0); // Only copy elements which are registered in the shape, even if the // number of fixed slots is larger. if (span < numFixed) numFixed = span; obj->copySlotRange(0, fixed, numFixed); if (numFixed < span) { uint32_t numSlots = span - numFixed; const Value* slots = &templateObject->getSlot(numFixed); obj->copySlotRange(numFixed, slots, numSlots); } } return obj; } inline void NativeObject::setSlotWithType(ExclusiveContext* cx, Shape* shape, const Value& value, bool overwriting) { setSlot(shape->slot(), value); if (overwriting) shape->setOverwritten(); AddTypePropertyId(cx, this, shape->propid(), value); } inline void NativeObject::updateShapeAfterMovingGC() { Shape* shape = shape_.unbarrieredGet(); if (IsForwarded(shape)) shape_.unsafeSet(Forwarded(shape)); } /* Make an object with pregenerated shape from a NEWOBJECT bytecode. */ static inline PlainObject* CopyInitializerObject(JSContext* cx, HandlePlainObject baseobj, NewObjectKind newKind = GenericObject) { MOZ_ASSERT(!baseobj->inDictionaryMode()); gc::AllocKind allocKind = gc::GetGCObjectFixedSlotsKind(baseobj->numFixedSlots()); allocKind = gc::GetBackgroundAllocKind(allocKind); MOZ_ASSERT_IF(baseobj->isTenured(), allocKind == baseobj->asTenured().getAllocKind()); RootedPlainObject obj(cx, NewBuiltinClassInstance<PlainObject>(cx, allocKind, newKind)); if (!obj) return nullptr; if (!obj->setLastProperty(cx, baseobj->lastProperty())) return nullptr; return obj; } inline NativeObject* NewNativeObjectWithGivenTaggedProto(ExclusiveContext* cx, const Class* clasp, Handle<TaggedProto> proto, gc::AllocKind allocKind, NewObjectKind newKind) { return MaybeNativeObject(NewObjectWithGivenTaggedProto(cx, clasp, proto, allocKind, newKind)); } inline NativeObject* NewNativeObjectWithGivenTaggedProto(ExclusiveContext* cx, const Class* clasp, Handle<TaggedProto> proto, NewObjectKind newKind = GenericObject) { return MaybeNativeObject(NewObjectWithGivenTaggedProto(cx, clasp, proto, newKind)); } inline NativeObject* NewNativeObjectWithGivenProto(ExclusiveContext* cx, const Class* clasp, HandleObject proto, gc::AllocKind allocKind, NewObjectKind newKind) { return MaybeNativeObject(NewObjectWithGivenProto(cx, clasp, proto, allocKind, newKind)); } inline NativeObject* NewNativeObjectWithGivenProto(ExclusiveContext* cx, const Class* clasp, HandleObject proto, NewObjectKind newKind = GenericObject) { return MaybeNativeObject(NewObjectWithGivenProto(cx, clasp, proto, newKind)); } inline NativeObject* NewNativeObjectWithClassProto(ExclusiveContext* cx, const Class* clasp, HandleObject proto, gc::AllocKind allocKind, NewObjectKind newKind = GenericObject) { return MaybeNativeObject(NewObjectWithClassProto(cx, clasp, proto, allocKind, newKind)); } inline NativeObject* NewNativeObjectWithClassProto(ExclusiveContext* cx, const Class* clasp, HandleObject proto, NewObjectKind newKind = GenericObject) { return MaybeNativeObject(NewObjectWithClassProto(cx, clasp, proto, newKind)); } /* * Call obj's resolve hook. * * cx and id are the parameters initially passed to the ongoing lookup; * propp and recursedp are its out parameters. * * There are four possible outcomes: * * - On failure, report an error or exception and return false. * * - If we are already resolving a property of obj, set *recursedp = true, * and return true. * * - If the resolve hook finds or defines the sought property, set propp * appropriately, set *recursedp = false, and return true. * * - Otherwise no property was resolved. Set propp to nullptr and * *recursedp = false and return true. */ static MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE bool CallResolveOp(JSContext* cx, HandleNativeObject obj, HandleId id, MutableHandleShape propp, bool* recursedp) { // Avoid recursion on (obj, id) already being resolved on cx. AutoResolving resolving(cx, obj, id); if (resolving.alreadyStarted()) { // Already resolving id in obj, suppress recursion. *recursedp = true; return true; } *recursedp = false; bool resolved = false; if (!obj->getClass()->getResolve()(cx, obj, id, &resolved)) return false; if (!resolved) return true; // Assert the mayResolve hook, if there is one, returns true for this // property. MOZ_ASSERT_IF(obj->getClass()->getMayResolve(), obj->getClass()->getMayResolve()(cx->names(), id, obj)); if (JSID_IS_INT(id) && obj->containsDenseElement(JSID_TO_INT(id))) { MarkDenseOrTypedArrayElementFound<CanGC>(propp); return true; } MOZ_ASSERT(!obj->is<TypedArrayObject>()); propp.set(obj->lookup(cx, id)); return true; } static MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE bool ClassMayResolveId(const JSAtomState& names, const Class* clasp, jsid id, JSObject* maybeObj) { MOZ_ASSERT_IF(maybeObj, maybeObj->getClass() == clasp); if (!clasp->getResolve()) { // Sanity check: we should only have a mayResolve hook if we have a // resolve hook. MOZ_ASSERT(!clasp->getMayResolve(), "Class with mayResolve hook but no resolve hook"); return false; } if (JSMayResolveOp mayResolve = clasp->getMayResolve()) { // Tell the analysis our mayResolve hooks won't trigger GC. JS::AutoSuppressGCAnalysis nogc; if (!mayResolve(names, id, maybeObj)) return false; } return true; } template <AllowGC allowGC> static MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE bool LookupOwnPropertyInline(ExclusiveContext* cx, typename MaybeRooted<NativeObject*, allowGC>::HandleType obj, typename MaybeRooted<jsid, allowGC>::HandleType id, typename MaybeRooted<Shape*, allowGC>::MutableHandleType propp, bool* donep) { // Check for a native dense element. if (JSID_IS_INT(id) && obj->containsDenseElement(JSID_TO_INT(id))) { MarkDenseOrTypedArrayElementFound<allowGC>(propp); *donep = true; return true; } // Check for a typed array element. Integer lookups always finish here // so that integer properties on the prototype are ignored even for out // of bounds accesses. if (obj->template is<TypedArrayObject>()) { uint64_t index; if (IsTypedArrayIndex(id, &index)) { if (index < obj->template as<TypedArrayObject>().length()) { MarkDenseOrTypedArrayElementFound<allowGC>(propp); } else { propp.set(nullptr); } *donep = true; return true; } } // Check for a native property. if (Shape* shape = obj->lookup(cx, id)) { propp.set(shape); *donep = true; return true; } // id was not found in obj. Try obj's resolve hook, if any. if (obj->getClass()->getResolve()) { if (!cx->shouldBeJSContext() || !allowGC) return false; bool recursed; if (!CallResolveOp(cx->asJSContext(), MaybeRooted<NativeObject*, allowGC>::toHandle(obj), MaybeRooted<jsid, allowGC>::toHandle(id), MaybeRooted<Shape*, allowGC>::toMutableHandle(propp), &recursed)) { return false; } if (recursed) { propp.set(nullptr); *donep = true; return true; } if (propp) { *donep = true; return true; } } propp.set(nullptr); *donep = false; return true; } /* * Simplified version of LookupOwnPropertyInline that doesn't call resolve * hooks. */ static inline void NativeLookupOwnPropertyNoResolve(ExclusiveContext* cx, HandleNativeObject obj, HandleId id, MutableHandleShape result) { // Check for a native dense element. if (JSID_IS_INT(id) && obj->containsDenseElement(JSID_TO_INT(id))) { MarkDenseOrTypedArrayElementFound<CanGC>(result); return; } // Check for a typed array element. if (obj->is<TypedArrayObject>()) { uint64_t index; if (IsTypedArrayIndex(id, &index)) { if (index < obj->as<TypedArrayObject>().length()) MarkDenseOrTypedArrayElementFound<CanGC>(result); else result.set(nullptr); return; } } // Check for a native property. result.set(obj->lookup(cx, id)); } template <AllowGC allowGC> static MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE bool LookupPropertyInline(ExclusiveContext* cx, typename MaybeRooted<NativeObject*, allowGC>::HandleType obj, typename MaybeRooted<jsid, allowGC>::HandleType id, typename MaybeRooted<JSObject*, allowGC>::MutableHandleType objp, typename MaybeRooted<Shape*, allowGC>::MutableHandleType propp) { /* NB: The logic of this procedure is implicitly reflected in * BaselineIC.cpp's |EffectlesslyLookupProperty| logic. * If this changes, please remember to update the logic there as well. */ /* Search scopes starting with obj and following the prototype link. */ typename MaybeRooted<NativeObject*, allowGC>::RootType current(cx, obj); while (true) { bool done; if (!LookupOwnPropertyInline<allowGC>(cx, current, id, propp, &done)) return false; if (done) { if (propp) objp.set(current); else objp.set(nullptr); return true; } typename MaybeRooted<JSObject*, allowGC>::RootType proto(cx, current->staticPrototype()); if (!proto) break; if (!proto->isNative()) { if (!cx->shouldBeJSContext() || !allowGC) return false; return LookupProperty(cx->asJSContext(), MaybeRooted<JSObject*, allowGC>::toHandle(proto), MaybeRooted<jsid, allowGC>::toHandle(id), MaybeRooted<JSObject*, allowGC>::toMutableHandle(objp), MaybeRooted<Shape*, allowGC>::toMutableHandle(propp)); } current = &proto->template as<NativeObject>(); } objp.set(nullptr); propp.set(nullptr); return true; } inline bool ThrowIfNotConstructing(JSContext *cx, const CallArgs &args, const char *builtinName) { if (args.isConstructing()) return true; return JS_ReportErrorFlagsAndNumberASCII(cx, JSREPORT_ERROR, GetErrorMessage, nullptr, JSMSG_BUILTIN_CTOR_NO_NEW, builtinName); } inline bool IsPackedArray(JSObject* obj) { return obj->is<ArrayObject>() && !obj->hasLazyGroup() && !obj->group()->hasAllFlags(OBJECT_FLAG_NON_PACKED) && obj->as<ArrayObject>().getDenseInitializedLength() == obj->as<ArrayObject>().length(); } } // namespace js #endif /* vm_NativeObject_inl_h */