/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- * vim: set ts=8 sts=4 et sw=4 tw=99: * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef vm_ErrorObject_h_ #define vm_ErrorObject_h_ #include "mozilla/ArrayUtils.h" #include "vm/NativeObject.h" #include "vm/SavedStacks.h" #include "vm/Shape.h" namespace js { /* * Initialize the exception constructor/prototype hierarchy. */ extern JSObject* InitExceptionClasses(JSContext* cx, HandleObject obj); class ErrorObject : public NativeObject { static JSObject* createProto(JSContext* cx, JSProtoKey key); static JSObject* createConstructor(JSContext* cx, JSProtoKey key); /* For access to createProto. */ friend JSObject* js::InitExceptionClasses(JSContext* cx, HandleObject global); static bool init(JSContext* cx, Handle<ErrorObject*> obj, JSExnType type, ScopedJSFreePtr<JSErrorReport>* errorReport, HandleString fileName, HandleObject stack, uint32_t lineNumber, uint32_t columnNumber, HandleString message); static const ClassSpec errorClassSpec_; static const ClassSpec subErrorClassSpec_; static const ClassSpec nonGlobalErrorClassSpec_; protected: static const uint32_t EXNTYPE_SLOT = 0; static const uint32_t STACK_SLOT = EXNTYPE_SLOT + 1; static const uint32_t ERROR_REPORT_SLOT = STACK_SLOT + 1; static const uint32_t FILENAME_SLOT = ERROR_REPORT_SLOT + 1; static const uint32_t LINENUMBER_SLOT = FILENAME_SLOT + 1; static const uint32_t COLUMNNUMBER_SLOT = LINENUMBER_SLOT + 1; static const uint32_t MESSAGE_SLOT = COLUMNNUMBER_SLOT + 1; static const uint32_t RESERVED_SLOTS = MESSAGE_SLOT + 1; public: static const Class classes[JSEXN_LIMIT]; static const Class * classForType(JSExnType type) { MOZ_ASSERT(type < JSEXN_WARN); return &classes[type]; } static bool isErrorClass(const Class* clasp) { return &classes[0] <= clasp && clasp < &classes[0] + mozilla::ArrayLength(classes); } // Create an error of the given type corresponding to the provided location // info. If |message| is non-null, then the error will have a .message // property with that value; otherwise the error will have no .message // property. static ErrorObject* create(JSContext* cx, JSExnType type, HandleObject stack, HandleString fileName, uint32_t lineNumber, uint32_t columnNumber, ScopedJSFreePtr<JSErrorReport>* report, HandleString message, HandleObject proto = nullptr); /* * Assign the initial error shape to the empty object. (This shape does * *not* include .message, which must be added separately if needed; see * ErrorObject::init.) */ static Shape* assignInitialShape(ExclusiveContext* cx, Handle<ErrorObject*> obj); JSExnType type() const { return JSExnType(getReservedSlot(EXNTYPE_SLOT).toInt32()); } JSErrorReport * getErrorReport() const { const Value& slot = getReservedSlot(ERROR_REPORT_SLOT); if (slot.isUndefined()) return nullptr; return static_cast<JSErrorReport*>(slot.toPrivate()); } JSErrorReport * getOrCreateErrorReport(JSContext* cx); inline JSString * fileName(JSContext* cx) const; inline uint32_t lineNumber() const; inline uint32_t columnNumber() const; inline JSObject * stack() const; JSString * getMessage() const { const HeapSlot& slot = getReservedSlotRef(MESSAGE_SLOT); return slot.isString() ? slot.toString() : nullptr; } // Getter and setter for the Error.prototype.stack accessor. static bool getStack(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp); static bool setStack(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp); static bool setStack_impl(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args); }; } // namespace js template<> inline bool JSObject::is<js::ErrorObject>() const { return js::ErrorObject::isErrorClass(getClass()); } #endif // vm_ErrorObject_h_