// Copyright 2009 the Sputnik authors.  All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.

 * If value is NaN, +0, -0, +Infinity, or -Infinity, return +0
 * @path ch09/9.6/S9.6_A1.js
 * @description For testing use operator >>>0

// CHECK#1
if ((Number.NaN >>> 0) !== +0) {
  $ERROR('#1.1: (Number.NaN >>> 0) === 0. Actual: ' + ((Number.NaN >>> 0)));
} else if (1/(Number.NaN >>> 0) !== Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
  $ERROR('#1.2: (Number.NaN >>> 0) === +0. Actual: -0');

// CHECK#2
if ((Number("abc") >>> 0) !== +0) {
  $ERROR('#2.1: (Number("abc") >>> 0) === 0. Actual: ' + ((Number("abc") >>> 0)));
} else if (1/(0 >>> 0) !== Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
  $ERROR('#2.2: (0 >>> 0) === +0. Actual: -0');

// CHECK#3
if ((0 >>> 0) !== +0) {
  $ERROR('#3.1: (0 >>> 0) === 0. Actual: ' + ((0 >>> 0)));
} else if (1/(0 >>> 0) !== Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
  $ERROR('#3.2: (0 >>> 0) === +0. Actual: -0');

// CHECK#4
if ((-0 >>> 0) !== +0) {
  $ERROR("#4.1: (-0 >>> 0) === 0");
} else if (1/(-0 >>> 0) !== Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
  $ERROR("#4.2: (-0 >>> 0) === +0. Actual: -0");

// CHECK#5
if ((Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY >>> 0) !== +0) {
  $ERROR('#5.1: (Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY >>> 0) === 0. Actual: ' + ((Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY >>> 0)));
} else if (1/(Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY >>> 0) !== Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
  $ERROR('#5.2: (Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY >>> 0) === +0. Actual: -0');

// CHECK#6
if ((Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY >>> 0) !== +0) {
  $ERROR("#6.1: (Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY >>> 0) === 0");
} else if (1/(Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY >>> 0) !== Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
  $ERROR("#6.2: (Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY >>> 0) === +0. Actual: -0");