/* * Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ * Contributor: * Andreas Gal */ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- var BUGNUMBER = 547941; var summary = 'js weak maps'; var actual = ''; var expect = ''; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- test(); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function test() { enterFunc ('test'); printBugNumber(BUGNUMBER); printStatus(summary); var TestPassCount = 0; var TestFailCount = 0; var TestTodoCount = 0; var TODO = 1; function check(fun, todo) { var thrown = null; var success = false; try { success = fun(); } catch (x) { thrown = x; } if (thrown) success = false; if (todo) { TestTodoCount++; if (success) { var ex = new Error; print ("=== TODO but PASSED? ==="); print (ex.stack); print ("========================"); } return; } if (success) { TestPassCount++; } else { TestFailCount++; var ex = new Error; print ("=== FAILED ==="); print (ex.stack); if (thrown) { print (" threw exception:"); print (thrown); } print ("=============="); } } function checkThrows(fun, todo) { let thrown = false; try { fun(); } catch (x) { thrown = true; } check(() => thrown, todo); } var key = {}; var map = new WeakMap(); check(() => !map.has(key)); check(() => map.delete(key) == false); check(() => map.set(key, 42) === map); check(() => map.get(key) == 42); check(() => typeof map.get({}) == "undefined"); check(() => map.get({}, "foo") == undefined); gc(); gc(); gc(); check(() => map.get(key) == 42); check(() => map.delete(key) == true); check(() => map.delete(key) == false); check(() => map.delete({}) == false); check(() => typeof map.get(key) == "undefined"); check(() => !map.has(key)); check(() => map.delete(key) == false); var value = { }; check(() => map.set(new Object(), value) === map); gc(); gc(); gc(); check(() => map.has("non-object key") == false); check(() => map.has() == false); check(() => map.get("non-object key") == undefined); check(() => map.get() == undefined); check(() => map.delete("non-object key") == false); check(() => map.delete() == false); check(() => map.set(key) === map); check(() => map.get(key) == undefined); checkThrows(() => map.set("non-object key", value)); print ("done"); reportCompare(0, TestFailCount, "weak map tests"); exitFunc ('test'); }