/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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var BUGNUMBER = 312385;
var summary = 'Generic methods with null or undefined |this|';
var actual = '';
var expect = true;
var voids = [null, undefined];

function noop() { }

var generics = {
String: [{ substring: [] },
{ toLowerCase: [] },
{ toUpperCase: [] },
{ charAt: [] },
{ charCodeAt: [] },
{ indexOf: [] },
{ lastIndexOf: [] },
{ toLocaleLowerCase: [] },
{ toLocaleUpperCase: [] },
{ localeCompare: [] },
{ match: [/(?:)/] }, // match(regexp)
{ search: [] },
{ replace: [] },
{ split: [] },
{ substr: [] },
{ concat: [] },
{ slice: [] }],

  Array:  [{ join: [] },
{ reverse: [] },
{ sort: [] },
           // { push: [0] },  // push(item1, ...)
           // { pop: [] },
           // { shift: [] },
{ unshift: [] },
           // { splice: [0, 0, 1] }, // splice(start, deleteCount, item1, ...)
{ concat: [] },
{ indexOf: [] },
{ lastIndexOf: [] },
           // forEach is excluded since it does not return a value...
           /* { forEach: [noop] },  // forEach(callback, thisObj) */
{ map: [noop] },      // map(callback, thisObj)
{ filter: [noop] },   // filter(callback, thisObj)
{ some: [noop] },     // some(callback, thisObj)
{ every: [noop] }     // every(callback, thisObj)

printStatus (summary);

var global = this;

for (var c in generics)
  var methods = generics[c];
  for (var i = 0; i < methods.length; i++)
    var method = methods[i];

    for (var methodname in method)
      for (var v = 0; v < voids.length; v++)
        var Constructor = global[c]

        var argsLen = method[methodname].length;
        assertEq(argsLen === 0 || argsLen === 1, true, "not all arities handled");

        var generic = Constructor[methodname];
        var prototypy = Constructor.prototype[methodname];

        assertEq(typeof generic, "function");
        assertEq(typeof prototypy, "function");


          switch (method[methodname].length)
            case 0:

            case 1:
              generic(voids[v], method[methodname][0]);
          throw new Error(c + "." + methodname + " must throw for null or " +
                          "undefined first argument");
        catch (e)
          assertEq(e instanceof TypeError, true,
                   "Didn't get a TypeError for " + c + "." + methodname +
                   " called with null or undefined first argument");


          prototypy.apply(voids[v], method[methodname][0]);
          throw new Error(c + ".prototype." + methodname + " must throw " +
                          "for null or undefined this");
        catch (e)
          assertEq(e instanceof TypeError, true,
                   c + ".prototype." + methodname + "didn't throw a " +
                   "TypeError when called with null or undefined this");

if (typeof reportCompare === "function")
  reportCompare(true, true);

print("Tests finished.");