/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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var BUGNUMBER     = "364104";
var summary = "Array.prototype.indexOf, Array.prototype.lastIndexOf issues " +
  "with the optional second fromIndex argument";
var actual, expect;



var failed = false;

  // indexOf
  if ([2].indexOf(2) != 0)
    throw "indexOf: not finding 2!?";
  if ([2].indexOf(2, 0) != 0)
    throw "indexOf: not interpreting explicit second argument 0!";
  if ([2].indexOf(2, 1) != -1)
    throw "indexOf: ignoring second argument with value equal to array length!";
  if ([2].indexOf(2, 2) != -1)
    throw "indexOf: ignoring second argument greater than array length!";
  if ([2].indexOf(2, 17) != -1)
    throw "indexOf: ignoring large second argument!";
  if ([2].indexOf(2, -5) != 0)
    throw "indexOf: calculated fromIndex < 0, should search entire array!";
  if ([2, 3].indexOf(2, -1) != -1)
    throw "indexOf: not handling index == (-1 + 2), element 2 correctly!";
  if ([2, 3].indexOf(3, -1) != 1)
    throw "indexOf: not handling index == (-1 + 2), element 3 correctly!";

  // lastIndexOf
  if ([2].lastIndexOf(2) != 0)
    throw "lastIndexOf: not finding 2!?";
  if ([2].lastIndexOf(2, 1) != 0)
    throw "lastIndexOf: not interpreting explicit second argument 1!?";
  if ([2].lastIndexOf(2, 17) != 0)
    throw "lastIndexOf: should have searched entire array!";
  if ([2].lastIndexOf(2, -5) != -1)
    throw "lastIndexOf: -5 + 1 < 0, so array shouldn't be searched!";
  if ([2].lastIndexOf(2, -2) != -1)
    throw "lastIndexOf: -2 + 1 < 0, so array shouldn't be searched!";
  if ([2, 3].lastIndexOf(2, -1) != 0)
    throw "lastIndexOf: not handling index == (-1 + 2), element 2 correctly!";
  if ([2, 3].lastIndexOf(3, -1) != 1)
    throw "lastIndexOf: not handling index == (-1 + 2), element 3 correctly!";
  if ([2, 3].lastIndexOf(2, -2) != 0)
    throw "lastIndexOf: not handling index == (-2 + 2), element 2 correctly!";
  if ([2, 3].lastIndexOf(3, -2) != -1)
    throw "lastIndexOf: not handling index == (-2 + 2), element 3 correctly!";
  if ([2, 3].lastIndexOf(2, -3) != -1)
    throw "lastIndexOf: calculated fromIndex < 0, shouldn't search array for 2!";
  if ([2, 3].lastIndexOf(3, -3) != -1)
    throw "lastIndexOf: calculated fromIndex < 0, shouldn't search array for 3!";
catch (e)
  failed = e;

expect = false;
actual = failed;

reportCompare(expect, actual, summary);