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 *  File Name:          function-001.js
 *  Description:
 * http://scopus.mcom.com/bugsplat/show_bug.cgi?id=324455
 *  Earlier versions of JavaScript supported access to the arguments property
 *  of the function object. This property held the arguments to the function.
 *  function f() {
 *      return f.arguments[0];    // deprecated
 *  }
 *  var x = f(3);    // x will be 3
 * This feature is not a part of the final ECMA standard. Instead, scripts
 * should simply use just "arguments":
 * function f() {
 *    return arguments[0];    // okay
 * }
 * var x = f(3);    // x will be 3
 * Again, this feature was motivated by performance concerns. Access to the
 * arguments property is not threadsafe, which is of particular concern in
 * server environments. Also, the compiler can generate better code for
 * functions because it can tell when the arguments are being accessed only by
 * name and avoid setting up the arguments object.
 *  Author:             christine@netscape.com
 *  Date:               11 August 1998
var SECTION = "function-001.js";
var VERSION = "JS1_4";
var TITLE   = "Accessing the arguments property of a function object";
var BUGNUMBER="324455";
writeHeaderToLog( SECTION + " "+ TITLE);

new TestCase(
  "return function.arguments",
  TestFunction_2("P", "A","S","S")[0] +"");

new TestCase(
  "return arguments",
  TestFunction_1( "P", "A", "S", "S" )[0] +"");

new TestCase(
  "return arguments when function contains an arguments property",
  TestFunction_3( "P", "A", "S", "S" ) +"");

new TestCase(
  "return function.arguments when function contains an arguments property",
  "[object Arguments]",
  TestFunction_4( "F", "A", "I", "L" ) +"");


function TestFunction_1( a, b, c, d, e ) {
  return arguments;

function TestFunction_2( a, b, c, d, e ) {
  return TestFunction_2.arguments;

function TestFunction_3( a, b, c, d, e ) {
  var arguments = "PASS";
  return arguments;

function TestFunction_4( a, b, c, d, e ) {
  var arguments = "FAIL";
  return TestFunction_4.arguments;