/* -*- tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
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   Filename:     control_characters.js
   Description:  'Tests regular expressions containing .'

   Author:       Nick Lerissa
   Date:         April 8, 1998

var SECTION = 'As described in Netscape doc "Whats new in JavaScript 1.2"';
var VERSION = 'no version';
var TITLE = 'RegExp: .';
var BUGNUMBER="123802";

writeHeaderToLog('Executing script: control_characters.js');
writeHeaderToLog( SECTION + " "+ TITLE);

// 'àOÐ ê:i¢Ø'.match(new RegExp('.+'))
new TestCase ( SECTION, "'àOÐ ê:i¢Ø'.match(new RegExp('.+'))",
	       String(['àOÐ ê:i¢Ø']), String('àOÐ ê:i¢Ø'.match(new RegExp('.+'))));

// string1.match(new RegExp(string1))
var string1 = 'àOÐ ê:i¢Ø';
new TestCase ( SECTION, "string1 = " + string1 + " string1.match(string1)",
	       String([string1]), String(string1.match(string1)));

string1 = "";
for (var i = 0; i < 32; i++)
  string1 += String.fromCharCode(i);
new TestCase ( SECTION, "string1 = " + string1 + " string1.match(string1)",
	       String([string1]), String(string1.match(string1)));
