function makeFloat(sign, exp, mantissa) { assertEq(sign, sign & 0x1); assertEq(exp, exp & 0xFF); assertEq(mantissa, mantissa & 0x7FFFFF); var i32 = new Int32Array(1); var f32 = new Float32Array(i32.buffer); i32[0] = (sign << 31) | (exp << 23) | mantissa; return f32[0]; } function makeDouble(sign, exp, mantissa) { assertEq(sign, sign & 0x1); assertEq(exp, exp & 0x7FF); // Can't use bitwise operations on mantissa, as it might be a double assertEq(mantissa <= 0xfffffffffffff, true); var highBits = (mantissa / Math.pow(2, 32)) | 0; var lowBits = mantissa - highBits * Math.pow(2, 32); var i32 = new Int32Array(2); var f64 = new Float64Array(i32.buffer); // Note that this assumes little-endian order, which is the case on tier-1 // platforms. i32[0] = lowBits; i32[1] = (sign << 31) | (exp << 20) | highBits; return f64[0]; } function GetType(v) { switch (Object.getPrototypeOf(v)) { case SIMD.Int8x16.prototype: return SIMD.Int8x16; case SIMD.Int16x8.prototype: return SIMD.Int16x8; case SIMD.Int32x4.prototype: return SIMD.Int32x4; case SIMD.Uint8x16.prototype: return SIMD.Uint8x16; case SIMD.Uint16x8.prototype: return SIMD.Uint16x8; case SIMD.Uint32x4.prototype: return SIMD.Uint32x4; case SIMD.Float32x4.prototype: return SIMD.Float32x4; case SIMD.Float64x2.prototype: return SIMD.Float64x2; case SIMD.Bool8x16.prototype: return SIMD.Bool8x16; case SIMD.Bool16x8.prototype: return SIMD.Bool16x8; case SIMD.Bool32x4.prototype: return SIMD.Bool32x4; case SIMD.Bool64x2.prototype: return SIMD.Bool64x2; } } function assertEqFloat64x2(v, arr) { try { assertEq(SIMD.Float64x2.extractLane(v, 0), arr[0]); assertEq(SIMD.Float64x2.extractLane(v, 1), arr[1]); } catch (e) { print("stack trace:", e.stack); throw e; } } function assertEqBool64x2(v, arr) { try { assertEq(SIMD.Bool64x2.extractLane(v, 0), arr[0]); assertEq(SIMD.Bool64x2.extractLane(v, 1), arr[1]); } catch (e) { print("stack trace:", e.stack); throw e; } } function assertEqX2(v, arr) { var Type = GetType(v); if (Type === SIMD.Float64x2) assertEqFloat64x2(v, arr); else if (Type === SIMD.Bool64x2) assertEqBool64x2(v, arr); else throw new TypeError("Unknown SIMD kind."); } function assertEqInt32x4(v, arr) { try { for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) assertEq(SIMD.Int32x4.extractLane(v, i), arr[i]); } catch (e) { print("stack trace:", e.stack); throw e; } } function assertEqUint32x4(v, arr) { try { for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) assertEq(SIMD.Uint32x4.extractLane(v, i), arr[i]); } catch (e) { print("stack trace:", e.stack); throw e; } } function assertEqFloat32x4(v, arr) { try { for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) assertEq(SIMD.Float32x4.extractLane(v, i), arr[i]); } catch (e) { print("stack trace:", e.stack); throw e; } } function assertEqBool32x4(v, arr) { try { for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) assertEq(SIMD.Bool32x4.extractLane(v, i), arr[i]); } catch (e) { print("stack trace:", e.stack); throw e; } } function assertEqX4(v, arr) { var Type = GetType(v); if (Type === SIMD.Int32x4) assertEqInt32x4(v, arr); else if (Type === SIMD.Uint32x4) assertEqUint32x4(v, arr); else if (Type === SIMD.Float32x4) assertEqFloat32x4(v, arr); else if (Type === SIMD.Bool32x4) assertEqBool32x4(v, arr); else throw new TypeError("Unknown SIMD kind."); } function assertEqInt16x8(v, arr) { try { for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) assertEq(SIMD.Int16x8.extractLane(v, i), arr[i]); } catch (e) { print("stack trace:", e.stack); throw e; } } function assertEqUint16x8(v, arr) { try { for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) assertEq(SIMD.Uint16x8.extractLane(v, i), arr[i]); } catch (e) { print("stack trace:", e.stack); throw e; } } function assertEqBool16x8(v, arr) { try { for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++){ assertEq(SIMD.Bool16x8.extractLane(v, i), arr[i]); } } catch (e) { print("stack trace:", e.stack); throw e; } } function assertEqX8(v, arr) { var Type = GetType(v); if (Type === SIMD.Int16x8) assertEqInt16x8(v, arr); else if (Type === SIMD.Uint16x8) assertEqUint16x8(v, arr); else if (Type === SIMD.Bool16x8) assertEqBool16x8(v, arr); else throw new TypeError("Unknown x8 vector."); } function assertEqInt8x16(v, arr) { try { for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++) assertEq(SIMD.Int8x16.extractLane(v, i), arr[i]); } catch (e) { print("stack trace:", e.stack); throw e; } } function assertEqUint8x16(v, arr) { try { for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++) assertEq(SIMD.Uint8x16.extractLane(v, i), arr[i]); } catch (e) { print("stack trace:", e.stack); throw e; } } function assertEqBool8x16(v, arr) { try { for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++) assertEq(SIMD.Bool8x16.extractLane(v, i), arr[i]); } catch (e) { print("stack trace:", e.stack); throw e; } } function assertEqX16(v, arr) { var Type = GetType(v); if (Type === SIMD.Int8x16) assertEqInt8x16(v, arr); else if (Type === SIMD.Uint8x16) assertEqUint8x16(v, arr); else if (Type === SIMD.Bool8x16) assertEqBool8x16(v, arr); else throw new TypeError("Unknown x16 vector."); } function simdLength(v) { var pt = Object.getPrototypeOf(v); if (pt == SIMD.Int8x16.prototype || pt == SIMD.Uint8x16.prototype || pt === SIMD.Bool8x16.prototype) return 16; if (pt == SIMD.Int16x8.prototype || pt == SIMD.Uint16x8.prototype || pt === SIMD.Bool16x8.prototype) return 8; if (pt === SIMD.Int32x4.prototype || pt === SIMD.Uint32x4.prototype || pt === SIMD.Float32x4.prototype || pt === SIMD.Bool32x4.prototype) return 4; if (pt === SIMD.Float64x2.prototype || pt == SIMD.Bool64x2.prototype) return 2; throw new TypeError("Unknown SIMD kind."); } function simdLengthType(t) { if (t == SIMD.Int8x16 || t == SIMD.Uint8x16 || t == SIMD.Bool8x16) return 16; else if (t == SIMD.Int16x8 || t == SIMD.Uint16x8 || t == SIMD.Bool16x8) return 8; else if (t == SIMD.Int32x4 || t == SIMD.Uint32x4 || t == SIMD.Float32x4 || t == SIMD.Bool32x4) return 4; else if (t == SIMD.Float64x2 || t == SIMD.Bool64x2) return 2; else throw new TypeError("Unknown SIMD kind."); } function getAssertFuncFromLength(l) { if (l == 2) return assertEqX2; else if (l == 4) return assertEqX4; else if (l == 8) return assertEqX8; else if (l == 16) return assertEqX16; else throw new TypeError("Unknown SIMD kind."); } function assertEqVec(v, arr) { var Type = GetType(v); if (Type === SIMD.Int8x16) assertEqInt8x16(v, arr); else if (Type === SIMD.Int16x8) assertEqInt16x8(v, arr); else if (Type === SIMD.Int32x4) assertEqInt32x4(v, arr); else if (Type === SIMD.Uint8x16) assertEqUint8x16(v, arr); else if (Type === SIMD.Uint16x8) assertEqUint16x8(v, arr); else if (Type === SIMD.Uint32x4) assertEqUint32x4(v, arr); else if (Type === SIMD.Float32x4) assertEqFloat32x4(v, arr); else if (Type === SIMD.Float64x2) assertEqFloat64x2(v, arr); else if (Type === SIMD.Bool8x16) assertEqBool8x16(v, arr); else if (Type === SIMD.Bool16x8) assertEqBool16x8(v, arr); else if (Type === SIMD.Bool32x4) assertEqBool32x4(v, arr); else if (Type === SIMD.Bool64x2) assertEqBool64x2(v, arr); else throw new TypeError("Unknown SIMD Kind"); } function simdToArray(v) { var Type = GetType(v); function indexes(n) { var arr = []; for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) arr.push(i); return arr; } if (Type === SIMD.Bool8x16) { return indexes(16).map((i) => SIMD.Bool8x16.extractLane(v, i)); } if (Type === SIMD.Bool16x8) { return indexes(8).map((i) => SIMD.Bool16x8.extractLane(v, i)); } if (Type === SIMD.Bool32x4) { return indexes(4).map((i) => SIMD.Bool32x4.extractLane(v, i)); } if (Type === SIMD.Bool64x2) { return indexes(2).map((i) => SIMD.Bool64x2.extractLane(v, i)); } if (Type === SIMD.Int8x16) { return indexes(16).map((i) => SIMD.Int8x16.extractLane(v, i)); } if (Type === SIMD.Int16x8) { return indexes(8).map((i) => SIMD.Int16x8.extractLane(v, i)); } if (Type === SIMD.Int32x4) { return indexes(4).map((i) => SIMD.Int32x4.extractLane(v, i)); } if (Type === SIMD.Uint8x16) { return indexes(16).map((i) => SIMD.Uint8x16.extractLane(v, i)); } if (Type === SIMD.Uint16x8) { return indexes(8).map((i) => SIMD.Uint16x8.extractLane(v, i)); } if (Type === SIMD.Uint32x4) { return indexes(4).map((i) => SIMD.Uint32x4.extractLane(v, i)); } if (Type === SIMD.Float32x4) { return indexes(4).map((i) => SIMD.Float32x4.extractLane(v, i)); } if (Type === SIMD.Float64x2) { return indexes(2).map((i) => SIMD.Float64x2.extractLane(v, i)); } throw new TypeError("Unknown SIMD Kind"); } const INT8_MAX = Math.pow(2, 7) -1; const INT8_MIN = -Math.pow(2, 7); assertEq((INT8_MAX + 1) << 24 >> 24, INT8_MIN); const INT16_MAX = Math.pow(2, 15) - 1; const INT16_MIN = -Math.pow(2, 15); assertEq((INT16_MAX + 1) << 16 >> 16, INT16_MIN); const INT32_MAX = Math.pow(2, 31) - 1; const INT32_MIN = -Math.pow(2, 31); assertEq(INT32_MAX + 1 | 0, INT32_MIN); const UINT8_MAX = Math.pow(2, 8) - 1; const UINT16_MAX = Math.pow(2, 16) - 1; const UINT32_MAX = Math.pow(2, 32) - 1; function testUnaryFunc(v, simdFunc, func) { var varr = simdToArray(v); var observed = simdToArray(simdFunc(v)); var expected =, i) { return func(varr[i]); }); for (var i = 0; i < observed.length; i++) assertEq(observed[i], expected[i]); } function testBinaryFunc(v, w, simdFunc, func) { var varr = simdToArray(v); var warr = simdToArray(w); var observed = simdToArray(simdFunc(v, w)); var expected =, i) { return func(varr[i], warr[i]); }); for (var i = 0; i < observed.length; i++) assertEq(observed[i], expected[i]); } function testBinaryCompare(v, w, simdFunc, func, outType) { var varr = simdToArray(v); var warr = simdToArray(w); var inLanes = simdLength(v); var observed = simdToArray(simdFunc(v, w)); var outTypeLen = simdLengthType(outType); assertEq(observed.length, outTypeLen); for (var i = 0; i < outTypeLen; i++) { var j = ((i * inLanes) / outTypeLen) | 0; assertEq(observed[i], func(varr[j], warr[j])); } } function testBinaryScalarFunc(v, scalar, simdFunc, func) { var varr = simdToArray(v); var observed = simdToArray(simdFunc(v, scalar)); var expected =, i) { return func(varr[i], scalar); }); for (var i = 0; i < observed.length; i++) assertEq(observed[i], expected[i]); } // Our array for Int32x4 and Float32x4 will have 16 elements const SIZE_8_ARRAY = 64; const SIZE_16_ARRAY = 32; const SIZE_32_ARRAY = 16; const SIZE_64_ARRAY = 8; const SIZE_BYTES = SIZE_32_ARRAY * 4; function MakeComparator(kind, arr, shared) { var bpe = arr.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT; var uint8 = (bpe != 1) ? new Uint8Array(arr.buffer) : arr; // Size in bytes of a single element in the SIMD vector. var sizeOfLaneElem; // Typed array constructor corresponding to the SIMD kind. var typedArrayCtor; switch (kind) { case 'Int8x16': sizeOfLaneElem = 1; typedArrayCtor = Int8Array; break; case 'Int16x8': sizeOfLaneElem = 2; typedArrayCtor = Int16Array; break; case 'Int32x4': sizeOfLaneElem = 4; typedArrayCtor = Int32Array; break; case 'Uint8x16': sizeOfLaneElem = 1; typedArrayCtor = Uint8Array; break; case 'Uint16x8': sizeOfLaneElem = 2; typedArrayCtor = Uint16Array; break; case 'Uint32x4': sizeOfLaneElem = 4; typedArrayCtor = Uint32Array; break; case 'Float32x4': sizeOfLaneElem = 4; typedArrayCtor = Float32Array; break; case 'Float64x2': sizeOfLaneElem = 8; typedArrayCtor = Float64Array; break; default: assertEq(true, false, "unknown SIMD kind"); } var lanes = 16 / sizeOfLaneElem; // Reads (numElemToRead * sizeOfLaneElem) bytes in arr, and reinterprets // these bytes as a typed array equivalent to the typed SIMD vector. var slice = function(start, numElemToRead) { // Read enough bytes var startBytes = start * bpe; var endBytes = startBytes + numElemToRead * sizeOfLaneElem; var asArray =, startBytes, endBytes); // If length is less than SIZE_BYTES bytes, fill with 0. // This is needed for load1, load2, load3 which do only partial // reads. for (var i = asArray.length; i < SIZE_BYTES; i++) asArray[i] = 0; assertEq(asArray.length, SIZE_BYTES); return new typedArrayCtor(new Uint8Array(asArray).buffer); } var assertFunc = getAssertFuncFromLength(lanes); var type = SIMD[kind]; return { load1: function(index) { if (lanes >= 8) // Int8x16 and Int16x8 only support load, no load1/load2/etc. return var v = type.load1(arr, index); assertFunc(v, slice(index, 1)); }, load2: function(index) { if (lanes !== 4) return; var v = type.load2(arr, index); assertFunc(v, slice(index, 2)); }, load3: function(index) { if (lanes !== 4) return; var v = type.load3(arr, index); assertFunc(v, slice(index, 3)); }, load: function(index) { var v = type.load(arr, index); assertFunc(v, slice(index, lanes)); } } } function testLoad(kind, TA) { var lanes = TA.length / 4; for (var i = TA.length; i--;) TA[i] = i; for (var ta of [ new Uint8Array(TA.buffer), new Int8Array(TA.buffer), new Uint16Array(TA.buffer), new Int16Array(TA.buffer), new Uint32Array(TA.buffer), new Int32Array(TA.buffer), new Float32Array(TA.buffer), new Float64Array(TA.buffer) ]) { // Invalid args assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD[kind].load(), TypeError); assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD[kind].load(ta), TypeError); assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD[kind].load("hello", 0), TypeError); // Indexes must be integers, there is no rounding. assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD[kind].load(ta, 1.5), RangeError); assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD[kind].load(ta, -1), RangeError); assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD[kind].load(ta, "hello"), RangeError); assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD[kind].load(ta, NaN), RangeError); // Try to trip up the bounds checking. Int32 is enough for everybody. assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD[kind].load(ta, 0x100000000), RangeError); assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD[kind].load(ta, 0x80000000), RangeError); assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD[kind].load(ta, 0x40000000), RangeError); assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD[kind].load(ta, 0x20000000), RangeError); assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD[kind].load(ta, (1<<30) * (1<<23) - 1), RangeError); assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD[kind].load(ta, (1<<30) * (1<<23)), RangeError); // Valid and invalid reads var C = MakeComparator(kind, ta); var bpe = ta.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT; var lastValidArgLoad1 = (SIZE_BYTES - (16 / lanes)) / bpe | 0; var lastValidArgLoad2 = (SIZE_BYTES - 8) / bpe | 0; var lastValidArgLoad3 = (SIZE_BYTES - 12) / bpe | 0; var lastValidArgLoad = (SIZE_BYTES - 16) / bpe | 0; C.load(0); C.load(1); C.load(2); C.load(3); C.load(lastValidArgLoad); C.load1(0); C.load1(1); C.load1(2); C.load1(3); C.load1(lastValidArgLoad1); C.load2(0); C.load2(1); C.load2(2); C.load2(3); C.load2(lastValidArgLoad2); C.load3(0); C.load3(1); C.load3(2); C.load3(3); C.load3(lastValidArgLoad3); assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD[kind].load(ta, lastValidArgLoad + 1), RangeError); if (lanes <= 4) { assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD[kind].load1(ta, lastValidArgLoad1 + 1), RangeError); } if (lanes == 4) { assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD[kind].load2(ta, lastValidArgLoad2 + 1), RangeError); assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD[kind].load3(ta, lastValidArgLoad3 + 1), RangeError); } // Indexes are coerced with ToNumber. Try some strings that // CanonicalNumericIndexString() would reject. C.load("1.0e0"); C.load(" 2"); } if (lanes == 4) { // Test ToNumber behavior. var obj = { valueOf: function() { return 12 } } var v = SIMD[kind].load(TA, obj); assertEqX4(v, [12, 13, 14, 15]); } var obj = { valueOf: function() { throw new TypeError("i ain't a number"); } } assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD[kind].load(TA, obj), TypeError); } var Helpers = { testLoad, MakeComparator };