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var BUGNUMBER = 1178653;
var summary =
  "|new| on a cross-compartment wrapper to a non-constructor shouldn't assert";

print(BUGNUMBER + ": " + summary);


var g = newGlobal();

var otherStr = new g.String("foo");
assertEq(otherStr instanceof g.String, true);
assertEq(otherStr.valueOf(), "foo");

// THIS IS WRONG.  |new| itself should throw if !IsConstructor(constructor),
// meaning this global's TypeError should be used.  The problem ultimately is
// that wrappers conflate callable/constructible, so any old function from
// another global appears to be both.  Somebody fix bug XXXXXX!
  var constructor = g.parseInt;
  new constructor();
  throw new Error("no error thrown");
catch (e)
  assertEq(e instanceof g.TypeError, true,
           "THIS REALLY SHOULD BE |e instanceof TypeError|");


if (typeof reportCompare === "function")
  reportCompare(true, true);

print("Tests complete");