// The nearest representable values to +1.0.
const ONE_PLUS_EPSILON = 1 + Math.pow(2, -52);  // 0.9999999999999999
const ONE_MINUS_EPSILON = 1 - Math.pow(2, -53);  // 1.0000000000000002

    var fail = function (msg) {
        var exc = new Error(msg);
        try {
            // Try to improve on exc.fileName and .lineNumber; leave exc.stack
            // alone. We skip two frames: fail() and its caller, an assertX()
            // function.
            var frames = exc.stack.trim().split("\n");
            if (frames.length > 2) {
                var m = /@([^@:]*):([0-9]+)$/.exec(frames[2]);
                if (m) {
                    exc.fileName = m[1];
                    exc.lineNumber = +m[2];
        } catch (ignore) { throw ignore;}
        throw exc;

    var ENDIAN;  // 0 for little-endian, 1 for big-endian.

    // Return the difference between the IEEE 754 bit-patterns for a and b.
    // This is meaningful when a and b are both finite and have the same
    // sign. Then the following hold:
    //   * If a === b, then diff(a, b) === 0.
    //   * If a !== b, then diff(a, b) === 1 + the number of representable values
    //                                         between a and b.
    var f = new Float64Array([0, 0]);
    var u = new Uint32Array(f.buffer);
    var diff = function (a, b) {
        f[0] = a;
        f[1] = b;
        //print(u[1].toString(16) + u[0].toString(16) + " " + u[3].toString(16) + u[2].toString(16));
        return Math.abs((u[3-ENDIAN] - u[1-ENDIAN]) * 0x100000000 + u[2+ENDIAN] - u[0+ENDIAN]);

    // Set ENDIAN to the platform's endianness.
    ENDIAN = 0;  // try little-endian first
    if (diff(2, 4) === 0x100000)  // exact wrong answer we'll get on a big-endian platform
        ENDIAN = 1;
    assertEq(diff(2,4), 0x10000000000000);
    assertEq(diff(0, Number.MIN_VALUE), 1);
    assertEq(diff(1, ONE_PLUS_EPSILON), 1);
    assertEq(diff(1, ONE_MINUS_EPSILON), 1);

    var assertNear = function assertNear(a, b, tolerance=1) {
        if (!Number.isFinite(b)) {
            fail("second argument to assertNear (expected value) must be a finite number");
        } else if (Number.isNaN(a)) {
            fail("got NaN, expected a number near " + b);
        } else if (!Number.isFinite(a)) {
            if (b * Math.sign(a) < Number.MAX_VALUE)
                fail("got " + a + ", expected a number near " + b);
        } else {
            // When the two arguments do not have the same sign bit, diff()
            // returns some huge number. So if b is positive or negative 0,
            // make target the zero that has the same sign bit as a.
            var target = b === 0 ? a * 0 : b;
            var err = diff(a, target);
            if (err > tolerance) {
                fail("got " + a + ", expected a number near " + b +
                     " (relative error: " + err + ")");