// |reftest| skip-if(!xulRuntime.shell)
// The above skip-if is because global lexicals aren't yet implemented. Remove
// that and the |evaluate| call below once they are.
// A class statement creates a mutable lexical outer binding.

class Foo { constructor() { } }
assertEq(typeof Foo, "function");
Foo = 5;
assertEq(Foo, 5);

    class foo { constructor() { } }
    assertEq(typeof foo, "function");
    foo = 4;
    assertEq(foo, 4);

    class PermanentBinding { constructor() { } }
    delete PermanentBinding;
    // That...didn't actually work, right?
    assertEq(typeof PermanentBinding, "function");

evaluate("const globalConstant = 0; var earlyError = true;");

try {
    evaluate("earlyError = false; class globalConstant { constructor() { } }");
} catch (e if e instanceof SyntaxError) { }
assertEq(earlyError, true);

function strictEvalShadows() {
    "use strict";
    let x = 4;
    eval(`class x { constructor() { } }
           assertEq(typeof x, "function");
    assertEq(x, 4);

if (typeof reportCompare === "function")
    reportCompare(0, 0, "OK");