/* * Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ */ function checkConstruct(thing) { try { new thing(); assertEq(0, 1, "not reached " + thing); } catch (e) { assertEq(e.message.includes(" is not a constructor") || e.message === "Function.prototype.toString called on incompatible object", true); } } var re = /aaa/ checkConstruct(re); var boundFunctionPrototype = Function.prototype.bind(); checkConstruct(boundFunctionPrototype); var boundBuiltin = Math.sin.bind(); checkConstruct(boundBuiltin); var proxiedFunctionPrototype = new Proxy(Function.prototype, {}); checkConstruct(proxiedFunctionPrototype); var proxiedBuiltin = new Proxy(parseInt, {}); checkConstruct(proxiedBuiltin); if (typeof reportCompare == 'function') reportCompare(0, 0, "ok");