/* * Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ * Contributor: * Jeff Walden <jwalden+code@mit.edu> */ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- var BUGNUMBER = 562448; var summary = 'Function.prototype.apply should accept any arraylike arguments'; print(BUGNUMBER + ": " + summary); /************** * BEGIN TEST * **************/ function expectTypeError(fun, msg) { try { fun(); assertEq(true, false, "should have thrown a TypeError"); } catch (e) { assertEq(e instanceof TypeError, true, msg + "; instead threw " + e); } } function fun() { } var global = this; /* Step 1. */ var nonfuns = [null, 1, -1, 2.5, "[[Call]]", undefined, true, false, {}]; for (var i = 0, sz = nonfuns.length; i < sz; i++) { var f = function() { Function.prototype.apply.apply(nonfuns[i], [1, 2, 3]); }; var msg = "expected TypeError calling Function.prototype.apply with uncallable this"; expectTypeError(f, msg); } /* Step 2. */ var thisObj = {}; var currentThis, currentThisBox; function funLength() { assertEq(arguments.length, 0, "should have been called with no arguments"); assertEq(this, currentThis, "wrong this"); } function strictFunLength() { "use strict"; assertEq(arguments.length, 0, "should have been called with no arguments"); assertEq(this, currentThis, "wrong this"); } currentThis = global; funLength.apply(); funLength.apply(undefined); funLength.apply(undefined, undefined); funLength.apply(undefined, null); currentThis = undefined; strictFunLength.apply(); strictFunLength.apply(undefined); strictFunLength.apply(undefined, undefined); strictFunLength.apply(undefined, null); currentThis = null; strictFunLength.apply(null); strictFunLength.apply(null, undefined); strictFunLength.apply(null, null); currentThis = thisObj; funLength.apply(thisObj); funLength.apply(thisObj, null); funLength.apply(thisObj, undefined); strictFunLength.apply(thisObj); strictFunLength.apply(thisObj, null); strictFunLength.apply(thisObj, undefined); currentThis = 17; strictFunLength.apply(17); strictFunLength.apply(17, null); strictFunLength.apply(17, undefined); function funThisPrimitive() { assertEq(arguments.length, 0, "should have been called with no arguments"); assertEq(this instanceof currentThisBox, true, "this not instanceof " + currentThisBox); assertEq(this.valueOf(), currentThis, "wrong this valueOf()"); } currentThis = 17; currentThisBox = Number; funThisPrimitive.apply(17); funThisPrimitive.apply(17, undefined); funThisPrimitive.apply(17, null); currentThis = "foopy"; currentThisBox = String; funThisPrimitive.apply("foopy"); funThisPrimitive.apply("foopy", undefined); funThisPrimitive.apply("foopy", null); currentThis = false; currentThisBox = Boolean; funThisPrimitive.apply(false); funThisPrimitive.apply(false, undefined); funThisPrimitive.apply(false, null); /* Step 3. */ var nonobjs = [1, -1, 2.5, "[[Call]]", true, false]; for (var i = 0, sz = nonobjs.length; i < sz; i++) { var f = function() { fun.apply(thisObj, nonobjs[i]); }; var msg = "should have thrown a TypeError with non-object arguments"; expectTypeError(f, msg); } /* Step 4. */ var args = { get length() { throw 42; } }; try { fun.apply(thisObj, args); } catch (e) { assertEq(e, 42, "didn't throw result of [[Get]] on arguments object"); } /* * NB: There was an erratum removing the steps numbered 5 and 7 in the original * version of ES5; see also the comments in js_fun_apply. */ /* Step 5. */ var called = false; var argsObjectLength = { length: { valueOf: function() { called = true; return 17; } } }; fun.apply({}, argsObjectLength); assertEq(called, true, "should have been set in valueOf called via ToUint32"); var upvar = "unset"; var argsObjectPrimitiveLength = { length: { valueOf: function() { upvar = "valueOf"; return {}; }, toString: function() { upvar = upvar === "valueOf" ? "both" : "toString"; return 17; } } }; fun.apply({}, argsObjectPrimitiveLength); assertEq(upvar, "both", "didn't call all hooks properly"); /* Step 6-9. */ var seenThis, res, steps; var argsAccessors = { length: 4, get 0() { steps.push("0"); return 1; }, get 1() { steps.push("1"); return 2; }, // make sure values shine through holes get 3() { steps.push("3"); return 8; }, }; Object.prototype[2] = 729; seenThis = "not seen"; function argsAsArray() { seenThis = this; steps.push(Math.PI); return Array.prototype.map.call(arguments, function(v) { return v; }); } steps = []; res = argsAsArray.apply(thisObj, argsAccessors); assertEq(seenThis, thisObj, "saw wrong this"); assertEq(steps.length, 4, "wrong steps: " + steps); assertEq(steps[0], "0", "bad step 0"); assertEq(steps[1], "1", "bad step 1"); assertEq(steps[2], "3", "bad step 3"); assertEq(steps[3], Math.PI, "bad last step"); assertEq(res.length, 4, "wrong return: " + res); assertEq(res[0], 1, "wrong ret[0]"); assertEq(res[1], 2, "wrong ret[0]"); assertEq(res[2], 729, "wrong ret[0]"); assertEq(res[3], 8, "wrong ret[0]"); seenThis = "not seen"; function strictArgsAsArray() { "use strict"; seenThis = this; steps.push(NaN); return Array.prototype.map.call(arguments, function(v) { return v; }); } steps = []; res = strictArgsAsArray.apply(null, argsAccessors); assertEq(seenThis, null, "saw wrong this"); assertEq(steps.length, 4, "wrong steps: " + steps); assertEq(steps[0], "0", "bad step 0"); assertEq(steps[1], "1", "bad step 1"); assertEq(steps[2], "3", "bad step 3"); assertEq(steps[3], 0 / 0, "bad last step"); assertEq(res.length, 4, "wrong return: " + res); assertEq(res[0], 1, "wrong ret[0]"); assertEq(res[1], 2, "wrong ret[0]"); assertEq(res[2], 729, "wrong ret[0]"); assertEq(res[3], 8, "wrong ret[0]"); strictArgsAsArray.apply(17, argsAccessors); assertEq(seenThis, 17, "saw wrong this"); /******************************************************************************/ if (typeof reportCompare === "function") reportCompare(true, true); print("All tests passed!");