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print("Test for correct implementation of |Date == boolean| and vice versa");


Date.prototype.toString = function() { return 1; };
Date.prototype.valueOf = function() { return 0; };

 * ES5 11.9.3 doesn't directly handle obj == boolean.  Instead it translates it
 * as follows:
 *   obj == boolean
 *   ↳ obj == ToNumber(boolean), per step 7
 *     ↳ ToPrimitive(obj) == ToNumber(boolean), per step 9
 * ToPrimitive calls [[DefaultValue]] with no hint.  For Date objects this is
 * treated as if it were instead called with hint String.  That calls toString,
 * which returns 1, so Date objects here should compare equal to true and
 * unequal to false.
assertEq(new Date == true, true);
assertEq(new Date == false, false);

/* == is symmetric. */
assertEq(true == new Date, true);
assertEq(false == new Date, false);


if (typeof reportCompare === "function")
  reportCompare(true, true);

print("Tests complete");